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Psalms 119: Prayer - Vuv Section thru Yud

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
November 19, 2021 5:00 am

Psalms 119: Prayer - Vuv Section thru Yud

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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November 19, 2021 5:00 am

As Robby is at Bootcamp he is praying the Psalm  this episode is the The Vuv Section through the Yud Section

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Darrell Bock Hidden treasures of the 119th Psalm. Speaking on with our prayer in the 119th Psalm, yesterday we got through the hay section, and so we're praying this in the third person, and praying it from our heart so you can listen to the other two previous episodes to see more about it. If I say mithvah rather than commandments, I'm just using the Hebrew word in some cases. So anyway, I hope you enjoy this with me as I begin again.

So, vav section. Let thy mercies come also unto us, O Lord, even thy salvation according to thy word. So shall we have wherewith to answer him that reproacheth us, for we trust in thy word.

And take not the word of truth utterly out of our mouths, for we've hoped in your judgments. And so we shall keep thy law continually forever and ever, and we'll walk at liberty, for we seek thy precepts. And we shall speak also thy testimonies before kings, and not be ashamed. And we will delight ourselves in thy mithvah that we love, and lift our hands up to the mithvah that we love, and meditate on thy statutes.

Zion, remember thy word unto thy servant, O Lord, upon which thou hast caused us to hope. It has been our comfort in our affliction, for thy word has quickened us. The wicked have had us, excuse me, the proud have had us greatly in derision, O Lord, but we thy servants have not declined from thy law. We remembered thy judgments of old, and had comforted ourselves, or had taken hold of us because of the wicked who forsake thy law. Thy statutes have been our songs in the house of our pilgrimage. We remembered thy name in the night, O Lord, because we kept thy law. This we had because we kept thy precepts. Het, section, thou art our portion, O Lord. We have said we will keep your word.

We have entreated your favor with our whole heart. Lord, have mercy on us according to thy word. We have considered our ways, and turned our feet unto thy testimonies. We have hastened unto thy mitzvah, and not delayed. The bands of the wicked have plundered us, but we have not forgotten thy law. We establish praise at midnight, Lord, because of your righteous judgments. Those who fear you have been our companions, and those who keep thy testimonies. The whole earth is full of your hesed, your loving kindness, O Lord.

Teach us your statutes. Het, section, thou has dealt well with thy servant, O Lord, according to thy word. Teach us good judgment and knowledge, for we have believed your mitzvah.

When we were afflicted, we went astray. But now we have kept thy law. Thou art good, and thou doest good. Teach us thy statutes. The proud have forged lies against us, but we have sought thy precepts with our whole hearts. Their hearts are as fat as grease, but we delight in thy law. It is good that we were afflicted, that we learn thy statutes.

The law of thy mouth is better unto us than thousands in gold and silver. Vav, section, thy hands have made us and fashioned us, O Lord. Give us understanding that we may learn thy mitzvah. Those who fear you will be glad when they see us, because we have hoped in your word. We know, Lord, that thy judgments are right, and in faithfulness, thou has afflicted us. Let, we pray thee, thy merciful kindness be unto thy servant, according to thy word. Let thy tender mercies come unto us, that we may live and keep thy word. And let the proud be ashamed, who have dealt perversely with us, without cause. Let those who fear you return unto us, and those who know your testimonies. Let our hearts be sound in your statutes, that we be not ashamed. Amen. That would be the end of the vav section, so thank you again for praying with me today. I will rejoin us Monday as we continue on in the next verse in the 119 Psalm study, study in verse 70.
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