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Song of Songs 2:5 - Love Sick Comfort Food

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
June 17, 2022 8:59 am

Song of Songs 2:5 - Love Sick Comfort Food

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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June 17, 2022 8:59 am

Song of Songs 2: 5 Stay me with flagons, comfort me with apples: for I am sick of love.

We the Bride overcome with love, would seem this is too good to be true need comfort food and very interestingly the first food she reaches for is in Hebrew has the root of Lily - rejoice, as in His presence is fullness of Joy. The apples that in the Hebrew word picture letters looks like the True Face of a continual marriage. Brings into focus the apple of our eye, Jesus.

Nothing like apples and raisins for a love sick appetite it would appear.. Even better is the Word of God itself - Its full of Flagons and Apples - just sayin.

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Porter, Edited by T.R. Unfortunately, the church the church does this not say rescued here. So We get sick right after the apparently the banquet. So it says verse 5 in English Says stay me with flagons Comfort me with apples for I am sick with love So, you know, of course it immediately begs the question. What's a flag and Maybe you've never I've never In a lot of places it says flagons of wine. So this is a very strange word and after much much research You know, it's kind of interesting that what Rashi teaches on this which is you know an ancient Hebrew scholar that he understands the word in ways that are really unique And you know highly highly revered Bible commentator is he says that this was the ancient way if somebody got really really sick You would feed them these sort of raisin cakes and Spread apples all around their bed Well, the word that is used for comfort me with apples clearly is the word spread. So we're spreading apples. That's for sure And you know this idea of these raisin cakes or this Flagon however that works whatever that actually is. It's clearly comfort food Okay in both cases both the flagons and the apples have to do with comfort food but the thing that you can't help but note when you look at the verse in Hebrew is The idea of flagons the root word of the word Flagons is rejoice, which is the root word of the word Lily that is the beginning of the you know chapter this idea of you know when we get a Good look at Jesus right in his presence is fullness of joy. And so Apparently these raisin cakes which doesn't surprise me anything made out of apples and raisins, especially if you had cinnamon Apparently you rejoice when you eat this stuff so but the idea of Flagons clearly has to do with rejoicing and some people say they're dainties or or or some type of very sweet Bread, I don't know. But what I know is Clearly when you eat them you rejoice and and it's getting back to the beginning of the chapter that in his presence is fullness of Joy, we're looking for it to be in his presence by eating this comfort food Which may have to do with why I always stay overweight And then it says spread apples right or comfort me with apples however you want to look at that The word Apple of course is used previously in the chapter as a picture right of the fruit of Christ And so here we have you know This again idea of being comforted with the cheap imitation of Jesus Whatever that may look like because what because they're sick and and they're sick love sick They're broken-hearted.

And so, you know, I you can't have but wonder why are they broken-hearted? They just had this amazing banquet You know as we say the beauty just doesn't stay rescued well if you're like me You know, we always have this tendency to they go this is just too good to be true, you know it you know He can't really I mean he knows my story. He knows what you know, and I think we have a tendency to Just think it's too good to be true and and that the you know, I don't really deserve this or I'm not belong you know, it's it's it's a it's an amazing thing that our heart does with that and so, you know, We unfortunately cannot accept all the love that Jesus has to offer and so I'm not terribly surprised I don't guess that if I went to this unbelievable banquet experienced all this that I would immediately start feeling like oh, well I I you know, what did I do to deserve all this? And you know, you might even remember the movie song of me I've saw the Sound of music, you know, I must have done something good that song that they sang after they fell in love Well, I couldn't help but think of that, you know, it's just there and so maybe you can remember like a relationship And I certainly can remember like why would Tammy love I mean, here's this beautiful delightful I mean Tammy has a personality like nobody on the planet and she has a joy that she just Oh Phenomenal and she was clearly out of my league and like this is just too good to be true But I really really really want to be around her But am I really the right one for you know, all these crazy questions we ask ourselves Because unfortunately, we don't want to stay rescued.

I don't know how all that works But then what do we do? We eat the cheap imitation we go for the comfort food rather than for For the real thing, right? So, you know, we asked to be comfort with flagons and for the apples rather than The actual thing I you know, and again, we're gonna see much more of how Jesus responds to that is coming up But what a beautiful thing what a beautiful thing that this is such a real song, right? This isn't like they go off in the sunset live happily ever after I mean immediately after the big banquet You know, we're sick with love I mean, it's just it's how it kind of goes and so maybe you can relate to this I sure can and it's actually quite reassuring that that Solomon understood this at some level And certainly tells me a lot about comfort food and I'm gonna have to go eat some apples and raisins after that You know both those things well, I should mention that apples when you look at the word in Hebrew, I'll just end with this It's so beautiful Because the first letter in the word Apple is a top and you might know that that is saying true It's like God's stamp on something that whatever this is is true of the word Torah Starts with a tav and you know therein lies that whole idea and then the next letter is a pay Which has to do with the presence And so here's the true presence, right? I mean and which is what we're looking for We're looking for that true presence I mean in that beautiful that an apple is that and then it's above which tells you that that's sort of a Jacob's ladder a continuation of the pay and then but the final letter is a Hat, which is the you know, the eighth letter the one we seem to be in search of but it is the idea of our marriage So it's almost like if I could just take this word and just spell it out. It's like here We have the true face of a continual marriage Right and it gives you the idea of the apple of your eye is this connection this bonding this? Relationship that it that has to do with what this apple is And so isn't it absolutely beautiful that that is the tree that she describes that Jesus is It's this true face of a continual Marriage like man, it's absolutely beautiful. And so no wonder we love apples So go enjoy your comfort food Hopefully more the Bible is your comfort food and it is full of apples and the flagons. I promise
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-03-31 12:22:47 / 2023-03-31 12:26:08 / 3

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