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What’s Right What’s Left HR 2

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders
The Truth Network Radio
September 10, 2022 12:06 am

What’s Right What’s Left HR 2

What's Right What's Left / Pastor Ernie Sanders

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September 10, 2022 12:06 am

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Check out what we can do for your business at Donate and listen to the podcast at Lenny, would you play that clip with Bannon? This is today, Steve Bannon told Charlie Kirk that 35 Trump allies had their homes raided by the FBI yesterday.

Bannon... Yesterday was one of the best days of my life. It was a very powerful spiritual day for me. It was, a lot of things were, you know, came into high clarity.

It was, I was totally in the zone, as you say, in sports the entire time. And, you know, they're not going to shut me up. We see, it is, you saw from the demonic speech that Biden gave in Philadelphia, exactly that this is a dying regime.

That was a primal scream. And here, what they're trying to do, no matter who it is, Donald Trump and Mar-a-Lago, there were 35 FBI raids yesterday, right? Handing out, there's another grand jury coming together on January 6th. The Washington Post reported it. They just reported a couple of names. There were 35 senior members of MAGA, Republicans, supporters of Donald Trump that were, you know, the FBI rolled in on, right, when they didn't need to do it. Remember, all these people have lawyers, all their lawyers are very well known.

No. The jackbooted Gestapo has got to show up at their door and make a big display of this. So there's so much going on, and people don't even know, at so many levels on trying to put people in bankruptcy, trying to de-platform them, all of it. And quite frankly, I think that's what's so powerful about you guys having this great reset conference, because this is really what it's about. This is this globalist apparatus. This is the American arm of that, the Biden regime. And what they're trying to do is shut down everybody, whether it's Alex Jones, Charlie Kirk, Steve Bannon, Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump, they're trying to use lawfare, financial terrorism, you know, everything legally, and quite frankly, up to assassinations.

That's why they're swatting people like crazy. So we got our work cut out for us. And if we blink, if you blink, it's over. So screw them. I spit right in their eye. I could care less. We're coming.

We're rolling and we're rolling hard, baby. It's the only way to fight them. Steve, can you reiterate that? You said there are 35 FBI raids yesterday.

I consider myself well read. I didn't see that anywhere. Can you elaborate on that? I've been reported. I'm breaking that news right here. If you go to the Washington Post story, I think Josh Dawsey's story, if your staff pulls it, Charlie, they mentioned, I think, five names, Boris Epstein being one of them, but I think there's five people. There were 35.

35 FBI went to 35 yesterday. All these people have lawyers. They all know who the lawyers are. They didn't want, they didn't serve the subpoenas to the lawyers. They want to make a big display of it. They want to take a bunch of their devices. They want, this is the FBI trying to roll in and trying to be muscled, right? This is the Gestapo. This is a Gestapo attack. Look, this is all about intimidation, whether it's a, whether it's what they did with me yesterday, what they're doing with Alex Jones, what they're doing with other people to de-bank them, to make sure they can't fund their operations. If it's Trump, look, a President of the United States, a completely, totally illegal raid of which a judge said was an illegal raid. The judge's opinion says I don't trust the Justice Department and the FBI to be fair. That's a federal judge, okay? You see it all over and 35 members of MAGA, the Republican Party, people close to Donald Trump were rolled in on yesterday by the FBI with these intimidation tactics. They just don't, normally what you would do here, Charlie, is you would go to their lawyer and say, hey, we want to know, can you accept service of a subpoena? Can you accept service of this?

Or we may want to talk to you about certain of your devices and can we work something out? No, they didn't do that. They go with the jack boots and they kick down the doors and they bang on the doors and they roll in people to intimidate them, to make sure that they sit there and go, oh, what do you want?

You know, I'll do anything, et cetera. Well, these people didn't. And this is the FBI. The FBI is the Gestapo right now. I know they hate when I say that, but they're the Gestapo. We're not going to back off the Gestapo because they have Gestapo-like tactics. Here's my point. They're losing. They're only trying to use this national security state muscle because they know they're not winning.

And quite frankly, when you do things like the great reset this weekend and get young people up to speed on what's going on, that drives them even more insane. So, hey, turning point's going to be a target, a big league target. Okay. So just stand by, Charlie. It's all coming. It's all going to come hard and heavy.

All righty. Now, there you go. What do you comment on that big, John?

I think it was wonderful, Pastor Ernie. Um, I mean, that was, that was the type of speech that we need to hear, that there are people here in America that are not backing down. The FBI can do what they want. That's not going to stop them.

Any type of pressure, as you call them, the Gestapo is not going to stop us. We're going forward. And that's what we all need in our hearts, Pastor Ernie. That's courage.

That's determination. And we need to and we need it. And we're not because if we roll over and play dead, that's exactly what will happen. You know, I mean, you don't win by running from this. You don't win.

The way you win is stand and give leadership and people rally around that. And then we have a force to take them head on. So are we seeing as the FBI, have they become like a paramilitary arm of the Democratic Party? Yeah. Yeah, they are. They're the muscle now, Pastor Ernie.

So let me ask you this. The word Gestapo, right now, would that be a name that would actually qualify who they are right now by their actions? Yeah, yeah, because Pastor Ernie, we often think of the Gestapo the way, you know, and that's like the German, it's more than the German police. It was like the German political arm there, the Nazi political arm. But they didn't start off like the way we necessarily think of them. They started off like the way the FBI is now. And they were given complete freedom. The courts couldn't, that they had the power of the Nazis behind them, because they were the Nazis.

So the courts weren't going to hinder them, because the judges would probably end up dead. So they had a free reign to do anything they wanted in Germany under the Nazis. But in the beginning, they started exactly like what the FBI is doing now.

Exactly. So if this isn't checked, it's going to grow into what the Gestapo was doing in Germany. And of course, the Russian, the Nazi, the communist had the same, the same setup, they had their own Gestapo. And they had KGB. Yes, that was right.

It was there. So let me ask you this, then, if you were king, what would you do? Would you totally defund the FBI completely? And what about the IRS?

They're bigger than the FBI now, and he's arming them. Well, I would take the IRS and put them on the border. They got the money for the IRS. Well, we can use that on the border. Well, yeah, but you know what? There's where they would find all the money laundering.

If the IRS was down there, all of the Biden family, the Biden crime family and all the crime families doing business with the human smugglers and the drug dealers, the IRS could be going after someone who had tax revenue, couldn't they? Yeah. Yeah, that could be an arm of the border patrol, maybe setting up a way of laundering money through the border and all. Yeah.

Yeah. And then the FBI, we do need the FBI for espionage. But I would have them tightly controlled, like answering directly to the president and being watched by Congress. And the rest of the FBI, as much as possible, I dole out their investigations to other federal agencies. And I don't know, they're federal.

I don't know. Yeah, that's probably, I don't, the states couldn't, the states couldn't help with that. But the FBI has to be brought under control, Pastor Ernie. They're a rogue organization.

All right. So here, now, should the red states block the federal agencies from operating with impunity? You know, I mean, blue states do it. In the blue states, you don't see, you don't see the FBI doing these things. They'll, they'll step down, they'll stand down and they'll let, burn, loot and murder, an antifa, burn down buildings, burn down police stations with police, and they'll stand down. They won't do anything. They will not get involved in the blue states. But now, should the red states, because the governors have the authority, the ability to block them, don't they?

I don't know the technical part of that, Pastor Ernie. There's something in the Constitution about the U.S. Marshals have great authority, if I'm not mistaken. But if I, if it could be done, I would tell the, I would have the governor and the sheriffs have it only on certain circumstances could they help the federal government in law enforcement. And I'd make it that the federal government had to tell the local sheriffs that they were in there and that they were conducting investigation. They just couldn't come in to the states and do what they want.

No one knows what they're doing. So I would have the states exercise their power against the federal government and bring the federal government under control because we need them. We need the, we need the states, we need the governors, the state police, the sheriffs to protect the people now, Pastor Ernie.

Now shouldn't, two years ago I spoke to 250 sheriffs at Liberty University in Virginia and they wanted to know about what, where did we get the divine institution of human government. And so, but anyhow, many of these sheriffs that I talked to said that they would post in their counties and as you came into their counties it would be posted that all federal agents had to check into the sheriff's office. And some of those sheriffs said if they caught them in there harassing their people, they'd arrest them.

And so, should not, should they not do that? I mean the sheriffs actually have the authority to do that don't they? I don't know Pastor Ernie, but I know the sheriffs have massive authority in the county. They have tremendous authority. I don't think they can be forced to help federal agents. So I would have it that the, the sheriffs, I don't know about the local police like the city police and that, but the sheriffs in particular, that they don't, they don't get involved with the federal government. Now when I was an agent we would, as a matter of, I don't know what you call it, we would notify, courtesy, courtesy yeah, we would notify them that we were, we wouldn't give them great detail, but we were in their jurisdiction, we were going to be making arrests, things like that.

So we did notify the locals. All right, so I know that Jack McClam, do you remember Jack McClam? Yeah, he was from Arizona wasn't he? Yeah he was, and he was the officer of the year, he was one of the most highly decorated police officers, but Jack would go when the federal agents would come in and they would, they wanted to go to see some people and he would go out, and as long as they did not violate the people's first amendment rights or the second amendment rights, as long as he didn't interfere, but the citizens, his job there was to protect the citizens, and if they interfered or they violated the rights of the citizens, he would escort them on out. And so, now let me ask you this, okay, how many, hold on for a second, I'm thinking here now, the President of the United States cannot command the National Guard unless they're, the state's National Guard, unless the governor's requested, unless, if there's a time of a national emergency, like a war, then they federalize the National Guard, but the President can't call up the governor and say, okay, I want you, I want the National Guard to go out and to do this, that, and the other thing, they can't do that. So I know that, that's a great guard against the federal government. Okay, do you remember, there was a standoff with the governor of Alabama, oh, do you, boy, the fellow that they shot, George Wallace, George Wallace, yeah, now George Wallace was, he was there on the steps of a university of college, and he had the state highway patrol there with him, it was the state highway patrol, and they were there, and Robert Kennedy came, Robert Kennedy came in with federal marshals, and there was going to be kind of a standoff there, but they decided to, not to fight, and George Wallace stepped aside and let a woman who wanted to attend, a black woman, wanted to attend that university. I remember, so that was a challenge, kind of a showdown. Now, what happened in that first test, Ernie, I think there were court orders, you know, there were Supreme Court decisions and court orders, and the state of Alabama did not want to follow the court orders, so then the president got involved, and I think he, based on those court orders, I think he was going to federalize the National Guard, if I remember correctly now, with that.

Okay, yeah. And then the commander of the National Guard was there next to Wallace, and the president told him that he was nationalizing the National Guard, and he then obeyed the president's orders, and that's how that all fell apart then, that was the confrontation. All right, here's an article here, I'm just going to be part of this article, it's from the alternative market, US market, and I was telling you about what it says, should red states block federal agencies from operating with impunity, blue states do it. Here it says, the message of the January 6th trials is this, leftists are allowed to violently riot and burn buildings to the ground across the country, conservatives are not allowed to do anything, if we do, then we will be rounded up for insurrection, at least that's what they want us to believe, so that we will self-censor and live a fear of every protest, of ever protesting again, we are at an impasse, there is no compromise to be, and no agreements to be made, they want us gone, and now we want them gone, because they want us gone, this isn't going to change, so here it goes on to say, the agency is slated to receive 80 billion dollars boosted from the inflation reduction act and the institution, it's now looking at to hire 87,000 more employees, if the mission is to reduce inflation by using IRS to steal more money from the American consumers, I guess that could work if they rob almost everyone, now you know John and I know, and most of the people that I'm talking to, I was talking to my barber today, and he was saying, yeah, the very same thing, those IRS agents are there, they're going to try to knock off first, they're going to go after all the small mom and pop businesses, they're working with the world corporations, with Coca Cola, and with Target, Kroger, they're working with the world corporations to put the little guys all out of business, Walmart, and then they're going to want to come after our churches, they're going to want to come after the bible believing churches next, they're going to try to, the whole purpose is to totally completely eliminate the middle class, isn't it?

Yeah, Pastor Ernie, this is no secret, we're not speculating on this, they want to turn America into like the third world country, there's always rich people, I mean you pick your third world country, they have rich, and every country kind of breaks down like this, they have 4 or 5% of the population is rich, and around there 6%, then they have a small little middle class, and everybody else is poor, so that way they can't control the middle class, we've got wealth of our own, we can be independent, we can move easily, we can do what we want, the poor are kind of stuck, and they are at the mercy of the government and like the rich, so they're trying to break us economically, so we're like a third world country, 90% of America will be poor, there'll be a tiny little middle class, and the rest is rich. Yep, that's exactly what they're trying to do, and so, but let me ask you this, we're going to play a clip here from Cash Patel and the Epoch Times, okay now, if you could speak to these FBI agents, and in fact you are probably tonight, the ones that, you know, they're not proud of the way the agency's gone, you know, they're the ones that have some integrity and you know, had worked there, actually believed in God and country and, you know, remembered the agency when it was totally corrupted under Comey and Ray and these people, so what advice would you give to these FBI agents, because they're there now, they're in a position where, you know, they're not proud of what's happened to the agency where they're working, they still want to do a job, they want to do the right thing, their children are not, you know, their children are not proud that their father's an FBI agent, even though many of them are good people and they're doing their jobs, but now this bad reputation, Comey and Chris Ray, and they brought down, they've discredited, they brought this honor to the whole agency, so what would you tell those FBI agents, what advice would you give them as the founder of Cops for Christ? Well, Pastor Ernie, something happened just recently and I, of course, I don't know the numbers, but many FBI agents became whistleblowers.

Twenty-five, it's twenty-five. Yeah, yeah, and if they see anything going on illegally like that, I think it's, that they would, they must at least be a whistleblower and bring it to the attention of reliable congressmen. I don't think there are any reliable senators, I think there are reliable congressmen that could take that information and maybe use it in the right way, but I think that's a good idea. Don't you think Rand Paul or Ted Cruz would be, you know, would be reliable to take it to? And I just think Jordan there in Ohio, I think he would be a real good one. He is a real good one. He is probably, in my opinion, the best congressman we have. Yeah, yeah, and there's a couple others like him.

My personal choice would be to do that. Or Matt Gaetz or even that green woman, they're really going after that Marjorie Green, they're really going after her too. Yeah, yeah, she's all able to stand up though. Do you think that maybe some of these other Republicans that have not had a lot of backbone, not had a lot of spine, not a lot of courage, you think that they're looking and they're seeing the integrity in people like Jim Jordan, and you think that that might inspire them to say, you know what, if they can do it, I can do it, I'm going to step up to the plate and have a little bit of guts instead of backing down. They're politicians, Pastor Ernie, and I think maybe if we get to this election, which I highly doubt, I just got a bad feeling, Pastor Ernie, about this coming election. But if we get to it and through it, there's a crop now coming in that Trump has endorsed, and the vast majority of them, as I've been following the elections here, seem to be really good.

So I think maybe this new crop coming in may turn things around. All right, we're going to hear from Kash Patel on the Epoch Times on the FBI. So, Lenny, when you can, go ahead and fire it up. Fire it up. So most people, thanks to last week's show, now know what a special master is and their job and the role of a special master.

We'll get back into that. But the significant news is that the judge, Judge Cannon in the Southern District of Florida, ruled to allow a special master to come in. Big ruling, but in my opinion, it totally follows the law and is warranted by the circumstances. As Judge Cannon's order on a special master puts forth more succinctly than I'll be able to say, she basically says this case is so unique. It involves a former president and it also involves such high level legal issues, executive privilege than the attorney client privilege, personal records. All of these things, she said, have to be done above board.

That's why I'm bringing in a special master. And she also had some harsh things to say about the DOJ and their handling, their execution of not just the search warrant itself, but how they went about rating Mar-a-Lago and what they took. That's actually very interesting in itself that she kind of goes into some detail and says, you know, there's things that were seized that, you know, are suspect, I guess.

Yeah. So one, 40 plus years of medical records, it looks like. Two, tax documents. Three, attorney client privilege information. Four, executive privilege information.

And if you can believe it, they took clothing. And so the judge, I think rightfully so, has come in and said, you know, search warrants pursuant to the FBI's own operating manual are supposed to be conducted in the least intrusive manner when authorized because a search warrant is, by its definition, an invasion of someone's privacy. And so the FBI is trained to do it without sort of going in there like you see in the movies and breaking glass and throwing people down to the ground.

They're supposed to do it professionally and smartly. What the judge is saying, you guys you guys didn't do that. And if that wasn't bad enough, she's basically told the world that the DOJ should have done a better job, not just the FBI. The DOJ took all this stuff and didn't necessarily inform the court directly that it had taken executive privilege materials.

There you go. Again, they have gone completely lawless, haven't they? Yeah, Pastor Ernie, because the courts, for the most part, are going along with them.

I mean, we have a complete breakdown of the American system. The FBI lied to those Pfizer judges about spying on people around Trump. And one attorney took the fall for it, I guess. But the FBI knew it and used it and knew it was phony, knew it was wrong. And they continue to use it against, for political reasons. And nothing happened, Pastor Ernie, nothing.

All right, breaking. Clinton appointed judge, this just happened today, dismisses Trump lawsuit against Hillary Clinton and the crooked FBI crooks who manufactured a Russia collusion hoax, then threatens Trump's attorneys. In April, President Trump requested that Clinton appoint a judge overseeing his Russian case against Hillary Clinton, in other words, be removed from the case due to obvious conflicts of interest. Yeah, since Clinton appointed these judges, right?

President Trump earlier has sued a number of individuals and former officials for their actions related to the Russia-gate hoax and attempted coup of his administration. Well, it was a coup. It was a coup. That whole thing about the impeachment and everything.

And the election, it was a coup. We saw it take place, the election fraud. Now, somehow, this case was assigned to a Clinton appointed judge. This is deep state crooks. These are deep state crooks. Judge Donald Middlebrooks. And these are deep state crooks. And Judge Ron McCabe.

McCabe. Boy, does that name sound familiar, doesn't it? Yeah, it sounds like the FBI. Yeah, well, you don't think that there's a relationship going there, do you? Judge Donald Middlebrooks was appointed by, go ahead.

I think if there was, it would have come out. Judge Donald Middlebrook was appointed by Bill Clinton to the Southern District of Florida in 1997. President Trump urged the courts to replace the Clinton judges with someone who was not biased in the case.

Judge Ron McCabe later recused himself from the case, but Judge Donald Middlebrook will not recuse himself from the case. He's a crook. That's why these people that do that, anyone that would not do that, it's got to be, it's corrupted. And, you know, just like, you know, here, I'm sitting there and I'm scratching my head when I keep hearing people talking about how, how Joe Obama gave Afghanistan 85 billion dollars worth of military equipment. He didn't give them nothing. If you don't know that that money, that there was all kinds of dirty money, black money, dark money, coming from the Taliban and those places, the crooks like, like Biden and Hillary and these people, they don't do anything for nothing. There's always got to be money and a payoff. And you can bet millions came in from that, went to offshore banks or some place, but they never, they never do anything for nothing. And it's the same thing like, like John, all of this equipment, all of this equipment that was millions and millions and millions of dollars worth of billions of dollars worth of equipment was sending over to Ukraine.

He's, he's sending all of our ammunition there. That's not even being used. Very little of it's being used. It's being sold on the black market.

John, you know it and I know it. And guess where, guess where that money's coming back to? From the crooks right here. Well, you can bet the Biden crime family cartel, the Clinton crime family, these people are, are going to be getting rich. Look, look what they did. Clinton sold the Chinese technology to put them, set them up 25 years ahead where it comes to nuclear weapons.

You're absolutely right. And it continued from Clinton on. And Hillary, we sold out. We've been sold out by traders faster than any.

Well, Hillary sold 25% of our uranium and uranium one to Russia. And, uh, hang tight. We'll be back right after this with more, remember me, you gave my job away. Remember me or am I just a number?

Who's white and straight and doesn't qualify for foreign aid? Remember me, I helped you get elected, but you haven't done one thing you said you'd do. But even though you'd rather not remember me, I'll remember you. I'll remember, I'll remember, in November, as I step into the little booth. I'll remember, in November, to vote for anyone but, anyone but you. Remember me, I served my country proudly.

Remember me, I love the USA. Remember me or am I just some bumpkin who you didn't think would notice the bounce checks and midnight breaks? Remember me, I wrote you all those letters, thinking that you cared what I thought too. Well, even though you often just forget to remember, I'll remember you. I'll remember, I'll remember, in November, in November, as I step into the little booth. I'll remember, in November, to vote for anyone but, anyone but you. We'll remember, in November, as we step into the little booth. We'll remember, in November, to vote for anyone but, anyone but you.

We'll remember, in November, to vote for anyone but, anyone but you. Alrighty, that was a very, very, very talented fella named Carl Klang. He was a good friend of mine, and I miss Carl. He went home to be with the Lord in 2019, but his music lives on, I believe it was January 2019.

But you know, John, Carl, I mean, this guy is talented. And in Europe, his songs took off. But can you imagine, you know, here, do you think you know why the secular stations didn't want to play his music? Clear Channel and all of the others didn't want to play his music? No wonder, is it? Well, yeah, I mean, it's a strong political message right there.

Yeah, he was very, very, and that's why he's gone, but his music lives on, and he was one of the most talented artists I've ever known. It was Chris Wray, the FBI whistleblowers reveal, the Director Wray personally, he personally removed concerns raised by agents on the politicalization of the agency from the final report. So there's been, within the agency, a lot of resistance, pushback. According to FBI whistleblowers, Chris Wray personally removed all the concerns by rank and file members that the agency had become too politicized in deciding which cases to open. FBI agents made this complaint to Senate Judiciary Committee members. Investigator reporter Paul Sperry posted this on GTTR.

Again, there you go, that was the story. FBI interfered in the 2000, the FBI interfered in the 2016, 2018, 2020 elections, and now the 2022 election against Trump for GOP, for the Democrats. For six years, the FBI had been falsifying evidence for, or suppressing, exultory evidence to frame President Trump and targets Trumpies, destroying evidence that would incriminate the Bureau, lying to both the IG and Congress, spying based on fraudulent warrants, opening investigation based on false pretenses, criminally leaking classified intercepts to the media, spreading false propaganda and conducting corrupt searches and seizures. Yet no one is in jail for any of it. You know, I would say this to those FBI agents. Look, don't think that Chris Wray or Colmy or these people or Merrick Garland is going to get away with this.

You say, well, the government, who's going to prosecute them? God. Listen to me. Listen to me. God is real. And you say, well, I know that.

No, no. Listen, God is not mocked. God is not mocked.

Merrick Garland, as he's got, you know, he's going to get his up comments. And so with Chris Wray, they're not, what they're doing is fraudulent. What they did is criminal. What they did is, what they're doing is a sin. They betrayed God.

They betrayed their God, the country and the people. And they're not going to get away with it. They're not going to get away with it. They're going after parents. They used Gestapo tactics on parents because parents don't want their children reading pornography in the public fool system. They become dirty cops, very, very dirty cops. In fact, that group that went on to Mar-a-Lago is the same one that went after, went into Michigan, the same one, same group that were there on January 6th. And they're literally called the Dirty 30 today. They're called the Dirty 30.

They're like special forces of corrupt police doing illegal acts. And so we'll open the phone line. John, you ready to take some calls?

Because everybody thinks you're really smart. You know, Pastor Ernie, when I listened, looking at the events happening out there, and then we talk on the show tonight, it's really by the mercy of God that we still have some freedom left because it seems to be corrupted almost everywhere you look now. It's rare to find honesty.

So God is the one that's in charge and we need to be constantly praying and bringing this before him and thanking him that we still have freedom, Pastor. Within the Democratic Party, they have a saying that you can never trust an honest person. There you go.

That's true. Don't ever trust an honest person. Don't ever trust anyone that's not going to lie for you, okay?

That's quite a saying within the Democratic Party. All right, phone lines are open at 888-677-9673. 888-677-9673. If you have a question or a comment, call in here, and John McTurner knows about everything. And so, oh, John, disinformation doesn't, we talked about this before, to say collusion between Biden regime and Big Tech is undeniable. The latest document dropped exposing the Biden regime for colluding with Big Tech to silence online free speech is an important next step to those who were branded as disinformation purveyors, enforcing the federal government to face the music for their crimes. So they're being sued. Praise the good Lord for all of these states that are getting together and say, we're going to sue them and force them to turn the information over.

Somebody should be going to jail for all this, shouldn't they? Well, that, we got to get the, the criminals are in charge right now. So we need a victory to clean, a clean house and get honest people in there.

And then we can really make headway here, Pastor. But right now the criminals are in charge of the FBI. They're in charge of the Department of Justice.

They're in charge of the White House and all the other federal agencies. All right, we have Cliff. Cliff is in the air.

Go ahead, Cliff. Right, right. One thing you're talking about these IRS agents getting armed, the chances are zero that they're going to get the people that set that profile. People that have, you know, degrees in accounting and tax cannot make the adjustment mentally to going on, you know, carrying a gun, confronting people. They can get a relaxed corporate job for the same amount of money and avoid that. So that, that's insane. We're stupid. They're not going to get the personnel that will do that.

Uh, I'm going to, with Cliff, Cliff. Yeah. Obama said he wanted a civilian army that was every bit as powerful as the military. This is what this is all about. This is, this is Obama's civilian army. They're not going to be accountants. These people are going to be probably gang members. I mean, uh, they, they actually, the Democratic Party actually, that's why they, that's why they're changing these laws.

That's why there's no cash bills. That's why they're letting these murderers out. They want to be united. They want to have a confederacy with the gang members. So when they tell the gang members it's time to start a revolution or war, uh, that they're, they know that they're a part of the collective, the Communist Party collective.

You're absolutely right, Bernie. Yeah, sure. Yeah. I think they've got a re a big reserve there with all the illegal aliens coming in, but they can, uh, bring them over real quickly, get them on their side and they're ready to go like a, like a, I wouldn't say an army, but maybe more like a militia against us. Absolutely. That's why they put them on buses in the middle of the night and they, they bus them out and they have them in sleeper cells all over the country, uh, where they know, you know, when, when the time has come. Yeah.

I just want to bring up one first quickly too. I say a chapter 30 verses 19 and 20. I never hear this verse used as, uh, it said the law will be gracious at the sound of your voice. That represents, I guess, a type of relationship, but I never hear that first used in the books or sermons.

And that's Isaiah. Did you say Isaiah 20? Uh, 30 chapter 30.

I think it's first 1920. Lord shall be gracious at your voice. Okay. Well, let me look at that verse here. Okay.

19 and 20. Oh, I've got it here. All right here. What he's talking about is the Lord gave his people the, well, the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, but he promised to be with him and teach them and guide them right here. We see two very, very hard times. It says again, for my people should dwell inside in Jerusalem and now shall weep no more. He will be very gracious into thee as the voice of thy cry. And when they shall hear him, he will answer them. And though the Lord gives you the bread of adversity and the water of affliction, you shall not, you shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner anymore, but then I shall see thy teachers. So he's telling them that, um, God demands a lot from them.

Okay. Uh, but then he's going to follow them. And he knows that he's telling them some of their ways are going to be painful right there, but he will guide them during those hard times. And they will never, never leave them is what he's telling them here.

Yeah. I just, it's interesting that, uh, I never hear that particular, uh, first used in sermons or even in the books, you know, the Christian books. Uh, I haven't heard that. Well, the bread of adversity in the water of affliction often, well, I don't know if I say it often, but that is in many messages.

Okay. And so, and then he says, and you shall not like, shall not thy teachers be removed into a corner anymore, but then I shall see thee, see thy teachers. In other words, uh, he's telling them that they've got just like us and this applies to us. It applies to us, John, that we have, as we see, as the antichrist system goes more and more into effect. And, and believe me, people don't, don't realize that the Biden regime, the democratic party is the antichrist system, antichrist world system.

And they don't understand that. Uh, and so, but you and I, we understand that, but he's saying at the same time that God will not leave you without teachers, without people that will explain this and tell you the truth. That's what we're here to do.

So very good there, Clifford. Okay. All right. Are you going to call over and straighten out George Norrie?

Uh, yeah. What, what is he, is he going rogue now too? Or what, what's the story? I don't, I don't, he's, well, you never can tell from one day to another with him, can you? Well, I think he likes to be polite with his guests though. I don't think, yeah, but how he can say some of the things he says with a straight face when you know he, you know, he's not believing it, but you're right. He's, he's trying to accommodate his guests and I could just picture him rolling his eyes and shaking his head while he's saying, yeah, yeah, yeah.

You know, you know, because there's a type of show where he, to bring on people like that, he's got to be able to, uh, you know, kind of, uh, take a little, uh, uh, you know, a rain check on reality, you know, that type of thing. You're telling me I got to move on because it's time for John to give an invitation. You're ready, John?

It's that time already, Pastor Norrie. I wasn't really following the time tonight and it must have been a good show because it went fast. Well, it sure did go fast, and, uh, how much time do I have, Lenny? I think you've got about five or six minutes. You've got five minutes, John, and I know you can, in five minutes, give a great invitation.

Okay. Well, um, when I listened to tonight and all the truth that was spoken, um, there is truth and there is lies. I mean, the truth is from God, and the Bible says that the devil has come, or Satan has come, to steal, to kill, and destroy, and that he is the father of liars. So we, there is evil. We, when we look at the political system and everything that's going on, we can see evil clearly manifesting itself. Well, that means that there is, God is righteous and holy, and we want to be on his side.

It's very easy to be compromised politically. In fact, the Bible says there's a broad road that leads to destruction, and many there be that go in there at. Narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there be that find it, and the narrow life is through Jesus Christ and what he did on the cross. That's the narrow life, and God has a government, so to speak, and there's, uh, like you break the law here, there's always a penalty, and the Bible says the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. And then with that concept of a government, the Bible says that Jesus Christ is our advocate with the Father.

He's our attorney. So he is the answer for our sin. We're all guilty of sin, for all of sin that falls short of the glory of God. The wages of sin is death. That death is eternal separation from God in a place called hell. So God wants everybody listening to me under the sound of my voice, he wants you to be with him.

He wants you in heaven with him. And the only way to do it, the narrow road to do it, is through Jesus Christ dying on the cross. He was sinless, the only begotten Son of God, sinless, and he paid, he took our sin, the penalty for our sin on the cross. The Bible says he became sin for us, and that our, his righteousness was transferred onto us, and this is what allows us to go to heaven now. This is what allows us to have eternal life, because the penalty for sin was paid for on the cross by Jesus Christ. And it's even, it goes beyond that, because when we trust Jesus as our Lord and Savior, the Bible says that God becomes our, and Father, but it's even more delicate than that, it's our Abba, Daddy, Daddy, Father.

So God wants a relationship with us, like a Father-Son relationship, and this will last into eternity, folks. So to have eternal life, you must believe that Jesus Christ, the only begotten sinless, only begotten Son of God, died on the cross, shed his blood, and repentance is needed. Repentance means you're turning from sin. You're turning from sin to Jesus Christ and his Word, and that he rose from the dead. So with repentance, believing Christ died on the cross, rose from the dead, and confessing him, the Scripture says, Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. You will have assurance of eternal life. I think that's it, Pastor.

Well, John, can anyone ever do anything that means as much to them? In other words, if I had and you had 100 times more money than Bill Gates or George Soros, could we buy one minute out of hell? No, no, no, Pastor Ernie, because God sets the rules, and the rules of sin can't go to heaven. So the penalty, there has to be a penalty, and Jesus Christ paid for it. So there's no way, other than faith in what the Lord did on the cross, that people can escape one minute from hell, Pastor.

Can't be done. So we're about out of time. What would you say to somebody that says, you know, well, you know, I'm going to wait. Right now I want to party, I want to live, I want to have fun, but I'll get religion and I'll repent just before I die.

You got 20 seconds, what would you tell them? Well, Pastor Ernie, no one knows when they're going to die. That's presumptuous.

There are many people that thought they were going to live a long, long, long life, Pastor Ernie, and didn't. I hear you. We're out of time for tonight. So until tomorrow, as we do this every night, we want to say good night. God bless. And you ready, John? Always. Thanks for listening to the Voice of the Christian Resistance, What's Right, What's Left, hosted by Pastor Ernie Sanders. To learn more about our ministry, please visit us online at Please tune in next time for another edition of What's Right, What's Left.
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