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Dr. Brown Answers Your Questions

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown
The Truth Network Radio
July 28, 2017 4:21 pm

Dr. Brown Answers Your Questions

The Line of Fire / Dr. Michael Brown

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July 28, 2017 4:21 pm

The Line of Fire Radio Broadcast for 07/28/17.

Clearview Today
Abidan Shah
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
Connect with Skip Heitzig
Skip Heitzig
Core Christianity
Adriel Sanchez and Bill Maier
Running to Win
Erwin Lutzer
Renewing Your Mind
R.C. Sproul

Well, let's do it again. You got questions, we've got answers for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience have president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire. Now, like always 866-34-TRUTH that's 866-34-TRUTH your Jim is Dr. Michael Brown well this is that they of when you get to answer your questions on any subject of any kind whatsoever. 866-348-7884. That's 866-34-TRUTH. Any area of expertise, I have anything that's come up on the air. Anything that can be addressed on any level whatsoever on Christian radio happy to talk about it here 866-348-7884. We welcome your questions and again you are free to disagree with me when you call it all right interesting dialogue I had.

You can read it as my latest article on the stream I was in Washington DC yesterday. First time I've joined with different faith leaders meeting with some White House staff. Some of been meeting for months and months of this is my first time invited to be part of it and after the meeting I was walking past the White House and suit and tie and and walking back to the hotel room staying young woman approached me and she was wearing a shirt.

I recognize that logo was HRC human rights campaign and its inequality on it so we got to chatting and she wanted to talk to she approach me just can I talk to about a bill� Maybe just look like I was some of it be serious about voting or whatever the issue was. She approach me of the many people walking by. I can I talk about portcullis and absolutely signal very concerned about equality said yeah I am too. I'm deftly very concerned about the quality and I said you know there's a lot of discrimination against Christians around the world are being persecuted and killed for their faith and she suggested and agreed with me and I sit here in America can Christians even losing their job's influence writes about non-with human rights campaign, and she said at first to see you actually assume a smile. I Saddam on their list of people exporting hate to the nations because they they claim I went to Peru a few years ago and spoke to congressional leaders and university chancellors about what happens when you normalize homosexuality and redefine marriage. What happens inside is not inciting hate against anyone not demonizing anyone some your friends, family members, coworkers may be careless but I just want to know what happens when you make these decisions when you go in this direction of society.

So, while English offices in the what to say to that part but she said you will.

Right now there 28 states work there not protections. If you're gay or lesbian interest in you to be fired from your job for that I splice it and I live in North Carolina said I would love to know if someone has been fired just because they're gay or lesbian Jeff specific examples of that and she said to me she said well in North Carolina you have the HB to which of course we don't literally have now.

It's been partly rescinded partly not submit that you have a HB two and its grace is transgender noticeable Jew think it's fair if if a boy identifies as a girl uses the girls bathroom and the girls don't like it is. Is it fair to them and interests of all you have to respect some as gender identity or civil.

Let me ask you this.

I said let's say you're a female athlete, your young lady or an athlete, you train hard you work hard for years and and in your your whole goal is to win in competition and then a boy in urate identifies this girl now. He starts competing and wins all the competition I said is that fair civil we just have to agree to disagree and you know we got to talking more nestle. What if you have a defined gender identity and it's not biology in chromosomes is what if identifies Hispanic in my Hispanic. She's Christian. She looked to Spanish was the symbol of Jeff Hispanic roots are innocent while was it matter if identifies Hispanic is not all that matters. She supply know it is genders differences and ethnicity is a civil based on what is will the theft. Agree to disagree amazing. Yeah, that's kind of the cold logic were up against God have mercy on our nation will break that file. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown 788 that is number to call any question of any kind you would like to ask phone lines are open. I do want to get to some email questions that I have been sent. So let me start digging in their let's see, this is from Kevin up in the listener and monthly torchbearer for over year and love your teaching and gentle loving debate. So Kevin, thanks so much. Thank you for your kind words and for your financial support. I want to ask you for your take on the recent popularity of the Revelation 12 interpretation basically the woman in Revelation 12 is Virgo is a specific sign in the sky over Jerusalem on September 23, signaling the coming end times tribulation. Thank you and God bless, Sir, with all respect to the sincerity of those who might hold to those views, forget about it. Don't even think twice about it. You are 100% safe to ignore that the woman is not just symbolizing that to put any emphasis on September 23, with regard to Revelation 12 is to be completely bogus.

Yet another one of those embarrassments that we as evangelicals will look back on in years ahead and think what in the world were we thinking so not not a chance. No possibility whatsoever.

I wouldn't even give it a second thought I would even go into an in-depth explanation of why that's how quickly I dismiss. If you like this all right this is from Norman. I'm aware that the original biblical manuscripts were nothing like what we have today.

And so, as a friend recently talked about the Psalms wasn't completely unaware I was interested in what he should about wanting to actually be in one book in the original writing cynically and clearly about Messiah would like to know if this is an accurate take on the Psalms mentioned okay. It's one thing to say that the Bible as we have it today is different in many ways from the Bible that the the believers would've had who who wrote meaning. David did not say hat will let let's say for example Paul writing a letter he'd write a letter in chapter and verse right is wrote a letter and then later on, it got broken down into chapters and verses if you look at some like Proverbs.

Those verses are our sayings that would make sense that they were original sayings but didn't have chapter 1 verse one is just here sayings and collected together and and and then ultimately put in chapter form and in many, many years later, putting verse form as well. The Psalms would been written the songs. Hence, as chapters now in the Septuagint, the Greek edition. The Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible from a couple hundred years before the time of Jesus. There's an extra song and it's it's often also been found at Qumran in the Dead Sea Scrolls so there hundred 51 Psalms but if Psalm one and two are combined as one Psalm, then you still have the same 150. That's why the numbering of the Psalms in the Septuagint is different than the numbering of the Psalms in in the Hebrew Bible, or in you have one extra song. You'll notice someone into do not have a superscription so that it's not sayings by Davis by Moses. It's by all soffits. But no, it just is written as it is and you could well read them as consecutive Psalms, although to me. The themes still are different now.

Psalm two is ultimately a messianic Psalm.

It is a coronation Psalm about the king and the king is God's son who rule away from Jerusalem over his enemies, and should be referenced. However, it finds its fulfillment in the Messiah, a suburb in the commentator said it was about David and the Messiah. So I do not see someone is focused on the Messiah. See Psalm one as focused on the believer, the man of God, the woman of God, leaving God's word living by God's word focusing on God's word and the blessing that comes with it. So II do believe it's best to break them up into two separate Psalms, but they are the two of them to gather lay the foundation for the rest of the book of Psalms 866-34-TRUTH 87884 all right will get to the phones now starting in Cleveland with Don walking to want to fire you. You're welcome here are some alumni from out wonderful, great question. I'm sorry. No, go ahead.

Just had a quick question. I always picked on me that the Scripture Hubert export respect like daylight already common that one is even spent Bible college.

Always just confounded me thinking out.

It almost seems like somebody to wait no longer turn the art no longer be great to get your take on that. Yeah, the best interpretation is that John to me is is as translated in the ISV, the international standard version at it. It presents problems for either side if if you say that once you fall away you can never come back again that that presents problems for for those who speak of of the mercy of God in repentance. If you say that people can start in the Lord and turn away never come back.

That presents problems for those who hold to a predestination view that once you say you saved up but I believe the weights translated in the ISV gives the best possible interpretation that doll still controversial but I believe this is the best way to translate understand.

So here's how the ISV reads prison possible to keep on restoring to repentance time and again people of once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift will become partners with the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of God's word and the powers of the coming age and who have fallen away, as long as they continue to crucify the son of God to their own detriment by exposing him to public ridicule. In other words, he's writing to Jews is ready to Jews who think that they could reject Jesus the Messiah. Maybe they started in the faith, but now they think they don't know him. They have their own atonement system.

They have the temple sacrifices temple still standing, and presumably they can go through all these motions and do all these things and still somehow be accepted by God or the repentance be received and he say no, as long as they continue to reject the son of God. There is no repentance for them.

There is no salvation for them. There is no mercy for them now.

Again, this is controversial. This translation is controversial is one of the few you'll see like this. On the flipside it's terrifically scholarship behind it and some have given this argument to me that's the only thing that makes sense because we know all through Scripture that God calls the backslider home and any right wicked men like like Ahab and Manasseh, God still sees the repentance and and and forgives on a certain level there are consequences to their actions which last for generations, but he forgives them when they repentance wicked as they are and then you knew James Jacobs the fifth chapter, we know that that tells us that that if her brother straight so a brother turns and falls into sin and you bring that person back you save the soul from death. So as far as I can tell, there is always the possibility of repentance of a someone has blasphemed the spirit matter how far they fallen and he was 6436 could not contradict contradict with the rest of Scripture says there.

To me that's the best way to understand the hate he Don for benefit of our listeners that don't know if you're a summons that was Brown's revival school of Ministry. The school raised up in the midst of the browser revival that had the privilege of leading 96 to 2000, which then became fire school of ministry ministry which continues to this day in North Carolina with bases also in Chicago and an overseas so how does that time impact your life that's now 17 years ago you graduated. How is your life impacted by being there. I don't time in the air, but Maria Greer's amendment 30 or internship, not amazing.

Formative impactful years of my life. Probably the most.

I wish there are times I wish I could go back with what I know now just woke up even more. Just incredible times of God. Men of God to speak in my life I look back and just let that time that I had amazing wonderful and outlet. Glad to hear from you today. I think you do a lot of moving forward.

Yeah, I've been working later for about 10 years and you and all right keep the fire burning man publishes on you.

I never gets the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution.

Here again is Dr. Michael Brown back member shack* SK DR for my latest articles and videos, including videos why I don't envy the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Some comments on this whole Russia collusion thing yeah relevant articles as well.

My take on the presidents military ban on those who identify as transgender.

By the way, by the way, I was interacting with someone on Twitter identified as a gay dad and he said why the discrimination you know the same discrimination that Blacks experience that women experience that gays experienced in the military same discrimination against against trans people exit is a discriminatory when you say so, with asthma can't serve in the military, some with diabetes can't serve in the military, some with sleep apnea can't serve in the military somewhat flat feet. Can someone overweight can't manager 5 feet tall. Can you go down the list to set discriminatory. This this is not about how you feel hurt my feelings, is not the issue. Nobody wants to hurt someone's feelings just to hurt their feelings, but feelings are not the issue what's best for the military is the issue militaries about winning battles.

The military is about killing enemies, not about whether it hurt someone's feelings and look there's a whole debate about women in combat and is is best for women to be in combat is strong and resilient and toughest women can be that that under normal equal circumstances. A woman performing at her best, is not going to be as physically strong as a man performing at his vested a man is not going to have certain times of the month were where he might have further obstacles to overcome, etc., then duping discriminatory just what's best for me.

That's it. That's a whole separate debate. Anyway my article. My take on that how the president implemented what it would been better to go through certain channels.

Meeting more fully with with generals and others in military control of strategist, etc. and then working things through the more permanent way in a more holistic what you can debate that that's fine.

But to do it itself it's the right thing to do and necessary thing to do.

A wise thing to do, 866-348-7884. All right, let's go to an email from Matina hi Dr. Brown thank you so much for your faithfulness and heart to reach the lost. I grew up in the Jehovah's Witness organization disassociated 20 years and just recently become a brilliant Christian could you please talk about Matthew 2244 and Psalm 110, one how a Jewish year would understand those Scriptures. Thank you. Hate Matina great to hear about the. The choice you made 20 years ago and far far more excited to hear about recently.

Your choice to follow Jesus you're being born again by the grace and mercy of God.

Welcome to the family of God. So Psalm 110 is the most quoted passage from the Old Testament in the New Testament, Psalm 110, which began its identified as a Psalm of David and begins with the words of the Lord. So Yahweh, the Lord said to my Lord, my master, sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool to under your feet footstool for your feet, so that's quoted in Matthew 2244 and Jesus asked the Jewish leaders there if then David calls him Lord, how is he his son so if this in fact is a Psalm written by David who would David be speaking of saying, the Lord God said to my Lord, my master's of my right hand to make your enemies a footstool for your feet will the only one he could describe as his Lord. His master in this sense, not not God himself would be the Messiah.

So, if the Messiah is the son of David, I can be greater than David now was the Messiah. Some of the yes absolutely.

The Messiah was the son of David, but he was also greater than David. He was son of David and son of God, because of which David could address him as Lord. David could address him as master now and and that was the point Jesus is making I am the son of David, but I'm greater than the sum of David. I'm also the son of God, and you don't understand who you're dealing with. Did Jewish people at the time of Jesus believe that David wrote Psalm 10, many did because it says in the superscription of the David normally taken to mean by David however, some take it that it was written live. David meaning for David and that it was a servant to court poet and David's entourage who said the Lord Yahweh God said to my Lord King David. My master can David sit at my right hand, till I make your enemies a footstool for your feet not even if that was true. David is the prototype of the Messiah and it is David who will. It is the Messiah who will sit at the right hand of God and noticed down in verse four it says your priest route forever after the order of markets attic so that even if it was about David.

David functions not just as king but as priest that also points to the priestly work of the Messiah.

Some Jewish interpreters claim that the David there, it just means belonging to the collection of Psalms of David that this was actually originally written by the household steward of Abraham and and he had a promise from God. And so the Lord God said to my master, my Lord, Abraham said my right hand so I make your enemies a footstool for your feet, but that's the preposterous interpretation account work for many ways. For many reasons and in many ways what it mentions the word or dogfighting from Zion. Abraham is no connection to sign another is a Jewish tradition says Abraham will sit at the left hand of God. That's right so that's completely dismissed for many reasons. So it was either written by David as Jesus says here, which is the most natural interpretation of the David some by David was written by David about his master his greater descendent, the Messiah, or other interpreters would say it was written for David as the king, but it is realized in the Messiah, the messianic king. So those are some of the different ways that tax would be written all right.

On the other side of the break. I want to get right back to your calls, 866-348-7884. If you're listening to me right now in greater Charlotte, North Carolina a week from Saturday. You don't want to miss this event. God sex and gender from noon until about 630 Southern Evangelical seminary.

So one day event were striving in a few hours for leaving Rent-A-Center Charlotte North Carolina you can do with the same day if you live a few hours away, but join us.

Dr. Frank Turk will be speaking profs.

It's an evangelical be speaking also be speaking. And then Dr. Turk and I will be debating two local ministries to local pastors on the subject.

Can you be loving and tolerant without affirming should be a terrific terrific event go to my website.

Asked Dr. Brown the Lord to check on the itinerary for more details. It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 6643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown back ranged one 586-6784 you've got questions.answers. We go back to the phones in Ontario but Ontario, Wisconsin Anna, welcome to the line of fire.

Hello, my question about line with your book of hyper great. I know a lot of people that have gotten involved in the bad and you don't hear Mac native you know too much on proper fear and I'll love all stuff like that kind of find a reference book or something that all in one area I know from the Bible and all that. A lot of that is not true.

Just got a little bit tiny bit of truth, but rest of it is is Aaron. I find it you know people concentrate on just one particular doctor and basically what they talk about that. It usually air yes no number one your your specific observation is absolutely true for any of us who concentrate on one particular area. That's the main thing we preach and teach and give ourselves to be out of balance and often heresy comes about by us focusing just on one part to the exclusion of everything else. In fact, when I preached all just a week ago I on hyper grace. I mentioned that when I was lifting weights many years ago. I never got into it heavily. But you know I was working more my arms and chest and stuff like that. Is that a guy training with me.

He said he said man, you gotta work on the legs said otherwise you have about arms like Tarzan and legs like Jane. That was the joke, but in anything if all I preach about is the holiness of God.

If all that I preach about is winning the lost if all that I preach about is the love of God is going to be some type of imbalance there. If I mix it in with an error or exaggeration it could become heresy. If you just type in Trinitarian inclusiveness. I haven't I haven't run across this much personally, but if you just search on Google Trinitarian inclusiveness and the very first link you'll see is that Trinity, which set has an article on the very pernicious and detestable doctrine of inclusiveness and all right, so you'll find a good article here so it's Trinity but again, if you just google search on Google Trinitarian inclusiveness.

The first article that comes up is by Robert Raymond very because of the very pernicious and detestable doctrine of inclusiveness and and and then explains exactly what what it means.

From there, so I think you'll find this to be a very helpful place to go and look whatever message I preach.

If it doesn't call people to repent. If it doesn't call people to holiness. If it doesn't call people to turn away from sin and turn to the Lord, something is fundamentally wrong with the message I heard someone preaching the other day and they said all we need to know is the love of God, and I was meditating on that.

I thought you know I know the will of God. I know deeply to the core of my being.

He loves me but sometimes all sin, because of not working.

The fear of God you know and and there are the people that walk the fear of God is just that it's a maddening think is a think is always out to get them binged about the love of God. But it's it's both and we need the love of God, the fear of God. We we need to behold the that the grace of God in the holiness of God. We need both for you to be whole and our message to the lost is a message that they are lost outside of God's love their loss. They need the mercy of God. Otherwise they will perish is no way back to thank you for the call and the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the line of fire now by calling 8663 here again is Dr. Michael Brown 67884 the number to call. Dennis asked this question will Dr. Brown of Wissinger series and I'm Lord Sheila, what is it mean to rest in God's will actually rest in God. I been chronic pain for 3+ years of struggles of extending rest on the biblical level boy a Dennis this is this is a heavy question and I do not want to respond as if I myself have lived with chronic pain I've had some issues over the years. What would be relatively minor pain administers every debilitating back pain. It was for the shortest period of time, if never had serious migraine, so my answer is not coming for the viewpoint having been in your skin all right.

And when when I got sick in the mid-1980s and was hospitalized for while there was a guy in the bed next to me chronic back pain and that sensitized me a little bit to the battle he'd been fighting for years I think. Decades of the doctors explained it is so much that they could do and just like it's really bad SP hospitalist I thought poor soul soul what I'm speaking to you about Sir, is based on my understanding of Scripture, and what others have done, but you'll have to see if this applies to you first wasn't interest in God. This first thing for anybody with your stress because you can pay your mortgage with your stress because your kids are acting up with your stress because you don't use. Don't know about your future in God with your stress because you got a bad report from the doctor whatever it is, what is it mean to rest in God means that you put your 100% total absolute complete whole hearted trust in him and you leave it there.

In other words, you come to the point where you don't worry, you come to the point where you don't stress come to the point you rest give you an example. Let's say I'm your administrator okay and their bunch of details in event you respect your play at a special event and it looks like it's knocking to come off in time and you don't think you can juggle the finances you have it and I say hey I got this leave it to me. Go out and have a nice meal with your family trust.

I may be the first time around, you're still thinking about you text me the all through the dinner, but but after a while when when I've done this 567 different times.

You say you know I I'm I trust I trust Mike Brown when he says he's going to get something done, it gets done after it's as good is done when he tells me. Trust me, trust me, I so the same way same way we come to the place of trusting in God my future is not dependent on me doing everything perfectly.

That title once at one iota short.

I didn't pray perfectly enough, the futures, not all Nono I trust him. I find rest, I lean on the Lord.

I also find rest in that. I know unforgiven that hit he's dealt with.

My sense is provided. The antidote for my senses provided the remedy for my sins. Therefore, I have no need to fear because I'm forgiven and accepted in the beloved. Yes I did.

I take living for God seriously. No, I don't trivialize the ugliness of sin, but I 100% rest in the goodness of God, the forgiveness I have. I've been accepted, so II rest in the Lord, you can rest in the Lord all the details of your life. All the issues you struggling with all the questions that you have and on and on and on. You can rest in the Lord, that he who started the good work and you will bring it to completion. Those are very, very important issues. However however that being said, when you're talking about being in chronic pain.

How can you rest. This is what I would recommend.

Obviously, we pray for healing and we pray for deliverance and course. You do whatever you can. Medically, you are adjusting diet or whatever to see if that will deal with some of the issues and sometimes it just don't go away. Pray don't get better doctors can't do anything.

There's no practical remedy so in cases like that. I would suggest this, that in the midst of the pain and and if there any breaks in the pain. Just ask the Lord first determined to praise him.

Either way, determined to praise him. Either way, regardless of the praise God I'm in a rejoice in God worship God I'm in, thank God. When the pain hits. I'm still gonna praise Jesus I I'm no matter how bad it is innocent Lord through good Lord, you're good, but I would say God give me your peace and grace in the midst of this, sometimes we don't get healed. Sometimes we we we we we don't. Sometimes we we don't, we won't see the answer. We don't see the breakthrough, but we see God's grace in the midst of it. We see God's mercy in the midst of God's help, so II would pray and pray with you right Dennis that God's grace would be sufficient and that you might not be able explain how you got through. But somehow he got me through, and I had grace and peace in the midst of the storm. I hope that's helpful and I hope that doesn't minimize the struggles that that you have endured and gone through 866-34-TRUTH a Terry Sirs, a Sunday school teacher are perplexed by the issue. Genesis I stayed seven times for birds, fish and animals according to their kind sums told not to marry farm women.

This may be irrelevant, but of God create different races to believe intended for them to be diluted to Mr. Fox's place in his relation plaguing these relationships. Please advise number one everything reproducing after its kind, does not mean different races. It means humans producing humans. It means cats producing cats.

It means orange trees producing oranges all right and and seed bearing trees producing seeds for the next trees.

That's what it means. Number one, number two, Adam and Eve ultimately were not different races know the words they were not both black and white.

They were not both Caucasian and Asian in whatever right, they were whenever they were where they were dark skinned delights. They were whatever they were, and then the races that comes over period of time. Obviously, and then through the descendents of Noah. This this comes over period of time that living in certain environments and certain genetic factors working themselves out, bring about these changes, so that being the case, that being the case, no I do not see that God calls for distinction separation between races. The issue is spiritual separation.

Okay the problem was not Solomon marrying a woman who was say different skin color. Theoretically, darker or lighter was the issue. The issue was marrying a an idol worshiper. That was the key foreign woman would be an idol worshiping woman and that's why he was prohibit as for domestic violence play quote these relationships. I've not done a study on this, but I am not aware of there being more violence and interracial relationships than same race relationships. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm not aware of any such studies whatsoever and either way, there may be other factors that play into that.

So I don't see this is diluting. I see beautiful mixtures. I see beautiful combinations. I see beautiful children with parents who you've got one parent whose Asian in it.

And another parent whose Hispanic and one parens white one parent is blackened and so on and so forth. I know matting and ethnicities with skin color, etc. but I've seen purely in that and let it be 866-34-TRUTH 7884 articulate will get to the calls right on the other side of the break. 866-34-TRUTH 78840, let's just see you drive something else yeah Tony from Australia where the bones of giants lived on the earth should be relatively easy to prove archaeologically, I believe Johnston exist because of the word of God's truth of this one. What we don't have giant bones befriend in areas that the on acumen reflecting lived and dwelt what answer would one answer would be that that in point of fact, there were not large numbers of these peoples are wiped out so long ago. There is no law to go see all kinds of things with friends bones of the legs, massive science, and so I check out to.

I'm sure some would say there is archaeological confirmation.

Thanks. The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown as friends and 16487884. All right, we will go to Hawaii back to Derek. Good to talk to us or how you doing today I'm going to knock on doing well. Thanks. Go ahead and outside of Job and the other current so alive. Very few mention demonic activity in the Old Testament relative to the New Testament, including also the concept of heaven and hell afterlife and regarding the demonic activity one in relation one with all know what the devil in payment that occur sometime during that point about why there was an demonic activity in all manner what your take on that Sidley demonic false installers as well. Before human beings are on the on the earth. Is this a cosmic fall before that. That's reflected even aspects of Genesis 1 where God is bringing light out of darkness and order out of chaos and things like that but that the bottom line is the big battle in the Old Testament was to establish monotheism to get the people to understand that there was one God and one God only and because of that there was less revelation about other powers there. There are against the references to the demons and some references to Satan in the Old Testament, but you're right, it's not nearly as much as in the New Testament so the big battle is not to exalt these other gods not to exalt his other powers, not to mention them as much as angels are mentioned as a Bassett's regatta messages for God but but these other powers. These competing powers to it to give them credence would almost be to open the door to their exultation or worship room. Remember, what happens with the bronze snake in in Numbers 21 right. By the time you get the second Kings 18 they will worshiping. It is a God.

That's just a snake that was making her an idol bronze idol that was originally just meant as an image to select to so things had to be more established a a firmer understanding of one God is the King over the spiritual realm is the Lord over the spiritual in the book of Job, which in its content. The stories and interest for the actual writing of the book is much later in Old Testament history. Let me give you something very insightful to look at if you'll take a look in second Samuel second Samuel chapter 24 verse one says says this again. The anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel and he incited David against him single number Israel and Judah notices words the anger of the Lord second Samuel is written earlier on in Israel's history. Now if you go to the parallel in first Chronicles chapter 21 first Chronicles 21. One look at with this says, then Satan stood against Israel and incited David to number Israel first Chronicles is written much later in Israel's history.

So an earlier account that doesn't mention Satan much. What is it say the anger of the Lord incited David now. Centuries later when monotheism is more firmly established in Israel it mention Satan inside the Lewis God is angry with David. So Satan now has access and and does this so that's why there is progressive revelation that's white say the book of Zechariah, which is written later in the Old Testament. Explicitly mentions Satan with the earlier books dimension. Even the snake in the garden is not mentioned explicitly as Satan and in that in that context.

Okay what about the afterlife. In general, what about the fact that there is much more emphasis on this world. In the Old Testament, and not as much emphasis on the world to come.

It is again a matter of progressive revelation. Second Timothy 110 says that Jesus abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel of the principal pulleys out first Corinthians 15. First, the natural than the spiritual.

So God taught Israel about right and wrong in this world. Blessings and curses in this role didn't talk as much about the afterlife you have some hints of it have explicit verses about the resurrection and future damnation in future life like Daniel 12 to but not as much emphasis. Now, with Jesus coming into the world. It brings the rest of the picture into clear focus. First, the natural than the spiritual so it's a matter of progressive revelation in God's watch purposes from our particular yet you got it got luscious or I figure 866-34-TRUTH 7884 we go to Sean in London, Kentucky. Welcome to the line of fire alarm yes you are on my call and I would like very much, Mark lot, you probably to have cured up and working.

The question I have in regard to another file.

One of my favorite Bible character a lot a lot about him, but imperfect grouping all the better complement. I will on her part.

Question number one.

How can we reconcile all statement in regards to Sampson, John the Baptist, and not another drug having long hair and secondly, what did Paul mean by saying that the sharing yes in first Corinthians 11 for thank you sir for the kind words. Since we know that Paul and ask 18 even takes on a Nazirite vow that that he can't be saying in general that a man can never have longer here. We don't know John the Baptist for sure.

In terms of Nazirite here at length, but it's it's likely based on the other things in the other parts of the sprouts that we Sampson. It was the case to be the case with any Israelite man.

First she's making a general point about nature and a woman being covered.

For example, you have male pattern baldness that you don't have, normally with women and just and in the vast majority of societies around the world. You see, the men have shorter hair women. The longer hair and naturally it grows longer, so Paul seems to be talking about Willis or grow slower and actually the closest we talk about the general course of nature doesn't nature itself teach you the for members long hair it's a disgracefully beautiful one has long hair it's for glory so that's the first thing that the general picture there in terms of of law here versus short here which is is self-evident in culture and self evident just in terms of who's hair actually grows longer and who's hair normally falls out.

Moran you don't see women generally speaking, walk around Baltimore's men walk around.

Baldness is not an issue.

The flipside would be if if you're looking with the long hair issue. My understanding would be very simply that there's a way a woman wears long hair which is her glory which is her hair and this is her identity and part of her beauty. Worse, if a man was a Nazirite you know Sampson's hair was wasbeing greater things like that, or I don't know that he wore his hair the way a woman would wear her hair and that to me would be the distinction that under certain circumstances. Men did have longer hair you don't know how times before man to wear his hair is a hairnet feminine way that would be considered shameful that would be the most straight of it. But if you can hear the music rep against the hard right here at the end of the hour. While let's do it again. You've got questions, we've got answers.

It's time for the line of fire with your host activist and author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution Michael Brown is the director of the coalition of conscience and president of fire school of ministry get into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH index 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown looking friends and shoot a lot of our broadcasts. This is Michael Brown and the phone lines are usually open any question you have in any area of expertise I have is my joy to take your call, answer your questions best as I can if I can answer will do our best to find answers for you if it's appropriate for Christian radio 866-34-TRUTH 866348788481 little hint though. If you have a question for me.

It's best to let me know what that question is upfront and every so often someone will call with kind of a setup question and I'll answer it, but that's not the real question the trend of beat me with an answer will tell me the real question we can disagree we can have controversy that's perfectly fine. And here's another hint if you'd like an answer to your question, then let me answer it. Sometimes people are so passionate about their their position is like the great great. I know you have a position, but if you want my answer I can give it what you talking so we never friendly discussion. But by all means let's let's go at it and and if you got a sharp pointed question want to challenge the position of my hate. Let's put it on the table was do you know it reminds me of right before the passion of the Christ movie came out. We did a I guess the most influential debate of my life in terms of media coverage and discussion in the Jewish community was right before the passion of the Christ movie came out and I debated my friend Rabbi Shirley Botero. We were just getting to know each other as friends that at that point became different since and that the topic we agreed on for the debate was to really kill Jesus and his love discussion at the passion of the Christ in his anti-Semitic it's chemistry, patriots, Jews and other simply talk about even to solicit this number not living in the Middle Ages is thus the can happen so the problem anyone anyway.

The day of the debate, which was a Monday. There is a guess is Newsweek magazine and there is the headline who really kill Jesus. Three. Title of our debate that we come up with. And there's a picture of the gentleman who would play Jesus in the Mel Gibson movie crucified on under the front page of the cover of Newsweek published was amazing and New York City help move you well on hotel there and they they kept opening up rooms. We had like room for thousand plus people standing room only, and just different documentary coverage and Jewish news coverage is amazing to be an amazing opportunity for us to preach Jesus loudly and clearly preach the gospel solicit great opportunity for that which were thankful for. Well, neither of us in cinema because without it.

After the movie came out. We then did another debate and was anti-Semitic or not so on. And that was small we had maybe 300 people for that was good debate lively debate afterwards. A woman came up to me. I was surrounded by Jewish people disagree with my position in some very upset with me and one older man yelling at me was very upset with what my position was about Jesus. Sure and one woman asked me a question and although maybe she's in her 30s select that and she asked me her question Jewish woman and the moment I began to answer, she began to shake her head from left to right and was no no no and is she asked me the question in the moment, I'm telling about the split second I haven't said a word it she starts shaking from left to right of center hate. If you if you really want to hear what I have to say you can please tell me know the bullet and she's on listing as you speak us about your you not listed with open heart and mind's. Feel free to call on any subject, and we can have friendly disagreements. In fact, I welcome them, but just understand if you have a question I can answer��] It's an interesting email questions to cover as well.

The line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice of moral cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown thanks friends for that is the recall any question of any kind that I can help you with all means, give me a call at let's let's grab another email question here. Yeah I know I've got a short video on the book of Enoch, and it does come up a lot but I got some specific questions from Kevin graduate of Viola's MA in Christian apologetics terrific active apologist for your wonderful.

Glad to hear that. Also, an elder in your church, Bible camp counselor terrific. So glad to see what you doing on on a practical spiritual level here so young man, 17-year-old passionate about the book of Enoch convinced it's part of, or equal to the Bible and the cement wants to know why it shouldn't be in the Bible so Kevin is asking me some specific questions so I want to answer these number one to the book of you not be included in the Bible and are treated equally to the books of the Bible. No, it should not, why, aside from the Ethiopian church.

See the optic church.

No other group in the world holds to this I when I say group. I mean establish part of the church or establish part of Judaism holds to this as being Scripture right and although it is quoted in the book of Jude is not quoted in Scripture.

Other books are quoted in the Bible right. The Old Testament will make references to the book of Ya sure where Josh sure C with Jay, but you sure we don't have that if God wanted us to have it, he would've put that in the Bible for us, but Paul makes reference to a letter to the Laodiceans.

We don't have that right. God wanted us to have that it would've been preserved so Judas quoted other things are quoted pagan poets are quoted doesn't mean it's Scripture. So we don't see it quoted as thus saith the Lord, or as it is written, or as the Scripture says we think we don't see that okay and it was not receive this canonical by the Jewish community and it was not receive his canonical by the ultimate different Christian communities that arose so that's that's the first reason that we don't receive it as Scripture and without compelling reasons just because you had books that were popular Shepherd of Hermas was was popular among many of the early church, as was Enoch, but we don't see it accepted as canonical Scripture and therefore that's the first and foremost reason that we don't accepted second of the book of Enoch in the Bible disagree which one is more authoritative than the other wall that the Bible is what we ultimately accept is God's will not give me a proof to this to a nonbeliever, but we recognize God revealing himself to Moses at Mount Sinai and confirming that which came before the promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that which comes after that the words of the prophets, etc. build on that and add to that and and then in addition, they point to Jesus coming into the world and now Jesus comes into the world that we have the writings of his followers and others in the New Testament so we we have this clear chain from the from the Old Testament into the New Testament and then what Jesus and the apostles received the Scripture them with the followers receive the Scripture. So that's that's the word and that is self authenticating and self verifying was the book of Enoch is important. Ancient literature and and highly interesting, but not the work. Three. Is there any reason to think that the book of Enoch is inspired by God and should be treated as such. No, no, there's not. There's no internal reason that we can say that this is truly inspired from God, it may preserve some important ancient traditions may preserve words that go back to Enoch like what's quoted in Jude, but otherwise the book as a whole does not go back to Enoch, and though there is no evidence of supernatural inspiration of Enoch the way there is say it and you can see the Old Testament prophets who practice inspired prophets about world controversy run through some of the scattering of the Jewish people. The regathering of the death of us on the resurrection of the Messiah before the second Temple was destroyed or prophecies of Jesus, talk about the destruction of the Temple and the dispersion of our people and and things like that and the self authenticating nature of of taking God's promises in his word and these things come to pass.

No, there is no evidence of inspiration in Enoch but nothing else really to add to that issue. The last question here so I appreciate the book of Enoch. When you read it carefully, you'll see many things that are fascinating and many that seem way out there that we have no way of verifying right and some of what's in Enoch is reflected in the New Testament the most positive argument you can get for that from someone in agreement with me, fundamentalist Michael Heiser in his book, reversing her moan where he talks about a many of the teachings that ring Enoch were were understandably nearly church, but there are many changes the Pharisees as well that Jesus would've agreed with affected went to a synagogue that was a farcical tradition.

There were things that he had in common with the Pharisees of but that doesn't mean that that he endorsed everything they said so there's teaching in Enoch and teachings of the other books that New Testament writers would agree with but doesn't mean it is Scripture all right thank you 866-34-TRUTH back to the phones and Charlotte Josh. Welcome to the line of fire: well, thanks from our firm report where there and argue Barnett Barbara Benkert our current program in America is not extensively but but some of the writer of the record better. Yeah, I'm just trying to look for so so Kevin Chisholm as it's described of online you can tell me if this is how you understand it, also referred to sometimes Nestor is him or Egyptian neopaganism is the contemporary revival of ancient Egyptian religion and related expressions of religion in classical and late antiquity emergent during the 1970s.

So was is that what you're referring to when you say Chemnitz is we're all aware. Equipment.

All are her where you are going about where you or your fingers. Because wave after boys or whatever you third bear like be the meta-matter was written. Our story no. 500,000 years ago and always all related billing from what I am still trying to find later.

Okay this is much there is as much truth in what he's saying in the in as there is in saying that your pet cat itself. This is actually Elvis Presley okay that this not a syllable of troops of anything anywhere near truth in what he say okay it's it's that far out it.

It's like punching the wind and trying to knock the wind out of you.

There's nothing of any truth to substance to anything he thinks of number one, which you need him to understand is, is that there is a religion of of Moses and and the religion of the Old Testament was not a white man's religion and that Jesus was not a white male start there. Okay, I can vary at the very least you. You're at your talk about darker skinned people even brown skinned people. Okay, at the very least, so this is what your is not a white man's religion and around the world. The majority of people following Jesus today are not white that's that's that's a fact in its reality that someone's not a white man's religion and Moses was not a white man. Jesus was on appointment. I don't believe they were black men, either. But they were white men. Okay, but the weight need to dispel that myth.

Someone number two Moses with the lease would have been a a Middle Eastern darker skinned man during his time God demolished the false gods of Egypt. God show that he alone was God. And that's why we follow around the world billions of people follow the faith of Moses because God demonstrated through Moses that that she alone was the true God. He can relate here and then some of the just not knowing what happened. Your call.

Hopefully you're still listening to me but she triumphed over the gods of Egypt, even the plagues he brought the God brought which show that he alone was God. So we are.

We still have the Bible we still have his words right and then the idea that these other religions borrowed from this book. It is complete. Now the ledge book or write is complete nonsense. Tell him there is no manuscript evidence he cannot produce ancient manuscripts going back to before the days of the Bible and demonstrate that the main themes of the Bible are borrowed from that it is complete myth.

The problem is he's believing demonic deception. The best thing is to pray that God brings them to repentance of sin and conviction of sin and opens his eyes. This perception is complete and entire myths need some online sources with more information. Giving this writer to the ministry to ask Dr. Brown a SK your Brown dog board member plan gives the line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown into the line of fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown my best to catch up on some emails I want to get to the many more will be getting to in the coming days. And of course the best way. As always, if you get through to give us a call 866-34-TRUTH 7884.

Go to faith in Hawaii. Welcome to the line of fire. The faith of you there. Go ahead please yes go ahead trying to help me articulate their thinking about it I think it might be my fault that might help me out here.

One point that when he believed the line there were consequences that in. End the have lasted forever. They were the following everything. After that, when we believe a lie. There are, and so I put I kept thinking that the line in our society are an art art, modern culture has believe is that I think back to Mary equal to the point of pain as an equal mean unmerited female being married is basically an untruth and perhaps the life of Satan and there are, there's no going back now.

Like the horse left the barn that Pandora's box even if we have a social conservative in the White House and trends in the military or gay marriage or what have you that consequences. There are out there already and then the second part to my question or comment is about the church and the compassion person. If you have compassion and nonstandard problem like you were talking of earlier we have all judgment, repentance, have follow both compassion and standard where we've gone compassion in society and church yeah okay so not number one. Yes, things have opened up yes Pandora's box in that respect has been opened. The redefining of marriage, but I do believe there is a way back I do, just like we have been fighting against Roe V Wade all these years. We don't just roll over and accept it.

Yes, horrific devastating reality 55+ million babies aborted mind-boggling beyond her wildest conceptions and yet a pro-life movement that remains everyday babies being saved every day mothers having their hearts turned other steps being taken to defund Planned Parenthood. Yet we want to see something happen more radically, the potential of the Supreme Court overturning it one day. So we don't throw in the towel. In that regard. So when it comes to redefining marriage. I'm still not going to embrace it if if if I was asked to participate in. One is a you know what baking a cake or shooting a wedding.

I still wouldn't do it.

As a matter of conscience does matter what the society says just like if someone said hey you were having an abortion and we want people to see what's really happening is procedure which it would you come in and video it for us. We can use it to raise funds like all I can do that so we're still going to be countercultural in that regard be salt and light but I believe as we see the long-term fruit of redefining marriage and polyamorous say what about us and polygamist saying what about us and and other variation saying what about.

It's really happening then and we have the ability to push back. We have the ability to look we love every body is not Ari has numbed with love. It has to do with what's right and what's best for society and that ultimately government could pull out of sanctioning same-sex marriages that would be mass of the people I understand.

I fully understand it, so you need a massive gospel revival, and then you need a practical way to undo wrong things that have been done. Maybe just heading out in the future.

It's not recognizes and of those it will quote married before than five it going forward so I don't see this is impossible to reverse literally and I'm not being idiotic about it. Just like it seemed impossible for it to happen a decade ago. It seems impossible to reverse. Now, but you never know what happens.

Look, I was reading a story about Charlotte, North Carolina, and how drag queens reading to your children, libraries, and a two-year-old children could be coming soon. While there are a lot of people that that's can be a line that's crossed with it.

They starts is to stand up and and say with radical transgender activism.

It's the same thing. It's like people say what I don't want a 15-year-old boy in the locker room with my daughter because he identifies this guy on one thing on the sports teams with my daughter that she does get a scholarship because a boy does that is not right. So there are many that are starting to say this. This is this one further than we intended it to go to. That's, that's one thing. As for the stance we have to take. Of course I've addressed this endlessly in my book and you regain Christian I address it, but I made a major plea you can you can read the article by going to asked her to but I made a major appeal a few weeks back to Christian leaders displease speak the truth in love, and II just I just said. Listen we we must, it is imperative.

True love speaks the truth it it's it's it's the reality it's not a matter of either or love or truth look you want a doctor whose loving or whose truthful while bolivar is a loving doctor is going to be truthful so when we really care. We will speak the truth in love when we really care were knocking to be concerned about the consequences. So if you know for example, let's say your your husband was morbidly obese and is 33 years old and is eating himself into the grave and he wants you to prepare these these deadly recipes use it � I can't do it. It's killing you. I can't tip you love him so much. You tell them the truth. I believe if we had more love and less fear of man. If we had more love and less fear of social consequences. If we had more love and less concern for what people think of us that we would speak the truth much much more. And little by little Christian leaders are recognizing that they just can't play games with these things anymore. There realizing that they have hurt their people. They have hurt the society by not speaking the truth more clearly and hopefully more waking up to this reality. We owe it to God, we owe it to our kids to her grandkids and and we we owe it to those that identify as LGBT. The same way. We must speak the truth in love for everybody's best interest.

You are you are very welcome faith. I appreciate that 866-34-TRUTH and I'm looking at an email that William sent me accordingly. First we love God with all our heart, soul and strength was that mean that what I said a homosexual and and he explains what he would say it's an email he wrote me with this really have a question in it and he says that if if I love God first and foremost, I have to tell the truth some of if I love them not judging them individually to return stay but I know what I have to speak the truth in love, is that's what do that love God and love their neighbors. It's the line of fire with your host activist, author, international speaker and theologian Dr. Michael Brown voice of more cultural and spiritual revolution get into the line of fire now by calling 6643 here again is Dr. Michael Brown.

I was asked great questions by one of our faith. Staff members earlier today and I want to mention it to you and talk you about it, this is Michael Brown you're listening to the line of fire. Any question you have for me that's appropriate for Christian radio. Go ahead. The phone lines are open 866-348-7884.

You've got questions, we've got answers as matter how far-fetched it is.

If it's appropriate for this broadcast. I mean something like an answer. You are right might have some relevance to what what you talk about here and listen to on shows like this and states is like this given a shot 866-34-TRUTH 784 will get to as many calls as we can. But the first four. Go to the phones so I met yesterday with some faith leaders that have been going regularly to the White House, is my first invitation to to meet with some White House staff that with the president or vice president with some White House staff and some updates and and raise concerns or questions we had and suggestions that kind of thing and which are over and over and over and over from these leaders solidly disreputable leaders just are not selling their soul to to meet with the president. Leaders who are walking and integrity which are over and over and over and over from them is how receptive the president is how how much he listens to evangelical concerns and Christian concerns how he is a champion of religious liberty is if I don't count get it. How can we turn around to some of the things he doesn't say some of the things he doesn't fear God or B cell respect of evangelical so the specific question came up today for me.

What about ethics, which that the new White House chief of communications and you you are you are you talking at a guy that is pretty pretty vulgar, pretty aggressive and in in a recent interview that he just gave us his Scrooges anything I've seen him insist, yikes, that's me blanked out here and here and here and there and and he's also in the past been from what I understand pro-abortion and pro-gay activists, so how could prison hire someone like that, even if you said hey doesn't matter what his political views are he's gonna fight for the president and president Trump needed somebody tough and the other schema deal with leakers and stuff like that so he brought us garbage right is a cost probably the right guy for that. But how, how can you reconcile the two. So I thought of this illustration maybe would be helpful to write. What if there was a guy who was in the Mafia. Okay, but he had a real respect for the Catholic Church. Italian background really respected the Catholic Church really respected the priests things like that but is in the Mafia.

Okay and when somebody is is giving trouble to that to the local Catholic Church is is you let me take care. This delimiter cares annexing here the guys been eliminated in a car accident and he says goes to the local priest father told Jerry to be or has to think I may be mortified.

What what that is an exaggerated picture okay. It's an exaggerated picture but you see how someone could maybe be God-fearing respecting of the church right the Catholic Church and yet himself in the Mafia. Okay, so it only tells you personally.

Hey look, I like you buddy anybody ever gives you trouble threatens you tell me will tell them they be quiet or else okay so if you look at Donald Trump. In a similar way, he's been a worldly man. He's been who he is. All these years, but he has a certain belief in God and a certain belief in the Christian faith and in a certain respect for conservative Christian values and a belief that freedom of religion is important for America. He believes all these things will usually go on the China shop entity does believe in some of things we believe in their important to him and therefore he is an ally with all of the terrible shortcoming.

Does that help you maybe wrap your mind around previous file line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown get into the minor fire now by calling 866-34-TRUTH here again is Dr. Michael Brown Louisville north Carolina.

Denise are you there you have me on speaker something I to what Howard want you sort out what's going on with Denise. There and will get that she's gone. She's gone. I we've got an anonymous caller. We wanted to give a location welcome to the line of fire doing well thank you, and because I had a question. I work for ironic and I talked to my friend like Elton I work in a state what you're not doing the procedure here get straight at certificate you're not really contributing but I still felt really really guilty and I took the job because it I would think about it, and paint extremely well that I just had felt a happy or anything that I started at half.

I wonder if what I mean, I know we have not heard everything that giant the same way that he would like somebody who actually has abortion like adder.R.I can't, can I talk she was with total honesty. I first did not too far gone to go back but you need to get out of there and you got no business working there because merciful and compassionate and he understands your struggles.

Single mom all the issues we dealing with. There is forgiveness. Jesus died for any and all since you've committed and it's not that you have left God entirely just made a wrong decision. It's one that's understandable but it's absolutely wrong and you you need to to get out of there and trust God for your for your next step and and he he won't failure. You're not going to end up sleeping on the street somewhere with with child or children, but you you absolutely need to get out of there and thank God because you're his child.

You don't feel right because you're his child under conviction because you're his child. The joy isn't there, and it can't be because you are facilitating people's abortions. Whether your ground them when they come in. Whether you're failing to tell them their other alternatives with you, your processing of payments your your part of that and it would be in that respect. No, no different, no different than say if if you were if you were of dense days of slave trade that your job was just to register you know how many people were on the ship and how many survived drawer height and weight for sale or something like that. If you are in Nazi Germany during the Holocaust and your job was to count the shoes that were taken from the Jewish prisoners are the gold teeth that were taken or whatever. Even if you yourself didn't participate in their in their death. So, for sure. The Holy Spirit is not letting you be comfortable for sure your own conscience is not letting you be comfortable but don't think for a moment that God's grace is not there, it it it hurts God as well. When relationship is broken with his children. He wants nothing more than for to be an active fellowship with you and and blessing you just think of. If a child of yours maybe had a 15-year-old. That made some wrong decisions right and because I want to see had a daughter and she now moved in with her boyfriend and she's thinking boy of if I tell mom I made the wrong decision. I'm so sorry will will she have me back shall have you back with tears shall have you back with the biggest hug you've ever got in your life. So without question God will fully restore and your your situation as embarrassing as right now I fully honor you calling anonymously. I'm so glad that you that you called but God will use this redemptive way, you'll be stronger in the pro-life movement because what you you'll have more sympathy for the people they go in and have abortions and know the struggles you have better understanding of of the people behind the scenes performing abortions with those involved with it. So you're this can all be redeemed for the good, but I would immediately give notice and let me just say this if if you find yourself in financial hardship because the decision you made.

If if you want one member done with this conversation.

Okay if if you want to just give your name and contact info to or call screener you will be put on any list you will be put on email list. This will not be given to it to anyone but we just say listen, if we know some folks that really help the pro-life movement holistically and that if you ran into some real life crisis, you know. Because of this, you can't feed your children the next week or something. We are friends. I know that with with say we stand with you and in the midst of this writer that Kent can I ask you just one question that I just want to pray with you. All right if if you're up if you're up to converse for minute of work. How long have you worked at the Planned Parenthood Pl., okay, it's gonna be a really rough vehicle had a daughter and her middle name. It can go back and Believe God with it and when I started working me anything in the back.

Not really true at a manager you have you know all the jobs under the procedures because I'm not a clinician that the room in the back. It caught in it that hot product where that where the Ed to hear that I thought I made up but certainly there's blank that there's are there and I and am I copied it because audit ultrasound subtype have to do if you're stuck like a along like fighting right and were not allowed to tell the with the women you know you should do this or not, and I understand that you have but I would make it a point to document you never carried it to curb it. Maybe there's a family member. You know that they make glorify bear that went great limit right you have a right to know what your right you did that so the're right don't want to go to work know you, you can't. There's no possible way, when they tell you that all the marches that not what it's like a prayer like they're telling the truth will marble it really that It I needed it real bad for God that if there's somebody think that what happened, of course, double just carry it to term to adopt at sorry don't don't don't don't apologize you. Your saving lives and in and we will do our best to shout this conversation out for the world to hear them, let me ask you one more question, and then when were done. Stay on the line is we want to get your contact info to make sure we can touch base with you next week in and see what's what's going on right but be sure your no turning back. Right you know you're being complicit with with the murder of children. If you go back to this so make sure you you're out and and and that's reality. But but let me ask the me ask you this, the women that come in and out when when you see them having making this decision you see them leaving. Is it just some wonderful happy event for them as well. I cry Ed out a letter with them like it. Apparently I got a really somber and very quiet and I cry a lot and we have Journal in the back in the recovery room will be encouraged to write out a feeling like that and I read them. There never happened and what your grant still likes to like this deadly sin people since shout your abortion, shout your abortions friends. This is reality, which you join me in praying for this dear woman need to be met by the user to save many lives in the future for plan by the Expo line of fire with your host Dr. Michael Brown your voice and more cultural and spiritual revolution. Here again is Dr. Michael Brown live talk radio because your voices are so so important. Your experiences are so so import your perspective so so important. We have gotten over the years, the most moving calls without exception from women in the past who have abortions, some 30 years later there breaking down crying over man who fathered a child and then pushed the girlfriend that to get an abortion and calling years later broken in pain over here from a Christian woman who made a wrong decision to work in the Planned Parenthood facility but who will be leaving and I know we will stand with an and help if there's a crisis because she has left this job and when I asked about abortion is a some happy event as it will, of course, that a happy event yachts understandable that it's not a happy event, but the way you hear people talking about it and feel my body, my writing and the shout your abortion movement you think this just some little thing just one woman, one feminist talked about it just the the massive tissue just that the tumor was removed and she could go back to normal life is not a tumor.

This is not a massive tissue. These are beings.

These are babies so dear sister, just this last thing is you were explaining about the feelings of of the women and and that the regret that they have afterwards. And that's a short-term regret. Who knows long-term regret but if you set with these women first they came into the clinic planning to have an abortion and you said hey let's just do an ultrasound first to to to see what were dealing with and let's take a look and have you considered other options and you know this is possibly with adoption or or people stand with you to help you if you want to have the baby. Just think that many of them would choose life. Instead, I never back. However, that it very quick like you know your options are bad. Baby that her canopy. The term given to an adopted or have an abortion.

Are you sure that your petticoat and there are there is an ultrasound. I think it lolled out that we have to do that that we always do an ultrasound first, I would get about someone right now that some women you and when they candidate more times than not will decide that that, unfortunately, from time a couple weeks later than come back better.

I feel that it and more time going over options that may be given out template like we have a lot of uncle people that will help a lot like people have protesters and things like that and the term protesters sound negative but are protesters actually really nice people at my hot chocolate. They're not that people you know that. How are we to freshen over and some women come in and they think they are not sure, and it sounded like some time, not all the time. I'm kind from Dr. on the push for them to get the abortion and fell silent.

You know that we dare to think empathetic aspect that you make impetus on the positive effect that at the abortion my employee, you have much time to yourself. Maybe make a better decision when you're older and ready or in a better situation, like it pushed for an atomic glorified really is there feeling that there's a clothing that you want to get certain numbers of abortions in that this is this is what brings in the money to the clinic and bring a lot of money out the day that we currently don't don't do it every day. Start date of the week that it very lucrative and you have to buy a car. Yeah, that the fact that the fact that there even ultrasounds. They are that women are given any options. If there plenty of places where that's at even going to be the case, whether they're offered an ultrasound are obviously listed was a law pushing for that average plan parenthood facilities is not going to want to go in that direction. Do you believe me when I tell you that that God has not left you, but the relationship is been hurt because of this decision and that he fully welcomes you back into good fellowship to believe that there after I got hurt out there, but it let me put it all out and now he can remember that if your case the battle Lord God that you're here because it if you don't feel bad. Then obviously you might not be ready so that it is the Holy Spirit. And it's it's your own conscience as a believer because you are a child of God and then seeing what you seen the, the so-called products of conception got helpless little limbs Eisen and in heads and yet that's that's what were talking about then being discarded. These are the these are the realities you know that and I really encourage you to to get back to the service on on Sunday to getting your notice immediately hang up the phone with Planned Parenthood. Though you won't be coming back and do whatever you have to do responsibly to to take care of that and then we reach out you to follow-up to make sure if there are immediate needs they come up. We have friends involved in pro-life ministry that would say hey we we want to make sure that you ultimately you and your daughter will suffer the same God that enabled you to conceive is the God that can take you through here and I want to assure you get off the phone for father. I'm so sorry for your grace and turning away, his forgiveness is complete. You never have to wrestle with guilt. After that, may regret what you've done and they regret it. With tears and share with others, but but I'm I'm assuring not just this caller ready, which many many have heard live as it happened, we we will get this out is why these we can. You are actually going to end up saving lives.

You are actually going to end up helping women to have children. There can be babies born into the world through your store.

That's how God's going to redeem it and and will pray for wholeness in your life and your family in every way, and for God's grace to so flood your life. We say goodbye to the past, Lord, for this woman goodbye to the past and welcome a new blessed future for her for her family. We pray for repentance is working Planned Parenthood that they come to know you and repent and be forgiven. We pray for your daughter to be richly received by your grace mission, may she weep with a wholly weeping that she hasn't had the weeping of being loved by God, she's in service this Sunday. May that be her reality. Lord, bless her in the name of Jesus, thank you so much for calling Oregon stand with you through this. God bless you how much while nothing nothing more to say this is what we do what we do. Thanks for praying with us. Thanks for praying for us. You know, when saving the sick America comes out in September 2 whole chapters dealing with our death culture and God's answer pro-life base movement friends. This is what we do what we do

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