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Search Results : Robert Knight


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: Robert Knight
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
May 18, 2024
GUEST ROBERT KNIGHT columnist The Washington TimesThe deconstruction of the organization formerly known as the Boy Scouts now called the genderless Scouting America is a microcosm a situation regarded as encapsulating in miniature the characteristic qualities or features of something much larger of what is taking place in broader American society What is that A headlong descent into depravity straight out of Romans And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer God gave them over to a depraved mind to do those things which are not proper being filled with all unrighteousness wickedness greed evil [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
November 12, 2022
GUEST ROBERT KNIGHT columnist Washington TimesFor the last two years Democrats held majorities in both the US House and US Senate and the White House with President Biden This has allowed them to push through all manner of God-rejecting policies on the country But as the mid-term election loomed and pundits polls and history all concurred that a Red Wave of Republican victories would hold the Democrats in check After all the party out of power typically does very well in the mid-terms as voters sour on one-party rule With of people saying the country is headed in the wrong [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
September 17, 2022
GUEST PAUL TWISS pastor Former Officer in Royal NavyBy now you know as most everyone in the world knows that Queen Elizabeth II has died at age after reigning over Britain and its Commonwealth of nations for years It would be hard to point to any other person's death in western civilization over the last years that has commanded more worldwide attention than the Queen's death Ten days of mourning and processions will culminate in her funeral on Monday Sept at Westminster Abbey in London Paul Twiss a citizen of the United Kingdom who now pastors Bethany Bible Church in [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
September 10, 2022
GUESTS General Michael FlynnRobert Knight columnistIn contradiction to President Biden's promise to unify the country after the election he and his administration have made the decision to accuse who he calls MAGA Republicans Trump voters as enemies of the state and the cause of all that ails America He recently labeled tens of millions of Trump supporters as semi-fascists and then gave a fascist-looking and -sounding speech in Philadelphia with blood red lighting and two U S Marines behind him blaming and vilifying those who oppose him Robert Knight columnist for The Washington Times joins us on The Christian Worldview [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
April 09, 2022
GUEST ROBERT KNIGHT columnist Washington TimesThe US Senate has voted to confirm Ketanji Brown Jackson to the U S Supreme Court despite the fact that she refused to define what a woman is doesn't hold a position on whether individuals possess natural rights and consistently sentenced those convicted of child pornography to less-then-recommended prison terms Disney the iconic corporation that operates theme parks and produces popular films openly declares its intent to promote and affirm homosexuality and transgenderism toward young children These current news events are extremely troubling indicators that our country has been given over to a depraved mind [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
October 08, 2021
GUEST ROBERT KNIGHT author and columnist Washington Times We are living in an age of disinformation What's another word for disinformation Lies Very few people and organizations can be trusted anymore to disseminate truth facts reality Do you trust the Biden Administration and government to tell you the truth about a given issue elections and voting Afghanistan pullout immigration How about the CDC or NIH with regard to COVID Do you trust the mainstream media or Big Tech to report the truth Or how about Christian leaders who always seem to be talking about race and social justice instead of [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
May 28, 2021
GUEST ROBERT KNIGHT author and columnist Washington Times Satan and unredeemed humanity have always been at war with the truth This is because God is the source of truth and thus to try to escape accountability to God and persuade others to do the same means one must believe and propagate lies This includes lies about God's character and nature His laws and justice His offer of salvation through Christ and really any given issue that will lead someone in the wrong direction Lies about sexuality homosexuality is good gender you can choose your gender race your identity is your [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
November 20, 2020
Sidney Powell one of the leading members of President Trump's legal team alleging election fraud said this week American patriots are fed up with the corruption from the local level to the highest level of our government We are not going to be intimidated We are not going to back down We are going to clean this mess up now President Trump won by a landslide We are going to prove it And we are going to reclaim the United States of America for the people who vote for freedom If it can be proved that the recent presidential election [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
February 28, 2020
The Boy Scouts of America was once an organization that sought to instill values into boys that were largely based on the Bible belief in God patriotism helping others self-discipline and heterosexual morality Today the Boy Scouts tellingly renamed Scouts BSA after allowing girls into their ranks has declared bankruptcy Would that financial bankruptcy were their only problem Instead Scouts BSA has been morally bankrupted as well when the homosexual movement from within and without forced their perversity on the organization Robert Knight columnist for the Washington Times and an Eagle Scout wrote about the tragic story of the Boy [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
December 13, 2019
We hate to interrupt your Christmas season with discussion of politics but the President of the United States is about to be impeached Only two presidents in our history have been impeached Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton Richard Nixon resigned before impeachment While it's unlikely the Republican-majority Senate will follow the Democrat-majority House in impeaching President Trump and thus removing him from office it's worth trying to understand what is taking place Why is President Trump being impeached What do Russian election meddling FBI surveillance of President Trump FISA court rulings Ukraine phone calls Joe Biden and his son Hunter [... more]
The Christian Worldview
David Wheaton
November 01, 2018
Recently on the program we have discussed how wide the worldview divide has become in our nation On one side there are those with a traditional American worldview they generally believe in God more limited government free market economics equal opportunity for all national sovereignty border control and heterosexual morality marriage and individual liberties of life speech and religion President Trump and Republican Party candidates generally align with this worldview [... more]
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