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Someone who will be playing in the Duke vs NC State game on Oct 14th

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold
The Truth Network Radio
October 6, 2023 3:40 pm

Someone who will be playing in the Duke vs NC State game on Oct 14th

The Adam Gold Show / Adam Gold

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October 6, 2023 3:40 pm

Jordan Waters, Duke Football RB, on his goals and how he feels his team has been doing thus far.

Why did he pick Duke? What’s the culture been like on the team? What was it like having College GameDay in Durham? How is Riley Leonard doing? What are his thoughts on the NC State team and how well will they be prepared for them when they meet? Duke will not be playing this weekend, so what does he do on weekends without football? Is he someone who watches football when he’s not playing? And you might be surprised at what Jordan’s favorite place to eat in Durham is, which gave Adam a good laugh.


Jordan Waters is senior running back from Duke. He's from Fairmont, North Carolina, and even though they are off this weekend, coach Mike Elko is making him practice. That's got to make you mad.

Not at all. I love to practice. What? You love to practice? That's the fun part. Practice is the fun part. The games are the work, huh? Yeah, that's it. All right.

Thank you very much for doing this. I actually, I gave you guys the most respect I could possibly give you Monday, and in that, and this is going to sound harsh, I don't really mean it that way, that you guys blew it. You had a chance on your racket to beat Notre Dame. How did you guys feel coming out of that game?

Oh, you know, it's disappointing, especially you losing the close game like that, but that's part of the game, and we was mad for a day or two, but we had to move on to MCC. So, what was said at halftime, because it seemed like in the second half, you guys came out and said, we're going to run the ball, whether or not they're loading the box or not. We were showing that we just had to come out and be more physical to now, that we're going to play our game.

We had to do so the first half, and we told ourselves we're going to come out and be more physical, and we ran the ball, and we did it. Jordan Waters is joining us here on the Adam Gold Show, eight touchdowns, well over five yards per carry. Is it okay that you're second on the team in rushing to a quarterback? Oh, it's fine, as long as we're winning. I could be last as long as we're winning. Yeah, well, there's no chance of that happening.

Jordan Waters is joining us on the Adam Gold Show. Do you feel like people maybe aren't still giving you guys the respect you deserve? Does it matter?

I think so, but I love it, though. That's just another chip on my shoulder that I like to work with, and it's just another extra motivation for me. Why did you choose Duke? I'm home. I'm a family guy. I knew I wasn't leaving my mom.

I'm only two hours from home, so I knew I was going to stay around here somewhere. Look, it has certainly worked out. Explain for people who might not really buy into it, what the culture of that program is like.

Oh my God, I've seen both sides. So right now, we're just more about it. It all started in the summer and winter, the off-season. Everybody buying in and bending through the weight training, and I think that's where it starts at. We're working hard. We're doing extra work, and people love it.

It makes you go even harder when you're winning in the resort show. Is everybody else like you that they like practice more than they like the games? I think everybody loves practice because we're conditioning for it. We practice hard, but when you see us practice, you don't think it's hard the way we're conditioning for it. I'm telling you, I think for a lot of people who jumped off the screen during the Clemson game that you guys looked like you belonged on the field with Clemson, and there's just no joke, and I'm not trying to be patronizing.

A lot of people didn't think that it would look like that. Oh yeah, we know. Yeah, so you guys went into that game thinking you would win, and that was the mindset going into Notre Dame, right? Oh yeah.

Yeah, I mean, no, who cares? What was that whole experience like though? College game day was there. I'm sure you guys saw the campus and how it was absolutely electric all game long.

Just how did that help you guys or impress you guys? It was amazing. That's like a game you dream of playing in some day and have a college game day and just walking out into this field and seeing the wildest way that packed with our fans was like another level, and it gave us another boost of energy. Also, seeing our fans pack out in the stadium, and it was just great. I dreamed of playing in games in front of 40,000 people, then another four million watching on TV was amazing. I think it was more than four million watching on TV.

And in a few years, it'll be even more than that. Before we get to what's coming next for your club, can you give us any idea of how Riley's doing? I think he's under the weather right now, but no update right now.

No update? I appreciate you keeping matters under wraps. I'm sure people have told you, don't tell anything about Riley Leonard's condition. That just made it worse the way the game ended with Riley going off on crutches. He also is not very good at crutches, which maybe that's a good thing.

I thought somebody should give this guy a YouTube tutorial on it. Jordan Waters is joining us here on the Adam Gold Show. So you go from the Notre Dame game to a bye week, and then coming up next week is another game that's going to be electric because it's a local game. You guys don't get a chance to play state all the time, you guys don't get a chance to play state all that often, at least in the past, that'll change going forward. But your thoughts on a Wolfpack team, especially their defense. Oh, their defense is pretty good. They're coming off a game where they didn't have, they come out of the way, so they're going to be motivated also. And this by the way, gives our team a chance to get ahead and the rest. So I think we'll be prepared for them. Well, I know you'll be prepared for them.

There's no question. And when you watch a guy like Peyton Wilson, the linebacker on tape, what are you seeing? Oh, he's very fast. I've never seen a linebacker move like that. He can move. He's experienced. And I think we'll be ready for him though. I bet you are. You guys are going to get Graham Barton back, you think? I think so.

We're going to see. I think for a lot of people, they don't even realize that your all-American offensive tackle didn't even play against Notre Dame. Yeah, but Brian Parker, he held his own out there for sure. I think your offensive line played really well. I mean, you guys played obviously a great football game as a team. How was coach after that? I think we all were disappointed, but he's the type of guy to keep us grounded.

And he let us know that what we was wrong and what was right. And so what is the plan for you as we're talking with Jordan Waters, the Duke, running back here on the Adam Gold Show? What is the plan for you guys going forward when you look at the rest of the schedule? I mean, I know you don't think further ahead than the one game, but what are your goals? We definitely take it one game at a time, but the angle is ACC Championship.

That's the goal. And a shot at Florida State, maybe a second shot at Florida State, and you guys are headed there in a few weeks. Are you a college football watcher when you're able? So you have an off week this week. Are you going to spend the week watching college football? I would not be watching any football this weekend. Nothing? Nothing. It's family time. Do you even watch the NFL? With SOTIC 2 for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, you could show off your skin again.

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Whisper: medium.en / 2023-10-06 19:32:53 / 2023-10-06 19:37:48 / 5

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