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TUE HR 1 062822

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
June 29, 2022 12:14 am

TUE HR 1 062822

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
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What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Todd Starnes Show
Todd Starnes

The following program is sponsored by What's Right What's Left Ministries and is responsible for its content. Portions of the following program may be pre-recorded. I am Pastor Ernie Sanders, the voice of the Christian Resistance. Stay tuned. My radio broadcast, What's Right What's Left, is coming up right now. Coming to you live from Independence, Ohio.

You changed your life for the better in many different ways. Heard around the world every Monday through Friday. Pastor Sanders is always years ahead of the rest of the media telling you exactly what they're covering up.

This is What's Right What's Left. I tune in every chance I get to hear exactly what's going on with the voice of the Christian Resistance. Unabashedly cutting through the rhetoric by exposing the hard topics facing our society and world.

A lot of the other news media don't pick up the news items like he does. And bring into light the enemies of freedom who are out to steal your rights, your children, and enslaving you. You really get the truth out. I can tune into your show and hear the unvarnished truth.

Thank you. This is What's Right What's Left with Pastor Ernie Sanders. Good evening and welcome to another edition of What's Right What's Left. I'm Radio Pastor Ernie Sanders and indeed this is the voice of the Christian Resistance on well and this is the 28th day of June.

Well summer's moving by pretty fast. 2022 and we have a lot I mean a lot to get to tonight. So again we have courageous crate on the board. Good evening everybody. And we out yonder we have Pastor Joe Larson. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. Amen. Glad to be with you.

Alrighty. Joe we have a lot to cover again tonight. We are the voice of the Christian Resistance out there and boy I've been watching oh I've been watching the Liars Club Joe. The Liars Club better known as the Select Committee on January 6th hearing. Wow these you know people understood really knew you know this thing is actually being produced by a television producer. He's producing this is this is a movie it's not real.

It's it's fictional and these people are lying you know and they caught they caught this Cassidy Hutchinson. She lied about President Trump. You know what he was doing. See he was in the back of his limousine and Joe and and he decided he wanted to go over there to the Congress and they said no.

So he he reached his hands all the way up probably about eight ten feet. He reached those long arms up and he grabbed hold that steering wheel and then what happened the Secret Service said you can't do that and and they got into a fight with with Trump and and it took two of them just just a new Trump after he reached all the way up with those long 12 10 10 12 foot long arms okay. But here's the funny thing about it Trump and the two Secret Service men don't remember anything like that happened at all and and no and so only Cassidy Hutchinson knew all about that. Well it was the uh the main uh Secret Service man and the driver uh the one gentleman knew Trump he was the main security agent for Trump. I mean he knew Trump better than anybody. He was there and the driver and they both say he did not lunge at the wheel did not assault him and attempt to go to the Capitol and they said they are willing to testify. Yeah they won't testify there though they won't hear that there if they get up there they will be told you know you're going here's what you're going to say or bad things going to happen to you you know I mean I know they're Secret Service agents uh remember you've got a family out there or you know this and that they'll find that that that so-called uh select committee is so crooked they're so crooked and and I'll Joe if you were to be able to lock them down and put them all on trial and try to find witnesses that any of them there had ever told the truth about anything it would be very hard very hard and so but we got to get into our to the truth we have one perfect source of truth but by the by God's grace in this day and age where lying seems to be the the public pastime out there we've got God's word which is pure truth and that's what it says it says it's the pure truth truth and so let's start tonight and remember the title of message was the seed of the serpent yep the seed of the serpent enemies of Christ in his church and that's what these people are that's what these death regrets are they're the seeds of the serpent this how do you know what God's word the bible by the fruits they bear by the they're convicted by you judge by the fruit good or evil right right and they're so they are found blood guilty blood guilty uh I mean really blood guilty they hate life God said I have set before you life and death so blessing and courtesy choose life they choose death death so let's start in first Corinthians chapter six read verses one all the way through eight one through eight dare any of you having a matter against another go to law before the unjust and not before the saints do you not know that the saint shall judge the world and if the world shall be judged by you are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters know ye not that we shall judge angels how much more things that pertain to this life if then you have judgments of things pertaining to this life set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church I speak to your shame it is so that there is not a wise man among you no not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren but brother goeth to law with brother and that before the unbelievers now therefore there is utterly a fault among you because you go to law one with another why do you not rather take wrong why do you not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded may you do wrong and defraud and that your brethren all right so the inhabitants of Corinth were Greeks Joe and what was it that they prided themselves in oh the Greek in their philosophy and their rhetoric and their many gods said a couple of things but their intellect is probably so they they would go to they would gather at a pavilion they would one would get up and they would wax eloquently they would uh you know again they would get out and they'd give these long speeches trying to impress each other this was their pastime and so here now Paul comes in and he he kind of uh well he kind of insults a little bit here so he says dare any of you having a matter against another go to law before the unjust and not before the saints no Joe does that apply for today it sure does it still applies today God's word doesn't change does it no it doesn't no we have the ecclesiastical council when we need it we use it okay right and we have that with people I don't think out there really have any idea what you're talking about pastor well I've asked questions and they look at me with doing the headlight eyes ecclesiastical what that's the ecclesiastical consult and what it is is we we use biblical law and here we also use church polity now what we do if the people that have a matter let's say they I have two brothers come to me and one is accused the other of stealing from whatever and so we sat down and you know I discussed this with them and I tell them if you do you want it if you take this before the heathen courts guess who's gonna profit the heathen courts you know now here if you want to go before the council now they go before the council they sign a petition they petition each one to come before the council and the council hears the matters and then they agree that to us to abide by the decision of the council right and so the decision is made strictly not upon man's wisdom or knowledge but by the word of God strictly on God's word and you know what uh we've and all of the time that we've done that we've only had one person that that after they had agreed decided and it was a woman that she she changed her mind and I and she was never saved to begin with especially when it comes to matters of marriage and right she didn't get the answer she wanted and she was going to just keep going until she got the answer she wanted yeah and so here well a lot of times what what they're involved in you know the bible says make sure you're what your sin will find you out and so what happens is a lot of times the people are involved in you know extramarital affairs and infidelity and so they want and some of them I mean just unbelievable the what you'll hear from people is I know what the bible teaches but but I I can't uh you know I can't well I can't I can't put up with this anymore I you know in other words instead of saying look let's go God's word the bible has the answers to these marriage problems okay what is the second shortest verse in all scripture oh Jesus saves no the first shortest is Jesus wept Jesus wept okay the second shortest is God hates divorce God hates divorce and so here that's you know one has two two words the other has three words and so here uh you know and that's what God would rather okay the marriage not be divorced he would rather have recompense made and and you know the marriage is saved but that's not always hated you know you're not always able to do that sometimes uh there's irreconcilable differences and then in that case uh now you see if they get married uh in the church without a state license they can only get divorced in the church without a state license right they can't go to the they can't go down to the justice of the peace and get a divorce when it's a real godly wedding right yeah and so we've had that we in fact we have one of those cases already where uh they were married in the church and they they were given a certificate and the certificate of marriage was recognized by Jesus Christ in his church who gave us the institution of marriage god did god did so that's legitimate you know only only the marriage is given in the church are really according to the bible legitimate okay and so not by the state the state really doesn't state has given itself authority that they didn't have the authority to give themselves huh exactly okay so here now that they would rule in place of god and you know get a licensed minister that licensed with the state blah blah blah right yeah and so here he says keeps on going they keep taking and uh never you know realizing what the way god put things out there for them so he says do you not know the saints shall judge the world and if the world should be judged by you are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters and so now what do we always hear from the opposition out there there's a sound bite not unless you be judged yourself yeah so and and of course they'll they always tell you that when they're trying to justify their sin huh right and so here if they were to keep on reading they would find out that the lord Jesus says but when you are but when you do judge judge with righteous judgment so he's not telling them not to judge he's telling them that if if you're going to judge don't hold others up to a higher standard than yourself right and so so here he goes on and he says no you not that you should judge angels how do you think satan felt about that not real happy that's why he'd like to get rid of as many of us as he can fewer believers the fewer there are to judge him so i mean if you were satan you had an intellect that's far far beyond our our intellect compared to his would be you know maybe that of a puppy dog you know uh compared to a genius uh so satan's intellect was far beyond ours his his beauty was far beyond ours his power and authority was far beyond ours uh and so he he looks at us and he and he finds he hears god say you're going to be judged by by these people that were made in my image now satan considered himself equal with god so wouldn't that make him far superior in his mind to us definitely so so he wasn't going to have any part of that was he none no part of it he says so here he goes uh how much more things that pertain to this life if you then have judgments of things pertaining to this life now this is a misunderstood passage right here people misunderstand this set them to judge who are at least esteemed in the church what do you think he meant by that you don't pick out the the popular the richest the wealthiest you pick out the the true believers that uh that are the faithful well there's the application there but he's referring to the babes that the the babes in christ that the new people just recently saved oh yeah okay that's what he's returning so he said let's say he's telling you that a new brand new born again christian is better qualified to judge righteously then then a heathen judge has been on the bench for 30 years and so he goes on uh and he says this if you then have judgments of things pertaining to this life then set them to judge who are least esteemed the church i speak to your shame here you go this is where he gets the greek right it is so that there is not a wise man among you not one shall be able to judge between his brothers but brother go to law with his brother and before the unbelievers now joe according to this to god's word the bible what i have right here according to this word of god okay is what this the so-called judicial system we have today is there any legitimacy at all with this judicial system that we have today not today they took long ago when people put their hand on the bible and swore you know with an oath on their soul uh we had we had some hope of a system but they've thrown god out of the court so it's nothing but man's word anymore and so do you remember back in the old days when the judge would come out he would have a white cloth and he would have the bible opened and he would he would bring the bible and hold that in front of him that's the law right but they've changed that we've we're living in a society today that's totally illegitimate not just in the judicial the government but within the marketplace they are illegitimate and what we'll we'll look at that later on now he says here now the brother go to law with brothers and before unbelievers so when you take a brother into the heathen court who wins the heathen court every time you may you may win a monetary victory but in the way in the end everybody loses except the state the state gets more control over your life and uh power over others and it's ungodly power all right uh i'm not going to mention these but you know there was there was a certain doctor who had died and he had put left everything uh to the church to our church with me is the uh was it the pa what is it's called um uh the power of attorney or whatever and so yeah so here i i had all these things in other words he had debts that had to be paid bills bills but on the other hand he had a lot of uh things you know assets and that but it was and i mean a lot because he was a collector and all of a sudden i had all of this on me and i had to i had to do this and so i went to a friend of mine a good friend who is a judge of a probate court and so what happened was i went to the bank to pay off his his debt his credit cards in that he had at the bank i went there to pay that off and the bank says well we can't take it from you it's got to come through the probate court so i went to this judge because it was and he says do not bring it into this court keep it out of this court if you break it in this court break it in this court the lawyers are going to get the money sure most of it yeah and he said and so i went back to the to the bank and i said look i'm here to pay off the debt and uh if you don't take this fine i'll keep it so you're either going to take it from me right here now or you're not going to get it and they said all right we'll take it you know called their bluff well no i wouldn't i wouldn't i was i was serious i wasn't going to put up with no more of that foolishness okay and well their bluff and yeah we can't take it because it has to go through the court they could take it you're the administrator of the estate and if you had the money to pay the debt they can legally take it there's no conflict there and so being called their bluff they were giving you a runaround well that's the way they do it and because they work with the lawyers in the courts everybody gets a piece of the action okay right and so here we go now he says now uh here why do you not rather take wrong why do you not rather suffer yourselves to be defrauded now you do wrong and defraud and that your brother so here he's saying you're better off we're better off to take the loss than to drag each other inside the healing court you're better off just to suffer what you've had for loss and forgive and go on than to go through all this absolutely now that's the puzzle paul does he usually know what he was talking about he was one of the brighter balls yes he knew what he was talking about all righty didn't i tell you we weren't going to get through a whole lot of this tonight you did but i thought we'd get farther than we got well uh we're up against the break so let's just go to the break and we'll be right back after this through faith in god we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are endowed with inalienable rights of life and precious liberty the pursuit of happiness on these we now take aim and set our sights like sleeping watchmen on the wall we have failed to heed the signs of usurping foreign powers within our land letting fraud deceit and usury be the curse of these hard times now won't you heed this wake-up call and lend a hand and be a part of the solution and restore our constitution play your part in reclaiming our nation join the second american revolution today in the spirit of our ancestors who refused to live in chains we now must cast our eyes on liberty's light for the blood spilled by our forefather still flows within our veins and we shall not live as slaves without a fight like soldiers we must stand and face this enemy within and do what we must do to seize the time for in order to defend and exercise our liberties we now must place our liberty on the line and be a part of the solution and restore our constitution play your part in reclaiming our nation join the second american revolution today be a part of the solution and restore our constitution play your part in reclaiming our nation join the second american revolution route all those traders right out of our system the second american revolution today and i say hey hey to that what do you think hey i'll go along with you you know what i saw yesterday there's this young lady and she's a real pretty one too her name is carrie lake and she's running for governor in arizona and i think she's gonna get it and so here she took on bret bear now brent bear is a rabbit he i mean he is a rabid anti-trumper uh and here you know and she she really put him to shame she really put him to shame you know because he tries to to come across and look you know fair and balanced he's not fair and balanced and let me tell you his face turned red and i watched him grimace as he knew he got caught because he's been one of those and the the leaders that tried to convince us that there was no election fraud that's that's anti-trumper and he like you said he's really a rhino in disguise he's a weasel yeah he's a weasel anyhow so hats off to carrie lake she really she really she's yeah boy she she gave it what he she gave him what he needed i'll tell you praise the good lord for that anyhow we have a whole lot of things happening and major corporations joe major corporations cover travel costs for employees seeking building babies that janet sheldon says look abortion is good for the economy if you're pregnant kill it and go back to work this is evil these people are evil these these corporations and by the way folks we're going to try to get a list we're going to try to get a list of of all those and get them in our newsletter joe if you can work on that for me and i'm going to put some other people on it too but but one dick's sporting goods in other words they'll pay four thousand they won't pay four thousand dollars to save a baby but they'll pay four thousand to kill one dick's sporting goods in fact joe we need to pray and a precatory prayer tonight and and i and i really would hope that the people out there i really would hope the people out there would join us in praying in a precatory prayer against dick's sporting goods and apple and starbucks and and i'm going to give you a list of a few of them i'm not going to go through the whole list because a lot of these i've never even heard of but uh just just quickly these are the ones and maybe you might want and maybe you might want to write them down uh and that again is starbucks dick's sporting goods apple alaska airlines uh amalgamated bank amazon airbnb uh bloomberg yeah especially bloomberg we we've had our run-ins with him haven't we we have bumble i've never heard of bumble there's a bunch of that new stuff that uh unless you're into technology we don't have and not amazon the company but amazon the employees they came out wrote a big letter they want amazon to quit doing business in any state that uh accepts the uh overturn of roe v wade and stop doing business and they want to stop doing business in any states that ban abortion and i thought that's great if they don't want to do that uh want to lose half of america the company likely will not last long but i thought that was interesting the company the employees are trying to tell the administrators how to run the company well you remember facebook it looks like they may be going into bankruptcy uh they got found out you know so and you know their discrimination against so many people uh they've done it to themselves okay also you've got city group disney go daddy goldman sachs gucci hewitt packer croger uh levi straus metta microsoft southwest airlines tesla that's a tesla isn't that owned by uh what's his name yeah uh-huh well you know that really surprises me because he's he's going the other direction i'm wondering if this uh uh i've never heard ticked are you a tick tock yelp uber and united airlines this is just a few no here folks just say well uh what if i what if i you know i can't you know my my my dad works at croger or uh you know my sister works at levi straus and and well here's the thing folks there you can uh if you you will go against and and boycott any of the ones as many as you can i don't care who you are probably 90 of what's on these lists we can send you can you can boycott without without defending any of your family or hurting any of the finances because i know there are people that say pastor i work there what am i going to do i need my job right or and so so on and so forth but even with that you can you can boycott all the rest of the list so we'll try to get a list together joe if you would and so we can mail it out uh and we'll just do it now i can tell you right now i would boycott united airlines uber uh just about everything i've read on this list i will boycott especially you can there's other people make blue jeans besides levi straus so you can you find a good pair of jeans somebody else makes so yeah and i i doubt you and i will people should be keeping their children off the tick tock anyway they shouldn't be going on that organization at all absolutely and i doubt that you and i will ever purchase anything from gucci huh who yeah yeah yeah i don't wear some homo sodomites name on my yeah clothing well it's going to be easy not to go to dick's sporting goods uh folks and uh starbucks i would never go to starbucks that's a known hangout for sodomites isn't it that's what it sounds like they had coffee cups praising them and glorifying so yeah i would say i i haven't gone there for a long time since we you know since they were doing that uh promoting that and knocking christians so a good christian wouldn't go to starbucks i don't care what the coffee tastes like i want to go hats off to justice clarence thomas i would say he is the best well he's a by far yeah he is a brave man a lot big part of the world hates him and he just sticks to his guns and what he he's telling the truth he's following the constitution and uh and they go after him because of his race and his intellect and his beliefs so well here's what he says family has to be supportive and brave too because they're taking a risk justice thompson says scotus should revisit rulings on same-sex marriage sodomy conception uh he's going down uh transgenderism he's going down and he's absolutely right these things all of these things are offensive to god extremely yeah extremely and they're remember the founding fathers said all our institutions of law and government are based upon the ten commandments of god and the teachings in the new testament well what is the new testament the gospel of jesus christ so there you have it all our institutions of government and law were based on ten commandments and the gospel which is basically the christian religion right put together well you can't get any clearer than that i don't think i mean they made it quite clear quite simple and if you don't like it uh go go go to another country where they don't do that well you're right and of course we're we understand you and i understand because according to uh second uh second first corinthians chapter two starting with verse 14 we we have the mind of god we understand uh why things are the way they are we understand the times we're living in okay we understand the signs of the times the world out there is clueless they are clueless and here and the ironic thing i always i hear these people that are angry they're angry at the god they that they say doesn't exist even though they say he doesn't exist uh they're angry at him and you see like when you had these heathen why did the heathen rage we talked about uh these people that are out there marching they're depraved by god's word oh the pictures the faces of rage and anger the screaming the hysterics i mean the ugliness all you have to do is look at a few of the shots and some of these people just the extreme emotion there's no logic there's no reason there it is pure emotion pure hate that's why the left always tries to use emotion they never use language they never use truth they don't debate their issues and win they always have to come up with an emotional appeal to people and that's why the minute there's like a shooting we've got to get rid of guns you've got a strike called the iron is hot the people are upset crying over something and they can pass something before people have time to calmly sit down and look and go oh well all these laws wouldn't have stopped this shooting from taking place and you know wouldn't have solved things so why do them but by that time they've gotten taken away our freedoms gotten more and more control and that's how they work they always work that way well you know there's things are never the way they seem to be and this whole thing uh i'm absolutely convinced that this the the idea that they dropped a dime so that this whoever this person was this leaker uh within the court i got a feeling it was done well i know it was done purposely because they want they needed something the rage of the heathen they needed the rage of the heathen to take the people's eyes off of the economy uh well they also thought they could intimidate some of the judges but it didn't work well you know i thought they were going to do that are surprised i tell you what i i didn't i thought they would too i figured there was only going to be two of them um that would that would not be intimidated and of course i was wrong i was wrong i mean i'm glad i was wrong but uh here i thought it was me thomas and lita and that was it that those are the only two i thought the others would buckle but they didn't and i was really surprised at roberts okay because you know we're so used to being betrayed well he tried to like i said he he there was several articles where he was trying to convince them to go easy and just do gradually go there and the other six just ignored him didn't listen and did what was right and i think in the end he had to go and follow the others or he would have really looked horrible this time so the other five yeah yeah absolutely well let's go back to justice thomas unleashes hell on gut-grabbing liberals on thursday the supreme court ruled and he goes on six to three to invalidate constitutional gun control measures in his occurrence judge concurrence judge tom thomas illuminated the doubt standard many people have for gun rights when compared to other constitutional rights by the way joe did you know we mentioned that to the day 2.5 million it was 2.5 millions were saved last year by people that had guns because they because they were armed they were able to protect themselves and then a tremendous amount of people lives saved properties saved and yet i didn't hear anything like that on any of the major media did you and we follow this stuff quite well no that's why we're here because they're sure didn't have it on fox news right right the constitutional right to keep arms in public for self-defense reasons is not a second class right which is subject to the distinct body of rules that the other bill of rights are not thomas wrote the use of our constitutional freedoms does not force people to show government officials a special need the freedom and the right to carry weapons in public for self-defense is no different and new york's proper cause requirement breaks the 14th amendment by stopping law-abiding citizens with legitimate self-defense needs from using their right to bear arms in public according to thomas the text of the second amendment and neither distinguishes between homes public places with respect to the right to keep and bear arms nor does it define bear furthermore the second amendment guarantees as citizens individual right to possess and carry weapons in case of confrontation and such encounters can occur outside the home and so there and so there you go and so kidding you can run into bad guys outside your home oh yeah they're ever new and so here again uh praise the good lord for somebody like him we've got one guy there that that stands head and shoulders above the rest i think where it comes so he's worked with uh very little right yeah he always works with a remnant he always works with everyone's value just uses one person like noah and uh you know moses there's several you know things through scripture he doesn't uh go in for overwhelming nods he works with very little and still achieves his will yep here's an article joe how america ends this is an article by mike adams uh he says putin announces new bricks global reserve currency uh project to replace the petrodollar you know russian economy is is soaring right now did you know that yes it's booming the russian uh ruble is way up they're uh flush with money and right now they don't need to borrow from any of the other countries they're doing quite well thank you so a lot of the stuff that biden's trying to do to russia is not working at all now in a rush up you know putin not you know putin has not been a what you would consider uh a model citizen by any means i mean he's like like hillary uh his enemies seem to have to seem to uh well become room temperature now but putin and i heard him talking about it they're pushing in there uh they're they've got more freedoms than we do okay uh when it comes to when it comes to well sodomy sodomy there remember joe for six thousand years sodomy was a sin wasn't it yes it's every major country in the world well if you go back to sodom and gomorrah we've got quite a precedent don't we i think i'd made a large statement on the face of the earth they said you can see or god struck sodom and gomorrah from the space station you can still see the damage well you can take a look at uh in russia lgbt is a criminal offense you go to jail if you're if you're a sodomite and you openly come out you go to jail also putin is trying to uh stop outlaw abortion completely okay uh and it's potent only in there they only recognize marriage in russia between a man and a woman and the marriage needs to be recognized by the church church yeah some ways are way ahead of us well so soon we have now soon we have now become the evil empire haven't we in a lot of ways we certainly have well we're in the middle of a revolution and i keep saying that because maybe people will wake up and start to fight uh too many people i've talked to you i hear all the time oh the news is so bad i just i don't listen i don't pay any attention i don't need to know i just uh you know we do something else just ignore the news and go on about our life and and uh that's kind of like that whole idea the ostrich putting your head in the sand what you don't know can't hurt you and we all know that that is very very untrue but i think it's a case of people not wanting to have to spend time or money or effort or put up with some unpleasantries to take a stand they'd rather just take the coward's way out and uh ignore like nothing's happening but uh i think underneath i think somebody else will fix the problem for them well you know they say when it comes to this ignorance and apathy i don't really know anything about it and i really don't care don't care right exactly and so here so here he goes on to say although the biggest news of the week is undoubtedly the supreme court overturning roe v wade there's another bombshell that quietly broke a couple days ago one that will have a vastly more profound devastating consequences on the world than any decision coming from scotus russian president valdemar putin announced that the bricks nation are going to roll out a new alternative to the u.s dollar global reserve currency reported by india times you know here joe a lot of people out there are under the impression because of the the fake news media it's the fake news media that joe biden you know that he is leading the west all the france and england and ireland and all of these against russia russia's isolated russia's isolated in all the countries of the world but russia has a lot of a lot of a lot of countries china north korea iran syria saudi arabia all of these are they're supporting russia uh india yeah india and they're supporting russia and so now what's going to happen thanks to mr biden biden did what obama was not able to do and that was totally destroy america reduce it to a third world nation by the way those 46 people that were that died that horrible horrible death that died that horrible death in the back of that semi when they were abandoned 50 now isn't it i i don't know it was 46 that i i found but i thought it was i thought they said 46 but anyhow uh i wrote it down back here some places where the blood is on biden's hands right that yep him and he can't shirk it because his policies are pushing this kind of thing and although somebody else is responsible he set the environment and when you set up the environment and invite people to come the blood's on him he's a wicked man he's a very wicked man you're right according to the russia president the member states are also developing reliable alternative the mechanisms for international payments earlier the group said that it's working on setting up a joint payment network to cut reliance on the western financial system the brit countries have also been boosting the use of local currencies in mutual trade but this is only the beginning of the bombshell here we mentioned that yeah a long time ago that this was coming they were working on it they were angry and that they would eventually come up with this currency and use it okay he goes on to say we also know that from industry sources the project sandman refers to a group of over 100 countries that plan to simultaneously denounce the u.s dollar as global reserve currency and this will likely take place uh sometime soon here uh usa time well he says possibly even this sunday uh and according to andy secman the ceo of miles franklin a golden silver dealer so there you go well we'll see what happens you mentioned something a second ago tick tock came up on a couple of things um and we talked about the border problem well the pentagon according to world news daily may be using tick tock and what they're doing and they are trying looking at getting illegal immigrants to solve the recruiting problems in our military right now the armed forces are not doing well on recruiting the army has hit only 40 of its annual goal nine months into the physical year and uh you know they've been lowering the standards lowering the amount for the uh manpower lowering the number of men in the military but they can't get people to join anymore so what they are doing they are looking at intensifying efforts to recruit these daca recipients you know the children of the illegals that uh the biden administration gave the authority to live and work and they'll probably do something with you serve and you can get step up for citizenship but uh so because we can't find enough good men to join the army navy marines and air force coast guard we are going to be offering these positions to the deferred action for childhood arrival the daca recipients to fill the ranks in our military in other words we're going to try and do like russia was doing with its conscript soldiers and that hasn't worked out very well for russia and in my opinion i don't think it'll work out very well for the united states pastor well joe i don't know why people don't want to join i mean you can get drag queens you can get drag queens you you get talked about how uh being uh learning about transgender and you also get uh the critical race theory knowing that if you're a white white person you should be ashamed of being white in the military there and and not only that but you get to get as many as four of the kill shots okay and so but they don't understand the shots you get thrown out right it's well lose your retirement you can lose your medical they only they're they're really just usually the officers uh and again there's another case right now i guess in the air force uh but they the officers they want to throw out but uh they they can't keep throwing the enlisted men out because they don't have enough so what they do is they they won't let them uh they restrict their activities their deployment they try to punish them right which will mean that they won't retain them and they'll drop out we're losing all our good people they're leading uh and or guess what across they've changed the basic training now the basic training in the military and all branches of the service they're going to be focused on mentoring they are going to quit yelling quit putting pressure on the trainees and the drill sergeant will be your friend your coach your mentor talk you through it help you when you get scared they'll uh you know hugs and kind words and uh they'll encourage you um basically just the opposite of what you know all the special forces navy lerps rangers uh you know green berets any of the elite outfits uh it's totally the opposite of anything they do to get the best soldiers in soldiers in the world so uh remember back uh quite a few years ago where they had these little cards at basic training they could hold up and i need a you know i'm under pressure or what they call them uh you could show the drill sergeant your card and they had to give you 15 minutes to get yourself together uh you know because the pressure is too intense and we used to joke i could just see a and now i'm holding up a little card hey mr charlie sir i'm getting a little you know uptight here i'm a little scared i need a 15-minute break it's just they they are destroying our military they are doing everything possible to bring america down and i just hope that people are beginning to see what they are doing they are trying to destroy the church the constitution the military our form of government our economic system there isn't anything they aren't trying to turn upside down inside out and create a communist state with why do they then rage they rage because they hate god they they hate any everything that is good clean decent and honest and that's why the heathen are raging and and the heathen think that somehow uh they can cut themselves away from god and not have to not have to be accountable uh boy they're in in for root awakening we're going to be uh going to a break and then we're going to hear from colonel richard black again the second part of of what we heard yesterday folks so listen carefully we'll be back right after this don't go away more to come a whole lot more thank you for listening to what's right what's left the voice of the Christian resistance to support this ministry head to that's mail your donations to what's right what's left ministries 14 781 Sperry road Newberry Ohio 44065 if you missed part of tonight's program you can check out the podcast at the word the word once again thank you for listening and supporting what's right what's left ministries the voice of the christian resistance stay tuned the second hour is coming up next
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-03-29 02:28:32 / 2023-03-29 02:45:55 / 17

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