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AutoTrader. All with no antibiotics ever from our meat department. Plus, grab easy sides from prepared foods and cool off with refreshing drinks. Kick off your summer and shop in store or online at Whole Foods Market today. It is dead center of the work week for many of you, not for me. I won't claim to be in the same position, but I will say in my defense, I kind of feel it or will when I get off work or get closer to the end of the show because it's my first time since April 30th. I believe that was my first night off. Right, because we left on May 1st. But I drove back from Syracuse on the Tuesday, April 30th, and had to make that three and a half hour drive home. I had to post my grades. I had to do emails, pay bills, banking, all that kind of jazz. And then, then began the packing process. So Bob and I were furiously doing yard work and cleaning house and packing on that Tuesday afternoon when I returned from Syracuse and he was done with work. And then we left early, early on the morning of May 1st. And it was an incredible break. It really was. But the hard part about coming back, even though I'm refreshed and restored, is that I've been off the overnight schedule for two weeks and it always does hit you. Ask producer Jay, he was gone. How long were you guys gone? For about like 10, 11 days earlier this year? Yeah, always. And it hits you like a semi right to the face, which would be really painful and probably fatal. It is hard when you try to get back on the overnight schedule.
I'm sure many of you know. So right now it's adrenaline and it's energy. I slept about, oh gosh, five hours maybe when we got back from the airport on Tuesday morning.
So I'm just going to flip it as best I can. So the hump is different for me this week, but I know many of you are in the middle of your work week and I sincerely hope that having the band back together here on After Hours provides you a bit of a lift. It's been pretty interesting to catch up on some of the news, not just the sports, but some of the news that happened in our world.
And that includes media, not just against sports. But finding out that a long time colleague of mine, Doug Gottlieb, has finally been able to secure a head coaching job at the D1 level. For those of you who don't know, Gottlieb and I were colleagues and coworkers on our previous network.
We left at the same time. I think he took the job two months earlier than me, but we made the jump to the startup that was CBS Sports Radio in 2013. He was doing the afternoon show, of course. I was working the three overnight shows on the weekend, Saturday, Sunday.
Let's see, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Sunday was a late night. And then I would fill in on his show whenever he was out. And so we worked together a bunch, a mutual admiration society, always very supportive. Back when we were both in Connecticut, I went over to have dinner a couple times with him and his family, got to know his kids when they were little and his wife is amazing. And they had a really, one that he's talked about on the air, a really challenging journey to become parents.
So I've always been a big fan of Doug as a father and a husband. I know he can be extremely controversial on the radio. He's got a big mouth.
He'd be the first to tell you. He's one of those speak first, think later type of guys. He's also been very honest, and I appreciate that about Doug, honest about the mistakes that he's made in his life and his career. He does not shy away from those.
He'll tell you the stories about what happened at Notre Dame before you can make a joke about them. And so I appreciate that he's authentic and he doesn't shy away from the fact that he's made major mistakes. But he's also been a friend, a colleague, and someone that I admire because he is, in those times when he's humbled, he is willing to be honest and open. And he's also a very unique radio host. There isn't someone else out there like Doug Gottlieb.
So whether you agree with him, you disagree with him, you think he's a bunch of hot air, he's extremely talented. And so I'm proud of him now even as he makes the jump to D1 coaching. Now you may remember he was in the running for the job in Green Bay a year ago, but it went to someone else and he was really disappointed.
In fact, he's also been honest about the fact that he's been disappointed a few times. Wanting to be a head coach, wanting to get his big break. His dad was a coach. He comes from a family of not just basketball, but coaching. And so he's really wanted to get back into it, or to get into it himself I should say. He played at the highest level at Oklahoma State. For Eddie Sutton, who has since passed away, but I know was a mentor and a father figure to him. And so here he is getting this job now a year later at Green Bay.
And it's kind of cool. He's going to keep his radio show. This is what people do now, right? Like Mike Krzyzewski has a radio show. A little bit different I think when you're a Hall of Famer versus when you're starting out, right?
You're trying to build a program where he'll be a lot more involved and hands on with every little detail. Not that Coach K wasn't involved. He was coaching obviously. But when you get to be a coach of his status, there are a lot more demands on your time. The media, not just that, but like the closing of recruiting and also all the responsibilities you have for the university. Because you are the most recognized employee in that entire university. It's a little bit like say a Roy Williams or a John Calipari or a Bill Self. You get to be Nick Saban. You get to be an employee of that status. You have so many responsibilities in terms of raising money, right? And in terms of just making appearances. And you have to pay back the university in other ways as opposed to just the coaching.
Anyway, I digress. Doug's going to have his hand in every single little detail as he attempts to begin his program. And so there's a lot more demands on his time I would think in terms of the actual coaching. But he is going to keep his radio show on Fox Sports Radio and he made the announcement himself. As of this very moment, actually as of this morning, I'm the new head coach at Wisconsin Green Bay. That deserves a round of applause. Oh, there's a side note.
The Doug Gottlieb show will continue on as we've come to an agreement that this is what we're going to do. But I'm excited, man, to the now seven hundred and fifty seven of you who have texted me and I haven't yet got back to you. I appreciate it. I told my kids this, that if your dream this this is the response to people who want to laugh at it. No one's laughing at your dreams. Hmm.
Might not be dream big. So I am honored. I am motivated.
And I am ready. And I'm the new head coach at Wisconsin Bay and I ain't going anywhere with this radio show. So congratulations to my friend and my former co-worker colleague, Doug Gottlieb, really happy for him. And as someone who is personally invested in the city of Green Bay and the state of Wisconsin. And this has nothing to do with the Packers. It has to do with my my my dad's whole side of the family is from Wisconsin. My uncle still lives there. My my Grammy Helen lived just south of Green Bay in the final few years of her life. This is part of my family. I've got friends there that are very dear to me. And I haven't been back since right after Grammy Helen passed away.
But I can't wait to take Bob back and and show him around the area. I love that part of Wisconsin, the Fox Valley and Green Bay. They take care of their people. If you embrace them, they will adopt you into their family when it comes to sports. They love their sports and they support their people. That's what Green Bay is all about. It's got a very small town feel. And I know some people kind of knock that when it comes to what is there to do in Green Bay. But it's a passionate fan base. And again, they will adopt you kind of like they did with Mike McCarthy.
Right. He was not local. Now he married a local woman and a family there, of course, helped to win a Super Bowl in Green Bay.
They adopted him as though he was a native. And that's the amazing thing about this part of the country and Green Bay specifically. I love Wisconsin for a lot of reasons.
It's got a family feel. And if Doug integrates himself into the community and and tries to get to know the community, not just the basketball team there at UW Green Bay, they will adopt him, his family, and they will support him and give him and his family what they need. So I'm really excited for Green Bay to get to know Doug and for Doug to get to know Green Bay. Now, while we're talking about college basketball, you may have seen that Lisa Bluder retired. The head coach of, well, former head coach, longtime head coach of Iowa and Kaitlyn Clark. And she made the announcement kind of through the university social media. But she did meet with a few reporters on Tuesday night and talked about her retirement. This comes from Iowa News 5.
Just a few of her personal comments about stepping away from the game. I consider myself so blessed that I got to see this journey like, you know, people that are stepping in now think this is the way it was. And it wasn't. So I think we have a different appreciation because we saw it from ground level to what it is now. And for me, you know, I feel so blessed that I got to be a part of that journey and see the growth of it. I want them to remember just the joy that this team played with, how much the camaraderie, you know, like so much can be accomplished if you put all your differences aside and you focus on the goal and you focus on the mission. And that's what this team did.
And that's what was so much fun to be a part of. So I hope people remember that. I hope that we brought joy to a lot of people and let them kind of forget about any troubles that they may have in their lives for a couple hours, you know, on game days.
But mostly I just want people to remember the way we played the game. Before I give you my comments, Caitlin Clark, actually, before her WNBA debut, was talking about her her coach and longtime mentor, Lisa Bluder, retiring. I'm happy for her.
I called her and talked to her on the phone. I think she put a lot of thought into it and making this decision. So I couldn't be more happy for her. I mean, I probably took a couple of years off of her career for having to coach me before. But no, I think, you know, the program's going to be in a really good place with Coach J taking over. Somebody that's been very selfless, like has had a lot of head coaching opportunities, but has passed those up to help our program be a lot better. So I think having that common figure in the locker room for girls that are still there and the recruits that are still there.
But I know Coach Bluder will still be around a lot. So I'm happy for her. I know she's missed out on family things and getting to see her sons last year of college basketball was important to her.
So just happy and I know she'll enjoy it. Yeah. So she is a. She is the face and the voice and the support and the encouragement and the coach, the driving force behind Caitlin Clark staying in Iowa.
Right. I mean, that's such a big story. Caitlin being from the area and playing in Iowa City and and then pushing her and coaching her hard and not giving her superstar treatment. Not not ever letting up on Caitlin. Always believing in her, but also pushing her to the very heights that she reached.
It's a combination. It's never just about one person and their individual greatness. It's about the coaching.
It's about the people around you. And she's always said that Lisa believed in her and gave her an opportunity and that the two of them were the only ones who believed that they could turn Hawkeye basketball into the power that it was. They were the only ones who believed when they teamed up, when they had this vision, when Lisa recruited Caitlin, they had this vision that they could get to the Final Four, they could challenge for a championship. That was their dream and goal.
And they both repeatedly said that this is one of the reasons why they connected and why it's been so powerful. Also, we were so privileged and I was so honored to have Lisa on our show. And especially now that we know that she reached another national championship game and back to back national runners up for the Hawkeyes. But in light of her retirement, it was so cool now to know that we had her on the show selection Sunday night. She was the first ever female coach that we'd had as part of our selection Sunday coverage, in large part because the women's selection show was also on Sunday this year as opposed to Monday where it had been for years and years. But I did love asking her about just kind of stopping for a second, looking around and taking stock of women's basketball and how it had grown and changed so dramatically and wondering if it was hard to keep up with this constant transformation and growth.
It is hard to keep up. And I'm so thankful that Coach Stringer was here because she really put, you know, I won the map. She wasn't the first coach here. She was the third coach here. But certainly she was the first coach that got resources here. And she did such a marvelous job. And, you know, we're friends to this day and I'm so thankful for the start that she gave to this program. And I know like, you know, back then everybody thought, you know, Iowa was drawing these great crowds and they were back then.
But I look back at those numbers and they were like 7,000, 8,000. So, I mean, women's basketball just nationally has just exploded and it's just fun to be on this side of it. I'm going to say we because I played college basketball too. How do we keep that going? How do we continue with the momentum to the point where this isn't a flash in the pan? This is people really understanding why women's basketball is special in its own right. Well, I think, for example, Amy, you said I was the first female coach you've ever had on the show. Well, there you go.
Right there. Like, we need to keep having exposure. Whether it's television, whether it's radio, whether it's newsprint, you know, the exposure is what gets people's attention. If they don't know about you, you could have the best product out there.
But if they don't know about you, they're not going to be able to talk about you or see you. And so the exposure has grown for women's athletics. And with it, along has come the attendance.
I really believe that we have a great product and we need to we need to be able to showcase it. Again, an honor to have Lisa Bluder on our show that selection Sunday night going back to mid-March. And now congratulations to her and her retirement after 24 years as the head coach at Iowa. She's actually ceding the job now to a longtime assistant. And so Caitlin mentioned that transition will really be helpful because it's a coaching staff. That's, other than Lisa, it's already in place. And that that will help with the players who stay behind, though they did lose what, five seniors?
Well, five seniors with Caitlin who left a year early. So you can certainly look back maybe a couple of years down the road and kind of gauge even better the impact that Iowa women's basketball had on this this explosion of popularity. Will it be sustained? Will these games, women's college basketball games, continue to draw major numbers?
You know what? Honestly, I would think there'll be a drop without Caitlin until fans get to know the next big star. For instance, Juju Watkins from USC. She was a freshman this year. She won a bunch of awards.
USC fell just shy of the Final Four. But we had Lindsey Gottlieb, former Cavaliers assistant coach, here on the show with us as well. Those superstars, if they get the attention, another great freshman at Notre Dame this year, and we know about Paige Beckers at UConn, there are some incredible players that still remain in women's college basketball. If the networks continue to give the sport its coverage, even post-Caitlin Clark, they will perform. Those stars will shine, and that popularity will become established as opposed to being a flash in the pan.
People keep asking me about Caitlin in the WNBA. Yeah, it's clear that at least this season, her rookie year, that all of that popularity she's carrying with her. Now, do the Fever have to get better? Sure, to sustain that, but will they?
Heck yeah. They've got three very young, incredible players on their team, so yeah, they will get better. Anyway, it's hard to gauge when you're right in the wake of it. You've got to wait a few years to see about the true growth, but I'm so happy for Lisa that she's seen it in her time coaching, and that she stuck around long enough to be, again, a major driving force in the career of Caitlin, but also that they got to see their dreams come true at Iowa in that partnership and that relationship that, you know, reminds me a lot of, say, Andy Reid and Patrick Mahomes, and of course, both in their own rights, talented, but it's the two of them together that's become the core of what the Chiefs have accomplished over the last five, six years. You know, another thought I had about just the rise of WNBA and women's basketball and Caitlin Clark effect is how tonight in Connecticut, how many people in the area went to the stadium to go see Caitlin Clark play, and how many left saying, oh, wow, that was a lot of fun. Maybe I've got to go to the next Connecticut Sun game, and even Caitlin Clark isn't there, and she's going to have that effect around stadiums across the country in this league and go, oh, I'm here to see Caitlin Clark tonight, but next time, oh, well, that was a great time. This team's pretty fun to watch. I'm going to go to the next game. Caitlin Clark's not even going to have to be there anymore.
Yeah, I hope that's the case. I hope that this creates some fans who see that the product is great and is entertaining. I mean, I used to tell that to people all the time when I would ask them to come to a NASCAR race with me. I know you may not think it's anything special, but you go to a race and you'll get hooked.
The excitement, the adrenaline, the speed, all of that, the passion, you'll enjoy it so much that you'll start watching on your own. So that's a good point from producer J. All right, coming up, Kirk Cousins. Remember, just before I left, he, I don't want to say blindsided, but he was definitely surprised by the fact that the Falcons drafted a quarterback at number eight. Was it number eight that Michael Pennix got drafted?
That number, yeah, a little fuzzy going back two weeks. However, it was a rookie quarterback and he was not expecting it. His agent made it very clear right away that Kirk was surprised when he got the news from the Falcons.
So now, two weeks later, post honeymoon, Kirk Cousins speaking out for the first time himself. Also, we'll take your questions for Ask Amy anything that comes up about 20 minutes from now. So you've got time on our show, Twitter at Amy After Hours and also on our Facebook page. It's After Hours with Amy Lawrence on the Infinity Sports Network.
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Just you wait. Auto Trader. The After Hours podcast. So he did reach out, you know, we had a very good conversation, but he reached out last night. I'm gonna keep it I'm gonna keep it, you know, just between me and him right now, you know, but it was definitely a good conversation. And, you know, I'm super excited to work with him.
And he said he's the same with me. So this is After Hours with Amy Lawrence, the voice of Michael Pennix Jr. out of Washington. He's got a terrific arm, incredible accuracy. Also, the big surprise of the first round of the NFL draft when the Falcons picked him number eight overall. Wasn't just a surprise to those of us who are watching. It was a surprise to Kirk Cousins, who had just signed a four year one hundred eighty million dollar contract as the new starting quarterback for Atlanta.
One hundred million dollars guaranteed. And then the team goes out and gets a rookie. All right. All right. Now, you remember, we got all the explanation from not just the new head coach, Raheem Morris Jr., but the front office as well. That this is about the future.
It's about not ever being in this position again. So you take the quarterback when you have the opportunity. So you're prepared for the years after Kirk Cousins. Except Kirk didn't know. Until right before the pick was made, in fact, he found out just moments before the rest of us finally spoke on the the occasion of. Hey, now, two weeks later, getting ready for more of these offseason OTAs and obviously the schedule release coming out, he did an interview on the podcast Bussing with the Boys and he told his draft night story. It's pretty straightforward.
I was at the same event at the stadium, was just driving back and and they called me and just said, hey, we're going to we're going to take quarterback here at the pick. I said, OK. And that was pretty straightforward. He tried to remain relatively unemotional about it. I think he's locked into now that this is the business. I'm a professional.
This is how it goes. But if you remember on draft night, his agent, Mike McCartney, was telling people a variety of of insiders who kind of broke the news that. Cousins camp, OK, so not necessarily Kirk himself, they didn't label Kirk with these reactions, but that Kirk's team, Kirk's family, Kirk's. People were confused and frustrated by the fact that the Falcons drafted Kirk's successor, quote unquote, before Kirk's ever played a game or even has been healthy enough to practice with the Falcons. So those were some of the reactions, surprise, confusion, frustration, according to Kirk's agent. But having had two weeks now to think about it and process, well, this is how it goes when you're in the NFL, especially at quarterback. I think it's similar to the call that Mark Dantonio made to me in 2000. That would have been 2007 when he said, hey, we're going to offer another quarterback. I know you've signed Nick Foles. You guys have to compete. And it's like, OK, you know, let's let's just take the next step. And then I was drafted right with Robert Griffin.
And I'd say, you know, you're going there with another quarterback in the same class. OK, so this is more this is more the norm than the exception. And I think the response is that this is the exception. And really, if you know my story, this is more this is more the norm of the journey.
And it's more of, OK, you know, let's let's just start working and start building together. So I appreciate that he says that and certainly nothing's been given to him. Robert Griffin, the third, was the number two overall pick by Washington the year that Cousins was drafted. So he was presumptively already the number two guy on the depth chart. And then remember, he had to multiple times had to see RG three take that job away. So RG three would get hurt. Kirk would start. Then Robert would get healthy again. They'd put him back in there. Ultimately, Kirk got the job.
But then what happened? Two years, if I remember correctly, on the franchise tag before it became evident. Remember, Washington traded for Alex Smith while Kirk was still on the roster. So that was the sign that Kirk was not going to be resigned by the Washington. I think there were still the Redskins at the time.
And so then what happens? He goes and he gets the first of a couple of guaranteed deals with the Vikings. He mentions Nick Foles, though, but see the difference between Nick Foles and Michael Penix, of course, is that Foles was a Super Bowl MVP and had just had that incredible run.
Well, let's see. He went Philly-Jacksonville, right? Did he go Philly-Jacksonville to Minnesota? Did he play like a game in Jacksonville?
Right. He got hurt in his very first game in Jacksonville and was never really the same after that. And so that's a little bit different because Nick Foles was toward the end of his career, but he was a veteran, number one. Number two, he had Super Bowl glory and had some incredible games, whereas Michael Penix is starting from scratch.
He's a rookie. So it's not quite the same thing, but his point is that I've faced every challenge. I've beat every competitor to get to this point now. I wouldn't be standing here if I hadn't had to face adversity and fight for my job everywhere I went. But the question persisted about whether he would have signed with the Falcons if he'd known they were drafting Penix. I don't really deal in hypotheticals. You know, we could go down that path for a long time in a lot of ways. It just doesn't do us any good. So, you know, I'm excited for this opportunity to have.
I think it's a real privilege to be a quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons, and I'm trying to make good on the opportunity they've given me with the way I work each day and the way we play this fall. I didn't hear either a yes or a no in that answer. It's essentially a refusal to give an answer. And maybe he doesn't choose to think about it at all.
Maybe that's not part of Kirk Cousins' mindset. I can't do anything about it. I've got $100 million guaranteed, so of course I'm not sorry I signed with Atlanta.
That'd be tacky to say. But it's a job. I still have a job. I'm still in the NFL.
But I don't know. Would you...huh. If you're in Kirk Cousins' shoes, would you say, heck no, I'd rather not compete with a rookie?
Ah, no. First of all, where else is he going to go that he's not going to face competition? That's just not real life in the NFL, especially at the quarterback position. And I don't think that he should be worried about it. Michael Penix, as much as he's got a great arm, is not ready to be an NFL QB, which is why so many people were stunned when he was drafted No.
8 overall. Raheem Morris, he's still saying the same thing, that Kirk is not competing with Michael Penix. I think the oldness really belongs to Michael when it comes to those things. Kirk's trying to win the Super Bowl. Kirk is in full-blown preparation mode to set the Atlanta Falcons up for the best success that they can possibly have. And I think you get no better person to sit behind than a Kirk Cousins type of guy.
And obviously they're probably better arguably on other people's teams, but I'm talking about the one on our team. And I just think it's a great experience for Michael. And I think he'll learn a lot from watching him move and move in silence with these guys, and he'll learn on the run. Because really it's the empathy and the humility of Michael that's going to come out more when it comes to learning those types of things. And I think that's the most important part of it all. Everybody wants to make Kirk have to tell him what to do, but really he's showing him what to do by his everyday movements and his actions. I appreciate how Raheem Morris phrases that.
The two jobs for these two guys are completely different. Michael's supposed to be learning from Kirk, and if he wants to be an NFL QB, he better soak in everything he can. Meanwhile, Kirk's busy trying to win a Super Bowl with the Falcons, and they do believe that Kirk was the last piece and that he was Super Bowl ready. Of course, he has to get healthy, so what's the update on his Achilles rehab? It's coming along really well. Today I felt the best I felt. That is also one day at a time, and Falcons training staff is doing a great job with me on a daily basis with the rehab. I think everything is trending in the right direction. I wasn't sure when I stood here in March and had just gotten here how much I'd be able to do at practice, but today I felt like I was able to do everything I would have normally done. That's big for that stuff I talked about initially, building continuity, getting shared history together.
So that's a huge help, and I'm excited to see how fast we can heal from here. So that is Kirk Cousins, buttoned up, professional, even keel, working on his rehab, saying all the right things. But don't let that even temperament throw you or fool you. He's a tenacious competitor. You like that? Otherwise, we would never have heard that. Also, he and his agent have now come up with three really incredible contracts in a row.
So if nothing else, respect him for that. All right, straight ahead, your chance to ask Amy anything after a couple of weeks away. The post is up on my Twitter, ALawRadio, our show Twitter, or our Facebook page.
It's After Hours with Amy Lorna. Call from Mom. Answer it.
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It's been a few weeks, but it's back. Time for Ask Amy Anything. I know Jay's planning on sprinkling in a few honeymoon questions, a few Hawaii questions, but I think we're going to need to do a video. Kind of like we did for Ask Amy Walks Down the Aisle, because there's so much to talk about. I have so many stories and photos to share.
Yeah, we will be doing a video. I mean, if this early Just Ask Amy on your first day back is any indication of the Hawaii questions that are coming in, we might need to do two. So, we'll start with a few here, though. I know the answer to this one, but Jose wants to know, was Hawaii part of your bucket list?
It was, actually. Next to Jerusalem and the Holy Land, which I won't be going to anytime soon. This was number two spot on my travel bucket list. I had been telling people for 25 plus years that I was going to go to Hawaii on my honeymoon. People would ask me, why don't you go? Have you been? When are you going? I'm going on my honeymoon long before I met Bob, long before I knew a thing about Bob. Pretty cool, though, that he had never been either. And so, yes, it was a check off of our travel bucket list.
We'll just do a kind of a generic one. Annie wants to know, what did you like most about Hawaii in your trip? Oh, gosh. Well, you know, I love the ocean, and I'd not spent this much time on the Pacific Ocean at any point in my life. We hit 10 different spots on the Big Island that were either beaches or cliffs, ocean access points. We swam in multiple different places off of the Big Island, and then we were also on Waikiki Beach the first night we got to Hawaii. We climbed Diamond Head and could see the ocean. So I just love the fact that it was both mountains and oceans. There were animals of all sorts there, animals that we interacted with, some that were wild.
It was a mixed bag. There are 11 different climate zones on the Big Island, and so you go from – there was snow up on Mauna Kea. Really? Yeah, we didn't see it, but there had been snow that week. We went up to the summit of Mauna Kea, which is nearly 14,000 feet up. But from sea level, it is the tallest mountain in the world. From sea level, it's 30,000 feet, so yeah, it's phenomenal.
Anyway, I love the different climate zones, the heat, the desert, the tropical rainforest, the farmland. Hilo, which is the opposite side of the island from where we were, near Kona, is the wettest city in the U.S. So you have a city that gets 10 inches of rain per year on average in Kona, which is on the west side of the island. And then you've got the two big volcanoes in the middle that both go up to better than 13,000 feet.
On the other side of the island, it gets hundreds of inches of rain per year. Isn't that crazy? That's neat.
It's stark, right? And so it was just neat to experience the diversity and also the adventure. Unless you stayed at a resort, which we did not, it's not your typical kind of cushy beach holiday vacation.
It wasn't like that. It was pretty rugged. We got dirty. We hiked a lot. We were gone for long hours. We saw everything you could see on the Big Island. It was amazing. You did mention this briefly earlier, but we got asked about it, so I'm going to ask you. Karen wants to know, did you visit a black sand beach in Hawaii?
I did, actually. Our very first full day on the Big Island, we went to a green sand beach, which is pretty cool. We have awesome photos to share. And one of, I think there are a dozen black sand beaches on, it's basalt, in case you're wondering. My mom told me that because she's a former geologist. Black sand beaches on Big Island, there's about a dozen of them. And we went to one that was down on the southern tip of the island, saw our first sea turtles. In fact, one of them had kind of been stuck. I think he got washed in on some lava rock and was working his way back out, but biding his time as the tide was coming in. It was pretty incredible.
Also, you're going to laugh at this. There were people, of course, crowded around. I mean, we were standing on lava rock. He was in the water trying to, but he was out, you know, he was like half in, half out of the water. It was a crowd, yeah.
Yeah, he was working his way and nobody was touching him. People were a couple feet away, but nobody was like reaching into the water. There was a woman, a white woman, not a Hawaiian native, who was yelling at people from the shore to get back, give them some space, give them some room. There were signs on the beach, right? So she starts yelling some, and I believe he was Hispanic, I don't believe he was Hawaiian. A Hispanic man with his young son, he's holding his son and showing him the turtle starts screaming back at her. So there's this, it was profane over a turtle on a beach. Two people who don't know each other and like a dozen of us in between.
That was interesting. Well, if you're not touching him and you're just observing, I don't know. Yeah, I mean, yes, the signs say to stay 30 feet away. 30 feet, that's what it is? But nobody can get pictures from 30 feet away, right? So I wasn't 30 feet away, I was probably 15.
Anyway, yeah, she takes it upon herself to be the turtle protector and just starts yelling, just starts yelling at everyone. All right, we'll do another one here on Hawaii. Mike wants to know, were the flights to and from Hawaii the longest you've been on a plane while it was in the air? Other than Africa, yes. So when I went to Africa. I believe that was actually in his question.
Oh, gotcha. Okay, so when I went to Africa, I was 20 hours in the tube, on the way back 24 hours in the tube because we were going east. The flight to Hawaii from JFK was 11 hours on the way there, only nine on the way back.
That was pretty sweet. Jet stream. Yeah, take that. So yeah, it was long, but want to know what show I started binging? Yeah. The Big Bang Theory.
Really? I've never seen it. I know you're going to think it's crazy. I've never seen The Big Bang Theory, even though people tell me that I look like Penny, which is, I don't see it.
But also the fact that they're big Star Wars fans, I've never seen it. And so I'm sitting next to Bob. We're watching different things. I was watching Friends. He was watching Big Bang. He's howling with laughter.
So I start watching a few and it's hysterical. In fact, the guy in front of us who was trying to sleep got really mad and turned around and glared at us because we were laughing. Turned around? Yeah, he turned around and glared at us because we were laughing at The Big Bang Theory.
Wow. Did Bob sleep? Did you nudge him? I may have been like, hey, what are you watching over there when he fell asleep? Or just like sweetly hold his hand and oh, sorry, were you sleeping? Oh, I didn't mean that.
Talk to me. Brent wants to know, do you have a spirit animal? You know, it's funny because I always would have said horses were my spirit animal because I've adored horses since I was a real little girl. Well, there is a kind of a part two to this. Oh, should I wait for the part two? Yeah, so he wants to know, do you have a spirit animal and did it change after visiting Hawaii?
Right. Well, my my absolute favorite moment. So Bob and I've already done a top 10 favorite moments or sites in Hawaii just because people love to rank things right. My top favorite moment of the trip to Hawaii was swimming with the dolphins. In fact, I've got a couple of photos.
We couldn't take cameras or phones into the water for obvious reasons. And so they had a professional well, they had an official photographer and he was taking photos. So as one of my souvenirs, I, I bought three photos. One is me with a dolphin kissing me. It is the the joy of my face. Jay will tell you, I think I look happier in that moment than I did when I said I do at my wedding. I was so over the moon excited to be swimming with dolphins that I was giddy.
My friends are like, look at your face anyway. First kiss from a dolphin, first kiss from a husband. Sorry, Bob. Anyway, yes, swimming with the dolphins. I've always wanted to do that. And it was better than I could have imagined. It was only 45 minutes, but it had to be the best 45 minutes of my spirit animal life. The dolphin was chatty. Actually, there were multiple dolphins, but as a young one, she was chatty. She wasn't grumpy. She was fun. She, she cackled at me. Did she have a name? Yes, they were Hawaiian names, but I don't remember them all. Sorry. I'd have to go back and look at them.
But yeah, they were awesome. In fact, at one point she had her choice to go to anyone in the semi-circle. She came to me. Look at that.
Yeah. Oh, she also spit water at Bob, which is kind of funny. Came to you, spit water at Bob. I wonder if she likes more. All right, let's get into a little food here. Rich wants to know, do you like rice pudding? Not really.
Tapioca is okay, but no, not really. This one's interesting from David. He wants to know what food from your childhood that was great then seems kind of ordinary or meh now.
Oh, interesting. I would say probably Apple Jacks. I mean, I do, I ate them as a child whenever mom would let us. We had to mix them with Cheerios because it was too much sugar. And, and Jay, did you either buy me a box or we shared a box last year?
I brought it in some. Right. Yeah. They're not the same now. And it's not nearly as tasty as what it was when I was a kid. So I was like Apple Jacks also Twinkies. They're, they're just, when I was a kid, that was the ultimate treat. Not the same anymore. Now that you know, that's right. Trinky creamer for your coffee is different.
Now that I know they have a two year shelf life, it's not quite the same thing. Minimum. We'll do one more food here. Let's go with Roland wants to know, do you like fresh food, fresh fruit on your pancakes or French toast?
Not over 100% pure maple syrup from New Hampshire. No, but I, I do enjoy blueberries on pancakes. One more before rapid fire. Ben wants to know what's your longest wortle streak? 36. 36. That's good. Right.
Except I haven't gotten anywhere close to that lately just because it's been kind of a crazy year. Did you get any on one try in Hawaii? No, no, no. I'm still on, on two first time guesses.
Pretty good. We'll close rapid fire vacation or staycation vacation city or countryside country for sure. Fake or real fireplace. Wait, Baker. What fake or real fire.
Oh my gosh. I don't do fake fireplace. I thought you said bake. Oh, I love real fireplaces.
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