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Not Forgotten

Our Daily Bread Ministries / Various Hosts
The Truth Network Radio
August 3, 2021 8:00 pm

Not Forgotten

Our Daily Bread Ministries / Various Hosts

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August 3, 2021 8:00 pm

“Uncle Arthur, do you remember the day you took me to the barbershop and the supermarket? I was wearing tan khakis, a blue-plaid oxford shirt, a navy-blue cardigan, brown socks, and brown Rockport shoes. The date was Thursday, October 20, 2016.” My nephew Jared’s autism-related challenges are offset by his phenomenal memory that can recall details like days and dates and the clothes he was wearing years after an event took place.

Because of the way he’s wired, Jared possesses the kind of memory that reminds me of the all-knowing, loving God—the Keeper of time and eternity. He knows the facts and won’t forget His promises or His people. Have you had moments when you’ve questioned whether or not you’ve been forgotten by God? When others appear to be healthier or happier or more successful or otherwise better off? 

Ancient Israel’s less-than-ideal situation caused her to say, “The Lord has forsaken me, the Lord has forgotten me” (Isaiah 49:14). But that wasn’t the case. God’s compassion and care exceeded the natural bonds of affection that mothers have for their children (v. 15). Before embracing labels like “forsaken” or “forgotten,” think again of what God has done in and through His Son, Jesus. In the gospel that brings forgiveness, God has clearly said, “I will not forget you!” (v. 15).

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Hi, thanks for joining us for today's encouragement from Our Daily Bread. My name is Arthur Jackson and I wrote today's reading titled, Not Forgotten. Uncle Arthur, do you remember the day that you took me to the barbershop in the supermarket?

I was wearing tan khakis, a plaid Oxford shirt, a navy blue cardigan, brown socks and brown Rockport shoes. The date was Thursday, October 20, 2016. My nephew Jared's autism-related challenges are offset by his phenomenal memory that can recall details like days and dates and the clothes he was wearing years after an event took place. Because of the way he's wired, Jared possesses the kind of memory that reminds me of the all-knowing, loving God, the keeper of time and eternity. He knows the facts and won't forget his promises or his people. Have you had moments when you've questioned whether or not you've been forgotten by God?

When others appear to be healthier or happier or more successful or otherwise better off? In Isaiah chapter 49, ancient Israel's less than ideal situation caused her to say, The Lord has forsaken me. The Lord has forgotten me.

But that wasn't the case. God's compassion and care exceeded the natural bonds of affection that mothers have for their children. Before embracing labels like forsaken or forgotten, think again of what God has done in and through his son Jesus. In the gospel that brings forgiveness, God has clearly said, I will not forget you.

Today's Our Daily Bread devotional scripture reading is from Isaiah chapter 49 verses 14 to 18. But Zion said, The Lord has forsaken me. The Lord has forgotten me.

Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she is born? Though she may forget, I will not forget you. See, I've engraved you on the palms of my hands. Your walls are ever before me. Your children hasten back, and those who laid you waste depart from you.

Lift up your eyes and look around. All your children gather and come to you. As surely as I live, declares the Lord, you will wear them all as ornaments.

You will put them on like a bride. Let's pray. Father, when we're tempted to feel neglected, forgotten, and abandoned, help us to ponder again the love you demonstrated by sending Jesus to die for us all. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
Whisper: medium.en / 2023-09-17 23:47:28 / 2023-09-17 23:48:51 / 1

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