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Chris Bedford #CollapseOfAmericanCities Matt Long #LawlessBorderCrooks Gordon Change #CCPRussiaXiPutinIran Christian Watson #FreedomMorality

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
February 1, 2022 2:35 pm

Chris Bedford #CollapseOfAmericanCities Matt Long #LawlessBorderCrooks Gordon Change #CCPRussiaXiPutinIran Christian Watson #FreedomMorality

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Investor Greg goes to the June generation radio show heard of the truth broadcasting network and seen on CEC Monday through Friday from 10 AM to noon is where I discussed today's most important issues through a biblical constitutional showed generation radio with pastor Greg God bless you and God bless America a chosen generation host what you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, you should shoot for the praises of him who is called you out of darkness into his marvelous life, which in time past were not a people that are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy and now chosen generation, hello to the program. Great to have you let me. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice in where you can listen each and every day, and that they hear to show narration radio. Well folks, I got a great lineup for you today. Bottom of our number two. Christian Watson with us an absurd look at America. Yes, there is a radical leftist view of America.

They want us to think that that's well that that's what America is these days we'll talk a Christian about that get his perspective on it. Gordon Chang joined this top of the next hour will get into his view of what's taking place with China Taiwan. Those issues along with genocide games in Beijing will get and all that was Gordon Chang, an expert on China coming up right after top of the next hour and bottom of this hour, Matt Long and I are going to get into a grant you a great conversation a lot of conversation about the lawlessness that's happening in our country and and right here in the in our own home state of the of Texas as well and and folks I have to tell you that there is a historic building that was burned to the ground just in the past week. This is a place actually were Elvis Pressley on his way down to Corpus Christi made a phone call to Roy Orbison and they met for a late-night bowl of chili in Kennedy Texas and will talk to you about that caf� and some of the other amazing and and and very cool and sadly old relic valuable relics that were that were damaged, but this is this is this is just the tip of the iceberg of what's taking place not only along our Texas water in the vandalism this happening. The drug running that's taking place, but it's happening all over our country as a matter fact it's happening in my next guests hometown, and I want to welcome to the program Christopher Bedford from the Federalist. Christopher welcome good to have you read and it is my sincere pleasure, Sir, so I will were talking about, you know, places where lawlessness happens � certainly there's not any more lawlessness of the place. It would seem where that where you know that the criminals go free and the good guys go to prison, then the in your hometown of DC parable beautiful time for people of all parties all over at all okay welcome there. There are federal work. Our government verdict were completely lawless. Right now there were the pertinent Georgetown County neighborhood shot in the head of the applicable walking on the street targeted at the plate right now BC carjacking to happen in our neighborhood. Although I doubt it.

Capitol Hill were people walk their dog but could not go to the playground or carjacking to grouping and melodic crime wildly are committed but people under 18 years old he counseled the post trying to crack down on that figure that out there getting more and more lenient right now. Will put forward by anybody under 25 year your butt out that basically most while ages just like a free pass. Now, as I've been there a number years went to see Pat there regularly and leaves that you know very much enjoy going in and walking around in and going over and visiting DC and then and then staying over at the what I was at the Gaylord but there was another place that we stay at for the yeah value voters Summit and again you know you go out go out walking down the street and what have you.

And I gotta be honest with you Chris right I you know I don't think I would.

I don't think I would feel safe in either walking or my case rolling in a wheelchair down the streets and and having to wonder you know whether or not I was going to come back from the restaurant in one piece that really bad when I walked up and down yeah I at 1 AM. I'm trying to figure out what and what about Britt drawing beautiful bike that I want to go for a run that I go to the park.

Work on it on the now you but one of the things I moving to the report and it that in the thing that caught don't get happening all the operative that will rattle the author will not cannot quickly be taken for granted our prosperity. RP art of rethinking the micro granite impact your to call you so much in their learning right now that what holds people hold our people together, but Pete on pretty fragile thing that can easily be shattered during the question is no question about it and I think you know more about this even in my next segment ceiling when you think about it. You talk about the younger people you know I you can you can we complain or fingers of the young people and say all you know it's it's that younger generation, but the problem is is is they really are a creature of their environment, they're being taught that the behavior that they are exhibiting is acceptable behavior. There being taught in school. Essentially, not, not reading, writing and arithmetic, but but they're being taught about entitlement, they're being taught about how their emotions should rule and reign. And so went when you when you tell a child that that you know anything they see their entitled to, and somebody else has unjustly wronged them and that's how you are.

That's how you're training them up to believe that and then you teach them that they can just you know use their emotional energy to act upon those impulses won't then then then and then you remove all restraints. I mean, what would you expect that you're going to get in living the other piece about this is, is that we've we have become an amoral society and we have basically said goodbye to God my life my part that right. We are talking about how rock your country how unlivable a lot of common black your I received from Becky what that bank we've been talking about your now do it routed the white man anyway you go out you got your article that the call got called and people hate you people order people to like the light all their go again right now only a matter time before biting expert you look around but we talked for years now will look like a good corporate client or a really rough spot, but now in the lot.

The particular we are really feeling people are living with people living above her, and I wake up call a lot of people that the country built wonderful great person. Absolutely. But we need to push back wildly out you're out well and you know I we still have an I've been mentioning this in my audience consistently. We have polls right now PRI and you both, neither of which are part you know what I would call conservative or Christian pollsters or what have you, but they all are saying that that the majority of American 70% of Americans still lay claim to Christianity. And I think that's significant to understand.

I think what we have to do is we we've got a ship that's in the water. Unfortunately, I believe the church has failed in the in in stating exactly what biblical Christianity looks like, and instead is running down this left half of of you know, saying, and condoning and maybe even in the in the it in the spirit of what will given the generosity the spirit of compassion, but nonetheless it is still with where there there running the ship up on the ground rather than keeping the ship out in the channel. Very limited lot director couldn't automatically mark the couldn't go to work. The hobby that a lot of the pre-and automatic. The front along with it for the greater good and look at the applicable no way to remind me exactly talking biblically remind me of one when the world come to paid hand in all of the good Shepherd. And we got a real good idea to check the economic applicable prick to my local neighborhood.

He went out. The church open to help decrypt map your purported reported buildup of the best you got COBIT and he nearly died.

I got he did not and when he got COBIT a nearly.Washington Post attacked the helpless man had it that wet but felt I did last couple years to really there. You are the good Shepherd like you spent a lot of our church leader have built up there about rightly hired hand when you will be good.

Neutra one think the really dark we know the end we got the last chapter of the book of know how the goats us make the right making 12 we narrowed down the winning team to get all the payment window yet we know that there is no question about that and I you know an American I believe is a is a clinical part of that end times and and that you know there's a lot of different conversations in the prophetic world about that there there is one reference in Revelation 2 to the Eagle and I and I believe that's a reference to America, there's two nations in my mind that God ordained from their founding and that's Israel and the United States.

The Mayflower compact says we came to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ our Christian foundation has been what's held this country together and when we've come under attack when the world has faced evil in the history and the history of the United States of America and the 241 years of our country. We have been the ones that have stepped up and and we have pushed back and we have stopped evil back with more with Christopher right after this brief break. I am Pastor Greg goes to the gym generation radio show heard of the truth broadcasting network and seen on TEC Monday through Friday from 10 AM to noon Eastern where I discussed today's most important issues through a biblical constitutional lens TCN appreciates our partnership with NTD and we love for you to give our great programming of you that's TEC children generation radio with Pastor Greg God bless you and God bless America. Sexual predators and comprehensive sex education. Both break down inhibitions. That's what they start.

They also gain trust with the child and then slowly start to get them toward sexual activity. Anything else you are teaching children, adult child sex your teaching transgender issues, and the children are our multiple and and influenced by that.

They said okay now we need you and your team to be able to explain what homosexuality is to a four-year-old student to introduce this kind of material at that age, frankness, child abuse, you're going to teach our children that is okay for any two children of any age of any sex, to have sexual intercourse with each other as long as two components are present ones. Using a condom and able give consent to correctly. It's not a neutral venue. There's no such thing hate the schools are doing your job. They are discipling your children, but they're not discipling them in the faith of Jesus Christ. Tony the exceptional child that even survives that system. Most do not survive. Most have-nots of they believe that children are sexual from birth and that they deserve and have the right sexually active and to seek sexual pleasure and if anyone is stopping them from that, then you are judging and asking even kindergarten another one to the teach them more and more perverse information and ask if put that in the children's minds, and once those that poison is in the child's mind doesn't leave don't always remember what they learned, and it's by design orchestrated greeting student generation Army.

I'm so grateful to be connected with you my listeners you are some of the most engaged, responsive, loving and caring people I know I need to bring your attention and urgent need for our ministries in India. While there is become a focus on the Uighurs in China are ministries in Jammu and Kashmir and Panjab are being terrorized by those same leaders. The towel van and the mounting CCP Army at the border of India between these threats in the lockdowns, we find ourselves in need of additional financial support. I'm asking for your help to support these pastors and their families are orphans are widows are Bible students and our community outreaches. $15 will feed a pastor's family for a month.

$20. Funds are selling school instructor and $150 a week. Funds are on-base operations, the orphans, the Bible school students. Even the selling school and our senior indigenous Pastor Samuel so please go to Greg that's Greg or you can call me at 20938086542093808654 to make your donation over the phone.

Please call us contact me today and make your best donation. Thank you and God bless you. You can do your typing and love offering right from your computer. Visit to support chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now back to a chosen generation with Pastor Grace elements generation radio were no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses, my special guest is Christopher Bedford. You can find him. By the way at the Federalist. The and you're looking for Christopher Bedford you got a 80s and I wanted to kind of talk about that too, because it kinda leads into a couple of things that you've written about recently one of them is about the civil rights fight to end the federal city and and your perspective though is different because when you look at that title. If you been following this, you might've thought, wait a minute. The Federalist is pushing for DC to become a state.

Hold on a minute.

But that's not such a great title grabs your attention just jittering the article, but it's but that's not where you are headed with this talk to us about how we may be needed. Rethink the concept of of DC and the and and what that might look like the whole idea of what we were welcoming to all America Republican, Democrat, week DEPARTED become together and and fiber different federally administrated that were carved out of the center of the United States. The time right between Britain. Yet Maryland balance power between the North and South. In a related cavity. A place where we could make me another idea was that we couldn't have federal building drilling outside of work, because they could be able to undo control over them. Now over the last couple years the American court and walked in the Beckett ballot will have the people who run the Butternut of Eldoret, but dramatically, which they did on the crime are going to openly antagonize member the part you are from, on the average Republican voter committed crime, but that what you write out your story of acting that are lucky where Matt and Lester going to get my right not to look sad. We have a mayor allowed a rebel and a mob takeover weeks and weeks dedicated to plot a black lab matter Plaza and put her apartment to freshen focus on embarrassing because the streets by the way, say, seeing a chance the federal building to make their point and and the Miami they burned the church and and everybody complain, not because the church was burned but because the President of the United States cleared the park and walked over to the church with the Bible monograph holy smokes, though, and I'm sorry I'm working out what your are Cardinal Gregory.

He came out and he condemned the president for the exact same thing as he condemned the Knights of Columbus group member member of trying to bite the president speak are quite right about what. So this but doubt the last straw for me with the recommended point you have been prevented the black regular water going to restaurant our Jim and Dr. Maple better to convert the raw rope alert for people were good. At that point you're denying folk Right you have ever fought over in the 40 to 50 Watt bided 73 year reporter coming out of the bank while going out to be the lunch counter radical civil right, but people I really thought completely, completely agree with that and putting on the box lunch counter Republicans out the big picture authority away from the mayor and I think a good idea would be not Craig. No reason to get entirely made out of government about a boy union, but need to park the Cartwright are not federal back to Maryland before I got Carper back to what you end up mad brown of a congressionally controlled downtown. It's it's really is quite an article focusing you really should take the time to get over and related that the next fight for civil rights lies in the ending of the federal city. Something else to and I know you and I talked about we just can hit it very briefly but that is you know that the DC prison and what's taking place there and irrespective of how someone might feel about whatever you know they believed took place on January 6 I got to ask you folks again watch Nick Searcy's documentary C API TOL punishment because it Nick does this, he says look okay all I want you to do is look at the videos that have been turned and we have taken scores of videos that have been sent to us by individuals that were there and we present that for you were not telling you what to think or not telling you how to think or how to perceive this, we are simply doing an investigative piece of journalism and presenting to you all of the evidences and then saying now that you seen this. You decide.

Tucker's three-part piece was was very much trying to I think they can manipulate a response. I believe Nick is wasn't manipulating response.

He was just saying this is what I saw. This is a he hears evidence look at it for yourself. Does that make sense you Christopher. I was subjected to right upper right political violence, and violent Maryland critic talking about hamper political violence, but I attacked the White House for minor Wiper blade Dr. Burke were burnt all right with copyright repair report on that right and brought unbelievably response where there where people walk free after Bernie wake up your prior.

Now there are people who are to help alter the climate block out in the make you realize that political violence were completely allowed left-wing goal and now different. What we called applicable pilot.

Our being part you attack American people to attack Republicans and protect II couldn't finish the assignment with a better statement. Christopher, thank you so much for the greatly appreciated will be not more after this I got contacted by Tom rounds over the weekend who represents whistleblowers within the Department of Defense.

So these are whistleblowers of been extracting data out of the Defense Department database. They have noticed a very alarming increase in instances of certain conditions compared to a five-year average.

They also have evidence that with myocarditis the data has been doctored already. I'm the one dealing with the medical boards I'm the one watching the witchhunts on the want to fight him off number one told him where to go on the keep doing that. 928 2021 project Salas week weekly report projects. Alice is a defense Defense Department initiative where they report in contract they take all this data that doesn't exist supposedly and they give it to the CDC, there what's in these vaccines. On that date and around that date, I have numerous instances were flouting that entire crew were saying it's a crisis going back six, 99% of Exton Hospital in project Salas in the weekly report. The DOD document says specifically, 71% of new cases are in the fully vexed, and 60% of hospitalizations or playbacks. This corruption at the highest level we need investigations, the Secretary of Defense need investigated. The CDC needs to vent investigated by now. The fact that there's Lisa spirituals with the Defense Department's doctrine with the data I would contend Sen. that there is not just a suspicion in August when the report was run on acute myocarditis in the DOT website. There were 1239 cases and now when you run it's down to 307.

In January 2020 tip. There were 176 cases magically they are now down to 17.

There is a word for that. It's not suspicious. We cabin the military, the single best data set. We that exists because we have baselines in there and execute disease across all categories in the preceding year is five years leading up to the vaccination year was 1.1 million introduced and mandated a complete 19 for our US military when they had only lost 12 servicemembers total to the disease and in the 10 months of 2021.

After that it jumped from 1.7 million all diseases to die near 22 million. That was a 20 million increase we need to not be calling the suspicious. With all due respect, we need to be asking hard questions of the deity and I will close by saying they are charged, at least in part with protecting the sanctity and welfare of the brave men and women who are defending this country and right now these numbers indicate something is drastically wrong and I know of only one reason the databases will math backward. Who are you are so sorry my name is Lee Dennis and human rights attorney that's working with Tom Rentz on the whistleblower is in the military I would ask that Congress listen to these whistleblowers put their testimony on record. These are brave men and women of very high rank in the US military because not just to be Congress in this building need to hear about it. The world needs to appear about what is going fine. I will then we will take their transcribed interviews will grab them gather the data and again I put the Defense Department on notice must preserve, by the way, I just got your computer, visit www.Joe' donation. Now back to a chosen generation with pastor Grace and all of my generation radio were no topic is off-limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. Thanks so much for being here.

I know you have a choice where you can listen each and every day, and I thank you for giving to tune here.

Matt Long is where this we join the hill country patriot radio network. Great to be with them here on the show and generation radio network. You can find more about estrogen generation and a course, the Matt Long show Matt welcome great to have you my friend will women talk about the border you know I was tell him I wanted to talk to about this building in Kennedy Texas that the old may Caf� and the noble radio network, which I'm a part of is offering a $500 reward for any information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the arson fire at the 100-year-old Mays Caf� a.k.a. humble in Kennedy Texas. The fire occurred on January 15 at approximately 10 PM. Witnesses at the scene observed two persons entering the building at the intersection of Victoria and Escondido St. in Kennedy, TX and so there's a $500 monetary reward.

If you cannot call 210-744-3797. That's 210-744-3797 with any tips or you can send them in electronically to that's and I love you, you know, looked at at some of the things that are part of the history of this but just as an example right so Elvis Pressley on his way down to Corpus Christi back in the day stopped by that that particular caf� called Roy Orbison who used to live there in Kennedy and they met for a bowl of chili around midnight used to be open 24 seven that some that some amazing history that took place there and and that piece of history is gone.

Now Matt there what's happening down there in Kennedy in Victoria and and all across the border there there there mass heads that are going and looking for something to steal that they can turn around and sell form for for money for their habit. That's what's going on and you know there there there scrapping there there taken that you know could and if they can find any kind of copper any kind of metal that they can take and they can go and turn into a junker and and and get some money for that anything they can find that has any kind of value whatsoever they're breaking into these old abandoned buildings and and pilfering and stealing and and and destroying their suspicious was so stinking I lost my scary election has become ancient time to think what I do think it's it's a combination of the border.

I just had Christopher Benford on from the Federalist and and he is his hometown is the season Nashville right now that his hometown is DC and you know he was talking about you know what's taken place there the in in highly. He said the Georgetown area there was someone who was shot in the head at point-blank range. Just the other night. You know I mean and that's it. You know, and I nice area of of DC I and and what we will. We were talking about and and I wanted to continue that conversation because I think it's a part of what word were dealing with here is this overall lawlessness. We live in an amoral culture. Now I know that you know there's that there's a may be a tendency or or a font to want you know point that in DC now. As a matter fact, there is that the city Council is considering a vote.

They put a resolution forward than anyone under the age of 25 should be treated just as a juvenile. So no matter what they do. It doesn't go on your permanent record and they should just be treated as a juvenile, in spite of the fact that these are violent crimes that these individuals are committing they want to raise so that so they want to lower the age of you know, giving them access to the ability to cause great bodily harm, but they want to increase the age of where the penalties are and then they want to claim that it's you know the object write the weapon. The whatever and and and not their lawless feet you know their their approval of lawlessness.

Matt it's it's insanity starting this campaign in 2012. Police officers eventually sold it to dead bodies in the wake of that solution probably bothers me the most current terrorist international criminal organization, something, something along that line.

Writer did you have the name for time has been spent course else right now is a misstatement thing I called why I think the biggest problem that we have in getting the cartels called for what they are. Matt honestly is is the amount of cartel money that a lot of these politicians are taking. I mean there there's you know that the corruption which we've talked for years about corruption down in Mexico and the amount of of of influence that that their money has as it relates to the politicians in Mexico but nobody really wants to, you know, go out and talk about what it is that they're doing to our politicians here. Let's face in international criminal organizations, the Chinese Communist Party should be considered an international criminal organization because that's exactly what they are.

You know that that the Russian mafia you know it is is not quite tagged that way. I don't believe you can check that. But I don't believe that they are but but again, you know, until we start having you know AA Department of Justice that is actually a Department of Justice that actually influences laws instead of going in and and suing cities for you know for for basically going after individuals for breaking the law you not mean that that began with the Eric Holder Department of Justice where they went into police departments and so forth to determine how they were treating you know criminals, and whether or not they were they were, you know, applying these very leftist attitudes towards the legal system district 20 down the country of Mexico. Purposes is straight down the side of the controller by the cartels and the Mexican government that cartels and convictions of judgment as to her sitting go to the cartels before we start. Well let let's let's declare there are a number of as I understand that there are number of malls that are then that are owned by companies that are holding companies for cartels.

There are cartel very wealthy cartel families that have been taken up residence in places like Dominion in San Antonio.

So II mean they are there in this near us and around us in the middle of us and and and you know they also have a course infiltrated you know Hispanic neighborhoods. That's why Biden's ratings amongst the Hispanic is so low because they understand what's happening to their own neighborhoods and and and to their children and so forth. And they are they are the true casualties of these radical open border policies and you know I at the end of the day. The bottom line here Matt is this.

If we don't get back to becoming one nation under God and his justice and and his system of fairness and justice. If we don't reinstitute that in our country and yet true morals that people say at well I believe we become an amoral society, but someone's morals are being thrust upon us and the problem is is that those morals that are being thrust upon us are what are destroying us and if we don't get back to God were to be in trouble, rent and live down there. Amen, amen. Thank you Matt.bless you Hill country. Love you all very much.

Be sure and check out 10 generation thanks that again � but I now is an old Chinese saying my ancestors learned before the party took over the family unit and that you must have and defend your family, but it's not always easy to do when the regime is to kill my heart was pounding, my body numbers on her shoulders and separated us into rows even and odd numbers.

I was number nine.

My brother Dylan for my sister labor camp without trial evidence haven't been able to destroy Pastor Greg goes to the gym generation radio show heard of the truth broadcasting network and seen on TEC Monday through Friday from 10 AM to noon Eastern where I discussed today's most important issues through a biblical constitutional lens, TEC, appreciates our partnership with NTD and we love for you to give our great programming of you that's TEC showed generation radio with pastor Greg God bless you and God bless America.

Hey pastor Greg here just wanted to check in and have you as my new studio show you that and then this because this is. This is cool stuff right here.

They said would happen, but with God all things are possible send me the love just wanted to say hello and show you what God's doing. God bless you have a great day.

You know you can do your typing and love offering right from your computer.

Visit to support a chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now back to a chosen generation with pastor Grace elementary generation radio. Thank you so much for being here.

You know what I want to thank you for watching and listening to Jen generation radio.

I'm grateful for the opportunity to share interviews and information to keep you informed and to help you to take action. There is no doubt that the single most important decision you and I will ever make concerns. Where will spend our eternity. I suppose that having died four times and having some near-death experience makes me somewhat unique, but we have a Bible whose New Testament was written predominantly by men who either were eyewitnesses of the truth is they share or in Paul's case and in John's case had their own journeys to heaven. That being said, the message can't be asked forgiveness get forgiveness and wait to die no salvation in the crucifixion of the old nature is just the beginning.

We are now given a new life to live free from the bondage which is sin and death. Our time on earth has now become more urgent and more purpose, more clear is our purpose being set free from sin and death happens when we choose to apply the work of Jesus Christ's death and resurrection to our lives.

Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creation. Old things are passed away behold all things have become new. And we have before us this divine purpose.

This divine journey that we are on divine appointments await us every single day.

This right here right now what you and I are experiencing together though I might be miles away from wherever you are watching or listening to this program, in spite of that, in spite of that, we are connected and this particular moment this this instance in time was preordained by God. I believe that I believe that he is a sovereign God it it's it. What is what gave me the confidence years before my accident never happened.

I was diagnosed and told that I had 3 to 6 months to live. I was told that I was going to Diane and to look at my body to see the condition of me at the time I was gray and yellow and green from head to toe and swollen and felt as though everything was shutting down and and my life was coming to an end. But God had another plan and another purpose in the process of going through, that being introduced to a natural path and the things that began to get me back my health to a degree in in in the midst of all of that. There were a few things that the Lord began to minister and share with me. One of the things that he talked to me about was as he said when you find yourself you'll find me. You may have experienced things in your life. Perhaps you've had goals, dreams, visions, things that you were chasing after running after and I'm not suggesting for a minute that we shouldn't pursue our dreams or goals are visions the things and the purposes for which we feel very much called to participate in. In fact, that's what I do here with the radio program that I do each and every day. But what I'm suggesting is, is that we can also lose touch with the base. The purpose the foundation.

The rock upon which we make this stand necessary and one of things God began to minister to me was faith that perseveres. I would suggest to you that in the time that we are in in this difficult and challenging time that we are in in so many respects in so many aspects and I know that there is always there are always people that are abounding people that are prospering people that are doing well and there are always going to be people that are poor. Jesus himself said you will always have the widows and the poor amongst you and and it is of course Christian charity that is designed to help to elevate people and bring people back and get people back up onto their feet and there are organizations, ministries like we have here a chosen generation radio were we are involved and engaged in assisting others. And as you can see on the screen.

We have urgent needs that we have within this ministry, and we look to you are are will our viewers and our listeners and ask you to help us and partner with us and participate with us so that we can continue to do what we believe the gods called us to do what I believe God brought me back to do to to impact this country with the interviews and the information to impact your life to encourage you as as you understand the things that I've gone through and perhaps those inspire you and encourage you to to suggest that you can make it through the things that you're going through and the challenges that you're facing. We also are are partnered with a ministry in in India. We are overseeing. I've been asked to oversee a ministry there and we have seen that ministry grow exponentially. All predicated upon the testimony that I share of God bringing me back from the dead four times all this, I say to you this morning just to remind us what it is and and and to encourage us and encourage you find your foundation don't lose track of that. Don't let the inertia of what it is that you are in the midst of wipe you away or take you away. God is the center Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is to be in charge and over, and he has wisdom and guidance and direction for everything that you're engaged in everything that you are involved in, and a peace that passes all understanding, and I encourage you today to tap into that piece, especially in the midst of all the storms that are taking place in all the things that are happening right now. Yes, there are there.

There's a change.

There is a new paradigm shift that's taking place a positive paradigm shift in many corners and there are small pockets of individuals that are coming together in assisting one another. Clay Clark was on talking about his or reawaken America tour and what they are doing. We recently had a gentleman on from remote health solutions that assisting doctors and and and the medical people to be able to find a place to go and alternative medical economy where people can go there that are not going to be mandated by masks and and experimental injections when when we play those pieces by that that show the testimony of Thomas Frandsen and Lee then this in front of Sen. Ron Johnson and men like Dr. Peterman: Dr. Robert Malone are standing up. Dr. Judy Markowitz that will be with us later on this week on the program for four who heard the truth that she stared she shared I'm sorry, Donna's band from YouTube folks we would not been afraid here chosen generation, radio to challenge and to speak out to speak truth in love, whether it's the issue of Islam. Whether it's the issue of these government overreaches the American gulags. Whether it's this medical tyranny.

We've been talking about this for two years. We were one of the very first ones to put together hours of interviews with Dr. Judy Markowitz talking about the medical and the and the it and the issues associated with these injections and vaccines not being anti-vaccine, but suggesting that the way in the method in which they were being done and created needed to be changed man. Sue and I went deep into the Wuhan virus exposing and talking about how it was created, and how the CCP is in fact responsible for the release of this chemical warfare against not just the United States of America but the entire world. And now we are over there and were going to have these Olympics over there.

These genocide games, folks working to give you the information. If you stick with us, you're going to have the education and the PhD to know how to fight back and how to fight back with intelligence with compassion and with God on your side.

I need your help though to be able to continue to do this, will you please prayerfully consider a donation today at Greg Greg or you can send it a check will accept checks happy to do so at faith, harvest Church, PO Box 3393, Bandera, TX 78003.

That's faith harvest Church, PO Box 3393, Bandera, TX 78003, folks, I am a I'm I'm always hesitant about asking for support. II pray and I asked the Lord God do I do I need to but you know what Scripture says that out of the hands of men. It will be given press down, shaken together and running over Job was restored as friends people that Job knew gave funds to Job to get hand his wife back on track Paul. Many talk about Paul. The tent maker and say will Paul Paul. He went out and he worked no call was supported by the churches in Macedonia as he went to the churches in Asia. He even says so. He thanks those churches for giving him the resources necessary so that he went to these other churches who didn't have the resources so he could minister to them.

There are those that are watching this program that perhaps you have resources that you might consider sharing. I would be so grateful and I believe God will bless you for again, Greg Greg or send a check today to faith, harvest Church, PO Box 3393, Bandera, TX 78003 faith harvest Church, PO Box 3393, Bandera, TX.

Our two straightahead greeting student generation Army. I'm so grateful to be connected with you my listeners you are some of the most engaged, responsive, loving and caring people I know I need to bring your attention and urgent need for our ministries in India. While there is become a focus on the Uighurs in China, our ministries in Jammu and Kashmir and Panjab are being terrorized by those same leaders the Taliban and the mounting CCP Army at the border of India between these threats in the lockdowns, we find ourselves in need of additional financial support. I'm asking for your help to support these pastors and their families are orphans are widows are Bible students and our community outreaches.

$15 will feed a pastor's family for a month. $20. Funds are selling school instructor and $150 a week. Funds are on-base operations, the orphans, the Bible school students. Even the selling school and our senior indigenous Pastor Samuel so please go to Greg that's Greg or you can call me at 20938086542093808654 to make your donation over the phone. Please call us contact me today and make your best donation.

Thank you and God bless you. Hey Pastor Greg here just wanted to check in and have you as my new studio show you that and then this because this is. This is cool stuff right here.

They said would happen, but with God all things are possible send me the love just wanted to say hello and show you what God's doing. God bless you have a great day. I am Pastor Greg goes to the chin generation radio show heard on the truth broadcasting network and seen on TEC Monday through Friday from 10 AM to noon Eastern where I discussed today's most important issues through a biblical constitutional lens, TEC, appreciates our partnership with NTD and we love for you to give our great programming of you that's TEC showed generation radio with Pastor Greg God bless you and God bless America chosen generation radio. You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, you should show forth the praises of him who is called you out of darkness into his marvelous life, which in time past were not a people that are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy and now chosen generation, hello to the program. Great to have you with me.

Thank you so much for being here.

I know you have a choice in where you can listen each and every day, and I thank you for giving attuned here to chin generation radio.

Well folks, I am really really excited to have my next guest with me. He is a world-renowned expert on the topic of China and it is my sincere pleasure to welcome to the program Gordon Chang Gordon welcome.

So good to have you. Thanks for being with me today.

I so appreciate it.

Thank you. You know that this this issue of China II think Kant can't be discussed enough honestly when we talk about the amount will the threat that the CCP is I was involved recently in Palm Springs California and that in presenting a film about what's happening to the following gong called finding courage, and it's the story of the true story of a family and that that was persecuted for their following gong beliefs. The sister was murdered and the brother was tortured for 12 years and and they even reenact. They re-created the chair that he was tortured in an and his hands being handcuffed behind his back was they didn't do what was done, but showing how they took an and took his hands backwards up over his head, broke his shoulders and broke his back while touching his hands to his feet at the bottom of the chair in front and they did this on four different occasions during the 12 years they tortured him, including the electric torture as well.

I know we talk about the Uighurs Gordon but I think it's important that we talk about what's happened to following gong because there there's a significant message there that's that's a little bit different than than the Uighurs situation in China right now they are going after all the buttons Uighurs law, but now Christianity and after Greg there going after Hooters are crossing a lot reason is that it is generally thought China to be a local literature came from India course. But the point is, they considered it to be Chinese are going after. Not only warrant quote unquote but now the quote unquote local ones as well, and the birds can't torture rape is indescribable in these two sectors there's five to sectors in this film and and and was something that struck me that was interesting about what they shared was that they have removed again all full of religion and spirituality so they push atheism, yet they they even show clips of the media saying you must accept and believe in atheism you must you must make that your belief system and it's it's not enough just to say I want you know I won't do this are all just keep it private, no, no, no, that's not enough.

You must believe in atheism and they said it's because they want you to be dependent than with no morality, no no barriers now.

You'll do anything for some kind of gratification and the gratification is the offer of money will undergird hearing about the People's Republic. They tried to break apart because they didn't want people have bought and of course when after religion was a competing source of loyalty, and his party felt during the rapport. I lasted for about 3 1/2 decades. You had tax on religion, but they were moderate but now under siege in Greg: Richard with the full force of the state and that's why were hearing about indescribable attacks on people of this is across time. This is not just Uighurs, Christians, following gong that you talk about all religions in the again you know I being a minister that has a lot of ministry in India. Our pastors have had interactions with Uighur Muslims in India and we've had ministers as well as members of our church that have been murdered and raped and so forth by Uighurs. But you know when you talk about you know the Buddhists for the most part, when you talk about following gong in particular, these are very peaceful and as you said, these are these are local. I mean at one point is that from from what I understand, there were 100 million practitioner practitioners of following gong and China and the Chinese government embraced what was going on.

Government officials were actively embracing this this peaceful religion of meditation and exercise and and then suddenly they became fearful because I guess it got to be too big.

Were talking about the middle of the 1940 gong because they thought as taking the place of healthcare, which the retreat couldn't provide an what happened is toward the end of the 1990s you have the big following gong demonstration around John not high on his party headquarters drums abandon who was general secretary decided that his party had to eliminate all uncle. Therefore, we Torture organ harvesting and the killing and that it continued to connect and lasting peace is how cinnamon Square played a role. I think all or is playing a role in because that was reengineered for the for the majority of the Chinese people. The Chinese people were not aware of what really happened and the narrative of Tiananmen Square and I think there's a lot of parallelisms Gordon.

Between that and what we see going on in our own media here in America and NY. Again, you know, we can learn lessons from this and we need to understand the danger of the CCP and their communist tactics party Road that became evident 2020, especially an attempt so the government were not only surreptitious journal, but some of these attempts were open party talked about public so we have to understand the maliciousness of this and we need a political system. Now that will understand that we are at war May 2019. People's daily, which is the most authoritative publication of China declared people's will and we now have a president who doesn't understand the nature this is not a competition. This is the next essential struggle do you think that he doesn't understand. I mean, guys, I suppose that the senility right that I mean the people around him. The regime of that is that is taken control now in DC from from the White House to the State Department you know and and so on.

Do they really not understand or do they or do they do you think possibly share some of the same ideology.

Some people might not ideology but this is a general lack of understanding, not just the Democratic part of the Republican Party as well. Equally guilty. This and we have seen both Republican and Democratic presidents, not defendants actually make decisions not to defend it was raining engagement. That the United States needed to help the economy as part of China and this was very much this started with a Republican started with Nixon and Kissinger and it become raining ideology until a trumpet inspection broke it in the Bible work were now back to tell me what you think you know I mean because were pretty far down the slope right frankly with regards to this when we look at for as example you know I still believe this is the Wuhan virus that were dealing with. It may be different derivatives, but at the end of the day for my conversations that I had early on, both with Nancy you and with an unnamed source, whose family is from Wuhan I I'm convinced this is the Wuhan virus, but all at and doctors I've had on and Dr. Judy Markowitz and others all having said relative to the that the situation that that we find ourselves in. We were dependent on them for medical supplies. Where were dependent on them for building supplies were dependent on them for circuitry.

I mean there are so many areas where without without their parts, and so forth. We we become pretty much nonfunctional. How do we fix this Gordon, how do we turn this around like a perfect opportunity to shorten low supply chain manufacturer closer to the point of consumption but a good example is drawn from a bunch of caravans? The order of Central America was destabilized. Let China we can get our factories to come back if for instance we liberalize the provisions of our free trade agreements with the Subunit think that we can do ourselves and also of course we can use the coercive powers of the International emergency economic Powers act seven or the trading with the enemy act of 19 this is a political decision but can be made now the economics are also driving this, but we can accelerate economic trend with political decisions.

It seemed as though presidents from Hannah's headed in the right direction with regards to this with the agreements that he was making with Latin America, some of the agreements that he was preparing to make with the United Kingdom even even with the pressure that he was putting on Germany relative to where they were going to be getting at, you know, natural gas, and how that was going to be processed and the Biden administration is essentially it appears unwound nearly everything that the Trump administration had done to begin to set America up to do exactly what you're talking about. Would you agree with that assessment, but not unwound. The trumpeter with her. One of the trade act or remedy property, but that it Biden treatment on done some very important so for instance you were referring to the north screen to pipeline, which would take gas from Russia to Germany.

The trumpet ministration put sections on the Biden team without getting anything in return but the Biden team took those functions.

All so we have a crisis now. I think part because Vladimir Putin doesn't respect by there. We had a lot of criticism during the trumpet ministration.

The trunk was "broke but we have seen in the Biden years when the Biden year actions which are inexplicable so this is the we have a general problem on Russia as we do on China and affected Trump as well. But the point is that right now is not dependent. Let's take a quick break to combat what Celeste talked about that and and the Russia China connection as well because I think that's an important conversation for us to have will have that coming up for you right after this brief break sexual predators and comprehensive sex education. Both break down inhibitions. That's what they start. They also gain trust with the child and then slowly start to get them toward sexual activity. Anything else you are teaching children, adult child sex your teaching transgender issues, and the children are our multiple and and influenced by that.

They said okay now we need you and your team to be to explain what homosexuality is to a four-year-old student to introduce this kind of material at that age, frankly, is child abuse you're going to teach our children that is okay for any two children of any age of any sex, to have sexual intercourse with each other as long as two components are present.

Once using a condom and able give consent to correctly is not a neutral venue. There's no such thing K.

The schools are doing your job. They are discipling your children, but they're not discipling them in the faith of Jesus Christ. Study the exceptional child that even survives at six most do not survive. Most have-nots of they believe that children are sexual from her and that they deserve and have the right sexually active and to seek sexual pleasure and if anyone is stopping them from that, then you are judging and asking even kindergarten another one to the teach them more and more perverse information and ask and put that in the children's minds, and once those that poison is in the child's mind doesn't leave don't always remember what they learned, and it's by design orchestrated in my humble opinion it will be worse before it gets better greetings student generation Army. I'm so grateful to be connected with you my listeners you are some of the most engaged, responsive, loving and caring people I know I need to bring your attention and urgent need for our ministries in India. While there is become a focus on the Uighurs in China are ministries in Jammu and Kashmir and Panjab are being terrorized by those same leaders the Taliban and the mounting CCP Army at the border of India between these threats in the lockdowns, we find ourselves in need of additional financial support. I'm asking for your help to support these pastors and their families are orphans are widows are Bible students and our community outreaches. $15 will feed a pastor's family for a month. $20.

Funds are selling school instructor and $150 a week. Funds are base operations, the orphans, the Bible school students.

Even the selling school and our senior indigenous pastor Samuel so please go to Greg that's Greg or you can call me at 20938086542093808654 to make your donation over the phone. Please call us contact me today and make your best donation. Thank you and God bless you. You know you can do your typing and love offering right from your computer. Visit to support chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now back to a chosen generation with pastor Grace hello my generation radio or no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. Thanks so much.

You know you have a choice where you can listen each and every day, and I think her tuning and welcome to those of you that are following the twitter lead I have to tell you I was that and from twitter for life for referring to Eric's wall, well as a Chinese spy horror.

I don't know why they had a problem with that EE is running a Chinese prostitution ring into house intelligence and Reuters has reported that the result of that has been that the Chinese are now using an NSA product so I hide I don't understand the problem.

Coordinate all it seemed to me like it was the truth.

All yes or well we certainly try.

We certainly make that our goal here is to tell the truth a generation radio we were talking about China and Russia and and you know the complexity of that II was a Russian linguist in the Cold War and the United States Air Force so I have some understanding of of of the maneuverings of of Russia and the disinformation campaigns for which both of them are are are quite adept. What's your take on the relationship between she and the and and put in an and where were you see those two countries right now are very close together, and they are coordinating their foreign policy during that no more than a decade. Also, their military cook and growing together they been doing that since 2005 last year to show you how close Russian troops for the first time started using Chinese weapons, which showed you there going towards interoperability and that of course is a dangerous general broader context is one of the more complex questions. A lot of people and a lot of very smart people say what these two countries will never in the long term cooperate and I can agree with that.

But the point is that irrelevant because in the here and now where we operate China and Russia are actually forming an alliance of alliances directed at us. It really, follows the concept of the enemy of my enemies is my friend and and and because I mean I remember when I was a Russian linguist and I had friends that were Chinese linguists, and we would you know talk about those kinds of things.

Even then an and in the geopolitical world that you know that the form of communism in Russia because I always was. Who would have imagined that you know when communism was embraced by China that China and Russia would be natural allies. But back in the in the you know early 80s and so forth. You know, at that point there. There were significant ideological differences in how the two regimes perceived communism.

If you will, and certainly power and control and it seems to me that she and Putin both want. You know, Emperor's ship if you will.

Your thoughts on that notion or all under heaven. The Chinese rulers not only have the right to rule all under but they have the obligation now you're a Russian or your Taliban in Afghanistan is not something you want to hear but the point is, the Chinese right now are cooperating fully with the Taliban and where the so what we have to be concerned about is that as we operate in today's world that were facing Russia and China working like an alliance. We have China and the tell about working very closely together.

We have the Chinese and North Koreans working together on a personal level but North Koreans actually take the Chinese visceral, but the point is, the North Koreans know that they are totally indebted to the Chinese will do what Beijing wants one-bedroom demand.

It's really interesting when you think about this axis because I see Russia I see China I see I ran and and and perhaps you know even turkey, although I think no one has his own designs on on on what he sees the world looking like through his eyes and the and the relaunching of the of the quote and quote Ottoman Empire it's it's it's a very complex time and certainly not a time for America to be absent from the stage but we need cooperation about and I can generally understand that, but the pointed light giving a veto to our allies on America.

So for instance talking about cyber attacks on the US wanted to do something, but our European allies would and by official in charge of cyber book were not doing anything because our allies will allow the violation of federal law and were telling were telling the Russians but were not enforcing federal law because the Germans don't want us to. This is not unless I forget what side the Germans ended up on the last time. Okay, having you know it it it it. I mean I hate to think that I would certainly love to see them. You know, as a as you know AHU NATO ally but yet you know they they want and and I do know we don't know where they will be again. I was writing down you know we've got Israel has always been an ally of ours.

The UK has been ally, although they become questionable and so that leaves India and Japan really and and and and our policies are just schizophrenic when it comes to all of this very close to now it's not quite that much because of the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan. The pro-Russian in New Delhi have now got credit strength our printed New Delhi. Delegitimized by complete failure button policy in Central and there you have it. Yeah it's it's it's outside.

I wish I was your segment can handle on on on giving you the the upswing that, but the reality is I think as believers went weak. We need to pray hard and we need to make sure that we are engaged and involved in the political process of putting individuals into office, whether it's in the Congress or in the Senate or in the White House to understand and will put America first Gordon, thank you so much for being with me. I so greatly appreciated very quickly.

Where can people find you so they can make contact with on Twitter Gordon tracking toward your web sheet.. And I archive my articles. Gordon, thank you God bless you sir are working to take a break.

Folks will be back. We got another full half-hour of children generation radio coming up Christian Watson is with us. The radical left view of the world will talk about it with Christian coming out right after this brief break is an old Chinese saying my ancestors learned before the party took over the family unit and that you must have and defend your family, but it's not always easy to do when the regime is to kill my heart was pounding, my body numbers on her shoulders and separated us into rows even and odd numbers. I was number nine. My brother still in prison and my sister labor camp without trial evidence haven't been able to destroy hey that's great here. Just wanted to check in and have used my new studio show you that and then this because this is. This is cool stuff right here. They said would happen, but with God all things are possible send me the love just wanted to say hello and show you what God's doing. God bless you have a great day greetings generation Army. I'm so grateful to be connected with you my listeners you are some of the most engaged, responsive, loving and caring people I know I need to bring your attention and urgent need for our ministries in India. While there is become a focus on the Uighurs in China are ministries in Jammu and Kashmir and Panjab are being terrorized by those same leaders. The tell van and the mounting CCP Army at the border of India doing these threats in the lockdowns, we find ourselves in need of additional financial support. I'm asking for your help to support these pastors and their families are orphans are widows are Bible students and our community outreaches. $15 will feed a pastor's family for a month. $20. Funds are selling school instructor and $150 a week.

Funds are base operations, the orphans, the Bible school students.

Even the selling school and our senior indigenous pastor Samuel so please go to Greg that's Greg or you can call me at 20938086542093808654 to make your donation over the phone. Please call us contact me today and make your best donation.

Thank you and God bless you know you can do your typing and love offering right from your computer. Visit to support a chosen generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now back to a chosen generation pastor Grace hello my future generation radio or no topic is off-limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses and my good friend Christian Watson joins a spokesman for color us united and host of pensive politics with Christian Watson, a great podcast. You should check it out. Chris Christian welcome good to have you think you being here all well my friend, I want for us to talk but I would remove her top one is talking with the Christopher Bedford in our in our first segment, something we talked about was was the amorality and and we were talking about the. The radical left's view of America and it's interesting the article that you have the written relative to the absurdity if you will you call it the absurdity of looking like America and and how they view us, you know.

I remember when you and I kinda did the. The parody a few months back I was asking you, you know you know what you while you were able to go to school and and and and you were able to go and buy a car and you did you know rent a home and at you. Nine and we can went back and forth about that a bit. But there's there's this absurd leftist concept of America as as you know, as wicked as evil and and and really a a necessity for America to reduce its its footprint on the world and and it's bringing about potentially a catastrophic result talk and he taught me about that and and what do you mean when you look at the absurdity of how the left is rewriting the face and landscape of our country right a lot of who are there." Rewriting rely on the being that I did that you can do political power, right of the government the power at the policy, which eventually: start with attracted you can fundamentally change the will of the world. What great whereabouts Eric Buckley called on Mike and Mary, your credit from your goodbye, let's expand upon all the eminent ties in the after party called us to bring a certain idea at on to without any regard for what the limits of reality are until progressive. Despite the Apple America postdebate and actually talking about engaging in what a lot of progress at 78 week repeat because they fought against the communist inquiry of the house in America. All now they don't want to have the same spirit of inquiry in this court they want to shut they want to follow their preconception that oppose them Over the next week with no young Joni Mitchell and Lockman and all the people were going backward, shut everything down and push their views blindly go back there trying to change America without actually questioning their own for the position and eating what they're doing fundamentally good for the country and politically. America, leap into what I wrote my peak about what you like America are trying to ship current diffusion to care more about identity as opposed to what are to be doing American dictation. Fundamentally, I don't want to be of the people become even more complicated will be at the power to live our lives in an unfortunate truth that the Evan era in which the government basically had been bait every part of our lot. If it you know the government basically has dominion over all and we picked healthcare. If you want to go ahead and to be a government that political had built within your rang and it has had an impact. Your lot the unmet need to ship become an essential concern for the prudent. Hello, we kinda have to reverse courtship, we kinda have to think now there are certain things are relegated. Me and Mike me in my private. Diction the government has no legitimate multifunction engagement with the number two there are three things about America, you cannot change many different opinion in place.

But there are certain about my country, you cannot. You will not change that you do take the thing will not have a country as we know not think they don't work out the country at the back will always be the danger basically market but it's interesting you bring up a number of points going back to what you you know had had spoken about relative to the religious aspect right there. There's a misrepresentation of of what heaven is going to look like in it right. There's that there's a leftist view of heaven that that they are are are pretending to put upon us and and then there's the biblical perspective in the biblical view of heaven.

You know and and when you talk about McCarthy. You know it's interesting because we talk about McCarthyism, except that what's missed in the real history of Joseph McCarthy was that his focus was on addressing and uncovering what Communists were doing and Gen. Pacheco's book disinformation as well as red horizon, which is what Reagan referred to as is liable for the dismantling of the Soviet Union actually talks about how McCarthy was right McCarthy, I was actually exposing Communists and their infiltration of our schools of our churches of our government of our business of every aspect of our lives, but they had already taken enough control of the media as an example and of press to be able to flip the script on McCarthy and now McCarthy is looked at as oh, it's McCarthyism that that's a form of communism that that's like saying fascists are somehow all rights I me if I'm right entity indicated there were common in their lot, they are more open and break operating in the highest level American government and American actually correct the problem. It McCarthy's methods, he would've been maligned at the attack, and the like, but I don't think it would be to the extent the problem with McCarthy with the court in 09, there was a newspaper editor in The pump out the critical article about an adjustment means the article targeted your comic meet at that. He bought what a lot of people from Hollywood fourth committee what the political persuasions are more of no new people to become a Pequot war before the committee and chided them you know I can record or and you know I cannot do that always but in this case I will eat that America is founded on a sort of fundamental and even if there are people that are get back the right moment not right to take a nap like you want all left now and not for the battle line should be drawn, but you know I don't think I don't want to live in America where someone cannot be outspoken about their beliefs no matter, no matter how damaging I need to know how to fight. I know, but what I know.

I do know where they are and so I think that you know Methodology or the two biggest think accurately to the McCarthy story.

My baby is great that that's why I I agree, I would agree up to a point, but that lets you take for example members a black lives matter in Dallas marching down the center of the street, saying, you know, calling them pigs fly them like bacon and at the end of that March 5 Dallas police officers are executed by an assassin member is so IIII would I again I understand what you're saying relative to this concept of free speech. I think we need to apply what Adams said our Constitution is fit only for moral people. And so I communism introduces atheism. Atheism introduces an amoral culture and an amoral society, and you know when you when you listen to Chinese Communist Party defectors. That's one of the things they talk about and and if you want some of the propaganda that's associated in in modern-day communist China where they are currently persecuting every religious sect Christians following it on Uighurs.

Buddhism, all of them. They are they are saying you must you must embrace atheism and this concept that was introduced in the 60s or the Supreme Court started making decisions not predicated on any precedent whatsoever, but simply on personal emotional worldview positions. God taken out the Bible, prayer taken out and the concept the reading in in in Institute ever there are the changing of the definition of what the Constitution said about freedom of religion and Congress shall make no law and calling that now the separation of church and state were going to need to take a quick break when we come back Christian. I want to give you a chance to kind of, you know so we can dialogue a little bit about these things because these are important topics brother.

These are critically important topics and and and and I and again I agree. Free speech is critical, freedom of religion is critical.

The ability to come together redress our government and hopefully and actually free press, which I don't believe we have today in America on all critical.

Let's take a quick break you listening to Joan generation radio my good friend Christian Watson you can see on the screen for watching Christian J. is the website Christian J. encourage you to follow Christian will be back with more with Christian coming up right after this brief break sexual predators and comprehensive sex education. Both break down inhibitions. That's what they start. They also gain trust with child, and then slowly start to get them toward sexual activity. Anything else you are teaching children, adult child sex your teaching transgender issues, and the children are are multiple and and influenced by that.

He said okay now we need you and your team to be to explain what homosexuality is to a four-year-old student to introduce this kind of material, age, frankness, child abuse, you're going to teach our children that is okay for any two children of any age of any sex, to have sexual intercourse with each other as long as two components are present. Once using a condom and able give consent to correctly is not a neutral venue. There's no such thing, Kate. The schools are doing your job. They are discipling your children, but they're not discipling them in the faith of Jesus Christ. It's only the exceptional child that even survives at system.

Most do not survive. Most have-nots of they believe that children are sexual from birth and that they deserve and have the right sexually active and to seek sexual pleasure and if anyone is stopping them from nap, then you are judging and even kindergarten another one to the teach them more and more perverse information and acts and put that in the children's minds, and once those that poison is in the child's mind doesn't leave don't always remember what they learned, and it's by design orchestrated. I am Pastor Greg goes to the Joan generation radio show heard of the truth broadcasting network and seen on TEC Monday through Friday from 10 AM to noon Eastern where I discussed today's most important issues through a biblical constitutional lens TCN appreciates our partnership with NTD and we love for you to give our great programming of you that's TEC children generation radio with pastor Greg God bless you and God bless America. Now back to a chosen generation with your host Pastor Greg and don't forget you can get more chosen generation, at L. Imagine generation radio were no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses, my special guest Christian Watson Christian J. is the website find Christian J. is so you know, again we were talking about the issue of free speech. I want to toss this to you and and and your thoughts on on the things that you know I was responding to relative to what you eject so you know you mentioned a lot there a lot that I think that okay I think that about how it will be with an early morning to take an intemperate social elite McWhorter kind kind of follow the lot are worn or equipment are terrible but a lot a lot of Army now you can grow the weight to a lot of different that have no foundation for the car and yelled and those not stripping you shape what is a country that it might be hard on matter, but the social clock but more High generation of people trying not to relook at the consequent okay here in this and really not even being told the truth of the consequent tinkle of the concrete document certain clinical viewpoint, though a culture that focused entirely on talk consequent got a culture that can really convert virtue reluctantly a matter consequent to confirm a matter so no matter how dire situation.

It doing the right thing. Always doing the right thing no matter if that complement is not beneficial to you. It always doing the right thing, we don't have a culture that is kind of doubt we have it out � la cart colt strained up, do it yourself. Whatever you want to do whatever you want to be that I sleep what is good and embolic. So even blind in a lot of our think you know anything complement alternate to great what underlying welfare okay well don't welfare caught you will meet with Dr. Bach. Our internal our independent but shall live a good light yelling at this to just go clicking in and and and and then let's keep the conversation going on and because I think this is fantastic. The other piece to that is, is that it also attacks the very nucleus of the family because because what does it do it, it calls into question. You know, the role of of the provider which is which is truly supposed to be the man's role.

The husband's role and the woman's role as nurture men and women are in fact created differently. That does not make them unequal. It makes them unique and and this speaks to you know that. Were we talked about a moment ago, which is sovereignty.

When I say sovereign citizen that has been hijacked. The Clinton administration began that but a sovereign citizen is now considered to be somebody I mean that that the absolutely incomplete lies that were told about Ruby Ridge right and I went and about what happened to that family and and and a man's wife who was shot in the head through a door yet not very well quick treatment right now. Unfortunately, there are people who have taken the current talk, not meeting the luck of being a ball being being all that mean that your about your independent someone with your obligation, your someone, most importantly, who is not going to be controlled by any arbitrary authority and in my Christian I'm submitted to the authority of God.

So I'm sovereign and my humanity but might look like I'm submitted my thinking that the apartment is not shortening you guys not for me. The idea of sovereignty is is is that I have one king and his name is Jesus Christ and and my rights my liberties my freedoms are are from God and from God only and and intrusions upon those rights, liberties and freedoms are ungodly and and therefore in in my opinion unconstitutional because I believe our Constitution was written specifically to defend my individual right to sovereignty and right behind my back. This government has consistently sold me out.

You mentioned early in the conversation. If you want to start a business. You better go get a license if you want to build on your property. You better go get a permit will we went.

When did we surrender our sovereignty so easily. I'm not .1 point were all happy in order to order another caught Mark with left about I got I don't I don't I don't know I'm there a great point, but what I think our reconstructed pretty pretty bad in terms of how the union penalize Lottie on the top or were destroyed in a conflict that would tell her that that cause more people got there was a lot yeah a lot DeLeon coming out of the Civil War. Yeah you you could you could also talked about the federalization of of the dollar and the federalization of debt yeah 1915 when the Federal Reserve act with An equipment greed greed is not ideal public land out in all the land.

Yes, also celebrated this and which has no basis in the Constitution, the, the, the, the government has absolutely no. First of all, the government shouldn't own anything and all I agree nothing I agree.

I got great. I agree there is a public monarchy point of corporate America apps like the I have felt that he eliminate, let me if I might take a moment and because were never going to get towards the end of this and I think that there is there some words of encouragement that we can draw from Scripture in this and in second Corinthians chapter 4 it says we are troubled on every side, yet not distressed. We are perplexed, but not in despair persecuted, but not forsaken, cast down, but not destroyed.

Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.

For we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh.

So then death worketh in us, but life in you. We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore I have spoken. We also believe and therefore speak knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus, and shall present us with you for all things are for your sakes that the abundant grace might through the Thanksgiving of many red down to the glory of God, for which cause we faint not.

But though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.

For our light affliction's which is but for a moment working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

At the end of the day Christian America must stand as a Christian nation for the sake of the world. Byron writing that that ungraded point things that are not seen are eternal. They think I'm a bit lacking. Not being right, but� I forgot to import the evidence Satan faces the substance of things not seen the evidence of things hoped for, or a brighter future for America for not work for work for right participating in it and and votes for individuals that have the right ideology. The right mindset the right thought process so credit report were out of time today Christian Watson. What a great conversation, Christian J. check them out. You been listening to John generation.calm. I'm your host Pastor Greg and get us and NTD TV. Be sure and check out two of the most liberty minded places with the most liberty minded posts. I hope that you have a very blessed day and I hope will join us again tomorrow. Here same time for John generation.

God bless you.

I'm your host Pastor Greg I am Pastor Greg goes to the John generation ready or show heard of the truth broadcasting network and seen on TEC Monday through Friday from 10 AM to noon Eastern where I discussed today's most important issues through a biblical constitutional lens TEC appreciates our partnership with NTD and we love for you to give our great programming of you that's TEC children generation to yell with Pastor Greg God bless you and God bless America greetings shouldn't generation Army.

I'm so grateful to be connected with you my listeners you are some of the most engaged, responsive, loving and caring people I know I need to bring your attention and urgent need for our ministries in India. While there is become a focus on the Uighurs in China are ministries in Jammu and Kashmir and Panjab are being terrorized by those same leaders. The tell van and the mounting CCP Army at the border of India between these threats in the lockdowns, we find ourselves in need of additional financial support.

I'm asking for your help to support these pastors and their families are orphans are widows are Bible students and our community outreaches. $15 will feed a pastor's family for a month. $20. Funds are selling school instructor and $150 a week. Funds are base operations, the orphans, the Bible school students. Even the selling school and our senior indigenous Pastor Samuel so please go to Greg that's Greg or you can call me at 20938086542093808654 to make your donation over the phone, please call

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