The Truth Network Radio
Search Results : Daily Bread


The following listen on-demand podcasts matched your search results for: Daily Bread
Faith And Finance
Rob West
January 15, 2025
Give me neither poverty nor riches but give me only my daily bread - Proverbs Every generation has struggled to learn contentment and ours is certainly no different But God s Word provides great instruction on this tough topic Brian Holtz helps us work through it today Brian Holtz is the CEO of Compass Financial Ministry and the author of Financial Discipleship for Families Intentionally Raising Faithful Children What Is Contentment In Philippians the apostle Paul shares I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty I have learned the secret [... more]
Faith And Finance
Rob West
November 29, 2024
In Matthew Jesus tells us how we should pray and how not to do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do for they think that they will be heard for their many words Of course Jesus then gives us the Lord s Prayer as an example of how we should bring our needs to God But are we skimming over part of it A Prayer of DependenceIn our world of abundance it s easy to forget that everything we have comes from God From food and water to shelter and income every provision is a gift from Him [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
October 16, 2024
The world was amazed when four siblings ages one to thirteen were found alive in Colombia rsquo s Amazon jungle in June The siblings had survived forty days in the jungle after a plane crash which killed their mother The children who were familiar with the jungle rsquo s harsh terrain hid from wild animals in tree trunks collected water from streams and rain in bottles and ate food such as cassava flour from the wreckage They also knew which wild fruits and seeds were safe to eat God sustained the siblings Their incredible story reminds me of how God [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
September 12, 2024
The factories of Victorian England were dark places Fatalities were high and workers often lived in poverty ldquo How can the working man cultivate ideals rdquo George Cadbury asked ldquo when his home is a slum rdquo And so he built a new kind of factory for his expanding chocolate business one that benefited his workers The result was Bourneville a village of more than three hundred homes with sports fields playgrounds schools and churches for Cadbury rsquo s workers and their families They were paid good wages and offered medical care all because of Cadbury rsquo s faith in [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
June 11, 2024
Although neuroscience has made great progress in understanding how the brain works scientist admit they rsquo re still in the early stages of understanding it They understand brain architecture some aspects of its function and regions that respond to environment activate our senses and generate movements and contain emotions But they still can rsquo t figure out how all these interactions contribute to behavior perception and memory God rsquo s incredibly complex created masterpiece mdash humanity mdash is still mysterious David acknowledged the marvels of the human body Using figurative language he celebrated God rsquo s power evidenced by His [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
June 10, 2024
Irish poet W B Yeats wanted to be buried ldquo Under Ben Bulben rdquo a stately mountain after which he titled one of his last poems The poem rsquo s final line is etched onto his gravestone Cast a cold eye On life on death Horseman pass by Much speculation has taken place over what this means Perhaps it rsquo s the poet rsquo s acknowledgment of the reality of both life and death Regardless Yeats got his wish about where he was buried and what his gravestone would say But the cold truth is that life goes on without [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
June 09, 2024
When the Titanic hit an iceberg in April Pastor John Harper secured a spot for his six-year-old daughter in one of the limited number of lifeboats He gave his life-vest to a fellow passenger and shared the gospel with anyone who would listen As the vessel sank and hundreds of people awaited an unlikely rescue Harper swam from one person to another and said ldquo Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved rdquo Acts kjv During a meeting for survivors of the Titanic in Ontario Canada one man referred to himself as ldquo the last convert [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
June 08, 2024
At the after-school Bible club where my wife Sue serves once a week the kids were asked to donate money to help children in the war-torn country of Ukraine About a week after Sue told our eleven-year-old granddaughter Maggie about the project we got an envelope in the mail from her It contained along with a note ldquo This is all I have for the kids in Ukraine I rsquo ll send more later rdquo Sue hadn rsquo t suggested to Maggie that she should help but perhaps the Spirit prompted her And Maggie who loves Jesus and seeks to [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
June 07, 2024
The men in the Bible study group were nearly eighty years old so I was surprised to learn they struggled with lust A battle that had begun in their youth lingered still Each day they pledged to follow Jesus in this area and asked forgiveness for the moments they failed It may surprise us that godly men still fight against base temptations at a late stage in life but maybe it shouldn rsquo t An idol is anything that threatens to take the place of God in our lives and such things can show up long after we assume they [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
June 06, 2024
When Keri rsquo s young son was going through yet another muscular dystrophy-related surgery she wanted to get her mind off her family rsquo s situation by doing something for someone else So she rounded up her son rsquo s outgrown but gently used shoes and donated them to a ministry Her giving prompted friends and family members and even neighbors to join in and soon more than two hundred shoes were donated Although the shoe drive was meant to bless others Keri feels her family was blessed more ldquo The whole experience really lifted our spirits and helped us [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
June 05, 2024
My friend hurried from her stressful job at the hospital wondering what she would prepare for dinner before her husband returned from his equally demanding job She had made chicken on Sunday and served leftovers on Monday Then they had yet another round of chicken mdash this time baked mdash on Tuesday She found two pieces of fish in the freezer but she knew the fillets weren rsquo t her husband rsquo s favorite Not finding anything else she could prepare in just a few minutes she decided the fish would have to do As she placed the dish on [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
June 04, 2024
It feels like ldquo likes rdquo mdash you know that little thumbs-up on Facebook mdash have always been with us But it turns out that this virtual symbol of affirmation has only been around since nbsp nbsp nbsp The ldquo like rdquo designer Justin Rosenstein said he wanted to help create ldquo a world in which people uplift each other rather than tear each other down rdquo But Rosenstein came to lament how his invention might have enabled users rsquo unhealthy addiction to social media nbsp I think Rosenstein rsquo s creation speaks to our hard-wired need for affirmation and [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
June 03, 2024
Two friends and I were checking off a bucket list item mdash hiking the Grand Canyon We wondered if we had enough water as we started out our hike and it ran out fast We were completely out of water with still a ways to go to reach the rim Panting mixed with praying set in Then we rounded a corner and what we maintain as a miracle happened We spotted three water bottles tucked in a cleft in the rock with a note ldquo Knew you rsquo d need this Enjoy rdquo We looked at each other in disbelief [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
June 02, 2024
My first short-term missions trip was to the Amazon jungle in Brazil to help build a church by the river One afternoon we visited one of the few homes in the area that had a water filter When our host poured murky well water into the top of the contraption within minutes all the impurities were removed and clean clear drinking water appeared Right there in the man rsquo s living room I saw a reflection of what it means to be cleansed by Christ When we first come to Jesus with our guilt and shame and ask Him to [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 31, 2024
As a child my daughter loved playing with her Swiss cheese at lunch She rsquo d place the pastel yellow square on her face like a mask saying ldquo Look Mom rdquo her sparkly green eyes peeking out from two holes in the cheese As a young mom that Swiss-cheese mask summed up my feelings about my efforts mdash genuinely offered full of love but so very imperfect Holey not holy Oh how we long to live a holy life mdash a life set apart for God and characterized by being like Jesus But day after day holiness seems out [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 30, 2024
The invitation for dinner from my church leader Harold and his wife warmed my heart but also made me nervous I rsquo d joined a college Bible study group that taught ideas that contradicted some of the teachings in the Bible Would they lecture me about that Over pizza they shared about their family and asked about mine They listened as I talked about homework my dog Buchi and the guy I had a crush on Only later did they gently caution me about the group I was attending and explain what was wrong with its teachings Their warning took [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 29, 2024
How do you eliminate foul language A high school chose to institute a ldquo no foul language rdquo promise The students took an oath saying I do solemnly promise not to use profanities of any kind within the walls and properties of our school rdquo This was a noble effort but according to Jesus no external rule or pledge can ever cover the odor of foul speech Removing the stench of the words that come from our mouths begins with renewing our hearts Just as people recognize the kind of tree by the fruit it bears Luke ndash Jesus said [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 28, 2024
ldquo What do I regret rdquo That was the question New York Times bestselling writer George Saunders answered in his commencement speech at Syracuse University His approach was an older person Saunders who shared one or two regrets he rsquo d had in life with the younger people graduates who could learn something from his examples He listed a few things people might assume he regretted like being poor and working terrible jobs But Saunders said he really didn rsquo t regret those at all What he did regret however were failures of kindness mdash those opportunities he had to [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 27, 2024
During a short-term missions trip to Ethiopia our team accompanied another team from a local ministry on an outreach to a group of young men who'd hit hard times and were living in shacks in a literal junkyard They were such a delight to meet We shared testimonies encouraging words and prayers together One of my favorite moments that evening was when a local team member played his guitar and we got to worship with our new friends under the radiant moon What a sacred moment Despite their desperate situation these men had hope and joy that can only be [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 26, 2024
When my friends Al and Kathy Schiffer flew their iconic World War II era airplane to airshows it was the reactions of the elderly war veterans that meant the most to them They would come by so they could talk about the wars they served in and the airplanes they flew Most of their battle stories were told with tears in their eyes Many have said that the best news they received while serving their country were the words ldquo The war is over boys It rsquo s time to go home rdquo These words relate to the war believers [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 25, 2024
One evening I noticed neat rows of soil in a vacant lot near my home Each row contained small green leaves with tiny buds peeking out The next morning I stopped in my tracks when I saw a patch of beautiful red tulips sprouting in the lot The previous fall a group had planted one hundred thousand bulbs in empty lots throughout the South Side of Chicago They chose red to symbolize how redlining lending discrimination by banks had impacted neighborhoods where primarily minorities lived The tulips symbolized the houses that could have been in those lots God rsquo s [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 24, 2024
My college friend Bill Tobias has served as a missionary on a Pacific island for many years He tells the story about a young man who left his hometown to seek his fortune But a friend took him to church where He heard the good news Jesus offers and he trusted Christ as his Savior The young man wanted to take the gospel to his people and looked for a missionary to reach his people who were ldquo steeped in sorcery rdquo But the missionary told him to simply ldquo go tell them what God did for you rdquo And [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 23, 2024
In his parable The Wise Woman George MacDonald tells the story of two girls whose selfishness brings misery to all including themselves until a Wise Woman puts them through a series of tests to help them become ldquo lovely rdquo again After the girls fail each test and suffer shame and isolation one of them Rosamond finally realizes she can rsquo t change herself ldquo Couldn rsquo t you help me rdquo she asks the Wise Woman ldquo Perhaps I could rdquo the woman replied ldquo now that you ask me rdquo And with the divine help symbolized by the [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 22, 2024
Alex Smalley wants everyone to wake up earlier mdash or perhaps pause more at day rsquo s end Why To gaze at sunrises and sunsets Those fleeting moments are the most beautiful awe-inspiring times of the day according to Smalley the lead researcher of a British study on awe-inducing weather effects Even more than blue skies or glittering nightscapes a stunning sunrise or sunset can improve mood increase positive emotions and decrease stress Smalley says ldquo When you see something vast and overwhelming or something that produces this feeling of awe your own problems can feel diminished and so you [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 21, 2024
The Rocky movies tell the story of a raw boxer fueled by never-say-die determination who overcomes improbable odds to become heavyweight champion In Rocky III a now successful Rocky becomes impressed with his own achievements Television commercials disrupt his time in the gym The champ grows soft and he rsquo s knocked out by a challenger The rest of the movie is Rocky rsquo s attempt to regain his fighting edge In a spiritual sense King Asa of Judah lost his fighting edge Early in his reign he relied on God in the face of daunting odds As the mighty [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 20, 2024
Kindness or revenge Isaiah had just been hit in the head by a wild pitch during a Little League regional championship baseball game He dropped to the ground holding his head though thankfully his helmet protected him from serious injury As play resumed Isaiah noticed the pitcher was visibly shaken by his unintentional error In that moment Isaiah did something so extraordinary that the video of his response went viral He walked over to the pitcher gave him a comforting hug and made sure the pitcher knew he was all right In a situation that normally would have resulted in [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 19, 2024
It had been years since we left the Oregon town where we raised our family We rsquo d made great memories there and the visit reminded me of moments I rsquo d forgotten our girls rsquo soccer games our old home church gatherings and our friends rsquo Mexican restaurant nbsp The town had changed but there was enough of the familiar to spark my desire to return When the Israelites went into Babylonian exile they missed the familiarity of people landmarks and culture They forgot they rsquo d been exiled for rebelling against God When false prophets told the exiles [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 17, 2024
ldquo Your job for the international book expo rdquo my boss informed me ldquo is to organize an onsite radio broadcast rdquo I felt fear because this was new territory for me God I rsquo ve never done anything like this I prayed Please help me God provided resources and people to guide me experienced technicians and broadcasters plus reminders during the expo of details I rsquo d overlooked In retrospect I know that the broadcast went well because God knew what was needed and prompted me to use the skills He rsquo d already given me When God calls [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 16, 2024
My friend Joann passed away from a stroke just as the coronavirus began to spread in At first her family published that her memorial service would be at her church but then it was determined it was best to hold it at a funeral home to control the size of the group attending The new notice online read Joann Warners mdash Changed Venue Yes her venue had changed She rsquo d gone from the venue of earth to the venue of heaven God changed her life years before and she lovingly served Him for nearly fifty years Even while she [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 15, 2024
On July scientists awaited the first images of deepest space from the new James Webb Space Telescope The state-of-the-art telescope can look farther into the universe than mankind has ever looked before Suddenly a breathtaking image emerges a color space-scape of the Carina Nebula never before seen like this One NASA astronomer quoted Carl Sagan a noted atheist ldquo Somewhere something incredible is waiting rdquo Sometimes people can look God in the eye and not see Him But the psalmist David looked into the sky and knew exactly what he was seeing ldquo You have set your glory in the [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 14, 2024
Adolf Hitler believed big lies were more powerful than small ones and tragically he tested his theory successfully Early in his political career he claimed he was content to support others rsquo aspirations When he came to power he said his party didn rsquo t intend to persecute anyone Later he used the media to portray himself as a father figure and moral leader Satan uses lies to gain power in our lives Whenever possible he provokes fear anger and despair because he rsquo s ldquo a liar and the father of lies rdquo John Satan can rsquo t tell [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 13, 2024
Sweetly fragrant cherry tree blossoms flood Japan with exquisite pale and vibrant pinks every spring delighting the senses of residents and tourists alike The short-lived nature of the blossoms cultivates a keen awareness in the Japanese to savor the beauty and scent while they linger the very brevity of the experience heightens the poignancy of it They call this deliberate enjoyment of something that will change quickly ldquo mono-no-aware rdquo As humans it rsquo s understandable that we rsquo d want to seek and prolong feelings of joy Yet the reality that life is riddled with hardship means we must [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 11, 2024
As teens my sister and I didn rsquo t understand my mom rsquo s decision to receive Jesus as her Savior but we couldn rsquo t deny the changes we saw in her She had more peace and joy and began faithfully serving at church She had such a hunger for studying the Bible that she attended and graduated from seminary A few years after my mom rsquo s decision my sister accepted Christ and started serving Him And a few years after that I also placed my trust in Jesus and started serving Him Many years later my late [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 10, 2024
As Gandalf the Grey confronted Saruman the White it became clear that the latter had turned from what he was supposed to do mdash help protect Middle-earth from the power of the evil Sauron What rsquo s more Saruman had allied with Sauron In this scene from the film The Fellowship of the Ring based on J R R Tolkien rsquo s classic work the two former friends then engage in an epic good-versus-evil battle If only Saruman had stayed the course and done what he knew was right King Saul also had trouble staying the course In one account [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 09, 2024
Many years ago New York City launched a Stay Safe Stay Put ad campaign to educate people on how to stay calm and be safe when trapped in an elevator Experts reported that some trapped passengers had died when they tried to pry open the elevator doors or attempted exiting by some other means The best plan of action is to simply use the alarm button to call for help and wait for emergency responders to arrive The apostle Paul spelled out a very different type of rescue plan mdash one to help those trapped in the downward pull of [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 08, 2024
A century ago lush forest covered roughly percent of Ethiopia but today it rsquo s around percent Clearing acreage for crops while failing to protect the trees has led to an ecological crisis The vast majority of the remaining small patches of green are protected by churches For centuries local Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido churches have nurtured these oases in the midst of the barren desert If you look at aerial images you see verdant islands surrounded by brown sand Church leaders insist that watching over the trees is part of their obedience to God as stewards of His creation The [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 06, 2024
Decades ago I went to a college retreat where everyone was talking about a personality test ldquo I rsquo m an ISTJ rdquo one said ldquo I rsquo m an ENFP rdquo another chirped I was mystified ldquo I rsquo m an ABCXYZ rdquo I joked nbsp Since then I rsquo ve learned a lot about that test the Myers-Briggs and others such as the DiSC I find them fascinating because they can help us understand ourselves and others in helpful revealing ways mdash shedding light on our preferences strengths and weaknesses Provided we don rsquo t overuse them they [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 04, 2024
Leaving home one morning Dean found some friends waiting with balloons His friend Josh stepped forward ldquo We entered your poems in a competition rdquo he said before handing Dean an envelope Inside was a card that read lsquo First Prize rsquo and soon everyone was crying tears of joy Dean rsquo s friends had done a beautiful thing confirming his writing talent Weeping for joy is a paradoxical experience Tears are normally a response to pain not joy and joy is normally expressed with laughter not tears Italian psychologists have noted that tears of joy come at times of [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 03, 2024
A routine wellness check for little Calvin revealed a few unexpected spots on his body During the visit he was given some shots and the injection spot was covered with a bandage At home when the time came to remove the small adhesive covering Calvin whimpered with four-year-old fear Seeking to console his son his father said ldquo Calvin you know I rsquo d never do anything to hurt you rdquo His father wanted his son to trust him more than fearing the removal of the bandage Four-year-olds aren rsquo t the only ones who grow faint in the face [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 02, 2024
ldquo Prayers for an upcoming brain scan rdquo ldquo That my kids would come back to church rdquo ldquo Comfort for Dave who lost his wife rdquo Our card ministry team receives a weekly list of prayer requests like these so we can pray and send each person a handwritten note The requests are overwhelming and our efforts can feel small and unnoticed That changed after I received a heartfelt thank-you card from the recently bereaved husband with a copy of his beloved wife rsquo s obituary I realized anew that prayer matters Jesus modeled that we should pray earnestly [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
May 01, 2024
The ldquo monster rdquo in Mary Shelley rsquo s Frankenstein is one of the most widely known literary characters captivating our cultural imagination But close readers of the beloved novel know that a strong case can be made that Shelley actually portrays Victor Frankenstein the delusional scientist who created the creature as the real monster After creating an intelligent creature Victor denies him any guidance companionship or hope of happiness mdash seemingly guaranteeing the creature rsquo s descent into desperation and rage Confronting Victor the creature laments ldquo You my creator would tear me to pieces and triumph rdquo Scripture [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
April 30, 2024
Even after Jesus had set my son Geoff free from years of substance abuse I still had worries We rsquo d been through much together and my focus sometimes nbsp remained on his difficult past instead of the future God had for him Parents of addicts often worry about relapse and one day at a family gathering I pulled Geoff aside ldquo Remember rdquo I told him ldquo we have an adversary and he rsquo s powerful rdquo ldquo I know Dad rdquo he responded ldquo He has power but he has no authority rdquo In that moment I was [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
April 29, 2024
When my now-grown son Xavier was in kindergarten he stretched his arms wide and said ldquo I love you this much rdquo nbsp I stretched my longer arms wide and said ldquo I love you this much rdquo Planting his fists on his hips he said ldquo I loved you first rdquo I shook my head ldquo I loved you when God first put you in my womb rdquo Xavier rsquo s eyes widened ldquo You win rdquo ldquo We both win rdquo I said ldquo because Jesus loved both of us first rdquo As Xavier prepares for the birth [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
April 28, 2024
When fighting spiritual battles believers in Jesus should take prayer seriously A Florida woman found out how dangerous it can be however to practice it unwisely When she prayed she closed her eyes But while driving one day and praying with eyes shut she failed to stop at a stop sign flew through an intersection and went offroad into a homeowner rsquo s yard She then tried unsuccessfully to back off the lawn Though not injured she was given a police citation for reckless driving and property damage This prayer warrior missed a key part of Ephesians be alert As [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
April 27, 2024
As medical test after medical test filled up Bev rsquo s schedule she grew overwhelmed and weary Doctors alarmed her when they told her they were looking for cancer somewhere in her body Each day God faithfully encouraged her with the promises of His presence and an abiding peace when she turned to Him or read the Bible She battled with the uncertainties and frequently learned to roll the ldquo what ifs rdquo onto God rsquo s shoulders One morning Bev came across a verse in Exodus that popped out from the page to her heart before a serious surgery [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
April 26, 2024
After burying a few seeds in a planter in my backyard I waited to see the results Reading that the seeds would sprout within ten to fourteen days I checked often as I watered the soil Soon I saw a few green leaves pushing their way out of the soil But my bubble burst quickly when my husband told me those were weeds He encouraged me to pull them quickly so that they wouldn rsquo t choke the plants I was trying to grow Jesus also told of the importance of dealing with intruders that can impede our spiritual growth [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
April 25, 2024
nbsp Rescue workers cooperated to help two men stranded on an island in Micronesia Teamwork was necessary because a widespread health crisis required them to limit their exposure to each other The pilot who first spotted the castaways radioed a nearby Australian Navy ship The ship sent two helicopters which provided food water and medical care Later the US Coast Guard arrived to check on the men and deliver a radio Finally a Micronesian patrol boat taxied them to their destination We can accomplish a lot when we work together to achieve a common goal The Philippian believers pooled their [... more]
The Daily Platform
Bob Jones University
April 25, 2024
Dr Drew Conley continues a Seminary Chapel series entitled The Lord s Prayer from Matthew The post Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread appeared first on THE DAILY PLATFORM [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
April 24, 2024
My friend Raleigh is sprinting toward his eighty-fifth birthday Since my first conversation with him more than thirty-five years ago he rsquo s been a source of inspiration When he recently mentioned that since retiring he rsquo d completed a book manuscript and started another ministry initiative mdash I was intrigued but not surprised nbsp At eighty-five Caleb in the Bible wasn rsquo t ready to stop either His faith and devotion to God had sustained him through decades of wilderness living and wars to secure the inheritance God had promised Israel He said ldquo I am still as strong [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
April 23, 2024
In his essay ldquo Service and the Spectrum rdquo Professor Daniel Bowman Jr writes of the difficulty of navigating decisions about how to serve his church as an autistic person He explains ldquo Autistic people have to forge a new path forward every single time a unique path that takes into account mental emotional and physical energy alone recharging time sensory inputs and comfort level time of day whether or not we rsquo re being valued for our strengths and accommodated for our needs rather than excluded for perceived deficits and much more rdquo For many people Bowman writes such [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
April 22, 2024
On December the US Civil War raged Union and Confederate troops camped seven hundred yards apart on opposing sides of Tennessee rsquo s Stones River As they warmed themselves around campfires Union soldiers picked up their fiddles and harmonicas and began playing ldquo Yankee Doodle rdquo In reply the Confederate soldiers offered ldquo Dixie rdquo Remarkably both sides joined for a finale playing ldquo Home Sweet Home rdquo in unison Sworn enemies shared music in the dark night glimmers of an unimagined peace The melodic truce was short-lived The next morning they put down their fiddles and picked up their [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
April 21, 2024
ldquo I knew that the only way to succeed was to forget about home and my wife son and daughter rdquo said Jordon ldquo I rsquo ve found I can rsquo t do that They rsquo re woven into the fabric of my heart and soul rdquo Alone in a remote area Jordon was participating in a reality show where contestants are asked to survive outdoors with minimal supplies for as long as possible What forced him to forfeit was not the grizzly bears freezing temperatures injury or hunger but an overwhelming loneliness and desire to be with his family [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
April 20, 2024
Thieves in Germany stole a truck rsquo s refrigerated trailer filled with more than twenty tons of chocolate The estimated worth of the stolen sweetness was eighty thousand dollars Local police asked anyone who was offered large quantities of chocolate via unconventional channels to report it immediately Surely those who stole the massive amount of sweets will be facing bitter and unsatisfying consequences if they rsquo re caught and prosecuted Proverbs confirms this principle ldquo Food gained by fraud tastes sweet but one ends up with a mouth full of gravel rdquo Things we acquire deceptively or wrongfully may seem [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
April 19, 2024
My sister brother and I flew from our separate states to our uncle rsquo s funeral and stopped to see our ninety-year-old grandmother She rsquo d been paralyzed by a stroke had lost the ability to speak and had only the use of her right hand As we stood around her bed she reached out that hand and took each of our hands placing one atop another over her heart and patted them in place With this wordless gesture my grandmother spoke into what had been our somewhat broken and distant sibling relationship ldquo Family matters rdquo In God rsquo [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
April 18, 2024
Poet William Cowper struggled with depression much of his life After a suicide attempt he was committed to an asylum But it was there through the care of a Christian physician that Cowper came to a warm vital faith in Jesus Soon afterwards Cowper became acquainted with pastor and hymnwriter John Newton who encouraged him to collaborate on a hymnal for their church Among the hymns Cowper wrote was ldquo God Moves in a Mysterious Way rdquo which contains these words pressed from the crucible of experience ldquo You fearful saints fresh courage take the clouds you so much dread [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
April 17, 2024
A video of a dad comforting his two-month-old son while the baby received his routine vaccinations garnered international attention for the way it captured a dad rsquo s love for his child After the nurse finished administering the vaccinations the dad tenderly held his son close to his cheek and the boy stopped sobbing within seconds There is almost nothing more reassuring than the tender care of a loving parent In Scripture there are many beautiful descriptions of God as a loving parent images that invoke God rsquo s deep love for His children Old Testament prophet Hosea was given [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
April 16, 2024
Pastor Damian rsquo s schedule included hospital visits to two people nearing death who rsquo d chosen two different life paths In one hospital was a woman beloved by her family Her selfless public service had endeared her to many Other believers in Jesus had gathered around her and worship prayer and hope filled the room In another hospital the relative of a member of Pastor Damian rsquo s church was also dying His hardened heart had led to a hard life and his disheveled family lived in the wake of his poor decisions and misdeeds The differences in the [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
April 15, 2024
The book Hidden Figures recounts preparations for John Glenn rsquo s flight into space Computers were new-fangled inventions in subject to glitches Glenn didn rsquo t trust them and worried about calculations for the launch He knew one brainy woman in the back room could run the numbers He trusted her ldquo If she says the numbers are good rdquo Glenn said ldquo I rsquo m ready to go rdquo Katherine Johnson was a teacher and mother of three She loved Jesus and served in her church God had blessed Katherine with a remarkable mind NASA tapped her in the [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
April 14, 2024
ldquo There rsquo s no place like home rdquo says Dorothy clicking the heels of her ruby slippers In The Wizard of Oz that was all it took to magically transport Dorothy and Toto from Oz back to their home in Kansas Unfortunately there aren rsquo t enough ruby slippers for everyone Although many share Dorothy rsquo s longing for home finding that home mdash a place to belong mdash is sometimes easier said than done One of the consequences of living in a highly mobile transient world is a sense of detachment mdash wondering if we rsquo ll ever [... more]
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Various Hosts
April 13, 2024
Lando a jeepney a form of public transport in the Philippines driver in Manila gulped down coffee at a roadside stall Daily commuters were back again after the Covid- lockdowns And the sports event today means more passengers Lando thought I rsquo ll get back lost income Finally I can stop worrying He was about to start driving when he spotted Ronnie on a bench nearby The street sweeper looked troubled like he needed to talk But every minute counts Lando thought The more passengers the more income I can rsquo t linger But he sensed that God wanted him [... more]
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