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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
August 6, 2021 4:00 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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August 6, 2021 4:00 pm

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Questions include---1- Why is the man the head of the woman- Does that mean that men are superior to women---2- Matt further discusses headship and how it relates to marriage.--3- What is the passage in Isaiah talking about there being 7 women for 1 man mean---4- Can a Christian ever be left to a reprobate mind---5- Matt discusses Romans 1-28 and its condemnation of homosexuality.--6- Is the salt mentioned in the New Testament the same salt we use today---7- How can I respond to my relatives who are gay-


The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network Podcast. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe. Thanks for listening. And then the Tuesday following, a debate on Oneness and the Trinity, and the following Tuesday after that, another debate on the Oneness and Trinity.

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It doesn't matter. Give me a call. 877-207-2276. Let's get to Kim from Rural Hall, North Carolina. Kim, welcome.

You're on the air. Thank you, man. My question comes from First Corinthians, chapter 11, verse 3. Is this verse saying that God doesn't recognize man unless his covering is frightened, and Christ doesn't recognize woman unless he has a covering which is man? Well, it doesn't say that. It says, I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ.

It doesn't say, it doesn't recognize either one if they don't have that covering. So why would he just say, why wouldn't he just say he's just the head of man and woman? Why would he just specifically say that man is the head of woman?

Because of order and headship. Federal headship, for example, is the teaching that the male represents the descendants, not the female. And so we see manifestations of this in the phrase in Christ and in Adam. Those are terms designating federal headship. So when Adam was made, he named the animals, and this signifies his authority to designate what they are.

And then there was no help made suitable to him, so God made a woman, and he named that woman. So this is a designation of his position of authority. It doesn't mean that the male is better than the female. It just means there's a hierarchical kind of a setup. Just as the Father sent the Son, and the Son sends the Holy Spirit. So there's a headship that goes on in the Godhead. There's a headship that goes on in marriage. There's a headship that goes on in the church, which is why it says that a woman is not to teach or exercise authority over a man but to remain silent, for Adam was first created. Primogeniture, the first created one, is the one that is in that authority. That's Adam.

And that's what's going on there. So I want you to understand that Christ is the head of man. He's the federal head. He's the one that man answers directly to. The man is the head of the woman, so the woman is in submission to her husband. And let's see, man is on there, yeah, which is a general use of husband and wife.

Anthropos is man, strictly, and not used there. And then God is the head of Christ. So it's just talking about an authoritative headship role.

That's all that's going on there. So when you read in verse 8 where it says that the woman was created for the man, that also means that there's no way she should have authority over man, especially being a father. We have to understand that we're all equal in Christ. There's no male nor female in Christ. Now in Christ, again, is representative of his headship. And so there is no male or female distinguishing for those who are in Christ.

And that means in his federal representation and in his salvation. You go to Romans 3, 24 through 28 on that. And so when it talks about this in 1 Corinthians 11, 8, for man does not originate from woman, but woman from man.

We back up a little bit in verse 6. For woman does not cover her head, let her also have her hair cut off. Generally, in that culture, this is why we're mixing through culture and theology. We've got to discern which is which.

It's a little bit difficult sometimes. But prostitutes would often go around with their heads uncovered. Wouldn't have a veil over their head. And they would let her hair down.

It was an advertisement of their prostitution. And so one of the punishments given to prostitutes was to have their head shaved. And it was a big shame since the head covering the hair was a glory of the woman. And so it was a way of denigrating, punishing and exposing her. So if a woman does not have her head covered, let her also have her hair cut off. And it seems to be related to that context. Let her cover her head.

Wait a minute, Beck, I skipped a section there. But it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved. And that's the context I was talking about. So let her cover her head. For man ought not to have his head covered since he is the image and the glory of God. People say, well, you can't have your head covered. Well, what about men who wear helmets? Well, they could wear a helmet because Jesus never told the centurion, don't be a warrior, don't be a centurion.

He just said, do your job well. It was necessary to wear helmets. So he's not talking about the strict legal thing of just having something on your head. And so the head covering usually contextually here dealing with in the marriage ceremony or the marriage context and or in the church. Because a woman is to be under the authority of her husband in subjugation. That's Ephesians chapter five.

It does not mean, however, that I could teach on this for a while. It does not mean that he is superior any more than the father is superior to Jesus when Jesus came to do the will of the father and willingly submitted to the will of the father. It's a loving submission. And this is what a wife is to do to her husband's loving submission. And a lot of women don't realize that when they do this to their husbands, their husbands change. Most women, just going to take a side note here, a little bit of preaching, teaching kind of thing. A lot of women I've encountered in different circumstances, let's say, they want to rule over their husband and tell them what to do and correct them. And so what they want to do is be the head. And the men generally what they'll do is resist that for a while.

But after a while, they'll persist to just give up. You know, happy wife, happy life, happy life. This kind of attitude, the women like that. And what it is, is an origination of sin in the idea of trying to be in control and dominate. That's not the position of the woman. When a woman considers a man the head in the house, she considers Christ to be that head and she treats him like that. What happens is it will cause him to take his position very seriously and then work in doing that better. And the ramifications of that are better marriage all the way. So happy wife, happy life, well it's also, you know, make him the head and things get better. And it works both ways. We can't have manipulation or the issue of control because a man's not to be in control of his wife, but the head of his wife.

And so this is what's going on here about this stuff. And Paul, what he does in 1 Corinthians 11 and 8, he says, Man does not originate from woman. So he's talking about the created order of God.

The woman from man, for if indeed man was not created for the woman's sake, but the woman for the man's sake. Because you understand that Adam was given the charge of tilling and cultivating the land. He couldn't do it on his own.

So doing everything and all the fish and the birds. He needed a woman for childbirth to have children in order to accomplish this thing. So the job of the man, normatively speaking, is to work and tend the land and subdue it.

The job of the woman, normatively speaking, is to help the husband do that and accomplish that through womanhood and mothering, etc. And so he goes on, he says, Therefore the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head because of the angels. That's a difficult verse to interpret. And I won't get into that right now because I'm talking a lot. I don't know if that helped much, but there you are. Do you have any more comments or anything?

Well, no. God bless you and your spirit. Thank you. All right. Okay, buddy. Sounds good. All right.

Folks, if you want to give a call, we have wide open lines 877-207-2276. So let me expand on this a little bit about headship and male, female and roles and stuff like this because in the church. But more, more so in let's say wife and I'm putting my notes in this for the spreadsheet. A lot of times people just fail to understand what the male's headship is. I'm going to read something to a lot of people that's going to shock them. He's had a second Peter three and actually his first Peter three.

Sorry. And in it, something very unusual occurs when, when Peter is talking the same way you wives be submissive to your own husbands. So that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be one without a word by the behavior of their wives. He knows what he's talking about.

You know, in the male, female gender thing, how they are and we are different. The woman's best way of working on her husband is to be an example of godliness in his submission. When that's when we talk about submission doesn't mean woman make me a sandwich.

She says, yes, Lord. And that's not we're talking about. But she's in submission to his headship in his position as the head of the house. And a lot of women don't understand that.

Yeah, I know. Not men all perfect. We could talk about those circumstances. But when a woman does this with her husband, it causes the husband to examine himself in light of the woman. He's married and is there to protect and to help men want to protect their wives. And when the woman becomes submissively vulnerable to the husband, he has the desire then rise up within him to protect her. Even in that relationship, he becomes more gentle. Women don't get this, but women, when they want to be in place of the husband, tell them what to do. And his natural inclination is to resist against that and then there's problems. He says that they be won as they observe your chaste and respectful behavior. Dormant must not merely be external, braiding the hair, wearing gold, jewelry, putting on dresses.

That's not to say you can't do that. It's just not merely for that. But let it be the hidden person of the heart with an imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God. And not all women know about that verse, 1 Peter 3, 4.

The imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit. And let's just say that women need to work on that. And they do. All right?

Do men get to work on their stuff? Yes, we do. Okay. But nevertheless, there's other issues.

We'll get through this. For in the same way, in former times, the holy women also who hoped in God used to adorn themselves being submissive to their own husbands, just as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him Lord. So here's a question. Would any of you wives call your husband Lord? Now, notice what Peter is doing. He is talking about marriage and wives and all of this and said be submissive. And Sarah called Abraham Lord. Now, she's not the Lord the way Jesus is Lord, but she was respecting his position as that one called by God in that position, and she called him Lord.

So let me tell you. Now, this is an odd thing to say, but it's right there in 1 Peter 3.6. If this is the example that Peter has given in the issue of women in relationship to their husbands, then why is it so many women say, no way I would do that? And yet they're Christians, and they don't want to submit to that lordship.

That means they're in rebellion. And if we'll get back to the break, I'll finish up that little thought, means about that lordship, and then we'll get to the callers. We have four open lines, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. All right, I'm going to finish up on this issue of 1 Peter and say a few things. And incidentally, I'm thinking about doing an online conference where I teach this and go through a PowerPoint presentation, and people sign up, and they have homework if they want to participate. It will probably cost an entrance fee and things like this so that married people can take it more seriously.

But I'm going to continue on this. Just as Sarah called Abraham Lord, and I've taught this before, this is something that is so rarely ever presented in marriage counseling, the idea of the woman's responsibility before the man. Now, we know what the man is supposed to do, love his wife, and there's a whole bunch of stuff, and I'm not negating that because that's a whole other issue. But this issue about the woman here, I'm just going to focus on a little bit because we're talking about this out of 1 Corinthians 11, about the headship that the woman is under. And when we get to this issue, just as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him Lord.

When I've taught this with groups of men around and have asked men, would you like to have your wife call you that in a respectful manner, not a mocking, teasing way, but the way that Abraham was called Lord by his wife, unanimously, they always say no. And when I ask the women, why do you think that is, they don't get the right answer. They generally don't know why. And I talk to the men and say, why is it, men?

And they say, because then we've got to live it. People don't understand that you rise or lower to the standard that is expected of you. Generally, if a woman gets out of a man's way, he'll accomplish more. Now, what I mean by that is if she disrespects him, disrespects his work around the house or his work around the job or his friendships, and she's ridiculing him either publicly or very much privately, there's a difference between ridicule and constructive criticism.

But if she were to do that, what will generally happen is he will withdraw from those activities, particularly if you're around. And some of you women may notice that, that your husbands have become, let's just say, less strong, less confident, less this, less that. They're not where you want them to be.

You have to ask yourself, are you partly the reason that that's the case? Because are you being submissive in an obedient way to the lordship of his position as a man in the house and then in a mission, in a manner of adorning with chaste behavior and loving way and a quiet heart. And men need this in respect. They need affirmation a lot. And a lot of times women don't. They don't affirm their husbands. They just say, yeah, thank you, that, blah, blah, blah.

And they're done. And women need to be told that they are loved frequently and shown that they're loved frequently. Men need to be told that they're respected frequently and shown that respect frequently. And that's what needs to happen. And so this kind of a thing is a dynamic in marriage that needs to be understood from the female side.

And it's a concept. Women, if you consider your husband lord of the house and you treat him that way, he'll generally, not everyone, but generally the Christian man will rise to that occasion and you'll see him stumble along the way as he moves up that mountain because he's not sure how to do it in a lot of ways. And if you ridicule him on the way up, he won't go any further. You have to understand that. And the woman's job is to be a helpmate for the husband, not a hindrance. And, of course, we know if he's a bad husband, what if this. Those are another topic in how we handle those. But this is the normative basics of what it is.

We're supposed to be in a Christian context. So I thought I would give that out. If you're interested, just because I've been saying this, if you're interested in me doing a seminar on this online with sign-ups and stuff, let me know. And email me at info at and say, yes, I'm interested, because if enough people are, I might set it up. And if enough people will do it, I will. If people don't, I won't.

I don't waste my time on it. All right, let's get to Joe from High Point. Right when I clicked on Put Him On, we lost him. So I hope I didn't hit the wrong button.

That's always possible. If I did, call right back. We'll get you on top there. Let's get to Lee from Charlotte, North Carolina. Lee, welcome. You're on the air. Hello, Nan. Hi. When will this happen, about the seven women to one Nan?

Can you explain it? Because I heard it would be during the thousand years. I'm not familiar with that. Let's see. Seven. Would you have a reference for that? I think it's supposed to be in Ezekiel.

Ezekiel. Let me see. It was recorded just a few minutes ago. But it says seven women to one Nan. Well, let's see if I can find it. Because I would like to know the exact 70 elders, seventh year, looking through Ezekiel on the word seven, seventh month, seven years, seventh month. I'm still going looking for seven steps, steps, cubits, 70 cubits, seven days, seven days.

Wow. I'm not finding it. And I'm still looking as we're talking.

Seven bulls, rams, days. Let's see. I can do a search for it. It's in there, but I can't seem to find it right now.

Well, you know, it does happen. Let me do this. Seven women. Maybe someone knows. Oh, it's Isaiah 4-4. Someone is putting it up there.

Hey, thanks, Carm Video. Let's see. Isaiah 4-4. That's awesome. All right. Let's see. It doesn't say that, though. Isaiah 4-4. Well, okay. I'm going to read the context here and see if we can make sense of this.

Oh, it's in Isaiah 4-1. For seven women will take hold of one man in that day. Well, then you'll have to look at what that day is. I'm sorry, what? They said it's going to be in the millennium when they'll have all these women. Well, maybe. That's one of the views. But I have not studied this in that context of the millennium for a long time. Isn't that adults?

I'm sorry? Wouldn't that be adults who would have all those wives in the crisis ruling? It doesn't say wives. It says women. So we've got to be careful that we don't insert into something that's not there. It says for seven women will take hold of one man in that day saying we will eat our own bread, we'll wear our own clothes, only let us be called by your name.

That does imply marriage. Take away our reproach. I'd have to research that and see what it's saying because I don't know off the top of my head. Okay. Okay. I appreciate it. Yeah, it's interesting.

I'll have to check it out. It's a prophecy and it's a rebellion of God's people. It's right there. Yeah, we're talking about Israel. Yeah. Yeah.

And Zion and talk. Yeah, I'd have to look at it. Okay.

I'll top my head. I couldn't tell you. Okay, thank you.

Because Judah's women are denounced and I think it's prophetic of that. Okay, well anyway, I'm going to check it out. I'll have to research after the show when I get more time. Okay. But thanks. Okay. Okay, bye. If you want to give me a call, four open lines, 877-207-2276. Man, they are dropping.

That was a question on the reprobate mind out of, let's see, out of Romans 1, 28. If you want to give me a call, folks, wide open lines, give me a call, 877-207-2276. And let's see, let's see, let's see. You did better than the rest. Okay, good. Yeah. Some people say, as you're reading the text, a way to a man's heart, it reminded me, is through the stomach.

A way to a man's heart is through respect. And I'll tell you, what a world of difference. Hey, we have four open lines. Why don't you give me a call? We'll get back after the break. 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. All right, we have four open lines, give me a call, 877-207-2276. And during the break, I read the context of Isaiah 4 and figured it out. And it says, seven women will take hold of one man in that day. That's in reference back to Isaiah 3, 24 through 26. It's talking about battle, talking about war. And as it goes on, just before that, it was talking about the women who were more concerned with their adornment, their bracelets, their veils, headdresses, ankle chains, sashes, perfume boxes, amulets, finger rolls, nose rings.

This is what it says in the stuff there before. And it'll come about in that day that their men are going to die. And for 71, we'll take hold of one man in that day saying, so the men are going to be killed off in the battle, and they're going to be desperate for husbands, and that's what's going on. Take away our reproach because they're not married. A woman who was not married in that culture, it was a sign of the reproach of the Lord. Now, not having been provided a husband by which they could have children and then be considered blessed. So because they were more involved in their particular looks, self-adornment, and things like that, they're going to be judged. And part of the judgment was upon the people of Israel at that time.

And according to Isaiah 3, 24 through 26 about the battle that was there, and that's what it's referring to, it's not about the millennium. See, read in context, didn't make sense. Let's get to Joe from North Carolina. Joe, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Matt, how are you? I'm doing fine, buddy. What have you got, man?

Awesome. Listen, I'm hoping I can ask this question properly. My friend and I were having a discussion about a reprobate mind, and being left to your reprobate mind.

And according to her, that if you are a Christian, God would not lead you to a reprobate mind, only to people who are not saved. Right. Is that correct?

Yes. Because notice what it says, you're talking about Romans 1, 28. And the word reprobate is, it's that word adakimos, and it occurs eight times.

I've recently done a little bit of a study on this. So let's just read the context. You'll see what's going on here. Because it's talking in verse 18 of Romans chapter 1 about the unrighteous suppressing the truth of God, because that which is known about God is evident to them in nature. And verse 22, professing to be wise they became fools and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for the image of the form of corruptible man and birds and animals and creatures. Therefore, God, hold on a second.

I need to clear my throat. Therefore, God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity. So there's a sin they commit, and they're given over to it. They exchange the glory of the incorruptible God for the image of the form of a corruptible man. That's not a Christian. Because Christians don't worship the creature. They worship God.

They're not idolaters. Therefore, God gave them over to the lusts of their hearts and their impurity. Then verse 25, for they exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshipped and served the creature rather than the creator who is blessed forever.

Amen. Obviously, it's not talking about Christians. Verse 26, for this reason, God gave them over to degrading passions. For their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural. The natural function is with the man. And that means lesbianism here that they're committing. And in the same way, also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another.

Men committing indecent acts and receiving their own persons that do penalty of their error. And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind. Obviously, it's not talking about Christians. We're practicing on... Yeah, our discussion... Go ahead.

No, you go ahead. Our discussion, mine and hers were more about people who have backslidden and God was always trying to pull you back and pull you back and pull you back. And the more we pushed away, you know, and I was saying, well, you know, if you keep messing around, that's a dangerous place to be because you can be left to reprobate.

He won't pull on you anymore. And she said that's not true because if you're born again, he will always continue to pull on you. Yeah, Hebrews 10-5 says he will never leave you, he will never leave you or forsake you. Jesus says he can never lose anyone. And the reason, he says that in John 6, 37 through 40, where he says all that the Father has given me will come to me.

And the one who comes to me certainly will not cast out. But this is the will of him who sent me, that of all that he has given me, I lose none, but raise it upon the last day. So Jesus is saying that he won't lose any. In 1 John 2, 19, it says they went out from us because they never were of us.

If they had been of us, they would have remained. So there's true conversion and false conversion. So he's talking about depraved mind here. He's talking about giving people who are committing homosexual acts and also in idolatrous things, they're the ones giving over to it. It's a judgment.

And so she's right. Christians can't be given over to a depraved mind because that would mean then that they are not as saying fit to acknowledge God any longer. Now, can an unbeliever, excuse me, because he's talking generically about the Jews, the Gentiles, this whole bit, Romans 1 context is really interesting. You know, they are the unbelievers. They're the ones who are suppressing the truth of God in their unrighteousness, Romans 1, 18.

It says the creation of the world and the little attributes of God are known. And they're suppressing all of that. They're not honoring God.

That's not a believer. Okay. All right. All right.

Well, thank you very much for clarifying that for me, Matt. And just to let you know, I thoroughly enjoy your show. And thank you very much.

Well, thank you for thoroughly enjoying the show. I appreciate that. All right. You're very welcome. All right. All right. Hey, folks, nobody's waiting right now.

Why don't you give me a call, 877-207-2276. Now, about Romans 1, 28, just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God anymore. Now, who's the they? The they are the homosexuals, the lesbians, those who are exchanging the natural function of the person of the opposite sex. This is a strict and powerful condemnation of homosexuality in the New Testament.

Now, I'm going to read this. And you have to understand something. This is the word of God. And Isaiah 5-20 says, beware of those who make evil good and good evil.

This is exactly what's happening in our world today. Just as they, those who are guilty of sexual immorality in the case of homosexuality, LGBTQ, and all of that, this is they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer. Now, sometimes they'll say, well, no, we believe in God. You know, the Bible teaches homosexuality is okay.

Nope, it does not. But that's another thing. That's another thing. They did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer. The true, holy, and living God, they don't acknowledge them anymore. God gave them over to a depraved mind to do those things which are not proper, being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice, their gossip, slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful.

Now, there's one more verse I'm going to read before we get to the break. Notice what it's saying here. It's not saying that those who are just the LGBTQ kind of thing are guilty of each one of those. It's the saying that those who are given over to a depraved mind, those are the idolaters, those are the sexual immoral, and that as a group, they are filled with unrighteousness. It doesn't mean that every individual manifests all unrighteousness or all wickedness or greed or evil, but within all of that, there is murder, there is strife, and there is deceit.

And strife and deceit are well entrenched in our media and in our culture about these issues. There's malice, and there's malice from the homosexual community against conservatives. There's malice against these so-called leftist intolerant people who are punishing Christians who will say exactly what I'm saying. They will try and deplatform their online giving.

They'll try and punish them, censor them. They're gossips, slanderers, or haters of God, and they are. They're insolent, they're arrogant because they say they know what moral truth is. They're boastful, hey, pride month, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents without understanding, etc. Now, verse 32, this is the end of the chapter, says, And although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.

Give hearty approval. Now, we have just gone through pride month. What is pride month?

The pride of rebellion against God, the pride of sexual immorality. And Obama put the rainbow flag on the White House symbolizing the head of our nation practicing the very evil that God condemns. What will happen to this nation if this kind of evil and other evils of abortion continue? God is going to judge this nation, and he's going to judge it harshly. And the Christian church largely has lost its salt because salt is a preservative.

It's gone. The Christian church is not preserving America. It's become saltless and is to be cast out. Judgment is coming because of the rebellion of the Christian church against the truth of God and the total rebellion of the unbelievers against the true and holy God. Judgment is coming.

Pray for revival and the repentance of our nation. Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages. Give me a call.

Five open lines. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. Everybody, welcome to the show. Hope you enjoyed that last bit.

Well, I will see how much tolerance the list left has. Chuck from Burlington, North Carolina. Chuck, welcome.

You're on the air. Yes, sir. Salt is a biblical sign. Is that somehow different than the salt we have now? I'm sorry. I'm having trouble understanding you.

Say it again. Okay. Is that different than the salt we have now? No. It's the same. Now, if you or I put salt on the steak that we have, it kind of dissolves into the steak.

Is that right? But we like the way it tastes. Don't try and make a one-to-one analogy about taste to spiritual things and putting it on. Salt was known in that day of being a preservative. They didn't have refrigeration. They didn't have chemical stuff.

So they would salt their meat, and they could then transport it without it decaying, and they could use it for nourishment. So Jesus said in Matthew 5-13, you are the salt of the earth, but if the salt has become tasteless, I mean, it's lost its saltiness, how can it again remain salty? It's no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.

This is what's going to happen to the Christian church here. Yeah. Okay, Matt. Very good. When you said don't make this like that, like in biblical times or wherever, I'm a little bit confused there.

I'm not confused for myself, not with you. I got you. That helps, Matt.

Thanks. All right, man. And also, I'm worried about the way our country is going because Mark Levin pointed out the other night the way our country is going. He said they don't listen to the people at the school board meetings anymore. So the government is stealing its power and is exercising it over us.

They're not being servants of kings or despots. And it's too bad, but like you say, pray for the country. That's the best thing we can do.

Give out the gospel as far as I know. And I would recommend, I'd recommend Mark Levin's book, American Marxism. And I started reading it a couple weeks ago. I would absolutely recommend that people read it. It is brilliant.

He is so good. Yeah. So, yeah, anyway, I'm reading stuff. And we've got to realize, you know, I'm a voice, a small voice.

There are others who are far more capable than I am. Candace Owens is wonderful. Ben Shapiro is great.

Yes, he is. You know, I love, I like to watch Tucker Carlson. I watch Hannity. And I also watch the Wackos on CNN and MSNBC.

Yeah, I call them Wackos because they are. And Fauci, I don't trust, you know, I don't trust it. In fact, I don't trust the CDC anymore. I don't trust most of the news media anymore. I don't trust, I don't trust Biden. I don't trust Kamala Harris. I don't trust Pelosi.

I don't trust them. And our government, one of the things that enrages me is to watch the news reports of how they are letting illegals flood into our country, bringing disease. They are purposely letting in criminals and coming into our country and shipping them into our country. That is damaging our country. Our government is warring against its own populace. Read the Declaration of Independence, folks. Read it.

You'll know what I'm talking about. In my opinion, it's time for the Christians in this country and the Conservatives to rise up. And they first need to rise up in petitioning and they need to rise up and go into the streets. They need to rise up without violence and they need to demand that they have their rights and that the government do what the laws say it's supposed to do.

And they don't do this. And I don't believe the election, my opinion, I don't believe the election was fair. I believe everybody worked to get Trump out.

Not that he was that great, but I don't believe it was fair. I don't trust it. I don't have any trust in our government anymore. I don't have any trust for fairness. I just don't. I understand why they're letting 6,000 illegals a day.

6,000 in the country. Because they're going to vote Democrat because they're socialist and that's why they're fleeing socialist countries and then they come here and then they vote the only way they think. They're giving all this stuff. The Democrats know this. They are purposely doing this to gain power and they're doing it in an illegal way.

How can you trust a crustal? The Democrats, I don't get it. Right, and if any of them are listening, all I got to say to them is, friend, you're doing this just for power, which is only now and it's only for the horizontal, but you better think about eternity because it is true. Check this out. That's right.

Yeah, but I agree with you. They need to, but they don't believe in God, but they don't believe in God and the people who vote Democrat and some who vote Republican, I don't understand why they would vote Democrat. They read something, some research I did in the past few days. The Republican Party was formed largely on an anti-slavery platform. The first Republican Party president was Abraham Lincoln. In 1865, the Republicans passed the 13th Amendment banning slavery. In 1868, Republicans passed the 14th Amendment granting citizenship to former slaves and equal protection under the law.

In 1877, federal troops were removed from the southern states and the era of Reconstruction ended. Democratic controlled southern governments then enacted segregation policies called Jim Crow laws, which effectively disenfranchised blacks and segregated all aspects of society. This is only some of the research I've done. I haven't even gone into the documentation of them promoting KKK and homosexuality. You see, the thing is you've got to read the novel 1984.

The novel 1984 deals with the issue of truth as a commodity that can be restructured and then told to the populace who then believe things contrary to what the facts are. This is exactly what's happening in our culture. This is why YouTube and Facebook and Twitter are penalizing and suspending people who have facts that contradict the leftist agenda. And it's well documented that this happens. It's well documented. Oh, it's misinformation. And yet it turns out this so-called misinformation is verified as being true later on. And they continue to censor people because they're leftists.

They're not interested in the furthering of our country but the radical change of it away from a democratic republic. And this is what we are. I've been studying this a lot and it just makes me mad. I think they must be all ungenerate. It appears to me like they're not safe. No, they're reprobates. You can tell when they war against the Constitution. They break their own laws. Their hypocrisy is there.

Everybody's got to wear masks and then they don't. They vote themselves into bigger pay and benefits. They penalize people who speak against them. These are the people who are in control. How can you trust them?

You can't. And if you lay down and let them continue, they will just steamroll right over your rights. And this is how democratic systems are turned into socialist ones which then fall into communism. And you know what?

If the verse comes to my mind, the meek shall inherit the earth. That's another issue. Okay, we've got to move along.

We've got a lot of callers. Thank you. I appreciate it.

Okay, God bless. Let's get to Nancy from Iowa. Nancy, welcome. You're on the air. Hi, Matt.

I'm so thankful to have you on. We all have relatives that profess to be gay, and living together and actually marrying, quote, unquote. And I want to know what the response should be from us who love them dearly, and especially when they put on Facebook, Love is love. We know there's at least four different types of love. Eros, which is the lustful, and friendship. I forgot what that is. Filet-o. What was that again?

Filet-o is friendship. Oh, okay. Thank you. And so how do we think in our prayers? How do we respond prayerfully for them? Well, what we do is we just lift them up in prayer. You ask God to speak into their hearts, to convict them of their sin, and let holiness fall upon them so that they'd be made aware of their sinfulness in the presence of holiness. And when they come into your contact and your company, don't be so judgmental and condemn it, because that doesn't help. Because what the Bible says in Colossians 4, verses 5 and 6, it says, conduct yourself with wisdom toward outsiders.

Make the most of the opportunity. Let your speech always be with grace as though seasoned with salt so that you may know how you should respond to each person. So in our family, let's just say our family and such, and extended, just our family, there are some issues that are similar to this in my own family. And the people who come over at certain times of the year to celebrate in our extended family, they know that certain things like sleeping in the same room when they're not married in our house is not permitted, because it's unholy and it's not going to happen. But they are welcome to, you know, they can get their own place to stay, and then they're welcome to come here for dinner and Christmas and things like that, not a problem. And that's it.

They know we're not going to support their sin, but we're loving them at the same time, and they understand that we're not trying to be judgmental, but we have to answer to our Lord. Yeah, we have one. It works. Go ahead. Thank you for that. I'm glad you mentioned that, because we had a heterosexual couple that are not married.

She's very disenchanted with relationships, but she's been with this woman for several years, and then I talked to her parents who are Christ followers, and they said, well, they've been living together for three years, so they didn't leave me any. Okay, you ask for, you know, honor in your house. Right. And I regret that I disillusioned them in thinking that this was an okay thing to do. It's not.

It is not okay for a Christian, parents who own the house, et cetera, to have relatives come in who are not married and stay there and live there in cohabitation and sin in their own home. That is wrong for the people to do. They should not do that.

They can't do that. I'm glad you said that. I know that I've had conversations with other family, and it just hurts me that I fell down there. Well, you know, we all make mistakes, and I certainly have. I've got a lot I'm regretting. But we learn, and we just move forward and say, Lord, thank you for revealing the truth to me, and I just want to move forward and tell me how to be loving. And I've got plenty of stories I got about, you know, transsexual coming over our house, and we let that transsexual spend the night and enjoy Christmas with us. And stuff, you know?

We try to be as loving as possible without supporting their sin. And it's tough to do sometimes. But there's the music. We're out of time, okay? Let it go, all right?

Okay. All right, God bless Nancy. Hey, everybody, by God's grace, we're back on there tomorrow.

And yeah, I know, I'm controversial. But so is truth, isn't it? Hey, by His grace, we're back on there tomorrow. We'll talk to you then. God bless, bye. Another program powered by the Truth Network.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-09-17 08:04:05 / 2023-09-17 08:22:42 / 19

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