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COVID Vaccine: Prisoners Before Grandparents?

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
The Truth Network Radio
December 2, 2020 12:00 pm

COVID Vaccine: Prisoners Before Grandparents?

Sekulow Radio Show / Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

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December 2, 2020 12:00 pm

COVID Vaccine: Prisoners Before Grandparents? We discuss this and more on today's show.

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Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
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Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow
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Sekulow Radio Show
Jay Sekulow & Jordan Sekulow

This is Logan Sekulow.

The COVID-19 vaccine rollout seems to put prisoners over grandparents. Live from Washington DC, Jay Sekulow Live. Phone lines are open for your questions right now.

Call 1-800-684-3110. And now your host, Logan Sekulow. Welcome to the one and only flag waving God praising trailblazing heck raising radio show.

It's the Logan Sekulow reprogram takeover of Jay Sekulow Live. Will, welcome back. We're here today. Twice as nice.

Gone tomorrow. There you go. That's a weird way to put it. That's true.

I mean it's accurate. This is our last takeover for the week. We're happy you're joining us. We have some really interesting news. There's a few topics we're going to get to today, but we wanted to kick off the show with a report that just came out today in the last 24 hours. That will be about the priority system for the coronavirus vaccine. Now we've heard obviously this morning, the UK becomes the first nation, first place to approve it. Their version of the FDA has approved the vaccine. The Pfizer vaccine.

It will start being distributed next week in the UK, which is a big, huge news. But here in the US, some documents came out that are showing the priority list of who will get this vaccine first. And one of the big surprise one is that prisoners, because of their confined living space, will actually outrank, if you will, those who are 65 and over with medical comorbidities or anything. Even just 65 and up. And others. And the ones that also have it. So understand, yes, there's obviously, there's going to be a rollout. We always knew there would be a rollout where you thought, well, the people who are the most vulnerable will get it first. You'll see the nursing homes get it.

You'll see people who are in there. And really I thought then the next step is people who are 65 plus, especially those who have other medical conditions. But it seems like there's actually quite a list of other people who will get it, but usually before then, in certain states. And some of that includes prisons that are getting it first.

Right. So what we're seeing is states are starting to release their plans of how they're going to distribute the vaccine, because they will be working with the companies on adding a priority list. They're saying within two weeks in the United States, it could start rolling out.

And since it's already been approved in the UK, you can only assume that we will be soon to see an FDA approval here. But what's going on is that the Colorado plan actually is what spiked this in the news is that they have, you know, the phase one are frontline workers, doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, and high risk residents and patients in like assisted living or long-term care or nursing home. That all makes sense.

Okay. The doctors and nurses, one, because you don't want them spreading it to other people, but also because you need them to help care for the infected. But then also the long-term care and nursing home facilities. We know that has been one of the hardest hit communities, especially in the Northeast. You've seen how many people's lives have been lost to this virus in those demographics. But then you get down in Colorado's phase two A, it's people who live in congregate housing, including those who are in prisons and essential workers will receive the vaccine.

Again, I didn't throw that in there. Essential workers totally understand as well, doctors, nurses, people who are coming in contact. This is specifically in a communal living type situation. So if it's maybe a work, essential work, that's infrastructure where they have barracks or something, or maybe even like firefighters that may be in a community living because they stay there at the firehouse overnight.

But then after two A, you get adults that are 65 or older or those with heart disease, active cancer, or other health, underlying health conditions. So we know the first batch of shipping is not large. We know that it's going to take months. They're saying for everyone who wants it to get it, it's going to be by the summer. Which is still remarkably fast, but the fact that these first batches aren't going to the people who are really maybe the second most vulnerable in this situation. And it's really bizarre.

It's a really bizarre thing. Look, we're staying on top of that. I also wanted to thank you all who gave yesterday to the ACLJ on Giving Tuesday.

It was a record day again, and we really appreciate that. Again, you can check out their work. Still a matching challenge at We're also going to talk about Supreme Court to rule on the Kentucky religious schools that were shut down.

We're talking about that and more coming up on the Reprogrammed Takeover, JSEC Your Life. At the American Center for Law and Justice, we're engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom, protecting those who are persecuted for their faith, uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy, and fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress, the ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support.

For that, we are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help in a unique way. For a limited time, you can participate in the ACLJ's Matching Challenge. For every dollar you donate, it will be matched. A $10 gift becomes $20.

A $50 gift becomes $100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we do simply would not occur without your generous support.

Take part in our Matching Challenge today. You can make a difference in the work we do, protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms that are most important to you and your family. Give a gift today online at Only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable and voiceless deserve to be protected is there any hope for that culture to survive. And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice to defend the right to life. We've created a free, powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn.

It's called Mission Life. It will show you how you are personally impacting the pro-life battle through your support. And the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases, how we're fighting for the rights of pro-life activists, the ramifications of Roe v. Wade 40 years later, play on parenthood's role in the abortion industry, and what Obamacare means to the pro-life movement. Discover the many ways your membership with the ACLJ is empowering the right to life. Request your free copy of Mission Life today online at slash gift.

Pete Welcome back to the Logan Secular Reprogram takeover of Jay Secular Live. Sorry, they just put a soundbite in that comes from the District Attorney of Colorado. I think we should lead with this.

This is definitely a little intense. Fair warning. I'm going to tell you this before we air it. You know, we're talking about the last thing we talked about the fact that Colorado as well as other states have rolled out their plans for the COVID-19 vaccine distribution. Who's going to get it first?

We always thought obviously people who were frontline workers were exposed to it all the time. Next step, maybe the people in nursing homes and then people over 65 who have, you know, specific issues in the UK did unveil their plan. We'll talk about that after you hear this though. This is coming again from the District Attorney of Colorado just said this on Fox News. The governor had said cajoled people before Thanksgiving and said if you have an extended family Thanksgiving, it's like putting a loaded gun to grandma's head. Ironically, his health department's plan would give the vaccine to the guy who puts the loaded gun to grandma's head before it gives it to grandma.

That makes no sense. What do you think about that folks? Of course, Kentucky, you know, has been really interesting this whole time. I love Kentucky.

I love the people of Kentucky. Your governor... The governor's got some criticism. Not my favorite. Not my favorite governor. Not in my top 49, maybe. But, you know... Do you rank your favorite governors? Is that the way you do it? Yeah, I think I would rank governors. You do?

I think so. I don't know all of them. Well, I want to hear your top five. Top five? If you've ranked them.

I'm putting you on the spot. Yeah, number one. I know Bill Lee, Tennessee.

He's like a strong like, you know, win, play, show, top three somewhere in the hair. You got... You probably like DeSantis in Florida. Like DeSantis? Governor DeSantis, yeah. I like, you know... Kay Ivey in Alabama.

You're a fan of her. I know the guy in New York. Cuomo. Is he your top five? No, but I know his name. Recognition. I know his name. So that gets him pretty high up there.

Like if I was doing a fantasy draft, I'd be like, well, I know the name. Right. He's got to be decent. He may be the kicker. Yeah. Yeah. He may be Golden Tate, but I don't know.

I feel like it's that... But he can give us a call. Hey, 1-800-684-3110. I want to hear your thoughts on this, but also not only what was going on there, but the UK in a big move. First country again to authorize the vaccination, who said their version of the FDA said, good to go. Let's start.

They're going to start next week. Now, Will, they rolled out their plans for distribution and it's, I don't know, more logical, if you will. Right.

So what is theirs? Well, so, and they obviously have a centralized system as opposed to ours, where each state has their own health department. And a lot less people. I saw some people complaining about like, how come the UK gets it first and how's that work? Well, one, they approved it first, but two, you're talking the difference of hundreds of millions more people in America.

Right. And also the vaccine makers have already started shipping vaccines within the United States. So they're going to be mobilizing for it to be ready as soon as it is approved to start giving out the doses as, as are prioritized. But in the UK, here is their system, which makes a lot of sense when you think about this whole time we've been hearing, follow the science, need-based, you know, help those that need it the most and take those kinds of precautions, but their rollout starts with people in nursing home. And then it's followed by those 80 and over and frontline health and social workers. So actually the nursing home is their top priority, get it in there. And then they're going to go to the, the people who are most at risk based off their age and the frontline health and social workers. Then it filters down to the general public by age with the older groups coming first. So they're strictly doing it as the at-risk populations. It seems like you'd expect over just groups of, well, they live together. So let's go ahead and do that.

Now I get the, the concept of like it could be spreading, but this whole time, the scientists and those that have been telling us how to manage this are to take care of the at-risk populations and the at-risk populations are those that have more age and maybe a comorbidity. And that's why it just doesn't make sense when you look at the Colorado. Hey, give us a call 1-800-684-3110. Give our phone give our phone screener, you know, a nice time. Don't give him a hard time and you know, tell him get some people up there. You know, I understand it's a touchy subject for some people. I understand the situation here.

He just gave me a look. But I want to hear, I want to hear what your thoughts are. Not necessarily on the vaccine, on the concept of this rollout. And also we're going to be moving into talking about what's going on also in the state of Kentucky.

Well, that's right. So in Kentucky, you referenced the governor there, Andy Beshear. And Governor Beshear has, he's taken a lot of very aggressive lockdown measures throughout this entire pandemic. Yeah, we have a lot of friends in Kentucky who complain a lot about what they're seeing there. Some of them are very arbitrary, like hotels and restaurants are open to specific things, but like coffee shops are shut down.

So they're like delineating between specific types of businesses and things like that. However, what the governor of Kentucky, he had shut down in-person classes in the state. And Christian schools had filed a lawsuit saying that the, basically that wasn't the authority of the governor, that that's a violation of their First Amendment ability. And they have filed a lawsuit and it started as lawsuits do in the district court.

They won there. And then the circuit court overturned that decision. Now, the attorney general of Kentucky is getting involved and he's become kind of a rock star in the conservative communities. He's a Republican as opposed to their Democrat governor.

And he actually spoke at the RNC. So this is the, Daniel Cameron is their attorney general. They're trying to take it to the Supreme Court and get the Supreme Court to say you can't shut down the Christian schools.

So we saw how they voted with churches and that situation in New York. So there's a case to be made here for sure. I think in a lot of these situations you go, well, is this just someone grandstanding? Well, I think in this specific instance, maybe not. And there could be a interesting ruling. Now, is there a timeline for this?

Do we know any details about what? Because schools are obviously back. Some are back, some are not.

Some people are virtual right now. Well, the order from the governor that included the shutdown of all schools to in-person learning was November 18th. So this is moved fairly quickly going to the district court.

So maybe by next semester. They gotta stay there at the district court of the order and then that's when the circuit court overruled it. I could see it being an emergency situation at the Supreme Court like the one in New York that related to worship, in-person worship.

I could see it moving quickly. Whether they could shut down churches for in-person worship. And it may be like kicking it back down to the district court to hear arguments or something, but leaving a stay in place. We'll see what happens. Hey, I know a lot of people are commenting. We're gonna get some of your comments and some of your calls coming up. I did again want to say thank you to everyone who donated yesterday during Giving Tuesday. It was really a big day for the ACLJ. I was monitoring it all day and a lot of really great people who sent their support.

Some people directly, even through Bald Beagle, through our kids' channel. So I appreciate that as well. If you haven't watched, we're working on the next video now. That is a project of the ACLJ. As I said yesterday, 2021 is going to be dramatically different for a lot of reasons, but some of that is the content we'll be producing.

Some of the people we're going to be working with and some is who we're talking to and why we're talking to them. And when I mean that, I mean, as an audience as well. So you or your children or your grandchildren, we think it's very important to be that channel, if you will, to educate you, your kids, to keep you informed, entertained on your core values, your core American values, your Christian values, and make sure that we are there with you at the ACLJ.

And what you can do is go to right now. Not only can you read incredible blogs, hear great stories of what's going on, see amazing videos that are put together by what I think is the best media team on the planet. Really. I think we put together a dream team, an all star team that puts together content every day, multiple times a day. So make sure you're always engaged. You can do that by liking our pages on Facebook or following us on Twitter or following us on Instagram, or even checking out really our YouTube channel where we are putting a lot of great content on our YouTube channel. And again, I've always felt that it's important as the organization to not just exist where your audience is. So people say, Logan, you know, we're here on Christian radio. Hey, we're on conservative talk radio. I think that's great. I think that is obviously key to the support that you guys give the ACLJ. However, I think it's also important is to be that light in the darkness in places where maybe you're going to find people from all walks of life who aren't turning in to conservative radio.

You never know what they're going to find. And that's what we did even with bald Beagle. I said, you know, we, we, we got offers to put it on. Exclusively on streaming services that are catered towards families or, and they're there.

We may still expand to those, but I want to make sure that the content, the core content is there for free for kids and where they are. And that's on YouTube. So we've done that with bald Beagle.

We've never doing that with ACLJ. I have a channel, Logan, secular reprogram. You can find that we put up shows and clips every day yesterday.

We'd like three or four clips plus will. And I went live. You can find that again on our YouTube channel that's on Logan, secular, just type in that or Logan secular reprogram, and you'll find the channel subscribe on all those channels. Ring the bell because then you get notified whenever we put up a video. And again, we do that multiple times a day and really great content. And again, 2020 or 2021 that you thought 2020 was crazy. 2021. We have some amazing plans coming up for you.

You need to take a look at it again. Thank you for listening and thank you for supporting our work. This is December. It's most important months for the organization. It's when most people give just in general.

So take a look at that. You can donate today's part of our matching challenge. Donations are doubled. So I know that can throw some people off. What that means is there's someone on the other end who will match your donation.

So someone gives $20 that becomes $40 to the organization, which is amazing. And we appreciate that support. When we get back, we're going to talk a little bit more about the vaccine. We're talking a little bit more about these Kentucky religious schools. I've got some other stuff coming up too, right?

That's right. We've got some stuff from the attorney general of the United States. So we're going to do that coming up. And again, phone lines are open for your calls. 1-800-684-3110. That's 1-800-684-3110.

We'll be right back on the Reprogram Takeover. Only when a society can agree that the most vulnerable and voiceless deserve to be protected, is there any hope for that culture to survive? And that's exactly what you are saying when you stand with the American Center for Law and Justice to defend the right to life. We've created a free, powerful publication offering a panoramic view of the ACLJ's battle for the unborn.

It's called Mission Life. It will show you how you are personally impacting the pro-life battle through your support. And the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases, how we're fighting for the rights of pro-life activists, the ramifications of Roe v. Wade 40 years later, play on parenthood's role in the abortion industry, and what Obamacare means to the pro-life movement. Discover the many ways your membership with the ACLJ is empowering the right to life. Request your free copy of Mission Life today online at slash gift. At the American Center for Law and Justice, we're engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. Whether it's defending religious freedom, protecting those who are persecuted for their faith, uncovering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy, and fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress, the ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support.

For that, we are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help in a unique way. For a limited time, you can participate in the ACLJ's Matching Challenge. For every dollar you donate, it will be matched. A $10 gift becomes $20.

A $50 gift becomes $100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we do simply would not occur without your generous support. Take part in our Matching Challenge today. You can make a difference in the work we do, protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms and our most important things. All right, welcome back to the reprogram, Logan Secular Reprogram.

Take over, Jay Secular Live. We're going to go jump right into the phones. A lot of people have called, and we're going to try to answer these questions. And some from Colorado as well. We've got some callers. We love Colorado, so let's go ahead and go to Colorado. Let's go to Joyce on line two in Colorado. Hi, Joyce. You're on the air. Hello, gentlemen, and thank you so much for putting Colorado out there.

Because we have an idiotic governor that has said what he said with the people from jail. We also have... Yeah. Yeah.

How do I want to say this? It's okay. Look, I understand.

Take a breath. It's fine. If you want us to answer from that, we can.

Go ahead, though. We also have the sheriffs that have said the same thing. Because most of the people in jail are only there for 17 days or later. So it's ridiculous. That's interesting.

That's an interesting fact. It's like a bonus for going to jail. If you want to jump ahead in the line.

If you're going to do a minor crime, you're like, well, I really want to get this vaccine early. Logan is not suggesting anyone do that, by the way. No, that's just an odd statement.

It is odd. We're talking so much with Colorado. And guy running one of our video thing, he's wearing a Broncos thing and staring at me right now. So I saw the Broncos win the Super Bowl in person.

So I was not going for them. But you know what? I was there. Joyce, it is crazy. I'm glad that you are making... Is this a big story for you guys in Colorado? Is this the number one headline? Because we're seeing it sort of casually throughout the news here. Are you kidding me? It's the mainstream media.

If it wasn't for Facebook, if it wasn't for some of you guys, Sean Hannity, and people like you guys, I would have not had any idea at all. These guys that are getting this are out in 17 days. It's a double whammy. They get out of the jail and you have no clue at all where in the heck they're at to give them that second one.

That's the other point too, because it's two weeks or 21 days, depending on the vaccine, after your first dose, you have to get the second dose. So I don't feel like a lot of people that maybe were, as Joyce is pointing out, they were in jail getting the first dose and then they're gonna go back to their former residence. I'd like to go back to this prison to get... What do you gotta do? I gotta do another minor crime. And so at that point, then it's probably a wasted dose.

And so it could be a large population receiving a wasted dose of this and jumping ahead of that. All right, well, Joyce, thanks for calling. We're gonna move on to some other calls. We appreciate you giving us a call and obviously giving love to us and to Sean Hannity, which we're all for.

Sean's been on this show before. Obviously, we're good buddies, so that's good. Will, you wanna move on to another call? Yeah, let's go to Steve also from Colorado on line six.

Steve, you're on the air. How you guys doing? We're doing well. All right. I have a question.

I live in Colorado, unfortunately. Anyway, I have a relative that's a nurse in a nursing home. And it seems like when the people that are in the nursing home or the staff get tested every other day and they test positive for the virus, they're out for two weeks. And when they come back to work, all they say is they had a headache.

That's all the symptoms were. Yeah, I know Steve, you've mentioned, you kind of said, are they gonna be required to take this vaccine? I think it's probably gonna place a business- Up to the employer. Yeah, employer, just kind of like some of the, you know, people have talked about the mask mandates a lot and a lot of this, regardless if you had a mandate or not and where we live, it's like this, whether you're under a mandate or not, a lot of the businesses, stores, restaurants are requiring it.

So I feel like that's probably gonna be, I don't know. It is odd to make that requirement, but I know, hey, for certain schools, I know that certain vaccines are required. I mean, whether it's the chicken pox or some of other vaccines that you get when your kids are little. So though this is a new vaccine, they could say, hey, yeah, I mean, you don't have to get it, but you also don't have to shop at my business. You don't have to fly on our airline.

Ticketmaster, we know has put out a sort of a, what their thing is to prove that you have the vaccine. A lot of people have issues with that, but there are gonna be those private business. And look, I'm big into private businesses being able to do kind of whatever they want in terms of rules. Obviously, there are requirements. And as well, if you're a frontline worker, that's in say an assisted living facility or a nursing home, I could see the business saying, listen, as a business, we're making a decision because our customer base, our clientele that we serve are all at risk.

And when you see what happened in New York, when you see what happened in many other places in the country, the hardest hit community is the assisted living and nursing home community because of the congregate living situation and all at risk demographic of people, people that have comorbidities and the age factor working against them with this virus. And so I could see, now I don't think that's gonna be maybe a state mandate, in some states it could, where a governor is like, if you're working at this place, then you have to get that. And I think that could also bring up legal challenges of dictating how the hiring practices work. But I could see most businesses in that instance say, if you're working with patients that are at risk, you're probably going to be- You gotta do it unless you have some sort of a reason not to or a medical reason. Let's quickly take Janice in Illinois.

I think that's an important call. Jealous in Illinois on line four. Janice, we've got a couple minutes left, but I wanted to get to your comment.

Sure. I just wanted to comment on the prisons. My son is in prison. He's very young. He did something stupid, but he's a good kid. He's been in there for a year.

He's got a couple more to go. They are locked in their cell for 23 hours a day. It's with another person. There's not enough for them both to stand up at the same time. He's gained a lot of weight. We haven't been able to visit him.

He gets out for one hour a day to take a shower and make a 20 minute phone call. Look, I think Janice, I understand your comments that he needs a vaccine too. And that's the concern of the prison saying that they're trying to not have people interact, I guess, to limit the spread within there.

Well, I think we need to clarify Janice. I think your points are valid. I'm not belittling that and saying there aren't good people who are in prison or made a mistake. And that's why they're there.

They're somewhat atoning for it, if you will. Should there be prison reform in these situations? Absolutely. I'm very much in for that.

But also Janice, when I look at your situation and I do have to go say, does that person get the vaccine before the people though, who are at most risk when it becomes this, which are people who are over the age of 65, specifically those with medical risks. And though I appreciate the fact that you think that this should be the way it is, and look, I understand it will get there. It should get there. It should get to prisons. I'm not saying the prisoners shouldn't be vaccinated.

That's insane. I'm not saying that. I'm more saying if we're going to start listing on who gets it first, those who are in prison shouldn't be in the top first to get this. This needs to be people who really need it. And then we'll work our way there.

Right. Limit the spread in the at-risk communities and save lives in those communities before then just picking and choosing populations that may have a spread risk, but not necessarily a life risk. And if you wanted to say, hey, prisoners who are over this, that's at least another caveat.

Across the board, you're going age, age down, at-risk communities. If you're over 65 and you're a prisoner and you want to get... I think that's a different situation. That's a totally different situation. Hey, we're headed into the second half hour of Jay's Secular Life. We're going to talk more about this situation going on, whether it's the Kentucky schools going to the Supreme Court to try to get reopened, religious schools, whether that is the vaccine going to prisoners before it goes to your grandparents, or maybe your parents, would be close to my parents' age. I think that's an important topic to talk about. We're also going to talk a little bit about what's going on in the political world. Well, what's going on, something coming up from our attorney general. So you're going to hear that coming up in the next half hour, and we're going to be talking about that and more. You can give us a call.

I want to hear your thoughts. 1-800-684-3110. Support the work of the ACLJ at Subscribe to our channels, Look up ACLJ, the official ACLJ channel. Subscribe there. Subscribe to the Logan Sekulow channel. I'd appreciate it.

Just go to slash Logan Sekulow Reprogram, and we'll be right back with more on Jay Sekulow Live. At the American Center for Law and Justice, we're engaged in critical issues at home and abroad. For a limited time, you can participate in the ACLJ's Matching Challenge. For every dollar you donate, it will be matched. A $10 gift becomes $20.

A $50 gift becomes $100. You can make a difference in the work we do, protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms that are most important to you and your family. Give a gift today online at Live from Washington, DC, Jay Sekulow Live. And now your host, Logan Sekulow. Welcome back to the one and only flag waving God, praise and trailblazing, heck raising radio show. It's the Logan Sekulow Reprogram takeover at Jay Sekulow Live for the day. Thank you for listening.

A lot of phone calls are coming in. We're talking about a host of different topics. So we're talking about the Kentucky religious schools, take it to the Supreme Court, see if they can reopen. We're talking about the UK, the United Kingdom, getting the vaccine first. They're going to have it next week. And look, they approved it. Their version of the FDA has now approved it. I think that's a big step forward for medicine.

Look, I see your comments. I understand some people are for it. Some people are against it, but regardless, I think this is a big step forward for the world getting back to opening up in full, especially in those countries. And we're looking at maybe 10, 15 days until the vaccine starts to be delivered to people within America. And that's the big question. Who's getting it first, why they're getting it. So we've obviously talked about now in Colorado, you're seeing in certain States of Kentucky, you're seeing people get lined up to where before your grandmother can get it before your mother, even most likely before you could get it.

If you're listening to this over 65 years old, it's going to go to the prison systems first and other confined living situations. So we obviously think that's ridiculous. We're talking about that. We're going to be going through a lot of this, Will. Let's touch a little bit on what's going on. And oh, look, the attorney general, Bill Barr, has been making news a lot, but hey, this is an interesting piece of news about the Russia hoax and how things will be protected coming forward. So we've all been anxiously awaiting anything coming out of the US attorney John Durham's office as he's been looking into these matters regarding the Russia hoax and the potential crimes that were perpetrated against the Trump campaign back during the 2016 election. Now, we already know that his office got a plea from an individual that had doctored the emails.

We've been over that exhaustively on this show of how that is kind of a signal that there's probably more to come as well. Well, back in October, the attorney general sent a letter to Lindsey Graham, Dianne Feinstein, Jerry Nadler, and Jim Jordan, the respective judiciary committees in the House and Senate, notifying them that he elevated John Durham from just an assignment, the US attorney tasked with looking into this, he appointed him with the powers and authority of a special counsel. So essentially, he used the same part of our law, the Code of Federal Regulations, to elevate him to the same level as what Bob Mueller was during that special counsel investigation.

And the key here is that a lot of people may have been afraid that this is just gonna wrap up, that we're not gonna see justice to people that have broken the law and no accountability. But this gives protection, regardless of who's the President in January, to this office that you can't just remove him from this assignment. He's special counsel looking into this, and it would only be for misconduct or some higher cause that the attorney general in January could remove him from that. And so it looks like that now special counsel Durham is gonna be able to continue that work. So that's big news, guys. If you're listening, I think you'll enjoy that as we see the continuation of what feels to be the endless Russia investigation.

It is what it is. We also know COVID-19 and the virus and pandemic did push back a lot of the in-person work that investigators needed to be able to do this year, and that has been cited by the attorney general that pushed it back. One of your favorite people, Adam Schiff, he had something to say about this. He did. I think so.

Can you hear that by 11? The appointment is not consistent with the language of the statute that he's relying on and can be rescinded, I think, by the next attorney general. I would presume the next attorney general will look to see whether there's any merit to the work that John Durham is doing and make a rational decision about whether that should continue at any level. Well, there you go. Adam Schiff always seems to have his facts wrong.

It was fine when there was a special council that under that law, under that statute, Bob Mueller could not be even looked at or questioned. In our chat with Bytes, it says Representative Adam Schiff, Republican of California. I think that's it.

I think it's a typo, guys. I don't know. I don't think he's a Republican. I haven't looked into it specifically, but I think I have a feeling.

I blame the call strainer. I've heard of Adam Schiff before, and I've seen his point of view. And unless he's a Romney, I feel like not only right back with more on the reprogram takeover. At the American Center for Law and Justice, we're engaged in critical issues at home and abroad, whether it's defending religious freedom, protecting those who are persecuted for their faith. I'm covering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy and fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress. The ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support.

For that, we are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help in a unique way. For a limited time, you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge. For every dollar you donate, it will be matched. A $10 gift becomes $20.

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It's called Mission Life. It will show you how you are personally impacting the pro-life battle through your support. And the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases, how we're fighting for the rights of pro-life activists, the ramifications of Roe v Wade 40 years later, Planned Parenthood's role in the abortion industry, and what Obamacare means to the pro-life movement. Discover the many ways your membership with the ACLJ is empowering the right to life.

Request your free copy of Mission Life today online at slash gift. Welcome back to the Reprogram Takeover. Voice crack there.

Logan Sekula Reprogram Takeover of Jay Sekula Live. We do have a lot of calls coming in. Let's go ahead and actually take this call. It's coming from Indiana.

That's right. Diane from Indiana Online 5. Welcome to the show. Hi, how are y'all doing? Thank you for taking my call. We're good.

How are you doing? Good. Well, I know that they're usually very healthy, but has there been any talk of the US military, the active duty military? Obviously, they all live together in the barracks and on ships and whatnot.

Sure. I think that is addressed well, right? So it is interesting because I almost wonder if the Department of Defense maybe has a different set of rollout plans or something that are outside of the state plans. But there are, as Diane brings up, there are multiple military bases in Colorado. So specifically in this plan, it doesn't say military, but it does say workers living in congregate settings.

And it says, et cetera, by that. So it doesn't delineate every single person in that. But it seems like it would fall in kind of the same category as the students living in college dorms. So rather congregate housing or the incarcerated adults, it's that to a congregate housing essential workers category. A comment came in and I'm not going to call you out by name.

This is on YouTube. And they said, well, grandma can just stay home and isolate herself. Prisoners are crammed up against each other and need protection. I feel like that is precisely the problem here. So you're saying those who are elderly can just stay home. At some point, we're going to have to reopen.

Everything has to reopen and move forward. And if you're saying the people that are most vulnerable and probably the most that are having issues with the fact that you're being stuck at home, again, if you're 35 and stuck at home, I feel a little less bad for you than if you're in your later years, potentially spending your last years on earth, crammed up at home without being able to see your family. If those people can get the vaccine first, that's who it should be. If someone who's 65 and over can get a vaccine first, that's who it should be.

It should be the people, not the people who, yes, you understand, look, I'm not saying prisons shouldn't get it. I'm just saying, look, if you look at what the first batches that are coming out in the next few weeks, you're not talking about millions upon millions, upon millions of like 20 million batches, you're talking about enough for a certain amount of people over the time we get, they said to the summer, there'll be to the point where everyone will have had it. I understand by that point. Sure.

Let's if you want it, you should be able to get it. However, that concept that, sorry, grandma, you stay home because, you know, you can be just like us. I don't feel like you've ever dealt with anyone who is of that age and dealt with the situations at hand. They need help. And if you can't help them, if no one can come assist, this is absurd.

This is absurd. I feel like those are people who should get it first. Hopefully we will see that.

Hopefully there'll be such an outcry from the States that are authorizing this, that you'll see that happen. Right. And to your point, we're just talking about priority, the priority system within rolling this out. That doesn't mean that people down the priority list will never get it because they're producing batches, but we're talking about as soon as possible as it's out there, get it to the at risk that that should be the key to this. It's at risk to save the lives. And we understand that 35 aren't going to be able to get it until likely next summer. Right.

There's a reason why that we have a priority list here and it makes sense. Yeah. It's insane. I'm sorry. You shouldn't say stuff like that. That's that's ridiculous. And it is not because you're old enough to stay home.

You know, you're good at, you're good at doing that. We need to protect these people. And a lot of these people need special care.

It's insane. Give us a call. 1-800-684-3110. We've got some phone lines open.

1-800-684-3110. We're taking calls on all kinds of topics, especially coming up in the next segment. We're taking calls on the vaccine.

We're talking calls about the UK. How do you feel about the UK getting it? Good for them for pushing it through. I do think that their version of the FDA, again, you're talking about a lot less people, but their version of the FDA did push it through and got approved. That's the first in the world to approve the Pfizer vaccine. Right.

Well, that's right. And they do assume that our FDA is going to very soon, very soon. And it's probably a good sign that the UK has approved it because I feel like the more eyes you have looking at the data and everything is going to be a good sign.

I think the dates they were thinking for the US were like the ninth to the 11th, somewhere in that range is maybe when they may approve it. And then a lot of these places already have it. Right.

Exactly. Because they've been producing it. The US government as a part of Operation Warp Speed ordered a certain number of batches from these companies in advance, assuming like, okay, when you get it.

So they are planes ready. And then even like these things, certain hospitals have already have it. They're just waiting legitimately for the FDA to just, which they should obviously look into it, make sure it's safe to say, okay, approved. And then boom, it hits the market.

Which is quite an impressive feat. When you look at, first of all, it's the quickest time in history that a vaccine has gotten to market. And the fact that the logistics of multiple companies that have similar vaccines that are before the FDA, but they're all mobilizing and getting ready to, and already moving batches, producing it. They are standing by the data they have and the trials they've done.

They're getting it, moving it into place, mobilizing it. And then it's almost like a light switch will turn on when the FDA green lights it. They have these distribution centers and a lot will start in hospital settings and things like that, where there are people at risk that need to get it. But as well, I've seen that like local pharmacies, they've already started to set up the distribution channels and have the storage containers that, because some of these need to be well below zero store debt for these mRNA vaccines.

So they have to have these things in place that it's not just like, okay, it's approved. Now you got to get a freezer and now you got to get a plant. They had to get the supply chain set up. It's remarkable to think about.

They really got it done quick. Hey, phone lines are completely full right now, but they will open up. I want you to call in. In the next segment, we're going to take as many calls as we can. So call in, be nice to our phone screener. We're only taking on certain subjects.

You're probably watching, you're probably commenting maybe on Facebook and on YouTube. And you're like, they're not talking about this specific thing. Well, that's just not one of our topics for today. So call in on one of our topics related today. So I'll give you something you can talk about. We're talking about what's going on with the Russia hoax and attorney general bar and in Durham, you can talk about that. We can talk about the vaccine, whether, but when we're talking about the vaccine, let's talk about either the UK getting the approval and what that looks like going forward.

Or we can talk about prisoners getting it before your parents, grandparents, or yourself, potentially if you're over 65 and watching, which I know a large portion of our base is. Or what else was there? Well, we can talk about the Kentucky religious schools lawsuits. I don't think we've talked about that much. And that is obviously going on. Let's recap that a little bit in Kentucky. It's going to potentially to the Supreme court saying whether you can shut down religious schools. And we know what happened a couple of weeks ago. Look, I know this is happening in a lot of places where there is this sort of confusion of what's allowed, what's not allowed. This store's open, but this theater's not, but this school is, but the movie theater's open here, but you can't do this more than 50 people.

There's a lot of those laws happening, but in Kentucky, and honestly, we've seen such a little outbreak in schools. Well, I think we should actually play this bite because this is from the director of the CDC, Robert Redfield. And this was just before just before Thanksgiving. It was actually in Robert Redfield with the not, not Robert Redford Redfield. And this is, he was giving an update and this was right before Thanksgiving when New York announced all their closures that they have actually gone back on. But this is bite 24, and it's really interesting in light of the, the order that came out from governor Bashir on November 18.

Let's hear what Dr. Redfield had to say. The truth is for kids K through 12, one of the safest places they can be from our perspective is to remain in school. And it's really important that following the data, making sure we don't make emotional decisions about what to close and what not to close.

And I'm here to say clearly the data strongly supports that K through 12 schools, as well as institutes of higher learning really are not where we're having our challenges. Yeah. And I think you look, it's not unlike the toilet paper shortage. You know, you look at that and go, you know, why, why did that happen? It was emotional response, right?

We've got to get, you got to stock up and you feel like you have to be able to control something. So what they're saying is, well, we're going to control your school system, even if the data is not showing this look, if there's an outbreak at your school, absolutely shut it down and lock it down. But if you're talking about the, a lot of schools, most schools, you're just not seeing it. And the difference here is that the attorney general of the state, isn't actually going to the Supreme court, getting the governor to open the public schools. I think he understands that that's within the purview of the executive emergency powers of the governor in his state, even if it's ill-advised based off of the CDC's guidelines and what the director of the CDC was just saying there. But this is specifically for the religious schools that are remaining open. And he's saying this is a violation of their first amendment rights. It's a part of their worship, even to educate children in these settings.

Yeah, when you start closing churches, when you start limiting religious schools, then you start really controlling a lot. And we got to make sure that, you know, we're there at least to help. That's what we do here at the ACLJ. We help you and we help people who are in need and whether that's people who are in need for legal assistance.

Look, I know we've heard it many times. You can have some of the top lawyers in the world represent you when necessary. The ACLJ for absolutely free. We only can do that support of our ACLJ members and supporters.

You can do that by going to part of your matching challenge right now. That's if you give $20, $40, 40, 80, so on and so on. If you give a certain amount, another person on the other end says I'll match that donation. So we appreciate that.

Again, your gifts are doubled this month. Give today at Again, We'll be right back with the last segment. Hopefully a lot of phone calls.

J-Sec hit it alive. The pro-life battle through your support and the publication includes a look at all major ACLJ pro-life cases. How we're fighting for the rights of pro-life activists. The ramifications of Roe v Wade 40 years later. Play on parenthood's role in the abortion industry and what Obamacare means to the pro-life movement. Discover the many ways your membership with the ACLJ is empowering the right to life. Request your free copy of Mission Life today online at slash gift. At the American Center for Law and Justice, we're engaged in critical issues at home and abroad, whether it's defending religious freedom, protecting those who are persecuted for their faith. I'm covering corruption in the Washington bureaucracy and fighting to protect life in the courts and in Congress. The ACLJ would not be able to do any of this without your support.

For that, we are grateful. Now there's an opportunity for you to help in a unique way. For a limited time, you can participate in the ACLJ's matching challenge. For every dollar you donate, it will be matched. A $10 gift becomes $20.

A $50 gift becomes 100. This is a critical time for the ACLJ. The work we do simply would not occur without your generous support. Take part in our matching challenge today. You can make a difference in the work we do, protecting the constitutional and religious freedoms that are most important to you and your family.

Give a gift today online at Welcome back to the final segment of the Logan Secular Reprogram takeover. Don't worry, I see your comments. The regular crew will be back tomorrow, so don't worry. You've got eight more minutes with Will and I.

But if you've enjoyed it, guess what? You can have eight more minutes and more over on our YouTube channel. That is on slash Logan Secular Reprogram or just search Logan Secular on YouTube. Click subscribe, ring the bell. If you're watching on YouTube right now, also subscribe on all social media platforms.

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So find us on slash Logan Secular Reprogram. We appreciate it. I did say we were going to take some calls, but I think we are still trying to get through some of those to find the ones, like I said, that maybe are a bit more, I don't know, airable.

Yeah. There's maybe some people who've called in who are maybe a bit frustrated. You know, maybe I'm just going to give you some hints in certain words you shouldn't say to the phone screener.

Maybe won't get you up there also if they're off topic. Well, let's talk a little bit more about Kentucky. We do have a comment real quick from Ben Alvarez who on YouTube says, Logan brings a lighthearted approach to the show. I like that. We need to laugh and smile. It's healthy. So we are, we're good medicine.

Well, speaking of good medicine, I'm not going to do that. I see the comments. I'm not passing judgment good nor bad on whether you, again, a lot of people are commenting, you're talking about the vaccine. You should be like, I'm just talking, tell you the news, the top news story of the day is that the United Kingdom has approved it.

And maybe the number two or three story is also the prisoners are getting it first. Those are things that are happening in the world. People I'm going to tell you about what's happening. We're not going to shelter our eyes from what's going on. It's a big deal. Yeah.

And honestly, I don't really have a, I think it's going to be interesting to see how things roll out. Do we see, uh, you know, do we see mass immunization? Do people actually take it? I think that will be interesting to see because whether someone brought up a call or brought up, will schools require it? Well, I think certain places will require it. I think you're going to see, uh, specifically by mid summer to try to get, you know, live events happening in the same way they used to, to get full capacity things. Uh, and I think a lot of people are going to line up and take it. I think once it's at least shown to be effective, I think people will a lot more than maybe you're expecting. It may not be you, but look, I understand there will be probably some give and take here.

There'll probably be certain things you'll be able to do and certain things you won't be able to do unless you have some kind of medical exemption. Let's go ahead and take a phone call. I was going to go. It doesn't say that they're ready. So I was going to make sure that they are ready. Are they ready to go?

Okay. I think my, my screening is just delayed. Let's go to Kat in New Mexico. Kat, you're on the air. Oh, did we lose Kat? We lost her. You know, one call Kat. I'm sorry.

Not your fault. Uh, it sounds like you're calling from some form of a Skype or VPN. No, that's our phone system. When it's a drop, it's very, lets you know that phone call was dropped. I would like it to be a more aggressive noise. I would like it to be old school, you know, you don't hear that anymore.

A line off the hook. Yeah. I don't, you don't hear those noises. You, those are noises of our childhood. Right.

That we grew up on. Yeah. The, the, your phone off the hook noise. You ever like you just sleep and all of a sudden you hear in your room, like because the phone got knocked off the hook. Oh, not now.

No, of course not now. You don't, there's not a place to hang up the phone. You just press a button.

Yeah. It's like when your, uh, you know, fire alarm needs new batteries. It's always the worst time. Why does it always do it at two in the morning? It's like, why can't batteries go bad at 10 AM?

I didn't install this at two o'clock in the morning, but you know, I guess keep people safe. Let's go to Sylvia now on line six. Uh, Sylvia, I'll take your comment. Let's go ahead. Okay. Thank you. Thank you for, uh, for taking my call. Um, I, I'm not as specific as I would like to be, but I would like to say that I'm 62 years old.

My mind is in, my mind is intact. I actually live in a nursing home. I'm in my second year. You're going on my third year. And, um, we've had our, our civil rights violated, just trounced throughout this whole lockdown. Um, and then it's just, it's just absurd. And for somebody like that, that person that you, uh, you, uh, read somebody's comment to say that, Oh, well, you can just stay home. Um, that's just, that's just adding more insult to injury. Uh, it basically, uh, you know, I'm not even a second class citizen anymore.

I'm a third or fourth class citizen. I don't matter. It was very offensive, Sylvia. I think that's a comment that was incredible to me.

That's I'm reading the comments I'm going through and I see a lot of your complaints and a lot of your comments, the good and the bad, but that one stuck out to me. Uh, this is someone who said, well, you know what, give it to the prisoners. They're living in confined spaces. Don't worry about the whole people.

They can stay at home. I really am deeply troubled that that may be some of the rhetoric that comes specifically from your more liberal leaning friends. This sort of, you know, we, we, we live in a world where four or five years ago, you know, we even have the medical professionals that, that Joe Biden is putting up there saying, you know, maybe you shouldn't live past 75 years. Right. Yeah.

Uh, Zeke Emmanuel. I mean, those are real things that are happening and that's the problem. When you start to prioritize criminals over our, our people like George people, the most needed, it really is a odd time. And that's why, uh, we do have to make sure that your freedoms aren't trampled. We make sure that you are protected.

And if you want this vaccine and you're at the, you are at that point priority, you should be the high priority. And we're going to talk about that. We're talking about more stuff like that coming up. Well, and Sylvia did bring up the fact that she feels like civil rights have been trampled during this time. And I, I know many States, especially more left-leaning States. Uh, I think that has been a very big concern from people. I mean, that's why we fought the singing ban in California.

We've we filed even, we're waiting to hear an outcome from the court and some of those cases still, but yes, even, uh, justice Alito gave a speech before the holiday about civil rights have been affected. You realize you're saying that the two Presidential candidates this year, neither of them would qualify to get, I mean, yes, obviously they would be the President. They probably could get it, but if they weren't just straight, based off the age, I got in trouble because I said Joe Biden was 80 and he's 78. I'm sorry. I rounded up on that comment. They're like, Logan, you need to be more specific.

He was 78. Like, okay, you know, I round up a little bit. Let's go to Phyllis really quick in New York and the very important call Phyllis, uh, you're on the air. Hi, I'm 80 years old, but I suggest before I have access to the vaccine, give it to the school teachers. The school teachers have been instrumental in keeping the schools closed. Take that away from them. Give them the vaccine. Then they don't have that as an issue anymore.

I think Phyllis, uh, you know, I appreciate that. I appreciate that call saying, you know, I want to protect the kids and protect the students, but I'm not talking about just from COVID. I'm talking about protect them even mentally. Uh, so that's an interesting thing. Well, I don't know if teachers kind of, do they fall into that sort of frontline? I don't think they do. And I think that would be an interesting point of view.

Yeah. If you get the teachers vaccinated, we know that kids are much less likely to contract or to, uh, you know, have severe issues from it. Well, then we get schools back. So they actually would be in that congregate housing or essential workers category, which is the same as the prisons category, because it is, uh, it's essential workers that have direct interaction with the public. And so that's, uh, teachers, childcare, even, even, uh, they put grocery store workers, which makes sense because they're seeing spread without you seeing so many, because it's so much interaction with not the same 10 kids every day. It's or 20 kids.

It's you're seeing thousands of people a day. So I understand that completely. All right. Thank you for listening. Thanks for tolerating the Logan secular reprogram takeover today. A lot more coming from us.

So get ready coming in 2021. You're gonna see a lot more of will and I, and we appreciate it. Make sure you're following us on all social media.

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