The Truth Network Radio
Search Results : Olive Tree


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: Olive Tree
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
October 06, 2024
Andrew rsquo s Volkswagen stopped and the guards walked over He prayed as he had many times in the past ldquo God when You were on earth You made blind eyes see Now please make seeing eyes blind rdquo The guards searched the car saying nothing about the Bibles in the luggage Andrew crossed the border taking his cargo to those who couldn rsquo t own a Bible Andrew van der Bijl or Brother Andrew relied on God rsquo s power for the seemingly impossible task God had called him to mdash taking the Scriptures to countries where Christianity was [... more]
Beacon Baptist
Gregory N. Barkman
November 26, 2023
Pastor Greg Barkman speaks from Romans chapter eleven regarding God's plan for the future of national Israel [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
April 06, 2023
Walking through the Scottish National Gallery I was drawn to the strong brushwork and vibrant colors of the Olive Trees painting by Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh Many historians believe the work was inspired by Jesus rsquo experience in the garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives What especially caught my eye were the small red splotches of paint among the ancient olive trees Known as the Mount of Olives because of all the olive trees located on the mountainside Jesus went there to pray on the night that He predicted His disciple Judas would betray Him Jesus was [... more]
Understanding The Times
Jan Markell
January 28, 2022
Jan Markell talks to economist Dan Celia for the hour The Bible suggests that the black horse of the four horsemen represents coming economic turmoil mainly in the Tribulation We are in a run-up to that now The money issues of that time are casting a shadow on the Church Age The new Covid economy doesn't help The Antichrist will wipe out all debt and offer solutions to a desperate world [... more]
Understanding The Times
Jan Markell
January 14, 2022
Jan Markell hosts a health expert Twila Brase and an attorney Marjorie Holsten to talk about Covid chaos One health expert Dr Peter McCullough calls the vaccine the biggest biological disaster in human history Why are truth-tellers called sensational or conspiratorial Hear first-hand stories of Covid abuse and needless deaths happening in hospitals Has it become legal and profitable to let patients die Calling this two-year nightmare a plandemic only draws scorn [... more]
Truth Matters
Dr. Cheryl Davis
November 11, 2021
In Revelation John describes two witnesses John calls them the two olive trees and the two lampstands The witnesses are given power and are prophesying until the are killed After laying dead in the street they are given the breath of God rise up to God on a cloud while their enemies look on You can read the whole description in Revelation Listen along as Dr Davis unfolds more about the two witnesses and how the power of God protects them [... more]
Understanding The Times
Jan Markell
August 20, 2021
Jan Markell first talks to Pete Garcia about The Giant that is visiting cities in It talks and moves and even sings and impersonates famous people What if it morphed into the image of the Beast spoken about in Revelation Then Tim Moore interviews Jan about troubling church issues in a broadcast aired on Christ in Prophecy TV produced by Lamb Lion Ministries [... more]
Cross Reference Radio
Pastor Rick Gaston
December 31, 2020
Pastor Rick teaches from the Book of Judges Judges [... more]
Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
December 01, 2020
Open calls questions and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio Questions include--- - How can you know that God exists--- - Where do people get the argument for female deacons--- - How do we view the law while under the new covenant--- - How does the rebuilding of the temple mentioned in Ezekiel fit in with the end times--- - The lion and the lamb lying down together is that literal or does it have a spiritual meaning--- - Could a single man fill the position of elder- What about divorce--- - What's a good church to go [... more]
Understanding The Times
Jan Markell
September 05, 2020
Jan Markell plays a conference message given by Pastor J D Farag Hope for the Battle Weary If you are struggling in any area we hope this message is encouraging and uplifting We still have DVDs of this conference found in our online store [... more]
Understanding The Times
Jan Markell
September 21, 2019
To support this ministry financially visit https www oneplace com donate [... more]
CBS Sunday Morning
Jane Pauley
March 10, 2019
The crisis of rural medicine care The Pioneer Woman Ree Drummond on food fame and family A pathogen is destroying Italy's olive trees Accidental encounter Confessions of a news junkie Handcrafting books Labors of love See Privacy Policy at https art com privacy and California Privacy Notice at https art com privacy do-not-sell-my-info [... more]
Understanding The Times
Jan Markell
February 02, 2019
To support this ministry financially visit https www oneplace com donate [... more]
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