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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
November 18, 2024 7:00 am

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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November 18, 2024 7:00 am

Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 11-18-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues! You can also email questions to Matt using:, Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include:Is There a Contradiction Between Deut. 19 and 22?/ Attending The Apostle Thomas' Burial site in India & The RCC/ Is John McArthur Deceiving Those Who Leave The RCC?/Why Don't Roman Catholics Read The Bible for Themselves?/ Does Matt Gain Wealth from his Radio Program?/What About Predestination?/ November 18, 2024

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The following program is recorded content created by your If you want to watch the show, you can do that, that's easy. You can just go to, forward slash mattslicklive, and you can watch it there. Also, if you want to email, emailing is easy.

All you have to do is direct your email to info at, info at, and put the subject line radio comment, radio question. All right, now it looks like, I'm not exactly sure when the date is. I gotta check, maybe it's in the CARM calendar. We gotta, somebody who's putting the CARM calendar together, and I've got a debate coming up on unconditional election on, I'm not sure what date, because I don't see it in the calendar.

So it's on a Friday either this week, next week, or the week after, something like one, two, three weeks. So there you go. That's what's going on. I gotta get more information on that.

I gotta figure it out. You know, I'm always doing stuff. And that reminds me, we're revamping, we're overhauling, overhauling, overhauling, overhauling the CARM website.

And let me just tell you, wow, there is so much to do. We are going in and fixing things behind the scenes, links, forwards, loops, just all kinds of stuff that, missing this, this, and that, and graphics. We're having to change a bunch of stuff. We're just doing an overhaul to the site.

It's gonna probably take a few months. And that's why I haven't written any new articles. I get up in the morning. I just work for three, four, five hours doing this, and then my brain fries. I can hear it go psst, and then I know I'm done. I start talking in circles like, eh, today, yeah. And my wife says, you need to take a break.

So I do that, and recoup pretty well. All right, we got callers coming in. And why don't we just jump on the calls. Let's get to Brad from Iowa. Brad, welcome. You're on the air.

Hey, Matt, how you doing? Can you hear me? Yes, I can. Yes, I can. What do you got, buddy? Good.

Wonderful. Yeah, I just got a question regarding, well, it's two passages that I think kind of go together, just trying to get an answer to this question. First, I guess, to start with our Deuteronomy 16 through 19.

This reading here from the LSB. It just says, if a malicious witness rises up against a man to accuse him of wrongdoing, then both the men who have the dispute shall stand before Yahweh, before the priests and the judge who will be in office in those days. And the judge shall inquire thoroughly, and behold, if the witness is a false witness and he has accused his brother falsely, then you shall do to him just as he intended to do to his brother. Thus, you shall purge the evil from among you. So taking that, Pat, or taking that and going over to Deuteronomy 22, it's a section, I don't know if you want me, since it's those eight verses, if you want me to read it again or if you want to.

What was the first set? I'm gonna get up on my computer. I was a little bit behind you there. Deuteronomy what?

Deuteronomy, well, the first, what I just read was Deuteronomy 19, 16 through 19. Okay, okay. And then malicious gossip, malicious witness. It is a dispute, stand before, okay.

And then anyone who takes a wife goes in and turns her away. Okay, go ahead, yeah. Yeah, so that would cover Deuteronomy 22, 13 through 20. I think it was through 21. So going through it, my question is, do you want me to read it because it would probably make more sense just going through it or do you want to read it? I can read it. It's 13 through 16?

Yeah, it's 13 through 21, I guess, in totality, yeah. Well, to kind of paraphrase, if anyone takes a wife, goes in and turns against her, charges her with shameful deeds, and publicly defames her. Girl's father, mother shall bring the evidence for her virginity, et cetera. The girl's father shall say to the elders, give my daughter to this man, her wife, but he turns against her. Behold, charge her with shameful deeds. So the elders of the city shall take the man and chastise him. Okay, behold, he's charged her with shameful deeds. Did not find her daughter a virgin, but this is the evidence of my daughter's virginity and they shall spread the garment, okay, I know what that means, before the elders, okay, and they shall find him a hundred shekels. But if the man, the charge is true, then the girl has not found a virgin, then, they shall bring out the girl to doorway of the father's house and the man of the city shall stone her to death.

Okay, go ahead. Yeah, so my question is, should the man have been stoned to death in accordance with Deuteronomy 19? And I'm just wondering as to why he wasn't.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding something, but is he, you know, with a malicious witness? It's a degree of sin. It's a degree of sin. So in the Jewish culture, a virgin woman in youth was extremely valuable and extremely holy, extremely important. And so when, more so than what we understand here, this, she was like a prize, like this is a pure woman, this is a woman that is pure and through her, we can help fulfill the requirements and the admonition of God to multiply, fulfill the earth in the God-called elected people of Israel. So her virginity in line of this is a symbol of purity and holiness. It is a very serious thing because it represents, to some degree, the calling of God in Israel.

So it's a very serious thing. And the issue of, I don't know if she's a virgin or not, is another issue because what evidence is there? Now it has bring the garment out usually in the first act.

I'll be polite, might be children around. There's usually a discharge of blood, et cetera. And so they can bring that garment out to say, see, here it is. And that's one of the ways of demonstrating the virginity of her. And so if he's wrong about that, then he's not doing the same thing, the same level as her, forfeiting her virginal purity in the eyes of God, family, and people versus him, not sure what's going on and then making, I don't think so, and then he's proven to be wrong. So there's a chastisement for him.

Yeah, because I know what that is. But I think where I was having trouble with was where it says, and he turns against her many, and I think the definition, it showed with that word being like hate, to hate her. And so what made it confusing with me was if he was going and bearing false witness, knowing the fact that if you have some knowledge that if this turns out to be not true, if it turns out to be true, she's gonna die. But you know what, if it's not true, then I'm not gonna die, but I'm going to just get chastised.

And maybe I'm just, maybe I was misunderstanding it because just seeing the severity and deuteronomy 19, and then seeing the correlation to where he's bearing false witness against her, I thought he should receive the same penalty as her. Well, if you had to be careful, because there's an error called ethnocentricity, and that is we judge that culture by our norms. It's just something we automatically do. So that's why I say in that culture at that time, this was how it was looked at. This is different than now. And so when a young girl would lose her virginity outside of marriage, that meant she was fornicating. This brings great shame upon the father and also upon the household and upon that immediate community and the family, extended family. Great shame. This is bad.

It's also a rejection of the covenant of God and his work of the Messiah through the people of Israel. So this is really a serious thing when she's doing that. That's why there's other places where they say when a man lies with a woman and he does this, he's gonna be killed because it's on his part there.

This, however, is not the same level. He's just doubting and he's really having a hard time with her virginity and saying, are you really a virginity? Because it's a very serious issue. Even when it says, right, and even when it says in that verse 13 where it says, if any man takes a wife and goes under and then turns against her, does that make any difference as far as when, you know, the hostility, I suppose, in that? Well, yes, he turns against her. Now, there's a problem.

Right. There are other problems. He's gotta take care of her. He may hate her, he may not wanna be with her, but he's obligated to take care of her. But he wants to divorce her, but there better be really good grounds for it. And the grounds would be her infidelity before marriage.

And we would say, well, wait a minute. That's not infidelity because they weren't married. But that's different. Because in that culture, there was usually a year-long betrothal. And in order to break the betrothal, they had to go through a ceremony like a divorce. They were not married, but it was such a serious thing that they had to plan the wedding feast. They had to do all this stuff.

It took a long time. And during that time, she's supposed to be pure. And then if she's not during that time, this is horrible.

This is catastrophic. So he goes into her and he goes, wait a minute. Which, how would they know?

And he knew whatever. Not a virgin because there's supposed to be a discharge. Maybe there wasn't. But anyway, so there's issues there.

Because not all women have that discharge when they lose their fertility. So- I think, yeah, like I said, my hang-up was just seeing what God has prescribed for bearing a false witness. And then seeing this where it's, I guess, seemingly, like I said, I probably missed with the context and everything and stuff. But just reading it and seeing, well, if he's throwing a charge against her and basically throwing this charge out and it turns out to be, if it was true, she would die. But if it's not true, he doesn't die.

He only gets chastised, fined, and stays his wife. That was my thing. I'm just trying to take, trying to be consistent. But I guess, like I said, I probably just didn't see something within that. That's all right.

Cultural context and the things associated with it are the hidden gems that you go, oh, I get it now. That's why it was so serious. Ah, yeah, so that's what it is. Right, yeah. I think, yeah, the thing that, oh, sorry, yeah, I was gonna say- No, it's okay, go ahead, go ahead. I need to go to the next.

No, no, it's okay. Yeah, I think my, the biggest, or my, I guess my, I don't say fear, but just the thing that was just kind of, I guess, not shook me, but this kind of just made me, I just couldn't get quite an answer to it because just seeing that obviously God was the one speaking, or God was the one speaking in Deuteronomy, or in 19, basically prescribing that right, and then seeing, and then making, basically seeing that if God, making sure God's being consistent in what he's doing, and not wanting, and obviously not wanting to think anything better that he's doing, not that it's not inconsistent, but just trying to understand, or understand why I'm seeing that way, I guess, if that makes sense. Oh yeah, it's just, culture has a lot to do with it. It just has a lot, you know, like, during the betrothal period, the son would build a room onto the house of the father. They would have to go and arrange all kinds of stuff. The fatted calf, the wine, the family would come in, it was all arranged.

This is a big deal for her to be, you know, unfaithful during that time, it's very serious. So that was my, okay? All right, buddy, here's a break. Okay. All right. Okay, God bless. All right, folks, hey, we'll be right back after these messages, please.

Stay tuned. ["The Daily Show"] It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. Well, Robert, welcome back to the show. Let's get on with Alex from Florida. Hey, Alex.

Hey, buddy, welcome back to the show, man. Alex. I clicked on him. Waiting for you, Alex.

You there? Let's give him a little bit of time here. Maybe there's an issue. Oh, can you hear me now? Now I can, there you go. All right, buddy. Okay, sorry, I was muted.

That's all right. I was feeling a little under the weather. I was wondering if you had any suggestions of anything I could do to make myself feel better. Yeah.

You take vitamin C and baking soda, and not too much like somebody did, and then you take that and wait two hours. It makes you feel better in the water, yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I don't trust a guy named Slick, let alone a guy who thinks he's a doctor named Slick. That's right, you shouldn't do that.

You should not trust a guy named Slick. That's obvious, all right. So what's up, man, what you got?

Yeah, so I was calling back in. I wanna tell a little bit about my experience in Chennai, in India, going to the Catholic Church there. Okay, okay, go ahead. So we were talking about Roman Catholicism, how it has a false, damning gospel, and just the heresy that is involved in that.

I'm writing this paper on it. So when I was doing some ministry work in India, I know the apostle Thomas is allegedly, you know, but he's allegedly buried in Chennai, in India, in southeast India. So we went to go visit where he got tortured, where he was buried, and where he was imprisoned. So I get there, and I mean, it's cool to be in a place like that and see everything, but the idolatry that the Roman Catholic Church had turned it into, statues of Mary everywhere, big shrine, the pope had been there.

It's a sacred site for the Catholic Church. And it was just so disturbing to see. And one thing for sure that just always is burned in my brain was it was the first time I'd seen penance done where a woman is on her knees, groveling towards a statue of, it was either Mary or Jesus. And she's just on her knees trying to get forgiveness by just crawling on her knees towards the statue.

And yeah, it's very sad. We, you know, praise God, after she was done, me and the pastor I was with, we got to share the gospel with her and her son, and it brought her there, right? And then another time I saw a woman kissing the statue of Mary, you know, lots of them on their knees to the statue of Mary.

And the terrible thing is this, Thomas would be rolling over in his grave. This was the apostle who went out to India to preach the gospel, and the Catholic Church has turned it into something twisted and not even recognizable anymore. Yeah, yep, that's right. Well, I've been to Jerusalem and seen that firsthand with the Catholics who were bowing before, stones where Jesus supposedly was, little idols here and there, you go into stores and there's idols. When I was at the Vatican, we left, went right outside, and within 100, 200 feet was a store, and you go in and there's idols, icons, pictures of Mary, Jesus, a store full of it.

You just buy these things because they're gonna help you. When I did a cruise for fun, I had, you know, just vacation kind of a cruise, went to Mexico and was in a church, went to a Catholic church, and saw the same thing. A woman crawling on her knees up to a statue of Jesus, and to the right of Jesus was a statue of Mary. You know, and I spoke to her in Spanish and said, this is not gonna help you, just need to believe and trust in Jesus alone.

And, you know, what are you gonna do? We're just lost. Yeah, I had heard about it, you know, but I had seen it in person, it's something else, it's so disturbing, demonic, wicked, and it was just so eye-opening. And they're obsessed with these statues and all this just icons and things like this, and they're just, they're enthralled with it, you know? And they think it makes them more holy. It thinks it gives them forgiveness when we know it's only through Christ alone we have forgiveness. There's no amount of statues we can kiss, no amount of idols we can have in our house that will bring us closer to God. And the Catholic Church is gonna answer, the priests are gonna answer, the Pope is gonna answer for all the heresy. Oh, that's the other thing I was gonna say, speaking of the Pope, it's one of three holy places.

So in India, Chennai, where I was at, in Spain and where you were at, the Vatican, because the Pope has been there, it's holy. So stupid. It's just so pathetic. I know. Oh my gosh.

I know. You know, people who, they don't have Christ in their heart because they have the Catholic Church deceiving them and turning them into idolaters. And it's just, it's sad. You know, what it says in Exodus 20, verse four, you shall, God says, you shall not make for yourself an idol or any likeness of what is in heaven above and earth beneath in the water and the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them. And then in Deuteronomy 5, eight through 10, it says, you shall not make for yourself an idol or any likeness of what's heaven above and earth beneath or water. You shall not worship or serve them. These are the iniquities on the fourth generation. And the iniquity is there in that they, their hearts are hardened and it's just sad.

But you know what I find interesting is that the countries that have heavy Roman Catholic influence, unless, unless reformed influenced countries integrated with them and influenced them, those countries generally are, you know, not third world, but second world, not first world, like the United States and stuff. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, they have some sort of morality and some sort of, you know, law abiding things there where they try to do law and order. And, and that's what I'm writing in my paper is that the Catholic church has mixed so much error and heresy with the truth that it deceives many. Yeah. Yep.

And you're right. You know, it's, it's, it's the Catholic church is gonna, it's gonna hold, be held responsible to God for it. You know, when I was in the Vatican last month, it last, yeah, last month, you know, the pomp and the gold and the silver and the tapestries and statues and all the wealth and the Catholic church and these Orthodox, they both have these things. And you know, they, they tell me that they have the apostolic authority cause they're the descendants of the apostles, their authority. And I keep asking them, well, is this what they collected to themselves? Gold and silver. Is this what they did as the apostles?

No, but you guys certainly do. And then there was this St. Peter's Basilica. We were there. They had this one chair where only the Pope is allowed to sit in. Only the Pope can do that.

I want to get up there and sit in it, but I don't want to get hard and feathered either. But yeah, it's pathetic. Yeah. And the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And it's easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle than a rich man to inherit the kingdom of God.

I mean, it's basic right there. And they're obsessed with wealth. Uh-huh.

And churchianity. Hey man, hold on, we got a break coming up, OK? Hold on. Hey folks, we'll be right back after these churches, after these messages, please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. All right, everybody, welcome back to the show.

Let's get back on with Alex from Florida. All right, man. You still there?

Yeah, still there. Just one really, really one brief thing. Because you were talking about the Catholic Catechism and all the crazy stuff that's in there. Catholic Catechism 846.

Reformulated positively, it means that all salvation comes from Christ that had through the Church, which is his body. So unless you're in the Catholic Church, you're lost. That's what they teach. It's totally false.

Totally false. Yep. Yep.

Oh yeah. I mean, I've talked to Catholics and Eastern Orthodox, so they're just so very similar. But I'll ask them, is there salvation outside of being a member of your official church? I've had many of them say no.

So let me get this straight. My faith in Christ and what he's done on the cross is not enough to make me right with him? They said, no, you have to belong to his church and take his sacraments. Yeah, they just have a false gospel. They don't even understand the gospel.

It's bad. I know. And we just got to, like I was reading last time, I probably got to keep praying for him, keep doing what you're doing, sharing the gospel. Tell him what the truth gospel is. Through Christ alone, we don't need to be a part of a, quote unquote, Roman Catholic Church or Eastern Orthodox Church or whatever.

You want to fill in the blank. It's just through Christ. That's who gives us the forgiveness of our sins.

Amen. Our faith is in Christ. He did everything.

He did everything necessary. So what we need to do is trust in what he did. And what they often do is they will say, oh, then you can go out and sin all you want, right? And they fail to understand that along with our belief that God grants to us, he comes in and lives in us.

And he justifies us. And he regenerates us so that we're made new creatures, 2 Corinthians 5.17. They don't seem to understand what it means to be regenerated, to be born again, to have God in us. They just assume it's a set of rituals and regulations you got to keep, and that to them, salvation is an attitude of submission to a church with rules you keep. That's what salvation is to them.

But they don't understand regeneration of what it is in our hearts and our minds. They don't get it. Yeah, they don't. Yeah, they don't. And when you talk to them, that's why when you say, well, where are you going to go when you die? Well, I don't know.

Well, I hope heaven. They don't even have full assurance because they're trusting in their words. That's right, exactly right. That's what I've been saying for so long about the Roman Catholic Church and more so also in the Eastern Orthodox. That both of them are false churches. I say, and I'll say it again, that the Catholic Church, because it's the biggest church in the world, is the greatest gate of damnation of any religion on the planet, even worse than Islam.

And I stand by that. So people just don't know how bad it is, how bad Catholicism is. They think, why don't I just think I hate the Catholic Church for whatever reason, you know, as abused as a Catholic or some stupid thing. And no, no, no, it's a biblical issue. And I tell them it's biblical. And so, yeah, Paul Paul says, if anyone preaches another gospel, let him be accursed. Good.

Where to say that? Come on. Galatians? Galatians what?

I always get my friends at heart. Galatians, I just quoted it from my paper. Is it three? Is it three?

Galatians 1, 8, and 9. OK, there you go. I'm going to open you up. Oh, OK. Yeah, give me a hard time. I was like, I just quoted that. Well, you should know where it is, you know. I know, it's right. I'm staring at it. It's in the first paragraph right there. And I'm like trying to get it out there. It's right there, but yeah, you're on pressure.

Because thousands of people are listening. And I don't want you to feel nervous. But you know it's not a big deal, OK? I'm human, people.

I'm human. Well, I'm glad you, though, have the correct understanding of Catholicism and its false gospel. It is not Christian.

The Roman Catholic Church is not a Christian church, OK? All right? Well, yeah, glad we could talk about that a little bit. Thanks for chatting, and let's just keep praying for them and keep sharing the gospel with them. That's right. That's what we do. We preach and teach the gospel to all people.

The gospel is the power of God to salvation from one who would believe. Yep. Praise God. All right, man. All right, I'll see you, buddy. OK, talk to you later. OK, bye. All right, now let's get to, oh boy, Alberto.

Alberto, welcome in. You're on the air. Yes, something related to the same thing. My question is, by the Roman Catholic Church, I was in his video, a YouTube video, about this guy who was exposing John MacArthur. He was saying John MacArthur is demonizing the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church had been around on the first stage.

Wait a minute, wait, wait, hold on. So a Catholic was saying that John MacArthur is demonized? No, he was demonizing the Catholic religion, the Catholic Church, because he was talking.

He was showing the video. MacArthur was speaking badly, exposing the heresies of Catholicism. Yeah.

OK, good. Yeah, exactly. So he was saying that John MacArthur was demonizing the Catholic Church, and then a lot of his church members were ex-Catholic in John MacArthur's church. But a guy was saying that a lot of the people don't understand the true history of the Catholic Church. So then a lot of them need to come out of John MacArthur Church and know the true history of the Catholic Church. So basically, he was saying that a lot of Catholics are being deceived by John MacArthur, and that that Well, the Catholics are saying they're being deceived, that John MacArthur is deceiving people. The Catholics are saying that, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, he was saying that, a young guy in the video, he was saying that the Catholic church existed was around with the Catholic Church during the first century, and there was no other religious groups like Pentecostal or Reform or Baptist, none of that.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. They just presuppose a validity of Catholicism, and the church definition must mean an earthly organization, and they're the only one around. They don't understand what the Catholic Church really is. And I have to teach them on it.

I say, let's look at what the Bible says the church is, because there's many different understandings of it biblically. But they don't study. They don't do that.

They don't study. So, yeah. I was watching your video. I was watching your video online, when you called issues in the Roman Catholic Church, and the young girl was talking to you in the video, and you're exposing all the false, heresy of the Catholic Church about the indulgences and the penance and all the different things. I had to do one thing or another thing.

You were talking about it. You know, even my uncle, when you're talking about the young guy, I was talking about her knees, even my uncle, I remember, I took a picture of him. He was crawling on his knees.

I mean, a long steps. I mean, real high, he went to a church on top. You got to walk on his knees all the way to the top of the steps to the church. And that's what I guess I'm kind of practiced the Catholic Church too. So I guess I'm kind of forgetting or something. My own father, I remember he used to pray about a praise to the dead.

I got the whole table full of candles, praise to the dead and all that. You know, and he used to pray to a statue, Virgin Carmen, and he was a praiser. He believed that one time he was about to drown.

He cried out to her that she didn't want to save them from drowning. So, you know, I didn't know any better. So, you know, yeah. And so he used to also have the statue for the outside of our entrance of our house. He bought one and it was some kind of virgin thing. Then they put a Catholic Church right on top of a hill in the neighborhood. It built a view and everybody came up to the steps all the way up to the Catholic Church.

Briefly describing, you know, that cloth for the different stars. Well, yeah, I gotcha. So, yeah, there's a lot there.

Do you have another comment or question you want to add in there? Well, my question is, so why if the Catholic Church, why do the people that know all this, why don't they just read about it for themselves? Why don't they just read about it for themselves? Because like the cults, they're taught and brainwashed into submitting to the organization above them.

This is what this organization says, that the average J-Dub cannot interpret the word of God by itself. They have to have the organization's authority. They just believe it.

They just submit themselves. The same thing with the Catholic Church. Only the Magisterium has the right to interpret scripture because it has the authority of God, not the individuals. So it keeps the individuals under their thumb and is in control of their salvation. In fact, when I was having a discussion Friday or Saturday night, I don't know, with some people, Catholics, I said to one Catholic, I said, is the Catholic Church in charge of your salvation? And he said, yes.

Just that simple. I said, it's not Jesus. You do it's Jesus through the Catholic Church. So they always wanna make sure that Jesus points to their church because their security is not in Christ, it's in their church. So they have to have Jesus helping them out. That's what it is. I heard two cases that a lot of Roman Catholics who truly God say, born again, are staying in the Catholic Church to make changes in the Catholic Church.

You know what I'm saying? So they can make changes in the Catholic Church to help people discover the truth of the true gospel of Christ. So why don't I make their stay in, they won't leave the Catholic Church, they stay in as well to help make changes in the Catholic Church so people can wake up to the truth. Yeah, I've heard of that.

I've heard of that and praise God for the missionaries in the Catholic Church. Good, all right. There's the music, but we gotta go. All right, thank you, sir. All right, man, God bless. All right, thank you, God bless.

All right, hey folks. We'll be right back after these messages. Please give me a call. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. Everybody, welcome back to the show. Welcome, you're on the air. Are you there?

Charles. Hey, buddy. Are you on the air? Are you there? Listen, amen.

Even the very little bits here might be trying to get back to the phone. All right. Okay, well, let's put him on hold and we'll get back.

Okay, let's see. Let's get to Brandon from South Carolina. Brandon, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, how are you? Doing all right. How are you? I'm very well. Okay.

I just have a few questions. How do you espouse this while profiting wealth off naive Christians? I'm sorry, what?

Say it again. How do you profit wealth off of your radio show on naive Christians? Wealth? So I'm getting wealth from doing radio?

Is that what you're saying? Yeah, you're Christian apologetic, whatever network, has a whole Wikipedia page. So how much of that money goes to actually serve the people that you're Christian network? I don't get any money. I pay to be on the air. I'm paying.

Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of dollars a month. Why don't you ask instead of start accusing right away? Because I don't get any money. I very politely ask you. It's just interesting because I look at your Wikipedia page and I look at the amount of money that you get and then I look at the amount of money that you get. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait, Wikipedia page. So do you know that in the Wikipedia page we had lots of battles with the leftists and the atheists who would constantly go in and alter it?

It has nothing to do with leftists. Hold on, hold on, can I talk? Hold on, don't be rude.

Don't be rude. I'm trying to tell you something. You go to Wikipedia, I'm telling you, you can't trust it, all right? Now, you said how much, all the money I make, how much do I make?

How much does this karm bring in? Do you know? Let's Wikipedia real quick. Oh, I can tell you if you ask me.

I can tell you because you go to Wikipedia where we have antagonists who don't like me, they go in and they alter the stuff in there and this is your source of information. Our gross income last year was around $280,000, okay? That's it. And out of that, we had to pay for hundreds of dollars every month for the radio show, hundreds of dollars every month to host a website. We have missionaries in Africa, we have missionaries, we had, and he's gone, in Turkey, we're supporting, missionaries in Malawi, Nigeria, we had missionaries in Colombia, missionary in Brazil that we're supporting financially. The money goes out, okay?

It's out. We are broke all the time. We are broke all the time. Every single month, we were hoping to make ends meet.

Every single month, when I say to my wife, because she keeps the books, I say, we'll just pray and trust God. Hopefully we'll have enough money to pay the missionaries. Okay? I mean, that's noble, I'll apologize on that respect.

Wikipedia has been heavily edited. Oh, absolutely. In fact, three months ago, three months ago, I was saying to my wife, let's just not pay me, let's pay the missionaries. I wouldn't take a check so that they could get paid. That didn't happen that way.

But that's what I wanted to do so that they would be able to get paid. See, you gotta ask questions. Don't be telling us how it is. Well, you do all the, you don't know.

Ask, okay? You tell us how it is, don't you? I'm just now telling you. You tell another man how it is. I just told you. Look, I just spent three weeks in Europe on a tour, a Bible Landstore. You know how I was able to go? Because if people sign up under me, I get enough money to get a free trip.

That's how I was able to go. So let's talk about what you talked about a week ago, I believe, predestination. So you think that everybody that's gonna go to heaven. No, not everybody's not going to heaven. No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying everybody that ball into your genre of Christianity is going to go to heaven. So what about the believers that are not, like, what's the point in believing that?

What? My genre? My genre of Christianity is that everyone and all people who put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ, God and flesh, died on the cross, rose from the dead, salvation by grace and faith, if they put, hold on, dude, dude, don't be talking to me while I'm answering the question.

It doesn't do any good. Everyone who puts their faith in Jesus Christ, faith alone in Christ alone when he's done, they're the ones who go to heaven, whoever that is. Okay? It doesn't make sense with what you said to a caller about a week ago, where you said, you are chosen. Second Thessalonians 2, 13, you have been chosen for salvation from the beginning. God chose you from the beginning for salvation.

Okay? In Ephesians 1, four and five, he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we be holy and blameless. I'm just quoting scripture. If you have a problem with the scriptures. Oh, I have no problem with the scripture. I have a problem with your interpretation. So I will ask you.

Okay, let me ask you. God created some people that are just gonna go to hell. He created people with souls that are destined to go to hell.

How do you rectify that? How do you logically tell me that there's an all good, all serving, omnipotent God that creates people specifically to go to hell? Well, let me ask you. I will, I'll tell you what my opinion is and then we can talk, okay? See if you can read my opinion.

My opinion is that God has made everything for its own purpose, even the wicked for the day of evil. I believe that. Do you believe that? I do. Do you believe that? Huh?

I'm sorry. No, I believe in free will. Okay, so I just quoted you Proverbs 16, four.

The Lord has made everything for its own purpose, even the wicked for the day of evil. And you denied that. So let me get this straight. You come in and you think you understand what the issues are and you don't even know what the scriptures are teaching. I quoted you the scriptures. Sir, I'm very well equipped with the scriptures.

What I'm after you is, even if you were to base your belief on that, on that piece of scripture, you're telling me that you're all good, all benevolent, omnipresent God creates human beings to go to hell. Answers that question. What's wrong with that?

That's a very important question in our whole family. Yeah, what's wrong with that? What's wrong with that? Uh, that's not an all good God. That actually goes in opposition to God. Can you show me a verse? Can you show me a verse in the, hold on a sec. Can you show me a verse in the Bible where it says God is all good? Can you show me that? It doesn't exist.

And here's what you do. Is there a better God? Perhaps there is a better God. Hold on. What you're doing is you're defining God in a certain way and then saying that some, would you be quiet and listen?

Let me answer you. You're defining God a certain way, all loving, and then you're saying this is how he's supposed to act. Well, let me read to you scripture again. What if God, but verse 21 of Romans nine.

Does not the potter have a right over the clay to make from the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for common use? What if God, although willing to demonstrate his wrath and to make his power known, endured with much patience, vessels of wrath prepared for destruction? And he did so to make known the riches of his glory upon vessels of mercy, which he prepared beforehand for glory. Do you believe those verses? Sir, for you created my inmost being. You knit me together in my mother's room. I praise you because I'm fearfully and willingfully made.

Your works are wonderful. I know that full well. So you're telling me that a person that is destined to go to hell, no matter how much they pray for Jesus, they're going to hell. So you're telling me- No, no, no.

You don't understand. No, you are God in the New Testament. Sir, unless you're going back to the Old Testament, which is a different conversation. Excuse me. I asked you a question.

You ignored the question. I asked you if you believe the verses I read to you. Out of Romans nine, 21 to 23, that God makes from one vessel for honorable use and another for disarmament use.

And he did this. Vessels of wrath prepared for destruction. Do you affirm or do you deny the word of God there?

Come on. Of course I affirm. You affirm? Then you have to affirm that God has made vessels for destruction. Just as Proverbs 16 four says, he makes all things even the wicked for the day of evil. So your problem is with scripture, not with me. I'm repeating what God's word says. Most Christians don't like it because they have a man-centered theology where God is obligated to be the blonde haired, blue eyed, Caucasian surfer dude, dressed in a woman's nightgown, standing at the door of your heart, asking permission for you in your wisdom to let him in. And that salvation becomes active when you do something in your wisdom and the atonement of Christ becomes powerful when you do something in your faith, in your freewill choice. You have a man-centered philosophy.

Respectfully. No, respectfully I will say, God is big in the Old Testament for people who believe in him. So it is honestly his duty to be an all good and all powerful God. If God is not all good and all powerful, then he is not a God. Like this is philosophy 101.

This is so easily destroyed. Your argument is false. Hold on, hold on. So you said freewill. Hey, quote me. Quote me again. So you had freewill. You said freewill, right? Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame for there is no difference between you and Gentile.

Okay, hold on. The Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him for everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. That's right, whoever does. No, that's not your ideology.

Yes, it is. Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. Romans 10, nine and 10. That's what I teach. But you espouse predestination. Yes, I do because the Bible teaches it.

Romans 1, five, having been predestined. It tells us. Dude, that, you're translucent.

That's fine. But like, dude, do you understand the problem here? Yeah, that you don't understand scripture and you don't know how to think clearly.

That's the problem. Look, he predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to himself. Ephesians one, five, do you believe in predestination? He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to himself as Ephesians one, five do you believe in predestination? That's what Ephesians one, five says. Predestined who? He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to himself.

Argument here. I'm just asking this one. I'm just quoting you the verse about predestination It was all good to define all of us. It's not a hard question to answer well I had to look at the context man on us. I'll tell you the us are there this I'll tell you I'll tell you who the us are from the context. It's the chosen ones Verse 4 just as he chose us in him Before the foundation of the world that we behold him blameless before him in love he predestined us He chose us.

That's the chosen ones. They're the predestined ones Ephesians 1 4 & 5 Young man acts 10 34 through 35 God is not like are you trying to set scripture against are you trying to set scripture against scripture? I'm setting your interpretation of it in fact that you have a large I'm reading it now. I wouldn't say large, but you have people that live in you that are Believing this this which is not true, and you mean when I quote the scriptures I quote the scriptures. It's not true when I quoting you and answered you with God's Word every time That's not true.

Did I not quote you several scriptures mine are less true than yours from the same Bible You can't set scripture against scripture Hey, look guy. We're out of time the music's going on any second here call Call back tomorrow Call back tomorrow call back tomorrow and challenge me always call back tomorrow because you don't like we're out of time Do you agree to call back tomorrow? Call back Call back tomorrow the music's going is a hard break. Hey folks. Hope you enjoyed the discussion Hope it calls back tomorrow. Have a good evening everyone god bless another program powered by the truth Network
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