The Truth Network Radio
Search Results : Probate


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: Probate
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 14, 2025
Losing a loved one is a time of profound grief and confusion and the practical tasks that follow can feel overwhelming Settling a loved one s estate requires careful attention and preparation Let s walk through six financial steps to take during this challenging time all underpinned by prayer and reliance on God s guidance Begin with PrayerBefore addressing financial matters take time to pray Invite God into your decisions and ask for wisdom James reminds us If any of you lacks wisdom let him ask God who gives generously to all without reproach and it will be given him [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
November 28, 2024
Thanksgiving is more than just a feast it's a celebration rooted in faith courage and sacrifice The Pilgrims' journey and pursuit of religious freedom have shaped American heritage and continue to inspire gratitude The Pilgrims also known as Separatists broke away from the Church of England believing it had strayed from biblical teaching In contrast the Puritans or Non-Separatists sought to reform the church from within While the Puritans aimed to purify the Pilgrims chose complete separation making their journey to the New World a bold stand for freedom of worship Fleeing Persecution and Seeking FreedomPersecuted in England for their [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
November 01, 2024
Train up a child in the way he should go even when he is old he will not depart from it - Proverbs God s Word tells us that children should be taught early how to live wisely and righteously including how to handle money Howard Dayton is here to explain why it s especially important to teach kids about the dangers of debt Howard Dayton is the founder of Compass Financial Ministry and the former host of this program He is also the author of a number of books on the topic of Christian Finance and Stewardship The Little-Big [... more]
Planning Matters Radio
Peter Richon
October 12, 2024
Roth accounts are an amazing tool when it comes to creating wealth Roth IRAs are not subject to probate and can be passed on to heirs tax-free They also grow tax-free If you're considering a Roth Conversion Peter with Richon Planning and Erin Kennedy walk through key considerations Your future tax rate When will you need to access the funds Your beneficiary's future tax rate Keep in mind we are living in a historically low tax rate Many financial experts believe that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of reduced federal income tax rates to the lowest level they may [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
August 26, 2024
Psychologist and educator Fitzhugh Dodson wrote Without goals and plans to reach them you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination Of course goals don t amount to much unless you have a plan to reach them That planning should involve more than building your net worth Ron Anderson joins us today to discuss life planning what is it how to do it and why you should Ron Anderson is the Founder President of Plan A Wealth Management in Lincoln Nebraska What Is Life Planning Life planning goes beyond setting financial goals it s about discovering [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
July 30, 2024
A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children but the sinner's wealth is laid up for the righteous - Proverbs We re all familiar with that verse but do we fully understand its meaning Is it only about money I ll talk about that with Harlan Accola today Harlan Accola is the National Reverse Mortgage Director at Movement Mortgage an underwriter of Faith and Finance He is also the author of Home Equity and Reverse Mortgages The Cinderella of the Baby Boomer Retirement The Misconception of Leaving a Financial InheritanceAs Christians we often forget that the most important [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
July 17, 2024
Therefore do not be foolish but understand what the Lord s will is - Ephesians That verse is a good reminder that to follow God's will we must first know it for all areas of our lives including finances Brian Holtz joins us today with a question Does your budget reflect God s priorities or yours Brian Holtz is the Chief Operating Officer at Compass Financial Ministry and the author of Financial Discipleship for Families Intentionally Raising Faithful Children Ownership vs Stewardship One of the fundamental concepts of Christian finances is the distinction between ownership and stewardship Psalm reminds us [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
July 03, 2024
Corinthians says Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully God s Word repeatedly challenges us to be generous givers to our families and His Kingdom When should we do this giving Are we waiting too long Ron Blue joins us today with an idea you may not have thought about Ron Blue is the Co-Founder of Kingdom Advisors and the author of many books on biblical finance most notably Master Your Money A Step-by-Step Plan for Experiencing Financial Contentment The Joy of GivingThere is immense joy in seeing the impact of your [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
May 17, 2024
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth - Acts Those were Christ's words to the apostles after his resurrection The fulfillment of that promise began a few days later on Pentecost and continues in believers to this day We'll explain what that has to do with your finances Transforming Your Financial DecisionsIn the Christian calendar while Christmas and Easter receive the most attention Pentecost is a pivotal event for believers emphasizing themes of [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
May 14, 2024
We tend to think that wealthy individuals always make the right financial decisions but is that always the case The truth is that people with a high net worth can sometimes make financial mistakes just as easily as the rest of us and perhaps with even worse consequences Cole Pearson shares five of them today Cole Pearson is the President of Investment Solutions at OneAscent a family of companies seeking to help people align their investments with their Christian values OneAscent is also an underwriter of Faith Finance Five Mistakes That The Wealthy Make With Their InvestmentsEven wealthy or high-net-worth [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
April 24, 2024
The Power of TrustProverbs - says Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight This establishes our role as stewards and God as the owner which gives us the freedom to look to Him for His plans for our money and not worry about our plans The Power of FocusThe power of focus is to ask God what the next thing He would have us do is and to focus on that one thing until we progress on it [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
April 04, 2024
It All Starts With CommunicationCommunication is crucial for estate planning in blended families highlighting the importance of being open transparent and truthful While this may be difficult at times it's essential for bringing issues to the forefront suggesting that effective communication is the foundation for addressing the unique challenges blended families face in estate planning How do blended families with different goals work it out When spouses in blended families have different goals they should prioritize seeking understanding and compromise Seek first to understand and then to be understood emphasizing the value of asking questions like tell me more about [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
March 11, 2024
WILL BASICS A will is a simpler document that names an executor and beneficiaries It must go through probate court and becomes public record potentially delaying heirs' access to assets Drafting a will through an estate attorney is recommended to minimize probate delays typically costing around TRUST BASICS Trusts manage assets both before and after death bypassing probate and keeping transactions private Types include revocable living and irrevocable trusts with the former being alterable during the grantor's lifetime Trusts can designate a successor trustee to manage assets if the grantor becomes incapacitated ensuring continuity and privacy KEY REASONS FOR A [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
March 07, 2024
PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE AND ESTATE PLANNINGProverbs highlights the importance of acting with knowledge in all aspects of life including the preparation for inevitable events like death This preparation involves legal financial and personal readiness to ensure your wishes are honored and your loved ones are cared for IMPORTANCE OF UPDATED WILLS AND DIRECTIVESHaving updated wills is critical to ensure your wishes are followed after your death with legal powers of attorney and health care directives being equally important An estate attorney is necessary to prepare these documents representing an essential investment in your family's future well-being PREPARING FOR YOUR [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
February 29, 2024
Matthew Well done good and faithful servant You have been faithful over a little I will set you over much Enter into the joy of your master HONORING GOD THROUGH FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIPInspiring Words We all aspire to hear the commendation found in Matthew and to be found faithful as stewards in all aspects of life including finances Biblical Foundation Our financial decisions are rooted in Scripture with Deuteronomy reminding us that all wealth comes from God and Psalm - affirming His ownership over everything including us Glorifying God The Bible teaches us to honor God in all that we do [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 15, 2024
A will is the usual tool for passing assets on to your heirs when you die But for some things you don rsquo t need a will at all because there rsquo s a way you can ensure that certain assets go straight to your heirs without passing through probate On today's Faith amp Finance Live host Rob West will be joined by Valerie Hogan who rsquo ll give us a crash course on beneficiary designations and why you want to you use them Then he rsquo ll answer your calls and various financial questions nbsp See omnystudio com listener [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 15, 2024
WHY ARE BENEFICIARY DESIGNATIONS IMPORTANT Beneficiary designations are crucial because they're an easy quick and free way to transfer assets accounts and insurance benefits after passing away They take precedence over wills or trusts and are significant because they skip probate and remain private Beneficiary designations offer a straightforward method to transfer assets after death They are prioritized over estate planning documents and bypass the probate process Keeping them updated and accurate is crucial for ensuring assets are distributed as intended WHAT ARE THE KEYS TO REMEMBER ABOUT DESIGNATING BENEFICIARIES When designating beneficiaries it's important to consider various account types [... more]
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
December 13, 2023
Episode Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier answer caller questions Show Notes CoreChristianity com Questions in this Episode Does God call all people to salvation Does John teach that I should avoid my former pastor Should Christians try to decode events of the end times How do I move forward after squandering my inheritance What does it mean to have a reprobate mind in Romans Today's Offer WE BELIEVE THE NICENE CREED STUDY Want to partner with us in our work here at Core Christianity Consider becoming a member of the Inner Core View our latest special offers here or call [... more]
Outlaw Lawyer
Josh Whitaker & Joe Hamer
November 11, 2023
On this edition of Judica County Radio Question and Answer with Attorneys Josh Whitaker amp Joe Hamer Estate Planning Probate and Divorce questions all making the show this week stay tuned If you are facing a legal situation and have questions you can always call Whitaker amp Hamer Law Firm - - attorneylife lawupdates legalservices business supremecourt legaladvice lawmemes personalinjurylawyer lawnews lawsuit lawyerup lawfirms lawlife criminallaw criminaldefense lawyered legalpractice divorce lawyerlifestyleSee omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
October 25, 2023
Sharon Epps is the president of Kingdom Advisors WHAT ARE THE BASIC WAYS MONEY CAN BE USED Money is represented by the live owe grow pie We say pie as that illustrates the fact that it needs to be divided up because there are a limited number of pieces Debt has several dangers it can be economically dangerous as compounding can work against you spiritually dangerous because it may prevent opportunities for God to intervene and psychologically dangerous as it can induce anxiety and threaten marital unity Proverbs mentions that the borrower becomes a slave to the lender indicating the [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
September 25, 2023
If you're not familiar with the latest variation of the individual retirement account it wouldn't be surprising It's only gone into effect this year ABOUT LEGACY IRAs Unlike a traditional IRA a Legacy IRA indirectly provides income to retirees through a Charitable Gift Annuity CGA A CGA is an agreement between a donor and a nonprofit organization where the donor donates assets and the nonprofit provides regular payments for life based on the donated assets keeping the assets upon the donor's death The Legacy IRA allows individuals over the age of with a traditional IRA to take up to as [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
August 25, 2023
INTEREST RATESMortgage interest rates are still elevated around But Dale says what's unusual here is that typically when inflation drops rates drop along with it because the bond market which drives interest rates on mortgages generally responds favorably That has not been the case for the last couple of months And that's due to some other factors For one the Fitch downgrade of the U S government's credit rating was a big deal that really held back rates But Dale adds that a number of signs point to being a much better year in terms of interest rates Doug Duncan [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
August 24, 2023
Your first step before making any financial decisions should always be prayer You should invite God to be a part of all your financial affairs and decisions especially now as you begin the process of settling your loved one's estate It is enough simply to pray for wisdom in this challenging time James teaches If any of you lacks wisdom let him ask God who gives generously to all without reproach and it will be given him Romans reveals just how much the Lord wants to guide and strengthen you It reads The Spirit helps us in our weakness For [... more]
Planning Matters Radio
Peter Richon
March 18, 2023
There may never be a better time to open a Roth account Roth IRAs offer tax-free earnings growth and as Peter with Richon Planning explains to Erin Kennedy there are clear-cut reasons you should consider investing in a Roth today Today's Historically Low Tax Rate the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act which reduced federal income tax rates is set to sunset in Your Depreciated Portfolio pay taxes on a smaller value now then allow that future growth to happen tax free Possible Elimination of Backdoor Roths the Build Back Better Act proposed ending Backdoor Roths the loophole dodged the axe [... more]
Outlaw Lawyer
Josh Whitaker & Joe Hamer
February 25, 2023
On this week's edition of The Outlaw Lawyer Family Law questions answered What is Legal Separation in NC Common Law Marriage Probate and What is handled in Small Claims Court Plus Josh provides us with Chat Bot Haikus throughout the show If you're facing a legal situation and have questions that need answers call Whitaker amp Hamer Law Firm - - Lawyer Attorney Court Lawsuit Probate Divorce Separation Legal See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Chosen Generation
Pastor Greg Young
August 17, 2022
Marie Fischer Verizon boots OANN Media companies silencing messages and platforms with free speech views No more first amendment Rick Manning discusses Title IX being weaponized against students to remove a fair trial Pastor Greg discusses the reprobate condition of the people pushing an evil perverted agenda on the children Romans Hysterectomies for and year old Mastectomies too Richard Levine Asst Public Health Officer wants children given drugs and sex change operations without parent's approval or knowledge [... more]
Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
July 27, 2022
Open calls questions and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio Topics include--- - Matt talks about a recent experience he had at a Oneness Pentecostal event -- - Will we retain our injuries-scars in our glorified bodies--- - Do you think it's ok to use the word unsaved-- - What do you think about having an altar call at your service--- - Do you think the feminist movement is tied to women pastors--- - Do you think Daniel and the iron mixed with clay has any connection to AI and trying to prolong life with robotics--- - Who [... more]
Chosen Generation
Pastor Greg Young
July 19, 2022
David Lowery immorality and a reprobate mind is leading to the murders Criminals should not be martyrs and these are poor examples to the youth Kenneth Rapoza SEC overstepping with ESG and climate change mandates that are going to destroy farming in America CCP Dependence on US economy CCP effect on Hong Kong [... more]
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
June 29, 2022
See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Finishing Well
Hans Scheil
April 23, 2022
Hans and Robby are back again this week with a brand new episode This week's show is about trusts Do you need a trust What is the purpose of a trust There are those of you that may have one and not need it Hans and Robby get to the bottom of this topic Don't forget to get your copy of The Complete Cardinal Guide to Planning for and Living in Retirement on Amazon or on CardinalGuide com for free You can contact Hans and Cardinal by emailing hans cardinalguide com or calling - - Learn more at CardinalGuide com [... more]
Outlaw Lawyer
Josh Whitaker & Joe Hamer
January 07, 2022
The Outlaw Lawyer looks at Estate Planning this week The importance of having a will What is a trust and should it be part of an estate plan Powers of Attorney are a big deal and the Outlaw Lawyer breaks it all down on this week's episode If you have your own question about estate planning you can call Whitaker Hamer - - Leave your contact information and brief description of your situation and an attorney with Whitaker Hamer will be in touch law Estate Planning Attorney Trust Will See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
November 17, 2021
Open calls questions and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio Questions include--- - Is there a way to identify those of a reprobate mind- And when do you stop engaging with such a person--- - Can a regenerate person abide in sin--- - What is essential to be a Christian- What about a Calvinist--- - Did Jesus die on a cross or a tree--- - Was Jeremiah - talking to Christians--- - What do you think about Covid--- - How do you pray for those who are sick--- - Do you think the vaccine relates to the mark [... more]
Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
November 16, 2021
Open calls questions and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio Questions include--- - If Jesus is fully human how did he escape total depravity--- - What is the best way you've found to explain the concept of faith--- - Could mental illness be a sign of a reprobate mind--- - How can all three persons of the Trinity be omnipresent--- - What is the name of the Father--- - Do you know anything about the Rh negative blood and the controversy about it--- - What was Jesus' religion--- - How can someone know if they are saved [... more]
Outlaw Lawyer
Josh Whitaker & Joe Hamer
October 08, 2021
Attorneys Josh Whitaker and Joe Hamer talk upcoming Supreme Court cases Dobbs v Jackson Women's Health Organization and New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v Bruen plus your questions To reach the law firm call - - email questions theoutlawyer com or visit TheOutlawLawyer com See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Outlaw Lawyer
Josh Whitaker & Joe Hamer
August 27, 2021
Attorneys Josh Whitaker and Joe Hamer answer listener questions about at will employment real estate wills and trusts and privacy laws regarding your privacy online To reach the law firm call - - email questions theoutlawyer com or visit TheOutlawLawyer com See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Understanding The Times
Jan Markell
August 27, 2021
Jan Markell spends the hour with Pastor Jack Hibbs discussing our collapsing world as it is in free fall mode What did you expect the predicted last days' peril to look like Reprobate minds cannot reason or draw proper conclusions Can we be salt and light in the meantime Are the pulpits addressing the critical issues of our day [... more]
Finishing Well
Hans Scheil
August 21, 2021
Avoid a long-drawn out process and learn how to bypass probate Don't forget to get your copy of The Complete Cardinal Guide to Planning for and Living in Retirement on Amazon or on CardinalGuide com for free You can contact Hans and Cardinal by emailing hans cardinalguide com or calling - - Learn more at CardinalGuide com Find us on YouTube Cardinal Advisors [... more]
Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
August 19, 2021
Open calls questions and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio Questions include--- - Matt talks about his online debate on - - with a oneness penicostal It will be posted on the CARM page -- - How far could someone go in self-defense regarding mandatory vaccination--- - Is divorce morally equivalent to homosexuality--- - Aren't Christians supposed to be mild and meek- Shouldn't that prevent them from speaking out about politics--- - Where did the concept of separation of church and state originate--- - How exactly does God judge the reprobate- Are Christians judged--- - Can Christians be [... more]
Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
August 06, 2021
Open calls questions and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio Questions include--- - Why is the man the head of the woman- Does that mean that men are superior to women--- - Matt further discusses headship and how it relates to marriage -- - What is the passage in Isaiah talking about there being women for man mean--- - Can a Christian ever be left to a reprobate mind--- - Matt discusses Romans - and its condemnation of homosexuality -- - Is the salt mentioned in the New Testament the same salt we use today--- - How can [... more]
Outlaw Lawyer
Josh Whitaker & Joe Hamer
July 23, 2021
Attorneys Josh Whitaker and Joe Hamer give updates on previous topics involving the NCAA and ownership of venomous snakes In addition they discuss anti-protest legislation and what it means for the future of protesting and estate planning To reach the law firm call - - email questions theoutlawyer com or visit TheOutlawLawyer com See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Outlaw Lawyer
Josh Whitaker & Joe Hamer
June 18, 2021
Attorneys Josh Whitaker and Joe Hamer discuss the U S Supreme Court ruling on cyber crime and how it limits tools that federal prosecutors have in their arsenal to go after cyber crime FISA and the soon to be Supreme Court case FBI v Fazaga and listener questions To reach the law firm call - - or visit TheOutlawLawyer com See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Finishing Well
Hans Scheil
May 15, 2021
Hans and Robby talk about estate transfer on demand Don't forget to get your copy of The Complete Cardinal Guide to Planning for and Living in Retirement on Amazon or on CardinalGuide com for free You can contact Hans and Cardinal by emailing hans cardinalguide com or calling - - Learn more at CardinalGuide com [... more]
Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
February 24, 2021
Open calls questions and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio Questions include--- - Matt discusses his work posted on CARM relating to the positive confession movement and the leading teachers -- - I have a friend who believes there is an evil spirit present in their home What should I tell them--- - Matt defines and explains what the positive confession movement is -- - Is it a sin to observe the Sabbath on a Sunday--- - What do you think is going to happen with our country--- - What are the biblical definitions of gluttony and lust--- [... more]
Finishing Well
Hans Scheil
January 16, 2021
Most clients who come to us saying they are self insured for long term care - but do you really know what this means Hans goes over what being properly self insured for long term care actually entails [... more]
Finishing Well
Hans Scheil
October 31, 2020
Hans and Robby go over the documents you need for estate planning and why they are important [... more]
Finishing Well
Hans Scheil
June 06, 2020
Hans and Robby go over Revocable Living Trusts who they are good for and who they are not on this week's episode of Finishing Well Don't forget to get your copy of The Complete Cardinal Guide to Planning for and Living in Retirement on Amazon or on CardinalGuide com for free You can contact Hans and Cardinal by emailing hans cardinalguide com or calling - - Learn more at CardinalGuide com [... more]
Finishing Well
Hans Scheil
August 03, 2019
In Matthew Jesus says For verily I say unto you till heaven and earth pass one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled In other words God's law won't change in the slightest until the end of days Similarly the jots and tittles that name IRA beneficiaries are the letter of the law and will supersede your Will and financial intentions Recently at a conference hosted by Ed Slott Tom said he learned that a court will uphold your IRA's listed beneficiaries over the those listed on your will It can [... more]
Finishing Well
Hans Scheil
July 06, 2019
In Luke the big barn parable tells the story of a rich man who grew extra crops and had no place to store them He decided he would tear down his barn and build a larger one which would give him the time to relax and take life easy God told him he was going to die that night and then what would happen to all the crops he was storing for himself God called the man a fool This same idea can be applied to people who want to leave their large IRAs to their beneficiaries Robby uses his [... more]
Finishing Well
Hans Scheil
May 11, 2019
On the first day of creation God said Let there be light Just as Jesus is the light of the world he brings truth and does not like chaos Robby talks about going through the bureaucracy after a loved one's death being the executor and dealing with their will and their affairs There is a lot of chaos to go through in this situation but hopefully Hans and Robby can bring some light to it all on this episode of Finishing Well Robby talks about his father who had a clear plan for his life insurance He told Robby a [... more]
Finishing Well
Hans Scheil
March 16, 2019
John says In my Father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you Jesus isn't just winging it he has a plan for you and your estate You shouldn't wing it with your estate either Having a plan in place and properly set up will save your family the frustration confusion and sadness of having to figure out your estate in their time of grief This week Robby talks about his own personal situation regarding estate planning His father is in his final stages of life [... more]
Finishing Well
Hans Scheil
January 05, 2019
At the end of last week's show Hans and Robby discussed the significant decrease one spouse receives in Social Security income when the other spouse passes This week they talk about the solution to this gap Robby starts of the episode talking about his wife and how he wants to provide for her and allow her to advance the kingdom if he passes before her Life insurance is the way to do this and it is available for everyone who wants to love and provide for their spouse and family Hans then talks about all the people he's worked with [... more]
Finishing Well
Hans Scheil
November 24, 2018
Ephesians says he eyes of your understanding being enlightened that ye may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints We see a lot about inheritance in the bible but what does this mean in our everyday life We need to look after our family after we die and one way to do this is to provide them with financial security which can come in the form of life insurance While it is easy to decide in your younger years to sign up for life insurance while [... more]
Finishing Well
Hans Scheil
September 15, 2018
An urban legend is an often lurid story or anecdote that is based on hearsay and widely circulated as true This week continuing with the theme of urban legends Hans and Robby discuss IRAS Should you wait until to take out any Required Minimum Distributions Doesn't this mean you pay less taxes Does your Last Will and Testament drive IRA distributions at your death Listen and find out if what you've heard is true Don't forget to get your copy of The Complete Cardinal Guide to Planning for and Living in Retirement on Amazon or on CardinalGuide com for free [... more]
Finishing Well
Hans Scheil
August 11, 2018
You might be in a different season of your life you are not completely financially supporting your children and family anymore but there is still an immediate need for money at your passing Hans explains why is the minimum amount he recommends to cover these immediate costs While you have a Will to dictate how your assets are going to be split the life insurance comes in to pay the bills while your family is working all of this out Hans even tells the story of his sister who passed years ago Even though her brother and father both sold [... more]
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