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How the Tactics that Sank the Boy Scouts Are Now Aimed at the Church

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton
The Truth Network Radio
February 28, 2020 7:00 pm

How the Tactics that Sank the Boy Scouts Are Now Aimed at the Church

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton

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February 28, 2020 7:00 pm

The Boy Scouts of America was once an organization that sought to instill values into boys that were largely based on the Bible—belief in God, patriotism, helping others, self-discipline, and heterosexual morality.

Today, the Boy Scouts, tellingly renamed “Scouts BSA” after allowing girls into their ranks, has declared bankruptcy. Would that financial bankruptcy were their only problem. Instead “Scouts BSA” has been morally bankrupted as well, when the homosexual movement from within and without forced their perversity on the organization.

Robert Knight, columnist for the Washington Times and an Eagle Scout, wrote about the tragic story of the Boy Scouts this week...

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How the tactics that sank the Boy Scouts are now aimed at the church. That is a topic we'll discuss today right here on the Christian Worldview radio program, where the mission is to sharpen the biblical worldview of Christians, and to share the good news, the gospel, that all people can be reconciled to God. The repentance of sin and faith in who Jesus Christ is and what he did for you on the cross.

I'm David Wheaton, the host of the program, and our website is You know, it didn't matter, let me get to my notes here, it didn't matter that Robert Knight, who recently wrote a column on this, who's our guest today on the program, that the Boy Scouts of America was once an organization that sought to instill values into boys that were largely based on the Bible. That didn't matter, whether it's a belief in God, patriotism, helping others, self-discipline and heterosexual morality. Because today, what matters about the Boy Scouts, which has been tellingly renamed Scouts BSA, taking boy out of the name and allowing girls into the ranks, they've declared bankruptcy.

Would that financial bankruptcy were their only problem though? Instead, Scouts BSA has been morally bankrupted as well when the homosexual movement from within and without forced their perversity on the organization. Robert Knight, a columnist for the Washington Times and an Eagle Scout, wrote about the tragic story of the Boy Scouts this week in his column. The lessons for Christians is that the subversive tactics employed against the Boy Scouts are the same being used against the church. And so today in the Christian worldview, Robert Knight joins us to detail how the homosexual movement subverted the Boy Scouts and corporations and is doing the same thing to their ultimate target, which is the church.

And he will explain what Christians and churches can do to stand firm. Let's get to the first segment of the interview with Robert Knight. I want to start out by reading the first couple paragraphs of your recent column on the Boy Scouts where you say, As holder of an Eagle Scout badge, I went through the sadness stage back in 2013 when the Boy Scouts board caved to the LGBTQ lobby. Well, okay, I was pretty angry then too, watching the saboteurs within and without the organization systematically undermined it in the name of, quote, tolerance.

It didn't matter that the Scouts won all their court battles, including at the US Supreme Court, to maintain their moral standards. The saboteurs were intent on ending the Scouts common sense, existentially necessary exclusion of boys who sexually desired males. And that was only the beginning. Two years later, they opened their ranks in 2015 to homosexual leaders during a time when they faced hundreds of sex abuse lawsuits. Somehow it doesn't seem to matter that virtually 100% of the abuse cases involved homosexual molestation. In January 2017, just give me some history here, the Scouts added transgenders and finally, dispensing all together with the original boys to men reason for the Scouts. They let in girls 10 months later, as of February 2019, that's last year, the official name became Scouts BSA, as if getting rid of, quote, boy in the title would cover this mess. Now unsurprisingly, with declining enrollment and steep legal bills, the Boy Scouts of America have declared bankruptcy mission accomplished. That Robert is such a sordid tale of what's happened to this once great organization here in America.

Tell us more being an Eagle Scout yourself in the past about the history of the Boy Scouts and why this story really matters today. It matters because it's one more institution that the left has either destroyed or taken over. And I like what Ann Coulter said about this. She wrote a column that dealt with all the lawsuits that were aimed at opening the Scouts up to everything from girls to homosexuals to transgenders. And she said, quote, Why would any liberal want to join an organization that was, according to them, sexist, Bible thumping and bigoted? They didn't.

The lawsuits were kill shots. And I agree completely with that. It was sabotaging the Scouts. Scouts have provided an alternative set of values to that the left offers.

The progressives in the United States are pushing socialism hard. They can't do it if there's a strong independent citizenry with strong families and strong boys who grow into men and take their responsibilities seriously. So the Scouts were in the way. So they decided, well, let's go after the Scouts. And they couldn't get them to bend in the courts. The courts all upheld their rights as a private organization, even though they hammered at them year after year and caused them to spend millions defending themselves.

Still, they want all the lawsuits. And yet all of a sudden they caved. The Scout board decided to take a vote at an annual meeting and a clear majority said, Yeah, let's get rid of the prohibition on boys who have same sex feelings. And that was the beginning of the end for the Scouts, because being a Scout myself, I know what it can mean when you let in a boy who desires other boys sexually.

I mean, who's going to tent with him? We had that happen in my troop up in the state of Maine. When I was a Scout, they had to very quietly and kindly they did it with compassion, but they said you can't be here. None of the other boys wanted to tent with them, because they wanted to touch them.

And you can't have that. So I can't imagine what kids are going through now. I mean, a lot of the times we worried about gay Scout leaders, perhaps molesting the boys, which has happened often enough that it's now bankrupting the Scouts. But what about the boys themselves with peer pressure, with the schools pushing this whole LGBTQ agenda? And then the same boys who go to these schools and learn that, oh, you know, you're a bigot if you don't at least try some of this behavior, going out camping, say with your son.

This is why the membership is down. This is why parents are very leery of the Boy Scouts at this point. And on the good side, it's why groups like Trail Life USA have arisen to take the place of the Scouts.

It's just like the scouting program without the political correctness. Robert Knight with us today on the Christian worldview talking about what has happened with the Boy Scouts of America. They've gone bankrupt now after years of compromise and attack by the homosexual lobby and so forth.

Want to read another paragraph from your column, and we have it linked at our website, You say in 1972, the Boy Scouts had 6.5 million members. Now they're down to just over 2 million.

That's a huge drop. Likewise, an exodus is underway to Trail Life USA, a Christian version of scouting without the politically correct nonsense. Launched in 2013 by former scout leaders, Trail Life has chapters in 48 states.

Trail Life works alongside American Heritage Girls, which was founded in 1995 by former Girl Scout leader, Patty Garibay, who opposed the Girl Scouts own plunge into political correctness. Among other things, the Girl Scouts dropped God from their oath, welcomed transgenders, belittled homemaking, and hosted Planned Parenthood speakers. So my question for you is this, Robert, who are these saboteurs? You talked about them being from without and within.

So who are the saboteurs? And why do they want to integrate homosexuality, transgenderism and abortion into Boy Scouts and Girl Spouts? What is the motive behind that? Because the Scouts represent traditional values, which stand against what they are trying to transform America into, which is a top down atheistic socialist nation. Boy Scouts were very clear that they honored God, it's in their oath. And they have, if you look at the Scouts law, with all the virtues, they all come out of the Bible, being trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. See, once a Scout, always a Scout. In fact, you said I was an Eagle Scout at one time, you never lose it, actually, once you get the badge.

It's like a Marine, you know, if you're in the Marines, you're a Marine. Years later, same with Eagle Scouts. And the Girl Scouts caved earlier to the political correctness that was invading their ranks.

They were invaded basically by liberals who said, well, we don't want to be so different from society that we will blend in. So let's start giving way with our values. First thing that went was God and the Scout oath. They said you can pray to any deity you want or none. So that removed the foundation for the Girl Scouts values.

If you don't answer to God, you can make up values as you go. And then they said that leadership, they didn't care about the sexual orientation, in other words, so they could have lesbian leaders as role models. And they brought in all kinds of feminist theory in the Girl Scouts. And if you look at some of the literature of the Girl Scouts, they do belittle homemaking. They have statements like, oh, women once centered their lives around their families, and they did cooking and cleaning. Wasn't that silly? Something like that.

I mean, I remember something along those lines. And I thought, my goodness, they're belittling one of the most crucial roles that a girl can grow into, which is taking care of her household. The whole socialist enterprise, David, has been on since the French Revolution, and it basically is anti family, anti church.

It's anti anything that will produce independent, responsible citizens who would resist an ever encroaching state. And the Girl Scouts went first. Now the Boy Scouts have followed them. It's a great loss. I applaud the Trail Life USA and American Heritage Girls, they're filling in the gap, but the loss of the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts as reputable organizations can't be underestimated. Targeting of the children, so that affects the future generation, just as the public school system has been targeted so much.

You can transform the country that way. When you gather the hearts of the children. Robert Knight with us today here on the Christian Real View, you can get on his weekly column distribution list. You'll get it by email every week by just emailing him. Robert Knight and then the number four at

Knight is spelled K N I G H T Robert Knight number four at Another aspect of your your column you wrote about, you said that with the Boy Scouts in very serious trouble. Now they've gone bankrupt. You can hear raised glasses clinking in the gay bars and in the New York Times and the Washington Post newsrooms. These folks claim to want quote inclusion. But it isn't about that. The real point of all the ACLU lawsuits and editorials was to destroy the Boy Scouts traditional moral impact on society.

Now you've you've talked about that, Robert. And really the point of the program is most listeners will have known about what's happened to the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts and so forth. But what we want to get to today is how these same tactics, the same words being used, you're not diverse enough, you're not inclusive enough, you're bigoted against your homophobic. How are those types of tactics, words, leverages used to try to undermine what you talk about this traditional moral impact on society? Okay, Robert Knight will answer that question after this first break of the day here on the Christian worldview. Many of you have heard about this story of the Boy Scouts, of course, that came out recently that they went into bankruptcy.

Not a big surprise there after what they've been sliding into for the last decade or more. But really, the point is to use it as a model, an example, a bad model, a bad example of what is now taking place the target of the church. And as we get into the program today, I'm going to tell you about a book that literally was on my radio studio desk this morning that came in in an envelope. I open it up and I'll tell you about the topic that fits in exactly with what we're talking about today. A lot more coming up with Robert Knight here on the Christian real view.

After this, I'm David Wheaton. It is a pain to know that there are people who do not know Jesus. It is a greater pain to know that oftentimes Jesus and Christianity is being distorted. Your destiny is calling out.

It's time to start living large. I don't think God killed Jesus. That's a sick God and a sick story. This is the doctrine of Christianity.

This is the doctrine that separates Christianity from every other religion in the world. Be sure to take advantage of two free resources that will keep you informed and sharpen your worldview. The first is the Christian worldview weekly email, which comes to your inbox each Friday. It contains a preview of the upcoming radio program, along with need to read articles, featured resources, special events and audio of the previous program. The second is the Christian worldview annual print letter, which is delivered to your mailbox in November. It contains a year end letter from host David Wheaton and a listing of our store items, including DVDs, books, children's materials and more. You can sign up for the weekly email and annual print letter by visiting the Christian worldview dot org or calling 1-888-646-2233.

Your email and mailing address will never be shared and you can unsubscribe at any time. Call 1-888-646-2233 or visit the Christian worldview dot org. Okay, back on the Christian worldview radio program. I'm David Wheaton, the host.

Our website is the Christian worldview dot org. Just a quick product announcement to the by what standard DVDs. Many of you have pre ordered it. It's going to be a little longer. We just got word from the manufacturer of that. That's going to be late March. We apologize for that. There's nothing we could do about it, but those are still going to be shipped. But we just need to get the DVDs in hand first before we can do so.

So our apologies, but they are coming toward the end of March. Our topic today here in the program is how the tactics that sank the Boy Scouts are now aimed at the church. I'll tell you about this book I just received that just goes right in line with that actual title of the program today. But let's get back to the second segment of the interview with Robert Knight, who wrote an article this week. His column was about how what happened to the Boy Scouts and they went into bankruptcy because of the whole LGBTQ movement. But what we want to get to today is how these same tactics, the same words being used, you're not diverse enough, you're not inclusive enough, you're bigoted against, you're homophobic. How are those types of tactics, words, leverages used to try to undermine what you talk about this traditional moral impact on society? Well, when you change the language, you control the debate, which is why they changed abortion to choice and homosexual to gay.

The left does this constantly. Another example would be reparative therapy, which is talk counseling for people who don't want homosexual desires and go to a counselor and say, well, how do I keep these under control or even reverse them? That was called reparative therapy. The reparative aspect is you recover your God given sexuality. And the left converted that into conversion therapy, which sounds scary, evokes thoughts of shock therapy, and things like that. And of course, they don't do any of that.

But it works. Something like 11 states have banned conversion therapy. This should go to the Supreme Court at some point because it denies client self determination, which is a fundamental value in our free country, you ought to be able to get the kind of counseling you want. Just because the left doesn't like it doesn't mean you shouldn't be able to get it.

And certainly parental rights, you ought to be able to take your child to a licensed counselor who will compassionately deal with their unwanted sexual feelings. But the left is saying no, you do it our way or else. We'll let counselors operate who push kids into homosexuality and transgenderism, but never the other way around.

Never will they be dissuaded from engaging in that behavior. This is totalitarian in nature. And I have said before, David, maybe even on your program, that the end goal of the whole LGBTQ agenda is the criminalization of Christianity. And I firmly believe that and I see that unfolding every day, as more of it finds its way into the law, which creates a fundamental change in how we're treated under our Constitution.

If you recast traditional biblical morality as a form of bigotry, that is actionable, and bring in all the force of the civil rights apparatus, you're basically criminalizing traditional views about sexuality. It's happening in the workplace, it's happening on college campuses. And now that they're aimed at the kids so heavily, it's really happening big time in the public schools right down to the kindergarten level.

It is Robert Knight with us today in the Christian worldview. Our topic is how the tactics that sank the Boy Scouts are now aimed at the evangelical church in this country. We'll get to that in just a few minutes here. Let's get to some of these tactics and how they are used against corporations, corporate America, other organizations. From your column, you say it was sabotage from within that proved most damaging for the Boy Scouts. Some of it coming from people like Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense under George W. Bush, and Barack Obama. As chief scout executive Mr. Gates presided over the surrender in 2013 of the Boy Scouts. Pressure also came from the scouts board members who were top executives at corporations like AT&T and UPS.

Former Exxon Mobil chairman, Rex Tillerson, who was briefly Donald Trump's secretary of state, was reportedly instrumental in the policy change. These are big, big names and big corporations who are making these decisions on the board of the Boy Scouts. Long ago, like henpecked spouses, many corporate executives began supporting the left's radical sexual agenda at the nagging of their human resource departments. That's where they employ quote diversity specialists with degrees in women's ethnic and LGBTQ studies. Keep them happy, or they'll go to the media and call you a bigot. So Robert, discuss how these pressure tactics work or are applied inside of a corporation in the biggest corporations in the country or other organizations to make them cave in to homosexual, transgender, other types of quote diversity demands. They can't get away with this stuff without the aid and abetting of the media, because they will forward an agenda at a particular corporation, make a demand that the corporation isn't ready to cede to, and then go outside and hold a press conference.

And then the press will dutifully cast the company as a hotbed of bigots and put pressure on them and call for boycotts and everything else and just harass them and mow mow them until they give in. But the thing is, once they give in and say add sexual orientation to the list of anti-discrimination categories, that opens the door to all the other demands. You know, why aren't you having a gay pride day? Why don't you give marital benefits to same sex partners?

There's no end to the demands. Once the dam breaks and you say that, okay, there are no moral standards when it comes to sexuality anymore, and we have to accommodate each and every one of them. It eventually comes full circle and it causes people who hold traditional values to become targets. Why haven't you mentioned something nice about Gay Pride Week this week?

Why didn't you do this or that? It's never enough to be tolerant. It quickly moves on to demands for acceptance, then it moves on to demands for activist promotion of the behavior and the movement. And then finally, the last stage is we're going to get anybody who won't go along with us. Our country is rapidly moving in that direction. Look what's happened to the Scouts and the Girl Scouts, but also major corporations. One of the smartest things the LGBTQ activists ever did was to target corporate America. They did it through personnel departments where you employ people from gay studies programs and such. And they basically say, look, if you buy our diversity program and force every employee through this training, we won't tell the media that you're such bad guys. They do it with race. They do it with sex. They do it numerous ways.

But it all adds up to a power play that has been remarkably successful. I'm afraid this is coming right to the doorstep of the church, even the evangelical church, which is kind of held out against this kind of pressure. It's not so much more an unwilling corporate board or leadership structure anymore.

The leadership is right on board with these things that the human resources departments are pushing on, quote, diversity as well. They want to signal their virtue. They're not being pulled kicking and screaming into all this promotion of what the Bible calls a perversion of God's design for sexuality. A lot of them come out of the Ivy League colleges, which have been promoting the whole gay agenda and the abortion agenda, the whole left wing agenda for decades.

And they're just products of their culture. So as you say, they're no longer being dragged, kicking and screaming. They're leading the parade.

Yes. Robert Knight with us today in the Christian Real View talking about the tactics that sink the Boy Scouts are now aimed at the church. Let's get into that aspect, because you do mention that in your most recent column.

And by the way, listeners can get on your column distribution list by going, just emailing you at You say this in your column. Having whipped the scouts into submission, the same folks are now concentrating on Christianity with the same aim, destroy the churches or better yet, commandeer them to promote sexual anarchy and other leftist aims. Just ask former Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who thumps a brave new version of the Bible in which Jesus is a gay activist, God is cool with even late term abortion, and everyone who says otherwise isn't a real Christian. Let's get to the first part of that paragraph first and how these tactics are being aimed at the evangelical church because we know Buttigieg is much more in the mainline denominations that has been given over to this for decades. But how is this being aimed at the evangelical church?

Do you see Robert? A number of ways. There's a gay Christian movement that's arisen, and it's really become quite a force in social media in particular. There are several so-called gay Christians who are saying that God is perfectly fine with this, they were created that way and therefore it can't be wrong. It's part of the born-gay-can't-change ethos that has helped propel the whole movement actually, but within the church it's especially effective because we're told to have compassion toward all people, and when they appeal to our compassion they use two Bible verses in particular. Their favorites are, Judge not, lest ye be judged, and let him who is without sin cast the first stone.

You hear this constantly from people who are trying to shake down biblical morality and refashion it into kind of anything goes, as long as you say you love God and love Jesus. But it's also invading the institutions. I was shocked to find out that the National Association of Evangelicals has bought into some of the Marxist rhetoric that's characteristic of these revolutionaries. In June 2019, the Southern Baptist Convention approved a resolution by a strong majority embracing the Marxist concept of critical race theory. Okay, you've been listening to the Christian Royal View on that topic, what Robert was just talking about. We did three weeks on how critical race theory and intersectionality and issue of sexuality and all that's infecting not just secular organizations, but Christian parachurch and churches as well. We have much more to get to today in the program, so stay tuned. I'm David Wheat and you're listening to the Christian Royal View.

The critical race theory and intersectionality are simply analytical tools that are meant to be used as tools, not as a worldview, not a transcended worldview above the authority of Scripture. And we stand by the strength of this resolution. Is the Southern Baptist Convention diverging from biblical orthodoxy over issues of women teaching men, homosexuality and critical race theory?

Is this a bellwether of what's coming to your church? By what standard is a 110-minute DVD documentary about the battle taking place in the SBC? You can receive the DVD for a donation of any amount to The Christian Worldview. To order, go to or call 1-888-646-2233 or write to Box 401, Excelsior, Minnesota 55331. David Wheaton here to tell you about my boy Ben, a story of love, loss and grace.

Ben was a yellow lab and inseparable companion at a stage in my life when I was single and competing on the professional tennis tour. I invite you to enter into the story and its tapestry of relationships with Ben, my aging parents, with a childhood friend I would finally marry, and ultimately with God who caused all things, even the hard things, to work together for good. Order the book for your friend who needs to hear about God's grace in the gospel, or the one who has gone through a difficult trial or loss, or just the dog lover in your life. Signed and personalized copies are only available at or by calling 1-888-646-2233.

That's 1-888-646-2233 or To think biblically and live accordingly. That is what we strive to do on the Christian Real View radio program as we examine topics week after week in the world of current events, things going on in the culture, and of course in matters of faith in the church, theology, apologetics, that sort of thing. So thank you for joining us today. Our topic is how the tactics that sank the Boy Scouts are now aimed at the church, the broader Christian movement, so to speak.

Christians in general. And Robert Knight, our guest today, he's a columnist for the Washington Times, and I would highly recommend you actually get his, you can sign up for his weekly column just by getting on his distribution list. Just send him an email,, and you'll get on his, just request it, and you'll get on his free distribution list.

He sends it out every Monday. But before the break there, he was talking about how these tactics that sank the Boy Scouts are now getting into the evangelical church, Christian organizations, and so forth, and he was in the middle of an answer. So let's get back to the rest of his answer to that question. But how is this being aimed at the evangelical church?

Do you see Robert? I was shocked to find out that the National Association of Evangelicals has bought into some of the Marxist rhetoric that's characteristic of these revolutionaries. In June 2019, the Southern Baptist Convention approved a resolution by a strong majority, embracing the Marxist concept of critical race theory. And another one, intersectionality.

These are straight out of the Marxism. And critical race theory is that everything is race. All differences can be explained by race, that the only way we can overcome racial differences is really to place ourselves under all governing force that will wipe out bigotry wherever it finds it. An intersectionality says that people are oppressed six ways from Tuesday, whether you're black, or you're gay, or you're left handed, or they say that it all adds up to an oppressive race and sex. So you know, boil it down, and they're basically saying, everybody's a victim except white Christian males.

And so we have to make them own their guilt. We have to get the society woke, as they call it. Everybody's woke to the fact that America is really not the great nation we thought it was.

It's entirely race-based. It's incurably racist, that its founding was in 1619, as the New York Times says in its new program, because that's when some slaves were brought to Virginia. And they say, well, that's the real founding of America.

And let's look at America through that lens instead of through what the founders envisioned with the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. The sad thing, David, is that this is being taught to kids in schools all over America, largely through the Howard Zinn book, which is a people's history of the United States. And he was a communist. He is full of false scholarship.

He trashes people like Christopher Columbus. He finds very little good in America. And these kids are being raised on the idea that they live in a terrible country that needs radical transformation. And that's how we can explain why these huge numbers of people say they'd vote for a socialist candidate. You know, if America is that bad, then we need radical restructuring. And what better to do that than socialism, which requires that all that came before it be forgotten and destroyed so they can create the new socialist man on the ashes of the old society? Well, what you just described, you answered my final question by answering how do you explain how Bernie Sanders is someone who praises Fidel Castro for his literacy program and so forth and his incredible history with communism and socialism.

And he's not even a Democrat, by the way, he's a Democrat socialist, I mean, part of the Democrat Party, and he's leading by a long shot. And you just described how it happens. You know, people are brought up on Howard Zinn's book, by the way, we're going to do a program on that book coming up in the future here and how that book has led to the perception, as you just mentioned, that America is this terrible, racist, misogynistic, oppressive country.

And so therefore, it needs to be completely transformed. And you can see the reality of that, like you just mentioned, and the popularity of someone like Bernie Sanders. I mean, it's just incredible that someone like that can be given one second of attention in a country that's never been historically in the worldview that he has. But let me ask you one final question today, Robert, is you talked about these tactics that are used against the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, the church, general society, schools, and so forth. How does a Christian who is working in one of these environments or maybe a Christian business owner, how do they resist this? Why aren't Christians able to integrate their values into their business? Whereas these values are pushed on them, unless you implement them, it's or else? Well, a lot of Christians do integrate their values in their business.

The best thing to do is to ignore demands like this unless you are under legal obligation, in which case you're in a tough place. It was disheartening to a lot of us when Chick-fil-A, which a lot of Christians see as a bastion of resistance against this, this whole leftist movement, basically caved and started giving money to left wing organizations up to and including the Southern Poverty Law Center, which is as radical an organization as you'll find as an anti-Christian an organization as you can find. It wasn't Truett Cathy, the founder of Chick-fil-A, or even his son, who's now running it, Dan Cathy, but there are other people near the top of Chick-fil-A who've decided, well, we want to open in a lot of liberal jurisdictions, and our biblical values are kind of getting in the way. So I guess what we need to do is show that we're woke too, and we'll start funding the left.

And that means withdrawing funds from groups like the Salvation Army, which still maintains marriage as the union of a man and a woman. So a lot of us are very disappointed and hope Chick-fil-A will rethink this. But it shows you have a multi-billion dollar company, one of the most successful businesses in the United States, and even they feel they have to accommodate the activism of the left. So think of small businesses trying to stand up against this. They should get legal help if they really get stepped on and told to do something totally against their values.

The Alliance Defending Freedom is there to help, the ACLJ, Jay Sekulow's group, the Pacific Legal Institute, Liberty Council. There are some strong Christian legal organizations that are only too happy to step in and represent, often pro bono, to Christians who find themselves under attack by this left-wing assault on their values. Well, Robert, we appreciate this most recent column because, like I mentioned, people know about what's happened to the Boy Scouts. It's really a sad tale of now being bankrupt and all the loss of their original Christian-based values into what it is today.

But it really, I think, is representative of what's going on more broadly across this country, both in corporations, organizations, and now the attack, of course, has been going on against the church. So keep up the great work, Robert. And we just wish all of God's best and grace to you. Thanks for coming on the Christian Real View today. It's always a pleasure, David. Thanks for helping get the word out. Okay, that was Robert Knight, everyone, a columnist for The Washington Times. I'll just say his email address one more time in case you want to get on his free column distribution list. It comes out on Mondays.

That's This issue is such a cut and dried issue biblically from a standpoint of homosexuality, transgenderism, this sort of thing. But it really is a bellwether. It's a litmus test of what your view, what you believe about who you believe God is and what you believe about His word. It's so cut and dried in the Bible that there's no other way to take it. Homosexuality, transgenderism are sinful and wrong, according to Scripture, according to God's word. And so it's many, many places throughout Scripture that we see this.

And so your view of this says a lot about what your view of God is in the Bible. And this is a frequently visited topic. It's like LGBTQ all the time. That's because it's being pushed on society all the time.

It impacts Christians, their children, it's every sector of life. It's reading times for children, drag queen story hour in the library, the public library in your town. It's the ability to conduct your own business, whether you do weddings or photography or artwork, according to your Christian conscience. It's the renaming of tennis stadiums in Australia.

Margaret Court has spoken out against homosexuality, so therefore the tennis stadium named after her in Australia needs to be changed. It's the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts, as we discussed today. It's the counseling movement.

It's the military. It's now, like we talked about, the church. And as I mentioned earlier in the program, just in getting ready for the program today, I came into the studio and on my desk was an envelope and we get books all the time from publishers seeking to have their authors on the show to be interviewed to create publicity for the book. And so I opened the book up and I looked at the title and it said, Born Again This Way, Coming Out, Coming to Faith, and What Comes Next. Born Again This Way. This book is about being a quote, unquote, same sex, same sex attracted Christian. That's their words, basically being a have homosexual desires, harboring homosexual desires, and not seeking to as a believer saying, no, those desires are always wrong. Those desires are always sinful.

Those need to be recognized, replaced with the truth of Scripture and overcome through the supernatural resources God gives me through His Spirit and the Word. But now here's the undermining going on that you can be a same sex attract. You can be a homosexual Christian. That can be your identity. You can attach a modifier onto being a Christian. This is who I am, and it's okay. I just need to figure out a way to live this way. Maybe I have to be celibate or whatever, but I'm still the same.

I still have homosexual desires. That's what this book is doing. Recognize the names here now. Sam Albury, remember that name, big name in this movement. Rachel Gilson is the author. You know who Rachel Gilson works for?

Here in the press literature, she's got her bio here. She serves in the leadership team of theological development and culture for CREW, Campus Crusade for Christ, formerly that. So what do you think this influence is going to have on that major Christian campus organization? She also writes for the Gospel Coalition and Christianity Today and Desiring God. It's the complete undermining of what the Bible says.

We'll come back and discuss more after this. There's an abundance of resources available in Christian bookstores and online. But the sad reality is that many of them, even some of the most popular, do not lead to a sound and strong faith. A key aim of The Christian Worldview is to identify and offer resources that are biblically faithful and deepen your walk with God. In our online store, we have a wide range of resources for all ages, adult and children's books and DVDs, Bibles and devotionals, unique gifts and more. So browse our store at and find enriching resources for yourself, family, friends, small group or church. You can also order by calling our office toll free at 1-888-646-2233.

That's 1-888-646-2233. Or visit It is a pain to know that there are people who do not know Jesus. It is a greater pain to know that oftentimes Jesus and Christianity is being distorted. Your destiny is calling out.

It's time to start living large. I don't think God killed Jesus. That's a sick God and a sick story. This is the doctrine of Christianity. This is the doctrine that separates Christianity from every other religion in the world. That's 1-888-646-2233.

Or write to Box 401, Excelsior, Minnesota, 55331. Thanks for joining us today on the Christian Real View. This is the final segment as we discuss how the tactics that sank the Boy Scouts are now aimed at the church. And I was talking about this book I just received called Born Again This Way. In other words, I was born a homosexual and then I was born again and now how do I live as a same-sex attracted Christian? Now, if the title of the book was Crucifying Homosexual Desires or Overcoming the Flesh, that'd be one thing, but it's not.

This is incredibly subversive because the line is so carefully drawn here. As a Christian, it says in the promo, who experiences same-sex attraction, is it possible to live a life that's faithful and fulfilling? Rachel Gilson, the author, wants to share that it is. Living as a Christian with same-sex attraction. In other words, it's not with sinful homosexual desires, it's just this is who I am.

It's not just a case of limping to the finish line. She went on to say, I became a Christian much to my own surprise, she says. It was as if the Son of the Gospel had evaporated my atheism in an instant. But as time went on and one reality remained like a stubborn puddle, I was sexually attracted to women.

I still am. Now, she's married to a man today. So what she should be teaching, and I haven't read the book so I don't want to assume too much here, but this is the same, all the same endorsers and everyone else in this book, Sam Albury, Rachel Gilson, Colin Hansen, Karen Swallow Prior, all these same folks are the ones who are promoting this same-sex attracted Christian movement. And what they should be saying is homosexual desires are wrong. Just like for a heterosexual, adulterous desires are wrong. If I went around saying, well, you know, I'm married, but I'm an adulterous attracted man. No, I don't say that. I'm saying I'm a sinful man who, if those desires come up and that lust comes up, that temptation comes up, recognize it, repent of it, claim Christ's forgiveness for it, and through the power of the Spirit and the Word, seek and strive to overcome it. Don't accept it as part of, oh, this is just who I am.

Absolutely not. And so this is incredibly subversive, and it goes exactly to our topic today, how this homosexual movement that sank the Boy Scouts is now really inside the church as well. Now, I was at the Republican caucus the other night, just wanted to see what was going to be taking place there in this election year. And so I went there and someone brought up the issue of a book, actually asked the caucus leader about a book that has been integrated into schools. Well, it's perfectly normal.

It's perfectly normal. What do you think that book's about? Well, it's about the LGBTQ movement.

Again, it's in everything. It's in schools, it's in corporations, it's in Christianity now, it's in the church, it's everywhere. And I asked the person leading, I said, why do you think someone would produce a book like that?

That wasn't a Christian book, of course, but they're trying to normalize homosexuality for school kids. I asked the person, the leader, why would someone produce a book like this? What's the intent of that? What is someone trying to do? And she really couldn't answer the question. She said, Oh, it shouldn't be in schools. It's pornographic.

I understand that. But why is someone trying to push that morality? Well, the answer is that they sincerely believe they are morally right. They believe the historic prevailing traditional morality of Christians in the Bible that this country was made up of once, that's bigoted and it's oppressive. It's theistic, it's patriarchal, favors man over women, it's sexist, it's homophobic towards homosexuals, it's racist, it's transphobic towards people who are transgender. And so they believe that that value system, that worldview, this is a worldview issue, the Christian worldview, this is a worldview issue, that that is inherently wrong and needs to be overturned. Now, within that group, there are some who understand in a deeper way that the destruction of biblical marriage, one man, one woman, the destruction of the nuclear biblical family, a father and mother raising children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord, of biblical morality, of heterosexual marriage and all sex and desire outside of biblical marriage between one man and one woman is sinful.

That the church, they understand the church is necessary to topple those institutions of marriage, family, morality in the church, it's necessary to topple those in order to transform, to fundamentally transform America into their humanist, godless, sexually approved utopia. That's what must be done. Some of them understand that, not all, some just believe they're doing the right thing, others know that they're not only doing the right thing but they must subvert the institutions of society. Worldviews must be changed, whether in the educational system, pressure must be applied, in the HR departments of corporate America, laws must be changed, the Equality Act must happen, there must be coercion, law is inherently coercive. If you don't obey it, it's punishment. Speech must be suppressed. Dissenters must be punished. That is the chain that some of them understand and they'll go to any length to do that.

These people are sinners like I am, but thank God that God showed me my sin and helped me understand the Gospel, need to repent and believe in Christ and be transformed rather than going on in evil and wickedness as these people are continuing to do right now. On this issue, there is a big difference between private behavior and public policy. The Old Testament, we see that God established laws for Israel, he regulated their private behavior, not just the public policy but their private behavior as well. If you were an adulterer, if you were a homosexual and others, you were executed. And the reason for that was God did not want Israel to be totally corrupted by sin, which is what takes place when sin spreads like a weed among people.

It corrupts and it kills. Now, I'm not saying the U.S. should do that, but it will be interesting what Jesus does, how he rules when he reigns during his thousand year reign on earth, the millennium. But when you go from allowing something privately, which I think maybe Christians can take two sides on, people in the privacy of their bedroom can live the way they want, they're accountable to God, not the state. But when you transition from that to saying that we need to make this public policy, you know, same sex marriage, the worldview in schools and LGBTQ and everything, it gets integrated into everything. It's no longer don't ask, don't tell, that's more like leave people alone privately, but it's legal and moral now and it must be affirmed or else. So you remember how we were told, well, with same sex marriage, oh, this won't affect your marriage. What do you care? It's not going to affect your marriage, your family. Well, yeah, it's not going to affect my individual marriage by God's grace, with God's help, but it affects my marriage or my family and me in many other ways, whether it's through the movies that are on television or cartoons, my sun watch or the schools he goes to or the library he visits or the corporations we engage with. It's everywhere. And those who dissent lose their jobs, they get ostracized and they get sued.

There's much more to talk about on this topic. I wish I had a little more time today, but I'll just finish by saying this. This is an all out assault, not just on the Boy Scouts, but on all of society and Christians need to take to heart what Paul writes in Ephesians six, to stand firm, to resist, to put on the full armor of God, to pray at all times and to boldly make known the gospel. That is the Christian response to all that is taking place in our society today. And by God's grace, let's strive to do just that until next weekend. Think biblically and live accordingly. To find out how you can be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ, go to our Web site, the Christian worldview dot org, or call us toll free at one triple eight six four six twenty two thirty three. The Christian worldview is a weekly one hour radio program that is furnished by the Overcomer Foundation and is supported by listeners and sponsors. Request one of our current resources with your donation of any amount. Go to the Christian worldview dot org or call us toll free at one triple eight six four six twenty two thirty three. Or write to us at Box four zero one Excelsior, Minnesota, five five three three one. That's box four zero one Excelsior, Minnesota, five five three three one. Thanks for listening to the Christian worldview. Until next time, think biblically and live accordingly.
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