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Search Results : family caregiver


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: family caregiver
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
July 23, 2024
From Discussing the assassination attempt on President Trump the challenges within the culture - and Scripture's directive to believers [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
May 19, 2024
There's nothing quite like caring for someone with challenges or impairments to expose the gunk in one's soul Regardless of our best intentions when selfishness rears its ugly head our jaws can quickly tighten and our fists clench As a pianist my hands must always remain open to make beautiful music As caregivers what kind of music do we forfeit when resentment curls our hands into fists Try pushing a wheelchair with clenched fists Not with your loved one in it use an empty one It's challenging to do so Clenched fists accomplish few tasks it seems fighting is the [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
May 14, 2024
My friend once jokingly called me America's Caregiver and while it seemed over-the-top the concept stuck with me As I watched our nation grapple with profound challenges such as the porous southern border leading to illegal immigration our staggering national debt and a growing disconnect from what it means to be American I couldn't help but draw parallels between the principles that sustain family caregivers and those that could fortify our entire nation In this episode we explore how those fundamental principles that guide family caregivers can be applied to address these critical issues Consider the principle of adaptability just [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
April 26, 2024
Recall a situation where you witnessed an adult overreacting Did it catch you off-guard Did it make you uneasy A psychiatrist friend once shared a valuable insight with his team When you see a patient overreact or act out always remember there's a story behind that behavior Understanding this 'story' is crucial for caregivers dealing with individuals exhibiting frenetic or hyper behavior as it allows them to approach the situation with empathy and patience Adults don't lose self-control in a vacuum there's a build-up and a story behind their behavior When caregivers find themselves in the unpleasant predicament of engaging [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
April 14, 2024
Many caregivers struggle with decades-old promises to make sure to never put Mom in a nursing home When making that promise most recall healthier times when the thought of entering a facility seemed far on the horizon Reality sneaks up on the best of us and we find ourselves faced with uncomfortable circumstances The promise's tether can quickly transform into a noose around the neck of a family caregiver unable to meet the demands of a horrific condition From personal safety to medical expertise caregivers easily find themselves outmatched by an affliction and overpowered by guilt Despite the promise's sincerity [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
March 24, 2024
Winston Churchill stated We Are masters of unsaid words and slaves to those we let slip out As caregivers we live in a pressure cooker - and often spout of things we wish we could reclaim Sometimes we have to bit our tongues and learn to like the taste of blood In this opening monologue from the program I discuss this issue that affects everyone - it is the human condition - but we as caregivers can be exceptionally prone to this TRANSCRIPT there may be typos Welcome to Hope for the Caregiver here on American Family Radio This is [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
March 09, 2024
When I launched a caregiver outreach I established a goal to help provide caregivers with a vocabulary that helped identify their feelings and needs Without understanding help remains elusive In this bonus segment from our broadcast I provide two unusual examples of how caregivers feel on any given day I do this to not only give fellow caregivers that understanding but those who seek to help them as well [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
February 28, 2024
TRANSCRIPT This is the program for you as a family caregiver Healthy caregivers make better caregivers Hopeforthecaregiver com You know about that last block I ought to have a thing where you guys y'all send us some lyrics for the song Maybe we'll figure out which one's the best one and I'll get Gracie to sing it when she starts getting better What do you think Because she said Gracie was very worried She said look I've got to get my voice into shape I said well you've got time darling You're just now three months out of surgery so [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
February 03, 2024
One of the greatest thefts to family caregivers comes from our own hearts We often steal from the moment to regret the past or fear the future Although yesterday's events may have arrived with tears and trauma today remains an opportunity to calm our hearts and deal with current circumstances As caregivers we all know our tomorrows most likely show up with challenges but unexpected joys may also arrive Surprising beauty awaits us along the way yet we are sure to miss it when our focus extends behind or in front of us None of this eliminates the grief we [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
December 09, 2023
A demoralizing point for many family caregivers lies in unmet expectations hopes and dreams We often visualize what could be but things beyond our control are roadblocks Ashamedly I admit to attempting control and trying to force things on more than one occasion only to frustrate myself my wife and many others Letting go of those hopes and expectations however can be painful Over the last few years I've tried a different approach In my mind I envision a rather large container I call The Box of Things That God Will Have to Redeem Offloading those items losses heartaches and [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
September 10, 2023
Robert Burns penned the line the best-laid schemes of mice and men can go awry more than years ago in his poem To A Mouse The phrase seems appropriate for the constant changes to the best of plans John Steinbeck turned the term for his classic Of Mice and Men and the phrase in various forms permanently resides in our cultural lexicon This is the phrase that came to mind over the last few days On Friday Sept th Gracie was scheduled for another serious back operation hours in Denver As we prepared to leave for the airport in Montana [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
September 07, 2023
Drive By Diagnosis The term Drive-By Diagnoses accurately captures the shared experiences of countless caregivers It's as though passersby morph into experts leaning out the window to offer advice on caring for loved ones irrespective of their connection or expertise Comments like Have you considered a new drug or I know someone who swears by this often emerge One might even stumble upon stories of the latest extract from a miracle plant thriving solely in some guy's backyard in New Guinea Worse still discussions occasionally veer into divine judgment implying wrongdoing as the cause of affliction What did you do [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
August 01, 2023
Before you make that appointment with a counselor take a few moments and do these things [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
May 24, 2023
My new book hits bookstores Each chapter offers -minute insights to help the family caregiver in THAT moment Drawing upon a lifetime of caregiving I speak to my fellow caregivers in a way that makes sense and settles their hearts down I point them to safety Order the book today at Faithful Text special discount Amazon Wal-Mart Barnes Noble Or wherever books are sold [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
May 02, 2023
A note from a Hope for the Caregiver group on Facebook prompted this monologue from our broadcast [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
March 19, 2023
All too often caregivers fly under the radar and are often overlooked Even when seen many don't know what to say Sometimes it's not about what you say but how long you stay [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
February 13, 2023
From our broadcast Sometimes law enforcement is required to help with caregiving challenges Drugs alcohol mental illness cognitive impairment - whatever the challenge sometimes the cry for help is a call My friend Lance years as a police officer in Seattle called the program to share some advice and insights for family caregivers facing those circumstances [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
January 31, 2023
From Hope for the Caregiver www hopeforthecaregiver com [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
January 10, 2023
From the broadcast Plus a preview discussion of my new book hitting stores in May [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
October 15, 2022
Mary Tutterow joined me today in a long-form interview exclusively for the podcast Bringing more than years of experience in caring for her daughter who suffers from an extreme seizure disorder Mary offers hardwon insights into the deep and often troubled hearts of family caregivers https theheartofthecaregiver com about [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
October 04, 2022
In this episode from our broadcast I tackle something that's been on my mind for many years - chronic pain and my view of God In America the coin of the realm is the dollar Metaphorically in Washington DC the currency - the coin of the realm - is power In LA it's fame - but what is the coin of the realm in God's economy What has value to God - and how does it relate to us as family caregivers www hopeforthecaregiver com [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
August 23, 2022
From Asia to Africa the Middle East Europe and beyond the global persecution of Christians becomes more ominous with every passing year Author Lela Gilbert called the program to discuss her new book Heroic Faith Hope Amid Global Persecution The book's true stories of courage persistence and faithfulness offer inspiration and hope Heroic Faith also provides insights into the ideologies behind hostility and persecution what steps the US government might take to assist and how listeners can best respond to the struggles of the faithful Written with Arielle Del Turco and Lt Gen William G Boykin Lela Gilbert lifts our [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
August 20, 2022
Every caregiver - and I do mean EVERY caregiver will struggle with what I call the I's We lose our independence we become isolated and we lose our identity During my ten years on the air I've discussed these things often - and felt a refresher for myself was in order I go into further detail in my book Hope for the Caregiver www hopeforthecaregiver com books Please share this episode with as many as possible all too many caregivers struggle in isolation and this episode will help them learn how to push back against that isolation as well as [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
August 06, 2022
This question is often asked of me Many think because they are a parent then they're a caregiver Nurses CNAs and other medical personnel - are family caregivers right In this opening monologue from August we discuss this issue First and foremost family caregivers don't receive a paycheck Then there are other significant differences www hopeforthecaregiver com [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
July 30, 2022
A frustration point for many family caregivers lies in unmet expectations hopes and dreams We often visualize what could be but choices beyond our control are roadblocks Ashamedly I admit to trying to force solutions on more than one occasion only to frustrate myself my wife and who knows how many others Letting go of those hopes and expectations however can be painful Over the last few years I've tried a different approach In my mind I envision a rather large box that I call The Box of Things That God Will Have to Redeem Offloading those items losses heartaches [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
July 27, 2022
On our broadcast we discussed this hymn by Melody Green and what it means to us as family caregivers [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
June 23, 2022
As caregivers we can sometimes find a phrase in a song poem story or an old hymn that sticks with us and helps us see a greater truth Such is the case with this phrase I heard from a hymn so familiar I can almost play it in my sleep - yet this line recently hit me as a great reminder for me as a caregiver [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
June 10, 2022
In Uvalde the shooter's grandmother faced the rage of a troubled grandson and according to multiple reports a daughter with a history of drug use At least one incident required law enforcement to the home of the shooter's mother and neighbors and relatives knew of the turbulent relationship between son and mother Mental issues and drug abuse create a toxic brew of chronic impairments that will not resolve independently Those challenges hopelessly outmatch even the best of grandmothers In the case of Nicolas Cruz who killed students at Stoneman Douglas High School in law enforcement made visits to the gunman's [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
May 25, 2022
As a caregiver do you ever feel you are pushing yourself in the No Huddle Offense and not taking time to build a plan - all while the clock serves as your enemy Well I know I do So I talked about this in today's episode If you find our podcast meaningful please consider helping us do more at www hopeforthecaregiver com giving [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
May 10, 2022
Fretting Is Exhausting My high school chemistry teacher's name was no kidding Mr Faile While a hilarious and exceptional teacher he made the dreaded for some class even more daunting by posting a sign over the chalkboard that read Flunk Now and Avoid The Rush For those born after a chalkboard was an ancient education device that doubled as a screeching torture machine That sign still sticks with me and I've appropriated the message into other areas of my life particularly as a caregiver Accepting reality and not delaying the inevitable becomes a path of wisdom rather than a depressing [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
May 04, 2022
Think back on an encounter with an adult overreacting to a situation Were you caught off-guard did you feel uncomfortable A psychiatrist friend of mine shared a phrase he often communicated to his staff When you see a patient overreact or act out always remember there's a story behind that behavior Adults don't lose self-control in a vacuum there's a build-up and a story behind their behavior When caregivers find themselves in the unpleasant predicament of engaging an individual with frenetic or hyper behavior it's helpful to remember that the behavior is bigger than the moment Reminding ourselves that there's [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
April 23, 2022
From Hope for the Caregiver's national broadcast - - Let's face it many people don't know what to say when encountering someone struggling with divorce broken relationships a tragedy or other painful realities Just put it behind you Don't look in the rearview mirror That's in the past While sounding like good advice to keep moving forward there are times when acknowledging the magnitude of someone's heartache is appropriate and sifting through the mess and assessing the destruction is required Recovery takes time and part of the process involves meticulously inspecting the damage Any insurance adjuster who's visited a client [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
April 04, 2022
As a caregiver do you ever feel disoriented Of course you do - we all do We're going to lose our way But can we get back on track Can we anchor ourselves against the storms that assail us There's a great hymn that speaks to this I feature that hymn in the B Block of this episode - when I stepped over to the Caregiver KeyBoard I discussed this on our April broadcast www hopeforthecaregiver com [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
March 15, 2022
Chronic Pain The struggle to care for someone with chronic pain causes extensive challenges for family caregivers Dr Roland Flores called the show today to discuss this topic as well as acute pain opioids benzodiazepines - and what he'd like for family caregivers to know Roland Flores MD Anesthesiology Associate Professor University of Colorado School of Medicine IF you find this podcast meaningful please visit www hopeforthecaregiver com and let us know - and help us do more [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
March 11, 2022
I must I'm supposed to I have to I should When repeatedly hearing these words come out of your mouth you might be caught in the obligation trap www hopeforthecaregiver com [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
March 04, 2022
Give Send Go co-founder Heather Wilson called the program to discuss the crowdfunding site's mission and the political climate shaping much of our public discourse Raise money to share hope Money is temporary Jesus is eternal Give both and watch the world be changed For family caregivers living with significant costs and challenges Give Send Go can be a powerful resource to help givesendgo com [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
February 27, 2022
Hope for the Caregiver airs each week on signals This show first aired on Today's show features an opening monologue about Caregiving versus Caregiver Also a surgeon caught me by surprise with this question Later on in the program a special interview with one of the founders of crowd funders GIVE SEND GO and a special song from Gracie [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
February 20, 2022
From our national broadcast Updates News and an easy chorus for caregivers to remember [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
January 27, 2022
On our broadcast we discussed this hymn by Melody Green and what it means to us as family caregivers [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
January 22, 2022
From our national broadcast [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
January 16, 2022
Many caregivers struggle with decades-old promises to make sure to never put Mom in a nursing home When making that promise most recall healthier times where the thought of going into a facility seemed far in the horizon Reality sneaks up on the best of us and we find ourselves faced with uncomfortable circumstances The tether of the promise can quickly transform to a noose around the neck of a family caregiver unable to meet the demands of a horrific condition From personal safety to medical expertise caregivers easily find themselves outmatched by an affliction and overpowered by guilt Despite [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
January 14, 2022
Watching a documentary on PBS I was surprised to hear this hymn through the video It's one of my favorites and it has a great message in it for family caregivers [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
December 31, 2021
Thoughts for family caregivers as we start the new year [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
December 24, 2021
Christmas can be a challenging time for family caregivers In this bonus episode from our radio program we offer this to fellow caregivers [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
December 21, 2021
In the middle of an interview a reporter once asked me What Would Jesus Do As A Caregiver [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
November 28, 2021
Author and parent of a special needs son Stephanie Hubach called the program Stephanie is also a research fellow in disability ministries at Covenant Theological Seminary Her new book is titled Parenting Disabilities - Abiding in God's Presence www stephaniehubach com Hope for the Caregiver is the family caregiver outreach of Standing With Hope and is heard weekly on more than stations The podcast is downloaded in more than countries Please share this podcast with a caregiver you know and help us do more by clicking here www hopeforthecaregiver com giving [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
November 23, 2021
In a young woman named Adelaide A Pollard felt called to the mission field in Africa - but struggled to raise funds At a service one evening she heard someone reference Jeremiah and state Have Thy Own Way While disappointment over not going abroad as a missionary weighed heavily on her heart the hymn HAVE THY OWN WAY that Adelaide penned during that time continues to touch the lives of uncounted millions around the world - including me [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
November 11, 2021
A recent caller to my radios program shared her journey as a caregiver Combat-related PTSD led her military son down some dark paths including drugs and alcohol and his family disintegrated This grandmother found herself with an impaired son and vulnerable grandchildren When considering the word caregiver most think of caring for the elderly Yet many kinds of caregivers exist and each of them bears their own sadness and difficulties It is often stated that soldiers leave a part of themselves on the battlefield Sometimes caregivers work to compensate for those missing pieces as they care for the seen and [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
November 09, 2021
Legend has it that Augustus Toplady took shelter during a storm in a fissure he discovered in a large rock wall The visual stuck with him and led him to write the first line of one of the most familiar hymns in Church history Rock of Ages Cleft for Me We discussed this and more in our broadcast that aired on If you find this podcast meaningful please consider sharing it with others and supporting it at www hopeforthecaregiver com giving [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
October 28, 2021
Famed anthropologist Margaret Mead shared that the first sign of civilization is compassion seen in a healed femur She backed her claim by explaining the amount of time and compassion from the tribe or community required to care for that individual until able to resume normal activities ' Survival of the fittest doesn't include healed femurs Caregivers live with significant injuries as well Injuries of the soul that can cripple a person Anyone who's cared for a chronically impaired loved one cannot recover from such an experience without compassionate help from others Just as we would rush to someone with [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
October 20, 2021
All too many caregivers feel isolated and invisible Even when seen it's difficult to know what to say to caregiver This is why I do this broadcast the podcast write books and all the other things I do for caregivers I understand the importance for caregivers to be seen and engaged - in a way that makes sense to caregivers i speak fluent caregiver and am grateful for the opportunity to speak to you through this podcast I see you Peter Rosenberger www hopeforthecaregiver com [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
October 18, 2021
A simple song with a powerful message to family caregivers Plus callers from the show and a powerful D block monologue If you find this program meaningful please share it and consider supporting this work at www hopeforthecaregiver com giving ' [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
October 12, 2021
Individuals and family members show great wisdom when subscribing to various products and safeguards that protect against data breaches Yet an overlooked identity theft exists for family caregivers Virtually all caregivers find themselves struggling to speak in their voice If you find this podcast meaningful please share it with others and consider helping us do more at www hopeforthecaregiver com giving [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
September 28, 2021
From our nationally syndicated broadcast www hopeforthecaregiver com If you find this episode meaningful help us do more at www hopforthecaregiver com giving [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
September 25, 2021
Of course we can retrain our minds The only questions are Do We Want To How In this bonus monologue we discussed this issue for family caregivers If you find this podcast helpful please share it with others and help us do more at www standingwithhope com giving [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
September 14, 2021
On the national broadcast recently we discussed the hymn ONLY TRUST HIM as it relates to us a caregivers Unpacking this I discussed my hardest challenge as a caregiver and why this song connects to me Hope for the Caregiver is the family caregiver outreach of Standing With Hope Please consider helping us expand this program by visiting www standingwithope com giving [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
August 29, 2021
While in college I worked for a music star in Nashville who had a long driveway lined with beautiful trees A tree service was called to trim them and the results were not what the star expected Please consider helping us expand this show with your tax-deductible gift at HopefortheCaregiver com giving [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
August 16, 2021
With all the unsettledness in our country and around the world what's our response One thing we can do is turn off the television and specifically cable news While news outlets profit over keeping us churned up we profit when we turn our hearts to God's word and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus PHIL Hope for the Caregiver is the family caregiver outreach of Standing With Hope If you find this podcast meaningful please consider sharing it with a caregiving friend and also please consider helping us [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
August 11, 2021
I opened the show with a hymn from my CD Songs for the Caregiver and shared i offered the message of this hymn to a listener struggling to care for the parents who abused her A line from the hymn There is a place of quiet rest near to the heart of God A place where sin cannot molest near to the heart of God https music apple com us album songs-for-the-caregiver Hope For the Caregiver is the family caregiver outreach of Standing With Hope Your support helps us continue strengthening family caregivers www standingwithhope com giving [... more]
Hope for the Caregiver
Peter Rosenberger
August 06, 2021
From our national broadcast As a caregiver are you resting What does that even look like Hope For the Caregiver is the family caregiver outreach of Standing With Hope Your support helps us continue strengthening family caregivers www standingwithhope com giving [... more]
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