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"A Path Towards Healing." My interview with Todd Herman on the Rush Limbaugh Show

Hope for the Caregiver / Peter Rosenberger
The Truth Network Radio
July 23, 2020 4:19 pm

"A Path Towards Healing." My interview with Todd Herman on the Rush Limbaugh Show

Hope for the Caregiver / Peter Rosenberger

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July 23, 2020 4:19 pm

I recently wrote a commentary for the Christian Post about the vandalizing of my home church's cemetery in South Carolina.  But, the heartbreaking story set up an amazing twist that demonstrates what's best in America. 


Bo Snerdly, the famous call-screener for talk radio icon, Rush Limbaugh, read the story and had me on the show to be interviewed by guest host, Todd Herman, during Rush's absence for cancer treatment. 

You can read the story.


Peter Rosenberger is the host of HOPE FOR THE CAREGIVER.  The nation's #1 broadcast and podcast show for family caregivers, Peter draws upon his 34+ year journey as a caregiver for his wife, Gracie, through a medical nightmare that includes 80+ surgeries, multiple amputations, and treatment by 100+ physicians. 

Learn more at



The Todd Starnes Show
Todd Starnes
The Todd Starnes Show
Todd Starnes
The Todd Starnes Show
Todd Starnes

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It's just such a thrill and an honor and a joy to get to chat with you. So the piece starts like this. It's in the Christian Post and has it as well. And finding the path towards healing in America. Over the weekend in Anderson, South Carolina, vandals tore into an historic cemetery that belongs to Midway Presbyterian Church. Standing in this picturesque town since 1833, the cemetery connects families to multiple generations of history and legacy, scrawling Black Lives Matter over the headstones in spray paint and vandalizing more than 20 graves.

These foolish anarchists represent the worst of this country. That's how it starts. Bo Snurdley found this this morning and said, hey, let's see if we can get the author on.

And we have. Peter Rosenberger joins us now on the Rush Limbaugh program. Peter, welcome to the show. It's Todd Herman filling in.

Todd, thanks so much for having me on. How are you feeling? God is good.

It's the day the Lord has made. I'm feeling very good. I'm hosting the world's largest radio show. How are you?

You know, for a man of my age and limited abilities. Very good. Finish this story for us, Peter. It's an extraordinary story.

Well, my friend called me. He's been on the committee there for the cemetery, perpetual care there for the cemetery for years. He grew up in this church. I grew up in this church. My dad used to pastor this church and he sent me the pictures of this thing and it just inflamed me.

I was so disgusted by it and everything else and heartbroken. And I'm very familiar with the cemetery. My dad buried a lot of the people in that cemetery and I played for a lot of them for their funerals on the piano at that church. We would walk across the street to have the gravesite. And I was so distraught all day long.

I was thinking about it. And then that night I got a call from some other friends of ours who went over there to check on her parents' headstones to make sure they were okay. And they said that there was a man there who was pressure washing and cleaning the graves. And his name was Remar Rucker. And my friend Alan was talking to him and nobody called him. He just showed up to do it. He felt bad about it. He felt outraged. He felt embarrassed about it. And then he started cleaning these things. He has his own pressure washing business. And it was a real emotional thing and he helped Alan, my friend Alan and Bonnie put up some of the tombstones and help fix the place up a little bit.

They couldn't get everything off but he just showed up and didn't want any money, didn't want anything. And he's an African American. And so I asked Alan, I said, give me his number. And I called him up and we had a really long conversation. I told him on the front end, I said, look, I'm going to probably get emotional about this because that place is very special today.

I used to live across the street from there in the parsonage by the house, by the church. And I told him how much I appreciated what he did. And he started sharing his own life. He said, I just want to do what's right. And he said, I got a lot of broken things in my life. And I stopped for a moment and I said, you know what, we serve a God who takes broken things and leaves incredible stuff.

That's what he does. He is the ultimate redeemer of these things. We have a savior that does this. And as I thought about this a lot, Todd, I thought, you know, everything I've read in scripture doesn't talk about black lives matter, it talks about broken lives matter. And we're all broken. And when I see a man like this who has taken some painful shots in life, and he shared with me privately some of those things, and yet here he is doing something extraordinary that shows a path to healing, that shows a path of how we can pull together. It gives us hope and inspiration when we see that all the organizations are so screwed up, but the organism of the body of Christ is alive and well.

I mean, it was one of those moments where we're both just tearing up on the phone. And then I wrote this article and evidently it just resonated with a lot of people, including you guys. And I'm very grateful for the opportunity to share it and give a big shout out to Mr. Rucker, who is modeling what's best about America. To walk across the street, to drive up to town, to go just lend in this hand with your precious labor that feeds your family, pays your bills, and to do that because it's the right thing. And this is what I read in your articles. He said, look, right is right.

And I do this because it's the right thing. I think, Peter, that what gets lost sometimes in all this chaos and communism and division is you are talking about the story of America. There's strife, there's disagreement, but you are also talking about the shoulder-to-shoulder reality of what others want to tear down.

They do not want that moment to exist. And what I really admire about Mr. Rucker is not just the work, but he refused to have right become wrong. That he stood with his fellow human beings. That's a remarkable thing. Sometimes it just takes the courage of one individual that will ignite a flame. And that gives me hope, Todd. I've been listening to your show today and appreciate all that you brought to the table today, and it just gives me hope as I look across America that we are not what is being defined on the news every night.

I was doing an interview a while back, and there was a medical stuff, and he said, well, my wife had the coronavirus. And he said, well, what can people do to be healthier in this country? And I said, turn off the cable news.

That'll make you healthy right there. We are being defined by what's on the news at night, and I'm saying to you, no. And I believe that what Mr. Rucker demonstrated is how we're being defined in reality, that there are more individuals who are quietly going about their business doing what is right, doing right is right.

And I hope that will be a source of encouragement to all the listeners today on this network that I love to listen to. And, you know, right is right. It is.

It is. Peter Rosenberg has been with us. Christian Post is where he can find this. An easy way to find it is on Rush I hope the Christian Post is ready for a whole bunch of clicks from Rush, because that's what happens.

Peter, go with God's good grace. Thanks for joining us on Rush's show. Thank you very much, Todd. Thanks for all the hard work.

Oh, no. So listen, the hard work happens in a lot of places. It happens at Team EIB putting the show together. It happens with the folks at KQ&T in Spokane, Washington at 590 a.m.

It happens at my radio home, KTTH 770 in Seattle. I would say one thing about what Peter spoke about is he spoke about broken lives matter. I heard someone in a sermon say that God had said that he wants all of us. And so that would mean all the pieces. That wouldn't mean just the shiny pieces, the pieces that we're proud to show. I think it would be that God wants all pieces so he can put the puzzle together. America is not just a landmass. It's people. Pieces of a puzzle. And maybe prayer to God to take all these pieces and put them back together. Maybe that's something else we need. It's Todd Herman in for Rush Limbaugh on the EIB network.
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