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How to Think and Live in an Anti-Truth Culture

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton
The Truth Network Radio
May 28, 2021 8:00 pm

How to Think and Live in an Anti-Truth Culture

The Christian Worldview / David Wheaton

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May 28, 2021 8:00 pm

GUEST: ROBERT KNIGHT, author and columnist, Washington Times

Satan and unredeemed humanity have always been at war with the truth. This is because God is the source of truth, and thus to try to escape accountability to God and persuade others to do the same means one must believe and propagate lies.

This includes lies about God’s character and nature, His laws and justice, His offer of salvation through Christ, and really any given issue that will lead someone in the wrong direction. Lies about sexuality (“homosexuality is good”), gender (“you can choose your gender”), race (“your identity is your skin color”), climate (“man will destroy the world”), COVID (“masks and the vaccine will save us”), etc., etc.

We are living in a lie-dominant, anti-truth culture. Christians don’t know where to get news on current events because mainstream and social media constantly pump out lies in pursuit of their agenda to lead people away from God and to their socialist government utopian dream.

Robert Knight, columnist for the Washington Times, joins us this weekend on The Christian Worldview to discuss this anti-truth worldview in light his most recent column, “The Dangers of Doublethink”, where the most influential institutions in our society constantly lie about everything.

How should a Christian think and live in this anti-truth culture? Join us this weekend to find out!

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How to think and live in an anti-truth culture. That is a topic we'll discuss today right here on the Christian Worldview radio program, where the mission is to sharpen the biblical worldview of Christians and to share the good news of Jesus Christ.

I'm David Wheaton, the host, and our website is Now, Satan and unredeemed humanity have always been at war with the truth. This is because God is the source of truth, and thus to try to escape accountability to God, which is futile, I might add, and persuade others to do the same, that means you must believe and propagate lies. Get away from the truth.

Now, this includes lies about God's character and nature, His laws and His justice, His offer of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ, and really any given issue that will lead someone in the wrong direction. So you hear lies about sexuality. Homosexuality is good, we're told. Or gender. You can choose your gender. Race.

Your identity is your skin color. Or climate. Someone's going to destroy the world instead of God. Or COVID.

Mask and the vaccine will save us. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. We are living in a lie-dominant, anti-truth culture. Christians don't know where to get news on current events because mainstream media and social media constantly pump out lies in pursuit of their agenda to lead people away from God and toward their socialist government utopian dream. Robert Knight, columnist for The Washington Times, joins us today on The Christian Worldview to discuss this anti-truth worldview in light of his most recent column titled The Dangers of Doublethink, where the most influential institutions in our society constantly lie about everything. So how should a Christian think and live in this anti-truth culture?

We're going to get at that question today. And before we get to Robert Knight, just a little setup for this topic. When we come home from church on Sundays, I know I've mentioned this in the past, that we try to hear some of Grace Community Church's service out in Southern California, where John MacArthur is the pastor. And interestingly enough, this past Sunday, he's been doing a series on raising children. And at the beginning of his message, he described the kind of culture in which Christians have to raise children.

Here's what he said about this anti-truth culture. I think we're all savvy enough in the culture in which we find ourselves today to know that there is a war on children. It is an educational war on children. It is a psychological war on children. It is a political war on children. But more than that, it is a spiritual war on children. And more than that, it is a satanic war on children. We don't wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in the heavenlies. It is a spiritual war on children.

It takes many forms. Right now, it is dominated by a mentality that I would choose to call the anti-truth culture. There was a time when we defined human life, post-Enlightenment, post-Reformation, as modern. And that meant we were searching for truth, and that was followed by post-modern, which meant we were no longer searching for truth. We decided there was no absolute truth. You could have your own truth, find your own truth. We've gone through that and out the other side into a culture that is bent on lies and anti-truth. It is an all-out assault on the very concept of truth. It is a willful ignorance of reality. And children are the greatest victims of this because the perpetrators know where they have to go to shape minds. They get them as early as they can.

This is exactly the case. This is why the educational system is so humanistic and so godless. They know, like Christians know, that you raise up a child in the way that he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

That works both ways, for righteousness or for sinfulness. And this is why those on the left want earlier and earlier education. They want your kids in daycare, you know, when they're one or two years old, and in early education, by the time they're three or four, they want complete control of their minds at the earliest possible date. And this is why you have no choice where your tax dollars go to support the educational system in America. It would be one thing if your tax dollars could go follow your child to where you wanted to send them to school, but that's not allowed in this country. Your tax dollars go to the government educational system no matter what. And if you want to go elsewhere, you have to pay for it.

It just goes to show you how intent they are on shaping your child's mind towards unrighteousness. Let's continue with what John MacArthur said. They get them as early as they can, which then raises the stakes for parents because we're no longer aided by the educational system. We're no longer aided by the social structures around us. We're no longer aided by politics. We're certainly not aided by big tech. We're not aided by entertainment, media. We have, in a real sense, no help. We are in full-blown anti-truth, satanic paganism. And again, that raises the stakes for parenting your children.

It most certainly does raise the stakes, the difficulty level. There's no aid outside a Christian home that's going to be shepherding your children in a righteous direction. And let me add one more area that's not really helping as much as they should, and that's the church itself. You would think there would be a cooperation there, but just too many studies have shown that kids who grow up in evangelical churches don't catch a biblical worldview, they don't catch the gospel, they don't understand it, and they walk away.

That really is probably the saddest story of all, that kids should be getting it primarily at home but it should be reinforced in the church, and it's not being reinforced enough in the church. So with that as some context on this anti-truth culture that we are living in, let's get to the interview with Robert Knight, who is an author and a columnist for the Washington Times. Robert, thank you for coming on the Christian Real View today. I want to start out by reading from your most recent column, which you titled The Dangers of Doublethink. And you start up by saying this, we're clearly living in a time of doublethink. That's when someone believes two mutually contradictory beliefs. The term came from George Orwell's novel 1984, in which the government ruling party issued absurd dictums, such as war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength. The psychological name for this, you write, is cognitive dissonance. One form of it is accepting as reality something that clearly conflicts with reason, sensory perception, and common sense.

And I'm going to add a parenthetical or what the Word of God clearly declares. Next paragraph, the progressive ruling elites at the helm of our culture are exercising their clout to put us all in a constant state of doublethink, complete with a cancel culture to enforce their bizarre views. As usual, the media are in the forefront of this cultural sabotage. What are some of the most obvious examples of this that come to mind when you think about this idea of doublethink or this anti-truth culture, Robert?

I think the changes we've seen in language used in academia and by the media are the most striking. And one reason I wrote the column was I saw an Associated Press article about Governor Bill Lee in Tennessee signing a bill to protect kids from being subjected to anti-puberty hormone treatments, which sets them up later for sex change operations. The governor rightly believes that you shouldn't do this to children.

You should let nature take its course and let them grow up. But in the article, this was described as doctors being barred from, quote, providing gender-confirming hormone treatment to prepubescent minors. Think of that term gender-confirming.

It's just the opposite of what it means. If you're born a boy and you get these drugs, they hold up your trajectory into becoming a man and instead keep you in a suspended state until you get to be of age, in which case they can have you castrated. Same with a young woman, a young girl.

She gets the hormone treatment and then they set her up for double mastectomies. I mean, to me, this is beyond child abuse. This is criminal. Doctors who do this should be arrested and convicted and jailed. And yet our media are applauding it and they're defining it opposite of what it really means.

Truly an anti-truth worldview, if you've ever seen it. You say, since sex-specific pronouns are considered offensive, the Washington Post dutifully began its double-think piece this way. Pop singer Demi Lovato said, quote, they identify as non-binary and will change their pronouns to they and them. Throughout the article, Ms. Lovato is referred to as they or their. So this is the Washington Post, one of the most esteemed newspapers in this country going along with this idea that a person can be a plural instead of an individual, Robert. Yeah, they're they're defying the rules of grammar. I mean, the editors should be up in arms over this, but they're not because they're told if they are, they probably won't be employed at the Washington Post much longer.

That's how thick the leftist ideology has penetrated the nation's newsrooms. But here's another example. They talk about people being assigned sex at birth. You know, the only person doing the assigning is God.

When you're born a boy or a girl, that's it. And yet they make it a matter of a doctor or a parent assigning the sex of the child, which is absurd. And they go along with this. But, you know, what's worse is the Washington Post has a kids section called Kids Post. And they had a shorter version of this article about Demi Lovato. And they said she's, quote, proud to identify as non-binary gender.

Then they referred to her as they throughout the article. What a great way to confuse kids. You know, can you imagine being a seven-year-old whose well-meaning parents are exposing you to the Kids Post section and you're reading this and you're thinking, well, maybe I'm not a boy after all.

Maybe I'm not a girl. I'd better give this more thought. Yeah. And maybe that is the point of this all is to capture the minds and the hearts of children. So you change the next generation.

So they're truly, truly confused. Talking today with Robert Knight, an author and columnist for The Washington Times, his website is Robert H. Knight, where you can sign up for his weekly column. You can read his blog.

You can order his books there at his website. Our topic today is how to think and live in an anti-truth culture. Robert, which leads us into the next question that our society has gone from a postmodern worldview where truth isn't, we don't have the ability to know truth. It's relative to the individual. We just can't know it.

It's subjective. We've gone from that worldview to, I think more recently, within the last maybe year or two, to what we're calling now an anti-truth. The worldview now is directly against truth.

It's just all out lies. So how or what do you think changed our society from going from postmodern ism to anti-truth? Well, this began decades ago, David, with the Frankfurt School, which was a group of Marxists who came over fleeing the Nazis, and they put into place Marx's critical theories. Karl Marx was the father of communism, and he was a big fan of criticizing everything that existed and then tearing it all down and reforming society to reflect a communist viewpoint of shared ownership, abolishing private property, abolishing the nuclear family, abolishing marriage. People don't realize how radical Marx was and how radical his followers today are. The critical theory was applied to religion, the higher criticism it was called. These people took an ax to the Bible and to doctrines that were common in America right through the 20th century and then on into every subject under the sun. Herbert Marcuse, who was a Marxist, brought this to the campus.

He was well read on campus. I had to read him when I was in college, in grad school, and he criticized capitalism. He criticized religion. He said that people need to focus on themselves, and he was a big proponent of the sexual revolution, as were Marx and Engels.

There's a real story there, David, about Engels being kind of a cad himself and Marx also being awful to their families. Engels openly proclaimed free love, and a lot of the early socialist philosophers went along with this because they thought, okay, this makes sense if we can pry people away from things like marriage and family. We can split society into where there are no intervening institutions to protect the individual from the state.

This will leave the individual helpless before state power, and then we can usher in socialism and finally communism. Today we see this at work in Black Lives Matter, which was founded by two lesbian Marxists and one other Marxist woman, and the Antifa movement. They are at war with truth. They're at war with the family. They're at war with capitalism in America. A lot of people, because of the George Floyd death a year ago, bought into the Black Lives Matter movement, not realizing its Marxist origins and how dangerous it really is. Here's one more element, David, and that was the me generation.

In the 1960s, everything was challenged. The left was fortified by the writings of Herbert Marcuse and Theo Adorno and others who said you really have to concentrate on yourselves. So when you turn inward, you eventually come to the point where you think your truth is the only truth that matters.

And you still hear that phrase today. I have my truth. You have your truth. It's nonsense.

It's entirely subjective. It's an evidence of a religion of relativism that replaces Christianity, which says you can discover truth by giving your life to Jesus Christ and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you in discovering truth. That all went out the window in the 60s, and now we're reaping the whirlwind of that today. The Christian Worldview with David Wheaton returns in just a moment. Courtney was 17 weeks pregnant when she and her husband, Greg, learned that their son Shepherd had a heart condition that would require multiple surgeries and were uncertain about his future. But Samaritan Ministries connected them with other Samaritan members who began to pray and share the financial needs of the pregnancy and the medical care Shepherd needed. I don't know how Samaritan could have answered any differently and done any better.

I don't know. And just to hear the confidence on the other end of the phone of this is not something that you need to be concerned about at all. You focus on the health of your family, the health of your baby, and we will walk with you every step of the way. Thankfully, through God's faithfulness and provision, Shepherd is surpassing all of the doctor's expectations. To read more about this family's journey and about how you can join a community of believers like them, visit slash TCW. I struggled with my identity all the way through my life.

I lived eight years as Laura Jensen until I found the Lord Jesus Christ. The issues are unavoidable. They're on the news. The White House in rainbow colors. They're in our legislation. The Texas bathroom bill. In our schools.

Drag queen story out. They're even reaching into our churches. Let us be the church together. We're not just talking about issues.

We're talking about people. The proceeding is from In His Image, a 103 minute documentary film that biblically and compassionately addresses the issue of transgenderism. You can order the DVD for a donation of any amount to the Christian worldview. Call 1-888-646-2233 or write to Box 401 Excelsior, Minnesota, 55331 or visit the Christian That's 1-888-646-2233 or the Christian Welcome back to the Christian worldview. Be sure to visit our website, the Christian, where you can subscribe to our free weekly email and annual print newsletter, order resources for adults and children and support the ministry.

Now back to today's program with host David Wheaton. Robert, do you think that the people who spread and proclaim these outright lies, this anti-truth, do you think they actually believe them like the Washington Post when they write about someone's, they plural gender or critical race theory and the different things going on that you can change your sex from what you were born with? Do they really believe these things or is there an agenda, like a political agenda that they just have to go with it to get where they want to go? When I worked for the Los Angeles Times, the newsroom was the most intellectually stultifying place I've ever worked because everybody was expected to be very liberal.

And if anybody uttered something out of step with whatever the liberal viewpoint was, they were always looking over their shoulder to make sure nobody heard, that sort of thing. I think some of these people buy into these lies, but most people are just fearful of being out of step with the left-wing agenda that's so powerful. You mentioned the Washington Post.

I have in front of me a clear example of where they go with replacing truth with lies. On their Wednesday opinion column on May 26, one of their columnists, Dana Milbank, who's an out-and-out Marxist, had this headline, the GOP's fixation on race is on full display. The GOP fixating on race?

Well, no, it's the Democratic Party. They've been the ones who were fixated on race. They're behind Black Lives Matter. They run most American cities and have now a very aggressive anti-white racial agenda. But to show you how bold the Democrats are in lying, say on May 27, James Carville, who is Clinton's former campaign adviser, a very bright guy who's very strategic, there's a big headline that says Democrats are the anti-crime party. And so he blames President Trump for the huge upsurge in crime in all the democratically run cities since the George Floyd killing.

Not just the riots, but the shootings and murders, black on black, that are just turning most cities into battle zones. And somehow he blames Trump. Other Democrats have blamed Trump for the disaster at the border, saying it's all Trump's fault, even though President Trump got the border under control, was building a wall. President Biden has undone all that.

People are streaming over the border in the hundreds of thousands. It's a disaster unfolding and they're blaming Trump for it. At some point, I think the average American, even people who vote a Democrat, are going to say, you know, I'm through with the lies. These people can't be trusted. They're telling the opposite of what my own eyes and ears tell me is true. And that's our hope, David, that they have become so blatant. The devil has overplayed his hand as usual and that people are waking up and resisting.

Our parents are fighting back against the doublethink being shoved down their kids throats and various school systems. Again, Robert Knight with us today here on The Christian Real View, talking about how to think and live in this, what has turned into an anti-truth culture, just blatant lies being told. I think my little theory for this is it goes right back to the garden when Satan tempted Eve, just told her an outright lie.

You surely will not die for eating the fruit. Just completely contradicted God's word. And I think there's something inside of us that you tell a big lie, not just a little lie. You tell big lies over and over, whether it's about climate change or about race, whether it's about someone's sex, whether it's about sexuality, whether it's about, you name the issue. And as you're saying, it's just the opposite is told of what reality is. That's what truth is. Truth is actually the way things really are.

And so according to what's the standard for that, of course, it's always God and His word are the standard. That's the baseline standard for what we know is to be truth. So you tell these big lies, and I think just those who tell them know that people are going to believe them, because there's something in us that just can't see someone talking to us with a straight face on television or read something in the newspaper and just say, well, this person can't be just completely outright telling the opposite of the truth, can they? I think there's just something trusting in us that can't fathom that that could be the case, that someone would just be telling an outright lie.

But I think that is the case. Now, you mentioned, Robert, about critical race theory and how much of a lie that is, that America is founded on racism in 1619, where a terrible country is systemically racist. Whiteness is the enemy in this country. Everything's about race.

You talk about the critical race theory worldview, how much of a lie that is. Now, you mentioned George Floyd. That happened right here in Minneapolis one year ago, Memorial Day weekend in 2020. What are some of your thoughts on how George Floyd's death in the aftermath, the riots, the trial, anything you want to comment on to do with it, how that has impacted the country in race relations? I didn't think race relations could get much worse after the Barack Obama presidency, where he really exaggerated and increased antipathy between the races. He was supposed to bring us all together. A lot of people voted for Barack Obama thinking, well, look, we're going to have our first black president and that will show the world and us that we're now a post racial society.

That didn't happen. Obama and his minions put into effect lots of race conscious programs. And the Biden administration is that on steroids. They put people into place that are pursuing a radical racist ideology. Critical race theory is just one aspect of it, but it's a big one. The other is honoring groups like Black Lives Matter. The State Department issued a memorandum saying that the Black Lives Matter flag could fly on flagpoles at our foreign embassies.

Think about that for a minute. Black Lives Matter hates America, hates the nuclear family, hates capitalism, is dedicated to destroying America as we know it and replacing it with a communist system. And the Biden administration is saying that we have to put that out front and center as a symbol of America in foreign countries.

What other country puts a flag that asserts that it's it's evil on a flagpole in front of their embassy? This is just so nuts. It's astounding, really astounding. And then you'll see this all over the place.

Under Biden, we're told that transgender troops won't make any difference, won't upset the cohesion of troops in barracks to have your sergeant or your captain suddenly show up in drag, telling us to accept these as normal and even positive. But what it is is an unraveling of the moral and social order. And I think the end game is to create such division, create racial war in this country, keep us divided into identity groups, and then say that we need a bigger and more powerful government to pick up all the pieces. That is, I think, exactly the end game because God is pushed out. So then you need a new God with a little g and that new guy with a little g starts with government.

And that's where they want to go. That's human beings greatest God is the unregenerate human beings greatest God is government. Robert Knight with us today here on the Christian worldview. He is an author. He's a columnist for The Washington Times.

You can find out more and connect with his columns, get them for free every week by going to his website, I want to touch on one more example of this anti-truth culture we are now living in. The aspects of COVID, the responses to it, whether it was the masks, we're just shown to have very, very little efficacy against the spread of COVID. You know, maybe unless it was an N95 mask, but walking around with a bandana over your face really does basically nothing to stop the spread of COVID, these mass lockdowns. And now the vaccine, this non-FDA approved vaccine that is being, it's like a propaganda war that this is our savior to get this vaccine. None of the side effects or deaths are, they're swept under the rug. Talk about, Robert, how the aspects of COVID are just fallen in very neatly to this anti-truth messaging. Apart from climate science, I suppose the most censored material on the internet is probably about COVID. Big tech has gone and established rules by which if you question anything the World Health Organization says, or the Centers for Disease Control, your stuff can be censored or they could apply a warning on it. The narrative keeps changing on COVID. We've known for many months that the masks weren't particularly effective. But if you posted an article talking about how the COVID molecules are exponentially smaller than the smallest holes in the masks, you would have your information barred. Information about ivermectin, a very effective drug that's been around for years, and hydroxychloroquine has been suppressed. These should have been out there and they could have saved probably thousands of lives of people who were told that, well, there is no cure until you get the vaccine. And that's just not the case. Dr. Fauci has lost all credibility. First, he said, don't wear masks.

They're not effective. Then he said, oh, oops, everybody has to wear a mask. Then later he came out and said you really ought to wear two to make it more effective, which tells you the first mask never was effective. And one of the biggest lies told is that somehow the COVID virus came out of a wet market in Wuhan. It didn't come from the biological warfare lab where the virus was being enhanced with gain function research, some of which the U.S. participated in several years ago. It's documented.

And Dr. Fauci was up to his ears in that. I'll tell you what, David, I'm surprised the Biden administration is now pursuing the idea that, yeah, it did leak from the Wuhan lab. After all, the Chinese have lied about it. You know, bats weren't even sold in that wet market. They first blamed it spreading from bats to humans.

And the nearest, I think, wet market selling bats was a thousand miles away. But you couldn't get access to this kind of information. It would be shut down by big tech. People have to go to alternative sources. And I guess we can talk about that later, about how you find truth in a world in which the media and big tech are lying to us every day.

Yeah, I do want to get into that question for you for coming up. I just can't resist one more example of this anti-truth narrative. I mean, it seems like it's on all the big issues from COVID, as you just talked about, to gender, to sexuality, to racism, to climate, all these things.

It's like you're told the exact opposite of the reality of the situation. But from a previous column, you wrote about White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain describes Joe Biden's sweeping agenda as, quote, rebuilding the backbone of the country, rebuilding the soul of the country. In his speech Wednesday to Congress, he said, we must come together to heal the soul of this nation. He said this after naming, quote, the most lethal terrorist threat to the homeland today is, wait for this, white supremacy's terrorism.

And the minutes later, you write, after throwing a bone to cops, saying that most were honorable, President Biden accused the justice system of harboring, quote, systemic racism. He later described the January 6th Capitol riot as, quote, the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War, unquote. Now, of course, this was an unarmed melee riot, whatever you want to say, incursion into the Capitol. I think just one person was shot and that was a protester.

No one else died there as a result of this riot. But this is being, again, turned into this anti-truth declaration that this was the absolute, you know, we almost lost our republic on January 6. It was almost overtaken. We were we were just, you know, a sliver away from sliding into the abyss. Just talk briefly about this one before we get on to a few other things. Yeah, there was the big lie of in January and on that somehow this was, unquote, armed insurrection.

In fact, Nancy Pelosi used that term repeatedly, probably still does. It was nothing of the sort. There were no guns found. The only person, as you say, died was Ashley Babbitt, who is a Trump supporter, unarmed, who was trying to break go through a broken window, I guess, and was shot by someone on the other side. Of course, the media aren't the slightest bit interested in who that person was who shot her. They think it's a Capitol police officer, but they don't insist that he be identified or she unlike any shooting that involves a black victim. That's the thing that the only shootings that the media care about are black victims shot by police. And their oversized coverage of that has fooled so many people into thinking that hundreds of people a year are shot unarmed by police.

Of course, the figure is in less than 100. Only 13 black victims were shot by police who were unarmed in 2019. On the other hand, we had like 6000 deaths by shooting, virtually all of them black on black crime in major cities like Chicago and Baltimore and Washington, D.C. The media keep ignoring that death toll that happens every weekend in this country. Chicago has upwards of 40 shootings every weekend. A lot of them are taking the lives of small children. You think the media care when a six year old girl is shot down while she's skateboarding. That's not even in the news cycle. All they care about is the George Floyd type cases which they can use to charge that the United States is systemically racist and that all cops are racists and we have to cut their budgets, abolish the police as the Minneapolis City Council was talking about doing. And meanwhile, this crime is skyrocketing all over the country.

And of course, there's James Carville, former President Clinton's top strategist, blaming Trump for the crime rate that has soared since Joe Biden became president. It makes perfect sense as part of the anti-truth world view we live in. Just tell a lie, tell a big lie.

Yeah, over and over. This was patented by Joseph Goebbels, who was Adolf Hitler's propaganda minister. And he said, if you tell the big lie often enough, people will believe it. That was perfected by the Soviets.

Also, he told lie after lie. The Christian worldview with David Wheaton returns in just a moment. With a growing and aggressive segment of our society in full throated opposition to God and biblical Christianity, the question has become, how can Christians stand firm and raise their children to do the same? Ken Ham, the founder and president of Answers in Genesis, recently released a compelling book titled Will They Stand?

Parenting Kids to Face the Giants. Ken's life and ministry is a model of standing firm on the authority of God's word and the gospel, and he shares personal experiences and biblical principles that have shaped him. For a limited time, we are offering Will They Stand? for a donation of any amount to the Christian worldview. The book is 312 pages, hardcover and retails for $19.99. To order, go to or call 1-888-646-2233 or write to Box 401, Excelsior, Minnesota 55331. Be sure to take advantage of two free resources that will keep you informed and sharpen your worldview. The first is the Christian worldview weekly email, which comes to your inbox each Friday. It contains a preview of the upcoming radio program, along with need-to-read articles and featured resources, special events, and audio of the previous program. The second is the Christian worldview annual print letter, which is delivered to your mailbox in November. It contains a year-end letter from host David Wheaton and a listing of our store items, including DVDs, books, children's materials, and more. You can sign up for the weekly email and annual print letter by visiting or calling 1-888-646-2233.

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Short takes are also available, and be sure to share with others. Now, back to today's program with host David Wheaton. David Wheaton Robert Knight with us today on The Christian World View, talking about the anti-truth culture we are now living in. It's not just a postmodern culture where you arrive at your own truth. No, there's just anti-truth. In other words, lies being told directly to us.

Now, Robert, let's get into some of the response to this, how we should respond. It's one thing. I think as Christians, we know that the non-regenerate, the non-born-again person, you know, does not have the mind of Christ, is not immersing themselves into the Word of God, the truth of the Word of God, is not being transformed by the renewing of their mind. So it's probably not that surprising. Maybe we shouldn't be too shocked that so many lies are being told to us all the time. But it is surprising when you have the professing evangelical church and some of its leaders capitulating to some of these anti-truth ideas that are more in the mainstream of society. How do you see some examples of that taking place within the—we know it takes place in the mainline denominations.

Those are long ago lost to the political left. But how do you see this getting into, seeping into the evangelical church community, this anti-truthism? Well, Christianity Today had been a flagship of evangelical Christianity as a publication, and they've gone left. They had an editor who recently resigned, and he was a never-Trumper who basically said that you can't really be a Christian unless you vote for Joe Biden.

And I thought, okay, they've lost all sense of proportion here. To me, that goes for all the never-Trumpers. And I'd like to remind them, when I send them articles about the border collapsing and all kinds of horrible things happening now all over the country, and then I'll say, well, at least we were spared Trump's rude tweets, but we're so much better off. And they have no answer, because they helped foment what is amounting to a Marxist revolution in Washington, D.C.

It's that serious. You see more evidence in places like the Southern Baptist Convention, where they adopted a resolution embracing intersectionality. Now, that's part of critical race theory, and that is the theory that says you can be a victim many times over in this white supremacist, misogynistic society. In other words, if you're a woman, you're a victim. If you're a lesbian, you're a victim.

If you're a black lesbian, you're a triple victim. And so, therefore, people are oppressed many different ways by the white patriarchy. And eventually, they begin attacking the Bible itself, saying this is the handbook for the white supremacist elite that controls society. When you combine that kind of higher critical reasoning, as they call it, with outright historical lies embraced by the 1619 movement and the Black Lives Matter curricula, you see people being told that if you're Christian, you might as well wear a Ku Klux Klan outfit. You're a hater.

You're a bigot. There are parallels to the 1930s Germany and David, and they're kind of frightening, where the Jews were first ridiculed and then singled out as villains and then finally persecuted, and then finally herded into camps. We're nowhere near that in America yet, but you see the beginnings of it with the constant drumbeat in the media of how evangelical Christians are somehow the enemy of all that's good and decent. Robert Knight with us today on the Christian worldview. You also see in these colleges, Christian colleges, so much capitulation is going on on this issue of critical race theory that that godless worldview has been imbibed by so many Christian educational institutions. And as you mentioned, Christianity Today and other media outlets, also the idea of sexuality, the LGBTQ agenda is heavily pressing in on Christian college campuses.

This is extremely troubling to see the capitulation. Also with organizations like World Vision, big, once evangelical organizations, you're seeing inroads all over the place. You know, what's going on in mainstream society is now pushing hard into the Christian community, whether it's churches or parachurch organizations. Robert, let's go to how to respond to these things for Christians listening today. Let's start with where can Christians go to find out the truth on some of these issues we're talking about? Of course, the Bible has the truth on all the issues for life and godliness, it says in the New Testament. But there are issues, these specific issues may not be directly addressed in the Bible. So where is a good place for people to get good news sourcing?

We'll start with that one. You have to go to alternative sources, because the mainstream media, as we've established here, are just lying to us every day. In fact, I get the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post and the Washington Times, and I read all three papers every morning. And it's amazing.

It's like they're in different worlds. Washington Times plays it straight. They're a conservative paper, but their news pages are straight. And their commentary section is conservative, which is why I write for them. But then I look at the Wall Street Journal and their news section is slightly more liberal. But their commentary section is usually excellent.

I don't agree with everything in it. They do their homework, and they're some excellent columnists. Then I pick up the Washington Post, which has been taken over by Marxists in the newsroom, and they've gone completely left since Jeff Bezos bought it a few years ago.

He's the founder of Amazon and the richest man in the world. And he's turned Marxists loose in his newsroom. And I look through the voluminous A section. That's the front section. And every time I look at a headline, I figure, OK, what's the agenda here?

I never take it straight. I always read it as if I'm reading Pravda or Izvestia from the old Soviet Union. And the Russian people learned early on that they had to take with a grain of salt anything reported to them. And if they wanted the real news, they'd have to go to an underground source or they go to the end of the article, whatever it is. And often the real news would be buried there.

The reporter would be forced to admit the truth somewhere that didn't fit their agenda. So often I'll read the headline, I'll look at the lead, and then I'll skip to the end of the article and see if there's a kernel of truth there. But a better way to go about this is to go to alternative sources like One News Now. That's American Family Association's excellent daily news site.

It's Town Hall has a lot of good news and columnists. You can go to American Thinker is a first-rate site with very thoughtful columns.

I've written for it in the past. Here's one more that's fairly new, and that's the Epoch Times, E-P-O-C-H Times. This is a national newspaper that was founded by Chinese dissidents who fled communist China. And their mission is to keep America from going communist. So they have excellent analyses of how the Chinese are playing us, using our own media against us, using corporations against us, and buying up politicians.

And they report the news straight. So there are some alternative news sources, and there are many more. And of course Christian Talk Radio is an excellent source, your program, but it's imperative to seek out other forms of information, because the big tech is censoring on social media. The mass media is totally given over to a Marxist point of view on every issue we care about. I think more and more people are turning to alternative media.

You don't have to be on Facebook. You can go to, you can go to MeWe, you can go to Gab, founded by a Christian, Ryan Torba. There's an alternative media rising, and the more people that turn to it, the less power the mainstream media have. And I'll just give one more recommendation that listeners go to,, to get your columns. You write excellent columns that are truth-based. So Robert, we appreciate the hard work you do in bringing out the truth in this anti-truth time that we live in, and thank you for coming on the Christian Real View Radio program today, and all of God's best and grace to you.

So if you missed any of the interview today with Robert Knight, as always, you can just go to our website,, to hear the replay of this program or any of our past programs. Now, there's nothing really new here today, as we've discussed this anti-truth culture, but there is something accelerating about it. And as you go back to the very beginning of time, that's why I say there's nothing new, notice the method that Satan uses to tempt Eve in the Garden of Eden and eat of that forbidden tree. This is the model for how you corrupt someone and make them sin. Tell them a lie, you persuade them to believe the lie, and then they act on it.

And this is exactly what is being done in our society today. Lie after lie is being told, people believe the lies, they act on them, and their soul gets destroyed. So here's from Genesis 3. Now the serpent, Satan, was more crafty than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, here's the first lie, indeed, has God said, you shall not eat from any tree of the garden? The woman said to the serpent, from the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat, but from the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, you shall not eat from it or touch it or you will die. She fended off the first lie that Satan told her, but he doesn't give up. Then he says, the serpent said to the woman, you surely will not die, blatant lie, for God knows that in the day you eat from it, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil. It's a bigger lie this time around. And so what's the result? Does Eve fend off this lie?

Well, sadly, she doesn't. When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, she had looked at it, dwelled on it, and now she's persuaded to believe the lie, that it was a delight to the eyes and the tree was desirable to make one wise. She took from its fruit and ate, and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate. These first sins against God corrupted our world and resulted in death to all people. And this is always the pattern. We sin when we believe a lie and then we act on that lie. And this is why we must know and follow the truth. And that truth is found in the Word of God, because God is truth.

Hebrews 6 18, it is impossible for God to lie. In other words, He is truth. He is the source of truth. John 14 6 talks about God's Son. I am the way, Jesus said, and the truth and the life.

No one come to the Father except through me. And finally in 1 John 5 verses 19 through 20, this is for believers. We know that we are of God and that the whole world lies in the power of the evil one. And that really explains so well what's going on in the world. We as Christians sit back and just amazed at the believing of lies.

Well, that's because the whole world lies in the power of the evil one. Verse 20, and we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding so that we may know Him who is true. And we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ.

This is the true God and eternal life. So if you are a believer, you must thirst for that truth of the Word of God. You must stand for the truth.

You must proclaim the truth. And you must teach that truth to your children. John MacArthur finished that message that we started with today talking about what we as Christian parents must pass on to our children. Fail to teach your child to fear God and the devil will teach him to hate God. Fail to teach your son to guard his mind and the devil will teach him to have an open mind. Fail to teach your child to obey his parents and the devil will teach him to rebel and break his parents' heart. Fail to teach your child to select his companions and the devil will happily choose them for him. Fail to teach your child to control his desires and the devil will gladly teach him how to give in to lust. Fail to teach your child to watch his words, speak the truth, and the devil will turn him into a liar. The devil does his work and that work is countered when parents do their work. Can we do it? Well, the key back in Ephesians 6 to being able to parent like this is back in chapter 5, verse 18, be filled with what? The Holy Spirit.

Yes, you can do it. You can do it in the strength of the Spirit and in conformity to the Scripture. I would think far less about correcting all the falsehood and lies that have marked this world since the beginning of time.

You're never going to be able to straighten that one out. You should strive and fight and proclaim the truth, but don't expect the world is going to somehow come to the truth and believe it and everything's going to be okay. That's not what the Bible says is going to happen. And if you are listening today and have never put your trust, your belief, your faith in the source of that truth, Jesus Christ, the Son of God and what He came to do to die on the cross, to pay the penalty that you deserve for your sin.

He shed His blood so that you could be forgiven and be made right with God. If you have never done that, you need to obey Jesus' command to repent and believe in this good news that God has provided a way for you to be right with Him. I would encourage you to go to our website, Read the page on What Must I Do to Be Saved? Because once you're saved, God gives you the Holy Spirit who gives you the help you need to understand the truth of God's word and to discern truth from lies that are going on all around us. Thank you for joining us today here on the Christian Worldview Radio Program. Let's be reminded in the midst of this anti-truth culture that Jesus Christ and His word are the same yesterday and today and forever.

Until next time, think biblically, live accordingly, and stand firm on the truth. 1-888-646-2233. The Christian Worldview is a listener-supported ministry and furnished by the Overcomer Foundation, a nonprofit organization. You can find out more, order resources, make a donation, become a monthly partner, and contact us by visiting, calling toll-free 1-888-646-2233, or writing to Box 401, Excelsior, Minnesota, 55331. That's Box 401, Excelsior, Minnesota, 55331. Thanks for listening to the Christian Worldview. Until next time, think biblically and live accordingly.
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