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Song of Songs Verse 2 - The Ultimate Kiss

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore
The Truth Network Radio
May 17, 2022 9:05 am

Song of Songs Verse 2 - The Ultimate Kiss

The Christian Car Guy / Robby Dilmore

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May 17, 2022 9:05 am

Song of Songs verse 2 Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine.

God's Kisses help bring down our walls like wine frees our inhibitions. The amazing word in thgis verse is this Love - Daelt Vuv Dalet - my explanation and how my wife demonstrates that for me....

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Hitten treasures of the Song of Songs, which is Solomon's. Oh, it's almost like a joy of joys today as we get to dig around in the Song of Solomon, chapter one, verse two. And I'm sure you're going to see like I do that this is just an unbelievable verse.

And so we'll just dig right in. As verse two reads in English, let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth, for thy love is better than wine. And oh, what a mouthful this particular verse is in so many different ways, as all these are just significant pictures in this allegory that is the Song of Songs, which view that this is Solomon himself speaking, you know, originally expecting God himself for the Messiah, which we'll get to why that is. He thinks that in the next couple of verses, you're going to see some spectacular things. But right now, the very first thing he asks, he's being needy out loud, in my opinion.

Psalms just telling Solomon is just telling Christ what he really, really wants. And what he really, really wants is to be kissed with kisses of his mouth. And as he describes that that's better than wine. And of course, you know, those of us out of the 60s can remember remember the song kisses, you know, sweeter than wine, but this is better than wine.

It's a different word than sweeter. And so as we dig into this in Hebrew, there are so many amazing, amazing things to talk about. But one of the neat things I'll just start off with the end is the wine, right? So it's better than wine.

And I love that. I love all the Jews teach about wine, that they have this idea that wine breaks down the walls. And as we've talked about before, in the Jeremiah passage, where, you know, God's going to do a new thing, the bride encircles the groom, that we all build walls around the things that we really want, because we're afraid to ask for what we really want, because we don't want our hearts broken, that we won't get them. That's the beauty of what King Solomon is doing here, as we are, you know, imitating Solomon and saying this is is this what you really, really want is you want God to kiss you with kisses of his mouth.

And they for sure are better than wine. Well, the idea of breaking down the walls of seeing this is what we really, really want, because wine has that in the physical world ability to get people to drop, you know, their walls, to an extent, to be more relaxed, to be more free with saying what they really feel. And so here, you know, the psalmist is explaining that the kisses of God are better than that, in that they drop our walls. And kisses, when you think about them, they do, like speaking, bring you into present time.

Like if you can remember the first time you kissed your spouse, or maybe, you know, favorite aunt or whatever, the feeling of that because it's connected to your mouth puts you immediately in present time, and it puts you in a place of comfort, and of joy, and of pleasure. And so all those things, as they come together, they drop down the insecurities so that you can express love. And so the key passage, I mean, excuse me, what I would say is the key word here, and it's a word that we're going to see repeated more than 40 times in the Song of Solomon and something that I love the way he introduces it right here. Because what he says is that your love is better than wine, and that word for love, fascinatingly, it is very fascinating study in all of it itself.

And probably we could do about five episodes on it, and I'm guessing we're going to get a chance to because it's repeated 40 times. The word that is translated love here will be translated the beloved, and it is dalet vav dalet. And that may sound familiar to you. Because it was Solomon's father's name, David. You can hear it, dalet vav dalet. And so isn't it interesting? I mean, I find it more than fascinating that the miracle verse in the dalet, as you recall, which King David certainly knew the dalet well, is I will run in the path of thy commandments when thou enlargest my heart. And again, the idea being that a dalet is a servant and in order to run in servitude, right, that you got to have this large heart. And so this idea of the beloved being serving. So, you know, if you're married, or maybe, you know, just take some understanding from somebody who's at this point in time, 66 years old, when it comes to romancing your spouse, it comes from a point of how can I bring you pleasure?

Right? How can I give you what it is you're looking for? In other words, that the idea of love is if you believe me, you will keep my commandments. If you love me, excuse me, if you love me, you will keep my commandments. And so, you know, Jesus gave us this unbelievable insight that to love is to serve in so many different ways. And obviously, with a whole heart is the idea of David himself. And that the fact that his name was dalet vav dalet tells you why he was the beloved, right? His very name meant that. And Solomon hones in on that idea here, as he understands that God is, he came to serve us in amazing ways. And as he brings us pleasure in any way, shape or form, he is serving us. And so as we drop down our walls with these kisses of his mouth, we're asking for what it is we really, really want. Which it's interesting that it's hard for us to admit what we want, because it's kind of hard for us to be served. But that's what God wants to be able to do. He wants to find out what you really, really want. And of course, he really has his wants, too. And we would love our love to be better than wine, that it would help somebody drop down their walls.

And the other aspect of wine is it gets better with age, right? And so, you know, this is another beautiful concept. Because we are in the Song of Solomon in an understanding, we hope, of the 119th Psalm on what are statutes. And as we talked about yesterday, I want to make it more clear, because I was kind of confused. As I said it, as I listened to my own episode, that the Song of Solomon has eight chapters that would, again, be the number of the letter Het, but also would be the miracle of the letter Het from my standpoint, which is the miracle letter.

Every chapter in the verse, every chapter in the 119th Psalm also has eight verses, which we've talked about where we broke them down in the seven anointings of God, and then the miracle verse being the eighth verse. And so, here we are with this idea of love being the key idea here, in my opinion. The reason why we want these kisses is because we want to experience God's love, God wanting to give us pleasure.

Right? And no better way, in my opinion, than when he kisses us with the kisses of his mouth, he's doing it with his word. His word comes out of his mouth. And so, if we want to experience kisses from God at any particular moment in our life, from my perspective, is to get into his word. And so, as you get into scripture, whatever it is, you immediately go right into present time, just like a kiss, and you'll realize how much that love is better than wine. And there are two aspects that the Jews teach about wine.

One is that it brings down walls. And the other aspect is that it gets better with age. And, oh my goodness, I'm sure, as I've gotten older, I've gotten an opportunity to grow closer to God, which has made me better through his love.

And, you know, again, wine just being a world leader, it's a totally example of a spiritual truth that Solomon was aware of, and now he's going to share. And so, I guess as you look at who in your life, right, in my case it's my wife Tammy, right, that kisses me with kisses of her mouth. But she does so many other things. Like she knows I love homemade bread, and so last night she was up to all hours making homemade bread, or another thing that she knows I love, which is, again, connected to my mouth. She knows I love pudding, and she puts pieces of cream cheese in it, chocolate pudding that's just out of this world for me.

And I know that tonight when I get home, because it's Tuesday night, is when she makes me pudding. And in her own way, I know that every one of those experiences are kisses of her mouth, because she loves to give me pleasure. She loves to give me delight. And I love to do the same for her. I'm saved to tell her what I really want, to tell God what I really want, to be needy out loud. It's an amazing thing. And, again, I hope you have a chance to experience this love that is better than wine. .
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