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David Shestokas the rights of the people are guaranteed in the constitution

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
October 26, 2022 12:35 pm

David Shestokas the rights of the people are guaranteed in the constitution

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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October 26, 2022 12:35 pm

David Shestokas the rights of the people are guaranteed in the constitution and the powers of the government are only valid so long as they defend the rights of the people and are invalid and tyrannical when they intrude on those rights. Election integrity is key to a free republic. Parental rights need to be codified as there is an effort to take them away and in fact they are being removed in many instances.

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Negro products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should shoe forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

And now chosen generation where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day. And I thank you for keeping it tuned here to chosen generation radio. I've got a great, great, great program lined up for you. Bottom of hour number two, Reverend Clannard Childress will be with us and we'll be talking with him about, well, we'll be talking with him about the black genocide and we'll be talking about the transgenderism and the assault on our children and so many things, so many things.

Of course, he runs, So encourage you to become familiar with that if you're not already. Let's see, also coming up on the program, I should have Tiaran Rose Mandelberg from MRC will be with us. We'll talk about fake news and censorship. A little bit about both of those coming up for you.

Rick Manning joins me as co-host, bottom of this hour. And I believe that covers it. And there's a lot for Rick and I to get into, a lot of foreign relations stuff that's going on. And you know, it's interesting. One of the major issues, whether we're talking about Iran, the CCP, Russia, or Ukraine, if we were a major energy producer, if we were a major oil producer, the number one producer of natural gas and oil in the world, which is where we were headed under President Trump, if that's who we were, then we would say to Europe right now, don't worry about Putin.

And we would press a button and Europe would have a great winter. Okay. But no, no, no, no, no, no. Joe and Hunter had to get in there. And since they couldn't make any money out of the deal, well, you know, they had to screw the United States. Wow. Wow. And 81 million fake voters voted for him. Fake voters.

I saw a quote on, I think it was on the Truth Network by Dinesh. People are saying that those that deny the election are just like those that deny the Holocaust. Wow. Wow. Folks, not only did 6 million Jews die, but 12 million others died along with them.

Okay. It was a Holocaust. And it really happened. And there was a general that came upon the scene that wrote it all out and had them take extensive pictures, pictures that a lot of them didn't want to take.

And they asked him why. And they said, because one day someone is going to come along and say, this never happened. And we're going to make sure that we have the proof and the evidence so they can't ever say that. Well, folks, I have had individuals on this program who have validated, and now you have five going on, six states that are looking at potentially recalling their electors from the 2020 election because of all of the fraud that they found.

Think about that. No, the evidence is overwhelming. Our elections have been compromised. And the arrest of Eugene Yu should give us some indication. See, we can't blame this. This isn't all just a DNC operation.

This was a calculated operation. And they met during the summer of the burn in 2020 in Iran, Putin, Xi, they gathered together and they said, how are we going to make sure that Trump does not win? I'm telling you. All right.

I want to get my guest on who has waited very patiently as I have bogarded the stage. But he's got his coffee in him. And, and, and I know he's, he's Yep. And I got it, man. I so blew it. I didn't bring you a mug. I'm sending you one. I didn't bring you a mug. So I'm going to send you one, but that's okay. You didn't bring, you didn't, you didn't bring me an autographed copy of any of your books either. So, and that's, and that's twice now. No, not an autographed copy.

I don't, I don't. So yeah. So, but I appreciate the two dinners cause they were delicious and the company was glorious.

So I just want to say thank you. I got you a steak. You did. And then you got me that fried shrimp, right? I got you steak and try.

I got you surf and turf. I will say that primal cut was, was a cut above. Yes. The company was great, but primal cut was absolutely primo and I wish we could have gotten in there.

So what we'll have to do is, is I guess make that reservation about six months out. Yes. Yeah. That's in Tinley park for anybody that's listening to Tinley park, Illinois.

It's a primal cut. And yeah, we had some incredible steaks. On the other hand, last week we were at an Italian restaurant called Gato's and we were blessed to have about eight other people, six, seven other people. Yes.

And the company was glorious. One of your other guests, Dr. or Pastor Dave Lawry. Yes. Well, then another one of my guests actually is Jeffrey Adams of Micron who, who is also appeared here on the program and then, and then a couple of other wonderful people as well, and including Christian who I was just on the phone with yesterday. And and we're going to be you know, doing some things.

He's got a legacy film and he wants to do of my of my story, which I'm humbled by that. But I do believe it's time to rebuild Illinois. Yes. Which is a great day, a great site undertaking some fantastic work out. Now we were, we were with some fabulous, fabulous people that evening and among them, of course, we were blessed with my sister Jill to join us. So it was all good.

You know, that's very nice. You know, it's interesting that you opened with a election discussion because yesterday I was on the phone with an attorney from Fairfax, Virginia, Thomas Raniere. Tom and I actually worked two years ago in Pennsylvania together.

Okay, the election issues. We actually had gone to a Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania during the in the lead up and there was about 40,000 people in Butler, Pennsylvania, to see the president and and at that particular time, six days later, supposedly, he lost Pennsylvania. When a fellow, another fellow showed up and had about a dozen people in those little circles. Remember, they were, oh, yeah, circles and masks and stuff. Yeah. But we had we had 40,000 people in Butler, Pennsylvania, a week before the election.

And theoretically, he did not win that state. So that there's a lot of things going on. I have personal things. A week ago, you know, about two months ago, I was lucky enough to spend some time with Dinesh. You know, and so, you know, it's it's incredible. So everybody has to work really hard. Yes.

One of the things I heard yesterday with Charlie Kirk and he was emphasizing everybody. Don't be discouraged. You have to one of the one of the important ways to combat the situation is to vote, to vote in person and vote on Election Day if it's possible for you to do so. Yeah. Because the that whole system is predicated on people voting early and voting by mail, because those are situations that allow the folks that manipulate elections to do so. There's a there's a complex situation.

I worked for almost two years, some with Jovan Pulis or Jovan is one of the premier guys in analyzing, analyzing what happened in Maricopa County. So we're coming up in about two or ten days, two weeks from yesterday for the for those elections. Vote on Election Day if you can. Right. That's one of the ways to protect your personal vote. Well, and don't we also want to encourage them to to, you know, to make sure, I guess, well, they'll they'll find out, but to make absolutely certain that that there has been no vote under their name received.

Yeah, that's that's it. There's there's a couple of things that people can do in that regard. One of which is, of course, if you haven't, you can, of course, request your mail in ballot, request your mail in ballot, make sure you bring it with you to the poll. The chance that you show up and they go, oh, you can't vote because you've already voted. Right.

You know, that's that's a big problem. People showing up and then being told that they already voted. So you have to have proof that you did not. So that your vote does not become provisional.

Yes. Certainly, if they tell you you've already voted, do not sheepishly say, OK, and walk out of the poll. The appropriate action at that particular time is to ask the poll workers to call their supervisors. And if they refuse to do that, the appropriate thing then would be to call the local prosecutors because it's the prosecutors that are supposed to enforce election day, election law on Election Day. So there's a lot of things that you can personally do.

And if you haven't yet, there's all the campaigns. Everybody's still looking for poll watchers. There are many, many places where they still need election judges. It may be it may be late in some jurisdictions, but there's a lot of things that you can do to contribute to the security of our elections.

Amen. And elections are a communal matter. And it takes the whole community to see to it that the elections are as secure as we can possibly make them by all participating in that security. And I'm glad that you bring that up.

We're getting ready to take take a small, you know, take our first break. But I want to get into one of the things that I wanted to really talk to you about today, David, is because a lot of people say, well, it's, you know, we got to get involved in elections. We've got to watch the elections. We've got to monitor the elections. We got to be sure that we get, you know, well, in some instances, and I'll give you an example. And I just wrote this in a comment on the Epoch Times in Pennsylvania. Right now, we have two senators running. We have Oz and Federman.

In my opinion, it is the lesser of two evils. It true. Look, Oz has said he's pro abortion, pro sodomy, and pro child transition. Okay. Wow. And, and, and he's, and he's a Turkish citizen. So I'm sorry, but that I would never vote for that.

On the other hand, you've got Federman. And I could never see voting for that. So you literally have, in my estimation, the lesser of two evils, because, because Pennsylvanians did not engage properly in the primary.

And they took certain people's word and ran with it without doing their own investigation. I'll be back with more Joan Generation Radio coming up right after this. Yeah, there you go.

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Nikko products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax deductible donation by visiting And now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. David, you know, the ninth and the tenth amendment and I, folks, I talk about this because, gosh, it's something that's really, really critical for us to understand. I talked about, number one, the difference between, you know, the writings of Robert Curry, for example, in Common Sense and Joshua Mitchell and understanding that our founders didn't see life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as things placed in our hands, either by man or by God.

They said, no, no, no, no, no. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are here. They're in us. They're, yes, they're from the Creator, but they're not, they're not esoterically set into our hand out here. They're literally who we are. God breathed life into us. Christ came and paid the ultimate price that we might experience true freedom. Him who Christ sets free is free indeed, free indeed.

And that means that moral barometer that John Adams said that with the amount of rights and freedom and liberty that our Bill of Rights and our Constitution and our Declaration of Independence was guaranteeing to us, we needed a moral compass in order for everyone to be able to flourish and to have that innate consciousness of the difference between right and wrong. And then ultimately, that fire, that passion to fulfill the call of God in our lives. And that doesn't mean, yes, we're all accountable to share the Word and share Christ and share what we've been given, but also to share our individual innate gifts that God has given us. My brother David has been gifted with an incredible mind, a legal mind, just an incredible intellect. And under God, it's God who gave that to him. And so therefore, it is God who stirs up in him and uses him to use that incredible gift.

And my guests as they come on my program and what God's given me, we all have that in us. That is the pursuit of happiness. That is the pursuit.

That is the abundance. And it's who we are. And that's why rights, rights are to be defended. And powers are given by us to others only to defend our rights.

David? Yeah, and one of the things everybody talks about rights, I seldom do they speak of responsibility. And one of the things that comes with those rights is in fact, responsibilities. You know, I've got the indispensable American over my right shoulder, who has been given, who was given some incredible gifts. And I've got perhaps the richest man in colonial America over my left shoulder, Mr. Franklin, who had some incredible gifts to be able to see things in nature and be able to make scientific discoveries in ways few others of his time were able to do. So everybody not only has that are given these gifts, but they are given the responsibility to utilize those gifts for the benefit not only of yourself, but for the benefit of those that surround you.

And so this is it. This is an important thing. You can't just go around and say my rights, you know, by you, you in fact have rights, you have responsibilities that go with those rights. And I think people too often these days speak of rights, but they don't they don't talk about responsibility.

And that's that's among the things that I think you're you're making reference to. So it's like we were talking in the first segment about elections. You know, of course, people talk about the right to vote. Well, you know, you have a responsibility to exercise that, to participate, to protect it in many, many respects. On the other hand, voting actually is not a right.

Voting is a privilege of citizenship. And that's something people have to understand the difference between rights and privileges. Things that are some things that are rights. You mentioned you mentioned life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. Those are rights. Those are things that are innate, inalienable that can't be taken away. Largely, they're outlined in the First Amendment for the most part. You know, speech, religion, press, those are things associated with the rights of conscious and exercise. Assembly and redress. Yeah.

Assembly and redress. Yeah, you've got your you've got your five all star rights that are put together in the First Amendment. The rest of the Bill of Rights basically are vehicles to protect the first five that are put together in the First Amendment.

So this is what we have to do. We have to understand the difference between rights, responsibilities, and the actions of government to protect the rights and the authority and power that we've given government to protect those things. As again, you and I have talked before, governments do not have rights. There is no such thing as rights. And so we have authority that we've given them. And you mentioned the Ninth Amendment.

The Ninth Amendment is there to indicate that just because a right is not mentioned in the Bill of Rights, that we still have them and the Tenth Amendment is there to understand that the states have the authority that the people give it. And we got to jump, we got to jump to our break. We'll be back right after this.

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Drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax deductible donation. Now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses.

My very special guest is, there we go, let me change the graphic on that. My very special guest is David Shostakos and again we encourage you David's got some great information that you can pick up. His book on the Declaration of Independence and how that was written as well as his constitutional sound bites and you can find that at He is our constitutional originalist and we're talking about those issues right now and we want to kind of transition this. So we're talking about rights. We're talking about the responsibility of the government to, that is their responsibility and if they are trampling those rights then they have become tyrants rather than defenders of our rights and I would submit to you that that's where we are. Here's an example of that as it relates to what I believe is one of the most fundamental rights although it is not, well maybe, David I'll let you answer this.

It's something that I think has to be added. It's something I know that Michael Ferris has been talking about for 40 years and trying to get through something attached actually to our constitution but it's about parental rights. I got this email from Harmeet Dhillon and she's a great patriot attorney, warrior, fighter, battler for our rights and she brings this case up and it involves a man named Sean Mcbrarity. He's the father of a high school senior in Bangor, Maine.

Irony. I actually had an office when I had my company. One of my offices was in Bangor, Maine. So I've actually been to Bangor, Maine and enjoyed. They have this seafood place, or at least they did, where you could get anywhere from a three to a five pound lobster. Oh my God, I'm telling you.

Yeah. Anyway, Bangor, Maine and he was told that he was not allowed to attend his daughter's graduation. Why? Well because Sean had the audacity to question the public school's curriculum and speak out against the radical school board. He filed a series of public record requests, FOAA requests and complaints about the conduct of school personnel and so Sean was told you can't go to your daughter's graduation.

David? Yeah, that imputes any number of rights, including the First Amendment, freedom of speech issues, beyond the situation regarding parents. But the rights of parents are generally under attack.

This is one of the more blatant, obvious things that makes headlines. But day in and day out where they're starting to do these things about teaching sexual conduct to kindergartners that's built into those things and going on forward with books in grammar school that we would consider pornography, you know, are supposedly part of sex education these days. And then we've got the whole other issue where they're teaching philosophy rather than history regarding issues like CRT. There's this situation, this thought of the government these days, many in government, that has built off Hillary Clinton's takes a village situation where the state actually takes over raising children rather than and saying that parents really don't know what the hell they're doing and that it's going to be the state's duty.

I'm actually working with a woman by the name of Kathleen Murray who's running for the Illinois State Senate here. And Kathleen has proposed a parent's bill of rights to overcome these situations so the parents would be notified in the circumstance of major medical procedures for their minor children, such as, oh, I don't know, an abortion? That right now, in Illinois, a minor child can get an abortion and all the people involved with arranging that have no duty to tell their parents.

And this is incredible that it's come to this that we need to codify into law something that's been understood for more than 100 years. The United States Supreme Court has indicated that the child is not the creature of the state, but rather the responsibility for the rearing of the child belongs to that child's parents. And the parents have the rights to raise that child as they see fit. And they're also pushing in Illinois to be able to give the hormones and the drugs to children without their parents' knowledge or permission. And Illinois is not alone in that. There are a number of states where they are pushing that through. And there's grave concern right now that there might be within the United States Senate enough rhinos to roll over and add the 10 necessary to get to 60 to pass H.R.

5, which would codify this entire agenda, David, the entire agenda, and would basically say that we don't care what your Bible says, what your religious beliefs are. We were we are going to nullify the First Amendment for 50 to 60 percent of the United States population, literally. Yeah, this is this is problematic because, of course, that would mean that the federal government then is now acting lawlessly because that clearly goes beyond what the Constitution authorizes the federal government to be involved in. They have no there. You know, there is no the Department of Education has no constitutional basis to begin with.

Yeah, there's no no reason. There is no literal constitutional authority for the Department of Education to even exist. And it's it's amazing that they continue to delve even more deeply and to take for the federal government to take that kind of action goes well beyond what authority that they've been given. And that goes back to your original premise that once the government is then acting lawlessly and infringing on our rights, the government itself is lost its authority. And it has essentially become tyrannical.

Yes. And and under and under our Constitution, connected to our Declaration of Independence, we are then remanded by it. We we are dutified, if you will, to to take action to unwind it to take away its power to take away any authority that it assumes that it has and and to reinstitute a a new government predicated again on the defense of the rights of the individual and understand because this then this becomes a part of that aren't they? Well, well, well, you know, I've got a right to sodomize if I want to, you have you can do whatever you want in the privacy your own home, I don't you know, that's between you and God, you're going to have to work that out seriously. However, when you codify it, when you codify it, and this is what I've said for years and years, now you've made it a law and now you have to teach it. You have to educate on it. And you now are forcing it on the rest of us. And no, sodomy is not something that should be forced upon the population. Yes, whenever a government becomes destructive of those ends, it is the way for people to alter or abolish it.

Wow. And and and that and that and and and ends was not an intentional pun. No, destructive of those ends. Yeah, when you're destroying the end, folks, you're kind of not doing the right thing. Let me just tell you, okay, it's not Yeah, not.

Our ends are not meant to be destroyed like that. It's just I don't know what's in that coffee, man. Oh, my goodness. Look, you know, I understand.

I understand. But Jefferson had that in mind. Well, according according to certain members of our of our scope of SCOTUS, remember that they just recently changed the definition of sex under under what was it? Title five? I believe Title Nine.

Title Nine. Yeah. The Supreme Court.

Yeah. The Supreme Court. Discrimination. They gave protections to discrimination based upon gender choices as opposed to biological biological sex based on sex, sexual, yeah, and sexual orientation, what you who you what you think you are.

And ultimately, I guess what you think you want to do with what you think you are. Yes. And there's a they know that which I which they allowed that change of definition to stand which clearly back in the 1960s, when they wrote that, when they wrote that law, that was not something that was even remotely on the mind of the Congress and amen, that's right. Absolutely.

And and certainly, as you just stated, would not have been on the mind of of Jefferson or Washington or Adams or or any of our founders at that point in time. We're gonna I'm actually gonna in a minute, you're gonna hear something about that because I'm going to play I believe and and and folks, I believe is simply what I believe to be a foundational doctrinal statement about the things that have made America great. And listen closely to it, it's going to come up right after the commercial break, and then we will come right back and David and I will be continuing but there is some good news because there are some people who are pushing parental rights bills, one of them in Illinois, we want to tell you about them coming up right after this.

I'm your host, Pastor Greg, you're listening to Children's Generation Radio. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War Two defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns.

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Drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a war war II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

I am Patriot Mobile. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax deductible donation by visiting And now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. Okay, you know what? I promised you this, so here we go.

We'll be back right after this. Look, I am for marriage between a man and a woman. I am for life from conception. I am for following the Bible, and I believe that our founders started this nation on biblical principles.

I am in support of our military and believe that America should play a role in world security. I believe our Constitution was intended for a moral people and that the Bible contains the only true moral code. I believe we are all born sinners and that God in His grace and mercy sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins and that if we will confess our sins, He is just and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I believe salvation is not just accomplished in a little prayer, but that it is found in how that transformation is lived out. Jesus is to be the Lord of our lives and we should follow biblical precepts. This is not legalism or works, but a life lived out in love and honor towards the one who died for my sins. Faith without works is dead and is no faith at all. I believe that we will fall and that we need to have a repentant heart and that God will ultimately bring us into perfect action through Jesus Christ, spirit man perfected and soulish man in progress. I believe that we are not to live in guilt and shame when we fall, but we repent and get up and move closer to Jesus. I believe that if our nation will repent and turn from wickedness that God will heal our land.

I believe that as a Christian I must occupy until He comes and that to call evil wicked and to warn about those evil acts is a part of the mandated Christianity. That to love also means to be willing to take the risk necessary to confront a friend with the truth in hopes that their heart will be turned because their life matters, even if it means in that moment they will possibly hate me. It means that I must risk scorn to stand for truth and that I can never sit silently by while evil attempts to conquer the world. God is my everything and Jesus is the love of my life. That does not make me weak but strong, not silent but bold and not fearful but courageous. Therefore, if you are my friend while we may not fully agree, know that I share what I share because I care.

If you strongly disagree with these beliefs, they are not debatable for me and you can if you choose unfriend me. I do not say this in anger but in love. I wish for you eyes to see and ears to hear that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and that God, not man, gets to decide what is truth, life and the way.

God bless you. Think about it. If it does not resonate with you, I hope you will consider those words and think about it because that is the premise upon which our program is based and that is the biblical world view that I take here at Children's Generation Radio as I look at what is happening in our world and in our nation today. So in light of that, we were talking about the parental rights in particular and the right of a parent to address what is happening. Our parents have been vilified by this Department of Justice who has decided that parents that speak out in school board meetings are somehow some kind of domestic violent extremists especially if they happen to be, oh, I do not know, followers of the Second Amendment to support their right to the First Amendment.

David? Yeah, well, it has been a bad two years for parental rights in many respects when it comes to situations regarding vaccinations, when it comes to situations regarding the masking of children, when it comes to situations regarding remote learning capabilities. The schools have been holding the teachers unions as opposed to necessarily the children and the parents. I am working with a candidate for the Illinois Senate. Her name is Kathleen Murray and that is, for anybody who is interested, it is And Kathleen, as part of her campaign, indicated she will introduce a parental bill of rights to the Illinois legislature should she win election.

And I think she has got a real opportunity. I would suggest that there is a quote from Kathleen on this that I think is worth sharing for people to think about. Parents, not the government, have the authority and responsibility to raise up their children according to their values to determine the appropriate time to introduce sex-related topics, to make decisions for the physical, emotional, and mental wellness of their child, and to control the transition from childhood to adulthood. That is a pretty basic thing which was, strangely enough, well understood in this country in excess of perhaps since its founding that parents had the authority to raise their children. It was not the authority of the government. Way, way back a long time ago, the parents of German descent wanted to have education for their children in German.

The state of Pennsylvania outlawed that. The United States Supreme Court said, no, no, no, no, you can't do that. The parents have the authority to raise their children as they see fit.

And if they want education in German for their children, they can do that. And ever since, all the time, the United States Supreme Court has affirmed the authority of parents. But now, as we mentioned, you've got these circumstances where parents are being avoided and second-guessed when it comes to some of the most important topics around. When it comes to having the schools teach moral issues rather than reading, writing, or arithmetic.

And so it's a shame that we have to introduce something like a parental bill of rights because it was always understood that that was very, very clear. But we can trace this back to concepts like, it takes a village. That sounds very innocuous and it sounds like it's really nice. And I certainly grew up in a neighborhood that if I did something wrong, the neighbors would tell my mom and my mom would address things, but they would tell my mom. The neighbors didn't take it upon themselves to discipline or control me.

They would tell my mom and my dad what was necessary because, you know, that's the concept of the village is that the village brings the issues to the parents. But that's not what Hillary Clinton met. And now we're seeing the fruition of what Hillary Clinton met. And it's very dangerous. It is.

It's extremely dangerous. And, you know, I know we talk about the moral issues, but the reality is, is that somebody's morals are being taught. Even when you're teaching, you know, the basis of reading, writing, and arithmetic, you're going to have reading materials that you're going to raise. Hopefully those materials are going to be wholesome materials and not pornography.

Okay. And, and not CRT pushing, you know, hatred and race and division and so forth. You know, hopefully they're going to actually be predicated on some foundation of truth. Even in mathematics, mathematics is predicated upon absolutes. Absolutes are a construct that is absolutely a part of morality and the foundation of a nation. And, and so, you know, it is, it is a fact that somebody's concept of morality is going to be on display in an educational setting. It just is.

No, it just is. And certainly we're working with a couple of people, one of which is a common friend, Pastor David Lowry, on defining some of these things, because certainly some of the aspects of LGBTQ stuff being taught in schools, CRT being taught in schools, these are assuming the character of religious concepts. And if they assume the character of religious concepts and they're being taught in the schools and they're being taught in public schools, they run afoul of the establishment clause of the first amendment. And this is a, this is a theory that we're running it because that's the same kind of reasoning that they utilize to ban prayer in schools. Well, and so what we're saying is, is not necessarily that we agree with the conclusion, but if they're going to, but, but if we're going to, if they're going to play that way on the field, then those are the rules. Then they have to play by the same rules that they've applied to us. That's at the end of the day.

That's the bottom line. We got to take a break. We'll be back. Hour number two coming up. David, thank you so very much.

I love spending Wednesdays with you back with more after this. Everyone is being affected by higher prices at the pump. Maybe you've seen the meme where the man calls the police to say he's been robbed. Where did this robbery occur? The dispatcher asks at pump number seven says the man, can you describe them?

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Drop a green fuel tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile.
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