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Dr. David Wurmser: Islam has one agenda / Tom McHale discusses the assault on our constitution and what constitution day celebrates

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
September 19, 2022 3:15 pm

Dr. David Wurmser: Islam has one agenda / Tom McHale discusses the assault on our constitution and what constitution day celebrates

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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September 19, 2022 3:15 pm

Dr. David Wurmser Islam has one agenda and even they do not agree and there is no peace in their own lands. Israel and the US must stand together against the aggression of Iran and the nuclear armament of that country.

Tom McHale ACRU discusses the assault on our constitution and what constitution day celebrates. Our founders were devout Christians and in fact the constitutional convention would have been started with prayer, but they could not afford to hire a Minister to open with prayer.

The Todd Starnes Show
Todd Starnes
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders

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Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, that you should chew forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses, our number two. So good to be with you. I apologize for the brief break. There was so funny. I'm watching the screen anyway, and everything looked like it was going to time out just right.

And the next thing I know, I've got black screen. Well, welcome aboard. Good to have everybody here with me, and I greatly appreciate it.

I've got a great two hours. Our first hour talked quite a bit about January 6th. I gave you essentially the content of a commentary that I made on Saturday evening at an event called Boots and Barbecue.

They had an open mic opportunity to speak to the people who were on stage, which was Jason Jones, Wade Miller, Congressman Chip Roy and Don Huffines, who ran for governor here. And I just stood up and just basically said, listen, we've got, you know, these issues. And what I want to know more than anything is, is number one, America has had war declared against it through the invasion of our southern border. We're at war. We have an invasion at our southern border. Texas has an invasion.

And under the constitutional Article One, Section 10, we have a right to declare that we are under attack and act accordingly. In addition to that, we have Americans, Texans in an American gulag in Washington, D.C. that need to be set free. They are being held there without charges. Their families are getting some reports out of there of bear spray in their faces, of them being forced to medicate while they're in prison. OK, these are inhumane. This is inhumane treatment.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, Louie Gohmert have all documented the things that they are aware of that are going on there. These are prisoners of war within the boundaries of the United States that are citizens of our country. And they must be set free.

They must be. And as individual states, when the federal government becomes tyrannical and and breaks its its oaths of office, then the states have a responsibility to defend their citizens against federal tyranny. That's in the Constitution. And as Christians, we have a responsibility before God to stand against wickedness.

And that's part of what we're going to talk about right now with David Wormser is the wickedness that's happening. In Israel, in the Middle East, Iran is an embodiment of evil and wickedness and oppression and tyranny. Islam is is evil at its roots. The belief system. This isn't coming against people that are indoctrinated and need to know the truth.

But this is saying that Iran wants to destroy Israel and Iran wants to destroy America and Iran wants to destroy anything that is related to our holy scriptures and and and our God. David, welcome. Jump on in, man. I made the water real warm. But you started with the boots and barbecue and I'm sort of jealous sitting in Washington, Texas barbecue. It's you know, you can't get that sort of stuff. It was great.

It was outstanding. I mean, we can go up to Baltimore and have crabs. But but other than that, Washington is not here. You're, you know, a comfort food haven of choice.

It's not comfort of any point right now, really. It's my gosh. You mentioned this interview or the situation with Iran in the interview. Leslie Stahl's interview on 60 Minutes.

Yes, I talked with Joel Rosenberg very briefly about it in our last segment. Please go ahead and elaborate. Well, you know, I think the symbolism of that interview is that literally a day or two ago, a young girl, a 22 year old woman died from blunt head injuries administered by the Iranian state because she wasn't wearing a veil. In other words, they executed her through through beating her up for not wearing a veil properly. And yet Leslie Stahl goes on this interview and she wears a veil. It's the symbolism of Western elites cowering and fawning in front of dictators who are killing their own citizens for the very basic right of not wearing a veil if they don't want to.

And there goes Leslie Stahl wears the veil. I think the symbolism of that, the complete bankruptcy of this media elite is really exposed by that. So, I mean, we can go into the details of the substance of the interview, which was equally offensive. But that right there, I think, captures the problem here.

Well, it does. But I do think that, you know, that the substance of it and the refusal to recognize and acknowledge the aspirations of Iran and their hostility towards America, towards Christianity, towards Judaism, towards our Judeo-Christian values. And, you know, when you're sitting in front of someone whose leadership has called us the great Satan.

And you won't ask them the question or confront them over that statement or ask them to renounce it. Will you renounce the statement of calling us the great Satan? Will you renounce the statements that have been made and endorsed by your religious leadership that America must be destroyed? Kill Americans, destroy America. Those are the things that have been yelled in your streets at your political rallies.

And my question to you is, do you renounce those things? And can you right now in front of the world say, we do not agree with that and that is not our policy? And they don't have any problems saying, no, we don't renounce it.

That is our policy. They're quite proud of it and it's the essence of their legitimacy in their own mind is that they will destroy the West. They will make Islam triumphant over the West.

It will become, everybody will become in the end Islamic. You know, there was a big debate in 2006 over the moderates versus hardliners. Because we had Ahmadinejad, the guy who really was a poster child for repulsive leadership as head of Iran. And they had a very sophisticated foreign minister, Larry Johnny, who was negotiating their nuclear issues back then with us. And there was this big discussion about moderates and hardliners.

But since I didn't have anything better to do, I would actually read the speeches and presentations on TV that the Iranians were saying to themselves. And the moderation versus hardliner was how far you can go with diplomacy to trick the West to kill itself before you kill them off. So the moderates say, well, you can use diplomacy a little bit longer and then kill them off because they've weakened themselves. And the hardliners who say, just put your faith in God immediately and let's just try to kill them off now. So that defines moderate and hardliners. They both were clear. In fact, Larry Johnny, the quote, moderate, when he went to London, the message he actually gave the British was convert now to Islam.

Because if you convert now, you'll get a better deal. Afterwards, we'll just kill you. So this is the quote, moderate camp that we hope for delivering.

There are no moderates. It's the tactical difference, if there are any. And they are proud of their desire to destroy us. It's the essence of their ideology is the destruction of Christendom. Well, and again, this is, you know, it is also one of the reasons that Thomas Jefferson chose Christianity over all other belief systems. Because his vision, his hope was, is that there could be some form of coexistence, per se.

That people who had a belief system that were different would be able to come and practice what they believed to the extent that it didn't go to that place. And unfortunately, this is what we have learned about Islam. And what I've tried to share here on our program in explaining it is that there is within Islam, if you're going to read the Quran and understand Islam, you're going to understand that the ultimate goal of Islam, it is killing everything and everyone that does not follow their system, period. Yeah, you know, there are some countries trying to turn the corner, like the UAE, and trying to reinterpret Islam in ways that maybe are more amenable to tolerance. But you have to look at the Islamic world and ask yourself, why is it that at every seam line between the Islamic world and a non-Islamic population, there's war and conflict and strife?

Well, and I want to go a step further, David, and suggest because their mantra becomes, well, if we're just an Islamic state, then there will be peace. Well, but let's bear in mind, as you mentioned, I believe about the young girl that was killed, right, okay, for not wearing a veil. She's Muslim. She wasn't Christian. She wasn't Buddhist.

She wasn't, you know, she wasn't some other religion. She was a Muslim woman who dared not to cover her face, and was bluntly beaten about the head and murdered for such. So even within Islamic states, because there is this one-upmanship of I'm following the law more than you are, they literally kill one another in an effort to prove that they're more Islamic. Absolutely the greatest victims of Islamic homicide are Muslims, and the greatest perpetrators of homicide against Muslims are Islamic governments and movements. The internal killing in the Islamic world is stunning. I mean, you can dismiss Syria as between Alawites who they claim aren't Muslim, but you look at Iraq and what happened between the Sunnis and Shiites there.

There you go. There's no seam line between Sunnis and Shiites, between Sunnis. What Al Qaeda did to their own, what ISIS does to its own, and that's after they get through doing these horrible things to Christians in the Middle East and Jews and Israelis and etc. and Hindus.

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Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. Welcome back to Chozen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical classism. My very special guest David Wormser, Center for Security Policy's expert on Israel and on anti-Semitism. David, we were talking about the violence that happens within the Islamic states themselves.

You were just talking about what happens at the fringes and I was sharing with you. So with my Indian ministry in Punjab, we have the issues with Pakistan and the Muslim issues that are taking place there. Sikh that are coming in, we talked about, you know, and I've been telling folks we need your help. We are under assault by the Sikhs in Punjab who are the majority, about 65% of Punjab is Sikh, and they have basically sworn out that they are going to wipe Christianity out of their state.

And so we need financial assistance to provide for security so we can at least turn these issues into the local government officials and hope that they act justly. But Jammu, Kashmir, Kashmir has issues with Afghanistan and Muslims there, and Jammu and Kashmir have issues with China. David, speak to these fringes as you were sharing with me. Well, the French is basically the concept is that the world of Islam is the world of Islam, the world of peace, and the world beyond Islam is the Dar al-Harb, which is the world of the sword, and of course the seam line is the battleground.

So by its very definition, the seam lines are violent. The second thing that's important is wherever there are a large minority of Muslims on these seam lines or even in Europe, say in Sweden and so forth, and you see this in Israel. You have to remember that Israeli Arabs amount to about 17%, 18% of the population, so they're not a majority or even a very large minority, but they're not 30%, 40%. But what I'm getting at is that there's a lawlessness there, and the lawlessness is essentially derived from the idea that they answer only to Sharia. There's no law code that has any legitimacy beyond that. So you can go ahead and drive at 120 miles an hour.

Who cares? So you get caught by the police. Don't pay anything. Don't pay a fine. Don't drive with a license.

Who cares? It's not my law. So you have this sort of attitude of lawlessness that has begun to obtain in any community of scale in the non-Muslim world or along the edges of the Muslim world because they don't recognize the authority of either a Christian government or any non-Muslim government or a secular government.

They just don't. Well, and we're watching that in Minnesota, right, with the Somali refugees and things, you know, what's happening right here within our own borders. I think something that's interesting to note in contrasting with that is that there are many Palestinians and many who are of the Muslim faith who are living peacefully, having their rights protected, and are flourishing and are grateful for where they live and grateful to the Israeli government for the settlements and for some of the stability that is provided by the Israeli government in these settlement areas and even protection from some of those that are forcing Sharia because they're kind of like, well, it's like the Democrats in America, right? I was born to be a Democrat.

I don't know. I vote Democrat because my dad did and my granddad did, and I didn't realize that, you know, that, yeah. It's, you know, the fact is that Palestinians living under Israeli control have more rights than Arabs in any other country at this point. They also have better economic conditions. The economics alone doesn't justify Israel's presence. There's a thousand other reasons for that, but one does have to recognize these are not suffering people. And that's, by the way, the irony of these boycott the vests and sanction movement, the BDS movement against Israel is the people they hurt the most are the Palestinians. Yeah, are the very people that they, but it's no different.

It's CRT is the same way. And, you know, all of the left's policies in reality injure the very people that the left supposedly, you know, claims that they are most concerned about. Final minute here, and I'm glad we got into this, by the way, because it's important for people to understand this, but final minute, the issue of Iran and nukes and where that sits right now in your estimation, about 60 seconds. Well, technologically, it's possible the Iranians have crossed the threshold with knowing how to build a bomb. I mean, they're related to and close to the North Koreans who do have a device.

So it's, one has to assume that they can cross that at will. As far as the uranium goes, they are now at the point where they have enough 60% enriched uranium to build a bomb. 60% is not enough to build a bomb.

You have to go to 93. However, the distance to enrich from 0 to 18% is the vast majority of the distance you have to go from 60% to 90 plus percent is literally a heartbeat. So the Iranians now basically have the material for the bomb. So I think we're headed to a point of decision with the Israelis on Lebanon and the Iranians.

And what they're going to have to do, and then subsequently what that chain reaction is going to look like. They're on their own. Yep. All right. David Wormser, Center for Security Policy. Thank you, my friend. I greatly appreciate it. We're going to take a break back with Tom McHale.

We're going to talk about our Constitution and Constitution Day, which was Saturday. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I went under issue to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe.

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And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses and very pleased to welcome back to the program. He was with me for very briefly, right, on Friday, I think it was. We had you on Friday. We had a few minutes. Yeah, we did. We did. We had some nice conversation and I asked him, I said, would you do me a favor?

Would you come back on the program with me on Monday so we can continue this great conversation? And so he agreed to do so. And I want to welcome Tom McHale to the program with ACRU, and that is the American Constitutional Rights Union, And it's, by the way, the

The is the website. And we welcome Tom McHale to the program. Tom, welcome. Good to have you.

Good. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. Yeah, well, I appreciate that.

Thank you so much. Well, Saturday was Constitution Day. And I guess really that, you know, the issue of our conversation would have to be the crisis that exists constitutionally. I mean, when you look at and I got up and spoke very briefly Saturday night at the Boots and Barbecue. But about, you know, the five elements of the First Amendment.

Religious liberty, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to redress the government and freedom to peacefully assemble. And suggested that those that are being held, many without formal charges and many for ridiculous charges in the American gulag in Washington, D.C., have had all of those rights stripped from them, as has this administration attempted to do that. Now, I don't know if you saw this or not, but the Fifth Circuit Court just issued this ruling. And it's specifically what it what it says.

And I'll read the bottom part. This is a Ken Paxton and and the state of Texas, you know, said that social media cannot censor in the way that they've been censoring. And so there was a lawsuit that's been filed and and the initial injunction essentially was.

Let me see if I can get it. OK, it says today we reject the idea that corporations have a freewheeling First Amendment right to censor what people say because the district court held otherwise we reverse its injunction and remand for further proceedings. And up up a little further, it says the implications of the platform's argument are staggering. On the platform's view, email providers, mobile phone companies and banks could cancel the accounts of anyone who sends an email, makes a phone call or spends money in support of a disfavored political party, candidate or business.

Well, I mean, if you have nothing to hide, what are you worried about? Right. So your entire audience just fell off their chairs. That was a very cynical and sarcastic remark. Are there any more dangerous words in history than that phrase?

Right. It's it's stunning. I'll tell you what's going on with that. And we're hearing, you know, as part of the same effort that Facebook has basically been taking orders or suggestions, if we'll loosely call them that from the government on what to quote unquote censor and you know what what now to publish. So that's that's frightening stuff, isn't it? Well, it is.

It is. And I you know, I look at it when you consider what our Constitution was designed to do. Tom, I mean, our Constitution was designed to protect us from the kinds of things. It's interesting this morning is the or was the funeral of the Queen of England, which, you know, by all accounts, you know, there would seem that this woman had a very strong faith base. She oversaw essentially the dismantling of the United Kingdom, as it were. And and and yet when you consider what our founding fathers were battling, they were battling a King George. And one of the cries was, you know, who's going to be your king, George or Jesus, and our founders said, No, we're going to go back, we're going to reject the idea of a king, and we're going to make the people sovereign once again. And I would suggest on on this time of celebrating the day of the Constitution, we need to really reflect upon how many of those rights and liberties we've abandoned.

Yeah. It's absolutely true. And, you know, one of the reasons I wrote a book on the Constitution and one of the reasons I did that was because so many of us, one, either don't know what it says, certainly don't know the importance of what it says and the significance.

And it was a high time to make it easily, easily accessible to everyone, really, to understand its significance. Let me ask you, because I don't I don't know this of your background. I know that ACRU has many attorneys that are a part of it. I don't know. Is Lori an attorney? I don't believe so.

We have we have attorneys that work with us on the occasion we do get involved in legal actions in support of constitutional cases. Yeah, I thought I thought I thought that that was the case. I wasn't sure if you were or a legal counsel or not. I didn't want to make an inappropriate assumption. I am not.

I actually it's funny. You started out talking about the tech industry. I spent over 20 years in the tech business and I've seen firsthand how they view the rest of us mere mortals. And I'm not even being no, no, no, I know.

I know you're not really. They really do believe they know what's best for us and are doing the righteous and moral thing to protect us from ourselves. I mean, that is the pervasive assumption in in a large swath of that industry.

No, I've had Ryan Hartwig and Zach Voorhees, both, you know, the Facebook and the Google whistleblowers have been on my program a number of times. And and they've talked about how they, you know, within within those cultures, how they view, you know, the rest of us. And it's and the and just the pure evil, quite frankly, that is so pervasive in both of those cultures.

It's it's really quite stunning. Well, some of the most insidious evil is when when they're doing it for your own good. Well, there are quotes around that, right? Well, but that that is that that has been this shift. This this shift of the left is and how they've made their way even into the church, because they said, well, man, man can't manage his own affairs. So even a traditional biblicist would say, yes, that's true, man is sinful and in need of a savior. Well, their response is no, man is is is bad and evil and he is destructive to the world as as a whole.

And we must control him. So there you just hit the nail on the head. The we points right back to some animals are more equal than others. Absolutely.

The underlying flaw in that assumption by this that side is that some men are above all that and do, in fact, know what's best for us and can lead us down the righteous path. Right. Well, ultimately, it's scary. And ultimately, that's that's leading us to the worship of trees and animals. Yeah.

Because trees and animals, if they were just left to their own, the world would be better if we just had more trees, more animals and less humans. I know, right. We're back. We're back to cynicism, right?

Well, I'm trying to I'm trying to get you charged up for a Monday and get you rolling into your day. You know, but but but folks, I'm telling you, this is I mean, if you you know, if you want to talk about Romans Chapter one, that that is what that is the left. The left has said, we know the creators there. There's no excuse.

They know there's a God, but they reject him and they elevate the creation and they idolize the creation above the creator. And going back to our Constitution, our founders set in place that it was the creator who gave us, endowed, put in us these inalienable rights that are that are who we are, our flesh and blood. And they were worthy of defense to the death. Yeah. Do you want to do you want an interesting little factoid about the Constitutional Convention? I'm I'm I'm I'm very, you know, how long? Why?

Yes, I am. How long do you think that'll take? Because we got we got we're going into a break in a minute.

So maybe we should tease with that and then and then come back. So so Tom McHale, ACRU, the, it's the American Constitutional Rights Union. And really, our topic today is, is this issue of the Constitution and the Constitution Day and understanding the significance of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and, you know, what a lot of people don't know, which is, is that five of the most critical rights that we have are found right in the First Amendment itself. Religious liberty, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom to redress the government and freedom to peacefully protest, all of which were stolen from us, I believe, on the sixth of January.

Back with more right after this. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War Two defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

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I am Patriot Mobile. Welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where the topic is Off-Limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. Alright, so I was just sharing a little bit. And here's the thing. Folks, I'll bring you into this. I was sharing with Tom about just how much information you have to process when you're sitting in this seat every day and filter to decide what do you need to know and what am I responsible to let you know, to tell you.

And there's darkness that I try. That's why last week I said, parents, I don't care what you're doing right now. I don't care if you're in the grocery store, you're at work. I don't care. You need to go rescue your kids out of the public school system unless you know absolutely for a fact and you have been directly involved in who's on your school board, who your teachers are, every bit of curriculum. If they are from basically eight years old on, they're being taught under the national sex education standards which say what the teacher has to teach them. And there's nothing in the Constitution, Tom, in my estimation, that allows them to teach eight-year-olds about masturbation and hormone therapy. I don't find that. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's not in there.

Nor is there any verbiage that requires citizens to turn over parenting rights to the state. Yeah, I don't see that. And the concern is, you know, for little eyes, is once little eyes and little ears have had this pushed into their system, their conscience is violated.

It's done. Their conscience is violated. Now, I believe in the restorative powers of the cross, and I believe that, you know, I mean, I remember years ago coming back from Africa and being asked to speak at a four-square church in Santa Maria, and there was a woman who had been sexually abused many times. And she came forward to the altar for prayer and God had me go and I came up and I didn't know her at all, but the Lord gave me a word of knowledge and I knew this about her, and the Lord had me speak healing over her and all of a sudden her face lit up because every memory of those events was gone. She looked at me and she said, it's gone. It's like as if the file that was there has just been, well, you were in technology, you know what I'm talking about. Yeah, deleted. Yeah, God deleted that file and she, you know, I mean, because she knew that there had been a file, but when she tried to access the file, she was like, I'm free.

I'm free. The Lord removed the file. So I know God can heal these little kids and these children and these victims of abuse and he can delete that file.

I know he can. But parents, don't let it happen to begin with. Please, please, school board members, teachers, my God, what is it, what are you doing? And what I was saying to you is, and the reason I'm saying it right now, Ezekiel says that the blood of those who are walking in that is on our account if we don't say anything and they die in their sin. If I say it, if I warn them and they choose to continue in that path, then my hands are clean. That's why Paul said in the book of Acts, my hands are clean because I've spent the last three years warning you what's about to happen.

If it happens, if you don't do anything about it, if the wolves come in, if they change the gospel, if they pervert the word, that's on you because my hands are clean because I have given you the warning. You and I are sounding the alarm about the demise of the Constitution of the United States of America, the assault that it is under, and the ignorance of the people for not understanding their freedoms and their liberties. To you, sir. Yeah, it's simple stuff when you think about it, right? The whole concept of natural rights, they exist. They're not bestowed on us by the government. They're not granted by the government. They're not created by the Constitution or even the Bill of Rights. They're bestowed on us by God.

They exist. They preexist all of this stuff that we've done. It's not a hard concept.

And that's the thing. What our founders did, this is, folks, this is why I talk to you about 1 Samuel 8 and when the Israelites made the decision to, we want a king. Well, when they said, we want a king, what they were saying, and this is what the Lord said to Samuel. He said, they're not rejecting you.

They're rejecting me. Our founding fathers came to America saying, we're not rejecting God, we're rejecting this whole king idea because we have discovered in Scripture that God has put rights in us. Unlike John Locke, whose concept was that God laid them in our hands, our founders rejected that. And they said, no, he didn't lay them in our hands. He wrote them in our hearts.

He sealed them in our minds. They're literally the DNA that makes us fearfully and wonderfully made. We're fearfully and wonderfully made with life in our DNA. We're fearfully and wonderfully made with liberty, freedom bought, purchased at the cross by Christ. We're fearfully and wonderfully made.

I came that you might have life and might have it more abundantly. I always find it interesting how we collectively assume that the founders were intent on driving God out of government. The interesting factoid I was going to share with you before the break is an interesting illustration of that concept. As it turns out, James Madison kept copious notes throughout the Constitutional Convention, down to the detail level of who said what when.

One of those notes he captured was about Ben Franklin proposing in late June that each session should be open with a prayer. There was some debate on the topic. People said, wait a minute, is that appropriate?

Now, here's the gotcha. The question wasn't whether it's appropriate to pray in that setting. The question was whether it was appropriate to start in the middle since they'd already been going a month without it. After some more debate, they figured out the reason that wasn't happening from day one. They had no funds for clergy.

They simply didn't have the money to pay someone to do it, but they wanted to. I think that tells you something. All of these modern-day assumptions are false. The First Amendment is really, really clear on this. It says the government shall not establish religion. The government shall not prevent you from practicing religion.

That's not hard to understand, is it? Well, and the government was set. I mean, the Danbury Baptist letter that they all try to point to and suggest then that Jefferson was saying there's no religion was, in fact, Jefferson saying, no, Christianity is going to be the driving influence on our government, but we're not going to establish a state church because at the same time that Jefferson is writing to the Danbury Baptists, there are five congregations that are meeting on Sundays and over the course of the weekend within the Capitol holding church services, and Jefferson himself had been the one who had put the Marine Corps Choir. He said the music's not sufficient to actually honor our God, and I want something better. So here, I'm going to send you in the Marines to sing the hymns.

I mean, folks, we've got to wake up to what's really going on here. Tom, thank you for that. I thank you for that information.

You're welcome. I always enjoyed that story. It's fun to go back to the source documents on some of this stuff, and Madison's notes are interesting and compelling stuff. No doubt, no doubt. All right, we're going to take a break.

Coming up, hour number three, right after this brief break. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe.

I was taking the traditional vitamin and mineral tablets. I wasn't really feeling any different, so I tried Vibe. Vibe is an all-in-one vitamin and mineral supplement. It's a liquid multivitamin. It's cold-pressed, whole-food-sourced, non-radiated, gluten-free, and has no pasteurization. Vibe is like fresh juicing without all the work.

It supports four areas of the body, cardiovascular health, immune health, anti-aging, and healthy cell replication. Vibe is available in a 32-ounce bottle for home use or a very handy one-ounce travel packet for life on the go. The first time I tried Vibe, I had more energy in about 20 minutes. I started thinking clear.

I even believed I slept better. Get yours today at, coupon code chosenjinradio at checkout, and receive $20 off your first order of $50 or more. That's, coupon code chosenjinradio. Get yours today.
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