The Truth Network Radio
Search Results : Hebrew word


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: Hebrew word
Faith And Finance
Rob West
July 05, 2024
Beauty matters to painters musicians and photographers but what does it have to do with investing The creation account suggests that beauty is also at the core of faithful stewardship and investing Today we'll discuss Investing in Beautiful with Jason Myhre of the Eventide Center for Faith Investing Jason Myhre is the Executive Director of the Eventide Center for Faith Investing an educational initiative of Eventide Asset Management and an underwriter of Faith Finance The Experience of BeautyWe all encounter beauty in various forms an orchestral performance a mountain hike a beach stroll or even a bouquet of flowers at [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
June 23, 2024
A phobia is defined as the ldquo irrational fear rdquo of certain things or situations Arachnophobia is a fear of spiders though some might argue that rsquo s a perfectly rational thing to be afraid of Then there rsquo s globophobia and xocolatophobia These and some four hundred other phobias are real and documented It seems we can become afraid of most anything The Bible tells of the Israelites rsquo fear after receiving the Ten Commandments ldquo When the people saw the thunder and lightning they trembled in fear rdquo Exodus Moses comforted them offering this most interesting statement ldquo [... more]
Love Worth Finding
Adrian Rogers
February 07, 2024
Sermon Overview Scripture Passage Genesis - Adrian Rogers says The real test of your faith is not how you act at church but how you behave at home God gave us marriage and the home to meet the deepest emotional physical psychological and spiritual needs of mankind Marriage is the first institution that God created and it was established in the Garden of Eden between Adam and Eve In order for us to put meaning into marriage we must understand its purpose partnership and permanence Marriage is the closest bond to exist between two human beings In the Garden Adam [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
August 03, 2023
Phil and Sandy moved by stories of refugee children opened their hearts and home to two of them After they picked them up at the airport they nervously drove home in silence Were they ready for this They didn rsquo t share the same culture language or religion but they rsquo d become people of refuge for these precious children Boaz was moved by the story of Ruth He rsquo d heard how she left her people to support Naomi and when Ruth came to glean in his field Boaz prayed this blessing over her ldquo May the Lord nbsp [... more]
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
July 28, 2023
The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 18, 2023
In the book Physics Charles Riborg Mann and George Ransom Twiss asked ldquo When a tree falls in a lonely forest and no animal is nearby to hear it does it make a sound rdquo Over the years this question has prompted philosophical and scientific discussions about sound perception and existence A definitive answer however has yet to emerge One night while feeling lonely and sad about a problem I hadn rsquo t shared with anyone I recalled this question When no one hears my cry for help I thought does God hear Facing the threat of death and overcome [... more]
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
March 22, 2023
Episode Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier answer caller questions Show Notes CoreChristianity com Questions in this Episode Why was polygamy allowed in the Old Testament Why would God choose the Israelites if the gospel is for all nations Did Jesus teach the Prosperity Gospel Are the Sons of God in Job demon possessed men Is the Hebrew word translated as homosexuality better translated as pedophilia Is the moral law written on the hearts of everyone or believers only Today's Offer Core Question What Is God's Will For Me Request our latest special offers here or call - -THE-CORE - - [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
March 14, 2023
The first photograph of a living person was taken by Louis Daguerre in The photo depicts a figure on an otherwise empty avenue in Paris in the middle of an afternoon But there rsquo s an apparent mystery about it the street and sidewalks should have been bustling with the traffic of carriages and pedestrians at that time of day yet none can be seen The man wasn rsquo t alone People and horses were there on the busy Boulevard du Temple the popular area where the photo was taken They just didn rsquo t show up in the picture [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
February 09, 2023
One early evening while I was jogging near a construction site in our neighborhood a skinny dirty kitten meowed at me plaintively and followed me home Today Mickey is a healthy handsome adult cat enjoying a comfortable life in our household and deeply loved by my family Whenever I jog on the road where I found him I often think ldquo Thank You God Mickey was spared from living on the streets He has a home now rdquo Psalm speaks of ldquo dwelling in the shelter of the Most High rdquo v making our home with God The Hebrew word [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
December 06, 2022
Some years ago a man walked about a block ahead of me I could clearly see his arms were full of packages All of a sudden he tripped dropping everything A couple of people helped him to his feet assisting him in collecting what he rsquo d dropped But they missed something mdash his wallet I picked it up and took off in hot pursuit of the stranger hoping to return that important item I yelled ldquo Sir sir rdquo and finally got his attention He turned just as I reached him As I held out the wallet I rsquo [... more]
A New Beginning
Greg Laurie
October 02, 2022
Hear what Pastor Greg Laurie has to say about doing marriage God's way Husbands this one's especially for you Notes A successful marriage is a total commitment Wedlock should be a padlock God created marriage Before God created the church before God created the state before God created the school God created marriage As marriage goes so goes the family As the family goes so goes the nation Satan hates what God loves And the man said This is now bones of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman for she was taken out of [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
September 02, 2022
I arrived at the cancer care center where I rsquo d be serving as my mom rsquo s live-in caregiver feeling alone and afraid I rsquo d left my family and support system more than miles behind me But before I could even touch my luggage a man with a huge grin offered to help By the time we reached the sixth floor I rsquo d made plans to meet Frank rsquo s wife Lori who cared for him during his treatments The couple soon became like family as we leaned on God and each other We laughed vented cried [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
August 24, 2022
It was a Monday morning but my friend Chia-ming wasn rsquo t in the office He was at home cleaning the bathroom A month unemployed he thought and no job leads His firm had shut down because of the COVID- pandemic and worries about the future filled Chia-ming with fear I need to support my family he thought Where can I go for help In Psalm the pilgrims to Jerusalem asked a similar question about where to find help The journey to the Holy City on Mount Zion was long and potentially dangerous with travelers enduring an arduous climb The [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
August 15, 2022
At first glance I dismissed the painting Consider the Lilies by Makoto Fujimura as a simple monochromatic painting featuring a lily seemingly hiding in the background However the painting came alive when I learned it was actually painted with more than eighty layers of finely crushed minerals in a style of Japanese art known as Nihonga a style Fujimura calls ldquo slow art rdquo Looking closely reveals layers of complexity and beauty Fujimura explains that he sees the gospel echoed in the technique of making ldquo beauty through brokenness rdquo just as Jesus rsquo suffering brought the world wholeness and [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
July 16, 2022
You might start your journey in the southwest United States in a dusty town called Why Arizona Heading cross-country would take you through Uncertain Texas Bearing northeast you rsquo d make a rest stop in Dismal Tennessee Ultimately you rsquo d reach your destination mdash Panic Pennsylvania These are real places across the landscape of America though not likely a trip you rsquo d ever choose to take Sometimes this is exactly what the journey of life feels like We easily identify with the Israelites rsquo tough life in the wilderness Deuteronomy mdash life can be hard But do we [... more]
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
July 05, 2022
Song of Songs My beloved is mine and I am his he feedeth among the lilies Great question don't ya think - Find out what I think this is telling us in this episode based on the Hebrew word - Rayh [... more]
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
June 27, 2022
Song of Solomon For lo the winter is past the rain is over and gone So maybe you have wondered about dark seasons I share some thoughts and understanding of the Hebrew word for Winter used in this verse [... more]
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
June 17, 2022
Song of Songs Stay me with flagons comfort me with apples for I am sick of love We the Bride overcome with love would seem this is too good to be true need comfort food and very interestingly the first food she reaches for is in Hebrew has the root of Lily - rejoice as in His presence is fullness of Joy The apples that in the Hebrew word picture letters looks like the True Face of a continual marriage Brings into focus the apple of our eye Jesus Nothing like apples and raisins for a love sick appetite it [... more]
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
June 14, 2022
Song of Songs As the lily among thorns so is my love among the daughters The Lily of the Valleys has been down in the good soil of the valley of humiliation and sank its roots deep into the living water even you reading this who love His Word Thorns on the other hand are all about conserving the little water they think they have access to The four purposes of thorns Stop air flow from robbing moisture - hoarding Collect dew to drip on the roots - self sufficient Provide shade - keeping themselves cool - I've tried not [... more]
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
June 06, 2022
Song of Songs A bundle of myrrh is my wellbeloved unto me he shall lie all night betwixt my breasts Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted what an intimate illustration The staves of the Arc were said to have protruded into the temple veil so as to illustrate this verse according to the great Jewish Commentator Rashi - https www chabad org library bible cdo aid showrashi true jewish Chapter- htm You have to select the show button at the top to see his commentary Yes our hearts are betwixt our breasts and the Hebrew word [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 28, 2022
The fire hydrant gushed into the street and I saw my opportunity Several cars had splashed through before me and I thought What a great way to get a free wash My car hadn rsquo t been cleaned for a month and the dust was thick So I fired it up and headed into the deluge Crack It happened so fast The sun had already beaten down on my black car that morning heating its glass and interior But the water from the hydrant was frigid As soon as the cold gush hit the hot windshield a crack struck like [... more]
Kerwin Baptist
Kerwin Baptist Church
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
April 20, 2022
Psalms LORD I have hoped for thy salvation and done thy commandments The Fear of The Lord anointing for the Shin - leading to salvation in Hebrew is Yeshua but we get to our part my story along those line [... more]
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
April 18, 2022
Psalms Seven times a day do I praise thee because of thy righteous judgments Just what we need the power to make us like Jesus seven judgements a day The power of refinement and all that went wrong last Saturday to help me understand http christiancarguy com [... more]
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
April 13, 2022
Psalms I rejoice at thy word as one that findeth great spoil The understanding anointing of the letter shin- as we chew on the word we explode in rejoicing My story from this morning http christiancarguy com [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
April 03, 2022
While attending seminary I was working full-time Add to that a chaplaincy rotation and an internship at a church I was busy When my father visited me he said ldquo You rsquo re going to have a breakdown rdquo I shrugged off his warning thinking he was of another generation and he didn rsquo t understand goal-setting I didn rsquo t have a breakdown But I did experience a very rough dry season in which I fell into depression Since then I rsquo ve learned to listen to warnings mdash especially from loved ones mdash more carefully That rsquo s [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
March 18, 2022
My mother shared with me how she chose not to attend college so she could marry my father in the s but she always held on to her dream of becoming a home economics teacher Three children later though she never received a college degree she did become a nutritionist aide for the state of Louisiana rsquo s health system She cooked meals to demonstrate healthier meal choices mdash much like a home economics teacher As she shared her dream with me after recounting the events of her life she proclaimed that God had indeed heard her prayers and given [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
March 11, 2022
It rsquo s a quiet riverside park on a Saturday afternoon Joggers pass by fishing rods whirl seagulls fight over fish and chip wrappers and my wife and I sit watching the couple They are dark-skinned maybe in their late s She sits gazing into his eyes while he without a hint of self-consciousness sings to her a love song in his own tongue carried on the breeze for us all to hear This delightful act got me thinking about the book of Zephaniah At first you might wonder why In Zephaniah rsquo s day God rsquo s people had [... more]
Sound of Faith
Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy
March 08, 2022
The shofar blasts had four different sounds that signified different actions but the final blast was loud and long This is what they heard when God spoke on Mount Sinai in the wilderness John wrote in Revelation that God's voice is the sound of the shofar Some rabbis claim Satan hates the sound of the shofar because he cannot tell the difference between the sound of the shofar and God's voice When he hears it he trembles Very soon God is going to sound the last blast and we will be out of here To support this ministry financially visit [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
February 17, 2022
During our tour of an aircraft carrier a jet fighter pilot explained that planes need a -kilometer per hour wind to take off on such a short runway To reach this steady breeze the captain turns his ship into the wind ldquo Shouldn rsquo t the wind come from the planes rsquo back rdquo I asked The pilot answered ldquo No The jets must fly into the wind That rsquo s the only way to achieve lift rdquo God called Joshua to lead His people into the ldquo winds rdquo that awaited them in the Promised Land Joshua required two [... more]
Insight for Living
Chuck Swindoll
January 19, 2022
Walking with Integrity in Times of Adversity [... more]
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
January 14, 2022
Psalms Accept I beseech thee the freewill offerings of my mouth O LORD and teach me thy judgments The might of this verse has been understood since ancient times as this is the last verse recited before they blow the Shofar on Rosh Hashana Link to this reference It would appear the Psalmist made a deal with God if I give this offering will you teach me Like Hannah this type of vow is a soul thing and thus in the NUn section Robby shares a story along these lines http christiancarguy com Psalms [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
January 12, 2022
In as the US economy crashed millions of people lost everything But not Floyd Odlum As everyone else panicked and sold their stocks at cut-rate prices Odlum appeared to foolishly jump in and purchase stocks just as the nation rsquo s future disintegrated But Odlum rsquo s ldquo foolish rdquo perspective paid off yielding robust investments that endured for decades God told Jeremiah to make what seemed like an absolutely ludicrous investment ldquo buy the field at Anathoth in the territory of Benjamin rdquo Jeremiah This was no time to be buying fields however The entire country was on the [... more]
In Touch
Charles Stanley
January 07, 2022
Hear about how rewarding it is to obey God and leave all the consequences to Him [... more]
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
January 05, 2022
New Years Jokes [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
December 18, 2021
In the large African church the pastor fell to his knees praying to God ldquo Remember us rdquo As the pastor pleaded the crowd responded crying ldquo Remember us Lord rdquo Watching this moment on YouTube I was surprised that I shed tears too The prayer was recorded months earlier Yet it recalled childhood times when I heard our family rsquo s pastor make the same plea to God ldquo Remember us Lord rdquo Hearing that prayer as a child I rsquo d wrongly assumed that God sometimes forgets about us But God is all-knowing Psalm John He always see [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
December 16, 2021
Our bus finally arrived at our much-anticipated destination mdash an archaeological dig in Israel where we would actually do some excavation work of our own The site rsquo s director explained that anything we might unearth had been untouched for thousands of years Digging up broken shards of pottery we felt as though we were touching history After an extended time we were led to a workstation where those broken pieces mdash from huge vases shattered long long ago mdash were being put back together nbsp nbsp nbsp The picture was crystal clear Those artisans reconstructing centuries-old broken pottery were [... more]
Alan Wright Ministries
Alan Wright
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
November 19, 2021
As Robby is at Bootcamp he is praying the Psalm this episode is the The Vuv Section through the Yud Section [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
November 18, 2021
In my dad was diagnosed with a neurological disease that robbed him of his memory speech and control over body movements He became bedridden in and continues to be cared for by my mom at home The beginning of his illness was a dark time I was fearful I knew nothing about caring for a sick person and I was anxious about finances and my mom rsquo s health nbsp The words of Lamentations helped me get up many mornings when the light was as gray as the state of my heart ldquo Because of the Lord rsquo s great [... more]
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
November 18, 2021
As Robby is at Bootcamp he is praying the Psalm this episode is the The Bet Section through the Hey Section [... more]
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
November 01, 2021
Episode Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier answer caller questions Show Notes CoreChristianity com Questions in this Episode I would like to know what you believe about what happens to us after we die It is my understanding that our bodies are buried and then our souls are asleep until Christ comes again Does God exist outside of space and time What is the Abrahamic covenant mentioned in Genesis What aspect of the Abrahamic covenant is everlasting Why don't Christians practice circumcision if the Abrahamic covenant is everlasting Is it because the Hebrew word for 'everlasting' can mean 'long time' rather [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
October 28, 2021
Seventeen months after our first child mdash a boy mdash was born along came a little girl I was overjoyed at the thought of having a daughter but I was also a bit uneasy because while I knew a few things about little boys this was uncharted territory We named her Sarah and one of my privileges was rocking her to sleep so my wife could rest I rsquo m not sure why but I started trying to sing her to sleep and the song of choice was ldquo You Are My Sunshine rdquo Whether holding her in my arms [... more]
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
October 18, 2021
Link to The Ten Words PDF The Letter Zayin has so much to do with Remember and Seven Robby takes us on a Biblical tour before diving into verse first Jubilee - and the freedom associated with that Psalms mailto rdilmore truthnetwork com [... more]
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
September 09, 2021
Link to The Ten Words PDF God rolls away the stone and the empty tomb reveals that there is no more reproach disappointment or shame as we can be connected to the vine Psalms mailto rdilmore truthnetwork com [... more]
Sound of Faith
Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy
August 25, 2021
All were formed from the dust of the earth but only man received the breath of God into his nostrils creating in him not only a soul but a spirit God put His signature on Adam that can only be seen in the spelling of the Hebrew word for formed and why it has two Y's To support this ministry financially visit https www oneplace com donate [... more]
Sound of Faith
Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy
August 24, 2021
All were formed from the dust of the earth but only man received the breath of God into his nostrils creating in him not only a soul but a spirit God put His signature on Adam that can only be seen in the spelling of the Hebrew word for formed and why it has two Y's To support this ministry financially visit https www oneplace com donate [... more]
Sound of Faith
Sharon Hardy Knotts and R. G. Hardy
August 23, 2021
All were formed from the dust of the earth but only man received the breath of God into his nostrils creating in him not only a soul but a spirit God put His signature on Adam that can only be seen in the spelling of the Hebrew word for formed and why it has two Y's To support this ministry financially visit https www oneplace com donate [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
July 31, 2021
Clifford Williams was sentenced to die for a murder he didn rsquo t commit From death row he vainly filed motions to reconsider the evidence against him Each petition was denied mdash for forty-two years Then attorney Shelley Thibodeau learned of his case She found that not only was there no evidence to convict Williams but that another man had confessed to the crime At the age of seventy-six Williams was finally exonerated and released nbsp The prophets Jeremiah and Uriah were also in deep trouble They had told Judah that God promised to judge His people if they didn [... more]
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
July 28, 2021
http christiancarguy com Link to The Ten Words PDF Digging into the many words that repeat time and again in the th Psalm Precepts mailto rdilmore truthnetwork com [... more]
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
July 23, 2021
http christiancarguy com The Psalm is a Deep mine into the Heart of God and How we can go after Him with a whole heart Based on the building blocks of Hebrew Expression the Alef - Bet Each verse is a face of those expressions Come mining with us in this introduction to the questions that we will cover such as why eight verses for each letter what's the difference between a commandment and a statute or a judgement Email Robby with your questions or comments rdilmore truthnetwork com Here is the link I told you about in this episode [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
June 30, 2021
nbsp Alice Kaholusuna recounts a story of how the Hawaiian people would sit outside their temples for a lengthy amount of time preparing themselves before entering in Even after entering they would creep to the altar to offer their prayers Afterward they would sit outside again for a long time to ldquo breathe life rdquo into their prayers When missionaries came to the island not always but sometimes their prayers felt different They would stand up utter a few sentences call them ldquo prayer rdquo say amen and be done with it The Hawaiians described these prayers as ldquo without [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
June 16, 2021
In a World Cup qualifying match that pitted the US against Trinidad and Tobago the Soca Warriors shocked the world when they beat the US men rsquo s national team a team ranked fifty-six places higher The - upset eliminated the US team from the World Cup Trinidad and Tobago rsquo s victory was so unexpected in part because the United States rsquo population and resources dwarfed those of the small Caribbean nation But those seemingly insurmountable advantages weren rsquo t enough to defeat the passionate Soca Warriors The story of Gideon and the Midianites features a similar upset one [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 24, 2021
The man ahead of me at the carwash was on a mission He purposefully strode to the back of his pickup and removed the hitch so it wouldn rsquo t snag the high-powered rolling brushes He paid the attendant then pulled onto the automated track mdash where he left his truck in drive The attendant shouted after him ldquo Neutral Neutral rdquo but the man rsquo s windows were up and he couldn rsquo t hear He zipped through the car wash in four seconds flat His truck barely got wet Elijah was on a mission too He was busy [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 12, 2021
In Australia a report outlined ldquo a grim story rdquo of extreme drought heat and fire The account described a horrific year with only minuscule rainfall turning parched brush into tinder Raging fires torched the countryside Fish died Crops failed All because they didn rsquo t have a simple resource we often take for granted mdash this supply we all need in order to live water Israel found itself in its own terrifying dilemma As the people camped in the dusty barren desert we read this alarming line ldquo There was no water for the people to drink rdquo Exodus [... more]
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
April 21, 2021
Exodus has all Twenty Two Hebrew Letters in it Why do you think Look for yourself ' ' ' -- ' - [... more]
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
April 02, 2021
Exodus The Lamb that is slain is actually called the Pesach - Hmmm --some Hebrew to help [... more]
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
March 31, 2021
Like Sara in Gen too often I don't tell the whole truth and deceive God showed me withing the Hebrew words for Truth and Lie could be some clues to help [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
March 29, 2021
ldquo Why are the statues rsquo noses broken rdquo That rsquo s the number one question visitors ask Edward Bleiberg curator of Egyptian art at the Brooklyn Museum nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp Bleiberg can rsquo t blame it on normal wear and tear even two-dimensional painted figures are missing noses He surmises that such destruction must have been intentional Enemies meant to kill Egypt rsquo s gods It rsquo s as if they were playing a game of ldquo got your nose rdquo with them Invading armies broke off the noses of these idols so they couldn [... more]
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
March 16, 2021
Deut Writing Commandments or Mitzvahs on Our Heart [... more]
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