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Search Results : valerie


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: valerie
Faith And Finance
Rob West
February 28, 2025
In Matthew Jesus says For where your treasure is there your heart will be also That teaching is true for everyone and yet men and women have different perspectives on money So how do wise women manage the resources God entrusts to them Miriam Neff is here to talk about that today Miriam Neff is the founder of Widow Connection the author of books a counselor a Bible teacher and a speaker She supports widows through sewing and bakery projects and is the co-author of Wise Women Managing Money Expert Advice on Debt Wealth Budgeting and More with her daughter [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
December 23, 2024
Beauty matters to painters musicians and photographers but what does it have to do with investing The creation account suggests that beauty is also at the core of faithful stewardship and investing Today we ll discuss Investing in Beautiful with Jason Myhre of the Eventide Center for Faith Investing Jason Myhre is the Executive Director of the Eventide Center for Faith Investing an educational initiative of Eventide Asset Management and an underwriter of Faith Finance The Experience of BeautyWe all encounter beauty in various forms an orchestral performance a mountain hike a beach stroll or even a bouquet of flowers [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
November 21, 2024
There s a great investing option out there and chances are it s not in your portfolio That option is Exchange-Traded Funds or ETFs and they re worth considering Brian Mumbert joins us today to discuss the advantages of ETFs Brian Mumbert is Vice President and Regional Sales Executive at Timothy Plan an underwriter of Faith Finance What is an ETF An Exchange-Traded Fund ETF is an investment option similar to a mutual fund but with distinct features ETFs typically follow an index such as the S P or NASDAQ and are not actively managed This means that an ETF [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
October 22, 2024
If you think there s only one way to pay for healthcare maybe it s time to think outside the box of health insurance Of course health insurance is a great thing to have but is it necessarily the best way to pay for healthcare costs Lauren Gajdek joins us today to discuss medical cost sharing and how it might be a better option Lauren Gajdek is the Vice President of Communications and Media at Christian Healthcare Ministries an underwriter of Faith Finance What Are People Looking for in Healthcare Many people are searching for options beyond traditional health insurance [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
October 11, 2024
Giving is supposed to be a source of great joy for God s people But sometimes we act like it s just another pain in our wallet Christians are supposed to be generous but maybe you re having trouble getting excited about the idea Today we ll point you back to the radical joy of godly generosity Has Your Giving Become Automatic Let s start with an honest confession has your Sunday donation become a routine more about the habit than the heart Or maybe you ve been cutting back on giving due to financial challenges and guilt is starting [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
October 10, 2024
Learn to do good seek justice correct oppression bring justice to the fatherless plead the widow s cause - Isaiah Widows are often unprepared to face a range of difficulties including grief social isolation and of course financial challenges Valerie Hogan joins us today to discuss some ways we can help Valerie Hogan is an attorney a Certified Financial Planner CFP a member of Kingdom Advisors as well as the co-author of Wise Women Managing Money Expert Advice on Debt Wealth Budgeting and More with Miriam Neff Helping Widows Build Financial ConfidenceMore than of married women outlive their husbands and [... more]
Our American Stories
Lee Habeeb
September 25, 2024
On this episode of Our American Stories our host Lee Habeeb tells his wife's story Decades after years of sexual abuse and crisis Valerie leaned on her faith to forgive her abuser and to powerfully heal Support the show https www ouramericanstories com donate See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
September 10, 2024
You ve probably heard it said that anything worth doing is worth doing well Today we ll find out why working hard at something can pay big dividends spiritually and financially The Secret to Success Discipline in Every Area of LifeWhat does it take to succeed If you ask any successful person they ll likely tell you that success doesn t happen by accident it requires hard work preparation and the ability to learn from failure As former U S Secretary of State General Colin Powell once said There is no secret to success It is the result of preparation [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
August 27, 2024
From hats in the hall closet to bats in the belfry we can help you save money on the basics Today we ll offer you a few common-sense strategies for saving money on three basic necessities clothing utilities and home maintenance Saving on ClothingWhen it comes to clothing it s easy to get tempted by sales or the latest trends This is especially true if you have kids especially teenagers with rapidly changing sizes and opinions on what s cool But keeping your family s wardrobe sharp doesn t have to break the bank Shop Thrift Stores You don t [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
August 13, 2024
If you re drowning in debt and someone offers a lifeline make sure it s not really an anchor You have a few different options for paying off debt but they are definitely not all equal You have debt settlement debt consolidation and debt management Neile Simon joins us today to explain the difference Neile Simon is a Certified Credit Counselor with Christian Credit Counselors CCC an underwriter of Faith Finance Debt Consolidation A Quick Fix with Hidden DangersDebt consolidation is often seen as an attractive option because it combines multiple debts into one loan with an interest rate between [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
July 17, 2024
Therefore do not be foolish but understand what the Lord s will is - Ephesians That verse is a good reminder that to follow God's will we must first know it for all areas of our lives including finances Brian Holtz joins us today with a question Does your budget reflect God s priorities or yours Brian Holtz is the Chief Operating Officer at Compass Financial Ministry and the author of Financial Discipleship for Families Intentionally Raising Faithful Children Ownership vs Stewardship One of the fundamental concepts of Christian finances is the distinction between ownership and stewardship Psalm reminds us [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
June 18, 2024
Faithful stewardship requires us to make wise financial decisions manage and grow assets and protect our families from hardship Are you ready if you rsquo re suddenly disabled or incapacitated On today's Faith amp Finance Live host Rob West will welcome Valerie Hogan to share a checklist to prepare you for managing your assets after a disability Then Rob will answer some caller questions on different financial topics nbsp See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
June 18, 2024
By wisdom a house is built and by understanding it is established by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches - Proverbs - Faithful stewardship requires us to make wise financial decisions manage and grow assets and protect our families from hardship Are you ready if you re suddenly disabled or incapacitated Valerie Hogan joins us with a checklist to prepare you for it Valerie Hogan is an attorney a Certified Financial Planner CFP a member of Kingdom Advisors as well as the co-author of Wise Women Managing Money Expert Advice on Debt Wealth Budgeting and [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
May 15, 2024
We'd like to think that our actions are always pleasing to God and certainly don't offend Him but we also know that isn't always true Christians are called to do good works so the world will see them and God will be glorified So it shouldn't surprise us that God takes stinginess and generosity personally Randy Alcorn joins us today to discuss this Randy Alcorn is a New York Times bestselling author of over books on Christian Living and the Founder and Director of Eternal Perspective Ministries His ministry focuses on helping others use their time money possessions and opportunities [... more]
Our American Stories
Lee Habeeb
April 24, 2024
On this episode of Our American Stories our host Lee Habeeb tells his wife's story Decades after years of sexual abuse and crisis Valerie leaned on her faith to forgive her abuser and to powerfully heal Support the show https www ouramericanstories com donate See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
April 04, 2024
Blended or stepfamilies have become a new normal So how do couples in those situations navigate the effects it has on their finances On today's Faith amp Finance Live host Rob West will talk with Valerie Hogan about the challenges for estate planning that blended families may encounter Then Rob will answer your calls and financial questions nbsp See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
April 04, 2024
It All Starts With CommunicationCommunication is crucial for estate planning in blended families highlighting the importance of being open transparent and truthful While this may be difficult at times it's essential for bringing issues to the forefront suggesting that effective communication is the foundation for addressing the unique challenges blended families face in estate planning How do blended families with different goals work it out When spouses in blended families have different goals they should prioritize seeking understanding and compromise Seek first to understand and then to be understood emphasizing the value of asking questions like tell me more about [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
March 25, 2024
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths - Proverbs - Why are people so worried about the economy these days Part of the issue is concern about a number of factors including the upcoming US election high inflation high interest rates and various geopolitical issues like what's happening with China Taiwan Ukraine and the Middle East How are people dealing with this uncertainty Uncertainty for many people leads to fear especially for those on a fixed budget or [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 18, 2024
Miriam Neff back on the program She's the founder and president of Widow Connection a ministry dedicated to helping women overcome and thrive after the loss of a husband She's also co-author with her daughter Valerie Neff Hogan of Wise Women Managing Money THE IMPORTANCE OF WOMEN UNDERSTANDING FINANCESMiriam Neff discusses the importance of women including widows and single moms understanding and managing finances She emphasizes that women manage over of wealth in the U S and this number is growing Every woman should understand finances regardless of their marital status It's crucial to acknowledge that all possessions are God's [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 15, 2024
A will is the usual tool for passing assets on to your heirs when you die But for some things you don rsquo t need a will at all because there rsquo s a way you can ensure that certain assets go straight to your heirs without passing through probate On today's Faith amp Finance Live host Rob West will be joined by Valerie Hogan who rsquo ll give us a crash course on beneficiary designations and why you want to you use them Then he rsquo ll answer your calls and various financial questions nbsp See omnystudio com listener [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
September 06, 2023
Months after suffering a miscarriage Valerie decided to have a garage sale Gerald a neighbor craftsman a few miles away eagerly bought the baby crib she was selling While there his wife talked with Valerie and learned about her loss After hearing of her situation on the way home Gerald decided to use the crib to craft a keepsake for Valerie A week later he tearfully presented her with a beautiful bench ldquo There rsquo s good people out there and here rsquo s proof rdquo Valerie said Like Valerie Ruth and Naomi suffered great loss Naomi rsquo s husband [... more]
Our American Stories
Lee Habeeb
June 30, 2023
On this episode of Our American Stories our host Lee Habeeb tells his wife Valerie's story After years of abuse and crisis Valerie and her family found the faith to forgive and to powerfully heal Support the show https www ouramericanstories com donate See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
July 17, 2022
Order the Book An amazing Widow - Mirium Neff and her CFP daughter - Valerie Hogan share insights for managing money [... more]
Building Relationships
Dr. Gary Chapman
April 09, 2022
Women today control more than of the wealth in America They want to steward their resources well but many feel a lack of confidence in the area of money management On this edition of Building Relationships with Dr Gary Chapman mother and daughter Miriam Neff and Valerie Hogan team up to help empower women Featured resource Wise Women Managing Money by Miriam Neff and Valerie Hogan See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
CBS Sunday Morning
Jane Pauley
April 03, 2022
Hailed as one of the greatest child prodigies since Mozart pianist Ruth Slenczynska played her first concert when she was See Privacy Policy at https art com privacy and California Privacy Notice at https art com privacy do-not-sell-my-info [... more]
Focus on the Family
Jim Daly
October 06, 2021
In a discussion based on their book Resilient Valerie Bell and Matt Markins equip parents to raise kids who are resilient disciples for Christ who won't give up their faith in the face of cultural pressure Our guests outline the three 'B's' for developing resilience and discuss the importance of balancing God's truth with His love Get the book Resilient for your donation of any amount https donate focusonthefamily com don-daily-broadcast-product- - - refcd Get more episode resources https www focusonthefamily com episodes broadcast helping-your-child-build-a-lifelong-faith featured-resource-cta If you've listened to any of our podcasts please give us your feedback https [... more]
Family Life Today
Dave & Ann Wilson, Bob Lepine
August 18, 2021
No matter what trials the Church has faced in history the fire of the Gospel has continued Valerie Bell Matt Markins and Mike Handler declare that the Church is meant to carry the fire to the next generation Show Notes and Resources Find resources from this podcast at https shop familylife com Products aspx categoryid Download FamilyLife's new app https www familylife com app Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network https www familylife com familylife-podcast-network [... more]
Family Life Today
Dave & Ann Wilson, Bob Lepine
August 17, 2021
What do we want the future of the Church to look like Valerie Bell Matt Markins and Mike Handler call on the Church to raise up children who love Jesus for the rest of their lives Show Notes and Resources Find resources from this podcast at https shop familylife com Products aspx categoryid Download FamilyLife's new app https www familylife com app Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network https www familylife com familylife-podcast-network [... more]
Family Life Today
Dave & Ann Wilson, Bob Lepine
August 16, 2021
How can we prepare our kids to stand strong and not be blown away by the culture AWANA leaders Valerie Bell Matt Markins and Mike Handler call for the raising up of the greatest generation of disciples Show Notes and Resources Find resources from this podcast at https shop familylife com Products aspx categoryid Download FamilyLife's new app https www familylife com app Check out all that's available on the FamilyLife Podcast Network https www familylife com familylife-podcast-network [... more]
The Christian Car Guy
Robby Dilmore
July 07, 2021
http widowconnection com wise-women-managing-money Miriam Neff from Widow Connection and her daughter Valerie an attorney CFP with their new video series Wise Women Managing Money [... more]
Building Relationships
Dr. Gary Chapman
August 22, 2020
Women today control more than of the wealth in America They want to steward their resources well but many lack the confidence in the area of money management nbsp On a best-of nbsp Building Relationships nbsp with Dr Gary Chapman Miriam Neff and Valerie Hogan team up to help empower women nbsp Learn how to take charge of your finances Don rsquo t miss the encouragement on the next nbsp Building Relationships nbsp with Dr Gary Chapman nbsp nbsp [... more]
Building Relationships
Dr. Gary Chapman
January 18, 2020
Women today control more than of the wealth in America They want to steward their resources well but many lack the confidence in the area of money management On the next Building Relationships with Dr Gary Chapman Miriam Neff and Valerie Hogan team up to help empower women Learn how to take charge of your finances Don't miss the encouragement on the next Building Relationships with Dr Gary Chapman See omnystudio com listener for privacy information [... more]
CBS Sunday Morning
Jane Pauley
September 01, 2019
Lee Cowan is in for Jane Made in U S A Bringing manufacuring jobs back to the homeland The new face of labor Gen James Mattis Valerie Harper Dolly Parton See Privacy Policy at https art com privacy and California Privacy Notice at https art com privacy do-not-sell-my-info [... more]
Family Policy Matters
NC Family Policy
July 14, 2016
NC Family president John Rustin talks with Valerie Huber president of Ascend formerly the National Abstinence Education Association about a new CDC study that shows a remarkable decline in teen sexual activity in recent years [... more]
Family Policy Matters
NC Family Policy
January 14, 2016
This week NC Family president John Rustin continues a discussion he began last week with Valerie Huber president of Ascend formerly the National Abstinence Education Association NAEA about the important role parents can play in helping teens make wise decisions about sex [... more]
Family Policy Matters
NC Family Policy
January 07, 2016
This week NC Family president John Rustin talks with Valerie Huber president of Ascend formerly the National Abstinence Education Association NAEA about why more American teens are delaying sexual activity and the important role parents can play in helping teens make wise decisions about sex [... more]
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