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This is My Father's World

Hope for the Caregiver / Peter Rosenberger
The Truth Network Radio
January 14, 2022 3:00 am

This is My Father's World

Hope for the Caregiver / Peter Rosenberger

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January 14, 2022 3:00 am

Watching a documentary on PBS, I was surprised to hear this hymn through the video. It's one of my favorites, and it has a great message in it for family caregivers. 

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Welcome to Hope for the Caregiver here on American Family Radio.

This is Peter Rosenberger. This is the program for you as a family caregiver. How are you feeling? How are you doing? What's going on with you? How'd you do through Christmas and New Year's?

You hanging tough? It can be a tough time for caregivers and we want to jump into some of that today. I've got a lot of things to talk about, a lot of interesting things I think you'll find very meaningful. I've got a very special caller who'll be joining us a little later and you can as well.

We take your calls 888-589-8840, 888-589-8840 if you want to be a part of the program and we'd love to have you. I was in Yellowstone National Park two weeks ago yesterday right on Christmas Eve with my sister and her family. Gracie and I and our son went with them and we took a snow coach into Yellowstone. You ever been into Yellowstone? There are like, I don't know, three, four, five million people that go through in the summertime. It's crazy. I've seen the aerial shots of the traffic around holiday times in the summer and it's just absolutely bumper to bumper for miles.

It's insane. So I don't go there in the summer much. It's certainly around the 4th of July Memorial Day. We just live 90 miles from there or actually less than that. But in the wintertime, they have far fewer people go in. In the old days, Gracie and I, we've been coming out here a long time and finally moved out to Montana, but we took our kids years ago into Yellowstone on snowmobiles. Now you have to sign up, you have to have a special pass, you have to have a trail guide, all that kind of stuff. In the old days, we just took snowmobiles in there, you paid your park ticket, you took your snowmobiles or you rented them there and you just went on into the park.

And we did that several times. In fact, I took my parents in there a couple times and it's great. I love the park, but this time we took the snowcoach and these big old buses, vans that are equipped to go into the snow and there's a lot of heavy snow. They've got these massive oversized tires and it's just extraordinary. But there's only about 50,000 people that will do this in the wintertime. And I was telling this to my sister and her husband that we're seeing right now the things that we were seeing there in the park in the winter, things that less than a million people have seen in the last 20 years. And it's extraordinary to see the buffalo out in the snow, to see the ice and the snow everywhere. There's so much to see there. We only see just a fraction of it with a tour like that.

Gracie and I are going to try to go before the crowds get here and explore the park a little bit more. It is exquisite. Well, why am I talking about this? Well, I was watching a part of a documentary on PBS and it was a Ken Burns documentary. You know who Ken Burns is. He does a lot of these things, these really spectacular documentaries. And they were talking about national parks. That's what caught my attention why I would watch this in the first place on PBS.

And it caught my attention about America's national parks and it said America's best idea. And if you get a chance to watch this, I would recommend it. It's worth seeing. But what struck me was the song that was repeatedly used throughout the entire documentary that I saw. I didn't get to watch the whole thing, but I watched a good bit of it. And there was a theme that was playing throughout the entire documentary. They kept repeating it. And it was this one.

That was playing. And you know, I've been doing these hymns for a long time and I love these hymns. Somebody, when they were doing this documentary, grabbed a hold of that hymn. It was written by a presbyterian minister up in New York. And he had the unfortunate name, his first name I think was Maltby.

Maltby. And I hate to hear that. But he was writing this hymn. If you know that hymn, give us a call.

888-589-8840. I've done it before on this show, but it was important, I felt like, to bring this back to our attention because of the lyrics of this. And if you go out and look for this hymn online to find the text for it, many of the hymn sites omit the fourth verse. And that's one of the things I wanted to talk about because the fourth verse says the battle is not done. Jesus who died shall be satisfied and earth and heaven be won. And that, you know, it's a little telling that so many hymn sites omit that verse because we talk about God a lot. We talk about those, but we don't necessarily talk about Jesus. And so I just felt it was interesting that when the producer of this film about our national parks put this together, they used that particular hymn.

And it's telling. And I thought, well, okay, these hymns are making it into the public discourse. And I'm okay with that because I think these hymns need to be.

They've been all but forgotten in the church, but here's a PBS documentary using it. So I think that it's important that we remember these things because I love, I'll give you, and here's the reason why they did it. And part of the lyrics are in the first verse. And to my listening ears, all nature sings and round me rings the music of the spheres. This is my Father's world. This I rest me in the thought of frocks and trees, of skies and seas.

His hand the wanders wrought. So I'm going to go, let's see, here is Gail, I think it's Gail in Tennessee. Gail, good morning.

How are you feeling? Did you know the song Gail? Yeah, good morning. Yes, thank you. Did you know?

You're quite welcome. Did you know the song? Yes, I did. This is my Father's world. I rest, you know, I love that song. Years and years ago, well, I've attended Baptist churches all my life. So the Baptist hymnal, I've got two of them.

And, you know, you go through those. Wait, wait, wait, did you buy those hymnals or did you maybe confiscate? Because I have a whole bunch of hymnals that I've inadvertently confiscated from churches all over. Well, yeah, well, okay, but here's the deal. We're just going to move right on past that, aren't we, Gail?

I did not buy them and I did not steal them. And I've got some that go way, way back from relatives that these hymnals have the shape notes in them. Oh, yeah. Yeah, you know, way back.

But the history's behind each one of them. But, you know, I can find a scripture verse for almost everything I do. Whatever your hands might be, I'll do it. I'll do it. Whatsoever your hands might do, do it well as if unto the Lord. Okay.

And then I can find a hymn that whenever I'm trying to work through something and deal with sadness, whatever situations, you know, I find my... Well, the hymnal's a treasure trove, isn't it? Oh, yeah. It's just, it is an amazing place to go to.

But here I am watching this documentary about all of our national parks in this country. I saw that. And that was the tune that they picked as the predominant soundtrack tune. I saw that. Isn't that amazing? Yes, I saw that. Did you recognize the tune playing? Yes, I did. And he has some others, Civil War and different things that he has done, documentaries.

And they will have him in the background. I think that's marvelous. Well, listen, we're up against the break. I've got to run, Gail. But thank you so much for the call. Good morning in Tennessee.

And it is great to talk with you. This is Peter Rosenberger. This is the program for you as a family caregiver. We got more to go. 888-589-8840. Got a special guest calling in in just a few moments.

We'll be right back. The Raising Godly Boys Minute with Mark Hancock. Have you ever heard your son say, I'm bored?

If so, you're not alone. These days, boys stay inside the house watching their digital devices for way too many hours a day. In fact, according to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, kids spend an average of four to six hours a day playing video games and watching TV. Do your boys a favor by introducing them to the great outdoors. As you explore the woods together, you'll develop memories that will last a lifetime. And guess what?

Before you know it, those cries of I'm bored will fade away. For more information on how to have fun with your son and the great outdoors, visit Trail Life USA or for a proven process that is helping transform boys into godly men. Download free resources to help you at Back to Genesis with Dr. John Morris, geologist and president of the Institute for Creation Research. Dr. Morris, are spiders ever found in the fossil record?

Yes, unbelievably, Chris, they are. Not only spiders, but sometimes spider webs are found. A spider and its web was found in amber, which was dated by evolutionists at 190 million years old. Now, I don't buy the date. I think the amber was formed at the time of Noah's flood. But think how silly this makes the millions of years idea look.

Spider silk is so fragile, it dehydrates and deteriorates quite quickly. Does anybody really think it's going to last for 190 million years? Chris, a better idea is out there. It's the back to Genesis idea of creation and the flood. To learn more about creation, get our free DVD called That's a Fact. Visit our web store at slash store and use the promo code fact at the checkout when ordering your That's a Fact DVD.

Well, there's a treasure at the end of this narrow road I'm traveling and it gives me a purpose for my life. Radio, this is Peter Rokelberger. This is the show for you as a family caregiver. We're so glad to have you with us.

888-589-8840. Chris in Ohio. Chris, good morning. How are you feeling, Chris? Oh, I'm doing okay. You knew the song, didn't you? Oh, I'm just precious. Thank you for asking.

Yes. In verse three, that though the rain seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet. And we're in so much that is oft so wrong and strong. This is a hymn that has meant something to me over the years, and I love this hymn. But when I got to that text, though the wrong seems also strong, God is the ruler yet.

This is my Father's world. The battle is not done. Jesus who died shall be satisfied, and earth and heaven be one. And I love that. And I was disappointed to see that so many hymn sites out there that put the text leave that verse off.

But to me, that was the closer. I mean, that's the verse right there. Though the wrong seems oft so strong, and you're right, we live in a society right now where the wrong seems oft so strong, and in our lives as caregivers. We look at things that are so painful and, but I was just struck that they use this hymn for that wonderful documentary of America's national parks.

And they get a little new agey and all that stuff on it. But if you take the time to watch it, I think you'll find it very meaningful to see why it was important that America have national parks. And because I live so close to Yellowstone, it just drove that point home for me. But Chris, I appreciate you calling and sharing that. And I have been listening to your program for a few years now. And I was caregiver to my husband till December 13th. He passed away. Just this last December? Just last month? Yes. Yes. I think I'm doing okay. Most of the time.

And, you know, just certain songs like or hearing somebody laugh or just most of the time, I think I'm okay. But, you know, he was in the hospital over Thanksgiving, came home. And so Christmas was, was not Christmas. I mean, but since he passed, I decided not to have a funeral, a funeral, because we both have donated our bodies to science.

But because of the stupid COVID, they didn't want him. And so I said, Well, I don't want to interrupt anybody's Christmas, that this is family. And so his celebration of life will be on his birthday, January 19th. Well, I am going to write that down. Tell me his name.

Joe Inglis. And you're Chris. And I'm just going to write that down to remember to lift you guys up in prayer. That is the day after my wife's birthday. And I know that will be a tough day.

Yes. And so that's coming up and that's going to be a tough day. And I think it's interesting that you donated your body to science and they wouldn't take it. I I'm donating mine to science fiction. And if I if I could make you laugh in the midst of this, then that's a job well done, Chris. And I'm grateful for just the opportunity just to sit down with you. I know this has been painful. And it's the end of a long journey for you. No, it's not the end. It's the beginning of a better journey. Well, it's the end of your caregiving journey that was very difficult. And now you're starting a new chapter in your life. And I've got to run because I got a special guest on the show. But I wanted to ask you one thing, one thing. What are you doing now? I know it's a little early, but what are your thoughts for you now? What do you what do you want to do? Your your caregiving responsibilities for your husband are over. What do you want to do?
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-06-27 14:36:42 / 2023-06-27 14:42:59 / 6

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