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Pastor David Lowery Jr. discusses the destruction of the black family / Vic Avila on the Texas border invasion

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
August 16, 2022 1:09 pm

Pastor David Lowery Jr. discusses the destruction of the black family / Vic Avila on the Texas border invasion

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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August 16, 2022 1:09 pm

Pastor David Lowery Jr. discusses the destruction of the black family. Stop claiming it's the fault of everyone else and start taking responsibility and making the changes. Certain elements like Planned Parenthood targeted black communities.

Vic Avila Texas border invasion. Maduro in Venezuela is sending criminals and former military criminals to America to cause trouble and advance his criminal empire. Increased violence in Mexico is coming into the US.


Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. No topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now here's your host, Pastor Greg.

And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. Our number two, so excited to be with you. If you missed any parts of our number one, man, I'm telling you, David Sumrall and I really got down into it.

Marlago? No, that was not the first time that a private citizen's home has been kicked in. Let me tell you, OK?

And not only can we talk January 6, but as he and I did when we were prefacing that this is exactly what the black neighborhoods have experienced for years. And nobody, nobody wants to talk about that. Nobody, nobody got in there and said they all just said, well, you know, you must have been in the wrong place at the wrong time or or, you know, you must have done something bad. And does bad stuff happen?

Yeah. And is there justification sometimes? But but that's the problem. And and in instances where we're innocent, people are being targeted by by a law enforcement entity that is out of control. Folks, these are the reasons why we have a bill of rights, and it's so important that everyone is following that. And I welcome Pastor David Lowry, because Pastor Lowry, what you're doing and what you're working to do is in the end, and specifically in the black community, is to go all the way to the street and talk to the shooters. And the gang leaders and express to them, hey, there's a different way, there's a better way. You don't need to prostitute the women. You don't need to push the drugs. You don't need to, you know, fight for your territory and kill one another.

There is a better way. And you and I were talking in the green room. I blame the church because I believe that the church had a responsibility to raise up virtuous people. We talk about politicians and policies, but good laws are only applicable because only good people follow good laws. Period. End of story.

And politicians would do the right thing if they'd been raised up with virtue by the church. Good morning, Vietnam. I love it. No doubt. No doubt. Oh, man. First, give it under the God in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And I want to thank all the listeners, Pastor Greg, for having me on the show.

And let's get it in. True. It is part of the church's responsibility to be in a community to raise people with integrity, to find God, and to be able to have a good understanding of what's out there and what they need to do. But now you touched on something that was very powerful when you started talking about police. Well, a lot of the things that's going on in my community, the black community is the police are problem in some situations. But because of the fact the lack of knowledge and a lot of folks, young folks out there like educational needs, they lack economic needs. There's a lot of things that plays to come to this thing to say that it's just only on the church when it's not. The church play a big part of it. But we have to learn how to elect good leaders with integrity and honesty. And that's what we haven't had in the black community in years.

So that's the reason why we're in this condition. And yes, police can exacerbate it sometimes because here in Chicago, I know a lot of good officers who put their lives on the line every day. They're my friends, you know, with family, family members. And so we have to really be cognizant of those type of officers. But there are a few bad ones out there who are doing things against the will of the people and against God. So we have to really, really be careful that we don't throw all police officers in that bag because I can guarantee that some of my cousins that are police officers, man, we pray daily and we pray for them to come back home at the end of the night, man.

So you can't just throw everybody in the same room. Well, and an understanding to that, you know, and I know you covered this on your show, and I'm so glad that you and Donna Jackson got together and had that program talking about Planned Parenthood and about the targeting of the black community. I've had Donna on a number of times.

She's incredible. Reverend Childress has black genocide dot org for those that are not familiar with it. And I reference that and have for years, because he goes through and gives the statistics on how abortion is targeting the black community, in particular in New York. More babies killed than born alive in the black community because of Planned Parenthood and because of this, you know, this this abortion targeting that's gone on.

You know, Pastor David, there's no question, I think, that there has been a targeting by certain entities when it comes to the black community. Well, you know, just the Roe versus Wade situation, a lot of things have come out and the show that we did last Wednesday on That's the Truth be Told, the numbers that we put out there. So since Roe versus Wade, there have been over 40 million more abortions. 60 percent of that 40 million have been black babies that was murdered in the womb. OK, so you're talking about 60 percent of 40 million roughly, that's maybe like at about 28 million babies that have been murdered before they even got to see the light of day. So all of this leads to what's happening in the black community now. We talked about how in the 60s and 70s, the black family structure was at 79 to 80 percent.

If you look at the numbers today, it's down to a whopping 13 percent. So if you contribute the lives that was lost to 28 million babies that was born with murder in the womb, you add into that black man being incarcerated. You add into that homosexuality. And there's a lot of factors that have caused the black community to not get together and sustain the family structure. So we here with us at Living and Driving While Black, we're trying to teach and we're trying to get black folks to understand we no longer can blame everybody else. We have to start looking at that inside ourselves. We have to get pastors like you and me who are able to counsel young people to talk about marriage. These things not being done by the church like they used to be. They're not being done as as the way it used to be. So now we're in a situation where 13 percent, that's pretty much that's pretty much the end of the black community in another five to six years at 13 percent.

Now, we'll be talking about five to six percent and that will bring you into the black family structure as well as black people in the community as a whole. And it's so critically important for folks to understand that, you know, this this destruction of the family core and looking within each of our communities to identify how can we better serve our communities and help them to become healthy, help to eradicate some of the bad messaging that's going on. And part of that bad messaging and you and I've talked about this as well is that LGBTQ agenda and the targeting of children. They're going after the kids, the drag queens that are showing up in libraries, the pornography that is showing up. You go into your child's school and you go into the grammar school section of the library and you're going to find pornographic material that exists in there.

That if you handed this to a child out on the street, you'd be arrested. And yet here you are, you know, promoting this stuff. And you've got teachers that are reading this stuff. And I mean, you can't I can't I could not cannot sit here with some of these books and read them to you online right now without being censored. Well, and the show that we did about and to the American people, I want to give you a heads up. The last show that you and I did, we talked about the homosexuals in the schools and they have a book out that's called The Gay BCs. Now, folks, if you wonder what The Gay BC is, you can remember when you were in school, you had these little small books that said C Jane Ron, C Spot Ron. The new gay book is in comparison to that to teach kindergartners on what it is to be a bisexual, what it is to be a lesbian. And we read some of the stuff off of there, man.

And I'm telling you, I was just taken back and the American people are not really aware. I don't think that they're really aware of the damage that's being done to our children in our schools, because if you look at it now, I want to say this is what it says in the book itself. It says and this is what your kindergartners are going to be learning. It says elders for lesbian.

It is a love and affection between two special girls who share a connection. Now, what is a five or six year old going to be able to understand what a lesbian means, first of all, and then to poison the child to say that it's the love between two women. This is totally, totally against what the parents should be allowing, because parents should be at these schools. They should be taking the kids out of the schools.

They should be holding these administrators council, because I just don't see how this could help a four or five year old. And let's be clear. Okay. And we talked about this.

Dr. Peter McCullen. I talked about this. We talked about it with Reverend Jim Harden of Compass Care yesterday, who is the head of the pro-life clinic in Buffalo that was burned to the ground by Jane's Revenge. And we talked about the numbers as it relates to our culture, our society and the birth rates. We do not have a sustainable birth rate in the United States of America.

We do not have a sustainable birth rate in the world as a whole. And and look, I had Dr. or Reverend or Dr. Syed Hader who was on the program. He said, call it what it is. It's sodomy. You know, call it what it is. Okay.

It's it. And sodomites can't produce children. Lesbians can't produce children. Now they can get sperm. But where does the sperm come from? It comes from a man, not from another woman. Two eggs are not going to get together and and and become life.

It ain't going to happen. So, folks, I want to read another thing to you, because it just blows my mind that parents don't know about this. So when your your kindergarten come home and say, Mom, what is a bisexual? And the book says B is for bi. You can shout it out loud.

I like more than one gender. And that makes me proud. So your kindergarten, this this is straight garbage, but it's in the school system and parents have not addressed it. They've let it go by the church, have not stood on it. You know, and that's what we did here in Chicago.

We went after the state for this. But then a lot of the pastors just sit back and just roll off. You know, they got to live, too. That's not the point.

The point is, you do not force an abomination lifestyle on anybody. All right. We'll be back right after this. I agree wholeheartedly, by the way.

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Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. Good. And welcome back to Chozen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits, everything filtered through biblical glasses. Today, I'm joined by a very special guest and my good friend, Pastor David Lowry Jr. Pastor David, you know, we're talking about this thing and there's going to be those that are going to be sitting out there that are going to say, well, you know what, look, you know, you're interfering with, you know, loving relationships.

You're interfering with, you know, people and what they do in their homes and so on and so on and so on. Folks, I've been doing marriage counseling for 40 years. I've been married myself for 36 years to my wife, five children, three grandkids. I have been counseling and doing weddings and so pre-marriage counseling for almost 40 years.

And one of the things that I talk about in the pre-marriage counseling is the difference between love and lust. George Carneal Jr. has written the book From Queer to Christ. He spent 25 years in the homosexual lifestyle. He was on this program recently where he said, and I said, I'm embarrassed to say this, but I had well over 100 partners. It is common in the homosexual, in the sodomite lifestyle to have well over 100, even approaching 200 partners in that lifestyle.

OK, that is very common. And the quote unquote divorce rate is near 75 percent. That is a it is a lust relationship and they're pushing it on your kids and they're and and David has for you how they're doing it. And and and how they will attack you as a parent when you try to speak up about it.

David, go for it. Well, but here in Illinois, when the governor signed SB 818 into law, there was a lot of things that was in this bill that parents didn't realize that was happening in the schools. And I want to read to you exactly what's in this bill so parents can know what will happen if they decide that they want to kick against it. It says this and straight from the task force recommendation, when a transgender, non-binary or gender conforming student that does not have a supportive home environment, regardless of their age. The gender support coordinator can work with the student to identify what course of action that will be prioritized to their safety. Can you discern can you discern meaning that in the ticket of the week and playing English, the task force is saying that if parents oppose the children participation in this sexual masquerade, viewing it rightly as false.

And destructive. Then the school employee, led by the gender support coordinator, will help these students deceive their parents. And that's what's the most frightening thing of this all is that if your child at 10, 12 years old, which hormones are going crazy, don't know whether they want to be a man or a woman. But if this child accidentally said something to a gender coordinator at the school, then they would take your child.

They would deceive you. They would then teach your child about homosexuality, turning into a transgender or whatever the case may be. Give your child hormone shots and puberty blockers. And once that child is comfortable enough to come to you and say, hey, I want to be gay and you guys just have to accept me as I am. If the parents kick against that, then they will call DCFS and they remove that child from the home. And that's how this law is able to separate families and cause a lot of confusion with our young people and our older people as far as keeping the family structure. But Pastor Greig, my thought is this. Where are all the other pastors and parents that should right now be standing up against what's happening in this country? Because these are our children.

These are the future of the country. And yet they are so disconcerned about raising these children to be educated, to know right from wrong with integrity and honor. But yes, they're teaching them these lewd lifestyles. And this thing right here is it's porno.

It's pornographic. Yeah, absolutely. The five year old talking about what a bisexual is or a five year old trying to learn what a lesbian is.

They don't even know who they are. And so I think the American people need to wake up and we need to come after these schools. We need to take our kids out of these schools and start training them the way that God had us to train our children. Well, at the end of the day, I think I think you hit the nail on the head. And that is, you know, it's about the money, too. It's about finances. OK, it's about what's going to happen to you if you push back against this kind of stuff.

And I'm going to try and get John Euler on the program. John was attacked. And they tried to actually go after his professional license for his counselor's license in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

The prosecution division of the Department of State's Office of Chief Counsel has completed its inquiry based on allegations. You made homophobic remarks and posts on social media. They went after his his professional license as a as a professionally licensed counselor for for basically having called out what what is is wrong and what's going on. It's it's just absolutely and this had to do with the transgender.

Folks, the bottom line at the end of the day is this. These are your children. The word of God says in Psalms that they that they are his blessing to you in the womb. They're a blessing to you. And they have been placed in your hands for your care. And it's our responsibility as parents to raise up children in the way they should go to protect them from these kinds of predators.

And and folks, if that means getting them out of school, then find a way and get your child out of school till you can get the school squared away. Pastor David Lowery, thanks for being with me. Victor Avila, we're out of time.

Victor Avila will be back with us right after this. Hi, I'm a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe. I was taking the traditional vitamin mineral tablets.

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Drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg.

And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And no, that's not David Lowery that you're seeing on your screen. That is Victor Avila and he is Agent Under Fire, the book Agent Under Fire. You can also find him at Victor Avila Speaks. And Victor is somebody that I turn to as one of my primary experts about the border issues. And of course he spends a lot of time down there at the border doing recon, getting information.

Not just to report it to folks like me, but also to give advice and counsel because he is still incredibly vested in the welfare and the safety of the United States of America and in the officers that he serves and the agencies that he assists. And I thank you for that, Victor, in spite of everything that you have been through, including being left for dead, the trauma of that, the trauma of your partner, everything you've been through, brother, you are still in the fight. And I have just the most highest regards and respect. So thank you for that. Thank you.

Thank you for that, Pastor Greg. Always great to be with you and lots to share today. There's a lot to share. Well, let's get right into it, because time seems to fly by, as you and I both know.

So let's get right into it. At the top of the list, one of the things that pops into my head is, is these counties that have now declared that there is an emergency. There are several of them now that have come together. And what are the potential ramifications of that or what does that mean? What can they do? What changes because they're doing that? Is that at the top of the list, would you say?

It's definitely very important. I think yesterday. Don't quote me on this. I think it's 11 counties now in the state of Texas. The latest one that I just heard of. They notified me directly was Rockwall County, which is up north and way up north.

And that tells you something. They have declared an invasion at their level, at their county level. And what they're trying to do, these counties is hopefully bring the pressure to Governor Abbott and say, listen, if the counties are declaring the invasion, you must declare it at the state level to finally get something done and stop the individuals from coming in.

The last two days have been out of control. A couple of thousand have come in just in the real sector, which is Eagle Pass, Norman, the area, mostly single adult males and women from where? From where?

Per dom? Venezuela. Venezuela. Really? OK. Well, I have a lot to share with you. Please tell. Yeah. Tell me.

All right. Venezuela. So the intel that I received is that the Nicolas Maduro, the dictator up there in Venezuela or down there, I should say, is opening up his prisons and sending the worst of the worst, the prisons and rehabilitation centers to send them through Mexico into the United States. Now, these individuals are, you know, calling them criminals is is is not just what they are, but the threat that we face by allowing them to come in here, they're also, you know, if Border Patrol checks them and runs their fingerprints, they're not going to come back with anything.

They're not going to they're going to come out clean because because sometimes they're not in the system. Venezuela might not participate in this in these databases, so they might not come up with a positive history. Therefore, some of them are soldiers. A lot of them are our soldiers from the military. Even I, last time I was down there, asked them about that. And sure enough, they they they admitted that they're soldiers from Venezuela.

Wait a minute. Venezuela soldiers that were imprisoned or. Yeah, paramilitary, military criminals, everything.

So these are so so these are like. Corrupt military officers or soldiers that were doing illegal things in Venezuela that were jailed. And now Maduro is releasing these military style assassins into the United States of America. Some of them some of them are just exactly what you described. Others are just straight up prisoners, straight up prisoners. And my source tells me that they're just the worst of the worst. These are criminals that will rob you, kill you, rape you.

This is what we're there. They're renting women, buying women. Forcing women to come with them and other children to come in as family units as well.

But they don't even need to do that anymore. They're coming in single adult males. I was just in Brownsville, Texas, last week, OK, flew with a bunch of illegal aliens on the same airplane and unaccompanied minors.

I'm talking about kids from four years old to about nine years old. This is continuing on a daily basis. But what's happening right now, Pastor Greg, is the violence that is breaking that broke out this past week in Mexico, Mexico, into the state of Jalisco, the state of Guanajuato, Ciudad Juarez, Tijuana. They started burning up these towns, the cartels. They started burning these convenience stores, kind of like 7-Elevens, right, burning blockades with buses, carjacking people, getting them out of the car and torching the car in the middle of intersections. This has been happening, killed nine people in Ciudad Juarez in a matter of minutes.

Four of them were from the media. There was a prison riot. All of this that I'm telling you that's happened is very relevant to us because several things. The Mexican government and their response or lack of response is just incredible to me. The president of Mexico says, well, you know, we were everything's under control.

You must remain calm. He did send military to Tijuana to try to reestablish some order. But my point is here that there is no real enforcement against the cartels. The cartels are not just the Mexican cartels, but the organized crime coming from Venezuela and their organized crime. And those individuals are paying off what they call the plazas in Mexico.

They're OK with paying those cartels to allow their people to come through right up to our county. Why all of a sudden has Venezuela decided to get engaged in this? Because this is sounding I mean, we heard a lot about Guatemala previously and a lot of Guatemalans that were coming up. And we did hear about some different pockets of South America.

But but this concentrated effort by. Maduro and Venezuela to send these specific types of individuals and organized crime. What has there become? I mean, has Los Zetas lost some of its power? Are they partnering with these entities?

What exactly is going on here? So according to my source, he by the way, the Venezuelans have been coming from for a long time. OK, and they're all coming good, bad and the worst of the worst. But now it's with this intention because my little and then the government up there has has they have decided that Mexico is never going to lift the embargo.

They're never going to lift these sanctions. So they're like, OK, well, that's the case. Then we're going to we're going to send them a taste of what we have to deal with with these type of people. Now, a lot of the Venezuelans that are also coming have not been in Venezuela for several years. They've been in surrounding countries like Colombia and they also are also coming.

So you're getting all of them. But these guys are very good at infiltrating themselves. They're trained. They they these caravans are coming. The bad Venezuelans, these criminals organize the they're the head of the organization of the caravans to navigate through Mexico. They're getting the those special visas, if you will, from Mexico. Some of them are being detected and in Mexico and they're being expelled. But the way Mexico expels them from their country, they give them this pass and they say, you have 20 days to leave the country of Mexico and you've been expelled. Well, guess where they go? They go straight to the Texas border or Arizona border. And we don't know that. We don't know that until when we encounter them. If we happen to detect them, we are not then able to deport them or send them back to Mexico because they have already been expelled from Mexico. And they have they have the get out of Mexico free card. And so now we're stuck with them because we're not we can't send them to Venezuela.

Oh, my God. Venezuela, because Venezuela and the conditions that they're in over there. This is the reality that is happening there. And I'm telling you, the violence in Mexico, the cartels. There have been some tremendous amounts of seizures in the last few days of fentanyl and meth as a reminder that Mexico is a number one distributor and producer with the help of China to bring those things, those drugs over.

And we're going to have to get into a break here in a second. But so what we're seeing then is, is we're seeing a number one massive numbers and the numbers are increasing. We're seeing Maduro, who's not a good guy, who's basically taking his the criminals that he doesn't want to work with in his country. And that's saying something in and of itself, because Maduro is a criminal. Maduro uses criminal enterprises in Venezuela in order to keep the oppression on the people of Venezuela. And yet here's a group of criminals that he's sending out. What I want to ask to just pops into my head is there is there any link between Maduro and him expanding his criminal enterprise into the United States? We'll talk about that coming up right after this brief break.

I'm your host, Pastor Greg. You're listening to Children's Generation Radio, Victor Avila, Agent Under Fire Book Dotcom. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War Two defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

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I am Patriot Mobile. Alright, welcome back to Ten Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical texts. Victor Avila,, or Victor Avila Speaks. Victor Avila Speaks, and you can get him to come and speak to your group about these very important issues.

Be sure and pick up the book, though, Agent Under Fire, the book, Agent Under Fire. Alright, so we're talking about, you know, this situation, and I ask you specifically about Maduro and the expansion of his criminal enterprise. And do you see that as being part of this as well, that they see an opportunity within the United States because of the breakdown of the rule of law and so on to expand his criminal enterprise? Absolutely, absolutely. I mean, they're working with the Cartel de los Soles, and you probably haven't heard of these guys before.

No. Cartel de los Soles is basically the cartel in Venezuela, the number one criminal organization over there, made up of a lot of these individuals. And they are working together with Cartel Jalisco New Generation in Mexico and have kind of formed some kind of alliance with them to say, allow us to bring in our people.

They've also gotten together with CBN, which is the faction of Lozetas, bringing people from Africa and Venezuela. I'm reading my notes here. By coincidence, Pastor Greg, by coincidence, I get a source of mine in Texas that tells me, hey, I saw this individual at a local HEB. Our local grocery store is in southern Texas with a tattoo of a four percent on his neck. And he says, have you heard of that? I say, you know, I used to be a gang intel. I'm pretty good with tattoos. I said, I never heard of a four percent.

So by coincidence, I started looking into it. My source in Mexico says these are the Venezuelan guys. They tattoo.

These are the worst of the worst. They're these cartel gang members, whatever you want to call them. But they they tattoo four, six and eight, depending on the area of Venezuela, where they're coming from. Now, the four is the area called El Doral or the El Doral, which is basically like the neighborhood area in Venezuela, which is a criminal breadbasket at the center of these guys. Wow.

In Fredericksburg, Texas. Oh, my goodness. This guy's walking around there. So they are here. They have infiltrated. I want people to understand that this is the public safety issue. I always will repeat the national security issue that we face. Mexico is doing nothing about this other than a day before yesterday with all the violence that occurred this past week. They did arrest several individuals of those individuals that they arrest.

I think four of them were charged with terrorism. Now, this is this is great news, right? You know, this is this is what Mexico does, though.

But I'll tell you the realities here. Mexico charges because they've been terrorized in Mexico for a long time. And I'll say it again. And I've been saying it for years.

The cartels control Mexico and have influence over the whole country of Mexico. But so they charge them with terrorism. Great.

This is great. This is this is something that I and other of my colleagues have been pushing for a long time. It's on the U.S. side to designate some of these cartels as foreign terrorist organizations. Right. That's exactly what they are. Right.

Right. Well, Mexico charges them a couple of days ago with terrorism. But as as you might know, Mexico charging and arresting somebody is very different than prosecuting them under the under that law. And I'm not holding my breath, but there's a 98 percent of the people in Mexico that get arrested do not get prosecuted. I thought you were going to say that they put them on a ship or plane or something and send them to America. And we and we, you know, had a celebration in the Biden administration, gave them medals and then and then brought them in and put them in the administration. We're not that far off.

Let me tell you. But so that's going to be something that I'll be following closely to see what's going on with those with those terrorism charges, because obviously Mexico, even though the president is not very in tune with taking out these cartels, they do these things once in a while where you think, OK, that's a you see, Mexico has it. It just gives you the the reminder that Mexico has the capabilities and laws to do and force and take these guys out. They just wish not to do it. Now they have terrorism laws.

So great. This charge them this this this put them in prison for being terrorists. But there's a big problem with Mexican immigration, the national Mexican National Guard. They have there's just a lot of corruption. The U.N. has a big presence in Mexico.

OK, the blue has the protecting the migrants, you know, because they're the victims of you must let them through. And so the these these mafias in Venezuela are are willing to to pay the cartels to allow them to come through Mexico. But it is getting to the point where obviously in Texas, the sheriffs and the counties are are right there willing to do it. But we need the state of Texas, the governor to step up. And just like the two thousand that came in in a couple of days ago, instead of allowing them to walk in, stand there with our troopers and National Guard to send them back.

I can't tell you how much I crave to see that. Now, when when those two thousand come in in the last couple of minutes, you're very quickly. So what's the process?

They they they check in. They're given a court date and then and then what happens? Their process very quickly. They take them to a detention facility, which is still a Border Patrol facility. And people need to understand it's still a Border Patrol facility. The reason it's in a different building is because they don't have room at the local station.

So they built these soft sided buildings, these tents. They bring them in there, do a quick processing. It's not a real vetting. Give them what they call an NTA notice to appear. And off they go on a bus and off they go on an airplane to the rest of the country and wait for that court date.

That might never come. We might never hear from them again. And they're celebrating. They're celebrating because they are now roaming around our country without. This is illegal, by the way. They're illegal. They're still illegal.

But the government and the Biden administration is treating them like somehow they're documented now because they walked up to Border Patrol and got an NTA and notice to appear and does not give you any status. Very quickly. Final minute. Greg Abbott was responding to one of the governors up in New York, I believe it was. Right.

Who was basically, you know, chastising him or what have you. Your thoughts with regards to that back and forth conversation. I have mixed feelings about it. One is if they're going to be coming in anyway. Well, let's bust them.

That's my initial reaction. We can't stop them. Well, then they send them to New York, send them to Washington, D.C.

Right. But ultimately, the bottom line is I disagree with it because that's not enforcing the border. We're only then abating and abating and continuing this mass illegal immigration to our country. I want to see our governor step up and say, you will not enter our our sovereign Texas and our sovereign state and you will be returned. I can't wait to see that date.

I think that date is coming soon. Well, because at the end of the day, right, you've got ranchers that are down there, OK, who are under threat. Their families are under threat. Their properties are under threat. I mean, they're in a situation where they have to be extremely concerned about when they go out to check their fences and check their properties. These are working ranches. They've got cattle, horses, sheep, goats, what have you. These are working ranches and bodies, bodies that are encountering. They're going to find the illegals hanging themselves from trees and committing suicide because they're about to die of starvation, of starvation. So they hang themselves.

The sheriff showed me a lot of their photos. It is. This is what's happening.

The rollovers, the failed to yield the dead. It is. That's what the all around. And this is not his border. And then you have the the the these militia types that come up.

They're all dressed in clad in black that surround the ranchers homes and will come in and steal from the ranchers and tie up their their spouses and what have you. This is a dangerous situation. And the administration in that has usurped itself into the White House should be stopping this.

It does not need to be happening this way. Victor, thank you for letting us know about it. We'll be back with more generation radio coming up after I got contacted by attorney Tom Rens over the weekend who represents some whistleblowers within the Department of Defense. So these are whistleblowers have been extracting data out of the Defense Department database. They have noticed a very alarming increase in instances of certain conditions compared to a five year average.

They also have evidence that with myocarditis, the data has been doctored already. I'm the one dealing with the medical boards. I'm the one watching the witch hunts. I'm the one fighting them off and I'm the one telling them where to go.

I'm going to keep doing that. 928, 2021. Project Salus weekly report. Project Salus is a Defense Defense Department initiative where they report in contrast. They take all this data that doesn't exist supposedly and they give it to the CDC. They're watching these vaccines on that date and around that date. I have numerous instances where Fauci and that entire crew were saying it's a crisis unvaxxed. It's 99 percent unvaxxed in the hospital.

In Project Salus, in the weekly report, the DOD document says specifically 71 percent of new cases are in the fully vaxxed and 60 percent of hospitalizations are in the fully vaxxed. This is corruption at the highest level. We need investigations. The Secretary of Defense needs investigated. The CDC needs to be investigated. You combine now the fact that there's at least suspicions that the Defense Department is doctoring with the data.

I would contend, Senator, that there is not just a suspicion. In August, when the report was run on acute myocarditis in the DOD website, there were 1,239 cases and now when you run it, it's down to 307. In January 2022, there were 176 cases and magically they are now down to 17. There is a word for that.

It's not suspicious. We have in the military the single best data set that exists because we have baselines in there. And acute disease across all categories in the preceding years, five years leading up to the vaccination year, was 1.7 million that introduced and mandated a COVID-19 vaccine for our U.S. military when they had only lost 12 service members total to the disease. And in the 10 months of 2021 after that, it jumped from 1.7 million all diseases to darn near 22 million. That was a 20 million increase. We need to not be calling this suspicious.

With all due respect, we need to be asking hard questions of the DOD and I will close by saying they are charged at least in part with protecting the sanctity and welfare of the brave men and women who are defending this country and right now these numbers indicate something is drastically wrong and I know of only one reason that databases roll math backward. Who are you? Identify yourself.

So sorry. My name is Lee Dundas. I'm a human rights attorney that's working with Tom Rents on the whistleblower issue in the military. I would ask that Congress listen to these whistleblowers, put their testimony on record. These are brave men and women of very high rank in the U.S. military because not just do we, Congress, in this building need to hear about it. The world needs to hear about what is going on. I will listen to them. We will take their transcribed interviews. We will grab gather their data. And again, I put the Defense Department on notice. They must preserve these records so we can investigate. Thank you. By the way, I just got to, I have to show you that this is what we get when I investigate.

I mean, this isn't to do with this. This is after a couple of years trying to get information out of another agency and we finally get the information and it's all redacted. This is how the administration, the federal government, the agency has complied with congressional oversight. We're glad to share with you, Senator, because we have quite a bit of those that aren't blanked out. And we also want to tell you, listen, the side effects, the only one that they're recognizing, that's an outright lie. I've got the Pfizer documents. Pfizer said in their FOIA documents that they released, they said we're looking for these side effects. The FDA said we're looking for these documents. We've got their documents showing what they're looking for. They're not sharing it with the American people because they're covering this up. Corruption was the word of the day and I think it needs to be reiterated.
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