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RIGHT NOW: Trump Meets With Netanyahu As Kamala Stands With Radical Left

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Truth Network Radio
July 26, 2024 1:36 pm

RIGHT NOW: Trump Meets With Netanyahu As Kamala Stands With Radical Left

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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July 26, 2024 1:36 pm

Vice President Kamala Harris "irked" Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to Axios, with her Gaza comments after their private meeting. The PM believes that Harris' comments will make negotiations for a ceasefire and freeing the hostages much more difficult. Netanyahu will now meet with former President Donald Trump. The Sekulow team discusses the Biden-Harris Administration's lack of support for Israel, the pro-Palestinian protests in D.C., President Barack Obama finally endorsing Kamala as the presumptive Democrat nominee, Trump's refusal to debate VP Harris until after the DNC, the ACLJ's legal work – and much more. ACLJ Senior Advisor for National Security and Foreign Policy Ric Grenell joins the studio today.

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Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

Today on Sekulow, happening now, President Trump meets with Israel's Netanyahu as Kamala Harris stands with the radical left. Keeping you informed and engaged, now more than ever, this is Sekulow.

We want to hear from you. Share and post your comments or call 1-800-684-3110. And now your host, Jordan Sekulow.

Welcome to Sekulow, folks. We are taking your phone calls. 1-800-684-3110. That's 1-800-684-3110.

Rick Grenell is going to be joining us in studio for the second half hour of the show today, so that will be great to have him here with us. Just to update you on a couple of issues right off the bat, we want to take your phone calls too. 1-800-684-3110.

That's 1-800-684-3110. First, yesterday, in a very interesting move, already kind of putting Kamala Harris in the position of, not President yet technically, but almost like a President, because she got her separate meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu when he was at the White House. And so, while the meeting with President Biden was much longer, and I'm guessing had more staff and more senior staff there, like a three-hour meeting on some substantive issues and not a huge readout.

There wasn't a big statement from President Biden after the meeting condemning or praising anyone. I think we know what the goals are of Israel. The goals of Israel is get hostages back, destroy Hamas, let the Palestinian people somehow figure out how to rebuild and rebuild with partners you can trust. By the way, the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank is now saying, hey Hamas, we'll reach out and work with you. Of course, this was the same two groups that were throwing each other off the tops of buildings in the early 2000s when Hamas took over the Gaza Strip when Israel evacuated. I think when you see the United States of America potentially on the brink of turning their backs on Israel, which is not what, you know, if you watch the first half of what Vice President Harris said, you'd probably be like, okay, I'm down, it seems very strong. And in the second half, it just played to all the talking points of the left. Do we have a bite we could play?

Can we play the Harris statement just for everybody in case you missed it yesterday? She did kind of a Presidential move by coming out of this meeting with Netanyahu and doing her own take. Not with him, not with a reporter, not like with a bunch of reporters questioning. She just came out and said, okay, this is what we've met about. Now, she only got 40 minutes with him, so it was a very much shorter, less substantive meeting. But now she's speaking on foreign policy. She's never really spoken on foreign policy before. We have no idea what her foreign policy is. I guess we're starting to get a clue. It's not very pro-Israel, but take a listen.

Like Logan said, really listen to that second part. I also expressed with the Prime Minister my serious concern about the scale of human suffering in Gaza, including the death of far too many innocent civilians. And I made clear my serious concern about the dire humanitarian situation there. With over two million people facing high levels of food insecurity and half a million people facing catastrophic levels of acute food insecurity. What has happened in Gaza over the past nine months is devastating. The images of dead children and desperate, hungry people fleeing for safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third, or fourth time. We cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering. And I will not be silent. Now, I mean, here's the thing. There was a first part where she said, you know, I stand with Israel, it should be a Jewish state.

But then, boom. Now, if you say statements like she just made, and those protesters who were burning U.S. flags and were desecrating our capital city, and they listen to what she said, and it sounds like, wait, we are, the country is doing these horrible things to these people, then it makes the protesters seem like what they're doing is right, because if America is supporting that. So Harris is really putting up a different policy, even than Biden, when it comes to Israel. So this, during our Life and Liberty deadline, which is in less than a week, and we are still short of our goal, folks, we know that Israel faces dangerous threats, and now Vice President Harris has refused to preside. She didn't even go to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's joint address to Congress, and we saw Hamas is coming, spray-painted in Washington, D.C., but we are mobilizing our office in Jerusalem, and the ACLJ is preparing what may be the most important brief ever to be filed in defense of Israel. Donate today at and double your impact. Support Israel. Welcome back to Secula.

We are taking your phone calls at 1-800-684-3110. As we discussed, again, Vice President Harris' very critical statements about Israel. We've already played for you some of those.

There's more to play as well. I do want to mention as kind of the big endorsement that I think seals this up, and the way the DNC set this up, this was sealed up already, but the Obama endorsement has come. I tweeted out this morning from both Barack and Michelle Obama. They made a phone call to Vice President Harris this morning. Was it a phone call? Yeah, it was a phone call on a video.

It was like a staged phone call for a, we're happy to call it, a very scripted moment, kind of an awkward video to be honest. Another kind of, I mean, but, once you have his endorsement. We have it. Yeah, we can show it for people, because now you see the entire Democrat Party. They're behind it. There's a difference between the Democrat Party and the Republican Party. In the Republican Party, the candidate who is for President or the President really is in charge of the party. In the Democrat Party, the party is in charge. And I think we see that, and that's that super delegates and all those weird things they say they fix, but now we realize the super delegates really are in charge. The Clintons and the Obamas decided to push by now.

And so it doesn't matter if you're President, it doesn't even matter if you won the nomination, if the Obamas think they've got someone better to put in for the campaign, even if you've only got a few months to get the campaign going. Take a listen or watch. Kamala. Hi. Hey there. Aw, you're both together. Oh, it's good to hear you both. I can't have this phone call without saying to my girl Kamala, I am proud of you.

This is going to be historic. We call to say Michelle and I couldn't be prouder to endorse you and to do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office. Oh my goodness. Michelle, Barack, this means so much to me. I am looking forward to doing this with the two of you, Doug and I both, and getting out there, being on the road. But most of all, I just want to tell you the words you have spoken and the friendship that you have given over all these years mean more than I can express. So thank you both.

It means so much. And we're going to have some fun with this too, aren't we? Now, I actually think Obama to Biden moved further left. Because when Obama came in, you couldn't just go as left as they wanted to go.

You had to kind of take the country on a path. You had Donald Trump, kind of the revolt against moving to the left, the Affordable Care Act. But Barack Obama has been silent with Joe Biden. He never has really done anything. He shows up to the White House. He does that at the George Clooney event. But he doesn't say much. Except for get out of the race. And didn't really want him to run in the first place. And now we know that he is fully backing.

The question I have we don't know yet is, and this will be interesting, Logan, because I think it does change the race significantly. Because it helps Harris out a lot, especially if she's still a little awkward. Which I will tell you, the Harris I knew when we did the impeachment, and we would see her on the floor of the Senate, a very different person. She's tall, she's got very imposing personality, staff.

She wasn't like that. There's something with the cameras, and there's probably something with working in Joe Biden's White House. I think that's a lot of it, yeah. Could you imagine the stress level of if you know you're working for a weekend at Bernie's?

And you're given also some ridiculous things you have to talk about. And you're supposed to be fixing the border, but you can't even talk to the President of the United States after 6 o'clock at night. Now this video didn't make me believe that we're going to see a completely different person. We're going to see Obama on the trail. Because if we do, this is a very, very different election. People will show up to see Barack Obama still.

He can get the numbers, not maybe of Trump numbers, but pretty darn close. If you go to the right cities. If you go to Chicago during the convention, and you can have some sort of big moment.

You go to Atlanta. Yeah, true. Georgia then becomes much more in play again. Oh yes, because of the African American vote.

Again, you just look at who needs to show up to vote. And if you kept Joe Biden there, and Kamala Harris was kind of in this number two role, the black vote was kind of already, we were talking about how Donald Trump was actually doing unbelievably well amongst African American male voters. And he still might, by the way. But if Barack Obama comes back in a way, and he's kind of been gone long enough where the people that liked him a lot, or even if you just follow politics, you would kind of like tune back in. Yeah, you kind of miss him.

What's happened to George W. Bush? He's a good speaker. He's better than any of them.

And so I think he could actually counter Trump better than any of the, Kamala, anybody that's been up against Trump. But, you know, he shows up in cities that are major metropolitan cities that have big black populations, and you could do some massive events. Yeah, I think there will be those big events.

I think you're going to see that. He can then show up, and it's a Harris event with 40,000 people. And suddenly, these events don't look like...

The optics change. Right, it doesn't look like she's speaking to 150 people, and Trump's speaking to 20,000. I think it's bizarre, and there's a lot of things that could go wrong for the Democrats trying to pull this so close. But right now, it looks like the Democrats that I know are very happy about this. And so I don't think there's going to be... I'm not voting now because I was so stuck with...

I would say there's actually a lot more that are more motivated now. Right. This is a different election than it was the week that President Trump was shot and got the nomination officially for the Republican Party.

Well, I talked about it on here. And we knew it was about to happen, but we didn't know it was going to happen so bizarre. It was just clear from the Democrat Party, like, we're pushing you out.

It did not matter what Joe Biden wanted to do. No, and I think I told you that I think you were going to have people who are going to be immediately... He had the nomination.

The delegates were secure. Right. You're going to have people immediately reactivated when it just wasn't someone who was 80. I told him, we'll let you pardon Hunter. No problem there because you're not running again. Wrap up the next few months. Wrap everything up.

Do your meetings. Figure out which staff needs to go to her, which staff is your team that needs to be out. It sounded like from KJP that she is out. That she's going to be done?

Well, she was almost crying and saying, you know, this is a big deal. I don't think she had another four years. A lot of times they go. After a few years.

You get a good MSNBC job, you're doing fine. I did want to take a second, though, because we're going to head into the next segment. In the back half, Rick Ronnell is joining us in studio. We're going to get into it so much more. We need to talk about what is turning into potentially an ACLJ victory right now that's happening. Listen, it's an ACLJ victory. Let me remind you, last May, I was on television with Sean Hannity's broadcast, I believe, with one of the injured. Brutally beaten.

I don't even say protesters. That's what they are. They're counselors. Like a counselor. Sidewalk counselors.

They're in their 70s and 80s year old. And remember this attack in Baltimore? Can we play the video for everybody?

I want to just play what happened. This is the person we have been. This is the criminal. And you'll see what happened here. When he, one, pushes one of our clients into the wall. This was in front, if you don't remember, this was in front of an abortion parent. Planned Parenthood in the next door is a pro-life pregnancy center.

So you can watch that as it's happening sort of in real time. Okay, now you see him. So this was the first person he attacks. This was an elderly man.

This is an 80 year old man. He punches him and then... Punts him, essentially. Okay, do you remember the injuries?

Can we put that face up? Okay, there he is. He's been on our broadcast. So, of course, Baltimore, this was in Baltimore, it's up to them to find the guy. They were warranted posters up.

Now this was happening last May, so over a year ago. Our clients were notified yesterday he was arrested. We're getting more information from the state attorney's office. The attacker.

The attacker. The attacker was arrested for that crime. We will know more information from the state attorney's office.

He's got an appearance in August. We'll get to know more information about him, about what we'll do on the civil side. Because, of course, there could be major civil case here as well as criminal case because of the level of violence.

But it kind of reminds people, Logan, again we talk about this a lot at the ACLJ. Cases. This happens in May of 2023. If I tried to go through everything that's happened from May of 2023 until yesterday when he was arrested, I can't. You'd have to print out a sheet for me.

I'd remember, but I wouldn't be able to just do it off the top of my head. Just what we've worked on at the ACLJ. But what I can tell you is that because we have a huge team of attorneys, because of the financial support of the ACLJ, Logan, and the teams we have around the country, they are constantly working on those issues and updating on those issues and making sure we're not overlooking. So, now that we know someone's been arrested and they have a hearing, we will be there representing our client a year and a couple of months later and the ACLJ will assess whether or not, of course, we'll be there with the client throughout the entire case, criminal case. They're even looking at a federal charge here because he violated the FACE Act because he stopped access to the abortion clinic by attacking our two clients, which is an interesting way you can use the FACE Act, but that would be the Democrat-led Department of Justice looking at that right now, which is interesting on the one hand. On the second part, too, if there is a civil case to be brought, you know, if this person is not insolvent, we will bring it from the ACLJ.

But to do that, Logan, we need people's financial support at the American Center for Law and Justice because these kind of clients, they can't afford big profits to do this. And it takes a long time. This is a huge development. I think you all need to understand when this violent attacker brutally beat down this pro-life.

In a city like Baltimore? Sometimes you feel like nothing can happen, but things are happening. This was happened. The arrests were made and we're going to get involved. Cases like these, they sometimes take more than a year. A year can sometimes be a short term, more than a year for our legal efforts to get to where we are right now. And that's the reason we need your support, like Jordan said, during these times, especially right now. I mean, it couldn't fit better with our life and liberty drive. So have your gifts doubled today at We are in the final days of July's life and liberty drive. When you support the work of the ACLJ, you stand for life. So stand with us. Stand with that pro-life counselor and have your donations doubled.

It's tax deductible. Do it right now.

Scan the QR code on your screen. Rick Grenell joining us in just a moment. Welcome back to Secular. As we said, Rick Grenell will be joining us in the studio today. We were with each other at the Republican convention and Rick is here now. And Rick, I want to go right to you on this because we're seeing it very coordinated now. I mean, it seems even more coordinated than it was really when we heard about Harris getting the nomination now that it's all being... It's all the coordinated Obama call this morning with Michelle. And I mean, we know that Barack Obama didn't do much for Joe Biden.

You were kind of imagining now, does he hit the trail again for Kamala Harris and really shake the race up a bit and make it a different race than we were in when we were both in Milwaukee at the Republican convention? Look, I think that they have to be very careful. They're already in the we're overhyping a personality phase. And Donald Trump is doing a fantastic job of calling her a San Francisco radical and giving the whole list of who she is. When Obama and when President Obama and Michelle Obama come out and they start doing too much of the personality driven thing, I think it's going to backfire on them.

We were already kind of sick of it. And we're seeing it. And that's all they do. They're not talking about policies. They're talking about, you know, our friend.

Yeah, just our best friend. It is an interesting time. And I would say on this show, too, where what's interesting about a race against Vice President Harris is you actually have a pretty good record to run against and say, unlike a candidate where you may have to go more personal on the attack, you don't have to in this one. We can just say, here's what she stood for. Here's what she's done.

Here's why it's horrible. And you'll notice what she did, which I thought was unbelievable. She started running on her California record. When I was the attorney general, this is what I did. Forget about the last one.

I was like, girl, that's not what you need to be doing. People don't love it there. You need to be talking about, you know, how you somehow were a moderate or you did something. But, you know, borders are Kamala Harris. She's not really embraced it. She never was. I mean, that was one of the craziest liberal moments of rewriting history when they said, we never said she was the border guard. And you got every network, both sides, from really respected kind of in the middle to the left, to the right, everybody calling her that, her embracing that, and it wasn't official.

It wasn't an official job that she had. She also didn't do much, well, we didn't know, think she was doing much with foreign policy until yesterday, Rick, when she decided to come out after a pretty short meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu, after Biden had a very long meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu. And she started dealing with the niceties about Israel, which, again, I think she just feels like as a U.S. politician, you have to say. But then she slammed Israel in a way that actually we haven't seen any other American politicians do.

Even Joe Biden hasn't been so direct, maybe. Can we play it for everybody? Let's play it. So to everyone who has been calling for a ceasefire and to everyone who yearns for peace, I see you and I hear you. Let's get the deal done so we can get a ceasefire to end the war. Let's bring the hostages home and let's provide much needed relief to the Palestinian people. And ultimately, I remain committed to a path forward that can lead to a two-state solution.

And I know right now it is hard to conceive of that prospect, but a two-state solution is the only path that ensures Israel remains a secure Jewish and democratic state and one that ensures Palestinians can finally realize the freedom, security and prosperity that they rightly deserve. She's reading every line and it's been scripted for her by Jake Sullivan. Look, it's a low bar. I'm glad that she actually knows that she's talking about Israel as opposed to North Korea and South Korea, that she keeps confusing.

This is an incredibly low bar. No one is going to believe that she can bring the two sides together. It is pathetic how weak she is. I'd like to see her first interview without a teleprompter talking about the Middle East or Latin America or Iran. Let's give her a little test. And the media need to do their job. Let's see it. People are going to say, is there going to be a debate?

We don't know. I think it throws all of that off and that's going to have to be renegotiated now between the campaigns because this is a new campaign. But like you said, it shouldn't have to wait to a debate. If you're fair media, if you're going to do your Lester Holt interview, if you're going to do these interviews, you should get questions about that. Because these are the issues, Rick, she has to deal with if she becomes President on day one. She actually should be dealing with them right now too as vice President to a President who is not able to really carry out the job. So she should be able to easily answer these questions. She's getting the best info of everybody who's running. In front of a world leader, you can't have a script where you're just literally reading what's in front of you. It looks really inauthentic.

It looks weak. I want to see her off script. I want to see what she can do just simply by talking about the issues. Does she even know what she's talking about?

I don't know. When the bar though, like you said, is so low and there are Democrats who are just excited that she's not going to call Zelensky Putin. Legitimately, that's the breath of fresh air they were looking for. When you see the response, people are like, wow, people are really excited.

I'm like, they're just excited that they're not going to be completely embarrassed just by those kinds of things. And now, of course, you can look at the record. You can look at what she's actually saying and go, I completely disagree with this entirely. However, when the Zelensky Putin thing happened, in that moment, I go, that was it. And then, of course, he referred to her as vice President Trump. When those moments happened back to back within an hour. And he called Roy Austin the black man. He forgot his secretary. It was spiraling. Talking about what war was going on.

And there was no wars and no Americans died. Lots of things he said have been wrong. We saw it at the debate.

We've seen it even in the BET taped interview. But now she's got to do it. And though it's a low bar, I mean, she has not been particularly, she was not the Kamala Harris I saw before she was vice President. I saw her a little bit during the impeachment because we were on the floor of the Senate. You're in California where she definitely put forward a much tougher demeanor. I mean, she won statewide races in California. That's not an easy thing to do even inside the party, but then got to this Biden White House and started spiraling. So the question is, does she continue to spiral or is there another Kamala Harris that comes out because she no longer has to deal with this Biden team? I think that's what Republicans are kind of worried about maybe a little bit because she obviously made it to the highest level of politics still. But let me assure you, as a Californian, she has never been vetted.

Ever. We have a system, remember, in California that one party controls everything. The LA Times, Sacramento Beat, no one vets her. What happens in Democratic politics is the straight white guy at the top, Gavin Newsom, hands out little things to each different group. And all the groups are waiting for crumbs to say, when is it the Asians turn? When is it the gay guys turn? When is it the Hispanic turn? And she got it on a DEI appointment.

I'm sorry. This is the fact that she was able to run because it was her turn and she was not vetted. This is why she always goes back and talks about the California days and she acts like everything was going great when she was Attorney General.

It was just a march to the radical left. When she went to Washington as a senator, she got roughed up a little bit. They called her the most liberal senator. She didn't like that. And then suddenly as VP she collapsed.

So she hasn't been vetted. Folks, we're going to take your phone calls. 1-800-684-3110.

Rick's going to be with us again for more of the show. I encourage you to support the work of the ACLJ. Logan, we've got a filing next week. It's the most important filing we've ever done for Israel.

It's at the ICC. The ICC already agreed to accept our brief. We're not asking them to accept it. We've done a lot of work there. So they said, yes, you can file on Israel's behalf as this amicus brief. So we're going to be doing that because they want to arrest Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Put him in jail in The Hague. So we'll be filing that. We need your support at When our country, when you see our national monument spray painted with Hamas is coming, you know we need to be there and we need to be supporting.

The U.S. isn't doing it. No, go to Second half hour coming up with Rick Grenell joining us in studio. Be right back. Keeping you informed and engaged. Now more than ever, this is Sekulow. And now your host, Jordan Sekulow.

Welcome back to Sekulow. Rick Grenell is in the studio with us. Rick, I was with you in Milwaukee during the Republican National Convention. Just a few days after, there was an assassination attempt on President Trump. And then we had what I think was one of the best, and I've worked on them before, I've been to most of them, Republican National Conventions where people were the most excited and united that I've seen. Where it was not a bunch of factions of the lobbyists were here, the delegates were here, and people were kind of like, I'll deal with this person, but I don't love them. They were excited about the VP pick. They were excited about President Trump. They were excited about the way he got back up and said fight, fight, fight.

But also excited about the fact that there was this real chance that America was looking again at the MAGA policies and saying, you know what, we might want to bring these policies back, right? And then we have another wild move in politics. So just a few days later, we're all coming back from that, Joe Biden, which had been talked about, but we didn't know if it would actually happen. He quits the race with a statement.

We don't even see him until just a couple days ago. And now we have Harris, who's got the endorsement of everyone. I think she has two more days for people to file, but they really can't. So I think they can start on August 1st? Yeah, with their nomination.

So she'll wrap that up way before they get to Chicago. So a total race change. And I think there was most, we've seen three race changes. I think we saw the shooting changed a lot of things because you saw a different kind of Donald Trump speak a little bit differently, a little more personal, which I think was good to hear. Bad at what happened, but good for people to see the other side of him that you don't always see when he's in fight mode, in political mode.

And then we had the convention that went great. And then Biden steps out and it's Harris that they choose because there was talk about other people potentially getting that. And a lot of people were like, wow, Harris, interesting to stand behind her, but she's got all of the big Democrats. So, I mean, there's been more shifts in politics in one week than I've seen in my life.

Yeah, me too. It's, it's really unbelievable, but let's be clear. Joe Biden was shoved out by the elites after getting 14 million votes from the democratic process. They tossed all that out. They said, every state you voted for Joe Biden, even though we told you that he was fine, he wasn't fine, we duped you, you voted.

And now we're tossing that out. We're going to shove them off the stage and we're going to make sure that it absolutely just goes to the vice President. Now I have a lot of democratic friends who are not happy about that. They're going to suck it up and try to get behind Kamala Harris, but they know deep down inside she is a radical San Francisco Democrat. Which is not how Joe Biden ever, even if he was putting forward policies like that kind of through his team and the more and more he was losing control, the more and more it seemed like those policies were being put out because what he said and what the administration was doing didn't really match up. Like on Israel, he was always been a lot stronger support of Israel, but the team was putting out other things that were not so supportive.

You'd see the other spokespeople say something totally different. Like you said, this is San Francisco, California liberal. That is, that's about as far left as you could describe someone in America.

Yeah. So remember, Joe Biden was always kind of trying to be the moderate, as you're saying. And when he picked Kamala, he picked someone to appease the far left base. The far left base is a problem for them, but they are solidly in control. And so they needed to have somebody now that they've elevated the woman who is literally the epitome of the far left base. They're going to try to pick a VP that's more moderate, but the policies now completely shift.

They go from the moderate Joe Biden to the actual far left radical. And she will look to defund the police. She will look to get rid of red meat because it's a problem for the environment. She will look to get rid of private health insurance.

It's really a disaster. It's like, was it John King who said she might look to Governor Shapiro in Pennsylvania as a Democrat, but he's Jewish and that could pose problems for her inside the Democrat party. You're like, the Democrat party is still getting a lot of donations and a lot of resources from Jewish voters in America. A pretty nasty statement to make by John King.

But we will see who she picks because she has to pick the next 10 days or so. Support the work of the ACLJ. We'll be right back with Rick.

Take your calls to some of those in 1-800-684-3110. Support our Life and Liberty Drive. That brief with Israel is so important that we got the ICC to say yes. We'll take the brief from the ACLJ and the deadline is coming up. So we need your support. Go to

Double your donation today. That's at Welcome back. We've got Rick Rinnell in studio with us. We were with Rick too in Milwaukee. We did an event with the Kansas GOP that our video team was at, and I think it was a really great discussion. We'll get that out for you soon, both clips of it and the entire event, talking about law.

There it is. So it was really cool. A lot of donors there, a lot of ACLJ supporters with great questions. It was, and their questions were so solid about lawfare. They've seen lawfare come to America. Obviously it's not getting as much attention now, thankfully, because most of President Trump's cases have moved post-election or into the fall.

And even then it's in question about whether or not they're even moving forward, because that one sentencing in September, the judge even said that's if this case by the Supreme Court, which now goes back to lower courts, even allows us to move forward with sentencing because it may not have been an official act. And we can get into a whole different show about that. What I want to talk to you, Rick, just another question about, and then we can maybe take a phone call, Logan, with Rick here.

Where are we in this campaign now? I know that you're going to be with President Trump again tomorrow. We know J.D.

Vance is out there. We've got President Trump out there. He didn't slow down at all from what happened, and we're still trying to figure out what happened with the shooting, but he hasn't slowed down his campaigning and traveling the country and meeting with Netanyahu later this week, tomorrow, or today, actually, in Florida.

And yet we also have seen a new Presidential candidate come forward that didn't have to win a nomination. Yeah. Look, I think President Trump is really energized. I talked to him the other night for a long time, late night, and it was clear that he was focused on what are the next steps in this campaign. He loves to get information. How are we doing in different states?

What are you seeing on the ground? And he's constantly asking questions. So he's fully engaged, and I think he's picking up his schedule to show at these rallies. And that's one thing that we have to talk about. He's going to do more rallies despite the fact that they tried to assassinate him.

And let's just pray that the Secret Service learned their lesson, and we don't have any more problems like we had. Absolutely. Let's go ahead and take a call. Let's go to Dion who's calling in Washington State on Line 3. Listen on the radio. Welcome. You're on the air.

Thank you for taking my call. I think the Republicans should be ecstatic because they've been handed a gift. All they have to do is really focus on her record, which is horrendous in many aspects, as you all know. And we need to focus on what's she going to do for the economy? What's she going to do for the economy?

What are the external threats against us? And not run a narrative. We need to point out her weaknesses and how is she going to be capable of putting jobs, cutting inflation, cutting taxes, doing the same. We haven't heard this about her at all. I mean, Rick, as the vice President for four years, the full term, she never was really talking about big economic issues and the inflation. She might just generally have a statement about it or go on maybe in a speech and have something written out that is said. But she obviously wasn't in the room writing the policy, and her team wasn't either. So for when it comes to foreign policy, when it comes to the economy, I mean, really tough issues right now, hard issues.

We don't know at all. We kind of know where her views are, but not how she would implement them. Look, she is totally inexperienced on the economy. She is completely inexperienced on foreign policy. She loves to talk about social justice.

Which is a very VP kind of role. You talk about those other issues that the liberals like and the left likes, but my Presidential team will run the country. Look, I think that it's a disaster for them to put her up. Her record alone is so far left in a San Francisco crazy radical. All we have to do is put her own words out there. We don't have to talk about her style. We don't have to talk about her laugh. We don't have to talk about any of this other stuff. What we have to do is focus on what she believes about red meat and insurance and cops and the open border.

There is a long list of things. She has ruined it for herself. America is not that crazy, wacky San Francisco radical. I know she wants to get rid of private insurance completely. She said all these things. I heard her yesterday speaking in front of the teachers union, which of course is very far left, and a very safe place for her. She's talking about us wanting to ban books and they're trying to ban AR-15.

President Trump got shot by an AR-15. It's not the idea of banning these things. It's also the wrong people having them and the mental health issue versus the legal issues of having the second amendment, which the Supreme Court has been very clear. All these cases, it's very clear you're not going to be able to ban these things.

You can't do it. So a lot of these things Harris is saying are just impossible to do ultimately. But the left loves it. The hard left loves it. In fact, she even gave the hard left who was protesting in Washington DC a wink when she made her statement after meeting with Netanyahu saying, we're hearing you protesters. Even though John Kirby has finally come out and said that some of those protesters are being paid for by Iran directly.

He said not all of them, but some of them are making money from Iran. Look, she's mocked cops. As we're having this meltdown across the country, when it just comes to simply law and order and the border, she has mocked cops. She's literally said, you think putting more police on the streets is a good idea?

I don't. She's also called for disbanding ICE, Immigration Services. This is so far crazy. We just have to run on her own words and we will crush her.

Absolutely. One, I want to encourage people to give us a call. We do have some phone lines open and we're going to take your calls a lot in the next segment.

So 1-800-684-3110. I think Rick is right. We've been saying this since the day that essentially was announced. It seems like she was, you know, immediately became the candidate that you will have a long list of things you can go after. And if you do kind of stoop to that, and I see it all over X, it's like, okay, if you just are running on, she's got a weird laugh. She repeats herself.

She says some quirky things. Again, the bar has been dropped so low for Democrats to where this is a breath of fresh air for anyone on the left. So you have to be able to now go, okay, now what we have to do is really focus on those policy differences. And like you said, giving credit to these protesters in Washington, D.C. who were, you know, one, destroying the monuments, which why they're even allowed to do that is beyond me. Just the reason why they allowed January 6 to happen. They could have put enough security into where people would not have been able to access the Capitol. They could have had thousands of protesters. They could have had some very bad protesters try to be violent and get there. But they have, you know, National Guard.

There's so many troops and different things you can bring in. They don't want to. They like the, let's show people that if we don't do this, you know, this group does this, but see, this group, this is the group we like. They burned the U.S. flag. You know, someone said, you don't even have to pass a new law that you can't burn the flag because of the constitutional rights. That's a federally owned flag in D.C. That's just taxpayer money.

And so you can't destroy, you know, government property like that. And yet most of the people who were arrested have already been let out and their charges have already been dropped. So that was, even the people arrested, they just dropped the flag. Let's be honest. The Democrats are really excited that someone can complete a sentence. Right. That's it.

That's the line. And she really can't do it that well, but she can throw in all of the explosive far left language together and get them fired up. And they're missing the fact that there isn't a single independent that looks at Kamala Harris and says, yeah, let's get rid of red meat.

Yeah. Trust me, when you said that the first time, the comments, there are a lot of people going, now what now about red meat? If she's taking away my red meat, it's funny to see that for some reason. You know how many farmers are in Wisconsin, Michigan?

That resonated more with people going, wait a second, what are we talking about here? No, San Francisco radicals think that red meat is the problem for the environment. You've got to get rid of red meat. So I'd like to have her go through Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania and talk about getting rid of red meat. See how that works. We have your Impossible Burgers because we've taken a sell from the red meat.

Yeah, the Maggot Burgers I always talk about. Yep. That's what's happening. All right. Hey, we'll be back in just a minute, but I did want to take a minute, Jordan. We do need to tell people we are wrapping up.

I mean, this is Friday. We're wrapping up our life and liberty drive for the month of July. Yeah. And also that we've got a huge case here, just a case that a year and a month ago, two months ago, where we represent two elderly pro-life counselors, sidewalk counselors who were beaten in Baltimore outside of a Planned Parenthood and a pro-life pregnancy center. The attacker has now been arrested, and we will work with those to make sure that the criminal, there's also federal issues, federal charges that can be brought. He'll be in court again next month, but we are working right now also on the civil side of that to see if we should bring a civil case. So a lot of work, and we see these cases.

It's not just something that we do for six months. These are cases our attorneys have worked on for over a year just to see justice done for these individuals. You see the brutality. I mean, they were stopped, curb-stomped, and I thank God they even survived this. You could see the faces.

I mean, they were in the hospital. So there's serious crimes there, serious civil charges that we could bring too, some civil claims. So we'll see who this defendant now is, this attacker, and we'll have more to announce there. But for our attorneys to be able to do that work, we need your financial support because they stick on it.

We've got to continue on the show and on the broadcast with new issues and take on the day's issues. But they stay on it working with those clients because of your financial support to the ACLJ. And right now, if you donate during our Life and Liberty Drive at, your donation is doubled. So go to right now, whether it's the Defense of Israel or the Defense of Pro-Life Sidewalk Counselors First Amendment rights.

Go to right now. Double the impact of your donation. We're going to be right back on Sekulow. Welcome back to Sekulow. It was great to have Rick Grinnell with us in our studio.

And again, we were with Rick. We've got that special we'll be putting out that we did in Wisconsin on lawfare and kind of facing that both now in the United States because we want to kind of put it into that as soon as possible. We were dealing with it internationally. We are with Israel at the ICC.

And we know right now that actually President Trump is meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu as we speak in Florida. Can we do we have the photos of that? Do you guys have those to put up on the screen?

I think they released a couple of photos. Yeah, we'll put that up. We also have a ton of calls. Yeah, there they are. So they're Mar-a-Lago now. We have a lot of calls to get through this.

Again, very different, the imagery. Now, President Trump did say yesterday that they need to end the war. It's gone on too long, but they have to get their hostages back and then end the war. I mean, that's the kind of language you obviously Prime Minister Netanyahu wants to end the war.

Yeah, I don't think there's anyone sitting there going that wants to be in war. No Israeli wants to keep fighting Gaza. That means you're losing Israeli troops every day too. More Israelis are dying too.

So they know it's also they're going to get attacked more and more. But you've got to have somebody who's bigger than Israel come in and say give these hostages back or else. Yeah, I think it depends on how the war ends. Everyone wants to end the war. They don't have a country that will do that for them right now. Everyone wants to end the war across the world. But it's how that war ends. That war cannot end.

It's not enough to tell Hamas either let those out or we're just going to let them wipe you out. Let's go ahead and take some calls. Let's go to Ann who's calling in Pennsylvania. You've been on hold about 40 minutes. So thank you Ann. You're on the air.

Oh no, I'll wait on the hold for two hours if I have to. You guys are awesome. Thanks Ann. I just want to say that I agree so scripted.

It makes me sick to my stomach. You know that phone call from Michelle and Barack. Not once did she talk about helping this nation. And also to hold on.

I'm just really, really frustrated and I have to kind of get this point out. She was not chosen by the people. She was chosen by the elite. She dropped out of the primary with one percent of the vote. So that in a sense makes her illegitimate to run. Now we're going to start seeing the Hollywood concerts and the fake women's movement among the long list of radical organizations that will no doubt be funding her campaign. And I also believe her VP pick will have a lot of Hollywood clout.

They chose her because she's far left and she'll be controllable just like Biden. And I want to lastly say I love you guys. Free Bannon and get to the bottom of the obvious inside job on Trump. This is a disgrace what is happening to our nation and I love you guys. Thank you so much.

Thank you Ann. And listen, we also saw Paul Manafort back at running the convention. Thank God.

Because he's going back to the rolls. He's not really a guy who does tons of interviews before but became a name. He was in solitary confinement for a year on these political issues that we now know. I mean Hunter Biden was doing the deals.

Remember Paul Manafort did business in Ukraine with another party and that was not okay but it's okay to be on the other party. I think Ann is right in the sense of I feel like the day of the debate, even before the debate, they knew they were going to do this with Harris. You could feel there was something happened immediately when the debate was over and the plan was in and they knew that we just got to, now all we have to do is finally get Biden to agree.

We got to go through our rules. But they were ready. And what they had to figure out, this is all I said was, Joe Biden, not that he got the nomination already because he could release his delegates, they had to figure out who they were going to give it to that could keep the money. Because they had already raised like three or four hundred million dollars, right?

Of hard dollars. And if you both left the race, and that included Harris too, all you could do is give that to a super PAC. So that money is not worth nearly as much as the super PAC. So if Harris was in, they realized under the US law, federal election law, and then the DNC rules too, they could keep Harris, keep all the hard dollars, she would just add to the pot. So not only did Joe Biden give her the nomination, he also gave her hundreds of millions of dollars that he mostly raised.

I mean he raised with his name and his family's name. What I think he probably gets in return is, Hunter Biden gets pardoned, we'll see if anybody else gets pardoned. There usually are some at the end.

And he's going to kind of, I think he's going to get very little attention. They're putting her up as if she's the President. That is how the presentation is right now. At the White House.

At the White House with White House logos and everything. Let's go to Will in Ohio right now on the radio. Will, you're on the air. Hey Will.

Hi, thanks. I have another argument against Harris as President commander in chief that I haven't heard people talk about yet. Which is, the leaders of our four principal enemies in the world, communist China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea, have very little regard or respect for women. Yeah, that doesn't seem to matter somewhat. Look what's happening in Gaza. I don't really care about that. Because you know what, those countries have to deal with whoever the President of the United States is. One day I think there will be a Republican President who is a woman.

And is a father of two daughters and a son. I don't really even think about that now if you're tough enough. I actually think the opposite.

And so I don't really see that as a big issue. I think a tough woman President actually is worse for those people in those countries that don't respect women. And you even saw that some from Chancellor Merkel who wasn't perfect by any means. But tough.

Definitely tough. You can talk to Rick Renell about that when he was ambassador to Germany. They didn't always see eye to eye. But this was not someone who blinked a lot.

Yeah, no one really disrespected. And obviously was a long time leader there. So I don't see that as a problem.

Because you have the entire force of the U.S. military behind you. So you might be a woman. But like I said, you've been a woman who's a U.S. senator, a vice President, an attorney general. She's had all of the jobs that you would need to have to be an expert on all the issues. Unfortunately, I have not really heard her on those issues. Well, broadly she goes to the far left.

But could you imagine her getting into a real discussion on taxes issues? And do you think she knows it? Let's go ahead and take this call. I think this is a good one to wrap us up on. Jean is calling on Line 1. Jean, thanks.

Hey, Chris, Linda, Mario. I appreciate it, but we're not going to get to you. But Jean, you're on the air. Okay.

Thank you for taking my call. Yeah, I also wonder about sending a woman to negotiate with the Arabs unless her plan is just to go to a basement. Hey, Jean, we're running out of time.

Give me your comment about the two-state solution you had. Because that, I think, is a good way to end this. I remember that 50 years ago when Senator McGovern talked about it. And it'll never happen. Listen, I agree with you because we've already got the Palestinian Authority saying, let us come in and help you run the government. We'll take over Hamas, the running of government, and you can just be the terrorist group. And they're basically saying, so let's stop killing each other.

Let us just run like this. We'll run the schools. We'll help you take the billions of dollars from the UN and put it in your kid's bank account, by the way, at the same time. Because they're all billionaires somehow, these terrorists.

Interesting to be a terrorist billionaire. You get to live in Doha in a beautiful condo where you are letting your people be killed. But Palestinians have to make this decision ultimately, that they are going to stop this conflict en masse. If they don't, Israel has to be defensive.

And there's no reason to talk about a two-state solution because there's not a place to even put a state. Now we know right now, though, instead of trying to push a two-state solution, what they're trying to do is criminalize the Israelis. Criminalize being an Israeli. Criminalize being in a Jewish state of Israel. Even when Prime Minister Netanyahu can say, this is our Ethiopian soldier. This is our Druze Muslim soldier. So that the IDF, while it is this Jewish state, the IDF and Israel is made up of more diversity than you're ever going to see in the Palestinian territories.

You're going to see that diversity there with lots of people with different backgrounds and different religious views, all being treated equally. We have our life and liberty drive right now. It's less than a week away and we are going to be filing at the International Criminal Court. Logan, you know, this is the biggest brief we filed in support of Israel.

And the ICC gave us the green light to file it. We need your support. Double the impact of your donation today. Donate today at Make that donation. Double your impact.
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