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Boris Johnson: Donald Trump Is The Model Of Old World Courtesy & Charm

Brian Kilmeade Show / Brian Kilmeade
The Truth Network Radio
November 2, 2024 5:00 am

Boris Johnson: Donald Trump Is The Model Of Old World Courtesy & Charm

Brian Kilmeade Show / Brian Kilmeade

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November 2, 2024 5:00 am

Boris Johnson, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and author of the new book “Unleashed” joined Brian Kilmeade to the tough decisions he made as Prime Minister, his love of the United States sovereignty and his good relationship with Donald Trump. Johnson believes the world needs strong American leadership and felt that was the case when Donald Trump was in the White House.

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Visit to upgrade your selling today. He's so busy, he'll make your head spin. It's Brian Kilmeade. Brian, it's a real honor to be here today.

Thank you for having me on. I mean, you were in the real world. You were a broadcaster, a host, writer. And then you go, you know, let me go run for mayor.

I did. I had a mid-life crisis. I felt I was being so abusive towards all these politicians.

Have you ever felt this? It's a wonderful privilege to be a journalist. I love journalism. But you're always critiquing. You're always critiquing.

You're always chucking Rotten Tomatoes at these guys. And after all, I think, well, maybe I should have a go. Right. And so you get the great bug, the virus. And you win.

And there's the bloodstream. And then I won this thing that nobody thought I could win. Mayor of London. Yeah.

Because everybody thought that was a labor city, that was a left-wing city. And I tell the story in the book of some of the things we did. And I was very proud of it.

And then it all kind of snowballed from there. So what I was doing is, between me, I go on the train, I'm reading your book. And then when I have to go to work out, I go, I've got to listen to the book.

So I bought, I've gotten a lot of revenue into the Boris Johnson family. I'm so, I bought the book. Thank you.

And the book. Right. I'm deeply, that would be a big, it'll be a big turkey for Christmas.

Absolutely. But you guys don't celebrate Thanksgiving though, do you? No, we don't celebrate. We had turkey at Christmas.

You guys had turkey at Thanksgiving. Yes. Okay. Okay. Let me rephrase that.

It'll be a big, it'll be a big turkey. Here's what surprised me. You what? We have the same philosophy, not that that should be a great moment for you, but you just talk about people getting opportunity.

Level up. I believe that. And you talk about, you know, you do so great in school and you're doing great and you have opportunities, your family has some money. And you think to yourself, instead of taking those people with great opportunities, I don't want to take them out of their schools.

I want to give other people the opportunity to be successful in those schools. Correct. That's just it.

And that's why you got into politics. You're totally right. Because I think, you know, I've got some abilities, but I'm also keenly aware of my limitations, right? Right. And I think that there are people around the population is full of genius and talent. Would you talk into the microphone? How's that?

Can you hear me now? Natural mathematical talent, natural brilliance, natural artistic talents, natural energy. It's everywhere. But they're not getting opportunities. And they're not getting the opportunities. And so that really and that's so stupid. It's morally wrong, but it's also economically dumb.

It's mad. Right. You know, so in a country like the UK, we've got 67 million people, but so much of the of the of the productivity is in London and the southeast. The United States, you've got amazing, rich, varied sameness, right? You've got you've got pockets of of, I guess, where people achieve less. But you've got every state has a great university. Every state has a tech sector or something. We get the schools, you know, schools and people can rise from wherever they were everywhere.

And that's that's a fantastic thing. And I think in a way, and you feel like you did that with London, I did bring that. So so I want I wanted to and I think there are some things that the state has got to do, like putting in decent transport, you know, because it's difficult to get the private sector to subways, buses, roads, some subways, buses, roads, you know, decent education skills.

You've got to go and then get the private sector. People hope to give you the opportunity to show you care and show them show them that they can. Right.

Rather than keep telling them that this is an area of underachievement and deprivation. So this is miserable because then you get into a cycle of negativity. Right.

You don't walk around like a perfect person, even in your book, you put yourself down. This was a mistake. I should have talked to him. I mean, well, I mean, why am I here talking to you instead of running a country? We have to face the terrifying reality that, you know, if I'd been as brilliant as I as I thought I was, I would I would still be running the UK. Right. And I failed.

But you wouldn't have got a chance to meet me. So it's an equal exchange. That's right.

To talk to you. But here's what I liked about the common thread. And you write it. But Trump's election was a pushback on the establishment.

And he's even though he's a billionaire, blue collar people like him. Yes. Brexit is happening. And you say it's a pushback on the establishment. Screw you. I don't want to be part of the EU.

Correct. And I want to have my opportunity. I don't care how many rich people, powerful people say what a bad move that is.

But these people are standing up and they're speaking out. I love Brexit. I love people who believe in their own freedom. And I do. And I think that... You don't want to license it to Brussels.

That was the point. No. And I think that this is an amazing country, right? The United States. The United States never shares its sovereignty. Independently.

Anybody. Right? The United States doesn't even subscribe to the International Criminal Court, the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. It doesn't even sign up to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. There's a big fear here of a world government. Yeah, right. But you see, I think we need to think about that love of freedom that there is in the United States.

And that willingness, the willingness to be different. And Mr. Prime Minister, isn't that why the pushback and the pandemic was so strong? Because you're telling me to go get a vaccine? You're telling me to wear a mask?

You're telling me not to go to school? You guys did the same thing and then you got it and almost died. It was a nightmare. It was a nightmare. The COVID thing was a total nightmare. Because, you know, we were forced, every government, even even even in the U.S., governments were forced by the horror of the pandemic to do things that went deeply against our own instincts. Yeah.

I, you know, if you told me that one of the first things I was going to have to do as prime minister when I got elected with a huge majority in 2019 was close down the country. You know, it was terrible. It was absolutely terrible. And you almost died, right?

Yeah, I did. I was in a bad way. I was in a bad way. But but thankfully, thanks to the wonderful nurses and doctors of the NHS, I was I was fine. You bounced back.

And, you know, loads of people had it much, much worse than me. So what do you think of and we have so much to talk about in your book because you have such a great career. It's not done. I mean, I don't see many of you guys doing the Donald Trump-like comebacks because, you know, when Tony Blair's done, it's like he's done. When David Cameron's done, he's done, even though he's a friend of yours.

As Boris Johnson is going to have another redux. But first on Donald Trump, you saw him a couple of weeks ago. Well, you saw him about a couple of months ago. I did. Yeah, no, I.

What do you think about this? Do you want Trump to win? I think, well, so the great convention is that, you know, Donald or Kamala Harris wouldn't come to the UK and and get involved in our elections.

And we don't we don't conventionally talk about who we want to win. But, you know, there's I'm a human being. Right.

And all human beings. I had a good relationship with him, with Donald Trump. Yeah. And I people, you know, liberal friends of mine in the UK kind of freak out when I say this, but I, you know, I enjoyed his company. I actually like him as a person. Do you like him as a yes. Yes. I like him as a leader.

So I'm here is a terrible you know, I'm going to confess that I both. Right. And I've always found him the model of kind of old world courtesy and charm. Everybody says you're out of your tiny mind, you know, because that's not all that's.

But that's how I that I can only say what I said, what I see. Right. And as a leader, as somebody who had to take some tough decisions when he was in the in the White House. Look, what does the world need now, Brian? The world needs a strong America. The world needs strong American leadership when it is simply the case that when Donald Trump was in the White House and I was foreign secretary and then prime minister. You know, we had far fewer problems with in the Middle East. We had far fewer problems in in with Russia.

I mean, Russia was a nightmare. But but Trump was strong. You knew exactly where he stood. You knew where he stood. So everybody says, oh, he's going to he's going to chicken out.

He's going to chicken out and give up the Ukrainians. Right. And I don't know what you think. And I'd love to. I do hear.

Here's the thing. I love that you were the first over there. I am for Ukraine. Good for you.

I am absolutely 100 percent. In fact, here's Boris Johnson addressing the Ukrainian parliament. Ukrainian democracy against Putin's tyranny. It's about freedom versus oppression. It's about right versus wrong.

It's about good versus evil. And that is why Ukraine must win. When we look at the heroism of the Ukrainian people and the bravery of your leader, Vladimir Zelensky, we know that Ukraine will win. And we in the UK will do everything we can to restore a free, sovereign and independent Ukraine.

Thank you all very much for listening to me today. And slava Ukraine. I love it. Was your country behind you on that? Yeah, totally. And the UK is has been extraordinarily strong in its support for Ukraine.

Right from the beginning, you'll see Ukrainian flags and in shops on people's lapel pins. It's I don't know why it's something that really moved the spirit of the British people. But your new guy doesn't.

Is he is he is the labor guy. Look, I think possibly we're not doing as much now as we as we could. And that makes me sad. But, you know, we could even this great country, which has given so much, could simply do some easy things.

The things that cost let them use the weapons. Correct. I mean, sorry. But what do we do? You must deal with Joe Biden. Must be frustrating for you, is it?

I don't understand. So every stage it's so like I mean, first thing to say is that the Biden White House actually did very, very well in in contributing a lot to once it started. But did they get ready?

No, it was always. What did Obama do to get ready for it was there on the country? And here's the thing that nobody ever says, but I will say it because it's true. The who who actually gave the Ukrainians the javelins, Donald Trump. Right. So you got to fight for yourself.

So not blankets and MREs. And he gave no, but he so he so he so he broke the taboo. He gave he gave them the kit they needed to defend themselves. And and so it's one of the reasons why I think that, you know, if and if and when he wins, I don't see him capitulating to Putin. I don't see that. I don't see the United States like Putin to take how many times you met Putin? I think once. What do you thought?

What are your thoughts? He was a small elf. He looks a bit like a character. Jacked up his face with all types of Lord of the Rings. Does he look like he's had had work on him?

Don't you think so? I mean, just look at the same guy. OK. Having said that, did you see evil?

Did you see the guy? Was he just attached? Look, I see a very ingenious Kremlin tyrant who is committed to his own self-preservation. And he invaded Ukraine basically because he'd been in power for 20 years in in Moscow. And he wanted a war of that would that would excite national support. And, you know, he he's he was deranged.

He demented. He thought that the Ukrainians would surrender and become part of the Russian empire. They have and they fought better than we could ever imagine. Without a navy, they blew up the Russian navy. They have they have control of a large part of the of the Black Sea.

They've done incredibly well. But now what do you do, Prime Minister? We're talking the prime foreign prime minister of the UK, Boris Johnson. His book is Unleashed is out. You got to grab it to get a real perspective on the world from outside and inside.

Grab it before he grabs you. Born here. Yes. That's true. That's a good slogan, by the way, if you want to use it. But Mr. Prime Minister, I mean, now they use North Koreans. I mean, they're actually using North Koreans in Europe. If you wanted proof of the axis of evil. Right.

If you wanted proof that. Now, South Korea goes, we might we might fight. You know, we might send our weapons in. Well, they should. They already are. The South Koreans have been have been good, but they need to do more. Everybody.

And this is the brand. This is the the big struggle of the early twenty twenty first century, because if if the bad guys winning in Ukraine and then they'll push us back everywhere. Absolutely. They'll push us back all over the the the all the places where we thought in my lifetime, in the 1980s, we thought it was settled. They were going to be free countries. Ronald Reagan, the achievements of the United States. Margaret Thatcher.

Margaret Thatcher. They were all going to pay off. That's all going to be put in question again. And China. And I would say this to everybody listening in America.

And look at what China will do in the Pacific. Absolutely. Mr. Prime Minister is going to sit down for one other segment. He could get out, but I've locked the door. So we have one more segment together. He's an experienced broadcaster. That's why he's such a great communicator and politician. Pick up his book more with Boris Johnson in just a moment. You listen to Brain Kill Me show newsmakers and news breakers here at first on the Brian Kill Me show. Information you want. Truth you demand. This is the Brian Kill Me show.

Prime Minister Byron Johnson here. His book is excellent. It's called Unleashed. You've got to go pick it up. It brings you right up till today.

And it starts with Brexit and works its way up and how it relates here to America. After all, you were born in New York City. I was.

Yes, I was fantastic. And it was very expensive decision, by the way, because because you guys in pursued me. But I was mayor of London and I didn't have this story in our leash. But I was I was asked to pay tax on the sale of my primary residence by the U.S. tax. How could you be born in America and be prime minister here?

You can't be if you're born outside the country. Because I have both my parents, a bridge. They were students. My father, my mother was students.

Just happen to be living in America at the time. So what do you what is your view of with this country's election? What's the impact of this election, as you view it, Mr. Prime Minister? Look, it's a wonder it's what's going on is amazing. You know, this this cold city.

We're in New York right now. Everybody's going getting their knickers in a twist about this thing. And, you know, do you like you think it's good? Yes, I do, Brian. I'll tell you why.

Because you don't know and I don't know. And nobody in this building knows what's going to happen on Tuesday night. And and that's a wonderful thing. But it would be a big impact, right? There are countries where that everybody knows what's going to happen. Yeah. Right. Like China. Yeah, this is different. This is the most powerful, greatest country on earth.

And we don't know. And that's and that's why it's the greatest country on earth. And I you know, I think that. Look, I we were talking a moment ago. You're worried about being partisan. I get it. I can't get I can't get involved in the in the in this for the American people to decide. Right. And they're going to decide.

That's a fantastic thing. But let me give you my perspective as a as a as a Brit and as an observer of foreign affairs. We want an America that's strong and an America that gives leadership. And I think that, you know, I look back to things that were done in the in the time of Ronald Reagan or George W. Bush. We were just talking about you saw an America that was strong and decisive and gave leadership. And, you know, I would just. You know, I say again, what I saw when I when Donald Trump was president, yes, some some pretty tough decisions that worked.

So a couple of things. You know, UK, I don't want tariffs. You don't like the tie. That's bad. That never works.

Come on, Smoot, Hawley. Remember all that is that it's always a disaster. It impoverishes both sides.

But but it sends a message. We've got to reach structure because America is many seasons. You've been to Wal-Mart, Wal-Mart's Wal-Mart's got 400 million lines of products, got two point three million employees. It's it's the biggest company in the world. Eighty percent of Wal-Mart's manufactured goods are from. You've got to have an economic conversation because the goal is to start making stuff. And when you have to depend on China to get us masks and and and pharmaceuticals, there's a problem.

We stopped making stuff because it's so cheap to have the Vietnamese do it. But do you believe in Adam? Do you believe in Adam Smith? Adam Smith.

I mean, you know, if you or David Ricardo, you've got to have a you've got to have a doctrine of comparison. I got to ask you this. There's UK politicians from Stormer's party. Yes.

Who have come about a hundred of them that have come to the battleground states and are working for the Harris campaign. How do you feel about that? I think it's a mistake. I think it's something that we don't do. We shouldn't we shouldn't. You know, I don't think that the government's friendly, you know, the relationship between the. Here's what I think. I think that it's a mistake. And I think that the labor guys have apologized for it, as far as I understand.

Or Starmer. Starmer certainly distanced himself from it. But from my point of view, the. Relationship between the two countries is far, far more important. And we shouldn't let party political goofs like that get in the way. And the friendship, the friendship between the US and the UK, the transatlantic bond is the thing that in the 20th century saved the world at least twice. We're going to need to do it in 21st century. We're going to have to do it again.

And it's obvious that we're going to have to do it again. And I can tell you that the UK will be with you around, whether it's in the Pacific or the Euro-Atlantic area. He's a broadcaster, he's a host, and he's a prime minister.

Pick up Unleashed. Boris Johnson, thank you. Pull up a chair and join me, Rachel Campos Duffy.

And me, former U.S. Congressman Sean Duffy, as we share our perspective on the discussions happening at kitchen tables across America. Download From the Kitchen Table the Duffies at or wherever you download podcasts. Listen to this show ad-free on Fox News Podcast Plus, on Apple Podcast, Amazon Music with your prime membership, or subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.
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