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Biden Admin: Prepare For A World Where Iran Has Full Nuclear Power

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Truth Network Radio
October 14, 2021 1:00 pm

Biden Admin: Prepare For A World Where Iran Has Full Nuclear Power

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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October 14, 2021 1:00 pm

The Biden Administration has said to prepare for a future where Iran has a full nuclear program. Jay, Jordan and the rest of the Sekulow team discuss what the world will look like with a fully nuclearized Iran. We're also joined by ACLJ Senior Advisor for National Security and Foreign Policy Ric Grenell.

Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

Today on Sekulow the Biden administration says to prepare for a world where Iran is a full nuclear power. That would include a full array of nuclear weapons. Keeping you informed and engaged, now more than ever, this is Sekulow. We have to prepare for a world which we're doing now in consultation with our partners from the region about a world where Iran doesn't have constraints on a nuclear program and we have to consider options to deal with that which is what we're doing even as we hope that we can get back to the deal. That is by far our preference but as I said Iran is giving us its answer by what it's doing and not doing every day and we need to we need to take that into account. We want to hear from you.

Share and post your comments or call 1-800-684-3110. I think that was an inconsistent message from Rob Malley. It contradicted what Secretary Blinken is saying. Blinken is trying to say listen all options are on the table.

I think that's hollow by the way. I don't think people believe President Biden will take military action but he's trying to put it on the table to get Iran to come back to negotiations but Malley seems to be saying we might need to accept another world and that's dangerous. And now your host Jordan Sekulow. Why do we have to accept Iran in a world where Iran has zero constraints on their nuclear program? That would mean an Iran with zero constraints on a nuclear weapons program. Let me tell you what that becomes. That becomes a nuclear Saudi Arabia, a nuclear UAE, a nuclear Qatar, maybe a nuclear Jordan, possibly Egypt.

Why? Because those allies of ours that we work and we have this group of course along with Israel that we work with to in that region of the world isolate Iran is not just going to sit there as ducks to be picked off by a dangerous Ayatollah and his Iranian Revolutionary Guard fully nuclearized. But yet that is who you just heard is Robert Malley. He under the Obama years negotiated that JCPOA, the two pages of bullet points. He is now doing interviews that are in direct conflict with our Secretary of State Tony Blinken right now saying that well we just have to if we can't get back into the deal with Iran they're just going to be a full nuclear power. Now dad there's a lot to unpack there as well as to unpack with where Tony Blinken is meeting with the Foreign Minister of Israel and he's saying all options are on the table when it comes to going from sanctions to covert or a direct military action when it comes to containing Iran's nuclear program. And let me remind our listeners dad that Israel has made the statement they will never allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon so that ups again it kind of increases the pressure on this situation. Well it doesn't increase the pressure but I think we have to take it even a even a step further here Jordan that's this. You've got to look at the situation now from the eyes of the entire Middle East region. It's not just Israel it's the Middle East region that's at play here and I wonder and this is just kind of you know walking through this are we at a situation now where as I ran up the ante and the United States lowers the pressure which is precisely what's happening here are we at a situation where what we're going to see develop and I you know is a nuclear region and that bodes for a lot of problems. Now there was diplomacy going on during the years of the Trump administration it was unauthorized it was by John Kerry I don't know what O'Malley's interest was we have a lawsuit on that right go ahead. Malley was a part of it Kerry was a part of it you also had the former energy secretary as a part of it we filed again so they were doing this under the Trump years remember their violations they're like is that the violation of that Logan Act that we've talked about so much but tried to undermine the Trump administration's efforts directly in their negotiations with Iran they put it into that so Robert Malley was there Kerry was there and of course now we've got Jake Sullivan Malley and Kerry all back together pushing this deal but let me just tease this out to you do you think it could just be a scare tactic so that they ultimately have a reason to give Iran that 10 billion dollars to start the negotiations again think about it a little differently as we come back from this break and if you want to talk to us on air 1-800-684-3110 on this inevitable nuclear Iran that the Biden administration's announcing 1-800-684-3110 the challenges facing Americans are substantial at a time when our values our freedoms our constitutional rights are under attack it's more important than ever to stand with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades now the ACLJ has been on the front lines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in courts in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success but here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms that remains our top priority especially now during these challenging times the American Center for Law and Justice is on your side if you're already a member thank you and if you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us at where you can learn more about our life-changing work become a member today only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable and voiceless deserve to be protected is there any hope for that culture to survive and that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice to defend the right to life we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn it's called Mission Life it will show you how you are personally impacting the pro-life battle through your support and the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases how we're fighting for the rights of pro-life activists the ramifications of Roe v Wade 40 years later play on Parenthood's role in the abortion industry and what Obamacare means to the pro-life movement discover the many ways your membership with the ACLJ is empowering the right to life request your free copy of Mission Life today online at slash gift don't you compare and contrast these two statements and then Rick Renell is going to be joining us the next segment because I really want his insight on this because here's the Secretary of State Tony Blinken at a press conference with Israel and the UAE just yesterday take a listen we will look at at every option to to deal with the challenge posed by Iran I can we continue to believe that diplomacy is the most effective way to do that but it takes two to engage in diplomacy and we have not we have not seen from Iran a willingness to do that let's remember that Iran last week did offer up the potential to re-enter negotiations if ten billion dollars was unsealed so they had assets frozen in the United States they can't get access to some of that is ten billion dollars they said if you unfreeze those assets and provide those back to Iran we will go back to the negotiating table with the US so that is on the table we're not getting any direct comment yet from Blinken on that offer but then you have Robert Malley he's the lead negotiator yet again when it comes to Iran and the nuclear the nuclear deal if you will he was the lead negotiator for President Obama this is a very different statement he made the same day as Tony Blinken yesterday by six we have to prepare for world which we're doing now in consultation with our partners from the region about a world where Ron doesn't have constraints on a super program and we have to consider options to dealing with that which is what we're doing even as we hope that we can get back to the deal that is by far our preference but as I said Iran is giving us its answer by what it's doing and not doing every day and we need to we need to take that into account I mean dad to prepare for a world where Iran has unconstrained nuclear power which means also unconstrained nuclear weapons but Robert Malley kind of says that straightforward like that's just a matter of fact that would mean arming most of the Middle East that's exactly right and and as I said earlier that's gonna require a raise of the level of tension in the region so the Middle East becomes you know it's already a tense situation and it becomes a real powder-cake now what's interesting here is we got on this early when we found out that there was basically other negotiations going on when the President was President Trump and Andy as you know and you've been supervising this we filed a FOIA request which ended up in a federal lawsuit in fact there was a status conference on that lawsuit this week because we want to know what has been agreed to by other parties here because I'm not quite sure to tell you the truth that this wasn't being negotiated out the whole time well I think you're absolutely right Jay we filed a lawsuit in federal district court in Washington DC to find out exactly what Kerry O'Malley and the Energy Secretary were talking about in these back channels of communication during the time that President Trump was President and of course that would have been an illegal thing to do you have no right to negotiate when you're outside of the government on behalf of the government but who knows what kind of deal that they were working out and appears to have been resurrected now with O'Malley back in power as the special envoy to Iran and Kerry is the climate czar and so forth they are now resurrecting the deal which is essentially to sort of throw the towel and it seems to me and say notwithstanding what Blinken is saying O'Malley said we got to prepare for a region that Iran has nuclear weapons well that creates a powder keg out of the Middle East that's already a powder keg that creates a situation in which Israel no great has said yeah Israel has said that it will not tolerate that so if the Israelis are not going to tolerate it why should we do this way because I really do believe that when we need to take this yes you can take it at face value but then look at the conflicting comments is this the way the Biden team right is attempting to sell this to you the American people who don't like this Iranian nuclear deal who don't trust the two pages of bullet points that was initially negotiated out who know that the inspectors were never able to do their job why how do you sell to the American people that'd be worth you know unfreezing ten billion dollars in assets to go to the ayatollah and the Islamic Republic of Iran you scare them and you scare them by having Robert Malley go out and say you know what if we don't get to this negotiation which will cost ten million dollars but really that's just frozen assets so it's net zero technically to the American people if you can believe their math is that well we're gonna have to spend the ten billion to get to the table because we can't allow a unrestrained nuclear Iran so that I always look at it that way in Washington is yeah they are setting this up that it's not an accident that they have conflicting statements when they're talking to different audiences no precisely of course not and I want to reiterate that these are coordinated statements these are not accidents these are not misstatements these are coordinated statements from the various players that are in this particular case very direct and now the question is going to be and I'm going to go to fan Bennett on this our director of government affairs and that is what is the reaction of Congress to all this because there's doublespeak but I think as Jordan said it's doublespeak with the purpose yeah couldn't agree more I mean I'm part of the reason that I think that Jordan's correct on this is because Iran with zero constraints on their nuclear capacity has always been the goal for this regime Jay I mean think back to the Obama Biden administration that was the entire reason that the JCPOA was put forward in the first place I mean we I won't go through all of it but you had a 10-year sunset on all the restrictions in it you allowed Iran to inspect their own facilities you had side deals that gave them notice of inspections Jay so the deal itself even if you thought Iran was always going to comply with it actually guaranteed that they that they became a nuclear power that was the goal under the Obama administration I have no reason to believe that it's any different now so the scenario that Jordan puts forward where this is now justification that we've got to get back into deal to constrain Iran it makes perfect sense because even if they get back into the deal Jay what does it do it allows Iran to be a nuclear power and even if they comply maybe it pushes it down the road just a couple of years now although I think all of us know that we won't comply so you've got to look two or three layers deep and Jay again this is why that FOIA that we have out there is so important I would just I would just maybe pose this question to our audience can you imagine if Secretary Pompeo was now doing what Secretary Kerry was doing during the Trump administration just imagine the reaction yeah no it's interesting because I'm reading this so from our FOIA this is what we put President Trump in 2019 sought to open a back channel of communication with top Iranian officials and saw the UN General Assembly meeting in September as a potential opportunity to defuse escalating tensions with Iran but the effort failed now the remember this is exactly why precisely why the President put on those very tough sanctions on Iran which were crippling the economy two months earlier however a different back channel was thriving in New York Iran's smooth English from a newspaper report smooth English-speaking foreign minister Mohammed Zarif met with Robert Malley who was President Obama's Middle East advisor in an apparent bid to undermine the Trump team and lay the groundwork for a post-Trump relations and now we have filed a federal lawsuits on that Andy because there's all kinds of legal questions they even maybe some criminality involved in that we got to see what the evidence is I'm not a huge fan of the Logan Act I think there's some real constitutional issues with it but I will say this this is not no accidents here but our lawsuit could not be more timely that's absolutely correct Jay this is a timely lawsuit because it is a lawsuit coming at a time where there's crucial negotiations that are that are going on that we don't know about and that is President Trump we do know that President Trump tried to open the back channel of communication but then they would he was being undermined basically by Kerry and Malley at a time when they had no authority and no right they were not in the government they were not part of the government and we want to find out just exactly what they were doing who they were talking to who they were discussing with what proposals they were putting out what feelers they were saying that we're going to be put out there that would be amenable to a post Trump era because they thought they were going to win they ultimately did and now that we want to find out exactly what they were talking about and that is why this lawsuit that we have brought in federal district court is so critical because we hope through that lawsuit to ferret out exactly what these back channel communications with O'Malley or Malley and with Kerry were you know it's interesting Celia on Facebook wrote in the administration sold us out to Russia China the Taliban now it seems like Iran America last is the Biden foreign policy because take a listen here's Malley again they're ready to not only this sounds more extreme than just the 10 billion dollars in frozen assets back to Iran take a listen to what they're willing to do to get back to the negotiating table 17 we are prepared to remove all of the sanctions that were imposed by the Trump administration that were inconsistent with the deal and therefore we could get back to the business that we should have been on so dad remove all the sanctions that are inconsistent with the deal influx of cash to the Iranians which is what we know they want this idea that oh there's going to be an unconstrained nuclear Iran is the scare tactic and then when you actually listen they've got their plan exactly and as I said all of this is heavily coordinated so let's not for a moment think that any of this is an accident Jordan will be interested to see what our Rick Rinnell our senior advisor on global affairs has to say but hey this is this is not no accidents here this is all exactly what they wanted yeah absolutely so Rick Rinnell is going to be joining us the next segment of broadcast we're gonna break this down with him the conflicting statements between you've got our Secretary of State and you've got the lead negotiator on Iran back again their conflicting statements are they really in conflict or is this the Biden plan I mean again just to get Rick's analysis of this because he's been at both State Department's been in the intelligence world going to be very helpful we come back from the break as always I encourage you stay updated about like our lawsuit the FOIA in this matter on be right back only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable and voiceless deserve to be protected is there any hope for that culture to survive and that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice to defend the right to life we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn it's called mission life it will show you how you are personally impacting the pro-life battle through your support and the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases how we're fighting for the rights of pro-life activists the ramifications of Roe v Wade 40 years later play on Parenthood's role in the abortion industry and what Obamacare means to the pro-life movement discover the many ways your membership with the ACLJ is empowering the right to life request your free copy of mission life today online at slash gift the challenges facing Americans are substantial at a time when our values our freedoms our constitutional rights are under attack it's more important than ever to stand with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades now the ACLJ has been on the front lines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in courts in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success but here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms that remains our top priority especially now during these challenging times the American Center for Law and Justice is on your side if you're already a member thank you and if you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us at where you can learn more about our life-changing work become a member today welcome back to secular we're waiting to be joined by Rick Renell in just a minute I just want you to understand here that we have an administration on the Iran situation that is putting two different messages out we know last week Iran made their first public offer to the to the Biden administration about what it would take to get them to the negotiating table that was the 10 billion dollars of unfrozen assets and then we have our Secretary of State saying that all options are on the table and containing Iran but we also have the lead negotiator or the Iranian nuclear deal let me just play the short version bite 17 we are prepared to remove all of the sanctions that were imposed by the Trump administration that were inconsistent with the deal and therefore we could get back to the business that we should have been on so yet if we removed all the sanctions and and this is someone who believes that if we don't do that that Iran will have an unrestricted uncontained nuclear program that includes a unrestricted nuclear weapons program yeah I think that's exactly the problem I think that's the exact problem here and when you say unrestricted what does that end up meaning I mean does that mean that Iran is gonna mean a situation where they just we know they're gonna listen under the JCPOA they build they build an Iran Iranian nuclear arsenal at some point they're given a green light so this buying time does nothing for a region Andy that doesn't think in days but thinks in decades and generations that's the thing J that people don't understand who are not historians and who don't read history in the Middle East you don't think of things in terms of days you think in terms of eons eternity generational thinking and thinking in the very long term the Iranians have bided their time they've gone through the horrors that they faced at the Trump administration who clamped down on them and they said this too will pass it always does and then Biden comes in and as Jordan said he's giving conflicting or seemingly conflicting signals Blinken says one thing Mali says another and the Iranians sit back and they think extortion you give me the ten billion dollars I'll come to the table but they don't think like that we don't think like they do we have to begin to think in historical perspective they bide their time the difference between a radical and a moderate is patience and they've got their patience and it looks like they're gonna get what they want Jay let me bring in Rick Renell our senior advisor for foreign policy national security Rick is joining us by phone today Rick just your assessment we've got on the one hand Robert Malley saying that we're going towards a path of an unconstrained nuclear Iran unconstrained no you know the full-on nuclear arsenal and and everything else that comes with it on the other hand we have secretary Blinken meeting with his counterpart from Israel the foreign minister and he's saying well all options are on the table that would even include military options but covert options and other sanctions are on the table and so we take these two statements we also know last week that Iran made the offer a Rick of if you unfreeze ten billion dollars in assets you can get back to the table with us I mean so there's a lot of conflict here but but what I think is that this is the way I'm reading this Rick is that this is a way that the by team is trying to ultimately sell this to the American people if we don't give them ten billion if we don't do what they want to get back to the O'Shea table we will have an uncontained nuclear Iran well this just harkens back to the Obama negotiations where everyone on the US side that was involved messaged constantly to the American public and to the Iranian public and in the middle the public in the Middle East was that we want a deal and the goal was a deal and when you enter negotiations you know I've done thousands of diplomatic negotiations and when you walk into the room and you actually announce that you want a deal and that the goal is a deal then the other side hears that you're willing to do anything as long as there's a deal and they have us over the barrel because we're the Biden team is desperate to pretend like they've come to an agreement this is we've talked about the warnings of consensus and and that's where we are with the Iranian regime the Biden team wants consensus with the Iranians which means they're gonna stake out a position we're gonna stake out a position and and we're just gonna cut it in half and that doesn't protect America that doesn't protect Israel it's a dangerous slippery slope you know Rick one of the things that you know of course I'm concerned about is that we're already in a region that is highly volatile and let's face it I mean it's it's a powder keg and adding a nuclear Iran to an already very contentious and very dangerous neighborhood just ups the the risk factor not just for Israel but for other of our allies our Arab allies in the region and ultimately the United States so couple that with the fact that we know through the lawsuit we filed in federal court that the John Kerry and Malley were both negotiating with Zarif while you all were in office I think just shows you how this was a pre-planned move well thank God for ACLJ and the courage that the team brings because without filing these lawsuits to demand transparency to demand that we understand and hold let's be honest ACLJ is holding the Biden administration accountable and that is so crucial right now organizations like ACLJ have to be supported by our listeners because without holding the Biden team accountable we won't know what they're doing behind closed doors and Jay you're exactly right that we are sending terrible messages and we have Arab allies make no mistake the the Trump administration created more Arab allies because you look at the Abraham Accords and and the Abraham Accords were important because it said that Arab allies of the United States were desperate to move on and create peace in the region so Saudi Arabia and the UAE and you know Morocco and a whole bunch of countries who Sudan even were desperate to move on away from what Iran is trying to create in the region which is instability you know Rick one final thing here and I want to talk about the Balkans if you could stay with us to the first five minutes the second half hour but a final thought here too on this issue with Iran it should the American people under this administration the Biden ministration I mean I don't feel like the Robert Malley line is really where the Biden team is I don't feel like they're just gonna throw up their hands and say unrestrained nuclear Iran I feel like they're gonna do everything they can to get back to the negotiating table and Iran is finally offered what they what they want in return for that which unfortunately to me doesn't seem that far outside of what the Biden ministration would do in you know unrease unreal you know releasing 10 billion in frozen assets yeah releasing money that you know the Obama Biden team already did it before they'll do it again if it gets them to the table money is no problem we're seeing them spend like drunken sailors so you're right I think the money is going to be no big deal to the Biden ministration they'll pay it and get at the table all right we come back we're gonna ask Rick to about the Balkans the situation there violence occurring after a historic peace and new engagement there between the Serbs the Albanians that Rick is always leading the charge on for the White House a special envoy we'll talk about that we come back as always go to for decades now the ACLJ has been on the front lines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in courts in Congress and in the public arena the American Center for Law and Justice is on your side if you're already a member thank you and if you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us at where you can learn more about our life-changing work become a member today keeping you informed and engaged now more than ever this is Sekulow and now your host Jordan Sekulow let me just say we're gonna stay on top of this Iran story as it unfolds and you know we do that the ACLJ one of the ways we're doing that of course is through our here's the initial FOIA I'm holding that was filed this was filed in follow this is back in February about the shadow diplomacy by these guys like Robert Malley Jake Sullivan the former energy energy secretary under Obama the former secretary of state under Obama who's you know now back in as well John Kerry this is our complaint where we had to file you're seeing that we can put that up on the screen the complaint that was filed when they didn't respond and we are on just on Monday filed a joint status report there so this should start picking up speed now that this is in court but I want to return back to Rick Riddell for a minute we're gonna get into folks some of this border issues now that it's been uncovered that the Biden team has led in about 160,000 people in seven months six seven months to the United States that crossed the border illegally hundred and sixty thousand and we're gonna get into that in the second half hour of the broadcast but I first want to go to Rick on one more time because Rick we didn't get to it in the last segment but I wanted to let people update to you now you're bit the special envoy to Serbian Kosovo and the Balkans and unfortunately like we see with the Abraham cords that we were talking about the Biden team not continuing to cultivate that historic relation new working relationship yeah look the Biden team has been MIA in the Balkans and now what we're seeing is a lack of leadership we've had over the last couple of days some incidents at the border violence at the border between Serbia and Kosovo there are local elections in Kosovo on Sunday and so the political leadership and Pristina are trying to manipulate this by inflaming some of the tensions in order to look strong I would urge the leaders in Pristina to abide by the Brussels agreement to to to do everything they can to reject violence I would urge the leadership in Belgrade the Serbian leaders to continue working with the United States and reject moves by Russia and China they're offering enticing deals with Serbia and Serbia must move away from Russia and China continue their relationship with the United States and lastly I would just say the Biden team needs to stop deferring to the EU and to Brussels on everything in the Balkans because we know that the EU is analysis paralysis they're not going to move quickly and just yesterday we saw the Biden administration move to say we're working with the EU on the on the increase attacks between Serbia and Kosovo at the border this is not leadership this is a way to another reason that Biden is weak add this to the long list of Biden problems where they they fail to understand the moment and they fail to step up and take leadership they should have a Presidential envoy for the Balkans we don't have an ambassador right now in Pristina Kosovo the Senate should move quickly to to to confirm Jeff Hovenir who is our US ambassador close by nominee Jeff is a career Foreign Service officer would do a great job and I I think this is a crucial moment and like like Syria like Libya like Afghanistan there's a long list of foreign policy problems that the Biden administration has ignored and I think you can add the Balkans and the problems right now that we're seeing it because of lack of Biden leadership Rick as always we appreciate your insight into Iran of course that your focus on the Balkans we want to continue to update our audience on on those kind of issues because like you said you know the Trump administration left the Biden administration all of these new new deals when you call them peace deals economic deals working relationships from the Balkans to the Middle East and it just feels like they're not being cultivated like you said they're not there's the people aren't there to cultivate now you see violence break out on the border between Serbia and Kosovo which I remember when you were on early about this year they were celebrating this new economic agreement that they had we come back what's happening in our border what's the Biden administration doing they're pretty shocking numbers to say the least the challenges facing Americans are substantial at a time when our values our freedoms our constitutional rights are under attack it's more important than ever to stand with the American Center for Law and Justice for decades now the ACLJ has been on the front lines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in courts in Congress and in the public arena and we have an exceptional track record of success but here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms that remains our top priority especially now during these challenging times the American Center for Law and Justice is on your side if you're already a member thank you and if you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us at where you can learn more about our life-changing work become a member today only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable and voiceless deserve to be protected is there any hope for that culture to survive and that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice to defend the right to life we've created a free powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn it's called Mission Life it will show you how you are personally impacting the pro-life battle through your support and the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases how we're fighting for the rights of pro-life activists the ramifications of Roe v Wade 40 years later play on Parenthood's role in the abortion industry and what Obamacare means to the pro-life movement discover the many ways your membership with the ACLJ is empowering the right to life request your free copy of mission life today online at slash gift welcome back to secular I do want to before we shift to the border let me just say that Israel's foreign minister just put out a new statement I think because of all these conflicting statements from the Biden administration this what foreign minister Lapid who by the way is also the alternate prime minister in Israel's current power sharing government so he's got even a more significant role than a normal foreign minister would have quote the foreign minister shared with the national security adviser Jake Sullivan Israel's concerned about Iran's race towards nuclear capability this is the key this is new as of just a few minutes ago and the fact that Iran is becoming a nuclear threshold state that is from Israel data we're about to turn to the border crisis but that just came out and we were talking about it from Israel that's a new way of categorizing Iran as a nuclear threshold state that means you know when we started this talk under the Obama years they've made a lot of progress in Israel's got great Intel in their nuclear program now they are considered right on the threshold yeah but here's the thing that that you have to put in mind the the President when it was President Trump said we're done with this deal because this is meaningless because everybody knew the Iranians were number one violating it number two they were on a path to getting nuclear weapons and number three Europe was still in the deal when the United States was out so they were still technically this you know the the deal was in place and yet the Iranians were knowingly and willfully violating it so Andy this is politics but it's a charade it's a sham it is a charade and it is a sham and it is really sickening to see that the United States is taking such a weak position with respect to the rest of the world in the eyes of the rest of the world in the Middle East I'm going to tell you one thing for absolute sure the United States may not do anything to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power but I will tell you that Israel will and that's a sad commentary on where the United States stands in the world the Israelis know the threat that Iran poses as a threshold nuclear power they just enunciated it in the statement that was made by the alternate Prime Minister and that sends a message to me and should to the whole world Israel is saying it is not going to happen I want to shift to the immigration issue because it is massive a massive problem in our southern border it's not letting up but now we know because of some documents that were leaked the amount of people that are inside the United States who crossed over illegally but were granted some kind of status sometimes they get a court date some thirty thousand of this group actually got work permits but a hundred and sixty thousand people since in seven months basically since the Biden team fully took over the US government and got their policies in place a hundred and sixty thousand people who came to the border illegally have been resettled somewhere in the United States some have court dates that they're supposed to show up to but dad we talked about this all the time we've created now another almost 200,000 people men women and children who will be likely living in the shadows most of their life because they are not on a pathway to any kind of legal status or citizenship no so all you're doing is adding more humanity suffering as it goes forward because these people as you said have to live in the shadows we do not have and we've been calling for it for decades comprehensive immigration reform instead what you have is let's face it this is catch and release and I want to go to fan first and I've got a question for Andy and fan this policy of the Biden administration has been a disaster on the border they don't want to call it a crisis but it's way past that you've got almost 200,000 people in the United States that have been basically put in the stream of the whole country so not just affecting Texas it's not just affecting California or Arizona it's affecting everywhere and there seems to be no talk of any kind of move in Congress on any of this well Jay first of all the administration is treating border enforcement like some sort of superfluous duty they think that it's optional they think that it's not a fundamental duty the reason it's a fundamental duty jazz as we've talked about many times on this broadcast is because of how many other things it impacts when you when you don't secure the border you've got a national security issue you've got an economic security issue you've got a crime issue Jay you've even got an ability an inability to provide compassionate care to those who are trying to migrate to the United States for a better life you talk about comprehensive immigration reform you can't do it unless you secure the border as part of that package but look these new numbers that you're talking about Jordan the 160,000 that that we know about that have been released into the country with either a notice to appear or a notice to report Jordan I mean that's probably the tip of the iceberg those are the ones that we know about that doesn't count the ones that are categorized as got aways it doesn't count as those who don't even get categorized as got aways because we didn't catch them remember one of the things that our foil was after is why are we no longer actually trying to catch people and enforce the law so Jordan the hundred sixty thousand sounds like an enormous number but the truth is we don't know just how big it is there are hundreds of thousands that are now in the interior of the country some of which we know where they are others we don't let me just explain to how this works so since March 20th out of that hundred sixty thousand so thirty thousand have gotten work permits ninety four thousand five hundred and seventy illegal immigrants have been released into the u.s. with notices to report now what is a notice to report let's just kind of cut through that it's you're only required to check in with an ice officer when you get to your final destination that could be anywhere across the country and when you check in you're not deported or detained as your proceedings move forward now dad what we know is a very small number of that ninety thousand will ever contact ice again well that's exactly right and and it puts the strain on these local communities and Andy puts the strain on the health care system it puts the strain on the local economies and it puts the strain on puts additional strain on law enforcement in those areas but yeah of course most of them are going to come back up for a hearing when catch and release is basically cat and gone and disappear and vanish yes catch and disappear and vanish is what it is because they are not going to come back and report they don't come back and report in the judicial system of the United States where there's bonds and that is an added incentive to be there you forfeit your bond these people are released into the interior as we said of the United States we don't know what their destination is we don't know how they're going to get their cab bus train car plane whatever and you tell them to come back and you to give them a hearing date or you give them a report date let's not be naive about these things Jay and Jordan they are not going to rip to reappear because the apprehension in their mind is that if they do they're going to be deported back to their country of origin or outside the United States so they just meld into the crowd you never hear from them and you never see from them again meanwhile the local health service the local police service the local judiciary and all that are impacted we can't keep this up I never thought I would be quoting with approval Barack Obama but he said recently this is a nation-state and having porous borders like this is to use his term unsustainable Joe Biden better listen to that when you think about the numbers stand I mean in August you had 208,000 people that were apprehended and made some kind of contact with our Border Patrol in July the number 212,000 I mean so this hundred and sixty thousand from the total basically time period they've been in office and getting control of the government so since March is still a very small number I mean it's what what happens to the other 400,000 it's 200,000 people a month there that are still going through this process I mean you could see this hundred and sixty thousand number becoming a three hundred thousand number and then a five hundred thousand number very quickly if they stay on this kind of path you know what's amazing to me Jordan is I actually expected that maybe these numbers would flatline a little bit and I expected that not because I didn't think there would be a surge of course there's gonna be a surge when other people think that they're gonna be allowed into the country I thought there might be a flatline in these numbers Jordan because we knew that apprehension efforts were down so I thought a lot of them would go unreported unnoticed unapprehended Jordan these numbers are exploding even though the administration is very upfront about the fact that their enforcement efforts are down again that's one of the questions that we're asking in our foyer so again as huge as these numbers are two hundred eight thousand one month two hundred and twelve thousand the next month Jordan they're dramatically higher than even that and if I could just to circle back to something you asked just a minute ago you know why doesn't Congress do anything well I would tell you the the most important thing that this administration should do doesn't require Congress they could just put the migrant protection protocols back in place like the Trump administration had and these numbers would start to decline I know that Jordan because that's what what's happening when they were in place now there is a bill from Elise Stefanik in the house and Marsha Blackburn in the Senate that would require the administration to but Jordan that bill doesn't have to pass for President Biden to say you know what it was working before I'll put it back in place no it's Tim what we saw we're seeing again is catch and release on a massive scale massive scale hundreds of thousands of people with catch and release of these phony times to check in with ice and court dates do you think those individuals are going to do that no they got here they got to the promised land if you will and they're gonna then live in the shadows use false social security numbers it's unfortunate but yet they're put in this situation by the US government we come back your thoughts on that your thoughts on Iran as well one eight hundred six eight four thirty one ten only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable and voiceless deserve to be protected is there any hope for that culture to survive and that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice to defend the right to life we've created a free 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we have an exceptional track record of success but here's the bottom line we could not do our work without your support we remain committed to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms that remains our top priority especially now during these challenging times the American Center for Law and Justice is on your side if you're already a member thank you and if you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us at ACLJ dot org where you can learn more about our life changing work become a member today ACLJ dot org we're gonna take your phone calls 1-800-684-3110 this final segment today's broadcast two topics one how much of a threat do you believe Iran would be and with an unrestrained nuclear program I mean I think it's a serious threat but I'd love your thoughts on that and how it would change the world 1-800-684-3110 and the immigration issue I mean the fact your Diane wrote it on YouTube and I'll put this out to our team how could the courts handle a hundred and sixty thousand additional immigration cases dad I can answer that question right now they can't they don't have enough I mean they can't handle the cases from five years ago right now they then they had a pandemic so they're even more slowed down than ever before our immigration courts have for now over two decades I think been totally overwhelmed and that's not because the people are trying to get cases moving through it's just because we have too many people coming across illegally that the government lets in that the people who are waiting in line to come through the normal immigration process are not getting in so now there's reports that because our court system is so long our immigration normal legal immigration system is so bad that middle-class families are beginning to make the trek to say you know what we can take our resources and it's better to go just walk through the border that it is to go through the legal process so we can have our life in America of course and that's exactly precisely what's what's happening and the reality is the system has been broken by the way this is not a Joe Biden problem this is this goes back many administrations the failure to get comprehensive immigration reform has I think produced a very serious strain on our country are we're losing resources we are losing tax revenue I mean remember these people aren't paying tax dollars and if they were in the system paying income tax on the money they earned that would help the United States and our finances there is no way you're going to be sending back 20 to 40 million people to their country of origin that have been here for 20 or 30 years so we've got to come up with comprehensive immigration reform now having said that and I've been saying that for you know 20 years the fact of the matter is man there is zero movement on this and at least there appears to be yeah it's been a it's been a hurdle that Congress has not been able to get over but you know honestly Jay I think the answer is to why they haven't been willing or able to acquire the political capital do it is actually pretty simple and it's it's actually playing out right in front of us as we see now I mean you cannot provide comprehensive immigration reform or or in any sort of a pathway or anything like that Jay unless part of the package at the same exact time is border security because if you do that if you if you you know create a new pathway if you create new programs or new visa allocations or raise the caps or any of that and say we will secure the border down the road it never actually happens you expand the numbers people come across the border and border security never happens actually that's why I think over these last couple of years Jay there really was a pathway where what you're describing could have been accomplished because we were seeing the numbers at the border start to come down we were starting to get operational control over the border and at that point Jay I really think the House and Senate the Congress would have been out of excuses they would have had to tackle this in a meaningful way but as it stands now it's a more complicated measure a more complicated effort than it's ever been before but Will Haines just pointed out this is true this is basically the fact Oh amnesty Andy I mean the fact is that these court dates don't matter the courts can't even handle them if they could so I mean it's we're kidding ourselves if we think that this can just be you know resolved by people showing up for a hearing that is not gonna happen that's not the way this works no it's not you're right it is it is amnesty it's come one come all walk over the border we get a court date get a notice to appear date if you get the coordinating you do show up the immigration courts and the immigration judges can't hear these cases in any meaningful fashion in any expedited form so you're basically in the United States living as we say in the shadows living for free off the resources of the land you've destabilized that way the communities throughout the country because the health care systems are unable to bear this the local law enforcement can't bear it the judiciary can't bear it and basically you've opened the country to anybody who wants to come in that is not the way you run a nation-state if as President Trump said if we're gonna have a country we have to have borders and those borders need to be secure and not porous President Biden takes an opposite approach we have to recognize that his reproach is come one come all his own boss Obama said that is not sustainable and you know what it's not well this is self-inflicted I mean because then as you pointed out the the new way the negotiations that were done the remain in Mexico policy the diplomacy that was done by the Trump administration to make this a better process for everyone Americans and those seeking to come to America and and so it's not a humanitarian crisis we're undone and it just seems to me like they had the Biden team they love these crises because when you get a crisis then you get to say well the solution is we got to have a hundred thousand more people in the country and uh and then it's a hundred thousand more Haitians and it's it's you know this is people come and now it's middle-class families who are saying that it's well it's better than waiting in the legal immigration line we got the money to do this we'll just walk across and set up our life here I mean so this is all self-inflicted solely because they could not stand doing anything that the Trump administration any policies keeping any policies the Trump administration put in place even policies that were working there were there were bipartisan that were fair and obvious and honestly much more humanitarian well Jordan if the problem is solved you can no longer run campaigns on solving the problem and by the way if you're if your political opponent solves the problem or is the leader of the entity that solves the problem you definitely can't run political campaigns on and I really think that got in the way during the last administration of the Democrat Party in Washington DC be being willing to be a part of the solution because all of the signs were there Jordan that we were moving towards progress on this issue I mean the border was securing and there was a coalition building in Washington DC to pass some of these reforms and by the way the ACLJ has been uniquely situated on this and a lot of this is due to the work that you've headed up in the asylum space I mean we have long said you have got to stop the asylum abuse not just to limit entry into the country Jordan but to actually make the asylum slots that are available go to people who are really legitimately running for their lives and need a better place to live and are coming to the United States for that opportunity when you take those slots away and give them to people or bog down the court system with people falsely claiming asylum what do you do Jordan you don't just create a national security problem you actually keep the people who desperately need America to be that safe harbor for them you keep America America from being able to do that this is just Barack Obama President Obama as Andy talked about just last month at the end of the last month so we just a couple weeks ago talking about the border and how this is unsustainable now he didn't do anything about it at the time and made it worse and of course criticized the wall but take a listen immigration is tough it always has been because on the one hand I think we are naturally a people that wants to help others at the same time we're a nation-state we have borders the idea that we can just have open borders is something that I think as a practical matter is unsustainable so he knows it's unsustainable and we were at a point where we were building a wall we had these new agreements dad we had all these things in place under the Trump administration to start dealing with the crisis I say start dealing right with the crisis to disincentivize a middle-class family especially for making that trek but it's gotten so so open at that border that even Barack Obama saying unsustainable and that's because when you start getting to not just the most desperate people but just average folks who got the money to do it who say yeah I'll just use this route then you've entered a whole new phase of the problem at the border and you've also harmed our natural immigration system that is work so well for so long that's right the people who want to follow the rules are really really at the back of the line we will talk to you tomorrow go to ACLJ dot org for decades now the ACLJ has been on the front lines protecting your freedoms defending your rights in courts in Congress and in the public arena the American Center for Law and Justice is on your side if you're already a member thank you and if you're not well this is the perfect time to stand with us at ACLJ dot org where you can learn more about our life changing work become a member today ACLJ dot org
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