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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
March 17, 2023 1:10 am

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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March 17, 2023 1:10 am

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Topics include- --1. Did Jesus die for all people John 3-16-2. 27- Witnessing to say to someone who is dying, Atonement-3. 32- Should a Christian obey God or Law, COIVD mask issue


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Thank you Yes, not a problem. So yeah, I've written a great deal on it I've taught on it a great deal But the basics is this is that 2nd Peter 3 9 and 1st Timothy 2 for the all Can legitimately mean and be interpreted to mean? Every individual ever lived except that God doesn't arrange it But then you have 1st Samuel 3 14 where God says I've sworn to the that the the iniquities of Eli's house will not be atone For my sacrifice or offering forever, so it can't include the the people of Eli's house, and then we have Romans 9 which you can get into quite a bit, but nevertheless the all can be all people But net not arranged that's a potential and then the other one is that the all is just all groups of people not just the Jews because Jesus was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel and the third option is if the all are the Ones given to him by the father Because Jesus says all that the father gives me will come to me. Who's the all we go to wrong Ephesians 1? He the father chose us the elect in him Christ before the foundation of the world He gave them to the son and Jesus says in John 6 37 through 40 says although the father gives me will come to me It's not all to come to me. The father will give to me although the father gives me will come to me So they're up there already given by the father to the son Those are the ones who are going to come to Christ. That means that that group we can call them the all Because it says all that the father gives me And the when it comes to you He says all the fire gives you will come to me This is John 6 37 and so, you know, it's right there and but when I show this to people They don't want to hear it.

Most people don't want to hear it because they have the idea that They'll say to me. Well, God would never do that. I just read it to you You know, my God would you ever do that? Yeah, what just crazy? Yeah, like you said there's so many scriptures besides Roman 9 like I mean, it's it's actually Jaw-dropping the amount of scriptures that I mean God does what he wants.

I mean it's like You know, that's you know election. I think most Christians don't accept election that you know, this decision is God's it's not man So it's all your free will that's all I hear from you know, the Arminians It's all my free will, you know, they're wholly free will anyway Yeah, they don't know what free will is free will and I trick them. I'll just teach a little bit here I'll say let's define what free will is and I trick them I said I'm gonna say look I'm going to try and trick you here a little bit not maliciously Are you ready? Is that okay if I try and they go, okay I can try and I say is free will the ability to make a choice between say good and bad You can do good or you can do bad and you can do either one and no one's forcing you Just have a free will choice to build to do that. Is that what free will is and they say well, yeah, I Say oh, you're a humanist They said no, you're not. I said, yeah, you are you're a humanist because I just offered a definition based on human Principles not God because God cannot choose between good and bad. He could only do good So what you've done inadvertently I said I told you is gonna trick you What I'm going to do is get you to trick people to see that they're humanists in their hearts That they use themselves as a standard of righteousness. They don't define free will from God's perspective They define it from their own and then God has to answer to how they define free will based on themselves This is what's happening Okay. Yeah when you debated AJ about Romans 9 it was That he did not get that faith Philippians 1 29 has to be imparted to us by God He just kept he kept talking about the free will and I'm like, do you how do you not it has to be imparted to you? That's granted to us. Look his 129 to you.

It has been granted a yours passive indicative It has been granted and you know that but yep. Yep. Anyway, thanks, man. I appreciate it Okay, buddy. Hey check out this website called Calvinist corner calm that's my website too. I'll do that.

We'll check that out. Thank you. All right, man. God bless All right, there's a little bit of theology folks, you know when I first started radio I was actually told in two different networks. Don't preach Calvinism And you know, okay All right, you know this you know tranq as neutral as possible and then people gradually start asking these kind of questions So why have to tell him the truth? well, this is what the Bible says and And so, you know, I'm not ashamed of the reform perspective You know and if people want to disagree, that's okay. It doesn't mean you're not saved But I'm just saying that this is what I hold to and I hold to it for reasons not for haphazard reasons I wasn't taught this and then I just believed whatever someone told me to believe that nothing like that.

I Like to look at the whole of Scripture and let me just say if you disagree that's okay And if you love the Lord Jesus and he's got in flesh to you, which he should be Died in the cross rose to the dead and you believe in him you trust in him alone for the forgiveness of your sins Praise God, you know, that's what matters and that's what counts. So there you go. All right Let's get on the phone with Rudolph from North Carolina Rudolph You're welcome. I mean you're with you're on the air.

Welcome. You're on the air Okay, but I've listened to you you asked a question about what would a person say to a Person dying and I thought about that. I'm not sure what I would say.

So I'm asking you What what should I say if somebody was dying in front of me? So you trust the Lord Jesus Christ. He's God in flesh who died on that cross He bore our sins in his body on the cross and three days later He died he rose from the dead. It was a sacrifice but to God the Father to cleanse you of your sins And he did everything necessary. What you need to do is trust in what he did Receive what he did by faith ask Jesus.

I that's why I do I say ask him ask him to forgive you and he will Simple that's what you got to do. There's a break. Hold on Rudolph be right back after these messages It's Matt slick live taking your calls at 8 7 7 2 0 7 2 2 7 6 here's Matt slick Everybody welcome back to the show bottom of the hour if you want to call me 8 7 7 2 0 7 2 2 7 6 Just wanna let you know that we're trying to raise some funds for a camera. In fact, as soon as we get this I'm gonna be working on trying to get some film out The I've got articles I've done it's like man wish this camera was here and I could put it on video and Work on that but if you want to help donate a little bit to that cause you can go to give send to go CARM camera C A R M C A R M Wait C A R M then C A M E R A camera. CARM camera and you can check it out right there.

There's also a link found on forward slash camera forward slash camera. It'll get you to that place, too So, uh, let's see the next longest waiting person is brandy from North Carolina brandy. Welcome. You're on the air Hey, I'm calling you back. Mr. Slick from yesterday. Okay, and it'll take me a minute to remember About what? About what? Tyranny and uh, we had a situation here in our school system with the mask. I remember now Yet we would not wear the mask they suspended my children Um indefinitely tried to have me incarcerated Try to have my children taken away from me.

Wait a second. Wait a second They tried to have you arrested and and put in jail and take your children away Because you wouldn't have them wear a mask That's right. They came they were in in school suspension For two weeks, they were being punished they were being segregated and discriminated against because they would not cover their fate Sue them. So when I decided to go pick my kids up early from school They came home with the letters and they were going to be suspended from school. Okay, your connection's very bad Okay, it's you're getting worse and worse too. I want to hear this but maybe wherever you are Hopefully you can hear me now a little bit better. I think okay, let's see Okay Okay, is that any better?

It's better. Yes, it is So, okay Okay So I would sue them so they were suspended they were so they got suspended from school under the guise of quarantine for seven months And so I had legal documentation that they were learning from home And when the mask You know mandate was you know over with They thought that my children were going to come back to school mind you they had not been in school for seven months And my children said no, we're going to continue to learn from home We've been learning from home for the past seven months, you know, because we don't trust them And so that's when she sent the powers that be after me to try to have me Arrested and to try to get social services involved to take my teenagers away from me Because it came what it boiled down to is that the thomasville city school system was not getting covid money Because they were not accounted for at in the classroom. Yep Sue them. Yeah, and i'm disappointed that I went through every my city councilman.

I went through my mayor county commissioners You know my senate here the the politicians here in my district and in my state And everyone turned a blind eye even the republicans Yeah, leftist weak spineless. Um Cowards so Absolutely, absolutely and uh, if I were you i'd look into a lawsuit And I believe that christians ought to sue the crap out of these people as much as they possibly can wreck them Absolutely, that's what i'm i'm i'm hoping for there's going to be some resources available for me in the community again I you know being a veteran um You know being at home because due to my injuries from being in the military It's kind of put me in an awkward situation as far as you know You know financially Um, but I I this is this is this is what it boils down to my rights My my our inalienable rights were given to us by god The constitution whether it be federal or state all it backs up The rights that god gave us And i'm i'm i'm i am incomplete And in and I mean, I can't even tell there's not even any words to put into the human language for a school official to come back And tell me that we don't have any Constitutional rights when I said that we're going to invoke our constitutional rights We have the freedom in north carolina to express To express our religious freedom, you know, and and when I I brought this to the table and said, no, we're not doing it We're going to stand on on our constitutional rights. They came back and told me You don't have any rights and kicked my kids out of school. How do you keep how do you withhold public education? I'm i'm paying i'm paying their salary anybody that lives in north carolina is paying their salary How do the school officials get to pick and choose? To pick and choose who they're going to have in the school and who they're not I would just ask them, um, which member of the gestapo they identify with most That that's how you win friends and influence people It became so bad that you know, I finally had to withdraw my daughter Um, they dropped my son.

They took away all of his credit I withdrew my daughter and said we're not doing this. We can I can't fight on my back. Okay, i'm military and I understand warfare I get it But we're going to have to fight from a from a from another location and it's not going to be within the school Because it's not safe for you to be here So if you have any resources for me or for my family or any of your listeners I'm i'm definitely open open to it.

I've i've sent several things out to very prominent attorneys Um, and in all honesty, I don't know if it's because they're scared. They don't they don't want to take it on Yeah, it's uh There's a momentum of cowardice and liberalism that's coming through. In fact, uh, somebody just posted this It's that the new society is emerging movement of a reconstruction a change of the status quo Away from the traditional societal norms and towards liberal marxist and secularist ideology So what I totally sympathize with what you're going through we moved away from california My wife and I one of the reasons was because we wanted to be able to teach our children freely That's one of the reasons we couldn't afford a home down there too. We moved to idaho. You're welcome here in idaho you need people like you and The thing is i'm serious. It's a great state and people here believe in the constitution and you have the right to uh, To carry you have the right to bear arms. You have the right to uh homeschool your kids, etc But nevertheless things are getting liberal all over the place. We christians are going to face increasing persecution And we just have to realize this is a reality that's coming.

But I also say we fight Christians should not lay down and do nothing fight them if that's right. I don't know Sue them if you could if there's a way you could find a lawyer. I mean, I know you said you looked but Sue the crud out of them and if if anybody threatened me with taking my kids away, that's a different level We'll leave it at that. Yes, it is.

Yes, it is And I knew right then that it was not safe for my children. Um, we had um, I had foiled a lot of um information Through our local health department that they were communicating with our school system That they were communicating with our school system and their plans were that they wanted to vaccinate the children without the parents Um knowledge and permission happening right here in our county Nope, and the more we discovered I said, no, this is not happening. I told my children early on I said We're going to draw our line in the sand because if we give the devil an inch he's going to take a mile Mile, it's not ever going to be good enough and we're going to keep bending over and bending over and we're not doing that So we're going to make our stance right here right now And that's exactly what we did and unfortunately it costs, you know I can't even tell you the amount of warfare that that my can my children and I encountered um the witchcraft I mean just or the the um, Oppression like you were talking about yesterday the depression You know the burden the mental anguish that it put on my family, you know, my children's scholarships or athletic scholarships They're not going to be recruited You know, they can't the school can't they can't go back and give my children prom time, you know or game time You know that my children sacrifice that you know for them to turn around and tell us that you don't have any rights Right.

I I can't believe that the senators the the gung-ho senators that were marching and got trump to come and And speak for him ted bud's office and and many other uh senator here's um, tom Tell us no one everyone turned their back No, no one would come and say that is not right you can't and i'm more ashamed of it my city council members Who wouldn't even they didn't even have the gonads to stand up and say wait a minute school board You can't do that. You can't kick people out of school because they don't want to put a snot rag over their face I mean, I like you, you know, it's Modern-day segregation, you know, but but jesus said look he said I didn't come to bring peace You know and everything that we have done we have we have it has been it has been from a place of love Okay, we're not bitter. We're not holding any offense towards these people We pray for their salvation.

We pray that they will get saved and come into the kingdom of god But if they don't we pray that god will move them and get them out of our way Play them not the people guys. I'm not talking about i'm talking about the spirits better We got a break inside of these people. We got a break. Hold on. Okay, we got a break because you are right You are right boy.

I wish you were my neighbor. Hey, hold on folks. We'll be right back after these messages.

Please. Stay tuned It's matt slick live taking your calls at 877-207-2276 here's matt slick So everybody welcome back to the show We'll let you know that we stay in the air by your support if you want to continue to support us Please consider going to forward slash donate forward slash donate at karm c-a-r-m dot o-r-g forward slash donate And we'd really appreciate that if you could and also we're trying to raise funds for a camera in order to do podcasting video work Converting articles to uh, you know video things like that And if you're interested in that just go to forward slash camera and all the information's right there. We're already getting donations in and the article, uh, my friend wrote Quoted I read it's an article that I wrote. I didn't even know it so I wrote this article called the new society and I would check it out if if Uh, you're interested in go to karm c-a-r-m dot o-r-g the new society check it out and it'll talk about this stuff brandy You still there? Yes, sir Okay I don't know if you are um aware Of how to do cdc research but uh What i'm showing on my screen right now for the people if uh, you could remove that bottom one charlie the bottom, uh thing Everybody, I'll just do it. There we go Uh so that it can get a full screen um What i'm doing right now literally is on the cdc website And all the vaccines combined since 1963 Deaths that have been reported from all the vaccines combined of all kinds anthrax dtp Diphtheria i'm looking at all those influenza, you know mumps Uh from the 1960s to present all of the vaccines combined excluding Covid there's been ten thousand two hundred six total events under the subject of death In just the two years since covid the same report just for covid vaccines thirty four thousand six hundred fifty three Deaths related to the vaccines in two years. Wow So I consider this, uh an issue of personal safety. I don't want to take To take uh this and the cdc's it's right there and I have uh an article on my website on how to get this information and uh I think I do at any rate, uh, but I if I don't I can put one up.

I do a Video on how to do this. It's really easy to do and Uh, I have a link and you just learn how to do a couple things on it and you get all the reports you want And it's for the cdc and i'm gonna ask people. Why do you want me to take this thing? It's killing people I don't want to take it And I and i've been researching I live in the city. The city school is different than the county schools The county schools spent thirty eight thousand dollars on masks that have holes in in in the face Okay, so the children can play their instrument instruments and i'm gonna tell you something being in the military I I trained for biological warfare. Okay, i'm talking about hazmat suit down and when I confronted the school and said then Why don't you have biohazard containers? Why why are why are the children allowed to wear neck gaiters?

Y'all know what neck gaiters are? They're not the n95 I said if this was as bad as you're making it out to be Then they need to be well we can't afford that because they have to get fitted and we don't have the machine I said so you just basically want them to pull a neck gator up over them to cover them cover their faces So so they're not able to breathe right? Well, ma'am, you know that no, I I knew what it was about It's about the money and it's about control and i'm telling you they came from my kids Yesterday they're going to come for y'all's tomorrow. You've got to stand up and you got to say no heck No, the line is right here.

This is this is it. We're not and hold it. It's not comfortable It wasn't comfortable financially for me. It wasn't comfortable emotionally or mentally I mean, I mean the the depression and the anxiety that my children and I went through With being scared to even come out on our front porch And and feel like i'm going to throw up when I drive past the school because of of the harassment and the bullying That they and she knew and the superintendent knew that she was wrong because she tried to have me thrown out of my district I'm in the school district tried to have me thrown out of the district twice So she wouldn't have to deal with this and I said no ma'am. No, i'm i'm not i'm i'm i'm i'm i'm in district But this is wrong. You can't do that You can't you can't pick and choose who's going to come to a public school basic If you let the muslims come in and pray five times a day and you provide a rug And you let them point to mecca five times then my children are not wearing a mask and they're going to stand on their religious Liberties and and exemptions and if you don't like it, hey, that's why you ain't gotta like it You don't have to like it, but we're not wearing a mask and they kept calling and calling and calling and harassing and harassing You know and i'm like, okay jesus.

What do I do? Because I value my relationship with you. Holy spirit and I don't want to hold any offense, you know And I I don't want to shrink down I don't I don't I don't want to deal with the anxiety because I value my Because I value my relationship because what I wanted to do a few years ago when I was in the military I would have went tap dance on some heads Just keeping it real with you, you know, but i'm a changed person the renewing of the word of god has changed me To to love those who abuse me or what does it say? You love your enemies, right? You know and you pray for those and bless them those who who despitefully use you And and and I was more concerned about not damaging my relationship with the lord and acting out of flesh You know, but somewhere you somewhere is some we have to stand up as the body and say no We're not we're not this has went on long enough And if the church would have stood up this would have never been allowed to come into the earth not here You understand what i'm saying, but when you Hey, i'm loving it here I'll tell you another thing another the churches in my community took a kick back from united way So they were no longer churches.

They were inoculation centers How about that? Come on, y'all come on now. You you gotta follow the money united way came in and paid these pastors off So what's the difference between that pastor and judith? Because you stole the congregation out I'm not objecting I like you.

No, I like you You move next door to me anytime You come out here. Come on sister. I love what you're saying because you're right It is and then we wonder why we don't have no power We wonder why we're not raising the dead. We're not casting out demons laws aren't aren't being moved and shifted in our favor Because we you can't even tell now, you know people in the world the cdc from some of these churches You can't tell the difference you can't If you're really truly this was my thing. I said right here. I told my kids I said right here This is where this is where we stand either. We're gonna stand on the word of god or we're not Or we're not they're not going to go to no church where you got to wear a mask And sanitize from head to toe and and sit there six feet apart.

Now. What is the purpose in standing on the word of god? What is the purpose in decreeing and declaring before the sun comes up psalms 91?

What is the reason? You know, I mean these are questions I was asking because I was dumbfounded I couldn't believe I couldn't Did you mean y'all have y'all asked me to get mad at me because I said no, we're not battling down And even if god didn't come in and save us He's still god just like shatter at me shack in the vinegar and and I taught my children something we're still fighting it So, you know if you have any listeners out there that any attorneys, you know, anybody that has any resources for me Please don't hesitate You know, let us know You know because i'm i'm just i'm waiting on my next marching orders. Like I told you I was in the military So I understand authority. I haven't gotten any orders yet to to make any more moves right now my children You know god gave me a command and I took the children over there to the to my local community college And they enrolled we did homeschool until they were able to go to the community college over here And joined to get their high school diploma and they can do it right here from from being at the computer in home And i'm i'm listening and watching it and still evaluating what's going on, you know But we have a real issue going on and until people get pissed off and they say, you know, you know, i'm sorry Excuse me people get upset and so we've had enough you're not going to tell much my son he can he can Change what god made him to be You know, you're not going to go in there and tell my daughter that she can go in there and have parts of her body removed You know because god made a mistake This is what's being taught right now right here in our school systems in this county in this city right now You know And so I look at it as a blessing. I say god, I thank you Well, this is you're right and christians need us to stand up and we have the obligation to resist tyranny in scripture people use the The idea that jesus is a blonde haired blue-eyed caucasian surfer dude dress aromas nightgown turn the other cheek Don't do anything.

Just lay down do nothing. No, that's not what the bible says. It says to go out and resist evil It says to resist tyranny It says to stop it says to fight it the christians supposed to be organized The christian men aren't doing their job because they're the ones that will be doing this and you are right They need to count the cost And realize that there's a time when you got to stand up for righteousness and say we've had enough of this and it is costly It is very costly. I know i've done it and it's cost me a great deal Well, we've got to stand on the word of god. We're going to stand on truth and and i'm with you sister So good for you. All right Good for you.

Okay. I appreciate thank you And i'm just going to last thing i'm going to say we are all going to stand before god and i'm going to tell you Something I don't know if I could have lived with myself knowing after god done told me that that mask That that mask was a no-go that that is not what he intended us And I you know, and I told my children he god told me it dishonored him How could I have lived with myself? I would rather have gone through what i've gone through than to have lived with myself knowing that I had Displeased him and I know god would have forgiven me grace mercy. I get all that but here Maybe I was born for such a time as this You know, and so I just encourage people.

Yes, it's going to be costly, but i'm telling you something god I I just I know it. He his word has never failed me. It's not failed me yet I know he's going to bring us through this. My children are listening. They're on their way to church I'm going to go turn on the radio. I'm on i'm speaking to my children right now. God is going to bring us through this You know, we have to continue to hold the line and sometimes, you know I had friends that were in iraq and in afghanistan for years until they were relieved of their post I'm, not saying that we're going to be in this situation for years But i'm just saying that we have to continue to hold the line until we get our next set of orders So to god be the glory, you know, this is all about him, you know, i'm determined to make the lord famous Amen, right. Amen Okay.

Now what I'd like you to do is email me with your email address because there are people already Who are in the chat room saying hey email address they want to be in contact with you And they they're on your side. They want to pray with you and things like that So if you want to do that info At you can just email me and say you know who you are what we talked about real briefly your email address And if it's okay to share it with people and i'll do that if they yes, if they also email me, okay But yeah, i'm for i'm a kind of christian. I don't sit around do nothing. I go after trouble I go look at the enemy's camp and I go to attack the enemy's camp. That's why I do what I do Don't sit around and be idle We got to go go on marching orders from god already and he says i'm going to sit around and be idle And he says the gates of hell will not prevail against the church. Those are the marching orders gates don't do anything They will fail if we march against them, but what do christians do? Hey, the gates are coming after us We got to run and they hide Yeah So good for you. We've got to be like the gladiator and launch shields You know because that's how we we have to occupy and and and teal right?

That's what the scripture says. We have to occupy, you know, and um, and I I I I want to see I want to see god just you know, really reveal himself mighty in this situation It's for his glory, you know But he didn't he didn't allow our forefathers to go through to cross the delaware To go through what they went through for our constitutional rights to be trampled on I that is they came our leaders our forefathers came into covenant with god with that constitution that constitution is covenant It's just like my covenant today with god is covenant And if y'all understand anything about covenant, then you know You you know how how how precious it is You know, so I can't sit back. There's the music.

There's the music. We gotta go. Okay. Sorry, it's a hard break But i've never let anybody speak as much as you have without interrupting and correcting so good for you So you you contact us? Okay Okay, you found it. Yes, sir.

Okay. Thank you very much. God bless you. God bless you I enjoyed her And she's speaking the truth. May the lord bless you by his grace back on here tomorrow. Talk to you then Another program powered by the truth network.

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