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MS Top 6 #32

Matt Slick's Top 6 / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
May 5, 2021 5:00 am

MS Top 6 #32

Matt Slick's Top 6 / Matt Slick

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May 5, 2021 5:00 am

Matt gets calls on Biblical Theology. Matt has answers on Biblical Theology. The questions come from people all over the world.  We've compiled the six most memorable of the week. Number 6 to #1! 

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Matt Slick

This is Michael Carbone with the Truth Network. We're partnering with Bible League International on Open the Floodgates, Bibles for Africa.

In many parts of countries like Kenya, Ghana, Tanzania, and Mozambique, as many as 9 out of 10 Christians are denied God's word by corrupt governments, majority religions, and poverty and remoteness. $5 sends a Bible. $100 sends 20. $500 sends 100. Call 800-Yes-Word.

That's 800-937-9673. Thank you for caring. This is the Truth Network. . Matt Slick is president and founder of the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry. Matt is a masters of divinity and is ordained. He's passionate and Matt stands firm and lives to defend and promote the Christian faith. Matt Slick doesn't take any ****. Monday through Friday, Matt takes calls from all around the world on his radio show. We've compiled this week's best, Matt Slick's Top 6.

Number 6. Can men read Christian counseling books written by women? Sure.

Yeah, I don't see why not. A lot of women have a lot of great wisdom and insight. As long as they're not elders, pastors in the church, that's the context. But if a woman wants to write a book and she has some good things to say, I wouldn't have any problem reading it as long as she's not trying to play the pastor and getting around it and say, here's what God says. This is what you all need to do. And now we've got a problem and then she's moving out of the area she wouldn't be in.

Number 5. What is your take on the Quaker? Generally speaking, the Quakers are not very good. It doesn't mean that there aren't good individuals who can manifest in there. They don't practice baptism or communion. Inner light is what they really go by and it's above, to some degree, above scripture. And this is a very bad thing. And they teach that salvation can be lost.

That's a whole other problem. And some of them teach that you can become sinless, which I always get a kick out of. Anybody who says they don't sin any more, I laugh because I want to say, spend five minutes with me and we'll cure that.

Number 4. It's unfortunate that that translation or that idea came out. It's in Genesis 1 28. I believe that's where the problem lies in the King James. To replenish, to refill the earth, replenish the earth.

That's not what's going on. Milu is the Hebrew word. I'm looking at the at a lexicon. It says to fulfill, to consecrate, to accomplish. It said to replenish seven times. This implication is that it was already filled with stuff and then it was all wiped out. And then they had to do it again. And then this gives rise to the gap theory, other things like Lilith before Eve, a bunch of heresies and a bunch of problems. It just means to fill the earth, not refill it.

Number 3. Is it a sin in video games to play like a shooting game or something like that? The Bible doesn't really tell us. So there's general principles. We have to be careful when we use violence as a form of entertainment.

So like the gladiatorial stuff where they would have Christians be killed or people be killed and kill each other for entertainment that was sinful. If I get a game, I've got to do research, literally, literally do research. And I play the game for a while.

Am I in sin? Well, no, because I'm doing research on it. This is what happened to do this. People say these things and this is what happens. I don't recommend it, you know, type thing.

What do you do if someone's just doing it for entertainment? Well, that's a tough one because some people are affected by this and some people are not affected by this. So I'll ask questions. Would you do this if Jesus were there with you? Would you want him to participate in this? And at that point I'd say, well, I don't think he would. And so if he wouldn't, should you? So there's some gray areas in this and it's a tough one.

Number two. I'm not a Christian. So what are you? I lean more of a satanic. But I want to let you know that I used to be involved in the occult before I became a Christian.

You know, contact of the dead, seances. Let me just tell you that if you die believing this and you don't trust in Christ, the fiery torment and that eternal hell, you're going to suffer. I hate Jesus. You hate Jesus?

Why would you hate the one who died on the cross and rose from the dead three days later? I already know. I know my history very well. I have a high IQ. Okay.

So if you have a high IQ, then why would you be involved in something as bad as Satanism? The devil actually just gives you what you want. Yeah. Yeah.

And your fleshly desire so that you'll join him in hell when you reject God. Number one. Stephen Furtick. Yeah. Don't listen to him.

Yes. That's what I was afraid you'd say. Let me tell you, Stephen Furtick, you know, with a woman pastor, wife preaching, that's false.

Should not happen. I'm going to read a quote from him. In Calvinism, what is taught, it's called the doctrines of grace. Calvinism says that God's grace is grace and grace alone is what leads to our salvation. That God's graciousness in the Trinity from eternal time past, his graciousness in the eternal covenant, his grace in the incarnation, in the death and resurrection of Christ and his grace as he moves to us and through us through the preaching of the word and the equipping of the saints. Now he says, if that doesn't get you excited and you need the doctrines of grace as defined by John Calvin to excite you, you in the wrong church. Let me get my phone book. There's 720 churches in Charlotte. I'm sure we can find one where you can stuff your face until you're so obese spiritually that you can't even move.

Now this is an insult in his ignorance to mock the doctrines of God's grace. We hope you've enjoyed this episode of Matt Slick's Top Six. For more on Matt and his live syndicated call-in radio show, go to Got a question? Matt Slick has your answer. This is the Truth Network.
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