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Is GOP About to Abandon Evangelicals?

The Todd Starnes Show / Todd Starnes
The Truth Network Radio
July 20, 2022 3:19 pm

Is GOP About to Abandon Evangelicals?

The Todd Starnes Show / Todd Starnes

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July 20, 2022 3:19 pm

Evangelicals have grave concerns that their influence with the Republican Party is about to be marginalized. 

Tony Perkins and Dick Morris join the conversation!

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The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Todd Starnes Show
Todd Starnes
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown

We all know someone who does not work and no chill. Trust me that used to be me, but then I found galaxy full four which allows me to do more things at once.

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Don't take your to do list one line at a time multitasks he can relax, click the banner to get your galaxy Z full for welcome to the Todd start show sponsored by the legacy precious metals. There's never been a better time to invest in precious metals visit legacy PM that's legacy PM investments.job live from Liberty University studio in Memphis Tennessee is America's conservative George today about about what happened last night on Capitol Hill and got the story up with the welcome to the Oxford review. So glad to have you today and we are always honored and humbled that you would spend three hours of your day hanging out with us on the radio last night. The house of representatives voted to codify same-sex marriage. 47 Republicans voted with the Democrats on this particular issue now. It's probably not going to pass the Senate. But if it does present a body will sign this bill into law, and it would eat while the Supreme Court redefined what God defined as marriage of the House of Representatives is going to codify that so that would annihilate the original Defense of marriage act now we have a list of all the Republicans who voted in favor of this on our website. I think it's important for you to see for yourself the individuals who are supportive of gay marriage. One of them happens to be a regular on this program Congressman Scott Perry.

He is chairman of the house freedom caucus and I have to tell you I was a bit surprised to see his name on the list but anyway he voted for it. So guess what his name is on the list.

He's a member of leadership, so we pointed out that he was the chairman of the house freedom caucus a least a phonic. By the way, who replaced Liz Cheney as chair of the GOP conference also voted in favor, as did Liz Cheney, the daughter of Dick and Adam Kinzer so we got a we got a pretty nasty note and addressing down from Congressman Perry's office today.

How dare you how dare you insult Grace's read this message this morning.

This text message and I about what's going on. Did we get the story want did he vote no know he did, he voted yes and in his office acknowledges that they were upset with us because they thought that we would just gloss that over, I guess, or that because he comes on this program and we appreciate the Congressman coming on the program. Maybe they thought we were going to just leave his name out will. That's not what we do all this program, folks, and you know that by now we tell it like it is one way or the other. You may not agree with my opinion but at least you know where I stand and were not going to coddle these Congressman they know what they were doing so we invited the Congressman to come on even though they were very upset with us. I said grace. Let's invite above the program and will at the Congressman explain himself, and they refused.

They review and probably knocking to be here.

I would say in in the near future there very upset and and you know what, that's fine, they can be upset, but I'd I believe that the American people. The members of the Republican Party deserve some sort of an explanation why the change why the shift on what is probably one of the most important culture war issues of the day. Aside from the life issue and I've I've been doing some research over the past couple of years working on the new book and I've come to the conclusion and and this is really the heart of what I want to chat with you guys about that to kickoff today's program. It's very clear to me that the Republican Party is going through a an evolutionary evolutionary process of metamorphosis that they are shifting on the culture issues of the day. Are you beginning to see this. I want to give you a clue.

The clue is Fox news channel as Fox News goes, so goes the Republican Party no Fox News Channel over the past five or six years made a radical shift to embrace the LGBT movement and to elevate the LGBT movement and so if you if you want a job but let's just say you go to a Christian school, and you want to be a journalist and you apply for a job at Fox you are probably not going to get that job and the reason is very simple because they have partnerships with the national Association of gay and lesbian journalist. They have associations with other far left journalism organizations and so those organizations are following their people who are not journalist their activist into the newsrooms and the TV shows a Fox News Channel and that's why you you see it Fox News and just I want you to step back and think about this. Only one cable news channel has a paid transgender activists on their staff. It is not MSDN see it is not CNN private road network think you judged around it is not Newsmax it is not what America news it's Fox News to and they celebrate that they celebrate their diversity and I did. That's just the way I live.

I was going to tell you another story but II think I've made my point here. I'll save that story for another day. So anyway, I think the people at the Republican Party headquarters they see this and they realize that Fox News is sort of the mouthpiece for what was conservatism. I don't think they are now and the Republicans are so you don't. Maybe this is our opportunity. Now this really has nothing to do with gay marriage. This has this has to do with the the Christian people and the I use the term evangelicals. Maybe I should just say conservative Christians, but this fight goes all the way back to Jerry Ford and Jerry Ford was a he was quite frankly, a conservative Democrat maybe heat. He was a very liberal Republican has wife Betty Ford was a lovely woman and a great lady and a lot of wonderful things but her politics really stunk to high heavens as over politics were to the left of her husband. She supported the ERA she was outspoken on a lot of the key liberal issues of the day, so much so that Jerry Ford's campaign team when he was running against Jimmy Carter were afraid that the Christian voters within the Republican Party would would move over and vote for Jimmy Carter, which is exactly what happened. There was this fight within the party, and Ronald Reagan emerged. You might remember that Reagan and the end of Ford were going at it, Reagan challenged Ford. It was an ugly thing Reagan came back and when he came back he joined forces with people like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell and had it not been for those alliances, Ronald Reagan would not have been elected president when he say that again without the alliances of the conservative Christians look the moral majority. If you remember that the term back in the day Reagan went out of one and it was an ugly ugly fight so it was, it's been a marriage between the Republican Party of the that the Chamber of Commerce side of the Republican Party and the evangelicals how to spin up the marriage of convenience so everybody sorted gets what they want, but I don't think that's gonna happen much longer and I think we are starting to see the shifter now my question to you Christians conservative persons out there. If the Republican Party decides to jettison all of the culture war issues in in the spirit of this big tent party, will you still vote Republican because that's what they're counting on. I was talking to some folks from inside the Beltway and their concern they they believe that an inherently all this.

They believe in announcing the Republicans get to do this, but they believe that if the Republicans woke up one day and said you know what working to be a pro-choice party. They literally believe that you Christians out there would not leave the party because you guys covet the power and the prestige and the prominence of of being a part of a political party. They believe that they truly believe that but but on the issue of, for example of same-sex marriage, they that's why you had 47 Republicans vote with the Democrats because they know that you conservative Christians, you may holler. You may squawk but at the end of the day you're not going anywhere else because there's no other party for you. So there is going to do with they wanted to.

It was John McCain and I wrote about this in the two books ago, it was John McCain back years ago when he said people like Jerry Falwell, senior and Pat Robertson were agents of intolerance.

That's the mindset of the establishment Republicans that you guys if you are a Christian if you're conservative you're just there to get them votes and I literally had people tell me Starnes you on the local level Stearns you just need to shut up and this is a very nice way but basically what they're saying is you need to shut up. Give us your campaign money your contributions and go vote for us. Go vote for candidates and it is in an and I'm telling you folks, it is it is a crazy world right now within the Republican Party. So this is nothing new. The New York Times today said that the the idea of the fact that 47 Republicans join Democrats or marriage equality is remarkable, but it's really not remarkable because the shift has been happening for quite some time. It sort of surfaced last year during Gay pride month.

When Rhonda McDaniel, the chairperson of the RNC, but at that big statement saluting the LGBT community, so I'm not quite sure there's really anything that can be done about this. If you're conservative Christian.

I I suspect what's gonna happen is that they will that the GOP will basically decide this is no longer an issue for us and we will embrace same-sex marriage and the question is, what will you do as a conservative. If that happens, will you do will you will you still be a part of a part of the Republican Party will you say you don't. That's it for me.

I'm out because they're saying this is a nonissue now that you know what in the Republicans. These 47 Republicans who voted yesterday. Here's what they said we don't care what God define marriage as to how what the Bible that that's what those 47 Republicans did yesterday, and that's what that's their right to do that is their right to do and it is all right to have a conversation about here's the headline in politico.

The GOP waves the white flag in the same-sex marriage wars 844-747-8868 that's our toll-free telephone number that's 844-747-8868 coming up I were to be talking with Tony Perkins from family research Council also Dick Morris is going to be here. We've been talking a lot about his a brand-new blog will be talked about the. The president's looming rod in 2024 and working to do a deep dive on people to judge and find out what the heck is going on with his electric cars a lot to talk about today 844-747-8868 this is the Dodge charger. My pillow is having their biggest sheet sale of the year you all of help build by fellow into an amazing company that it is today. Now Michael Lindell, the inventor and CEO once to get back exclusively to his listeners. The parochial bed sheet set is available in a variety of colors and sizes and are all on sale. For example the Queen size normally 8998 now only 3998 with our listener promo code. Ordered L because when they're gone they're gone.

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That's 1-800-839-8506 use the promo code Starnes organa and click on the radio listener square dancing with those. And again, the question is if the Republicans start going to the left is for just abandon them altogether. Would you still support as a as a Christian, would you still support the party. Keep in mind that was the reason why many Christians came over and inserted voting with the Republicans. Let's go to the phone lines. Jerry on the line from Bartlett, Tennessee K WA of our flagship station hey Gary what's on your mind.

Good morning Lori, I'm good thank you for asking. Good luck. My mother I'm at Christmas.Christian.conservative, you'll raise my kids to discard the gay marriage if you were talking about that you know it's wrong.

It goes against God's principal day and in our R-value is a very pro-traditional marriage. But you know when the case was decided I get more lift years ago with the court. I mean I'm thinking myself if were going to be.

Why should the government even get caught up in all the working to be a nation of freedom then shouldn't that mean freedom like for all delight to make their that the choices like that and then just let God sort about you. I teach my kids to respect people are different.

If there Gay that does make them any less of a person to show them respect. We don't have to agree with their lifestyle, but were are all sinners and fall short of the glory God and just to treat them as they would anyone else so it's almost like why, rehash it in and I don't know what were your thoughts when my missing here will Gary, first of all I think the big problem and this goes in Roe V Wade placement of this is well and limp. Let me see if I can explain my best to explain here. I believe that marriage should not be in a federal issue that is an issue for the churches you know if you want to have civil unions or whatever, that's fine, but the federal government has no business being in the marriage business now your argument should Gary do me a favor turned on your radio because you will get a little bit of a blowback for herself and dove that way will be able to happen will be able to converse when you look at Roe V Wade everybody's at all. Roe V Wade there it up there and outlaw abortion. Well Roe V Wade was overturned and guess what, you can still get an abortion in America it is back to the states. The same thing applies with the gay marriage issue. I believe that the Supreme Court overstepped as does Sen. Ted Cruz and and others who study the law that that the Supreme Court overstepped and ultimately this is an issue for for the states to decide.

But beyond that, as a person of faith. I believe that marriage should not be a government issue. It is an issue for the church. 100% agree.

Okay thank you sir appreciate you take Gary, thanks for listing. Appreciate the call and again this has nothing and and you can't have these rational conversations one-on-one. That's why like to have on the radio because people start screaming at your homophobe. No, no, no, no, no, this has nothing to do with that. This has everything to do with the overreach of the federal government, and it troubles me that we had 47 Republicans up on Capitol Hill who could not understand that concept but for, then this is a power move.

This is a power grab.

That's what that's what that's really all about. So look where it is to go from here. Well it's going to have a tough go in the Senate will see. But if it is a look if it goes to the Senate binds get assigned this because that's all they've got to run on. That's it. This is in front for the Democrats. This is nothing at all you gay folks out there. This has nothing to do with you. They want to rile up their base to get you guys out so you go and vote in November that that's what this is really all about Bullock. I'm God and and I know a lot of Christian conservatives music well we shouldn't have the log cabin Republicans in the and the people in the party. Okay, why, why not. I me to get there there to be fighting for things like fiscal responsibility. Why would you not want people in the party. I mean it would do what and again I've heard this from from from Christians what we only need Christians in the Republican Party okay but you know what if the Christians are as active in the Republican Party as they are in church on Sunday. You never know when a race sorry to sorry to offend somebody squirming to the pew, but it's true. So I don't have a problem with what Ronald Reagan coined the big tent party. The issue I have is throwing the party platform out the window and there is a long-established party platform on some of these big cultural issues. That's all that's all I'm trying to say here are a where to get back to it.

I got up we got wind of this people to judge things fascinating back story about Pete's dad who was a communist and how that's influencing his son in Washington DC really taken your calls as well 844-747-8868. That is our telephone number.

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Click on the app and there you go, you can send us a shout out like a Ricky and Gary just did all right. Welcome back to the Todd surgery radio shows, so glad to have you with us today. Yesterday Pete booty judge was testifying up on Capitol Hill and a lot of people are very concerned about the high price of gasoline. Have you heard about this I mean this is out that it's it's off the charts.

People don't understand why why Pres. Mike just doesn't open up our pipelines, our oilfields, why are we going over to Saudi Arabia with the gas can on her hand, asking for a couple gallons again and Mayor Pete or Sec. Pete. He said the quiet part out loud, cut three course the more pain we are all experiencing from the high-priced price of gas more benefit there is for those who can access electric vehicle. It's all about paying ladies and gentlemen, they want you to suffer. This has nothing to do with dropping the price per gallon of gasoline.

This has everything to do with raising the cost because they want you to stop driving those gasoline powered cars. They want you to switch over to an electric car those cars that you plug into the side of your your car of your garage. That's what they want, but the problem is most Americans cannot afford those kinds of cars, what, 55, $60,000. Let's play cut number eight.

I think Mr. Speaker is a set of the outset, and Mr. Johnson.

Mr. Roy said we think this legislation is unnecessary judge judge, Justice Alito was very clear again and read several times. The dog decision should not be misunderstood or mischaracterized to cast out on precedents that do not concern abortion, the court could have been clear. The Oberg felt decision undid what 35 states have on their law and their and their respective state. 30 the states of the vote of the people. As I said before, but this this is going this this legislation is going to just I guess go after that the decision of of of the respective states, and in it, as I said the voters in the state are clearly that wasn't Pete booty judge, but this is people to judge. I'm still astonished that that some folks and that I felt the substance via Congress yesterday. Some folks seem to really struggle to let go of the status quo. So what's going on here.

This is all about advancing the green you that's that's all this is about. Keep in mind that progressives are running the government.

Right now we know is not true but we know is not, Harris. This is all about AOC and the squad running the show.

They have a lot more power than you might imagine behind-the-scenes so you got people to judge in a very very important and very powerful position and Pete booty judge is implementing all the changes and here's their thinking the guy is young, he's cool, he's hip he's gay. He's got he's got good hair. He's got that smile and they think that's going to cover a multitude of evil sins there about two on leash on the American people that he got to go back to the original green new deal. What was that really all about was very simple. It was about shutting down automobiles. It's about shutting down jetliners. It was about shutting down hamburger joints all for the sake of protecting the environment. As we all know by now, they always tell us in 10 years.

California is gonna slide off the face of the year in 10 years. All the polar bears are going to die in 10 years there's going to be Penguins Walking Down Bourbon St. in New Orleans and it's always in 10 year increments against what happens 10 years comes 10 years goes and were all still here Penguins doing just fine. That's how this operates.

It's the greatest hoax perpetrated on the world global warming. That's what that's all about. So anyway, why people why Pete booty judge. That's the big question why Pete booty judge want to answer that question for you, then little bit of research, again working on the new book and do a little research about Pete booty judge turns out, his father Joseph wasn't a valid communist and Marxist. As a matter of fact, that was his life's work, his life's work was to pursue and to promote Marxism Joseph booty judge. This is all very well documented.

The Washington Examiner agenda story several years ago and quite frankly became an issue out on the campaign trail. One of the interesting components of Joseph booty judges lessons and his academic work involved the following theory. He believed that you could convert people to the communist way of thinking by infiltrating their culture and the cultural institutions of a nation and either sound familiar. By the way he went on to say of the Washington Examiner piece, which by the way, was verified by, of all people voted judge used his platform to advance Marxist theories in the academic community and in Hollywood and music and films and books any of that sound familiar ladies and gentlemen. Now people voted judge says he was not influenced by his father, but earlier books indicate that Pete booty judge's just soaked up everything. His father ever said and did everything so it's very possible. Ladies and gentlemen that we have a closet communist running the Transportation Department right now and what a vitally important position that is seeing what were having to go through now. But that's that's the whole point of this they want you they want you to suffer because they believe when you finally had enough you're going to fork over the $55,000 to buy a brand-new electric car that only drives a couple hundred miles and he got a put it in a plug it in and wait, what couple of hours and then drive a couple hundred more miles and then plug it in a way to couple more hours it's gonna ruin travel in America. That's with.

That's good.

By the way you see the story of St. Petersburg, Florida. What a weird story so this family goes out of buys one of these singles afford one of Ford's electric. The Ford focus electric as well as they got a pretty good deal � $11,000 was an older model used car and so their drive along the things good it's doing okay.

I guess for what six months and then all of a sudden the goes kaput. So they taken down to the Ford dealership, and the like.

Oh yeah, the batteries gone bad. Yeah, get a new battery, so the car cost $11,000.

The battery cost $14,000 so the battery cost 3000 more dollars than it cost to buy the car the first place. And of course the family. There were not we can pay that we do.

We just spent $11,000 and you're telling me the $11,000 car needs a $14,000 battery. What are you people bonkers so they ended up long story short, they ended up selling the car back to the dealership for $500 a complete loss. Unbelievable. So this is why whenever I tell these all electric car people I hear from all the time they're kind of like the gluten-free folks, you know, it's kind of like a idle condescending attitude and I don't mean to be that to be mean way, but you know is like I'm seated and I see this in a restaurant.

I brought my own. I brought my own plate. I brought my own fork. I brought my okay what is this going to stay home and I brought my own food okay will I need this day all I don't get that anyway.

But is that attitude of oh you drive a gasoline powered car I is the same attitude I get when I go to end of the of the independent bookstore they can look down on the conservatives is kind of an attitude.

Anyway, what I you hear stories like this and this is why and I do this in a very polite way, but I have to tell the electric car people is to blow it out the tailpipe going to take a break 844-747-8868. I don't want to hear from the gluten-free people.

I was just making appointments 844-747-8860 and I got in the mood today. This is the consternation I don't know who did this. Somebody is able to manipulate Google maps and remember Joe Biden. The tumble when he was on his bicycle seriousness, the child's hair so they actually label that Brandon falls, as if it was some sort of a place and then just coincidentally we've got a brand-new sponsor of the program. Let's take a listen. It was super sick family day feel Brandon falls America's summertime destination like your way through the heart of Delaware as the characters of Brandon falls like hello Peter's room smelled tight little border just go right in Paul's letter for your free word selling chock-full of notes and I'll get the birthday will plan your trip. A fun vacation destination heart sounds like someplace I'd like to go, let's go to the phones Connor Boston while I'm gone. Or if you're looking for a vacation spot. There you go. Brandon falls body or the life we will all. Sorry what's going on, nobody will buy what you are not are you really I really I bye-bye it would. I would like like like boxcar or are about the dumpling not Eagle Bartlett bought yeah I think there's not like you have a golf cart cart good by other Bartlett | all really talk about like a car on the work you did a dog or literally lock the car all Connor we got a bad phone signal, but I think we got the gist of what you're saying you get back to charging and I will chat with you later.

Let's go to Louisiana Corky on KR OFR great affiliate down in Lafayette.

Hey Corky what's going on.

Will we were talking about the good it did in LA you a great big I woke up in turn, John and I wanted to say you'll do the bridge to nowhere and yeller bridge somewhere. I appreciate it so much and where I met electric cars everybody in the United States but electric car will be due, with all the cars we already have it on a burn coal to redo them what they put them in the Grand Canyon and covered up Corky it's you I was reading report yesterday about all the solar the solar panel farms and they're saying that you would literally have to destroy acres and acres of trees and forests just to build enough to accommodate the power grid is just you people are thinking these things through.

No they're not. And you know what I wanted. I got two young men here with me. Document booted to influence by his father and about have different families but they don't believe in God. 11 they can they come in helping me because I got up for operation schedule and I was trying to show him the other path that you follow most of the ball at path, that parent shall and will you they tell you're not. You just see it. So that's what you think is supposed to be and I'm trying to jump more path than that and one of his really taken the heart and the other was Donna Holden off, but listening to you and get that Christian attitude mean more and thank you for being there and sharing that with us well your kind to say that Corky and that you take care of your good self and keep us updated on on your situation down there.

I know we got a lot of lot of folks offering thoughts and prayers your way as you go through these of these upcoming surgery so I can keep us updated and that you take care of yourself are eight folks 844-747-8868 that's her telephone number.

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We don't share your information with anybody else. This is just a way for us to reach out to you and say hey these stories are important to us. Alright folks stick around and if you are anywhere in the southern states or the Midwest or the UK crank up that air conditioning it's hot one out there. America something you probably do know progressive cannot only offer you a great price. We buy the home and auto protection, something you probably don't know the average garage door is made up of 1.3 mm aluminum panels probably do know your neighbor likes to tinker with his dirtbike something he probably don't know really dirt biking to get your garage door and a good portion of your home and auto with progressive and get more than a great price get round-the-clock protection. You know the things you don't know your scheduled insurance company affiliates of reporting services at the depositor hospital the middle of the two situations deliver University studio in Memphis Tennessee coming since conservative commentary from time. I think the country is yet that belief is affirmed through lives of tick-tock hello everybody. Welcome to the Todd surge radio show. So glad to have you. So I you know I have a question or are LGBT QI A+ friends out there I and and this is in an honest-to-goodness question. So where do you where you draw the line with everything I mean is it.

Is there a line out there that that you draw because of the. The argument has been well when we redefine marriage.

That's it. It's only going to be between humans.

So my question is why why why would you draw the line there.

What gives you the moral right right because again, this is all about morality, right over the UK.

You've got a movement afoot, and people are getting married to things like there here in America they're getting married to laptop computers. They're getting married to kitchen appliances they're getting married in groups of people throttles are a big thing and I've heard many in the LGBT community expressed their outrage just like the outrages coming from the Christian community and I II built kind of sat back and chuckled. Because what gives them the right to to cast their morality on somebody else. I mean right.

Isn't that the whole point of the Supreme Court ruling that now we live in an anything goes Society right over the UK right there to stories that I'd like to share the information you will have to Google but a woman wanted to get married to her cat, and I think did get married to her cat, and I wanted to get married to his dog. The woman had a pretty interesting reason she got married to the cat to avoid eviction. I guess I though where the story went, I want to do a deep dive here but apparently they were allowed to have pets and so the woman married the cat to gray stop laughing.

I can't. I can't do this severely. Keep laughing like this. I listen I love Merlot so much and never marry Merle at the State Department. I think I just change an apartment that would qualify as a flop. Oh no, I really want to know. I don't think so. So grace I want to happen. I want to keep your Michael one because replaceable audio.

This is folks, honest to God. This is a real thing were not making this up. We are to play you audio of a woman who now identifies as a feline as a pussycat teaching you guys some ways that my friends and I doubt one another to communicate when purchasing a little too difficult. So you listen first off, we have the normal now that we just used mostly to get each other's attention.

Okay, then we have the dissatisfied now in England now that we only use this line on rare occasions because overall were very happy, happy or content now, I'm speechless, that's for I can do. So this this is an American of this woman identifies as a can't I today mean when they have an argument. I knew yeah well that is true. The interesting thing is that this particular individual actually looks physically like a cat has the financial features of what would appear to be a feline, very offputting.

It is very often saw the video you saw use you know what I'm talking likely timing about the S had I going on has the can't yet. The whole thing is just weird. But the reality is that this is what she wants to identify apps and Emily. I'm asking seriously, we have we have gone ahead and jettisoned truth right absolute truth no longer exist in America. Everybody's got their own truth. So if this woman truly believes that she is a cat. Should we meet should society accept her as a cat, and I know Grace Baker.

There are some of the LGBT community who say that woman is a nut job. But of course she is, but that's not the point. You get to because the LGBT movement has fought for generations now for the right to be who they are and who are you to judge us and we have to accept every body no matter who they are or who they love it is, it's a valid question. Ready draw the line so is there a line that's all I'm asking. And where is that line because this stuff is is crazy, but this is what's happening this is what's happening in America. We've got a mental illness problem in this country wants to talk about that, but a mental illness problem.

She goes around sniffing each other's butts as I wish it because I want to catch the right of the dogs, negligently dogs and they have got to be Hines. What is unit if she sees a cat she are a burden she likes her chasing the bird.

All I can say is if this lady starts coughing. I would backdrop because you know it's coming out little hairball hairball ball. You can't make this up, you literally get no it's real. So again, this is when you abandon absolute truth when you say there are no boundaries. You get this crazy cat ladies and early literally 844-747-8868 that's her toll-free telephone number that's 844-747-8868 we have a horrible story here Memphis, Tennessee. I got to share this with a beloved Methodist minister. She is married, has four kids. She was very well known of the United Methodist Church community here in the Memphis area going out to her car yesterday afternoon. What 4 o'clock in the afternoon at two teenage boys show up, a 15-year-old and a 16-year-old and they carjacked the one that we will know what happened. We have no idea what happened, but somebody pulled out a gun. One of the two guys we believe it's a 15-year-old pulled out the gun and shot the pastor didn't she just drop to the ground rusher to the hospital but she died. Police have arrested that the 15-year-old and a six-year-old, are facing charges for Merck and here's where it gets interesting. We are in the middle of a district attorney's racer and we have a George Soros style San Francisco style district attorney running as a Democrat and he is advocating that we actually raise the age of juvenile offenders to 25 years old so so if you commit a crime, let's figure 20.

Let's say that your 24 years old you would be tried as a juvenile, not as a grown adult and my question for this guy who wants to be the next district attorney. He's got a big problem because all these juveniles being tried in adult court or the problem here Memphis where one of the most violent cities in America and the reality is all of these kids that are being tried as adults are murderers and rapist and have committed horrific crimes, but the Democrats don't care about the victims and they especially this guy his name is Steve Mulroy. They don't care about the black victims of crime.

He's a white guy by the way, but they don't and he plays the race card but that and that's the only reason I'm mentioning racer because to prove the point that these people are hypocrites.

So anyway they had a big press conference yesterday police chief came out.

By the way, she's not.

She has even been in Memphis a year the brand-new police chief. She's already been the victim of two crimes.

Somebody stole or gone out of her husband's car and then a bunch of bad guys showed up at her house and stole a compressor unit can't make this out every time there is a violent crime it and I get these alerts during our show three people been shot in Memphis and the first question about he asks was at the police chiefs God because they haven't found or done yet. So anyway, the police chief is having this big press conference yesterday and she says you know what we've got it we've all got to be angry here. None of us should be. We should be losing sleep vote no.

We should not be losing sleep because the police ought to be able to do their jobs. But you got a city Council filled with AOC progressives.

They don't want to give the police officers what they need to fight crime were down about 700 police officers from our full complement and it's a war zone out there all war zone. So the chief is up there and she said well we ought to be losing sleep over this. We ought to be marching in the streets over the some people are afraid to march of the streets and want to get shot and then she said something that really set me off.

She said the issue here is we have to have community involvement. This is about the church. The church looking after the 15-year-olds the juveniles, the teenagers, this is about the community clubs looking after and she goes down as you list all these people who want to be helping these teenagers. These wayward souls. She never once mentioned the parents not once, not once did she say that moms and dads need to start doing their jobs that moms and dads need to start parenting their kids and stopped training them to go out there and behave like animals on the streets. Not once did she save nobody to always casting the blame somewhere else. We don't have enough community centers. We don't have enough basketball courts, we don't have enough studios so kids can come in a record music. What we didn't have that stuff when I was growing up if you're lucky you had a happy bicycle you're out there riding around and making your own fun. We went out there shooting every body moms and dads need to start doing their jobs. That's the problem here. These households they need a mommy and a daddy all of I don't care what your skin color is doing to cyber to address that issue were never going to fix the problem lays and where does not art.

We gotta take a break your 844-747-8868 that's 844-747-8868 this is the Todd start show turn an ordinary day. It was super fantastic family day falls on America's summertime destination. Fight your way through the heart of Delaware characters of remnant balls like hello Peter's room smelled tight enjoying south of the border to go right in Paul's letter for your free word so full of nuts and get the birthday hold your trip. New galaxy for all these new taxes might not like I found it in fact not capture hands-free tax from multiple angles. For sure training sessions for his followers simply wave my hand to start recording video clip for compact and fit perfectly in my pocket to get you don't easy flip for RA I just got a message of our good friend Ms. from your queen of the wall and the Todd I want to go to the printable.

Are there any hotels as soon as I don't think so. Maybe I there's the hotel hunter, but I think that only has hourly rooms you pay by the hours I will think you want to go there. All right, let's go to the phone 084 474-7868 Alice in Arkansas.

What's on your mind today. Alice all electric like I take Albert know I'm thinking about What might get quite guy Jack that we are but got to go right.they owe Alice it's a it's a mess out there. It really is and you know you mentioned the days of Noah when they were loading up the animals 2 x 2. I don't think they saw that coming. I don't think they had any idea what was coming down the pike is just ludicrous. But you're right, Alice. I mean, you know, we if you go to church and if you read of the Bible you know this kind of stuff is coming down the pike and assist chaos is cultural chaos and the only way were to be able to fix that is to repair and restore our homes and our families and get the kids back of the church is that that that's it. Alice got a run, but God bless you and that and think you look I it's emotional for a lot of people know it's a horrible thing that's happening in our country right now. It truly is. But again, I still have hope. Biden said we are to go through a dark winter. Elections have consequences. I understand. And word is going to have to work and have to persevere. It's gotta be tough. Nobody said it was good to be easy boring to get through it. That's why we have this great three hour radio program, you're not alone. You got friends out there.

This from the police Tribune. We got some new Intel on the young man the 22-year-old young man.

His name is Elisha ticket, but he goes by Eli at 22 years old.

He's from Bartholomew County, Indiana, and we have some new information about him. His girlfriend is speaking out and she says her name is Shea.

She said he called she called her grandmother from the ball just after the attack, and she described her boyfriend's heroics and according to her as soon they saw the gunman.

You know what Eli did.

He did what any man would do.

He told his girlfriend to get down and pushed her out of the way so that she would be protected. So he stood between her and the gunman.

He took out his pistol, which by the way he was. It's all on the up and not legally own a firearm. He had all the permits and he steadied himself on a pole and he fired off get this this guy in the middle of a war zone and that foodcourt fired off 10 rounds from 40 yards away and nailed the SOP according to the police Tribune.

The suspect trying to flee back to the bathroom but dropped to the floor before he could escape. And he was dental. He was dead right there dropdead police chief still calling this young man, a hero, he's not speaking out just yet in Lucky's. He's probably just a quiet guy who doesn't want the spotlight.

He was just enjoying an afternoon with his girlfriend at the mall and they were there at the food court. Apparently Dick can learn to shoot from his grandfather.

He's got no military training. No police weapon strength's if that's what this a miracle just a miracle.

The grandmother said that Shea so the girlfriend jumped up to help the wounded. So you got a seriously a power couple fair. The ball is speaking out of their praising the good Samaritan.

They didn't.

They did mention the fact that the ball is actually a gun free zone. Thank God that young man had a weapon and he was that he knew how to use.

He knew how to use good guy there 844-747-8868 that's her toll-free telephone number that's 844-747-8868 this is the Todd Stern will know someone who's not working no chill trust me that used to be me, but then I found galaxy full for which allows me to do more things at once.

Much better now. I think you caused my phone and use it to take notes at the same time or check my shopping list while ordering more scented candles and facemasks on the foldable expansive screen. Don't take your to do list one line at a time multitasks he can relax, click the banner to get your galaxy. See full for the next couple of days that heading over to Salem, Oregon will be doing some big events with our affiliate there KY Cayenne also the Marion County Republican Party. So if you'd like details is a Thursday and Friday event go to KY their website and all the information is there. You'll be able to register and can't wait to meet all of her listers out in the beautiful state of Oregon. We also want to welcome all of her brand-new listers in Youngstown Ohio so great to have all you folks on board with this as well.

Alright so yesterday. Yesterday evening we got word that 4747 House Republicans sided with Democrats to codify same-sex marriage want to go to the patriot mobile newsmaker line. Right now the president of the family research Council, host of the great radio program Washington watch our good friend Tony Perkins going to say Tony how are you today I am good God, how are you doing well. You know that the New York Times framed the story as remarkable. They seem very surprised that 47 Republicans join Democrats I love about you Tony. I was all that surprised that in context.

That was 22% of the Republican members so that 1/4 of the Republican members that voted for that contrast that with the Democrats when the Republicans try to get a vote on the born alive infant protection act that was before last week for about only 3/233 Democrats voted for that.

That was 1.2%, so the Republicans aren't nearly you know will have a lesser concern about the core of our party. The Democrats in or in lockstep on on their their issue settlement but there is some diversity of thought here. I'm disappointed in those 47 but again, keep that in it in perspective of where the party is at all so Tony, are you or do you have concerns and you guys sort of you guys cover a lot of the culture war issues out there are the Republicans in danger of going wobbly on you had the RNC chair last year.

Rhonda McDaniel tweeting out in support of gay pride month. Or is this just an anomaly. I would say vigilance is required. Let me address the chairperson Ron you notice what was did not say anything this year. I regretted some very constructive conversations with her. The parties very clear on the platform, even the last platform at 2020 spoke very clearly on marriage. I feel very comfortable and where the Republican Party looked the lines are being drawn very very clearly between the two parties at one part of his pro-life, pro-natural marriage Pro creation is God made it and you have another part of it is gone supporting infant to almost a infanticide went to taxpayers to pay for so I vigilance is required. Education is required.

I think this is this is a tough issue listening to talk for some members as they described I don't think it's really very clear there's truth and there's not crude like it doesn't matter what someone feels will make public policy based on feelings we make public policy based on what's best for society and we know without question the best thinker societies for children, mom and dad we know that as a result of the overfilled ruling in 2015 forced domination by the court. We were one of just a handful of countries that went down this path, because the court imposed same-sex marriage that we've seen a tremendous rise in hostility and attacks on religious freedom in this country so is inescapable to to recognize it, and recognizing that the redefinition of marriage is put other fundamental human rights at risk Tony Perkins on the patriot mobile newsmaker line this afternoon. Tony and there there have been some victories when you look at the coach Joe Kennedy are good friend.

I know you guys will follow that case for many years like like we have. There are victories out there and we have to claim those and that's why every election matters. No question. Here's how the left is responding to these recent court decision tells us a lot and you know the court in Roe are the dogs case that overturned row basically went back to what it was set in the KC versus Planned Parenthood pointer case, a case of 1992, in which Anthony Kennedy said we have a right to define our own reality. There's nothing in the Constitution that says that you're free to do what you want but you can't redefine reality and make public policy based upon that and so that's what has the left afraid because for decades now, the court has done their legislate and they pushed the specs and so instead of addressing the real pressing issues.

The record high inflation record high gas prices instead of dealing with those issues.

They are now pushing these you know these trying to document get it done, but their messaging for their base by pushing these radical social policies through the house and most likely not to go anywhere in the Senate coming up in September. You guys have a very large event scheduled for the first Baptist Church in Atlanta called pre-vote stand for life. What what's going on will try. This is we had an annual event for probably 16 years. We used to be. The values voters Summit, but we realize it is really in the crosshairs and we want to exercise that faith and we've been there for the last couple years doing these events in the churches and so were were really pleased to be hosted by first Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia September 14 through the 16th for our annual pre-vote stand.

Summit will be very similar to me will have a lot of our elected national leaders, but will be focused a lot on as Christians. How do we live out our faith. To me this is were discussing this issue of marriage.

You know the Bible is very clear on this, and as Christians, even though it may be seen counterculture. We gotta be equipped to to to live out our faith in a real way that includes education what's happening. Our children will be addressing all of those issues. It's a pretty much All-Star line appear Tony.Sen. James Langford Franklin Graham Sumner Marshall Bleiberg Kirkham or even Dr. Ben Carson was just a partial couple of days ago I signed up a huge lineup here folks that you Christians who want to engage in the culture want to hear from and it will encourage them give them a solid step in so they can find out more go to pray vote and find out Richard they'd register soon because it's still not quick to pray, vote, is the website and we got a link to it on our page as well Tony before he let you go.

How are things looking for the midterms of what are some of the issues you're hearing from from your constituents out there, they looks very good. You, you're in touch with people across the country every day on radios. I am in look these issues of inflation. These issues of high gas prices may these are real issues and what is this administration focus on advancing abortion trends tendering our children everything but what they need to be doing in government, and I think were going to hear the voters respond very loudly in November to this radical agenda, the Joe Biden, Harris, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have been pushing could not agree with you more, but still can't believe were urging the candidate's campaign like your 20 points behind or absolutely and in every every voter to vote as we tell our folks about your biblical values go out and vote would take somebody with you. Don't drive a Volkswagen pole drive a school bus filled up with folks and take him to the polls to vote logically. Thank you Tony, thanks for clarifying media matters, that's all right. Tony Perkins of the family research Council Tony good having you on today. Thank you all right, Tony Perkins, everybody folks gotta take a break or 844-747-8868 20 raises a great point. By the way, gotta get out there fill up the school buses get people out to vote.

We've got to we gotta send a message to the Democrat party that were not going down this road to socialism were not to become communist in this country again 844747 ED 868 last week. Dick Morris's brand-new book came out he says Donald Trump is running for president Dixon to be here just a little while a Pres. Trump said, is not a matter of if but when. And that's why you need to read Dick Morris's new bestsellers the return.

It reveals trump secret plan for 2024 now Newsmax says the return is the best book of the year. It's already number one on Amazon and it really does give you Pres. Trump's plant is laser right out there from big tech to big media of the deep state they all want to stop Trump but the return shows how Pres. Trump will be triumphant.

I get this get textbook and any bookstore or you can see the free offer from Newsmax and save almost $28 go to the return that's the return the return Teresa Baker had to have a Baptist merging is another Lady. This is nuts. So my flight and I'm heading out like racing to know we were originally going to let you know whatever I have to make up what we do the show live.

I mean we we very rarely use like a best for you to replay it interview but sometimes if I have to scoot out and happens it happens. It's happened like twice so we don't do a lot now but anyway my flight this afternoon to Portland or Salie. I'm flying to Portland and then there'd picking me up and driving bit on the sale. Okay so like I was we were to do the Dick Morris interview and skedaddle right onto cutin but got an email. It was the flight. The flight is changing so this is a look I Delta Air Lines again is the only airline I flight and they're the ones I hate the lease and that's when I fly to normally so these linkages here's so instead of just saying we canceled your flight so and get this, so I'm in Memphis I got of their flying me to Atlanta always to Atlanta all the way back your wrong direction. Yelp and then fly me out to Portland. Let me just say every flight out of Memphis, Tennessee. You always go through Atlanta even if it's the complete opposite direction. Just always have to fly to Atlanta and then fly to where you're going to the sweeper so so now so so I got an email saying all your flight is going to be delayed. Your flight from Memphis is good to be be delighted when you arrive in Atlanta. You're going to miss your connecting flight goodness. So why not just tell me where changing your flight so they fixed it. I'm flying out of the morning. Now the crack of dawn of the crack of dawn. Grace Baker people better enlisted folks.

If anyone that the Memphis airport don't mess with Todd because it's on the way too early in the morning, and he's not on behalf of gotta have some coffee at half got a Starbucks in there.

I'm sorry she's community coffee dispensers rush you can't bring it there.

The unit of the checkpoints. Rush Limbaugh never had to deal with this. He had his own chat. I think sorry I'm way you see Russia's houses up for sale, but it's really expensive, and less like 3 million or somehow it's more than that. Stay there as well abide hold weight in Jemima is trending on twitter.

I get that all is I know it's more than that $3 billion.

They want: more than oh they're hoping to sell $450 million.

I was off by a lie is a great house but I like what is that located again with West Palm Beach, Florida right now from our longer and I drove by. It's nice but you're still in Florida were not talking work, but that's a lot a house to clean yes I'm saying and I don't that's my thing, I'd rather have a smaller house.

The exact way I want it did have a giant house that you have to clean. I've been househunting, and it's all I care. All I can think of it as I'm walking through want. Why do I need five bathrooms. Again, what, what's going on here.

It's rough out there.

I've been looking for a house and it's it's housing back. It's terrible right now and they keep saying it's gonna come down it's going to come down like yeah but the interest rates are going up these is the situation well there you go to life. So why is it so Saudis and Jemima is trending because someone went to the store to find and Jemima pancake mix, which by the way was great pancake mix and you have the answer by Mr. yeah I like the Christie's but yeah the syrup in Jemima of course. Good stuff. So anyway, you know, so they change the packaging.

I guess this person was not aware that in Jemima got booted because of their behind Jemima sister with the call announcing some mail pearl male hole you pearl mill yet company well very hard to say. It is not. It's not you know I see it in a like oh yeah, I think Mrs. Butterworth is still around is that the other one death � the cheapskate that I just buy the generic brand don't do that by very often monetize what you need to be only to lose weight just to be both speaking of skinny little David Hall and remember to me how the loss little baby hall scrawny little Hitler Junior little Davey appointed know you remember Grace not not, I'm not just calling and remember he did the whole alert that thing yeah you saw the photo yeah really creepy with a suit of the white shirt. All he needed was that little mustache, but I don't think you can, you know, I don't think any facial hair. I don't want to speak ill sensitive topics will he has his face is smooth as a baby's bottom. So I listed David the little Davey hard interrupted. The House Judiciary Committee just moments ago is in our not been feeding you, you beat me you know if that had been a I was watching the video here. Grace Baker, if that had been a Trump supporter would gotten up in the middle of house judiciary they would have tased his butt and dragged his unconscious corpse out of the building and thrown them in the DC lockup.

This is true, it would've been like an attack on the and is like the poor female security got it. Here's this kinda bad I mean he's not that threatening so they sent the female security guard over and she liked grabbed him by. It was you he's just a beanpole. A little tiny follow and that she disliked Ari come on now I'm so all I'm saying is that they would have treated Trump supporter differently of corporate Starbucks you thought that's what he thinks I drink it too, but occasionally I could. It's hard earned critical community coffee and drinking hot.

That's how God intended hot think we need to have a debate on this well. Good Lord, all right folks coming up next. Dick Morris is going to drop my brand-new book and will I get the inside scoop on what in the world. President Trump is thinking.

By the way Nikki Haley, she's pretty much broken from team truck now and she's doing her own thing looks like she's going to be running as well as my pants. So Trump is going to have some competition on the Republican side just how many we don't know but look, I think it could be like Wyoming trumps going to crush the competition.

I'm just telling you, I gotta take a break your folks 844-747-8868 this is the Todd start radio set progressive person's home for another house. I totally understand house from just another. Some newer homes on the market looking at those other houses the crack in their foundations, no matter how much you love it more knowing you could say in your home and aggressive mostly to situations University studio in Memphis Tennessee doing well.

Have a story to share with you race what are you doing are you dancing why you dancing in the studio.

I will understand now in a good mood on a day off yesterday back today well there's nothing wrong with dancing.

I was just I really haven't seen you dance before Wilde is a not very good at it will be real with this like broken dance so I have a question up before I forgot to ask this question of Kyle's unit is asking where you play this wrap video did we believe the language in the rapid I saw this because I was like that is the worst wrap I've ever heard in my life. Well, I may have the second worse because you're right, I thought I was the worst white rapper in America because I did try my hand at doing the wrap didn't beat boxing know you said you think actually boots boots and cats and Jemison and cats in boots and cats and I don't understand what trick to make yourself. Have I would be a rat so continue plate Masters is running for the Senate in Arizona and he is a young fella is not very old, and I guess years ago was a 2000 what 2007, 2008. He he recorded a rap video. Now this is no East 35 while so he should've known better.

Anyway, he was. I don't think he's in trouble for the Ford for ramping, but he what he had Indian warpaint on and apparently that's a big no-no. Nowadays, I had no idea. But apparently that's a big no-no. So if you don't normally live in a TP or if you're not related to Tonto from the Lone Ranger, then you're not allowed to wear warpaint so anyway he's he's running for the Senate. He did this video when he was younger and now it's causing big problems. Let's take a listen to Mr. Masters Barack Obama today they get mad.

I like what's going on was what it was Saturday 523 know that his policies but he's not a sexist everybody knows what I would like to work while it how about we talk about the way I looked.

Everybody knows that stuff warpaint on as you can see that what I got closer to 50 now this is having fun. Don't blame me I the one was not the yeah right okay address is in you and you don't like is the political correction be stored in a jail Legg Mason. Besides, the everybody knows that I can't� This round on my.super nervous to be stacked up with him but sometimes he got as far as the day they got done so I got.

I keep on wrap but you know I'll go down and they didn't know how to love okay anyway that's my freestyle going on eloquent now. Hope you enjoy specialty. I was derived love to see that dogs and cats, dogs and cats don't think boots and cat foods, dogs and cats in boots and mean is that freestyle supposed to give you like a beat noise so they're saying this is going to destroy his candidacy. I don't think you will like it might destroy is straight CRED yada go to him for this sort of thing. I know that you super fly but it's you know where it is, why does he have the warpaint.

I just want to know like the reason because there is like. I guess he just wanted to make fun of cultural but he was sort of defending Barack Obama and that just because he called a waitress sweetie or something and so I got a sexist right so I I think he was defending a BH Obama.

I got in the rapids. The problem is that culture (i.e., for a white guy yeah I'd I got in trouble at Fox because I wrapped now.

Was it because you are very good at it, why thought it was pretty good at it was the theme song to the Beverly hillbillies which know it is, listen to my story about a man named Jed a little mountaineer barely kept his family. Okay anyway, it is what it is you know I think we ought to do crime news across America keeping you up to crimes sweeping across the face. Is this times by rap music was a crime.

Datelined Florida it's always Florida St. Petersburg heavily intoxicated Florida man arrested Saturday night for calling 911.

He reported that his girlfriend wish to eat sour patch kids are delicious. Well, he was probably drunk and thought she was actually wanting to eat children when asked about the call by a sheriff deputy Larson smiled and walked away his name Joshua Larson, age 37. Bad here. Do crime. Mr. Larson allegedly struggled with deputies as they sought to place him in handcuffs and electronic control weapon was eventually a Taser see they should've used it on tape at home tell you anyway I Larson was Larson was ordered by a judge not to consume alcohol. It has been outfitted with an alcohol monitoring device or sour patch kids. Apparently he gets silo triggered next story police in Pennsylvania pursue a parochial pill for her. A burglar broke into a Pennsylvania home and stole a bag of pierogies the pierogies valued at $10.

What is a parochial, is it like it is like a dumpling is like a Polish dumpling. I believe somebody should call us and explain the pierogies is the suspect burglarize the apartment of Tyler White, who lives in Trout run, the thief may offer the 5 pound bag of Mrs. T's brand pierogies but also those of Kroger here. In addition to stealing the frozen pierogies. The burglar caused minor damage to drywall in the homes kitchen to the breakthrough like the Kool-Aid man at the definition we have about this particular � yes please help if the field dumpling made by wrapping the dough around the savory or sweet filling and cooking a bowl of water in its originally from China.

Thank you very special. Founded in 1952 Mrs. T's pierogies is the largest provider of pierogies in the country, offering many new flavor combinations as well as the original classics.

This is all the police report. Up till pierogies are equally amazing, boiled, baked, saut�ed, grilled, air, fried or tossed in a slow cooker. There you go next door. I'm saving the strippers for no this from the smoking gun, a teenage driver was watching stranger things on her phone when her car drifted in the oncoming lane and collided with a semi this Avenue Minnesota, near Minneapolis police say the teenager escaped with minor injuries of the rollover crash what they say about strange things that strange. It's very upside down. Like you I have no idea what you're talking about okay.the civilized driver swerved to the road shoulder avoiding a head on collision with the stranger things fan and likely save the teenager's life during police questioning the driver initially denied being on her phone at the time of the crash. However, deputies noted the autos Bluetooth system was still streaming the audit things on Netflix busted the teenager admitted to watching Netflix while driving. She was cited for watching a video on her phone. You do that, go ahead and confess ma'am is it true euro watching stranger things I would do such a thing ma'am we have evidence you doubt bad. We know you are watching. Stranger things doubt bad. Can you tell us what happened last night on stranger things, yes, will so-and-so did this to that, but today Bo left drat you are moving along. This is for Breitbart, a strip club was robbed of $22,000 in one dollar bills while this happened in Providence, Rhode Island, a strip club. There, the Cadillac lounge.

You know I drive a Flow know what I don't think you should take never been the backgrounds, the Cadillac lounge was robbed of a huge amount of money. This is from Breitbart and CBS Boston man entered pointed a gun at the manager's head and said this is a robbery that he snatch $3500 out of the guys hands. He also demanded he opened a safe holding $22,000 in one dollar bills like trips back and forth.

He took all the ones I could hear them stacking them in the big bag he had the manager said the suspect now faces charges of armed robbery.

His name is John Tague food that's his name.

The manager said, quote I thought it was a joke. This can't be about that guy just say this must not be one of the upscale strip clubs. Why do you say this is dollar bills starlight five stager 20s master anyone.

All right, that's well there you go. That's the that's the crime news for today. Ladies and gentlemen, it is what it is I we are to take a break here will be right back 844-747-8868 this is the concert galaxies. He slept for all these new taxes might not like southeast of the park. I found it in fact not capture hands-free tax from multiple angles for short training sessions for his followers simply wave my hand to start recording video clip for its compact and fits perfectly good to be galaxies.

He flipped for Grace Baker. We are the only conservative talk radio program in America with her own room.

He corresponded yeah I don't think anyone else can claim such a thing is like a battlefield promotion for our intern Alan Moore who joins and so Alan, you heard us talking about the pierogies and that's like apparently a thing. It's a huge thing where you're from, yet so I'm from Ohio but very eastern edge of Ohio. I'm like 45 minutes from Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh. I mean it has to be the parochial capital of America. Pierogies are a huge deal and everyone loves him and Pittsburgh have like a pierogies festival every year in downtown Pittsburgh. Is that right so so Pittsburgh is where the pierogies were pilfered so this could be this could be a big story there.

I guess I guess so yeah have you had a probe all yet we would have them all the time his kids and actually until I went to college I didn't realize that everyone didn't have pierogies all the time and I would like I mentioned pierogies one time and my friends like what's that I was like oh my goodness.

And I realize that just because of the area I'm from there pretty predominant so when I went down to Texas for the first time many many years ago someone offered me a Colossae, and when they said would you like to call do you have would you like a clot yes or no. I have my shots as a child I just I thought that all is I did realize was a delicious pastry yet. I actually try to Colossae for the first time this past semester, my boss at school lived in Texas before his wife made them for their awesome well I'll be so ended their savory and sweet like the pierogies they are what you hang tight. Now I want to bring in early from Morehead city, North Carolina, and Ernie wants to weigh in on pierogies as well. Ernie earlier with our great intern Alan Morrow. Thank you so much. I don't want to agree with your last dollar I find it hard to believe that burgers capital around the world, really. So where would you say pierogies are what's the capital that's all I can get here so I am not knocking him but it is a fresh Nate. Nate and I came from central New Jersey where I have a Hungarian, Polish and German background and I gotta tell you, there are still people in the area where I moved from 20 years ago where and down mother daughter hand made rope. Now I do not want to correct user but we have gone we've gone to the dictionary's we've gone to the inter-webs and sure enough Pittsburgh is in fact famous for the pierogies well well well I got on sugar water route and I got it still people out there, it will publish the scent where the minor daughter had a hand rotate and and I long for the I have relatives up there, sometimes bringing down here, however they're not as good as fresh and Lotta people like them with sour cream. Some people like sauerkraut, Jenny is nothing like a handrolled jump in here, Your Honor, here's what I think we need to do next year. You need to come to the early festival in Pittsburgh and try them out for yourself and see if Pittsburgh can actually can claim its right to being famous for Perrone. I like to take you up on that. There I love it is the Ernie we do the same thing with barbecue here in Memphis we always tell people what they're what they're doing up in St. Louis and Kansas City just sucks. It's not real barbecue well and get away North Carolina barbecue. Not that it's unfortunate. That's what it is all I can about Ernie. I've tried brother.

I have tried to enjoy the North Carolina vinegar-based Bar-B-Q. It is an acquired taste much like lima beans all right already. Good hearing from you. Ernie from Morehead city, North Carolina. However, you know, a grace Baker working out really do a trivia question here and this is gonna be a weird one but yes Pittsburgh is in fact famous for the pierogies but it is not the parochial capital of America. So if you can tell us what what city in America is the parochial capital of America were to give you a book are not pierogies but a book 844-747-8860 Effexor toll-free telephone over the parochial capital of America, 844-747-8868. Do you know the answer. This Alan I don't know the answer but I'm just shocked it's not Pittsburgh. If you go to Pittsburgh and you go to professional baseball game the Pirates game. They actually have a pierogies race around the field during every game. People dressed up like pierogies race and they all wear different hats and you get to pick which one you think that a win really, so a second, like the salt you know I was some simple Cisco giants. I was out there at the candlestick Park today.

They were doing the they had sausages running in the outfield. I think it's the same deal. It's just whatever's famous from the city so enhance.

It's pierogies last time I went to park game. I got a free T-shirt that pierogies on. I wanted to do as of doing that here in Memphis it would have to be like a rib or something I think so for crime title. I think you Alan Morrow are pierogies corresponded back to the newsroom, sir. This is the talk starts radios all right coming up tomorrow I'll be in Oregon wouldn't be doing something event filling out there KY is the website info than my day speaking at the Marion County Republican shindig barbecue with a blast and you can get all your tickets all the information over on their website KY and then coming up in a couple weeks I'll be a speaking down at sea Paxil.

Hope to see you guys out there.

I want to go right out of the patriot mobile newsmaker line very excited to have one of the best in the business.

Dick Morris has a brand-new book out of her to be talking about that call.

The return Dick. Welcome to the Todd start show you my favorite political combat claim 24, and it is going to be big and you've got the inside scoop here I Dick and I want you to tell us you you been out there saying that the president is in fact going to run and he's going to face Hilary tells the back story. There will now my father actually lawyer and I book I really talk about what went on 2020 and a mate think we get right. But more importantly I will explain it better in 24 and it begins with the election law that I think will solve the problem, not adequately covered on the media it called more up to date, North Carolina Kate where the public and to get up in court. Republican thinking that the governor and state court date that could date at note and all over how like that little level of a collection they do grow like they don't and that's because article 3 section 4 that I like the man holding elected Sen. Condit shall be determined by state legislature, not the governor does not state that out only by the lake, but still important is that there are five date when they wear the Republican state legislator at that perfect election look for blood, no dropbox, no note that validdaily state.

The quite a photo ID and all that but democratic government. Note date of the Kelly bill and for speaking with them of that beat that with all right and the legislature can act without the state of Minnesota, Michigan, with constant chemical date yet, and not I. When they and I believe this will eliminate ballot, the state can Airtight lot like they have a narrow down that Florida and Georgia.

And I think that we can be sure than on election.

With this new dictation. The court hasn't decided yet what Dragon is the Kate conservatives, which means probably get back probably by the majority. There's been some rumblings out there. In recent days, Nikki Haley, putting a lot of distance between herself and Pres. Trump Mike pence visiting South Carolina setting up shop there and in New Hampshire, but during an interview over a Newsmax use predictor you suggested that there's probably not going to be a primary is probably going to get a by acclamation. You believe that the holy Bible. Nine time-to-market of the people are not going until 28 or in the unlikely event that something that you told me that none yet and that they want to be taken that back in and let me say that those day I'd like quality and I don't like it now let me ask you this week look like kind against Lake Gen. George Patton and Hermione World War II think that would work if you try thinking that and change them into a kinder gentler. I'm not going be able to link government, government, because he able to force everybody to do what you want by power of an example and income. None. I have a button I can destroy the kind your country that I think of buttoning back down again to Administrate and trumpet be only leader they can do that think the other point that I make in the book of that. I feel that that don't often come family challenge really note that attacking Democrats clear in the great inflation gets back, but the incumbent part is when they come back and you can solve these problems become backing the only one that said I did get it. Knowing place and get great low board you feel that you didn't school around. I did it I can do it again. That bandage that you know what the candidate Dick Morris is on the patriot mobile use may collide with us today.

He is a New York Times best-selling author, one of the best political consultants in the business. Brand-new book out.

The return trumps big 2024 come back to Cody like for his running mate in 2024 well and I don't think I don't think that I think it will be like yet many but let's talk about Hillary yeah I think what happened is that when Democrats laid by not running 24 and in that our law and the floodgates opened the way and I think the early lead. Got to go to 30 and maybe even a date. I think the left wing of the party will dominate the polling and all the establishment candidate like having people ejecting update will score a single ticket that looks at update at the Democratic National Committee, it will be so great about the ability of moving through the left and they will then stay at Lily Clinton to come in and save them from the ultraleft just like they did in 2016 when they nominated Hillary field.

Pretty standard. And I think this can be a real LA net income to win by a much larger margin that I can't even imagine Dick what the country is going to look like economically and culturally. A couple of years from now. It's already a dumpster fire well economically and the only Lake at five because it is a place that is the likely goat that got back I I'd like that.

Okay, let's take a look like it'll take you look like and that the theory blows the meat down new ways that employment did make it to buy out. I buy a car production dropped my employment so it had no place in the country at that you have no inflation that back to the biking economic legacy. That's what's coming up to be fascinating to watch and the Dick were so glad that you're on use Maxi all the time.

You look great.

Congratulations on this great new book.

I really enjoyed it really bound up. He wanted everyone to know what you 24. Get elected beyond what went folks you can get yourself a copy of your favorite bookstore. We have a direct link over Entente and the live show blog Dick Morris. You can watch them on Newsmax and you gotta read the new book the return trumps big 2024 come back decoratively with their God bless thank you, thank you all right there you go.

That's for now. That's fascinating, he believes, and he's been talking to the president and he's got great.

He's got the great inside inside track their he says it's going to be trunk versus Hillary and Trump is going on is going to clean her clock. Now my question is truly a lie because the as the running mate and I don't think it's gotta be DeSantis. I think DeSantis is going to stick around in Florida and he's going to finish out his his second term. But who would you like us trumps VP 844-747-8868 Fetzer toll-free telephone number that's 844-747-8868 we got a trivia question this outstanding we would need to know the parochial capital of America. Let's go to Portland, Maine Cindy W hello be all right Cindy what is your guess Rhode Island oh Cindy, my following day and hadn't had friends at family laminate bring him back with delicious what I've been missing out. Cindy highlight not know about the pierogies you get to live in the right place clearly clear off right on Trump I say Tim Scott and Trump whole I like that. Tim Scott so you have a Trump Scott taken I love it all right Cindy, thank you. 844-747-8868.

The question still out there. The parochial capital of America. We had a great low price package for you to answer will be right back. Someone who's not working no chill trust me that used to be me, but then I found galaxy full support which allows me to do more things at once.

Much now I think you caused my phone and use it to take notes at the same time or check my shopping list while ordering more scented candles and facemasks on the foldable expansive screen.

Don't take you to list one line at a time multitasks he can relax, click the banner to get your galaxy seafood for back to the touch turns very this is weird. I let's go to the phones here by kids North Carolina WSI C. All right Mike were looking for the parochial capital of America are probably green color would not tell Google what like your intern, Ellen. Your manager didn't say it that anyplace but Pittsburgh is not the parochial capital 47 I lived in Pittsburgh 47 years born ready to go auto on the net. Therefore, mascots and druggies that have a rake around every part came to review galore. The evidence growing up. Oh, there is a national brand that makes Rosenberg. They are there.

They are far better than file substitute for the real deal. You know what I just figured out. I did like I just pulled a this is the place we get the best fried chicken America.

This is what I have done I have stepped into it today.

Well, but overall the record by your saying it Pittsburgh and we gotta do this by kids. That is like the rules of the show. Oh what what is my that we appreciate that.

Let's go to Mike and Eads Tennessee on TWA of our flagship all right my gotta help us out here with what is the parochial capital of America were down from Chicago and I would parochial capital of America. Don't go anywhere but I don't want to talk I'm sorry that's not correct it's shocking, but I had welcome to Memphis and we hope you enjoy the area you need yes and the gunfire at such a Lovely Pl., Xmas but we have good hospitals. So go get your patched right up bike all right give us a call back. One of these days will make good on it grades what is going on here in this and understand this is that it's us it's head's rafter line I would know I let's go to Georgia really will somebody from Georgia know about pierogies. That's my question here. Let's go to Eileen W. D. UNR great affiliate. Now Eileen. I will say this W do you, and out of all of our affiliates, and I I'm willing to say this on the record.

You guys know your trivia at W do you wet well I'm right in New York yeah that's right highly what roads and druggies. Of course Mike and Mike let like the other day make them run like pavement butter and onion and they're really good and make a lip lock And have a crowd though it's a good deal can I say that I wanted to just to mock Robin Pres. now he would be correct me if I'm wrong.

The Lieut. Gov. of North Carolina that is correct demanded firebrand passionate therapy care and even a very he's got strong leadership quality. Though I like him a lot. Well, he would be like that� Course like nobody really knows about them so much but he is the powerhouse you know I know I know Mark. We've we've spoken together several times and events and the just a good solid unit just down to earth guy and man can he deliver a barnburner of a speech shortcut and I know he believed every word he says. And it's not like you know you people could talk pretty but what counts is what they do, but he could talk. As we find out that anyway so I'm apprised I'm going to give it. I arty have your book that you have a teacher we get to taking care of so just hang tight, really great to get your info Eileen and we always enjoy hearing from you Eileen.

Have fun making the pierogies art.

Hang tight. Don't go anywhere. While this was this was a weird weird trivia day.

This is kind of a weird day. Let me say what's happening tomorrow. Our good buddy Jeff Stein is good to be here. Jeff cancel W RVA is going to be here on Friday I will be on the road on my way to Salem Oregon so looking forward to seeing all of her great friends in KY Cayenne country and will be doing a couple of events there. I'll be back in the anchor chair on Monday and then it's off to see pack in about a week after that sort of sobering to be busy out there on the road meeting all of our over great great listeners all right 844-747-8868. That is our toll-free telephone number that's 844-747-8868. There is a very bizarre story of that I wanted to share with you and my computer just for going on with the computer geez� Anyway, there is a bizarre story out of the Northeast and Massachusetts were a school district is now teaching kids and I'm not making this up there literally teaching kids that it's okay to become violent during protest were to put the story up on our website.

Todd star' it's the craziest thing of this is actually happening in Boston at a high school where their teaching new emigrant students, and this is for class about learning how to speak English that physical violence and political assassinations are legitimate forms of resisting oppression. So we got the story over at Todd Stern' you can read it on believable all right folks get out there. You enjoy your day. In the meantime, our newsletter coming out in just a few moments you still have time to sign up over the website. This is the Todd start radio show insurance protects people's cars, homes and other vehicles thinking everything our commercials or even just heard. I name you probably Artie knew that what you may not know is that we support humble design, a nonprofit that furnishes homes for families and veterans emerging from homelessness because a little help goes a long way and a lot of help, well you get the idea that he already knew all of this about Progressive Insurance burn pressed left to find something ethical to tell you next time. Find out more about how were dedicated to our customers and that the Intentions company, affiliates

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