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Is the NYT the New Mouthpiece for IRS?

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Truth Network Radio
August 22, 2022 3:49 pm

Is the NYT the New Mouthpiece for IRS?

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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August 22, 2022 3:49 pm

Is the NYT the New Mouthpiece for IRS?

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Today on Sekulow is the New York Times the new mouthpiece for the IRS?

Why does the left love federal law enforcement these days? We'll talk about that more today on Sekulow. Keeping you informed and engaged now more than ever this is Sekulow. We want to hear from you. Share and post your comments or call 1-800-684-3110. And now your host Jordan Sekulow.

And welcome to Sekulow. We're taking your phone calls to 1-800-684-3110 a new piece by the New York Times. They blast Republicans for quote unfounded conspiracy theories about the IRS. They just have a you know short memory at the New York Times because of our case the lynchpins for liberty where the IRS admitted to a federal court that they did in fact target groups because of of their backgrounds because of their views because of their names sounded like conservative groups because they had liberty freedom life constitution and you know the New York Times says but you know and they acknowledge that in their article that those groups were targeted they say well there were some other progressive groups the only progressive groups that were in this were because they had those kind of terms in their name and guess what once they found out they were progressive groups do you think that they had a problem getting their tax exempt status no none of the progressive groups had to file in court to get their tax exempt status reviewed I mean dad that's what people have to remember this was so bad that they could not get an answer from the IRS it wasn't even like the IRS said no now I need to appeal the IRS just just froze them all out so let's go through the history of this because I mean the New York Times headline of course is totally incorrect and misleading but let's go through the history of what really was going on here because I think when you understand the history you're going to understand what really is taking place so the IRS okay refused to grant recognition to a series of conservative groups in fact as Jordan said refused to respond to these groups when their applications it's called a form 1023 is filed seeking IRS tax exempt status and then when they did respond after response after response coming from the taxpayer the tax exempt organization we find out that the IRS has actually set up a system they had a B on the lookout list bolo list that said if names like liberty freedom constitution these names are in organizations named they need to be handled specially they target it so the New York Times is absolutely here's what the time said the time said Republicans who have long accused the IRS of unfairly targeting conservatives and I'm saying Republicans have long accused the IRS the IRS and I'm holding the order in my hand that we obtained in federal court section paragraph 40 the IRS admits that its treatments of the plaintiffs and these were like 40 tax exempt organizations all conservative during the tax exempt determination process including screening their applications based on their names or policy positions subjecting those applications to heightened scrutiny and inordinate delays and demanding of some plaintiffs information that the inspector general for the tax for the IRS determined was unnecessary to the agency's determination of their tax exempt status was wrong for such treatment the IRS expresses its sincere apology as did the main culprit of all this Lois Lerner let's play what she said they used names like tea party or patriots and they selected cases simply because the application had those names in the title that was wrong the IRS would like to apologize for that so so we didn't accept an apology we went to federal court two cases one in district of Columbia DC one in Ohio obtained monetary judgment millions of dollars for our clients in the case in Ohio and then got a basically what is a declaratory judgment a consent order by the IRS acknowledging the wrongdoing and putting procedures in place so these headlines are wrong and now you're going to give an agency that's incapable of self-correcting 87,000 new agents folks that's exactly why the ACLJ exists now I want to say something we are in our matching challenge campaign and I asked our team today how far we were behind last year so this date last year as of this morning we're 135,587 dollars and two cents behind where we are we're last year at this time we really need your support we want to close that gap Jordan we need people to stand with us yeah we do and support the work of the ACLJ because we've got our matching challenge if you can this is a great time to donate because you double the impact your donation so you donate 50 bucks right now at that's like 100 for us donate today we'll be right back all right welcome back to secular and we are taking your phone calls to 1-800-684-3110 we know the IRS is doubling in size I hope you know you Facebook is flagging people and social media accounts are flagging people because well some of the people that will be hired the new 80,000 gun toting agents ready to shoot to kill as the IRS website said they they will some of those people will be replacing people that retire this year okay 80,000 people aren't retiring this year from the IRS so it's not like they're just it's just you know replacing a a with a this is doubling the size of its enforcement division you know this is important to point out it's the IRS army as Lindsey Graham has called it because it is larger this new hire group is larger than one of our most closest allies entire military the UK think about that for a minute the UK has 81,000 members in their military all combined all their branches the IRS will have 87,000 new agents now yes a smaller country but it just puts into perspective how big just the IRS enforcement division is and how small the taxpayer services portion is because that's only 3 billion over 10 years which we give that to the IRS over 10 years that won't even replace their fax machines so the taxpayer services which is what they should their number one priority should be is take care of people who want to pay their taxes right who are trying to follow the rules and if they owe more or or deserve a refund they get it on time and you answer your phone and you work past three o'clock in the afternoon and you don't fax to your house i mean they're going to an office yeah i mean well they're you know you're sending taxpayer information this is the reports we're getting to revenue agents that are working from their home so you're faxing your taxpayer information to their house but they love all the privacy act stuff you know the federal government when it's yeah but when shoes on the other foot when you start asking questions they don't want to give you anything because it affects other people's people need to understand something they've already backed off this you know is it going to increase of course it's going to increase audits for people under 400,000 yeah okay they're looking at the gig economy they call it those are musicians hair shops you know barber shops beauty salons those kind of places so the problem is this this is an agency that is just in terribly terribly bad shape when it comes to technology terribly awful with if you want to call it taxpayer services and like you said 300 was it 30 billion dollars three billion three billion excuse me yeah so it's 300 million a year over 10 years let me for every 10 every year for 10 years so let me tell you what that equals to an irs talk nothing that's a rounding error in their budget so the real problem here is where this goes and and this is where the aclj comes in we have to be on top of these agencies whether it's through legislation whether as in this particular case in federal court we went to federal court in two different cases to rectify this it didn't self-correct and as soon as the biden administration was put him back in office they went after a group in texas our friends at liberty institute handled it we did a foyer on it to find out who the heck came up with that letter it was a letter sent to the tax-exempt organization christian organization where they said you know w equals word of god d equaled republican i mean it was ridiculous who would even ask these the fact that the agency was asking these questions and now you're just gonna throw more money at it and say here's 87,000 new agents go out and find money which is what their argument is and what this will do yeah they're gonna find 400 million dollars a year um which doesn't even pay for their new no uh 80,000 agents 97,000 new agents uh because that cost 80 billion dollars and i mean i think 60 or 50 of that is going to the new agents i mean so the 400 million a year where is this all adding up you're still going to be running an irs deficit uh and and the the issue is this with the technology available why not build technology that can do this that then you don't have to have human beings who have uh prejudices built-in politics issues like that engaging in the basics of the filing and then if you need follow-up service you know spend the money on taxpayer services so that they can actually interact with someone at the irs earlier on in the process so that they don't have to be audited you know the thing i don't understand in the 1950s the groups like the aclu the naacp legal defense funds they would they would be aggressive against the irs because the irs was targeting their clients the irs would be targeting liberal groups and that's not right either by the way his targeting is wrong period but now all of a sudden it's like radio silent we bring the case for the tea party groups it's like crickets nothing from the other side so i what i don't understand is the double standard and believe me this is the problem so the irs has been weaponized before to try to crush the pro-life uh the civil rights movement they try to do it to the pro-life movement so it goes i can give you the list then it was when they hit the tea party groups they they cast such a broad net that they acknowledge that the word tea party liberty freedom patriot those were the keywords that were the basis upon which you know if those were in your name that's it you're not going to be an organization recognized for tax exempt status but like jordan said they didn't even respond so here's what the american people need to do you say no this is not right because if you're filing your your refund when you paid your taxes a lot of you are still waiting for it because they can't produce it we're taking your calls on all this at one eight hundred six eight four thirty one ten one eight hundred six eight four three one one zero this is going to wreck havoc for small businesses which is the backbone of the american economy yeah this if you want to talk to us eight hundred six eight four thirty one ten that's again their starting point is when they use that four hundred thousand dollar a year that start that is a lot of small businesses right there even even believing that number so saying it won't be you know lower than but that's a lot of people at the small business level and then they employ a lot of people so there's a lot of people who at the end of the day maybe their employer at a small business takes home around four hundred and something thousand dollars a year five you know somewhere around that but they also were employing you know under 50 people but 40 40 plus people you know with good jobs yeah and they're coming after them they're coming after the employer of the which small business is the backbone of our country most people aren't just corporate america who go into a giant office building uh every year and even people do go into office buildings a lot of those offices are small businesses so the i'm reading from the new york times article says the legislation which mr biden signed this is new york times um this week will allow the beleaguered agency to hire more than 80 000 employees upgrade outdated technology systems improve its ability to respond to taxpayers we just said that their response to taxpayers is like a meaningless number because that's not going to do a thing then listen to what former congressman jason jason chafetz said he's echoing exactly what we said on what's going to happen here take a listen they are throwing literally tens of billions of dollars at the irs don't tell me that oh we're not going to touch anybody under 400 000 you have nothing to worry about there is no worse feeling in this country than getting a notification from the irs that you're under audit and that's what the democrats are asking for yeah i mean that that is what the irs is and the democrats are asking for listen we showed throughout that time we had letters from democrat members of congress and again facebook youtube everybody listening we can produce these for you if you'd like ask us before you flag always asking the irs to go after conservatives so they they actually go to the irs just like they're doing now and they're doing that with the fbi right yes right now they're doing it to the fbi with conservative activists they did it to parents go into school board meetings so they utilize all these different agencies of the federal government they have a law enforcement kind of division which irs does too of course and they use them to target political opponents in the letters they sent they never include liberal groups like oh you know black lives matter that was all run horribly bad right all that money they took in and it's kind of disappearing no accountability weren't filing 990s where's that where is that i mean that's like a criminal audit at that level but you won't find any democrats sending a letter to the irs saying you need to really uh uh investigate black lives matter the group not the not the term but of course not because again this is the the and by the way you're right congress launched this whole thing members of congress writing letters and then lois learner there's emails and we got these in our discovery where they actually said let's see if we can get the fec federal election commission the department of justice criminal if we could just bring one criminal case they said just one criminal case we can shut this down what is shutting down conservative free speech the aclu should have been filing the case with us in in actuality but now you're going to weaponize it more by throwing so much money at it that they get 87,000 new agents so here's what it is the american center for law and justice aclj action all of our capabilities legislatively in washington dc in federal court and like i said in the halls of congress we are there for you fighting for you and fighting for your family and this is where you come in we are as i said earlier we're 135,587 dollars and two cents as of this morning behind where we were this date last year we want to close that gap if you're able to support the work of the aclj this is a great day to do it we're in a matching challenge campaign we're getting near the end of it here folks about a week or so to go that's and jordan's going to let you know the particular in this folks but we've got a group of donors that are going to match your gift so that's really really important let's explain that yeah that's right so we have a group of donors they are ready to match your donation but you have to make the initial donation it's i call you are the trigger that that causes the match because what they've said is hey we will match all the donations that come through but that means that you've got to make that initial step to make the donation so if you make a fifteen dollar donation right now at and that's what's charged on your card that we will it'll be matched by fifteen dollars for one of our donors so it's like thirty dollars for the aclj so you do 25 bucks that's like fifty dollars these so this is why these are critical months for us at the aclj because we have the group of donors ready to match all those donations and really increase our ability to continue to do the work that we do and hopefully have some resource at the end to expand the work that we do all right welcome back to secular we are to your phone calls to 1-800-684-3110 i'd love to get your thoughts on the increased size of the irs do you believe the new york times it's just a conspiracy theory that the irs just might in fact uh be targeting conservatives since they've been caught doing that before now that they'll have double the size of staff and they've got a friendly administration in place who won't hold them accountable 1-800-684-3110 to weigh in on that all right we're gonna switch gears for a moment here and that is you know the aclj is also front and center on the pro-life issue in fact jordan i'm gonna call with the the state this afternoon uh working on pro-life legislation issues in light of dobs but new york has been particularly hostile to pro-life causes cc howells here and heads up a lot of this work and cc you got the new york governor who is saying basically um there was two well-known pro-life protesters went into an abortion clinic and and said shouted stop killing babies which is called trespass and she comes out condemning it unbelievably strong okay so she said this is horrible this is you know terrible meanwhile in her state pro-life women's pregnancy centers have been firebombed and she says nothing absolutely and that's the again uh you know the the pro-abortion spin and the abortion distortion is that you know new york is trying to the new york governor's trying to condemn these actions like you said if someone just simply going into an abortion clinic and saying stop killing babies and she's outraged the governor's outraged and yet you can actually fire bomb a pregnancy resource center and then you have crickets because they don't they don't care about that it's it's completely uh ridiculous even the the attorney general made a statement that everyone should be able to make decisions about their bodies without fear of intimidation or violence we've taken legal action against them before and i won't hesitate to use the full force of my office again and that's against the pro-life demonstrators but but if you want to go into a clinic and keep your baby they don't care if there's fear or intimidation or violence used for that so they only want to protect your right to abortion not your right to keep a baby it's also here too when you look at states like new york and california these women's crisis pregnancy centers are the are the are the front lines on this because you're not going to get legislation through that's positive for the life issue so you've got to protect the the pro-life centers here because they're the they are the front lines in new york so you've got to be able to adapt your your strategies in some states you're working to get the right legislation through in others you're fighting just to keep these pro-life crisis pregnancy centers operating yeah that's right i think that's where you still have to realize that that battle is still very real uh just because overturning reverse weight does not mean that states like new york are going to treat in fact i think they they have increased their attacks that's why we've got so many clients right now and working with additional potential clients as well because they're actually under more scrutiny and more legal challenges and more threats from elected officials from government officials not from activists from elected officials and by the way they don't acknowledge a couple pro-life protesters went into an abortion clinic in brooklyn and and and protested they didn't hurt anybody it was i guess maybe they made some noise it was criminal what they did misdemeanors the same governor condemning that like it is the end of the world has said nothing about the fire bombing of the pro-life pregnancy center in buffalo which is a felony a destroying equipment destroying property literally burned down including i think like machines like um the ultrasound machines not cheap equipment yeah and and we have photos of it up right now they don't talk about that they talk about two vocal protesters by the way in new york city of all places like they're not used to people being loud and obnoxious well at least the new york city's problems right now yeah but they've made it a priority yeah so while you've got people being punched in the street shoved into subways uh their prior their priority in new york is to go after uh peaceful protesters yeah so here's here's the other thing that we have to i want to put this in perspective we have been defending these uh pro-life centers for a very long time including the court of the united states where they were trying to force the pro-life center cc to give a pro abortion message in fact a referral to abortion clinics they were mandating that under california law now we wanted the supreme court but the person we sued beccara is now the head of hhs so these are real fights right now and frankly folks the dobbs decision is great implementing it is a state-by-state nuanced approach it's very very technical we've got a whole team of lawyers on it we're representing centers up in uh new york as well but this is a real fight cc for the for life here that right and look it's good that the the club of row versus weight is off that's great but now the battle begins it is the battles in the states and and you know interestingly just about two weeks after the pregnancy resource center in new york was fire bombed and of course the governor was completely silent silent about two weeks later she signed a bill into law that actually investigates any kind of center that does not provide abortion that's the only centers they care about they're they're going in and this law basically everybody you need folks you need to hear this it's a law that she signed the new york governor signed it into being um that only investigates centers that do not provide abortion that's who they're targeting and they ask for basically anything and so we're representing several of the centers uh the uh prcs the pregnancy resource centers in new york and we expect to be representing a lot more in the coming days but these are the battles that we fight on a day-to-day basis for the crisis pregnancy centers or pregnancy resource centers across the nation i'm going to tell you what you got to do here okay this is and and we'll get into this some more in in the weeks ahead because we can't even give you the details of some of the things jordan and i are working on this afternoon uh with the states because this folks playing parenthood you think they're not taking this line down so you know they're out there very very aggressive on these things and we're having to be very aggressive too which is no problem but that's because of your support to the aclj that we can do all of this and that's the key critical port here i mean jordan and i are literally working with state attorney general this afternoon on how to get through a pro-life perspective in the law without having when you've got all these pro-abortion groups spending tons and tons of money i mean tons of money to come up with a contrary position they're raising off of this tens of millions of dollars yeah i think it's interesting where the in the pro-life community people expected that that there would be a big change with the dobbs case and that maybe roe versus wade be overturned and i think that but they were still you know saying yeah but even even until the draft opinion was leaked people weren't sure that roe versus wade would actually be declared null and void no longer the law of the land but i think the abortion industry interestingly enough has known since roe versus wade that legally the holding was so suspect that one day it could go down if the right justices were appointed and they were yes so they were ready a couple years ago yes they were they were spending money on a battle because they have a billion dollars at you know at their disposal at a battle that they might not have to fight tomorrow but they were ready to go whenever it happened so they were preparing for a post-row world because they knew legally this whole right to private the creation of it was legally suspect and it was highly criticized by by scholars on both uh both viewpoints left and right so that that one day if it happens they had they were ready they had their rainy day fund ready yeah well they and it is and they're using it and we're using ours too and that's where you come in folks it makes a huge difference if you've ever thought about supporting the work of the aclj or you are a donor of the aclj this would be a great day to add your support i told you about 135 000 behind where we were last year we want to close that gap in the next several days that's where you come in any amount you donate if you're able we get a matching gift for that's for your gift it makes a huge difference like i said we're in the last few days here support the work if you're able at we'll be back we've got a lot more ahead including your phone calls on this irs matter when we come back at the american center for law and justice we're engaged in critical issues at home and abroad for a limited time you can participate in the aclj's matching challenge for every dollar you donate it will be matched a ten dollar gift becomes twenty dollars a fifty dollar gift becomes one hundred you can make a difference in the work we do protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms that are most important to you and your family give a gift today online at keeping you informed and engaged now more than ever this is secular and now your host jordan secular all right welcome back to secular so we talked about these increased size the irs which by the way i want to add they go after pro-life groups too we're just talking about the life issues that's another way the government will go after these pro-life groups does not want to be at the state level won't just be through governments trying to shut them down at the city level or state level i would suspect the irs will be coming after them too in the post row error and it's just because we have evidence of them doing it in recent history and very recent history they've taken these positions i want to go right to the phones uh in this segment 1-800-684-3110 if you're just joining us 1-800-684-3110 we're talking about this because the new york times called it a conspiracy theory that we're making this up that the irs didn't target they did a little targeting they did a lot of targeting we've got a consent decree where they acknowledged they were doing the targeting and and the new york times could try to call it something else but that's what it is and we got a monetary judgment that was seven figures so there you go yeah uh so i want to go to the phones preston and nevada on line one hey preston hey thank you for taking my call i really appreciate the work you guys do just a quick comment on the irs i have a i'm an attorney i have a client who owes the irs 65 000 not disputing it wants to pay it needs to make a payment arrangement right last thursday received a visit at lunch time from three irs agents so i would i would have a significant issue as to whether or not the irs has significant resources to do their job now yeah you know here's and here's the problem and preston i as a tax lawyer i appreciate this and i know you do too 65 000 sounds like a lot of money and it's not that it's insignificant that's enough for them to work something out they could do an offer in compromise they could do a payment plan the problem is they don't even respond to communication i don't know preston have you have you been able to get responses out of them most lawyers i'm talking to and accountants are saying it they'll send a letter and maybe they get something back three months later no i i filed the necessary power of attorney and uh the 28 and then uh right 2848 followed up with a phone call asked for a response and uh it's been a week now and i have not even received a call yeah they won't even acknowledge the receipt of your power of attorney i mean this is how bad it is so but they could send three agents out there to take more agents they need more customer service customer service technology that works but they sent three agents out there so they had plenty of agents plenty of agents uh to go out answer the lawyer three agents over 60 grand let's think about that for a minute so when they say oh they don't care about anything that's more than you know it's got to be 400 grand plus really because they never target the people who have lots and listen that he's got a lawyer yeah so they're not responding now they're still harassing the the guy who's ready to comply right but his lawyer can't get a receipt of his power of attorney the irs requires is when you represent a client you you fill out a form it's called a form 2848 it's a power of attorney and they're supposed to acknowledge it immediately and then contact you not the client but of course they didn't do that but like jordan said they don't have any money but they could send out three revenue agents for 65 000 claim yeah i mean think about that ignoring his lawyer and and i mean the lawyer just called us in i mean this is just so you understand how bad the irs is run i mean it's it's like a dmv nationwide you know and and a bad dmv at that because in the dmv they have computers the irs they still use typewriters and fax machines ibm selectrix i mean it's it's it's uh again you heard callers talking about what it's like that's at the main headquarters you know and and so again then why on earth with the liberal media and the left in general love a more powerful federal government yet they call us the fascist authoritarians but authoritarians was all about centralizing power at the national level they still by the way want to defund the local police they just want to fund the federal they love the federal cops because they're so politicized the fbi irs they come in with all their political bias against conservatives but they had enough they had enough money to send three revenue agents for a 65 000 tax claim now think about that for a minute folks we're going to take your calls glad to hear from lawyers and tax accountants and others 1-800-684-3110 small businesses as well but folks this is why stand with we're not just talking about it here we take action so we want to encourage you to support the work of the aclj or a matching challenge campaign go to or if you're watching right now just click on the link support the work of the aclj back with more in a moment all right we'll go back to second we are taking your calls to 1-800-684-3110 we're talking about the situation unfortunately with the iran nuclear deal yes the potential comeback of that uh we intend just a moment i want to take Tara's call from new york online three hey Tara hi hey of course thank you for taking my call and i've been supporting you guys for uh several years now because of the work we do thank you um so my concern is i'm openly christian i run a blog page um and like i'm scared i'll be honest i'm very scared about this irs thing like what do i do my husband i do as just general you know citizens that don't have money for a lawyer if we're audited by the irs i mean this is look Tara this is a real problem and Wes and i were just uh Wes is in here to talk about iran but we were talking about another matter and it's exactly what Wes just said you know you go to the irs they said well we want to talk to your lawyer you know most people in america cannot afford a tax lawyer yeah this is the low-hanging fruit for the internal revenue service they do not go after billionaires and multi-millionaires because they can afford to have cpas and tax lawyers and be tied up with the irs and litigation for years they go for people who they know cannot afford legal representation and so therefore you're left with a choice pay them or not and get penalized or they take your business or your property and that's where they're going in the next few years with this new expanded irs this is true i mean pastors are being audited yes this is happening uh and because there's like housing exemptions for pastors uh parsonage exemptions it's called and all of these what you called low-hanging fruit where Tara was talking about Jordan's if you know if three agents could show up we just had the lawyer on here Preston called if three agents can show up over a 65,000 delinquency they got enough agents what they need is to not tell people that owe twenty five hundred dollars bring your tax lawyer or your accountant because there's no customer service there's no taxpayer service within the iris it's a joke and that's the problem with all of this and the american people should not be tolerating this but listen Joe Biden's claiming this is a win don't kid yourself they get this package through and this is like a legislative victory for them yeah i mean they're running on it yes they think this this is great now the irs portion they have played they have played down yeah because they don't because when that gets polled of course it polls horrible amongst both democrats and republicans so they don't want to talk about that aspect that's why they've got their media out there saying it's it's missed this bad information flag it to say that the irs has increased is you know it's army-sized with 87,000 new agents but the but i asked the new york times this the irs itself put up on its website that they were that they were looking for people who would be ready to shoot to kill yeah okay now ultimately that has been changed first they had to put it back up because they actually did put it up then they edit it but but the mainstream media doesn't want to include that right i mean think about that for a moment they said you have to add special agents to the irs be prepared to use lethal force yeah not just protect yourself this is part of your job description now they did pull it down right will first they just pulled it down then they edited it and posted back up but again that's not fake that's not again that's like conspiracy it's it's shocking but it's true and the new york times though they're so they don't want people talking about this irs issue it is the one part of this legislation that resonates the most quickly with american people and they dislike so much so strong are these little and we're going to go we're going to go to the situation iran but the these legislative wins quote unquote that President biden got through how is that playing politically for them politically right now it looks like he's checking boxes and getting things done so if you are a 10 000 foot voter so you don't really make your decision till later you're not as impacted by the new york times or shows like ours so not people listening to this not people who are tuned in uh on either side of the aisle but but you know still you're going to vote in the midterm election so you're a little bit more educated you will look to see are they getting anything done and sometimes that's like the baseline oh well they're getting things done and they don't look past that they don't and the democrats don't really want you to look past that either they don't want you to see yeah getting things done is a bigger federal government they're going to audit you so instead it's just can we rack up quote-unquote wins yeah and so i think that's how we get to this iran issue too why is there a rush right now to get to that deal it's not geopolitics it's midterm election so the iran deal supposedly west colonel smith we gave a last proposal we were not going to take the revolutionary guard this united states position off the terror watch list and that was supposed to be the final deal so what's happened now yeah on august the 8th and the european union are now act acting as our mediators arbitrators with iran since we don't have direct negotiations they sent them what they said and what we said was the final offer that was august the 8th and we were waiting on iran's reply iran replied last week and they want to continue the negotiations which the biden administration has once again agreed to if iran continues to do this and if we accept what their counter offer is jay it is a game changer iran will have billions of dollars in cash they will be able to re-enter the oil market legally they will have a nuclear weapon and the ballistic missile the vehicle necessary to to send that nuclear weapon so there is no west there is no deal there is no iran nuclear deal let's be clear no no way this stops iran from doing i don't think iran will be a nuclear power though the israelis and the other and the arab partners in the region are not going to allow it yeah what what the biden administration is doing is they can continue to negotiate it defies logic and common sense iran has come back of course they've always wanted all sanctions lifted but a few months ago the iaea the you know uh agency for the union that investigates atomic energy around the world they found that there were three sites in iran undeclared sites where there was nuclear residue part of what's coming back in this renewed jcpoa the iranians are demanding that the iaea drop that investigation as well as lifting all sanctions what do you think's going to happen was you know my fear is they will come back and at some point again you've been talking about how the biden administration is trying to check off political winds ahead of the november elections i think the biden administration is inclined to accept it so they can check it off the only thing that we will probably stand firm on is not taking the revolutionary guard corps off the terror of the terrorism list but other than that i fully expect we're going to lift all sanctions it will make what President biden President obama gave the iranians in 2015 it will make that look like a modest windfall compared to what we are going to give the iranians in billions and billions of dollars the last time they got this kind of money they not only beefed up their guard corps and their own ballistic missile research and their nuclear program it was at that time that they overthrew the government in yemen through the hudi rebels and they sent thousands of rockets to hezbollah and hamas yeah and you've got so they're the largest exporter of terrorism but then you've got some and rusty gets attacked by an individual who's in communication with the iranian revolutionary guard okay this is i mean it's already been established so they're active there our former secretary of state has to have extra protection why because they're on hit lists from the iranian revolutionary guard which is the iranian government yeah they filed charges against the person from the iranian revolutionary guard that was trying to recruit this was interesting like professionals in america yeah professional hitmen and like criminals to carry out uh the murders killings of mike pompey and some other uh u.s officials but the bounty just on pump is a million dollars yep so they what iran's revolutionary guard is trying to do in the u.s is find bad actors who just don't care because it's a million dollar bounty and i'm sure that bounty goes on and on up as again they they have these are bad god just the fact that we could say that as and that will be factually supported by the state department they have said that they come out um and you can see it if you're around mike pompey or the amount of security he has okay and some of the other officials so this this is not denial and yet you would negotiate with these guys on nuclear weapons well that's the last thing here west is kill they american officials as they're trying to assassinate american officials and and well-known authors the bine administration so desperate to have a deal that they go back to the table yeah we are willing to negotiate and not just negotiate jay we're willing to make concessions even though the international atomic energy agency has said even recently that if they choose to they can go from 60 enriched uranium which they have now to the 90 weapons grade in a matter of three weeks and right now they have over a pound of this uranium it takes about not over 100 pounds it takes about 90 pounds to produce one bomb the ia is saying that they are on the verge of having a nuclear weapon this folks you got to understand and our international offices are on top of this our work at the un is on top of this i mean we are engaged on all of these issues across the board me for today the pro-life issue irs targeting situation in the middle east i mean we've been to the international criminal court in the hague we go to and litigate it we've been to the un on these issues that's where your support so critical to the work of the american center for law and justice we're a matching challenge campaign folks and we're like i said about 135 000 behind where we were last year i want to close that gap it's very important we've got some big initiatives coming in the next year big and your support and our budget makes all the difference if you've not yet supported the work of the aclj i encourage you to do so right now go to make that online gift any amount you donate we get a matching gift for yeah it's a great time and you'd be part of the matching challenge and again it's because it's a unique time uh really this is when we need you to step up if you're able to financially because we've got a group of donors that have stepped up but but they only can match the donations that happen you've got to make that donation happen to trigger the match donate today at if you want to talk to us on there irs iran we'll take your calls we get back 1-800-684-3110 all right welcome back to secular we are taking your phone calls to at 1-800-684-3110 this is the same new york times article that's calling you you know gaslighting you as a conspiracy theorist uh for the deadly force uh posting from the irs for the targeting of conservatives even though the new york times admits it they try to play it down and then they call it conspiracy theory even though they do admit it so i mean it's all you know this article even by the new york times it's all over the place because trying to get confuse you about what you actually believe and what you've seen i mean remember the the whole deadly force that we were talking about they said quote still the irs is from new york times the irs recently altered a job posting for criminal investigators amid the backlash deleting that one of the role's major duties was to quote be willing to use deadly force if necessary the amended ad now lists quote be legally allowed to carry a firearm as a key requirement and this is the irs spokesperson listen to this one the wording change on one on one web page followed continued misstatements and inaccuracies about irs employees carrying weapons the misstatements and inaccuracies were not by outside individuals and they're again trying to confuse you there it was by the irs themselves their folks putting together what they put out on the website i can't write for the irs gov they were writing for so again take your calls this 1-800-684-3110 but i want to go to harry hutchard too because harry this idea again that it's what we've talked about throughout the show this narrative from the left they love law enforcement when it's politicized at the federal level they want to defund it when it's about protecting you at the local level i think that's precisely correct so they hate law enforcement at the local level because police officers are legitimately enforcing laws designed to protect people they love to expand the size of the federal government bureaucracy because the federal government bureaucracy has one job and one job only enforcing compliance upon free people shutting down for instance conservative organizations preventing them from exercising their rights to freedom of speech perhaps shutting down hair salons restaurants and other small businesses where free people operate so at the end of the day the left has always been committed for the last 100 years they've been committed to expanding the size and scope of government because they believe the government knows best and so the new york times is simply falling into this left-wing trap but harry this is what's fascinating to me in the 1950s it was groups like the you know government entities like the irs that was targeting if you remember groups like the n double acp and wanted their donor lists i mean a lot of harassment going on sometimes with the state level sometimes at the federal level now they've had this like awakening that it's okay now if it's you can target conservatives then it's okay it wasn't so good in the 1950s when they did it and i would have been fighting those cases too by the way i i think you raise a very good point but i also think that what's happened to the left in the united states is that they have been converted ideologically to increasing the size and scope of government keep in mind that the inflation reduction act which allows for the hiring of 87 000 additional uh irs auditors it's it's still mind-boggling to me 87 000 irs agents go ahead so the law expands effectively the size and scope of government because in order for the inflation reduction act to pass muster under the reconciliation rules in the senate guess what they had to claim that they were raising money and yes they can now claim although i don't believe them that they are going to raise hundreds of billions of dollars on the backs of backs of the american people and keep in mind there are only 400 billionaires in the united states so where are they going to get all this revenue they are going to get this revenue from working class people from small businesses and other individuals 100 yeah i want to go to the phones 1-800-684-3110 charlie and georgia on line one hey charlie um thanks for taking my call you know my thought goes back a few years because this targeting by the irs i don't see it'll stop unless the individual providing the direction has some personal consequences lois learner retired with a full pension a couple years later i believe aclj was back in with her successor for doing the same thing and now we're talking about it again so unless there's some criminal charges or personal well for there to be you know charlie for there to be criminal charges you have to have criminal intent so you have to have a doj willing and you have to have a doj willing to do it so that's not going to happen we didn't let me but let me say something here because i'm holding my hand a federal this is united states district court for the district of columbia lynch pins of liberty et al which was a lot of other groups that's what that means versus the united states of america and this is called a consent to order and the irs in this acknowledges all the wrongdoing redid their department supposedly and i think they did until the new administration went in and it stopped for about three and a half years we got a monetary judgment some people were held accountable people lost their jobs but what where you're right charlie is people then administrations this is where folks elections have consequences and the new team came in and the new team ignored it yeah under trump you you had an irs it was totally bludgeoned i mean that's what the word washington post used by us they said bludgeoned um and their budget was slashed because they were inappropriately using their budget to target americans and and again they weren't modernizing they weren't being responsive to the american people but uh you you saw immediately now that was a kind of a one-off when it happened to i think the christian group we didn't hear in mass that happening right but it was still inappropriate and wrong the what i'm worried about happening again is remember when these tea party groups got it they didn't tell them like we sent out a hundred of or a thousand more of these letters and we we believe that even during that case we only really heard from the groups who are willing to fight back against the irs there's a lot of people do not want to do it most don't want the irs because they're named down you know you gotta if you're starting a new c3 or c4 you've got to put your name down on it you're exactly right let's take wendy's call because this gives you the whole problem wendy go ahead thanks for taking my call so my husband and i are making payments to the irs because we have some tax debt and we had identity theft which is a nightmare in and of itself and so we were trying to get a hold of them the irs to let them know hey we need to give you new checking information etc and it actually took my husband two days of being on hold or getting cut off or not even answering the phone this is the problem and they're only going to get which sounds like a lot of money it is nothing 30 what's it 30 million dollars a year over every year for 10 years i mean it's nothing folks they're institutionally incapable of self-correcting that's why you got to stand with us at the aclj so we can fight back on this jordan's gonna let you know folks were 135 000 roughly behind where we were last year i want to close that gap in our matching challenge this is the last week your support makes a huge difference here at yeah that's right and so i encourage you to go to and if you can donate today uh this we've got our matching challenge where again whatever you donate is matched by another group of donors but they only take action if you make that initial donation so to get the match you got to take that initial action so we encourage you to make that donation today at that's talk to you tomorrow you
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