Everybody at the end of The Charlie Kirk Show, we have Governor Huckabee and Michael Seifert joining the program. You got to check it out right now at members.charliekirk.com. To become a member, get involved with Turning Point USA at tpusa.com.
That is tpusa.com. And as always, you can email us freedom at CharlieKirk.com. Buckle up everybody. Here we go. Charlie, what you've done is incredible here. Maybe Charlie Kirk is on the college campus. I want you to know we are lucky to have Charlie Kirk. Charlie Kirk's running the White House, folks. I want to thank Charlie. He's an incredible guy. His spirit, his love of this country. He's done an amazing job building one of the most powerful youth organizations ever created, Turning Point USA. We will not embrace the ideas that have destroyed countries, destroyed lives, and we are going to fight for freedom on campuses across the country.
That's why we are here. Noble Gold Investments is the official gold sponsor of The Charlie Kirk Show, a company that specializes in gold IRAs and physical delivery of precious metals. Learn how you could protect your wealth with Noble Gold Investments at noblegoldinvestments.com. That is noblegoldinvestments.com. It's where I buy all of my gold. Go to noblegoldinvestments.com. We are anticipating Michael Siefert from Public Square to join us at any moment here.
He's at the Bitcoin conference, so I know he's in high demand and is very much being asked for. This is a great question here. Let's play cut 75. What has the cackling California communists achieved?
Play cut 75. What do you think has been Vice President Harris's biggest accomplishment as vice president? Well, look, I think she's done remarkable work across several important areas. Something that I think hasn't gotten much coverage is her passion for entrepreneurship, for wealth creation, for securing and stabilizing the middle class. She's traveled around the country to meet with small businesses and to talk with them about what it takes to get back to work, to grow a small business, to sustain the wealth and opportunity for a family.
If this is what they're going to run on, we're going to have a good October. You got Chris Coons up there saying that her experience is that she's done a bunch of roundtables with entrepreneurs. I mean this non-sarcastically. Does Kamala Harris know what payroll is? Has she ever signed the front of a check? I can tell you someone who has. Do we have them? Michael Seifert from Public Square.
Check out publicsquare.com, one of the most important marketplaces in the country. Michael, how are things going? I know you're at Nashville for the Bitcoin conference.
I'm here in your neck of the woods here in Palm Beach. How are things going at Public Square? Charlie, things are going incredible. Every day folks are recognizing the need for a marketplace ecosystem that actually celebrates and protects meritocracy, excellence, innovation. All of these existing incumbents that have dominated corporate America for a long time are falling by the wayside as people are recognizing that they've turned into weaponized political organizations. And I will tell you in this election season, Charlie, people are not only recognizing through efforts like yours, the importance of voting, casting their ballots, not just registering, but going the entire way to ensure that their values are represented at the ballot box.
They are also voting with their dollars. We are experiencing an entire economic reform right now. And I'm looking forward, Charlie, in the second Trump administration to Public Square serving as the new chamber of commerce, the new small business administration where small businesses are protected, Main Street is valued.
You heard it in J.D. Vance's speech at the RNC. We have an opportunity for an American Renaissance era in our economy, but it has to look like patriots being in control and celebrating the values that have built this great nation in the first place. That's what we're trying to do at Public Square.
And thankfully it's working. So let me ask you, I think this is an ascendant parallel economy. And so explain to me the aspects of what are the biggest challenges right now to be able to get entrepreneurs to not just onboard with Public Square, but to be able to share their values without threat of cancellation. Well, I would say that it's a strength in numbers challenge, meaning for a long time, Charlie, even two years ago, there were a lot of entrepreneurs that were horrified of speaking out. They were afraid of cancellations. They were afraid that their banks were going to cancel them or their payment processing was going to cancel them.
And there were very few entities that were willing to kind of put their neck out on the line and speak the truth. As that's happened more and more, as more and more entrepreneurs are speaking out, as Silicon Valley has actually started to turn toward Trump and the MAGA agenda and the America First agenda, you're seeing that it has a downstream ripple effect with thousands and hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs around the country that are saying, well, they're willing to speak out. If the David Sacks of the world and the Elon Musk of the world are willing to speak out, maybe I can too. So even this last week, Charlie, there was a great company called Sticker Mule.
They're one of the largest providers of custom stickers, packaging material, branding goods, merchandise, et cetera, for major enterprise companies. The CEO spoke out after the assassination attempt of President Trump and the tragic death of Corey Comforatory. He spoke out with a long impassioned Twitter post saying that enough is enough. I'm tired of living in the shadows.
I support President Trump, as do many of our employees, and we should not live in a country we're afraid to say that. His courage inspired thousands of other entrepreneurs within our marketplace and other avenues to speak out with greater honesty and truth as well. And so I will tell you, Charlie, it's really a domino effect. And I think confidently that over the next 12 months, especially heating up into this election cycle, you're going to see some of the biggest names in tech and in marketplace technology and in general commerce feel a little bit more liberty to speak out. And that is going to be a major facet in saving our country and actually making it not only acceptable, but cool and popular to be conservative and to hold these values. I think we have an amazing opportunity. Then our opportunity really from there is to capitalize on it and to make sure that when people are awake, when those entrepreneurs do speak out, that they have a network of solutions that they can tap into, like what we're creating a public square so that they can continue their journey, not just with honesty and the truth and that sort of liberating aspect of speaking out. But then they can actually move their payments to a new processor. They can actually switch their bank to a bank that shares their values and appreciates them speaking out.
And that's really where we fill in the gap. So I want to comment on a 204 put up on screen here. This is Amazon who has a shirt for sale that says the only good Trump is a dead one. Now, I imagine that they took this down, Michael, or is this still up right now? They had that up for about four hours from the time that it was first discovered to the time that it was taken down. I saw personally thousands of people comment to Amazon, put in support requests, flagging this for them, and they finally responded and took it down. They also had hoodies that said the same thing, Charlie.
This was atrocious. This is yet another example of Amazon displaying their pure hatred for conservatives and for really half the country, if not more. And what I will tell you that's interesting about this scenario is that Amazon has a long track record of canceling any merchandise on their site that seems to be pro-conservative.
They have a long track record of canceling merchandise that speaks out against things like Pride Month, for example. They have algorithms, and I know this because we're a marketplace and we have this. So if a multi-trillion dollar marketplace doesn't have this, but we do, that's a problem. We have algorithms that when a new product is entered into our marketplace, it actually scans the language. It ensures that there's not something that's inflammatory against the values of the platform. I guarantee you this hoodie and this t-shirt, when it went up on Amazon originally, went through that same system.
They had every ability to flag it before it ever went live, and they pushed it live anyways. That is an incredible Freudian slip of sorts, of them describing exactly who they really are. And as the famous adage goes, when your enemies tell you who they are, believe them. This was incredibly egregious on Amazon's part, and they're not the only company that has let things like this accidentally slip over the course of the last few weeks. So this is a pattern that we've seen from corporate America for quite some time, and just how quickly the media has specifically moved on from Trump getting shot, we must remember.
I played this earlier. I want to get your reaction to this. This is Brett Baer asking about what is Kamala Harris's biggest accomplishment?
Play cut 75. What do you think has been Vice President Harris's biggest accomplishment as vice president? Well, look, I think she's done remarkable work across several important areas. Something that I think hasn't gotten much coverage is her passion for entrepreneurship, for wealth creation, for securing and stabilizing the middle class.
She's traveled around the country to meet with small businesses and to talk with them about what it takes to get back to work, to grow a small business, to sustain the wealth and opportunity for a family. Is the middle class stronger than ever because of Kamala Harris? It's actually weaker than ever. This is another example of the blatant gaslighting out of the Biden administration. Now, what they're basically touting is the Harris administration. Charlie, the middle class is not stronger than ever. In fact, they tell us day in and day out that they're weaker than ever. The Biden administration has created the greatest wealth disparity we've seen in generations. And we hear from our businesses often that not only are they struggling right now, they physically cannot survive as a business.
Another Biden administration. You might have heard Mike Lindell and MyPillow no longer have the support of their box stores or shopping channels the way they used to. They've been part of this cancel culture, so they want to pass the savings directly onto you by having a twenty five dollar extravaganza. When Mike started MyPillow, it was just a one product company with the help of his dedicated employees.
They now have hundreds of products and some of you may not even know about it. To get the word out, I want to invite my listeners to check out their twenty five dollar extravaganza, two pack multi-use MyPillows, just twenty five dollars. MyPillow sandals, twenty five dollars. Their six pack tile set, twenty five dollars.
Brand new four pack dish towels. You guessed it, just twenty five dollars. For the first time ever, their premium MyPillows with the all new Giza fabric, just twenty five dollars. Orders over seventy five dollars will receive free shipping, too. This amazing offer won't last long. Go to MyPillow.com and use promo code Kirk or call 800-875-0425 today.
That is promo code Kirk at MyPillow.com, promo code Kirk. I am being educated on what Brat Summer is by our Gen Z correspondent. This is really learning about the things going viral on TikTok. By the way, our TikTok is we're doing really well. Instagram is going great, isn't it Daisy?
It's hot as a pistol. 3.5 million followers on Instagram now, 2 million on TikTok. They tell me these are good numbers. Michael Siefert continues with us, publicsquared.com.
Michael, I cut you off. Please riff on the numbers. I think it's very important. We were talking about whether or not Kamala Harris has done a good job for the small business economy in Main Street America and the middle class more broadly. The resounding answer we hear from actually meeting with business owners frequently and working with them day in, day out as a very core part of our business is that they are not doing well.
In fact, the very opposite. We ran a survey recently just last month, Charlie, that asked, would your business, we polled over eighty thousand business respondents, would your business survive a second Biden term? And a shocking amount, 48 percent, said definitely or probably not. But 70 percent in totality said, we don't think so. Only 30 percent said, yeah, we think we probably could make it.
But some of the quotes that we got in response to the survey were astounding. People saying things like we've already cut our costs to a bare minimum. Inflation is continuing to kill our business. Other business owners talking about the continued rise of supplier costs. So this gaslighting out of the Biden administration suggests that no, no, no, no, don't listen to anybody telling you any contrarian opinion.
That's just conservative right wing media. Supplier costs are actually going down. That's not the case. It's not the case in perishables. It's not the case in essential equipment.
It's not the case in building materials. It is more expensive than it ever has been to run and operate a small business. And with a small business owner at the helm of their business, they're not focusing. They can't focus on purely cutting to grow. That's not an efficient way to grow. They've got to be able to spend money strategically.
They don't have money to spend, Charlie. So Kamala Harris saying, oh, I've been to a few small businesses and that tells me what I need to know, that we're successful. It's like nothing could be farther from the truth. That's like this incredible moment where she admits that, yeah, yeah, we've been to the border. So I haven't really been to the border, but I haven't been to Europe either.
It's kind of the same thing. She's saying, no, no, we know small businesses well. We actually haven't served them and we have no real data to back up our claims that we're supporting a strong middle class economy, but we've been there and we've helped them. It's all absurdity.
We're hearing the truth. And the truth is, is that the small business community is the lifeblood of our economy, but they have been squeezed to their wits and it cannot continue. We need another Trump administration and the economic brilliance that comes with a conservative policy agenda. So Michael, let's go through like one or two of those policy agenda items specifically out of the gate. What can President Trump and Vice President Vance, if they win and hopefully they do, do to unshackle the small business economy?
What should be at the top of that policy agenda? Cutting regulation is a huge one. If you talk to any small business around the country, they're dealing with so much red tape in order to build their business and then continue to maintain their business. And much of that red tape has to do with pure regulatory burden that is completely unnecessary.
A lot of it having to do with ESG initiatives. So actually becoming energy independent again is something that the Trump administration has touted that they are going to prioritize day one. That will have a number of downstream effects that are positive to the small business community in the United States.
Cutting the tax rate as well will be incredibly beneficial to business owners in this country that are burdened not only by the regulatory pressure, but also by the tax burden that they have to face. I will also tell you, Charlie, that something that he's talked about at great length is putting pressure on foreign actors in order to revitalize American manufacturing again. Many of the small businesses that we work with on a day-to-day basis that power our over 80,000 merchants in our parallel economy on public square are businesses that make their products in the United States. It's harder than ever to do that because our financial system has rewarded globalization and has punished American manufacturing. That's why you're seeing a poll of union workers and contractors and on-the-ground service providers that are rushing toward the Trump administration for another term because they recognize that he's the only president that is willing to put pressure on foreign actors to the point where to much hostility he's actually proposed tariffs. He's actually proposed that if we have an adversary on the geopolitical level, they should not be receiving special favors to import their products made with cheap labor overseas from countries that hate us.
It should not work that way. We should actually incentivize the American mainstream. He's also talked at great length about small business credits of folks that are trying to build their business for the first time in order to actually initiate and spur on innovation growth with new product lines and sectors. The last thing I'll mention, Charlie, is that President Trump has done an amazing job of trying to support the labor force that is actually native-born, that is born here in the United States. These are American citizens that deserve to have a decrease in competition with illegal immigrants for jobs. Illegal immigration actually suppresses wages. Trump recognizes that, which is why he's trying to push to close the border, to cut out these foreign workers.
That will bless our small businesses because then it allows for them to actually compete with the wage world against the big incumbents. I'm excited about all of it. Michael Seifert, check it out, publicsquare.com. Joining us now is Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas, former U.S. presidential candidate and host of Huckabee on TBN. Governor, I wanted to have you on the show because you have a very steady way about analyzing this. There's a lot of chaos right now in politics.
There's a lot of Kamala craze happening. What is your analysis of the current state of this presidential race? I don't think anybody is surprised that she's getting a boost from the announcement that she's going to be the candidate. The Democrats are desperate. I mean, they were so desperate that they gathered around and shoved Joe Biden right out the door.
I mean, I've never seen anything quite like it. It's the closest thing to a political coup that we've seen, probably in American history, where his own people, the people closest to him, gathered around him and said, Joe, you got to go. So they're suddenly without a candidate. They don't have a lot of options because if they don't pick Kamala Harris, it's going to look like that they're sexist, misogynist, and racist.
So they don't have a choice. She's the vice president. Everybody rallies around her and she's going to get a bump. But most people don't know much about Kamala Harris.
The media has certainly not been honest about it. And I think that's the real most important thing for the Republicans. Don't attack her personally. That's not productive. And that could even be counterproductive.
But just steadily, faithfully, there's plenty of time. But let the American people know that she was the border czar. Oh, I understand. The media is trying to cover for her.
But here's the point. Why would she not want to be known as the border czar? I mean, Mayorkas, and Joe Biden, and Karine Jean-Pierre, and Kamala herself. For two or three years, they've been telling us the border is secure. They're doing a great job. Things are under control. So if they're under control, and she's doing a great job, wouldn't she want to be known as the borders czar? Why are they all running from that?
Because they know that they've lied to us for three years, pretty much like they have on everything else. But this is not going to be a simple, easy race. I hope Republicans don't get complacent. We had a fantastic convention, the best ever, pitch perfect, wonderful speakers, stayed on message.
It was incredible. But I don't want Republicans to think, oh boy, this is going to be a cakewalk. We can kind of rest and relax.
Oh, no, you can't. Its fight to the very last ballot comes in from God knows where, that has just been mailed in from God knows where. Yeah, and that's well put. And Governor, do you agree with me that even though we don't like the mail-in balloting system, we should utilize it and that if we don't engage in voting month, and that if we fail to realize that election day is the final day of voting, that we are not maximizing the potential of the Trump base? Our base is so enthusiastic, shouldn't we give them more days to vote, not less? And shouldn't we give them the earliest possible ability to vote for Donald Trump?
Your thoughts, Governor Huckabee? I 100% agree. I mean, this is simple. It's like when the forward pass was first introduced in football. For a long time, there was no such thing as the forward pass. And then there became this incredible new offensive strategy called the forward pass. Imagine if a team said, by golly, we're not ever going to use that forward pass. Why, that highfalutin new way of doing things just isn't the way it's supposed to be done. We're just going to do a three yard and cloud of dust. We would never have heard of that football team again. Why do football teams constantly adjust, whether it's the forward pass, the wishbone, the triple option?
I'll tell you why. Because somebody figures out that it works and it wins games. We've got to win games. And if mailing ballots are the new way of voting, then we need to get everybody possible who is a legal voter to vote. And then we need to monitor so that there are no illegal votes and nobody's cheating.
And that's really the biggest single concern I have about this election. Yeah, I love that. Imagine you keep on losing to a team that keeps on shooting three-pointers, and your response is, we're not going to engage. That's not the way we used to do it. Look, the game has changed. We're just going to stay in the paint. We're going to stay in the paint and hit layups when we get a chance and make our free throws.
Yeah, tell that to anybody who's played against Kaitlyn Clark. No, you play by whatever rules are in place, because the game is win. It's not seeing how faithful you are to the past.
It's seeing how capable you are of adapting to the future. That's where we are. So I say to my fellow Republicans, you can lament, you can tear your garments over the fact that we have a lot of different ways in which, whether it's electronic voting or mail-in voting, get used to it, because we're going to have to live with it. And to win some of these swing states, where this is now the way of the day, then let's just go ahead and play by the rules that are there.
But let's win at those rules, rather than spend our time kicking under the table and complaining about it. That doesn't win an election. Voters win elections.
People who don't vote, they lose elections. That's right. Are you ready to lose weight but not sure where to start? I understand.
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Check it out, myphdweightloss.com. And so our base and our following, according to polling, is that we actually have an advantage with lower propensity voters. Governor, it never used to be that way. It used to be that Democrats used to enjoy advantages with lower propensity voters. Therefore, the current configuration of our flawed voting laws actually is advantage to the low propensity party. In a paradoxical way, since we are the low propensity movement, we have an opportunity to use voting month to maximize our newfound base of lower propensity voters. Your thoughts on that, Governor Huckabee?
Yeah, I mean, it's exactly right. We have a great message. The message that we have compared to the message that the Democrats have this year, we overwhelmingly win. It ought to be a landslide.
It ought to be 360 electoral votes. But we don't win on message alone. We win by also the machinery of getting people to the polls. So you can have the greatest message in the world.
I'll give you a quick analogy. It's like, let's say a company comes up with a brand new dog food, and it is the most scientifically advanced and developed. It is full of nutrition. It's got everything that a dog needs, but nobody buys it. And finally, the CEO of the company says, what's going on? How come this wonderful dog food isn't selling?
And everybody's quiet. And finally, somebody pipes up in the back of the room and says, because the dogs won't eat the darn stuff. So the point of that is that we can have a great message, and we can put it in the bowl. But we have to market it, we have to sell it, we have to explain it. And then we have to use the mechanisms of get out the vote. There's nothing sexy about it.
It's old fashioned. But whatever it takes to get people to actually go and vote, whether it's mobilizing them through churches and organizations, but don't leave any vote, sitting at home with a person speed up in the air, thinking it's all going to be okay. That's how you lose a country. That's how you lose civilization. So Governor, I completely agree with that.
I want to now dive into another element here, which I think is very important, which is weathering your opponent's best shot. There is going to be an August sugar high for the Democrats. We're going to see two years of compressed left-wing energy deployed in a 30-day period.
And it's a little bit of a rope-a-dope. It's a little bit of a, hey, we'll take your best shot so that we can close strong. Take us into the psychology of that type of campaign. You've been the guy, you've had to weather your opponent's best. Our base right now, our audience, is enjoying and has been enjoying a pretty good summer. Donald Trump is alive and well.
Praise God. We had an amazing convention. We're on a little bit of a high right now, albeit it was always destined to plateau, if not go down a little bit. Talk about that important psychological component of a long campaign. The Democrats have the advantage. They are the home team, if you will, because they have the incumbency. Therefore, their convention is the last. It's not at all unlike the home team in baseball. They get the last chance to bat. So whatever it is that the visitors do, the home team still has one more good shot.
And that's what we have to confront. They're going to have a convention. The only question is, will it be smooth and will it be very appealing to the American voter? Or will it be a repeat of 1968 when the Democrats were in Chicago?
Charlie, we don't know. But I'm going to tell you, I lived through 1968. I remember it well.
A lot of your audience, they weren't alive then. But let me tell you, it was disastrous for the Democrats, in part because the city was on fire. In some cases, literally, the riots, the contentiousness of the convention. It wouldn't break my heart if there was contentious activity in the convention.
I don't wish violence and I don't wish disruption. But if what we saw in Washington this week, just because Benjamin Netanyahu showed up to make a speech to Congress, and you have these crazies in the Democrat Party, these anti-Jewish, anti-Semitic people who are so filled with hate that they're actually embracing the butchers of Hamas. If they show up in Chicago, and I expect that they will, they will take all of the attention away from whatever message the Democrats have. And all people in America will see, not the message, but the absolute mess. And they will have created it. They own this.
And they may have to put their spoon in the middle of the bowl and eat it. Governor Huckabee, your program on TBN is a must watch. I want everyone to check it out. Your wisdom is so necessary right now. Our audience is understandably looking for direction. It's been a very chaotic week, a couple weeks. And so Governor, I believe that we were two centimeters away from our civilization and our country going into chaos. I believe the Lord spared us.
Your thoughts, Governor Huckabee? I said at the time, I said this was truly the hand of God. Satan took the shot. God's angels intervened and said, not today, Satan.
And we're all the better for it. I think it was a sobering moment for every American, even if they didn't vote for, support, or even like Donald Trump. You cannot see what happened on that Saturday afternoon and not come away with the sense, unless you're just a rank unbeliever.
Otherwise, you have to see that as Providence. You have to see that as God taking care of Donald Trump and saying, I'm not finished with you quite yet. And I think it was a message not only to all of us, but it was a message also to President Trump to give him that sense of saying to him, you have a purpose for which you've been left here. It's bigger than you are, bigger than you even can understand.
And I truly believe that with my whole heart. I thought that it was incredible. And the fact that he came to his feet, blood coming down his face, this wasn't staged. No, thank you, Christopher Wray. It was real.
It was a bullet. But it just, again, providentially, he's in front of that flag with blood in his face, holding his fist and saying to all of us, not just the people there, but to all of us, fight, fight, fight. That's the message that we have to take to heart and continue through November the fifth. Governor, it is a moment that we'll never forget. And what could have been is something that we shouldn't even speculate too much of the societal and the civilizational chaos. And I think that's what made the convention the best convention of my lifetime.
Can you comment on that? It could have been a four-day funeral, but instead it was a four-day open-air celebration to the Lord. And there were so many things about the way the convention was structured. I'm not sure exactly who all was responsible for orchestrating and then executing the program, but it was brilliant. And I use the term pitch perfect because you had such a great variety. And I thought some of the most effective speakers were people we didn't even know. Now granted, Charlie, I think the best speaker of the whole week was that new Arkansas governor.
Okay. I just thought she was excellent. I thought she was terrific. But that's me talking and I'm as objective about her as the New York Times is about Donald Trump.
So there you go. But let me tell you a couple that I really felt moved the needle. One was a person that when I heard she was on the program, I thought, what? Amber Rose. I thought her speech was one of the most spectacular convention speeches I've ever heard. It was from the heart. It was from the perspective of someone that no one could have realistically said, yeah, she's going to be wearing a MAGA hat. She's going to be one of us. And yet there she was, basically repenting for having believed the lies that had been fed to her and having done the research on her own, came to the conclusion that, you know what? Donald Trump's my guy.
I thought it was great. The union president from the Teamsters, again, historic moment. But many of the moms whose children were killed by fentanyl poisoning because we have an open border and this stuff just comes across. The activists from New York who spoke so eloquently and passionately about what crime is doing to her neighborhood. These are real people and Americans can relate to them because they're feeling the same thing. And I just thought it was a phenomenal mix of what I would call the celebrity, those who are well known among Republicans and the rest of the public and the people that no one had ever heard of. But when they heard them, they heard truth and they heard it from the heart.
And it spoke deeply to the souls of America. Governor Huckabee, thank you for your leadership. And I with you rejoice the fact that Donald Trump is alive and well and that our movement is continuing. Governor, thank you so much. Great to be with you, Charlie. Thank you. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. Email us as always. Freedom at CharlieKirk.com. Thanks so much for listening and God bless. For more on many of these stories and news you can trust, go to CharlieKirk.com.
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