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The ACC Tournament is underway and there's already been some upsets!

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold
The Truth Network Radio
March 14, 2024 3:23 pm

The ACC Tournament is underway and there's already been some upsets!

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold

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March 14, 2024 3:23 pm

Seth Greenberg on the ACC tournament and what he anticipates for the rest of their Washington visit.

Does NC State have what it takes to beat Duke tonight? How far does he see UNC going in this tournament? Has anything impressed him thus far about NC State and how they’ve been performing in their last two games? Who can Seth see winning the whole ACC tournament, as well as the NCAA tournament?


This is the best of the Adam Gold Show Podcast, brought to you by Coach Pete at Capital Financial Advisory Group.

Visit us at Seth Greenberg, my man, even though Garrett Cole's got a little bit of an elbow problem, he's still in a good mood. I know you're still in a good mood, right? I am. It's the best time of the year, man.

It's getting better. You've got championship week, brackets, two weeks of incredible games, championship game, and then a golf. Look, I thought we might just talk about Rory McIlroy off to a great start at the Players' Championship.

We'll talk Masters another time. Your first game today is Florida State and North Carolina. Just big picture about UNC. I know they're playing for a number one seed.

I get all of that. They'd like to be a number one seed. I'm not sure in the grand scheme of things how important that is, but when you look at the Tar Heels and you think about the next tournament, what has to go right for them to win it all?

Just continue to defend, and to me, I actually got a nice eight, nine man rotation. I thought I was a little concerned about defensively going into the Duke game. They had that one little stretch where they lost like three of six, but I was really impressed with what they did defensively against Duke. They were the tougher, harder playing team. They got up and underneath Duke.

They disrupted their rhythm. They pushed them out, and then they've got matchup problems. I think the one thing you've got to realize, Hubert Davis' team, they've got to have a skill for a man. Harrison Ingham is that guy.

He's a matchup problem. There's no doubt about it. I think Armando is playing with a greater force. He's posting harder.

He's establishing his position. I'm really high on North Carolina. I walked away from that Duke game saying, this is a team that makes a deep run. They play with a force and a sense of urgency that I hadn't seen from them. I think that, look, this time of the year, the temperature gets raised. When the temperature gets raised, I think that's a good thing. I think they're playing the best basketball.

I agree. I'm not worried. I don't care what happens this weekend for the Tar Heels.

I am very bullish on them in the next tournament. I felt that way after the first Duke Carolina game because a team rooted at defense, which is the first time we'd ever been able to say that about a Tar Heel team specifically, where they are built on the defensive end first. Offense comes off of that.

I'm curious your thoughts on this, Seth. The fact that they are an older team, and I'm not trying to make jokes about Cormac Ryan having an AARP card or Armando Bacon being 24. It's just the nature of their roster. Isn't it an advantage to be so much more of a veteran team than almost everybody else?

Yeah, I think it is. If you look at the past NCAA tournaments, freshmen don't impact national championships. Freshmen don't impact Final Fours.

In the last four years, you know what impacts Final Fours? Experience and maturity. Toughness. Guys that basically can get to the next play. Guys that compete at a high level. Freshmen don't understand how to compete at a high level consistently. You want to win the NCAA tournament, you've got to do the tough things consistently. I'll take old guys over young guys when it comes to that.

I agree with you on that as well. You need talent, but Carolina's got both of those. So let me just skip to the first game of the night session, which is the State-Duke game. I know John Shire, after the Carolina game Saturday, talked about a lot of the things that they're not doing to his standard or their standard are within their control. And I think to an extent he's right, but I think North Carolina did all of those things and does all of the things he wanted at a higher level than Duke does. So I'm not sure it's in his control against UNC. I think they need a little help from the Tar Heels, or at least they have to force the Cormac Ryans, Harrison Ingrams, and maybe even the R.J. Davis' into poor shooting nights. When you look at the Blue Devils, is there something missing there?

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Investment advisory services offered by Capital Financial Advisory Group, a North Carolina registered investment advisor. I think that what's missing is that they need Filipowski to play with a greater force. There's no doubt about it. And then in the perimeter, you can't have Tyrus Proctor not be assertive and not be aggressive. Just can't have that. But Filipowski to me is the villain.

And I'm not using villain. I mean, like I look at Kyle Filipowski and, you know, he likes to play the perimeter. You know, you can pick and pop. You know, he can short roll. He can do all those things. You know what he can really do? He can punish you in the paint. Right.

All right. And if he would long roll post up, if he'd come off those cross greens and establish post position, if he would compete harder, you know, to get the ball down low. Now all of a sudden, you've got to double the post. When you've got to double the post, he even scores it.

If you double it, he kicks it out. They make one more. Now they're driving close outs. Now they're making play. So I'd like to see him play with a greater force. I do agree with you that that match up, that match up at four big picture. I like Mark Mitchell, but now he's had two games and, you know, against Carolina, highest level competition where he's disappeared.

Yeah, he's disappeared. Don factor. And by the way, when I speak, I don't care about his numbers. It's how he gets his numbers when he gets his numbers. You know, every team has a leading score.

And there is such things as empty numbers. Yep. And I think that he's had some empty numbers in those in those games. And, you know, it gets Duke.

Yeah. He's had he's had big numbers in both games. And I don't think he's like early in the second half Saturday and Cameron, he was obviously great. And he got that run, helped Duke get back in it and maintain some level of contact with the league.

But ultimately, the game was won by the team that deserved to win it. I've also been told Seth Greenberg is joining us from ESPN. Of course, he's in D.C. where the best conference basketball tournament of all time is being played.

It's the Rose Bowl of basketball is the way I like to call it. NC State, I've been saying this for a few weeks now. I'm not concerned about whether or not they're good enough to be an at-large team, because I thought that cart, that horse had left the barn a while back. But I do think that they needed to use this time to find running mates for D.J.

Horn. Well, the injury to Horn maybe provided the biggest window to that. And Jaden Taylor and Casey Morsell and a couple of other guys have stepped their game up a little bit. Michael O'Connell, did they have enough to beat Duke tonight? They have enough to beat Duke. They got to stay out of foul trouble in their front court. They got to get a pretty good mindset of Middlebrook off the bench. But D.J.

's got to play probably 28 to 30 minutes and he's got to be efficient. And they've got to impose their identity on the game. They've got to do to Duke what Carolina did with their guard play. Get up underneath them, pressure them, disrupt them, and be really physical. Basically send a message. You know, if I'm Kevin Keys, the first few plays, I am flat out getting after the backcourt. I mean physically getting after. You've got to do that now with Horn back. So I would say be really physical. Play through the post.

Without a doubt, early go at Filipowski. Make them guard. Make them guard. And make the game as ugly and physical as possible. Seth Greenberg is joining us from D.C. Alright, I think the best game of the day in D.C. is going to be the second game you'll see. Wake Forest and Pitt. The argument could be made that only one of these teams is going to get an NCAA tournament bid.

My eyeball test, not to channel our friend Dick Vitale. My ball dome index tells me that both of these teams, when I watch them, are good enough to not only be in the NCAA tournament, but to win games in them. They've both got star level players. They both have depth. They both can shoot.

They've got big guards. How do you see this matchup? And do you think either, neither, both will get in?

My gut feeling is only one. I think Wake wins this game. Andrew Carr's got to show up. When he's good, they're very good. The backcourt will be fine. Hildreth, I'm a little worried about his hamstring, but Hildreth and Salas and Miller. Now Miller's got to take good shots.

At times he shoots them in and shoots them out. Efton's got to stay out of foul trouble. I do like this Pitt team. I like when Lowe comes in the game and distributes the ball. Obviously Henson's a match-up problem.

Bubs Carrington could be a match-up problem at times. I like it. It's been really good for him.

But the maturity of this Wake Forest team, I'm kind of leaning towards Wake Forest in a win and getting into the tournament off a win. It's funny. We actually talked to Jason Caple, Pitt assistant, the other day, and he referred to Blake Henson as having unreasonable confidence shooting the basketball. He is one of the more fun players. He celebrated. They won at Cameron, and he stepped up onto the scorer's table and celebrated in front of the Duke fans. Nobody threw anything at him. He threw anything at him. I know.

Really. So where do you stand on court storming, Seth Gray? Have you ever been in a court? You know I've always loved court storming. I've always loved court storming. I'm a little disappointed that we haven't found a way to get kids, guys, off the court safely. I say, give me a one-minute buffer, get the players off the court, storm and have fun. That's my take on it. I'll stick by that. Throwing stuff on the court, though, let me tell you something. I go back to the video on that. I find the students that threw stuff on the court, they lose the privilege because it's a privilege to attend those games.

They lose the privilege to attend a game. That's my take on that. I am 100% with you. All right.

Now, real quick, final thing. From your perspective, these tournaments, they don't carry the same meaning they used to because the NCAA tournament gets bigger and the added emphasis has always been on, not always, but over the last maybe 10 or 15 years, has been on what you do in that tournament, not this one. How do you make this one matter even more?

You don't anymore. With the tournament expanding, this tournament is about tradition and history. That's what it's about. And it's about, for the major conferences, it's about one more opportunity. It's about bringing the whole league together and having a shared experience and celebrating the league and crowning a champion. The one thing about these conference tournaments now is that because of the unbalanced schedule, you're actually getting a little bit of a truer champion because you've got guys playing against each other and single elimination, they're earning their way to a championship. With the unbalanced schedule, your schedule will dictate who has the greatest chance to win a championship.
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