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Search Results : Christian worldview radio


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: Christian worldview radio
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
June 29, 2024
Send us a Text Message On Friday-Saturday June - nearly young adults age - converged at Stone House Farm in Jordan MN as the first class of The Overcomer Course Some of the young adults are in the workplace some are in school some are in between but all came to hear what God has said in His Word and how it applies to their lives In eight sessions over those two days addressing the most important issues in life such as believing God and His gospel trusting God's Word as the basis for wise thinking and living evangelism and [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
May 11, 2024
GUEST MARY JANE WHEATON David's MomGod designed marriage to be between one man and one woman for life for husband and wife to love each other embrace mutually beneficial roles and raise children to love and obey God The family is the protective nest a place of intended peace that results in Godly individuals and thus God-fearing societies If one had to state just one reason why our nation is awash in rampant dysfunction false ideologies violence incarceration drug use sexual immorality and all manner of other societal ills the breakdown of the family would be at the top of [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
December 30, 2023
GUEST SCOTT ANIOL Professor of Pastoral Theology Grace Bible Theological SeminaryAs we celebrate Independence Day which commemorates the signing in of the Declaration of Independence the founding document of our nation when the original colonies declared their autonomy from British colonial rule John Adams was a signer of the Declaration one of the framers of the U S Constitution and the second President of the United States Likely not a born-again Christian but rather a deist a believer in a supreme being who is uninvolved in the affairs of mankind Adams wrote the following about the link between morality and [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
July 22, 2023
GUEST CAL THOMAS Journalist and Author A Watchman in the Night What I've Seen Over Years Reporting on AmericaCal Thomas is a radio and television commentator and one of the most widely syndicated columnists in America Cal is also a Christian who seeks to serve God first and then my country Now years old and still going strong as you will hear in his voice Cal has seen and commented on an era of major transforation in our country In his new book A Watchman in the Night What I've Seen Over Years Reporting on America Cal starts in and [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
July 08, 2023
GUESTS ABRAHAM HAMILTON III General Counsel and Public Policy Analyst American Family Association and SOEREN KERN Writing Fellow for Middle East ForumThis week on The Christian Worldview we are going to examine some current events taking place in America and Europe First Abraham Hamilton General Counsel and Public Policy Analyst for American Family Association will join us to analyze three decisions by the U S Supreme Court Affirming the right of a Colorado website designer to not be compelled to design a site for a homosexual weddingOverturning affirmative action at colleges and universities where a prospective student's minority racial profile [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
July 01, 2023
GUEST SCOTT ANIOL Professor of Pastoral Theology Grace Bible Theological SeminaryAs we celebrate Independence Day which commemorates the signing in of the Declaration of Independence the founding document of our nation when the original colonies declared their autonomy from British colonial rule John Adams was a signer of the Declaration one of the framers of the U S Constitution and the second President of the United States Likely not a born-again Christian but rather a deist a believer in a supreme being who is uninvolved in the affairs of mankind Adams wrote the following about the link between morality and [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
April 15, 2023
GUEST RAY COMFORT author So Many Lions So Few DanielsBefore being martyred in Rome the apostle Paul wrote to the younger pastor Timothy with this final exhortation be sober in all things endure hardship do the work of an evangelist fulfill your ministry Timothy The message is the same for all Christians today We are living in a day where wickedness abounds and is flaunted openly We are living in a day where ear-tickling teachers are rampant within the professing church who lead listeners away from sound doctrine and saving faith In the midst of this man's most desperate need [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
January 07, 2023
GUEST ANDREW DeBARTOLO Director of Operations Liberty Coalition CanadaFrom the beginning men and women have always resisted God's design for marriage sex and gender God designed marriage as a covenant between one man and one woman and man soon took multiple wives God designed sex for procreation and unity within one man one woman marriage and man soon engaged in prostitution adultery fornication homosexuality and other reprobation God created each person either male or female and man soon desired and dressed to be the opposite Pre- and extra-marital sex unbiblical divorce and abortion were early signs that God's moral design [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
December 31, 2022
This program is a rebroadcast of a previously aired program on January GUEST PAUL TWISS Instructor of Bible Exposition The Master's SeminaryMany Christians begin a new year with the goal of reading through the entire Bible It is an excellent and attainable endeavor one that will help the believer better understand God and His purposes Since all Scripture is inspired by God Tim the one who reads through the Bible is hearing directly from God on a daily basis That being said the Bible is a big book written by authors on three continents in three languages Hebrew Greek and [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
September 17, 2022
GUEST PAUL TWISS pastor Former Officer in Royal NavyBy now you know as most everyone in the world knows that Queen Elizabeth II has died at age after reigning over Britain and its Commonwealth of nations for years It would be hard to point to any other person's death in western civilization over the last years that has commanded more worldwide attention than the Queen's death Ten days of mourning and processions will culminate in her funeral on Monday Sept at Westminster Abbey in London Paul Twiss a citizen of the United Kingdom who now pastors Bethany Bible Church in [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
January 07, 2022
GUEST PAUL TWISS Instructor of Bible Exposition The Master's Seminary Many Christians begin a new year with the goal of reading through the entire Bible It is an excellent and attainable endeavor one that will help the believer better understand God and His purposes Since all Scripture is inspired by God Tim Open in Logos Bible Software if available the one who reads through the Bible is hearing directly from God on a daily basis That being said the Bible is a big book written by authors on three continents in three languages Hebrew Greek and Aramaic over a span [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
December 24, 2021
Rebroadcast of previously aired program GUESTS Bruce and Mary Jane Wheaton David's parents Our country has long commemorated one Sunday in May and in June to honor mothers and fathers Sadly and tragically in our day and age of social and familial transformation mothers are now called birthing people actual term from the Biden administration's budget and fathers are demeaned as weak and unnecessary To which the Bible says let God be found true though every man be found a liar Romans Open in Logos Bible Software if available There are a lot of news events with geopolitical cultural and [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
December 10, 2021
On The Christian Worldview radio program we often use terms like think Biblically or the Bible says or Scripture is the basis for truth or Jesus Christ and His Word are the same yesterday and today and forever In other words the Bible God's Word Holy Scripture is the foundation and lens through which we can understand God the world and ourselves discover how to be reconciled to God through faith in Jesus Christ and gain wisdom for how to live in a way that honors God If the Bible is this foundational for truth the question needs to be [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
October 28, 2021
GUEST MAT STAVER Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel It would be one thing if the impact of COVID- was limited to our personal health and health care But dealing with sickness from contracting the virus as serious as that can be even death in rare cases has been overshadowed by the loss of individual liberties that has taken place during this pandemic At times over the past year and a half churches schools and businesses have been ordered closed or told how they must operate Masks and distancing have been mandated Even visitation of loved ones and attendance at funerals [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
September 24, 2021
GUEST COSTI HINN pastor and author More Than a Healer It's not if you will get seriously sick or injured not if you will face a trial that is out of your control but when This is because we live in a world that went from perfection to corruption due to Adam's sin and our sin Man's rebellion against God resulted in disease violence accidents pain conflicts and ultimately death The wages of sin is death Romans a So how should Christians view and respond to trials when they come our way Should we pray to be healed of our [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
August 19, 2021
Guest Soeren Kern geo-political analyst Gatestone Institute What we have seen this past week with the United States' ill-planned and inept withdrawal from Afghanistan stranding of our own citizens in the midst of a country completely overrun by the Taliban a radical Islamic group is a vivid portrait of weak foolish and confused civilian and military leadership and the diminished state of our nation The most prosperous powerful and freest nation the world has ever known is on the wane reaping the judgment of rejecting God His Word and His ways Think that's a bit hyperbolic Think the pendulum will [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
March 22, 2021
Short Take from The Christian Worldview program on Transgenderism The Need for Grace and Truth Listen to the entire program here https www thechristianworldview org topic-transgenderism-the-need-for-grace-and-truth [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
September 11, 2020
A Brookings Institution column this year concluded this way Though President Trump is a candidate whose personal behavior has often been at odds with the values espoused by many evangelicals any potential path he has to remain in the White House after January must pass between the pews of white evangelical churches In turn Democratic Party leaders have opportunities to interrupt that passage by paying attention to evangelicals especially unaffiliated evangelicals persuadable to add their votes to the Democratic coalition In short Evangelical Christians are the key voting demographic in a national election which explains why there is so much [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
September 04, 2020
GUEST Larry Alex Taunton author and director Fixed Point Foundation Over the last four to six months unsettling events have gripped America The COVID- virus has caused illness death widespread government mandated closures and promises fears of a universal vaccine After the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis protests burning looting tearing down historic statues and killings have become shockingly prevalent in cities across the nation [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
November 22, 2019
Since when then-president of Chick-fil-A Dan Cathy dared speak up for biblical marriage homosexual groups and a complicit media have made sure Chick-fil-A is relentlessly tagged as an anti-LGBTQ company The smears didn't seem to effect customers as Chick-fil-A is the third most profitable fast food chain in America after McDonald's and Starbucks But in a surprise this week for the company that is known for being closed on the Lord's Day Chick-fil-A's president announced it would no longer be donating to organizations like Fellowship of Christian Athletes which require biblical morality amongst their leadership This weekend on The Christian [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
October 25, 2019
The worldview divide between biblical Christians and the rest of society whether secular or religious has never been wider Yet our commission remains the same to make disciples of Jesus Christ Matt - Open in Logos Bible Software if available Before someone becomes a disciple they must first repent and believe in the gospel To get to that point of regeneration God will likely use a conversation or many conversations with a Christian Navigating conversations with non-believers is many things tricky exciting anxiety-inducing frustrating and sharpening Above all it's the believer's calling Peter Open in Logos Bible Software if available [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
September 20, 2019
This weekend on The Christian Worldview we'll recap last week's Speaker Series event on social justice You can watch the video of Darrell Harrison's message here Thank you to all of you who attended watched and supported the event We'll also discuss the worldview behind some currents news stories such as - The allegation that the Christian right is driving people away from religion - Communist China forcing churches to remove the Commandments and put up quotes from President Xi Jinping - The ongoing battle over religious rights vs homosexual transgender demands [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
September 13, 2019
You have probably noticed the word privilege being used as a disqualifying modifier For instance you may be labeled as having white privilege and therefore are not qualified to participate on issues related to ethnicity or that you must give up your power by working to elevate others of ethnic minority Other examples where the privilege label is attached is on those who inherited wealth live in the suburbs were raised in an intact family or have access to certain opportunities or education [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
August 30, 2019
It's all too common for Christians to hear talk of financial issues and simply tune out Some would say it's too earthly minded or too complex to understand or doesn't have much relevance to the Christian life Those Christians should think again because finance economics trade business manufacturing consumption debt and currency are geo-political drivers that greatly impact all of us [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
August 23, 2019
Todd Friel is the long-time host of a popular radio and television program called Wretched Based in Atlanta and broadcasting nationwide the program focuses on evangelism theology apologetics and current events Todd recently visited Minnesota the state where he lived for much of his life and where The Christian Worldview Radio Program is based Host David Wheaton asked Todd if he'd be willing to do an in-studio interview to discuss the top five things he's been covering on his own programs this year He listed six [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
August 16, 2019
Hong Kong is a small peninsula with islands that juts into the South China Sea on the southern coast of China Its territory covers only about a by mile area Despite its small size Hong Kong is one of the world's most significant financial centres and commercial ports world's tenth-largest exporter ninth-largest importer and its legal tender the Hong Kong dollar is the world's th-most traded currency Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated places in the world and hosts the largest concentration of ultra high-net-worth individuals of any city Wikipedia [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
August 09, 2019
Last week we discussed the stunning announcement by Josh Harris former pastor of a prominent church and popular Christian speaker and author that he is getting divorced and no longer considers himself a Christian Since then he marched in a homosexual pride event in Vancouver We talked about his bestselling book I Kissed Dating Good-Bye which advanced the courtship movement over the date-and-break-up culture and how negative feedback led Harris to reconsider and renounce the book a few years ago [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
April 12, 2019
Consider for a moment that a relatively unknown -year-old mayor of South Bend Indiana is running third in the Democrat race for president behind nationally-known candidates Joe Biden former Vice President and Bernie Sanders current U S Senator So what has made this young man so attractive to voters above far more prominent candidates such as Senators Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren former Texas Rep Beto O'Rourke and others Prominent liberal writer Andrew Sullivan already sought to answer the question in a New York Magazine article titled Is Pete Buttigieg a Transformational Candidate [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
March 29, 2019
The Robert Mueller-led investigation as to whether Donald Trump colluded with Russia to win the presidential election has been the biggest news story of the last two years To follow any mainstream media or cable news outlet during this time except Fox News Channel was to hear an incessant drumbeat that President Trump was guilty and on his way to being impeached [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
February 22, 2019
When God told Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden that they could eat from any tree except for one that was a test of faith Would Adam and Eve trust God at His word or would they doubt Him and disobey Fast forward to today and faith is still God's test whether it's looking at God's creation and having faith that He exists whether studying the Bible and placing faith in its reliability or whether listening to our conscience and by faith knowing there are universal truths placed there [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
January 11, 2019
Conservative radio show host Dennis Prager predicts in a column that will be a dark year Our guest this weekend on The Christian Worldview pastor Eric Davis uses a different descriptor in his column tumultuous Why the foreboding view of being a year of conflict upheaval and instability In the political realm with the takeover of the U S House of Representatives by Democrats with particularly leftist ideology there will be non-stop opposition to President Trump even efforts to impeach along with advocacy for Marxist Socialist policies bigger government divisive identity politics expanding abortion open immigration removing gun rights etc [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
December 12, 2018
So what is the concern for Christians who follow Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro and what is important to understand about their worldview [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
November 30, 2018
Ligonier the preaching and teaching ministry founded by R C Sproul who went to be with the Lord last year conducts The State of Theology survey every two years to gauge the religious beliefs of a cross-section of our society The survey was recently released where people were asked to respond to statements such as Everyone sins a little but most people are good by nature or The Bible like all sacred writings contains helpful accounts of ancient myths but is not literally true Just to give you a preview of Evangelicals agreed that people are good by nature and [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
November 17, 2018
Lesson from the loveless church in Ephesus [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
November 01, 2018
Recently on the program we have discussed how wide the worldview divide has become in our nation On one side there are those with a traditional American worldview they generally believe in God more limited government free market economics equal opportunity for all national sovereignty border control and heterosexual morality marriage and individual liberties of life speech and religion President Trump and Republican Party candidates generally align with this worldview [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
October 26, 2018
No one wants to be considered a fool rather most everyone desires to be esteemed and respected But this won't be the case for those who follow Jesus The Bible says the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing Corinthians Open in Logos Bible Software if available In other words no matter how educated or how winsome or how accomplished a Christian is the non-believing world will still view the Christian as a fool Our guest this weekend on The Christian Worldview evangelist and apologist Ray Comfort has experienced this first-hand In his latest film titled [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
October 19, 2018
We live in the most prosperous most powerful most influential most charitable most free nation with the most opportunity in history And yet despite all this there is a level of aggrievement protest and division that has not been felt since the Civil War nearly fractured the country back in the 's [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
September 09, 2018
Once saved always saved This is David Wheaton host of The Christian Worldview It's an age-old debate about whether a Christian can lose their salvation Jesus gives a clear answer in John where He says My sheep hear My voice and I know them and they follow Me and I give eternal life to them and they will never perish and no one will snatch them out of My hand My Father who has given them to Me is greater than all and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand John - Eternal security for [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
September 07, 2018
The last two weeks on the program we have discussed discernment and apostasy Discernment is the call for the believer to measure everything especially spiritual teachers and their teaching against the truth of Scripture so that sound doctrine can be elevated and errant doctrine can be exposed and removed Where discernment is not exercised all manner of false teaching fills the vacuum leading the church into apostasy which is a departing or falling away from primary doctrines of the faith such as the character and nature of God and the person and work of Jesus Christ [... more]
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