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Psalms 119:162 - Chewing on The Word

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
April 13, 2022 8:35 am

Psalms 119:162 - Chewing on The Word

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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April 13, 2022 8:35 am

Psalms 119:162 I rejoice at thy word, as one that findeth great spoil.

The understanding anointing of the letter shin- as we chew on the word we explode in rejoicing .. My story from this morning

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Hidden Treasures of the 119th Song. Oh, how I love the letter Shin and we get to dig around in the understanding of that letter today. Again, the letter Shin, as we review a little bit about that letter, we're going to get to verse 162 here in a minute. But the idea of oxidization or oxidization, I don't know how to say that exactly, but either chewing or fire, okay? And so when you think about it, the clean animals, that they would chew the cud, well, the idea is they're sitting there chewing on something like we chew on the word of God.

I mean, it's the same concept of actually refining it to the point where it can nourish your body as you chew or fire as it would refine a piece of gold, it gets rid of the dross and those kinds of things. And so as we see the letter Shin, as we begin to get understanding, we talked about the wisdom in the last episode. So today is the understanding. And so verse 162 in English reads, I rejoice at thy word as one that findeth great spoil, okay? It's just spectacular. As the word rejoice, as it is written here in Hebrew, is literally just two shins, okay? The idea of rejoicing is like chewing on something to the point that you're just ready to go, oh my gosh, because you're getting everything that you need out of it. And you are obviously refining it to the point that, you know, it's got you exploding into a great fire or exploding, you know, however that looks to the point of rejoicing at what? At thy word, right? And this is the word Amira in Hebrew, just this spectacular idea of it's Jesus. But it also, as we read, you know, we get these things as one that findeth great spoil.

And you might not be shocked to find out that that word spoil also has a shin in it. It has, you know, that's the idea of getting to digest something, purify something. And the idea of, again, Shabbat and Shalom, you know, you take that day to sit there and chew on what God's done for you all week, or, you know, and the idea of peace, you know, that as we take in his word, obviously, we get more and more for our heart.

And that's the lamed in the word Shalom. It's just, it's amazing. It's amazing, amazing letter.

And so, as we get this understanding, how does this actually apply? Well, you know, in order to rejoice at that word, you got to take some in, I'm just saying. And I'm hoping that even this morning, you've had a chance to rejoice at something that God has taught you, like one who findeth great spoil. So, this morning, very early, I have a wonderful group I belong to called Masculine Journey Radio. And one of my good friends is Danny in that group, just a wholehearted man that seeks after God with his whole heart. And so, this morning, he texted me, and he was like, Robbie, can you break down the word zadik for me in Hebrew?

He texted me at like 5 30. And as we entered into that conversation, and that word is absolutely spectacular, we certainly have studied it here as we've gone through the verses of the zadik. But anyway, as we went through it, I could see where he had been on a journey where he was rejoicing in the word zadik, like one who findeth great spoil, when you begin to understand all that's included in that word, righteousness. And I couldn't help but note that like, wow, what a treat for me to see something that, you know, I'd shared something at the boot camp that we'd had a couple weeks ago that sent him on a journey. And we began to talk about the word meek. And when as soon as I told him that that was a nav in Hebrew, and it had to do with the letter I, and he immediately said, well, that's when you showed me that had to do with the beginning of nakedness.

And that's what fired this canon. As we've been talking so much about identity, as it's in the masculine journey, and but the point I'm trying to make is, oh, my goodness, how we can rejoice as one that findeth great spoil, as we refine his word as we chew on it, and get the idea of what the shin is bringing us like, oh, as we are processing, but it's also very much judgment, right? Because at some point in time, as you process this stuff, there is going to be some draws in the world that we live in that right currently is cursed. And so, you know, it's really neat as we get a chance to think through, there was the wisdom of the letter shin that we got to choose, right, the right direction of refining. And then as we do that, if we want to get the best, most wholesome thing that we can refine, that God's word is absolutely pure, as we talked about in this attic section, therefore, my soul love of it, right? I mean, it's just absolutely spectacular when we chew on the word, right? And we're not connected to the ground like a clean animal, right? We're not. And we've got the parted hoof, and we're standing there chewing the cud. Oh my goodness. We can rejoice like one who findeth great spoil. I hope you've founded some of this morning. Thanks for listening.
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