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Search Results : parable


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: parable
Faith And Finance
Rob West
February 18, 2025
Prepare your work outside get everything ready for yourself in the field and after that build your house - Proverbs That verse underscores the need for planning and execution key elements for long-term financial success Matt Bell joins us today to discuss how to put planning and execution to work for you Matt Bell is the Managing Editor at Sound Mind Investing an underwriter of Faith Finance The Importance of a Financial PlanLife tends to happen to us while we re making other plans Unfortunately for many people life happens without any financial planning at all Millions of individuals fail [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
February 17, 2025
If you re worried about your financial future struggling to figure out how to pay for college or feeling the pinch at the grocery store you re not alone Financial challenges can make joy seem out of reach but as Christians we are called to face difficulties with a heart at peace When financial worries or struggles of any kind overwhelm us God s Word offers wisdom and reassurance Here are three biblical principles to hold onto in difficult times Hardships are opportunities to grow in your faith Joy and peace are not dependent on your circumstances Your struggles have [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
February 14, 2025
Let each one of you love his wife as himself and let the wife see that she respects her husband - Ephesians Love and respect are often conveyed in the words that spouses choose to communicate Those words can have a big impact on the marriage relationship Kathleen Edelman joins us to discuss choosing the right words for your spouse Kathleen Edelman is the author of I Said This You Heard That How Your Wiring Colors Your Communication She is certified in biblical studies and Christian Counseling Psychology and has spent over thirty years coaching clients in communication The Key [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
February 13, 2025
With financial fraud on the rise protecting your personal and banking information has never been more important A recent JD Power study found that nearly of bank account holders experienced fraud in some form over a -month period To help us navigate the best security practices Aaron Caid shares expert advice on how to safeguard your accounts from cybercriminals Aaron Caid is the Chief Marketing Officer at Christian Community Credit Union an underwriter of Faith Finance Strengthen Your Password SecurityA strong unique password is your first line of defense against fraud Here s how to create one that s tough [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
February 12, 2025
So give back to Caesar what is Caesar s and to God what is God s - Matthew This statement from Jesus is one of the most profound and thought-provoking verses in the New Testament While it is often quoted in discussions about paying taxes it carries far deeper implications What does this passage truly mean for us as Christ-followers today Let s explore its historical context and the spiritual truths that challenge us to live with a kingdom perspective The Trap Set for JesusThe words of Jesus in Matthew came during a tense confrontation between Him and the Pharisees [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
February 11, 2025
The real estate market may be in its winter slump but spring is just around the corner only five weeks away Higher interest rates have kept many home buyers and sellers off the sidelines in recent years But could a change be on the horizon Today mortgage expert Dale Vermillion joins us with a market forecast and some practical advice on how to move forward Dale Vermillion is the author of Navigating the Mortgage Maze The Simple Truth About Financing Your Home This book covers everything you need to know about securing a mortgage all from a biblical perspective Is [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
February 10, 2025
One book of the Bible reminds us that life is short and we should make the most of every moment If you guessed Ecclesiastes you re right This book emphasizes that our time here is fleeting but what lies beyond is eternal In this post we ll explore this profound truth and introduce a new FaithFi study on the book of Ecclesiastes Wisdom Over Wealth Lessons from Ecclesiastes on Money The Shortness of LifeImagine standing on the summit of Mount Everest over feet above sea level At that moment you are higher than every other person on the planet But [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
February 07, 2025
The purpose in a man's heart is like deep water but a man of understanding will draw it out - Proverbs Man s ultimate purpose is to glorify God but deciding how to do that can be challenging Sometimes we need help from a trusted advisor I ll discuss that today with Rachel McDonough Rachel McDonough is a Certified Financial Planner CFP a Certified Kingdom Advisor CKA and a regular Faith Finance contributor The Cultural Challenge Are We Asking the Right Financial Questions Money is more than just a tool it s a reflection of our values priorities and ultimately [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
February 06, 2025
The holidays are behind us you know what that means it s tax season But before you start gathering your W- s and receipts there s an important question Do you know who will prepare your taxes this year With a nationwide shortage of Certified Public Accountants CPAs and tax professionals waiting too long to find a preparer could leave you scrambling and vulnerable to scams Here s how to protect yourself and find a trusted tax preparer Who Can Prepare Your Taxes When hiring a tax professional your preparer will likely fall into one of three categories Certified Public [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
February 05, 2025
Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed for he shares his bread with the poor - Proverbs Do you have a generous heart one that seeks out opportunities to bless others especially those in need Today Kelly Miller joins us to share a powerful way you can not only support the poor around the world but also help bring lasting transformation to their lives Kelly Miller is the CEO and President of Cross International an underwriter of Faith Finance The Global Crisis Hunger Clean Water and PovertyPoverty remains a critical issue around the world affecting millions of families who [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
February 04, 2025
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth - John In that verse the Apostle John praises his friend Gaius and other believers for their generosity toward missionaries As parents we want our children to be generous toward God s Kingdom Dr Art Rainer joins us today with some steps we can take to grow our kids in generosity Dr Art Rainer is the founder of the Institute for Christian Financial Health and Christian Money Solutions He is also the author of The Money Challenge Days of Discovering God's Design for You [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
February 03, 2025
You want to give generously to your church but your non-believing spouse objects What do you do We occasionally get that question and it s a situation that must be handled with care If you or someone you know is in that position don t miss today s program as Ron Blue is here with some sage advice Ron Blue is the co-founder of Kingdom Advisors and the author of many books on biblical finance most notably Master Your Money A Step-by-Step Plan for Experiencing Financial Contentment Biblical Principles for Giving in MarriageThere are two key biblical principles to consider [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 31, 2025
Many of us are quick to offer help to others but struggle when it comes to asking for help ourselves Why is that As Christians we are known for our generosity and willingness to assist those in need However when it s our turn to seek help we often hesitate Let s explore why that is and why asking for help is not only okay but also glorifies God The Reluctance to Ask for HelpChurches frequently establish benevolence funds to support members going through financial hardships Most of us gladly contribute to these funds eager to help those in need [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 30, 2025
What financial lessons can we learn from a tax collector who climbed a tree Stay tuned and find out Of course you know I m talking about Zacchaeus in Luke That story is filled with important teachings about money stewardship and generosity Dr Kelly Rush joins us today with some interesting observations about the life of Zacchaeus Dr Kelly Rush is a Professor of Finance Department Chair and Financial Planning Program Coordinator at Mount Vernon Nazarene University in Ohio The Cultural and Financial Context of ZacchaeusIn first-century Israel political social and religious divides were as prevalent as they are today [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 29, 2025
Give and it will be given to you Good measure pressed down shaken together running over will be put into your lap For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you - Luke Jesus words in the Sermon on the Plain are a reminder that we should look for ways to be generous with all aspects of our finances including investments Brian Mumbert is here today to share some helpful ideas Brian Mumbert is Vice President and Regional Sales Executive at Timothy Plan an underwriter of Faith Finance Dispelling the Myth Performance vs ValuesA common misconception [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 28, 2025
The prudent see danger and take refuge but the simple keep going and pay the penalty - Proverbs That verse is all about how critical it is to look ahead and spot potential problems so you have more time and resources to fix them before they happen Harlan Accola joins us today to discuss the dangers of keeping mortgage payments into our retirement years Harlan Accola is the National Reverse Mortgage Director at Movement Mortgage which is an underwriter of this program He is also the author of Home Equity and Reverse Mortgages The Cinderella of the Baby Boomer Retirement [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 27, 2025
What would you call a marriage where spouses see eye to eye about money Some might call it bliss It s true that most couples at least occasionally quarrel about their finances But could a better understanding of each other s values help spouses avoid that bickering Shaunti Feldhahn thinks so and she joins us today to talk about it Shaunti Feldhahn is a Harvard graduate former Wall Street analyst social researcher best-selling author as well as a prominent public speaker She is the co-author of Thriving in Love and Money Game-Changing Insights about Your Relationship Your Money and Yourself [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 24, 2025
Proverbs tells us A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children But while the Bible emphasizes the importance of leaving an inheritance it doesn t provide a step-by-step guide That s where careful planning and biblical wisdom come into play Here are some principles to help you make wise decisions about your estate particularly when it comes to real estate and avoid unintended conflicts among your heirs The Common Approach Equal DivisionOne of the most common phrases in wills is My estate will be divided equally among my children This approach seems fair and straightforward especially when the [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 23, 2025
Larry Burkett once said The one principle that surrounds everything else is that of stewardship that we are the managers of everything that God has given us These words remind us that stewardship is not just about money or tithing it s about faithfully managing everything God has entrusted to us As believers we re called to be stewards because God created and owns everything Our role is to manage His resources wisely for His purposes But how can we know if we re fulfilling this calling To guide our journey of faithfulness let s explore the seven marks of [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 22, 2025
Sometimes you have to travel far to learn about things close to home like your finances They say that travel is broadening that it expands your horizons and increases your understanding of how things really work Sharon Epps experienced that recently on the tram in the Netherlands and today she ll share some financial lessons she learned along the way Sharon Epps is the President of Kingdom Advisors FaithFi s parent organization Kingdom Advisors serves the broad Christian financial industry by educating and equipping professionals to integrate biblical wisdom and financial expertise Faith Finance and the TramDuring a recent Christmas [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 21, 2025
Major changes are likely coming for the U S economy Will you be ready for them We have a new president who s pledged to overhaul the economy How will that affect investors and the markets Mark Biller joins us today with a plan for managing anticipated disruption Mark Biller is Executive Editor and Senior Portfolio Manager at Sound Mind Investing an underwriter of Faith Finance Learning from the Past Market Trends in ReviewBefore diving into predictions it s essential to recognize the value of reviewing recent market trends Forecasting is often unreliable so Sound Mind Investing focuses on building [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 20, 2025
The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty - Proverbs That verse is often used to encourage people to avoid get rich quick schemes and other risky investments However it also conveys a message about budgeting Dr Shane Enete joins us today to discuss why budgeting is a form of worship Dr Shane Enete is an Associate Professor of Finance at Biola University and the author of the brand new book Whole Heart Finances A Jesus-Centered Guide to Managing Your Money with Joy Why Do People Dislike Budgeting Many people [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 17, 2025
One of the most common questions people ask is How much will I need to retire The answer is It depends It depends on your lifestyle needs and one key factor how much you re willing and able to cut from your budget Let s explore how thoughtful adjustments can help you bridge the retirement income gap and make this season of life meaningful and fulfilling Understanding Retirement IncomeMost retirees experience a drop in income While many work-related expenses disappear like commuting clothing and dining out studies show the average retirement budget is about of pre-retirement income Experts generally recommend [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 16, 2025
If you re wondering what the economy will do in you don t want to miss this program Few major league hitters can bat in a given season Imagine hitting That s what Bob Doll does every year forecasting economic trends He joins us today with his ten predictions for Bob Doll is the CEO and CIO of Crossmark Global Investments He regularly contributes to Faith and Finance and other media outlets like Bloomberg TV Fox Business and CNBC Key Economic Predictions Fewer Tailwinds More Tail RisksThe theme of Doll s predictions signals a shift Fewer Tailwinds Slower earnings growth [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 15, 2025
Give me neither poverty nor riches but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs Every generation has struggled to learn contentment and ours is certainly no different But God s Word provides great instruction on this tough topic Brian Holtz helps us work through it today Brian Holtz is the CEO of Compass Financial Ministry and the author of Financial Discipleship for Families Intentionally Raising Faithful Children What Is Contentment In Philippians the apostle Paul shares I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty I have learned the secret [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 14, 2025
Losing a loved one is a time of profound grief and confusion and the practical tasks that follow can feel overwhelming Settling a loved one s estate requires careful attention and preparation Let s walk through six financial steps to take during this challenging time all underpinned by prayer and reliance on God s guidance Begin with PrayerBefore addressing financial matters take time to pray Invite God into your decisions and ask for wisdom James reminds us If any of you lacks wisdom let him ask God who gives generously to all without reproach and it will be given him [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 13, 2025
When the topic of generosity comes up in church reactions can be mixed Some tune out assuming the message is about funding a project or filling a financial gap But generosity is about much more than meeting needs it s about the heart behind the act Let s explore not only why we should give but also why we shouldn t and how to cultivate a heart for biblical generosity Why We Shouldn t Give Guilt Shouldn t Be Your MotivationMany Christians have been influenced by guilt-driven messages from legalism to the prosperity gospel These teachings suggest that not giving [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 10, 2025
Do you dream of being financially free but are unsure where to start Stay with us we re here to help Knowing what to do and actually doing it are two very different things Today we ll share the steps to achieve financial freedom but the decision to take action is yours Like most worthwhile goals it starts with the desire and determination to make it happen Start with a Mindset ShiftFinancial freedom begins with a change in perspective Many people approach budgets like a diet focused on restriction and deprivation Just as restrictive diets often lead to overeating feeling [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 09, 2025
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes but a wise man listens to advice - Proverbs It s good to learn from your mistakes but it s even better to learn from someone else s Rachel Wong joins us today with three big financial mistakes that young adults often make so you can avoid them Rachel Wong is an Accredited Financial Counselor and the creator of Open Hands Finance a biblically-based content curriculum that teaches money skills to emerging adults Money Missteps Easy Mistakes To Avoid As A Young AdultMoney management is a crucial skill especially [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 08, 2025
At this time of year many people hate going to the mailbox or checking their email That s because the Christmas bills are starting to roll in Yes the holidays are behind us but for many people burgeoning credit card balances are just ahead If you think you ll have trouble making those payments Neile Simon is here with a plan to help you get out of debt Neile Simon is a Certified Credit Counselor with Christian Credit Counselors CCC an underwriter of Faith Finance The Growing Problem of Credit Card DebtCredit card debt has surpassed trillion marking a increase [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 07, 2025
Precious treasure and oil are in a wise man's dwelling but a foolish man devours it - Proverbs God s Word couldn t be any plainer on the need to live below one s means and to be able to save for the future To do that you need a budget Chad Clark is here to share some interesting facts about budgeting Chad Clark is the Executive Director of FaithFi Faith Finance and the co-author of Look at the Sparrows A -Day Devotional on Financial Fear and Anxiety More People Budget Than You Think But There's a CatchA recent NerdWallet [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 06, 2025
What if everything you own isn t really yours It s a biblical truth that changes everything once you grasp it The belief that God owns it all has profound implications for how we manage our resources and our lives Let s explore what it means to be a faithful steward of everything God has entrusted to us The Foundation of Biblical Money ManagementThe cornerstone of biblical money management is the belief that God owns everything Psalm states this clearly The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof the world and those who dwell therein Paul builds on this [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 03, 2025
Money and relationships are a tricky combination When a family member or close friend asks to borrow money it can put you in a difficult spot On the one hand you want to help someone you care about but on the other lending money can easily lead to strained relationships or hurt feelings Proverbs reads The borrower becomes slave to the lender Lending money can hurt a relationship And that can happen whether you lend the money or not You re between a rock and a hard place and it seems like either way someone may end up resentful There [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 02, 2025
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run but only one receives the prize So run that you may obtain it - Corinthians The apostle Paul exhorted the early church at Corinth to run in such a way as to win the prize but sometimes with finances it feels like we re in a race with no end Today Rachel McDonough joins us to talk about setting financial finish lines Rachel McDonough is a Certified Financial Planner CFP a Certified Kingdom Advisor CKA and a regular Faith Finance contributor What Are Financial Finish Lines Financial finish [... more]
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul
January 02, 2025
Greed is more than an inordinate love for wealth Most fundamentally it is a lack of gratitude toward God Today R C Sproul voices the warning Jesus gives in His parable of the rich fool Get Bible Study Basics a collection of complete teaching series from R C Sproul with your donation of any amount You ll also receive a -month subscription to Tabletalk Ligonier Ministries Bible study magazine https gift renewingyourmind org bible-study-basics Meet Today s Teacher R C Sproul was known for his ability to winsomely and clearly communicate deep practical truths from God s Word He was [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 01, 2025
Did you know that anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses in the U S today You might assume that we have a major anxiety problem just by the number of commercials you see for new medicines to treat these disorders but is anxiety really a new thing The Reality Of AnxietyModern medicine recognizes anxiety in many forms generalized anxiety disorder panic disorder social anxiety and various phobias Data shows nearly a third of all U S adults will experience some form of anxiety in their lifetime The cost of treating anxiety disorders in the U S runs into [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 31, 2024
Some people learn from the mistakes of others Unfortunately some people have to be the others Well you certainly don t want to be one of the others who have to learn things the hard way by making mistakes Today we ll talk to Ron Blue about some of the biggest financial mistakes you want to avoid Ron Blue is the Co-Founder of Kingdom Advisors and the author of many books on biblical finance most notably Master Your Money A Step-by-Step Plan for Experiencing Financial Contentment Setting Financial GoalsWithout clear financial goals you're essentially aiming at nothing Goals help you [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 30, 2024
And whatever you do in word or deed do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through him - Colossians God created man for His glory That means everything we do should glorify God including how we manage money Chad Clark joins us today to talk about how FaithFi is helping God s people be more faithful stewards all for His glory Chad Clark is the Executive Director of FaithFi Faith Finance and the co-author of Look at the Sparrows A -Day Devotional on Financial Fear and Anxiety Why FaithFi s Mission Is [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 27, 2024
The world is becoming more complex every day Technology solves problems and creates new ones How do you keep up Among so many other things today maybe you ve noticed that managing your finances is increasingly complicated and involves more than balancing a checkbook Sharon Epps joins us today with some much-needed advice the Ds of a Financial Reset Sharon Epps is the President of Kingdom Advisors FaithFi s parent organization Kingdom Advisors serves the broad Christian financial industry by educating and equipping professionals to integrate biblical wisdom and financial expertise Define Your Financial VisionThe first step in a financial [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 26, 2024
You have to be at least to collect Social Security maybe because it takes that long to understand the program Do you have questions about Social Security Of course you do Who doesn t Well you don t want to miss today s program Eddie Holland is back to answer more of your questions about Social Security Eddie Holland is a Senior Private Wealth Advisor and partner of Blue Trust in Greenville South Carolina He s also a CPA a Certified Financial Planner CFP and a Certified Kingdom Advisor CKA Can You Claim Benefits Early and Switch Later You can [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 25, 2024
Charles Dickens s A Christmas Carol is a timeless tale cherished for its powerful story of transformation Yet beneath its heartwarming narrative lies a deeper commentary on economics generosity and faith one that challenges the worldview of scarcity and embraces God s abundance Today Jerry Bowyer will dive into the philosophical and theological themes within the story and help us discover what we can learn from Ebenezer Scrooge s journey Jerry Bowyer is the President of Bowyer Research and our Resident Economist here at Faith Finance He is the author of The Maker Versus the Takers What Jesus Really Said [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 24, 2024
And the angel said to them Fear not for behold I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people - Luke As Christians living in a materialistic society we must remember to celebrate for the right reason the birth of our Savior Howard Dayton joins us to talk about that Howard Dayton is the founder of Compass Financial Ministry and the former host of this program He is also the author of several books on Christian Finance and Stewardship The True Reason for the Season A Savior Is BornAs Christmas approaches it s easy [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 23, 2024
Beauty matters to painters musicians and photographers but what does it have to do with investing The creation account suggests that beauty is also at the core of faithful stewardship and investing Today we ll discuss Investing in Beautiful with Jason Myhre of the Eventide Center for Faith Investing Jason Myhre is the Executive Director of the Eventide Center for Faith Investing an educational initiative of Eventide Asset Management and an underwriter of Faith Finance The Experience of BeautyWe all encounter beauty in various forms an orchestral performance a mountain hike a beach stroll or even a bouquet of flowers [... more]
Matt Slick Live!
Matt Slick
December 20, 2024
Matt Slick Live Live Broadcast of - - is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry CARM Matt answers questions on topics such as The Bible Apologetics Theology World Religions Atheism and other issues You can also email questions to Matt using info carm org Put Radio Show Question in the Subject line Answers will be discussed in a future show Topics Include Matt Discusses his Debate with a Roman Catholic about Mary's Role in Heaven Why Did Jesus Not Allow Mary to Touch Him After His Resurrection But Later Allowed Thomas to Touch Him Question About The Parable [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 20, 2024
One of my favorite passages in the Bible is found in Luke - the Parable of the Rich Fool While most of us don t have barns today Jesus warning about storing up earthly treasures is just as relevant now as it was then So what does it mean to be rich toward God and why does it matter Let s dive into this powerful lesson The parable begins with a wealthy man who has a problem many might envy his land has produced so much that his barns aren t big enough to store it all His solution Tear [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 19, 2024
As Christmas draws near stories of generosity and the spirit of giving abound Few stories however embody these virtues more powerfully than the life of Saint Nicholas Behind the modern image of Santa Claus lies the legacy of a man whose life reflected the true meaning of Christmas selfless love and sacrificial giving Born around A D in Patara Turkey Nicholas was raised in a wealthy Christian family From an early age he was taught to care for the poor and live out the teachings of Jesus His parents modeled these values daily planting seeds of faith and generosity in [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 18, 2024
We sometimes regret the things we say but often words left unsaid can bother us just as much We ve all had the thought Oh I wish I d said this or that You had more to say but for whatever reason time ran out Sharon Epps has some things to say about unfinished conversations today Sharon Epps is the President of Kingdom Advisors our parent organization Kingdom Advisors is a group dedicated to training financial professionals to guide and advise you according to biblical principles The Power of Unfinished ConversationsThe end of the year naturally becomes a season of [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 17, 2024
British philosopher G K Chesterton once said I know as much about the future as you do which is nothing Only God knows the future but that doesn t mean we shouldn t plan for it Mark Biller is here today to help you do that Mark Biller is Executive Editor and Senior Portfolio Manager at Sound Mind Investing an underwriter of Faith Finance Today we ll cover some key takeaways from Sound Mind Investing s recent article Your Most Important Financial Moves for which offers over actionable tips across six categories Let s dive into some highlights to help [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 16, 2024
From Genesis to Revelation generosity is a resounding theme in the Bible The ultimate example of this is captured in Romans For the wages of sin is death but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord As children of a generous God Christians are called to reflect His generosity in their lives Let s explore the biblical foundation of generosity its spiritual significance and some timeless wisdom from godly leaders to inspire you on your journey The Biblical Foundation of GenerosityThe Bible paints a vivid picture of what it means to live generously Sharing [... more]
Summit Life
J.D. Greear
December 13, 2024
In this message from the Gospel of Luke Pastor J D looks at the parable of the ten minas where we see that likewise sowing a harvest with our resources can also involve risk But when the risk is for the building up of God's kingdom it's always worth it [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 13, 2024
They say that money is a good servant but a terrible master especially when it comes to debt Surveys show that taking on debt ranks near the top of the list of financial regrets Debt can make profound changes in your life and have spiritual consequences Sharon Epps joins us to talk about that today Sharon Epps is the President of Kingdom Advisors our parent organization Kingdom Advisors is a group dedicated to training financial professionals to guide and advise you according to biblical principles Four Key Uses of Money Live Give Owe and GrowMany of us face the challenge [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 12, 2024
India has one of the world s fastest-growing economies It s also a world leader in human trafficking Human trafficking is a problem in many countries around the world but perhaps nowhere more than in India David Harms is here today to share some hope-filled stories about an organization that s changing the lives of young women and children in India David Harms has devoted nearly a decade of ministry to the work of India Partners an underwriter of Faith Finance With over years of experience in rescuing victims of human trafficking India Partners continues to make a profound impact [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 11, 2024
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field keeping watch over their flock by night And lo the angel of the Lord came upon them and the glory of the Lord shone round about them and they were sore afraid - Luke - That s from the Christmas Story in Luke Chapter The angels announce the coming of the Savior to a group of shepherds It sounds simple enough but there s more to the story Jerry Bowyer joins us to talk about it Jerry Bowyer is the President of Bowyer Research and our Resident Economist [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 10, 2024
Have you started working on your New Year s resolutions yet Are you including your investing decisions in the mix A New Year always gives you the chance to make improvements especially with finances Cole Pearson is here today to talk about starting strong with values-based investing Cole Pearson is the President of Investment Solutions at OneAscent a family of companies seeking to help people align their investments with their Christian values OneAscent is also an underwriter of Faith Finance What Is Values-Based Investing Values-based investing is the practice of deploying financial resources in a way that aligns with a [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 09, 2024
Hey open enrollment ends in just a few days have you decided on a new health insurance plan yet If not you might not have to What if there was another way a biblical solution for meeting your healthcare costs Let s explore medical cost sharing a faith-based alternative to traditional health insurance that could save you hundreds of dollars a month What Is Medical Cost Sharing Medical cost sharing is a cooperative approach to healthcare expenses rooted in biblical principles It s an alternative to traditional health insurance in which members share each other's medical costs The concept is [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 06, 2024
In Mark Jesus tells us A man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife and the two shall become one flesh But does becoming one extend to the checkbook Should husbands and wives have joint or separate bank accounts Let s explore this question and see if the Bible says anything about it What Does the Bible Say About Joint Finances The Bible doesn t specifically address joint or separate bank accounts as their banking looked much different than our modern system today However Scripture provides timeless principles that guide financial unity in marriage Marriage [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
December 05, 2024
At a Christmas dinner held at our church to celebrate the cultures of the international guests I joyfully clapped along to the sound of the darbuka a type of drum and the oud a guitar-like instrument as a band played the traditional Middle Eastern carol ldquo Laylat Al-Milad rdquo The band rsquo s singer explained the title means ldquo Nativity Night rdquo The lyrics remind hearers that the spirit of Christmas is found in serving others in ways like offering a thirsty person water or comforting someone weeping This carol likely draws from a parable where Jesus commends His followers [... more]
Truth for Life
Alistair Begg
December 05, 2024
What does it mean to be good And what s the purpose of good works That s the focus of Truth For Life s series For Goodness Sake Alistair Begg begins by examining the public duty of Christians and the inseparable link between belief and behavior ----------------------------------------- Click here and look for FROM THE SERMON to stream or read the full message This program is part of the series For Goodness Sake Learn more about our current resource request your copy with a donation of any amount Give the most important Christmas gift of all the message of the Gospel [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 05, 2024
From everyone who has been given much much will be demanded and from the one who has been entrusted with much much more will be asked - Luke When the housing market collapsed in more than million Americans experienced crashing home values and foreclosures But out of that financial chaos a new company arose with a mission to do things differently Harlan Accola joins us today to talk about it Harlan Accola is the National Reverse Mortgage Director at Movement Mortgage which is an underwriter of this program He is also the author of Home Equity and Reverse Mortgages The [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 04, 2024
A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children but the sinner's wealth is laid up for the righteous - Proverbs God s Word is clear that faithful stewards should leave an inheritance for future generations That inheritance doesn t have to be money Passing along biblical principles such as generosity to grandkids well that s priceless Ron Blue joins us to talk about it Ron Blue is the Co-Founder of Kingdom Advisors and the author of many books on biblical finance including Splitting Heirs Giving Your Money and Things to Your Children Without Ruining Their Lives More Than [... more]
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