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Patrick Byrne shares what brought him back / Michele Swinick discusses her program Everything Home and joining TECN TV

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
October 27, 2022 12:25 pm

Patrick Byrne shares what brought him back / Michele Swinick discusses her program Everything Home and joining TECN TV

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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October 27, 2022 12:25 pm

Patrick Byrne The America Project shares what brought him back and how he discovered the corruption of the government entities and was commissioned by the Senate in 2006 to investigate and expose the fraud.

Michele Swinick discusses her program Everything Home and joining TECN TV. Also, what we are fighting for and her personal revival experience and encounter with Jesus Christ.

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These are domestic terrorists. The six was all deception.

The level of sophistication, tactic. People were putting on Trump stuff beforehand or taking it off afterwards. It was members of our own government. I've been working as an FBI informant for a number of years. In January 6, I said, are you working?

And he said, yes. This is treason. They want to criminalize dissent. I opened the shutters that had the battering ram. So I hear... Then they told me to come out, hold on to red dots all over my chest.

They're hunting down Trump supporters. I just walked into a crowd of people. We've been screaming, we've been fighting. And now I want you to fight with me. I spent the next three weeks in jail. They put me in a cell by myself, total solitary confinement in a cell not much bigger than a walk-in closet. FBI, guns drawn.

Hands up, hands up, hands up. Put your hands on the wall, hands on the wall. This is psychological warfare.

It didn't have a battering ram in it, but what it did have was a turret on top. He was pointing his gun at all my neighbors, ready to pull up any time he needed to. They handcuffed me. They handcuffed you? No.

You guys. Oh! 147 days since my wife was murdered, so I gotta be her voice now. There's an old Chinese saying my ancestors learned before the Communist Party took over our country. family is the essential unit of human society and that you must have honor and defend your family. But it's not always easy to do.

When the regime gives the order, you have to kill. My heart was pounding. I felt my body bouncing and twisting on the floor. They put numbers on our shoulders, then separated us into rows of even and odd numbers.

I was number nine. My brother, he's still in prison, and my sister, she was sent to a labor camp without a trial. But there's one piece of evidence they haven't been able to destroy yet.

I left everything behind. If I can't expose what they did to us, then all of our suffering would be nothing. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should shoot forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses.

Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice of where you can listen and watch it. I greatly appreciate it. Two things that I always ask you to do. Number one, share the program, share the website,

Our embedding of this player is for the entire TECN TV network. So Pastor David Lowery is on here with us. Kenneth McClinton, our founder, Michelle Swinnick, who'll be coming up next, just joined us.

Everything Home. She was on with Steve Bannon recently, as a matter of fact. You'll also see Jen Lowe and Latinas for Trump is on the program as well.

And then the Texas Fully Loaded in Sondra Whitten with Walter Jones and with Jon Boucher also here on the network. So you'll get all of that if you share it. And then the other thing is buy me a cup of coffee, would you? Just consider buying me a cup of coffee, three bucks, five bucks. This helps to support what we're doing here to save America. It also helps to support our ministry in India, where we have over 550 churches, 32 freshwater wells, our sewing school for widows, our orphanage and our Bible school. And you can do it. forward slash Pastor Greg Cash App is dollar sign Pastor Greg CGR or Venmo at Pastor Greg CGR. Wow. I'm really excited to have my next guest with me. Big event. As a matter of fact, a lot of the America First folk were at an event and I opened that event up with prayer down in Gonzalez, Texas this past Saturday. Oh, I opened it over, over, over air on Noble Radio, which is where I'm also on on a regular basis. And they're one of the sponsors of that event, along with Maria Miller and the gang down there.

And very exciting what happened with that. I want to welcome Patrick Byrne to the program. Patrick, welcome. Great to have you, sir. Thank you. Thanks. What an honor to be on with you, Pastor Greg. Thank you. Well, it's my pleasure.

It's really my pleasure. You know, your story is just so inspiring and so amazing. You know, you built a business, a very successful business.

You could have kind of rode that off into the sunset, so to speak. But you said no, you know what? This is a country. And I was successful because of where I live, this country, this great nation. And I'm not going to sit back and walk off into retirement.

I want to do something to save America. And so I salute you for that, sir. Well, thank you, sir.

Thank you. It's generous of you to say the truth is I had ridden off into the sunset. I was gone as I could be. This is like that godfather line. Every time I start to get up and suck you back in, I was off in Indonesia on a surfboard.

Well, this country was better to me than I had any right to expect or any actual talent naturally merited. So it seemed like the least I could do. I don't also, have you, how much of my story do you know? Do you know about the weird requests I got in 2006?

Do you know about this? Tell my audience, tell my audience. So I was very involved. People, I first may have come to people's attention as a one man occupy Wall Street, so to speak. From 05 to 08, I did something no public company CEO had ever done. I came out and started talking about corruption within Wall Street and was explaining to the public how dirty Wall Street was and that all the institutions in Washington that you would think would be protecting you, Mr. and Mrs. Public, are actually either asleep at the switch or they're corrupt themselves.

I started saying this at 05 publicly. No CEO has ever done that. I was accusing the SEC and describing and talking about a concept in economics called regulatory capture. Well, everyone painted me as a conspiracy theorist to be saying what? To say the SEC is in bed with Wall Street and isn't protecting us? I got really specific about what was, but in that process something funny happened, which was I started working with, after discovering that every institution in Washington that you would think would stop things wasn't, I got taken to the Senate Judiciary Committee. And the Senate Judiciary Committee got to know me over the course of about a year, a little bit more, I think, where they had me, they explained to me that their role, they have the ultimate job is their mandate to stop corruption. And so that makes them the ultimate guardian of the Constitution.

They have the portfolio on corruption. Am I giving you too long an answer, sir? No, you're good. No, no, no, you're good. You're good.

I want to make sure we're pacing good. But yeah, no, you're great. Keep going. I used to be a college professor. I tend to explain.

No, we're great. Well, you know, the other thing that's popping in my head is I don't know if you're familiar with Michael Daugherty and the devil inside the beltway and his battle with the FTC. No, the administrative state. Anyway, continue your story.

I don't want to interrupt you, please, please. So they were very smart and both sides of the aisle and was under a wonderful man named Chairman Arlen Specter, who was a fellow from Philadelphia. He'd been a Democrat federal prosecutor, turned Republican congressman, senator, and then became a Democrat senator again, an institutionalist both sides love. Anyway, they worked with me and they got after a couple meetings, they and I started bringing whistleblowers. They got the fundamental problem that there was this mischief going on on Wall Street. But the other problem is, how curious is it that the institutions you think are protecting you were not responding? So they had me, they used me kind of an investigation of the rest of the government and they told me they could do this. They said, we have a power to investigate corruption that transcends every other power within government. So for about a year, I, myself and colleagues were sort of meeting with other people in government, but actually reporting back to try to help them figure out who was dirty and clean at the SEC.

Sure. At the end of the day, and this is where it gets odd, at the end of the day, after about a year of this, I was called to DC and met by at least seven senators. And they told me, come alone.

No, not even a lawyer. They're coming alone. And I get there and they explained to me, Patrick, we think you're, I've been making these very public statements for a couple of years. And they explained, we think you're right.

There's some sort of corrupt force taking down the United States government. And they talked about it and they said, we can't stop it. It's doing this. I finally said, sir, I know this is what I've been saying.

How do you mean to stop something like that? And he said, we're going to stop it because we have you and you're going to stop it. This is what's going on.

And they, they explained to me, they eventually explained to me that in World War II, there'd been a concern of German sympathizers infiltrating the federal government and an American business guy who had a lot of contacts with government had been asked to become a German sympathizer and help flush them out. And they said, that's, we, I'm a bachelor. I believe they said, we get that you're a horse of a different color.

You sure are a horse of a different color, Patrick. I remember all these senators laughing. And they said, here's this letter. We're going to be with the president tomorrow night and we're giving him this. And, and the rest of your life, this letter is going to be sitting in the safe in Washington, DC. And that president was, was a Bush, right? And that letter says something about this Senate judiciary stationary, something about their concern of systemic corruption infiltrating the federal institutions of our nation's government. And the second paragraph opens with the words, the Senate judiciary committee requests that Patrick Byrne be shown extraordinary latitude under the laws of the United States to investigate and disrupt corruption within the government or something like that. They held it up.

I was able to scan it. And then, so I really have spent 16 years there on this sort of personal, they told me, look, your country needs you to do this, Patrick. And it's a lifetime. I've made this my lifetime thing. I got rid of my girlfriend that I was going to marry. I got rid of, I changed my whole life. I've been on this 16 year mission. I thought I was gone. I had delivered all the goods in 2019. I was out and kind of broken and I was sitting on a beach in Indonesia. And then 2020, when, when, when I got sucked back in. So that's, that's a long answer to why am I doing this when I should have, should have run out in the sunset.

You bumped your head on the bottom of the ocean one too many times when you fell off your surfboard. That that's basically what you're telling me. Yeah. There's another aspect. Yeah. Well, I don't want to go on too long.

Go ahead. There's another aspect. I have, I feel a real need to keep things peaceful. And I feel a commitment that it's kind of, I've got a possibility of keeping things peaceful here that it might not otherwise be.

And so I've been a bit of a duty for those. Well, and so let's, I mean, let's explore that for just a minute because we're, you know, there, there is, I mean, we're, there's so much, they're working so diligently to divide us, to cause us to have dislike for one another. And, and, and at a certain level, people, people at a certain level don't even understand why they don't like each other.

I mean, they really don't, they, they don't understand that, that in reality, you know, what they're fighting over is, is, is it would benefit everyone. That's, that's at the end of the day. Good for you. Good for you, Greg. Good for you.

That's exactly right. They, some people are suggestible. So take, of all the people who hate Trump, it's kind of funny. So I didn't vote for Trump and I've made that clear and Mr. President Trump knows that. But as soon as he, when he was elected, he was elected and, you know, I didn't vote for President Obama either.

It's just, that's whatever. I always vote in return. But there were people who just got so spun up and began hating him. And all you have to do when you meet a Trump hater is when they go on and on about, you know, or they make very clear how, oh, they hate Trump. You don't argue with them. Just say why.

Just say why. And about half of them really can't give you an answer. Oh, and they'll say, well, he's racist. Oh, really?

Oh, okay. Or what about this? What about the, I mean, they really can't even give you any reasons. They just, or they at least have to think about him a long time. It's just because they've been spun up and programmed to hate him. Now about half of them can tell you reasons why they hate him. And you can argue about it or discuss it. But there's half of them can't even tell you. They just have been programmed. It's like- Well, and when you listen to some of the reasoning behind it, you know, and you continue to pursue questions about it, you know, for, you know, where did you hear that?

Where did that information come from? Can you give me an actual example of that? Well, now it becomes hyperbole because there isn't any. There's no substance to, you know, to a lot of it. Some of it maybe, but ultimately there's really no substance. We're going to have to take a hard break here. When we come back, I want to talk about America first and about what the organization's trying to accomplish goal, mission, and how can people- America Project.

Yeah. Well, America Project, I'm sorry. And how can people get engaged in the America Project?

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Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. And the America Project has been very actively involved in promoting returning America to her roots, to her foundings, cleaning up these rogue government entities. But Patrick, talk to me about what the America Project is doing and talk to me about how my American audience can become engaged in helping.

Well, thank you so much, Pastor Greg. The America Project was started months after, so people probably know the story of General Michael Flynn and I meeting in the Affairs after November 3rd. But we actually had to have a mutual plan. Anyway, in March of 2021, he asked me to come down to Florida and stand up something.

That's basically Civics 101. It's an organization that would organize, well, he would guide me or he would, he's not even an official, he's not even on the board. He's been an advisor. I want to be clear, anything that America Project done is all on me, all on me.

I got 100% of the responsibility as, you know, he's been a distant advisor. We see each other about once a month. That's it. And we go to these reawakenings together. Our mutual friend, Clay Clark, good guy.

Yeah. And so that was, he said, that started off, he said, you know, I want to do a thank you tour of America. America swore me through this trial.

I just went through, I just want to go somewhere and speak. And then that turned into, well, let's make it a, well, it was just going to be one thing. And then it turned into one or two nights and became a tour. And we started bringing people like Simone Golden and Peter Mercola and people like this.

And we, and so, and the goal was to unite, and my goal in it was to unite the tribe, so to speak. There's all these really shaken people. If you go back a year and a half, don't let them forget this.

Don't forget this. They're trying to wipe it out of people's memory now. They came in like something out of Orwell. They came in like totalitarian and they were trying to scare everybody. And I wanted to show, and Mike thought it'd be good to show America, no, you can't, you don't have to buy into this site, this scion that says this is a new country and the constitution doesn't apply. No, we're all Americans. And if we want to do a tour that brings in people that doubt the official narrative, we get to do so. We're the first amendment thing. And so that's, that's what it was about. And we started bringing people to talk about COVID, people to bring, to talk about election integrity, election integrity. It's, I'm accused by PBS and other people being the kingpin of the election integrity movement, to which I say, please, please carve that on my tombstone. That's fine. The electoral gears, I don't know, carve that on my tombstone.

No, I'm sorry. Yeah. You know, we, and we talk a lot about election integrity. Matter of fact, election integrity and my conversations about that have gotten me banned on YouTube, LinkedIn, twice on Twitter. And I'm banned for life by the way. Okay. And I'm banned for life on Vimeo because I talked about election integrity and medical tyranny.

Well, those are our two or three issues, election integrity, medical tyranny, and the third is border, border security. Absolutely. Yeah. Because I think this is a takedown of the United States.

This is a revolution to take over the United States. Yes. I, and it's a, there's different aspects to the SIOP.

It's called a Bezmenov SIOP. It goes through four stages. We are being marched through it with military precision. We have disrupted it, or we think we have, it all comes down to what happens about 12 days from now. But if you go back a year and a half, we were concerned, I was concerned that there might not even be a 2022 or 2024.

I figured that we would get to 2022. They would have by then, remember they came in with three goals, three bills, HR one, federalized elections to make them all as goofy as what happened in 2020. The second thing was to legalize 22 million undocumented Democratic voters or so they think.

And third is to pack the Supreme Court to sprinkle holy water over it all. So this was a Chavista revolution. They came in expecting in a hundred days to seal and there would never have been a free election in America.

Again, we'd be a one party state forever. They, it blew up on them. And I think it's, people tell me that a significant reason that it didn't go through was we kept alive. You know, in most revolutions like this, within three months, the whole, all the concern about the election, the fake election is normalized. Either the people are rounded up and carted off or they just learn to be quiet and all dies and dies off. We kept it alive. They didn't even respond until June.

They went June. It took five, six months to even respond before they started mocking us. And then it became like that old Gandhi saying, first they laugh at you. No, first they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. And then you win. We're up to it.

We're up. I think we're going to find out if we're stage four, but I think we're just 12 days. We find we enter stage four of that. Well, and I, and I think the other piece of it, you know, from, from my perspective is, is that they did everything they could to take God out of the picture as well, because they, they, they don't want people to understand who, who actually gives them their rights and where those rights come from. And, and if we don't understand where our rights come from and that they don't come from man, they they're in us, they're a part of who we are. And, and we're the ones with the rights and the powers that we give are only given so that they can defend our rights. And the minute that they violate that oath, the minute that they stop defending our rights, they don't get to have the power anymore. Period.

End of story. Correct. In fact, I've started to talking a lot about Frederick Douglass. Frederick Douglass, the, it was really in the 19th century, he and his friend Lincoln were the two greatest defenders of the principles. And I have to say Frederick Douglass may even have been a better writer.

It's extraordinary. But he's, he, while a critic of, of course, slavery, and that's what he's known for, the great abolitionists, he was, he, he, he, he gave a great speech in 1852, what to a slave is the 4th of July. And while super critical of, of course, slavery in America for, you know, allowing it, what he's saying is, but he also is saying your principles are the correct principles.

Amen. You're not living up to them by saying that your principles are the correct. And he gives the most beautiful defense of what you just said of the principles of the Declaration are precisely that, that we have the rights, whether you believe that they came from God or came from Locke and reason or whatever, how we have the rights and we trade some out and empower this corporation, which we call the government, but it's like a plumbing corporation to do things we can't do ourselves.

There's a nice list of them, Article One, Section Eight. And that's all it gets to. And that's it.

That's all they get to do. We're out of time on this side. We're going to take a break. Patrick, I appreciate it. Hang tight.

Don't go anywhere. Folks. I'll be back. Uh, we've got a lot more program coming up for you.

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$2.50 will treat a 10 gallon tank. Get your order in today, drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank, and start experiencing the savings. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax deductible donation. Now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg.

Welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits, excuse me, and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And waiting for Michelle Swinnick to join us, our previous guest was Patrick Byrne. And Patrick is the America Project, the America Project. And you can find out more about it at You can get involved, find out the events that they are hosting and what they're doing. Their election integrity events. As a matter of fact, it looks like they've got an event coming up on October the 28th with Carolyn Ryan. I'm sorry, October 29th.

Yeah, there we go. Okay, election integrity with Carolyn Ryan in Orlando on October 29th. So that event is going to be coming up. Real America's Voice reporter Carolyn Ryan will be sharing at that event, 9am to 5pm, the double tree in Orlando, downtown Orlando. So you can check it out.

Again, that is the Well, it looks like joining us, coming into the blue room, the green room, the red, white and blue room. Great to have my dear friend, Everything Homes host and founder, Michelle Swenning. Michelle, welcome. Hey, good morning. Good morning, my good friend, Pastor Greg Young, PG as we call him. Did they call you on PG on this network, You can always call me PG, Michelle. Pardon my moving stuff around here.

It's amazing. It's got wires like, so you got a wire. I got wires. There's wires everywhere. Well, you know, and, and, and, and it, and it should, it should be made known to you are, you are in Arizona.

I am in Maricorruption County, anarchy Arizona. Yeah, there you go. Okay. And, and, and so, yeah, so it's, you know, it's 630 in the morning.

Yeah, but I've been up since five. Okay. So it's not a matter of, yeah, so it's okay. Well, see, okay, so here I am trying to build in the, the, the alibi, the excuse and, and, and you just went, yeah, no, I just, yeah, you just raspberry that you just said, nah, nah, no, no, no, no, no. Well, you know what? Hey, no, no, no, that's good because no, well, well, and, and, and, and a lot of what we talk about is, you know, personal responsibility and accountability. So I guess what I need to say is Michelle, I forgive you. Well, no, actually it's amazing.

There's no, I don't know. This is what I try to explain to people. Like they think that when you have a show or you, or you are a guest on a show, right? You just click a button and magic happens.

Like all of a sudden, like for you right there, it takes so much money and time for him to get to the point where he actually can talk on the air. So it's just, and you never know when something might be a little off, like I have multiple TVs. So the thing is, is these TVs, they think they're so smart.

Okay. This is why it's, it's always so good people to have like a pen and paper and kind of go back to the basics when it comes to everything. Don't let this technology run with it.

That's why the 5G is so bad. I mean, we could, that's a whole show in itself, but when you have like the, I have multiple TVs, but, and there's, there's smart TVs because, you know, they're smarter than us. So you'll go ahead and like click the button and then the other TV wants to do its own thing.

So they are, they're working independently of each other and it's just like, okay, so it might take me sometimes five, seven minutes just to get them to, all right, everybody's good. Well, you're like, and, and, yeah, okay. Everybody's got their treat, you know, everybody got a clean diaper, everybody's, and you're sitting there going, you're right next to each other.

If you're so smart, how is it? I mean, let me, let me, let me face you. You face him in each other. Hey, look, he's right here. Is that right?

No, we still can't. You get the message and it says, we can't see. Well, what's it? My, my, I've got, I've got one of those. I know I'm going to get some grief for this, but, but I've got one of those Alexa's right. You know, that I used to see.

You can't, no, that means they're in your home. Okay. You've got your phone. You know what?

Here's, here's let me look. Okay. We, we, we gotta, we gotta do a sweep.

We've got to do a patriotic sweep. Okay. All right.

You're, you're, because if they were in my home, then there would be a problem and they're not actually in my home. Okay. So yeah.

And, and my, and my date, you know what, if they're going to come, they're going to come. Oh my goodness. That is great. So, yeah.

So, you know, there's purple on the fence and, and there's bullets in the gun. Hey, remember I told you, I got one of these. Yes. Across.

We'll see. And I've got, I've got, I've got him too. And he, he protects everything. I, you know, yeah. Well, yeah. Oh no, go ahead.

I'm sorry. You were going to say something else. Go ahead.

No, but yeah. I mean, that, that's a given, but you're like a pastor. Like you're supposed to already like, you know what I mean? Like you're one step closer than, than me to that, to him and all my stuff.

Cause that's your jam. Right. But the reason why I was saying that is because you and I talked yesterday, we haven't talked in a while because he's a, he's a frequent guest on my talk radio show and my TV show, Everything Home. And which is, I'm going to, can I plug while I talk? Is that cool? No, you can't.

Well, no. And then we got it. Cause I wanted you to plug your show starting on TECN TV and which I'm very excited about. So you're actually going to be on right here at because we have the player on. So Michelle's show is going to be on on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1 PM Eastern, right here on TECN TV.

So we're very excited. So we get off air at 11 AM, then Jen comes on and then, and then after Jen comes on is Sondra and Texas Fully Loaded and then Michelle. I mean, folks, seriously. You don't need to do anything else. Like why go to work? I mean, I mean, turn this on at eight o'clock in the morning and just, you know, and you can play in the background, just keep it turned up. You can vacuum, you can do, you know, you can do, you can do whatever you're going to do.

If you got, yeah, you can do your work. And, and if, and if, and if, you know, if the kids are being homeschooled, well, they're being homeschooled, just set up, just put them right in front of the screen and yeah. And they're going to learn, you know, they're going to learn all this great stuff and yeah, they're, they're just going to be all just loaded with knowledge. And then, you know, at some point there'll be, there'll be a repeat of something. And at that point you can say, okay, we're going to take a break and we're going to actually have a conversation about everything. Now we're going to talk about math.

Okay. Now turn to page four, we're going to do math between awesome shows, but I appreciate the, the intro and the plug there. So yeah, so I'm going to be on Tuesdays and Wed, and Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1 PM Eastern time. And that's everything home. And then Wednesdays, Wednesdays is our show, Jesus Rocks.

And that's going to be at 1 PM on Wednesdays. So you can see me at my partner in faith. Cause I can't say, I always say partner in crime, but I'm like, well, now I got baptized and I got one of these.

I'm like, I can't say partner in crime anymore. So Lucy DeGrazia is the main host. I come in for five minutes cause I'm not quite as evolved as you or her. So I just do the five minutes and then she takes it away from there, connecting current events with the truth of God. And that is on Wednesday.

So you can catch this Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at 1 PM. And I'm telling you, we're going to give you a run for your money on the numbers, PG. That's what my goal is. My goal is to be right there, neck and neck with you. Arm and arm, arm and arm.

Let's get the action items and the fuel they need. Yeah. No. Well, you know, and, and, and my friend, pastor David Lowry has said the same thing. He's got it going on at seven o'clock Eastern. You know, I know Sandra and them are doing it. You know, I mean, it's, we're, we're rocking some numbers, 4.1 million.

We just passed. And which is, which is really exciting. And I'm up over a million for the year on, on just my show, which is, which is, yeah, which is, I thank you, Jesus. And thank you to all of you who make that possible.

All right. We're going to have to take a quick break. When we come back, I want to talk about what is everything home because your, your show is so cool and so unique talking about, well, because you talk about purpose and you, and you talk about, you know, giving people a platform and how you can turn your business into something that also advances the patriotic message. And it's so critical.

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Drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. And welcome back to Children's Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical lastism. My very special friend and special guest, Michelle Swinnick is with us.

Everything home. And she's bringing her program on to TECN TV. You can find it right here at Just click the player. Just keep it on. Just keep the player on.

Keep it on. Jen Lowe is on. Latinas for Trump is on right after us. And then Texas Fully Loaded, Sondra Whitten. And then on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, excuse me, you'll find Michelle Swinnick right here.

Yeah. Everything Home on Tuesdays and Thursdays. And then Jesus Rocks on Wednesdays. Wednesdays. Wednesdays. And then Mondays and Fridays, I believe, as Randy Perm is on at one o'clock Eastern.

Great programming. Pastor David Lowery is on also. Dave McQuill is on.

Live from Africa is on the network as well. Yeah. Yeah. It's a very cool program that he has.

John Euler, who does a lot of conversation. Matter of fact, they just launched the SOGI project where they are exposing all the transgender stuff. Oh, that's the email I got yesterday. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

That looks really cool from what the little write-up was. Yeah. It's beyond necessary. I mean, it's just the one that put me over there. I mean, your audience is pretty cool.

No, no, go for it. Yeah. Yeah. That one clip where that guy says, oh, it's day 200 and something of her of being a girl.

And I just, I didn't know I didn't know anything about the story. Right. And all of a sudden I just see the one clip and he's actually got like a cute little outfit on. Right.

And then he's like, you know, people are staring at me because then my pants, they had a bulge and I'm like, wait, what? Cause I didn't know. I didn't know anything about the guy. So I didn't know it was boy pretending to be a girl. Yeah. Right. So I was like, wait, girl with a bulge. I don't, you know, cause if you, if you don't know what your, what does that mean?

Right. What, what she's like, well, I'm trying to normalize bulges for girls. And I'm like, oh my God, it just hit me like a ton of bricks. Like, okay, we have jumped the shark guys.

Like it is, it is past the point of no return where everybody who is not a boy pretending to be a girl or a girl pretending to be a boy, uh, you need to open your mouth. And I always say, you guys stand up, speak up and show up now more than ever, because it is literally well, and I hate to say this, I know I'm going to get in trouble again because yesterday, so I had my, my attorney was on talking about, we talked, we know we, we talked about, we were talking about the issue of the whole homosexuality thing. And then he was quoting out of the declaration of the pendants independence and he said something about the ends. And I said, yeah, we don't want anybody messing around with the ends anymore. And, and, and so right now, right.

And then he was like, oh my gosh. And I'm like, no, I had the problem, okay. But here, so here's, here's the thing. We do want you to speak up.

I think we need to change the phrase. We don't want you to just open your mouth. Yeah.

Well, cause we were talking about bulges in open mouths and it just, we're going to, no, we're not going to, I'm look and you're going to, and it's so crazy. Cause you said this a little bit ago. You were like, you know, and you're a pastor.

That's right. I'm a pastor. Okay. There there's another P word that I'm not. Okay.

But I am a pastor. All right. And, and, and, and I, and I'm not afraid to talk about what needs to be talked about. Okay. All right.

You know what you, you guys, you guys have this Pollyanna view. It's like, oh, a pastor said, you just nice and you never say no. I want to remind you about the prophets of the old Testament. Okay. Who literally cut up a thousand men coming, like slaughtered them because they were prophets of Baal, the devil, Satan, sacrifices of children. And God had him literally take a sword and he sliced them all up. I mean, he chopped them up. Now I'm not saying that we need to go pull, you know, Jihadi Joe.

Okay. But what I'm telling you is, is that this whole idea, Jesus flipped over tables. Jesus said to Pilate, look, let me explain this to you real clearly. You're not putting me on the cross. I'm going voluntarily because I'll tell you right straight up right now, if I wasn't going voluntarily, I'd call down a Legion and this would end right now.

You, your blood on the ground, dead man. That's Jesus. So we got to get away from this whole wimpy thing.

It's not about wimpy. Now is it love? Yes. Does God love?

Yes. Am I, am I, do I want to see someone do evil and then go to hell? No, man, I don't. I don't want to see him do evil. I don't want to see him go to hell.

The word of God says that he desires that everyone would come to him, but they won't. No, they're not doing it now when you think that they would be doing it the most. I mean, for everything that's going on into this chaotic world. And usually like, okay, I'll give, I'll give it an example for people.

Okay. Let's just say you had a little too much to drink the night before, right? And then you wake up in the morning and you're like, oh my God, I, you're like, I've got to hang up. You're like, God, first thing you always say, I'll never do it again. I swear to God, if you just get me through this, if you just get me through this, because I got, I got to, I got to go to Thanksgiving dinner. What am I going to do?

I just, I swear to God, I'll never do it again. So you, first thing you do when things go bad, what do you do? You go straight to God asking for help and forgiveness and whatever. It's like a natural instinct, except this time in the world where everything is literally upside down and backwards, you would think that everybody on the planet, right? Everybody on the planet earth would be running to God, knocking each other down. I want to get there first.

I want to get there first. And this is the time where I've seen and heard the least amount of people turning to God, more people actually turning away from it. And every time you hear somebody on the, the, you know, a statistic, the news, of course, you know, they, they want to, they want to prove to you that everybody's that, you know, atheists are turning away from God, but those, you just keep hearing more and more about it. I'm hearing personal stories where they're like, nah, I'm kind of giving up on God, or I'm going to go a little bit more spiritual or, nah, I'm going to stick with this new agey stuff. I'm not really into the God thing or, you know, and you're thinking, what, what do you, it's like when Trump said, what do you, what do you, what do you have to lose? You don't vote for me. Like, what do you have to lose?

Cause your life's not great now. So what definition of insanity, but that's the thing it's, it's, it's at a point where I would think more people would say, you know what, everything I've done my whole life isn't working. So let me go ahead and switch gears, do a 180 and then maybe stop through the God thing, like right there, you know, be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid for the Lord, your God is with you.

Wherever you go. Joshua one five dash nine, that whole Joshua moment series that we did. That's what your audience, you need to turn into that.

You did a whole series on the Joshua moment, PG and Lucy did a fabulous job with that. So yeah. What do you think about that? Like people are turning away when you should be turning towards, you know what I mean? It's just, that's the one thing I don't understand. I mean, I'm doing it and I'm not the type, you know, me, you know, before I kind of pulled my Jesus, my, my Jesus lane, right. This was never my, this was never my jam. I mean, no, and, and when you and I first connected, you were like, okay, yeah, no, that's cool that you, but I'm kind of off in here and I'm doing a little bit of this and I'm dabbling a little bit of that, but you know, but Hey, but you're cool. That's okay.

That's nice. I get it. But yeah. And, and, and now, I mean, now you're on fire. You're now you're like, no, no, this is, yeah, no. You're like, no, I want the truth. I want the real.

I want to know. I want, I want, I want to know that I'm in the right place in the right space and, and connected. There are some reports that had come out. There's a new Pew report that says that 69% of Americans still claim to be religious. There's another portion of that, that suggests this from a year ago, December, but that 49% say that, that, that they're serious about their faith.

So these, these are good things. The problem is, as you said, that, that the media isn't going to tell you about this because the media wants you to think, Hey, everybody's turning to atheism. Everybody's turning their back on God.

And you know, what, what, what role does God play in any of this anyway? And they want you to walk away from it. Yeah, because they want you to run away from God more like, right. And I mentioned that earlier with Patrick Byrne about them wanting us to turn away from God.

Well, they've been doing that for decades, right? That's how come we are where we are. We are where we are because we took it out of the schools. Well, not me, they, okay.

I don't want to be Carl a we, that's okay. We took it out of the schools. They took it out of the government. They took it out of every part of life because this is, and I was telling you this the other day or yesterday, it was the other day, it was yesterday, less than 12 hours ago, where's my, you know, this is, this is, this is what happens when you're on the battlefield, right?

And you're trying to save the freedom, trying to help people. You're like all day, it's just, you know, 14, what 1412 days left to the election. I mean, it's like one, one thing's blurs to the next. You don't even know what day of the week it is.

But, you know, what, what I, what I came to that, to the realization is, it's so much bigger than obviously the politics is so much bigger than them taking God out of the system. All 30 seconds, we got 30 seconds, and then we got a hard stop. We're, we're, we're out of, we're going to run out of time.

It's satanic platform. Anyway, everything home about home about And you'll catch us here on Monday or Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

And then you'll learn all kinds of stuff. I'm going to do a live intro today and then do a replay of a show that I did. So I will be live at one o'clock today for a few minutes. Amen.

TECN. You can get it right here at one o'clock Eastern, the everything home show with Michelle Swinnick. We're going to take a quick break. We'll be back with more children generation radio coming up.

Dr. Judy Mikovits joins us on the other side. 60% and the lowest price in history. And remember they're made with the world's best cotton grown where the Sahara desert, the Mediterranean sea and the Nile river all meet. They come with my 10 year warranty and I guarantee they'll be the most comfortable sheets you'll ever own. So go to my now and use the promo code on your screen or call the 1-800 number below to get my Giza dream bedsheets for as low as $39.99 the lowest price in history. If you do it right now, I'm also going to include a free gift with your purchase. Thank you and God bless.
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