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NCSU Women’s basketball gets a big win vs UCONN

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold
The Truth Network Radio
November 14, 2023 3:13 pm

NCSU Women’s basketball gets a big win vs UCONN

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold

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November 14, 2023 3:13 pm

Wes Moore, NC State Women’s Basketball Head Coach, on their win against UCONN and the upcoming season.

How has the transfer portal changed things, not only for the men but the women? Even if they had lost the game, because it’s easy to get caught up in the scoreboard, but what did Wes learn about the group after watching that game? Plus, Wes is a Texas fan so how does he feel about the Dallas Cowboys? What about his Texas Rangers getting their first World Series win in Rangers history?

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We all know a guy who only occasionally shaves for big occasions. And it's because that occasional shave really hurts. It's the time of year for big occasions and yet there he is, suffering with that cheap drugstore razor. Let's help him out. Henson's Shavings line of razors, built with aerospace precision, deliver a smooth shave your dad, brother, and even son can enjoy.

Eventually. With replacement blades just 10 cents each, you'll buy it once and they'll use it for life. How's that for the perfect gift? Celebrate with 100 free blades on your first purchase and no subscription headaches. slash holiday. And then Sunday came a, for a lot of people, a surprising, very surprising win as NC States women beat Connecticut, number two in the country here in Raleigh. And that was a tremendous, not only a tremendous game and a great win and a surprise, but to a very small extent, maybe, I don't know, revenge is not the right word because you can't make up for 2022 when NC State as the number one seed had to play on the road against Connecticut in the NCAA tournament. Wes Moore is joining us here, NC State's women's coach, and the man on the bench for that one. And the one couple of years ago, it, it didn't do much to recover from 2022, right?

No, you're right, Adam. Obviously it's a great win, but unfortunately it's November, not end of March or April. So, you know, that, that loss, a double overtime to go to the final four is one that'll stick with me forever. And, you know, as a coach, when you lose like that, you think back of a hundred things you wish you would have tried or done differently.

So nothing will ever completely wipe that away. But again, it was a great win for our team, especially we fell down 25 to 16 at the end of the first quarter. And it would have been really easy for them to say, okay, number two team in the country. We got a lot of new players, young team.

It'd have been easy for them to kind of roll over. And so that's why I'm so proud of them. They, you know, just kept battling, showed some resiliency and, and came up with a great win and unbelievable day. Our fans, you know, again, another sellout and it was so loud. I'm already deaf Adam, but that didn't help any, I can tell you, but yeah, I was, it was a great day. Westmore is joining us here on the Adam Gold show Wolfpack beat Connecticut this past Sunday.

Here's the thing. Was there any conversation with Gino Ariemma? And I mean, he had great things to say about your club, but was there any conversation with Gino Ariemma about now he gets to be on the road as the higher seated team?

No, we didn't talk about that. Now I did, uh, obviously after we lost up there in the NCAA tournament, I, I tried to tell him, okay, that was our road game. So now y'all just come to us, but, uh, he, he wasn't buying that, but no, uh, he was very gracious.

Uh, you know, again, what do you say, man? 11, I think 11 national championships and, and just an unbelievable program he's built. And, uh, so he was very gracious about it. Said he, you know, liked our team a lot. You know, he thought we could be better than we were a year ago and, and all those things. So that was a very nice of him. And again, he's always been good to me.

Westmore is joining us here on the Adam Gold show. So the, um, you have a complete, basically a complete new, like roster turnover for them, uh, from the last couple of years, uh, to where we are today. Um, we see this commonly in the men's game.

Is this now part of the women's game too? Well, I think the portals definitely changed things. You know, a year ago we had four or five kids back from the team that had done to the elite aid and, and they had, a lot of them had played a support roles, very key roles, uh, but were coming in off the beach. And then a year ago, that was their time to shine, I guess.

And we added three McDonald's high school, McDonald's, all Americans, uh, out of the portal. And it just didn't for whatever reason, didn't mesh well together on the court. I mean, they got along fine off the court, but on the court, uh, it was just hard, I guess, finding enough playing time for everybody to be honest. So, uh, this year a little different dynamic, as you mentioned, we've got three starters that have only been in the program for one year. So they weren't there when we got beat in the elite eight, uh, and then anyone we bring in off the bench this year, uh, most of them are freshmen, but we do have a one or two portals also. So, uh, that's why I was kind of, you know, leery about here, we are playing a team of so many veterans, uh, such great experience, uh, in the second game, the second game of the season.

So I was definitely questioning my, uh, scheduling, uh, abilities, but, uh, like I said, they covered up for covered up for me. So this is even if you had lost the game, right? So sometimes we can get mesmerized simply by the scoreboard and the scoreboard matters. I mean, you got to win these games, uh, you know, to, to make the, the ultimate impression, but what did you learn about the group given the opponent and all of that?

Yeah. You know, I think first of all, uh, they have a lot of confidence and, uh, you know, again, you go into the game, we're not even ranked going into the game and they're ranked number two in the country. Uh, so, you know, going into the game, you're already, uh, you know, underdog, and then you fall behind like we did. So I, I'm just really, again, excited about the way they didn't back down the way they fought, even the freshmen that went in there, uh, showed me a lot of confidence.

And, uh, so that's encouraging. Now, again, we had some big wins last year. I mean, we won at Iowa, you know, the team that played in the national championship game, uh, you know, we won at Louisville with Notre Dame, Miami, whoever. So we won some big games a year ago, but we had some injuries and like I said, things just didn't mesh down the stretch. So, uh, it's early, but I agree with what you said, Adam, you hit it right on the head. Uh, this game wasn't going to make or break our season either way.

It's just too early in the year, but that being said, definitely a great confidence booster. Uh, I don't know that I agree with this, but you know, we go from being unranked to being 14th in the country. So, uh, you know, so much for laying low in the weeds. Like I was hoping to now we're out there again. Uh, but there's a lot of, uh, a lot of tests coming. Uh, you know, Colorado looms on the horizon.

There are just, there are tons of big games for you. And then you get into conference play and we all know how good this league can be. North Carolina's right. We saw Virginia tech, uh, was a top 10 team to start the season. Um, so, I mean, Notre Dame, it's the whole league is just great. So, I mean, we're a preseason, Adam, we'll pick eighth in the conference. So, uh, and, and probably, uh, you know, based on returners and what they knew about us, that's probably, you know, it was pretty accurate.

So, uh, you're right. This league is unbelievable. And, uh, you know, we're going to be playing in the Virgin islands against Kentucky, Cincinnati, and as you mentioned, Colorado. So somebody text me during the LSU, Colorado game and said, Hey coach, you, you seeing LSU? I said, no, I'm seeing Colorado, uh, because they were very, very impressive. So, and they knocked Duke out of the NCAA tournament a year ago at Duke. So I already knew Colorado was, was going to be a, a big time test.

All right. Before I, uh, before we have to say goodbye, this is like a staple. Every time we talked to Wes Moore, uh, is I need a, uh, you know, uh, the pulse of the Dallas Cowboys, six and three. I know we're not going to exclude your Texas Rangers, uh, because they just won the world series for the first time in franchise history, but I need your pulse of the Dallas Cowboys. Give me where you think they are.

Are they for real? We all know a guy who only occasionally shaves for big occasions. And it's because that occasional shave really hurts the time of year for big occasions. And yet there he is suffering with that cheap drugstore razor.

Let's help him out. Henson shavings line of razors built with aerospace precision deliver a smooth shave. Your dad, brother, and even son can enjoy eventually with replacement blades, just 10 cents each you'll buy it once and they'll use it for life.

How's that for the perfect gift celebrate with 100 free blades on your first purchase and no subscription headaches, Henson slash holiday. You know, uh, what concerns me, Adam is, is, uh, just having the toughness, the physicality to go on the road and beat a top team like San Francisco, Philadelphia, you know, somebody like that. Uh, that's the thing that concerns me. And, you know, we're at home, we're really good and we're really confident. Uh, but I'm concerned because unless we really can turn it around and I think Philly has some tough games coming up, they got a tough stretch. So maybe we can get back in the division race, but otherwise you're going to be playing a couple of playoff games on the road, uh, that, you know, make or break your season.

And I just, I'm not sure. So again, I love them. I've been probably a cowboy fan for about 60 years. I've been a ranger fan for 50 years when they moved there in 72. Uh, but, uh, you know, the only thing helping me right now is I'm not, I love the Cowboys, but I'm not living and dying with them right now. Cause I am still soaking in this Texas ranger world series championship.

I got to go to games one and two. And, uh, so again, I'm, uh, I'm, I'm, I love the Cowboys. I hope they do well, but I'm not getting my hopes up too high until they show me they can go on the road and win, win some, some tough games. I totally appreciate the, you're going to have to prove it to me mentality, by the way, the Rangers were a great watch in the post season.

They should not play any games at home anymore. Well, I know, but you're, you may be the only one that watched them, Adam. I mean, I know the TV ratings were horrible and I, and I was torn.

I love Trey Turner, NC state guy. And so I've pulled for the Phillies all alone. But when I knew we were going to the world series, you know, I was like, well, we might would rather play Arizona than play the Phillies.

But, uh, it was, I was torn. I want the Rangers to win. I felt like the Diamondbacks gave us a little better chance because Arizona is really young. Uh, but at the same time, uh, Trey Turner is an awesome guy and I wanted to see the Phillies do well.

Yeah. He gave a lot of money to NC state, by the way, you would have had to, uh, you and Elliot Avent might've had your relationship cooled there, uh, for a little bit. I know not being coach Avent. We're tight. We're too old. We're too old ball coaches, you know? And, uh, so yeah, we would have, we would have been fine, but, uh, he was happy for my Rangers. I'm sure he was.

Yeah. I know we were all pulling for Trey Turner and luckily we didn't have to make a choice in the world series real quick before I say goodbye. Wes Moore is joining us here. Uh, you have a game on Sunday. I know you're not thinking about that game now, but you got a game Sunday, uh, against Rhode Island at two o'clock.

So you're not even going to get a chance. You're gonna have to tape the game and then watch it back later. Cowboys are here to play the Panthers. What's killing me is, uh, got some friends over at Coca-Cola and they have a suite for the Panthers and they invited me to watch the cowboy game in the suite down in Charlotte and dog gone. And I scheduled a game on that day.

So yeah, I blew that one. So I'm going to see if Rhode Island will maybe show up at eight in the morning. Let's get that thing in. But now Rhode Island is really good. They're picked to win the Atlantic 10 conference, which is a really good basketball conference. So that's going to be a challenging game. We actually have Elon tomorrow night.

And, uh, then, then like I said, Rhode Island is really good also. So that'll be a great game Sunday, but, uh, yeah, I'll have to take that one, Adam. You're the best, you know, your, your girl, was it Victoria? Yes. Yeah. I was on the phone with her and she's like, well, I know it's going to be easy when I said, listen, I think we're still the only team to lose to the Arizona Cardinals this year, unless they won. So they won. They, they just picked up a win.

Uh, Kyler, Kyler Murray did that. All right. Well, before that we were the only team that had lost to them.

So, you know, we're not, we're not counting any eggs. That's for sure. Oh man. What's more appreciate your time as always coach. Uh, good luck, good luck tomorrow. All right. And then good luck for the Cowboys and all of that.

We will talk to you very soon. What's more here on the Adam gold show. We all know a guy who only occasionally shaves for big occasions and it's because that occasional shave really hurts. It's the time of year for big occasions. And yet there is suffering with that cheap drugstore razor.

Let's help him out. Henson shavings line of razors built with aerospace precision, deliver a smooth shave. Your dad, brother, and even son can enjoy eventually with replacement blades, just 10 cents each. You'll buy it once and they'll use it for life. How's that for the perfect gift celebrate with 100 free blades on your first purchase and no subscription headaches. Henson
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-11-14 18:05:23 / 2023-11-14 18:11:47 / 6

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