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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
August 30, 2022 5:00 pm

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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August 30, 2022 5:00 pm

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Topics include---1- If the church of Galatia believed a false gospel, does that mean they lost their salvation---2- How do you deal with the Islamic claim that Psalm 91 is Messianic and since it says -no harm will come to you- Jesus didn't go to the cross---3- Matt further discusses the Quran.--4- Do you think we're approaching the end times---5- Matt dialogues with an agnostic regarding causation.--6- Matt discusses how emotionalism and indoctrination has taken the place of logic.

Cross the Bridge
David McGee
Building Relationships
Dr. Gary Chapman
What's Right What's Left
Pastor Ernie Sanders
What's Right What's Left
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The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. And if you hurry, you can get a free set of blinders.

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Just take the freeway to exit 666 and take the short broad street right to our front door. See you there. It's Matt Slick Live! Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live!

Francis, taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. Hey, everybody. Welcome to the show. It's me, Matt Slick.

Listen to Matt Slick Live. If you want to give me a call, we have five open lines, wide open, 877-2007-2276. So as you can tell, we have a couple of little openings, things we've done, and I get to unearth some more and do some more. So I have to do some more of those and send them on in. And if you like them, let me know, you know, if you like those intros and things like that because they're fun. So I want to hear if you can give me a call and say, hey, those are great or no, those are not, whatever.

People in the chat room seem to like them. So we used to have a whole bunch. I did a radio here in Boise, Idaho, and the show was called Faith and Reason back then. Then we found out after years of doing the radio that there was another radio show that in the country called Faith and Reason. And they were very polite and they said, uh, you know, uh, could you maybe change your name? I didn't care. I said, yeah, sure.

No problem. So, um, we went to Matt Slick Live, which I thought was narcissistic, but a good name is perfect name actually for radio. So there we go.

Matt Slick Live is what we're at now. And so the reason I'm bringing that up is because with the other intros we had, they, they came up with, uh, you know, Faith and Reason and, and it was part of the, the intro, but we had some stuff, so we'll see. We can unearth some things and get things modified and, uh, and some other stuff. I got skits. I wanted, I need voice actors, uh, for one that we'll have to do in two parts because it's like three minutes long and, um, it's fun. Any rate, there you go. Hey, I want to hear from you.

Give me a call for open lines, 877-207-2276. And I don't know why this popped into my mind, but it just did. It just popped into my mind. Uh, the, uh, the food prices are going up.

Okay. And I've heard that a lot of the food processing plants are burning, burning down. And, uh, so I've heard this stuff and over the weekend I was talking to somebody who said that a food processing plant here in our state mysteriously burned down also. And, uh, I don't know why that popped into my head, but it just did. Uh, maybe because, hey, you know, be prepping because I believe what the Bible says is true. And I believe that it tells us to prepare and to get ready for things that are coming.

That's what it says. I could talk about that more, but that's what I, that's what we should do. And you should have it, uh, you know, some storage of food and stuff. Anyway, water, you know, just little stuff.

Don't panic. So, uh, I just popped in my mind out of nowhere for some time when that does that. Uh, let's see about run 100 of them slick at food. What was that?

A hundred of them. I don't get it built. You got to talk to me and make more sense in the sentences there. Uh, so we, we, anyway, I talked to people who are in the chat room. Uh, so if you are interested in volume, not volunteering, of course, but checking it out, all you gotta do is go to on, uh, on the radio. Oh man, I'm thinking three things at once. Facebook.

If you go to Facebook and you do search for, C-A-R-M-O-R-G, then you can check it out there and we can, you know, join in with the chat. All right. All right. All right. We have four open lines, eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six.

Let's get to Elijah from Pennsylvania. Welcome buddy. You're on the air. Hey man, how you doing today? Oh, doing okay. Doing okay. Just uh, dealing with news. Some disturbing news I got today, but uh, you know, handling stuff moving forward. So uh, what's up man?

What do you got? Yeah. Um, I remember two months back I watched one of Anthony Rogers, uh, a Bible study on Galatians and uh, he was talking about how, you know, the Catholic church, uh, claims to be the true church because they're apostolic and as a church, they're apostolic groups. That's the apostles and you know, Anthony wants to, what's the Galatians and show how, you know, the church, the churches in the region of Galatia, they were all also apostolic churches too. And they, you know, became apostates. And uh, so in the, you know, he wants you, he wanted to say how, you know, and all the letters of Paul, he starts out by greeting them and saying, you know, greetings or blessings in Christ Jesus, you know, you know, to the church of Jesus Christ in Corinth or whatever. But when he got to the book of Galatians, Paul didn't greet them the same way. He just said, you know, to the church of Galatia. And if I remember correctly, I think, I think I think Anthony Rogers said that, said that they had, you know, one apostate. So my question would be, since the churches in Galatia went apostate and started believing in a false gospel, uh, I mean, uh, doesn't it seem like they lost their salvation? Well, you can't lose your salvation. That's my position. I don't know about Anthony.

I know Anthony and I don't know what he would say, but I believe he's on the same campus I am here. We can't lose it. And he was talking to the Galatian church, a generic letter to them.

You guys are now moving this way. And uh, that's apostasy. It's false.

You can't do that. It doesn't mean that there were individuals in there were moving that way, uh, who were actually regenerate. Okay. So there's, it's a bit of a deeper issue. So what's going on? Well, what's going on is if I was preaching to a thousand people and, um, I wanted to admonish people, I would give a generic thing.

You can't be doing this kind of thing. Like I did this once when I preached at a church where I noticed, uh, I was guest preaching there for a few months and I noticed, uh, that some of the congregant members were using the Lord's name in vain. So, uh, and this was, it became more and more prevalent and now in our normal conversation. So I decided to preach a sermon on that very topic. And so I said, uh, some of you here are, and then I explained what was going on and I didn't name any names. I didn't know. I know the individuals, uh, just talk generically and you need to repent.

You need to stop doing this and et cetera. So the same kind of a thing could be done, uh, to the Thessalonians and the Galatians church because the Thessalonians blew it also. And so, uh, the Galatians church was definitely going bad, you know, in the sense of, uh, adopting bad things. It doesn't mean to lose our salvation though. Okay.

Yeah. Um, I guess a follow up question would be this. So, so if, if, if they can't lose their salvation, then I guess, uh, what would be the point in like warning them from, you know, apostatizing or backsliding, falling away, you know, stuff like that? Because we don't have all the answers to everything.

We don't know how God works in all things and truth is necessary and we are obligated to speak the truth, to teach the truth because God uses the means of the truth to connect to people, to bring them into faith. And there is a relationship between the more we preach, the more people are saved, the more people are saved. And yet at the same time, once you're in, you can't lose your salvation.

So there's a relationship there. We don't have all of the answers worked out perfectly, but that is, uh, that's just it. We, we, for those of us who hold to the security that we have in Christ, it does not mean it's okay to sin. It doesn't mean it's okay to ignore God. It doesn't mean it's not okay or it doesn't mean it's okay to forget about preaching and teaching. These all are real and they have interactive relationship with God and they affect other situations. Now this gets to be a difficult topic because at one, at this point we had to talk about logic, causation of priorities, logical priorities, temporal priorities, and it gets into some pretty heavy stuff.

Um, and we, we, some of us talk about that, you know, in private, but, uh, so we are not set free from our responsibilities because we can't lose our salvation. Okay. All right. Good enough, man. All right.

That's everything. Okay, buddy. Well, God bless man. Okay.

You too. All right. So we have a five open lines 8772072276 and uh, so the producer Keith just texted me online here and said I was down for three or four seconds. So, um, okay. That's what we need to know about.

So hopefully everything will be fine. Uh, just so you guys know out there, uh, what I'm doing is good cause I work on the internet here and radio goes out over the internet. I literally have two modems, two different companies on my desk and I got another guy coming out Friday to install a second line, which I can have dedicated just to my computer and the internet for here. I just, my computer and everything else in the facility here will be on the other line and I'm working on the idea of using a hotspot because my phone is pretty close to a tower or I'm pretty close to a tower and we can get some incredibly fast speeds, uh, equivalent to, um, to a fiber optic. And so I have a device I got that's converts the phone hotspot into a land and I'm going to be working with that here as soon and contacting my phone company saying, Hey, can I use this?

Do that? You know, I'm working it. So, um, you know, if some people are noticing that it's a little glitchy, we're aware of the technical problem, it's on our end. Uh, I think in my opinion is that because the Boise, Idaho area where I live, uh, everybody is moving there.

I mean the Martians, Venutians, Jupitarians, everybody's moving to Boise. Uh, and so I think the internet is being stretched way thin. And so, uh, that's what I think. And the tech guy who did come out a few days ago told me that we're maxing out on our bandwidth, which doesn't really make sense. So, but that's what he says.

He's checked the records. So something's going on. We're working on it. Maybe I have to do some more tech stuff, but Hey, you know, it's a good thing I was a tech guy for a few years and can look into this kind of stuff. Okay. Well anyway, just rambling.

If you want to give me a call, all you gotta do is dial 8772072276. Now, so the guy was talking to the previous caller about Galatians, the Galatian church and uh, yeah, they did go moving towards apostasy and that they are seeking to be justified by their works. Uh, they were falling away, but also second Thessalonians two talks about, uh, the, uh, Paul says, let no one in any way deceive you. It will, you know, the rival of Christ will not come until the apostasy comes first. A man of lawlessness is revealed who opposes and exalts himself, etc.

Do you not remember that while I was still with you, I was telling you these things. So this is an apostolic church as well. And they were getting things wrong with the apostles right there. The Galatian church was getting things wrong and the apostles were there and they were apostolic. And so, uh, the question then becomes if the Thessalonians and the Galatian churches were getting it wrong or moving into apostasy while the apostles were there and they were apostolic churches, what makes you think that the Roman Catholic slash Eastern Orthodox claim that they are the succession of the apostolic churches? What makes you think they've got it right? That's the question.

There's only one anchor of truth and it's God's word, not tradition. Hey, for open lines 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. Here's Matt Slick.

All right. Hey everyone, welcome back. If you want to give me a call, all you have to do is dial 877-207-2276.

Let's get to, let's see, Joseph from Durham, North Carolina. Welcome. You're on the air. Hey Matt, how are you doing? Doing all right man. Hang on in there.

What do you got buddy? Yes. So I heard an interesting claim from Muhammad Haji. Are you familiar with the Islamic apologists? No, no, not that guy.

Okay. He said something about Psalm 91 and he's not the first person I've heard it, but um, apparently Psalm 91, they say it's messianic. Uh, and because that it's messianic, they claim that, um, it says that you, you know, no harm will come to you. The angels will guard you and all that stuff. Uh, from their point of view, they're saying that that means that, uh, it was messianic and that means that Christ didn't go to the cross. I don't believe that obviously, but I'm just wondering how you would approach that claim.

I've never heard that before. Well, I'm gonna talk about that too in Surah 4, 157 about that, about that, what they deny and what the problem is there with them. But, um, he will give his angels charge concerning over you to guard you in all your ways. They will bear you up in your hands that you'll not strike your foot against a stone.

You will tread upon the lion and cobra, the young and lion and serpent, you will trample down. Yeah. Check that out.

And, uh, and think about it. I've never heard that put together that way before. So that's really good.

That's really interesting. I could see why a Muslim would do that because a Muslim looks for ways to damn themselves when they do this. The claim is that it ends with the Hebrew word for, uh, Yeshua. And also when Satan is trying to tempt Jesus, um, and he says, he cites Psalm 91 and then Jesus says, um, yes. And also, uh, they're claiming that he's agreeing that it's about him and, uh, him agreeing that it's about him means that he's agreeing that no harm could come to him and all that kind of stuff.

Yeah. What it says, if you're your son of God, throw down yourself down for his written, he'll command his angels concerning you and on our hands. So Jesus said, on the other hand, it's written, you shall not put the Lord God to your test. So, um, okay. So, okay.

So the Muslim is saying then that this means that Jesus could not have been crucified because it applies to Christ. Yeah. Okay. I get you.

Right. And, uh, then how is it that Jesus could have been struck because he was struck at his trial? They would have to say that he was not struck.

They had to also say he was not whipped. In surah 4, 1 57, it says that Jesus was not crucified, but it was made to appear that he was. So if you go to Tafsir, it was the Muslim commentaries, uh, it'd be interesting to see at what point, uh, someone was made to look like it. And that would be interesting because depending on their answer, uh, then when did this person take Jesus place? Because if it's after being Jesus being struck, then, uh, that would, you know, that would probably be a timeline. Let me take it off my head here. Give us angels charts concerning you to guarding in all your ways.

So that would have to be that as well, which means to guard in all your ways. Then they couldn't have lied about him or hurt him or done anything, could they? But they did. So this is not messianic in the sense, it is messianic, but it's not in the sense that, uh, nothing can be done. And in the Psalm, it was extracted, uh, and, uh, it was misused and their hands will bear you up so you'll not strike your foot against the stone. Cast yourself down. I've actually been to Jerusalem, been to that wall and, and I can see the very corner where, uh, Satan took Jesus to say, throw down, throw yourself down. I remember that. And, uh, so it's a 150 foot drop or something like that.

It'll kill you. Um, and so he's using that out of the old Testament. So Satan is the one using that.

I'm going to think about this. Satan's one using it to try and get Jesus to tempt God and Jesus says, no, no. So Satan wants that to happen to tempt God. You won't strike your foot against the stone.

So the way it's used and I'm thinking of is the context is regarding, uh, being killed, um, by falling. And the answer of course is no, that's not going to happen, but he was killed otherwise. Yeah. I'm going to think about that.

I'll work on that and I'll think through it. Okay. So, uh, yeah, there's, there's, there's, uh, there's ways out of it and there's a logical issue with here, the implication, what it says, the literalness, because then when you get to the issue of, uh, guard you in all your ways, I'd ask him, does it mean that he will not be struck? Well, he was struck. So then what do you think it means that you're the one brought this up?

So please help me out here. You know, that's, that will be an issue that would have to be examined and find any other places where Jesus was, uh, was struck. I believe he was struck.

He's also whipped. Was he not whipped to get through and find out when and give the reason why he wasn't. But here's the thing that I bring up with, uh, surah four one 57, when it says it was made to appear to them, I asked him about that surah. I'll say, so, uh, who made it appear that, uh, Jesus was crucified when he really was not. And they say, well, it was, it was Allah. So Allah deceived people, didn't he? By his direct hand. So Allah by his own hand made someone look like Jesus who was not Jesus to be crucified, who was not crucified. And then supposedly resurrected later because that's what the eyewitnesses said he rose. So, you know, how do they handle that?

But anyway, so it would be, uh, and I've asked this of Muslims and said, so why would you trust your God who willingly deceives people, brings Christianity into existence by the crucifixion of Christ when it really didn't happen and then condemns them for what something that Allah did. What, you know, so there's things. Yeah. I'm going to look at that.

I'll think about it. Okay. Good stuff. All right. Thank you, Matt. All right, buddy. God bless.

All right. Let me, you know, I do this a lot on the Bible. Let me go to surah four and the Quran one 57. This is what it says in the Quran. Uh, they, that they said in boast, we killed Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, the apostle of Allah, but they killed him not nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them. And those who differ there in are full of doubts with no certain knowledge, but only conjecture to follow for of a surety. They killed him not.

All right. So that's sort of four, one 57 out of the Quran. And it says there that they did not crucify him. And like I said, the, the toss fear are the commentaries from Muslim, uh, experts who I asked him, who's the one who made someone look like, uh, like, like Jesus. And they say it was Allah. Then Allah willingly, purposely by his own hand, deceived people.

Didn't he? Oh, they don't like that. Since I'm looking at the Quran, I'm going to, we've got a break coming up here a little bit. We've got a caller coming in.

Give me a call. Four open lines, eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six, uh, sort of four 82. That's right. Um, I'm going to show you how to prove all of Islam false. And that is no joke.

I'm going to show you how to prove all of Islam false. Oh, and there's the break. So I'll have to do it. We come back from the break.

I'll show you how to do it and from what the Quran says. Okay. We right back folks after these messages for open lines, eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live taking your calls at eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six. Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone.

Welcome back to the show for open lines. If you want to give me a call, eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six. Uh, that's why I was going to tell you how to prove all of Islam false. And I'm not joking. And this is because of what the Quran says because Islam is based on this supposed recitation that Mohammed received from Gabriel Gabriel Gabriel. They say angel Gabriel in the darkness of a cave. This is what the Quran says in Surah four 82. Do they not consider the Quran had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found there in much discrepancy.

Now notice what it says. Consider the Quran. If it had not been from Allah, if it was from someplace else, there'd be problems in it.

Okay. Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found there in much discrepancy. So if it's not from Allah, there's going to be problems in the Quran.

Guess what? There's problems in the Quran. Okay. So now what I'm going to do is go to Surah 86 five through seven.

I'm going to read it to you. Now let man but think from what he has created. He has created from a drop.

That word drop is important folks. Okay. He is created from a drop emitted proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs. So I've written an article on this. Okay.

It's on Karm. So what the Quran teaches that a man's seed comes from his chest. Now let man but think from what he's created. He's created from a drop emitted proceeding from between the backbone and the ribs. Like I said, the word drop is important because of what it necessitates in the stuff I can't talk about here on the radio.

So this is what's going on. And that drop emitted proceeding comes from the chest. The Quran says, but the Quran says is for Surah 42 that if there's any discrepancies in the Quran, it's not from Allah. There's one.

There's others. There's one proven that there's a discrepancy in the Quran by the Quran's own words. Therefore the Quran is not from Allah.

Therefore all of Islam is false. See, it's called quick and slick. I like that for open lines. Eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six. Let's get to Jones from Austin, Texas. Hey, welcome here on the air. Hi, how's everything going? Hello. Okay.

So what do you got, buddy? Good. I was just curious, Matt. With some of the stuff that we have going on in the world and stuff like that, I think it's very likely that we're drawing closer and closer towards like, you know, the rapture and judgment day and all that stuff. And I was reading about that in Daniel and then I was reading about that in Revelation. So it's some pretty scary stuff, you know? Yeah. I think the signs are there for sure. Yes, they are.

And others are too. So do you have a question though? Well, I just kind of wanted to, if you wanted to shed some light on this, if you agree with me and all that, and hopefully I ain't going nuts. Well, I'm not sure what you want me to comment on, except that things are getting worse, just like the Bible says, and that the gospel is going to go forth even more and the Christians will be oppressed.

So this is, yeah, it's coming. So do you, do you believe in God? Yes, I do. It's just sometimes, you know, it can be kind of difficult.

Like, you know, the concept of the hypostatic union, it too kind of in a sense is kind of a mystery to me too, you know, like the trinity of the mystery. Okay. So you told, you told the producer that you didn't believe in God.

He's writing me notes. So which is it? It's like agnosticism will deny their faith more disbelief. So you're a functional, you're an atheist and you don't affirm God's existence. Do you? Well, I, the correct answer would be, I don't know outside of earth. I don't know what exists. All right. So, um, can I run something by you? Yeah. All right. Now I don't know where you're coming from, what, how sincere you are in your questioning or what, but everything that occurs, all events, all actualities, potentialities are interrelated to that which precedes them.

Are you so far, you understand what I'm saying? Yeah. Like it's predestined?

No. All events are, that occur, are caused to occur by something else, but precedes them. Events like a following.

Oh no. Like a rock rolling down a hill hits another rock, hits another rock, hits another rock and multiple things are now occurring because of one initial cause. Okay.

Yeah. The one initial cause is God. Now it has to be God. It's either the case that God is the initial cause of all the events that occur in which we exist or it's not the case that God is the initial cause. This is called the true dichotomy. When we say it's either the case A or it's not the case A, there's no third option. It's either the case that one plus one equals two or it's not the case that one plus one equals two. It's so when you have the thing and the negation of the thing, then that's a true dichotomy.

So it's either the case that, for example, the Christian Trinitarian God is the source of the initial source of all events or it's not the case that the Christian Trinitarian God is the source or the initiation of all events. Okay. Are you with me?

Yeah. Now, if you only have two options and one is removed, the other one is verified by the impossibility of the contrary. So I have a cat. It's either the case that the cat built my house or it's not the case that the cat built my house, right?

So I can look and I can say, did the cat build my house? It's not true. So that cannot be true. So the other case is true that it's not the case that the cat bought my house. You can't say both are not true because it's either the case that the cat did it or it's not the case that the cat did it, right? See the one or the other. So it's not the case.

So this is called a disjunctive syllogism that when you have a true dichotomy and you have in this situation where only two possibilities exist to account for something and one is negated than the other is verified in this case. Okay. Yeah. So it's either the case that the universe was caused to come into existence by personal or an impersonal force, personal or impersonal. The problem with an impersonal cause is it would have to be able to have everything necessary to be able to do it. But if it's impersonal, if it's necessary, whatever is in it to do it, it's going to happen automatically because it doesn't make a decision.

It just is. But that would mean the universe is infinitely old. The universe is not infinitely old. Therefore it cannot be the case that an impersonal cause of the universe exists.

It has to be a personal cause. Therefore God exists. Okay. This is simple. This is logic. I highly doubt that a cat knew how to get all the tools and build a house and structure it so perfectly. I just, um, I don't think a cat knows anything outside of all affection and food, you know? Well, the illustration here is that something that exists has to have what's called the necessary sufficient conditions. So a cat does not have both the necessary and sufficient conditions to operate tools and to perform mathematical calculations in order to know angles, et cetera.

It's not capable. So it doesn't have the necessary and sufficient conditions to cause a certain of this big event, the construction of a house. So the truth statement is it is not the case that the cat built the house.

That's true. We know that that is the correct answer. Now there's other ways to talk about what did build a house, but I'm just trying to teach basic logic, which I'm finding more and more people just aren't getting.

Okay. Now basic reasoning too. So the universe came into existence. It was either caused by something personal or not personal, but if it's not personal, then it, how did, how can it bring something into existence? How can it bring into existence universals universal truths like the universal laws of logic and the universality, the laws of mathematics, which are abstract things, which occur in minds. I'm just trying to show you when you start thinking the impersonal option as the initial and ultimate cause of all things, actual and potential cannot be, therefore has to be a personal cause. And from there I can move forward into why it's Trinitarian. You see, this is what you got to understand. Okay. The, the Trinity took about three centuries to invent and nobody in Christ's lifetime ever even heard of the concept.

No, it's not true. You can't say took three centuries. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, Jones, Jones, hold on. You said something. I was responding to it and you can't, you know, you can't just keep going there, man. Let me respond to what you said.

All right. Hey folks, there was a break, four open lines. You want to give me a call?

877-207-2276. Now you'll notice, I did this on purpose so you, the hearers could hear this, but also notice how the unbelieving mind cannot receive the things of God for their foolishness to him. That's what the Bible says.

First Corinthians 2 14. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. All right. Welcome back to the show. Four open lines. Why don't you give me a call?

877-207-2276. Okay. Jones has gone. He made a statement. One word can be very, very important. He said it took three centuries for the people to invent the doctrine of the Trinity and that no one knew about it beforehand. Those are two statements that cannot be verified to be true. For one, they didn't invent the doctrine of the Trinity. They developed it and discovered it by looking at scripture, but what we're saying is that they understood what it was by looking at God's word. They didn't invent it because the connotation of invent means it wasn't there. It's not really there. It is made it up.

And that's the thing that you got to be careful when they use words like that. And the other thing is that no one understood what the Trinity was beforehand. Well, that's Jesus who's God issue here, you see, because of course Jesus is God.

Of course you would have known about the Trinity and the Trinity is biblical. And, uh, I've taught on it a lot, know how to defend it and, um, and such nevertheless. So, uh, these are just basic things.

And here's something that's interesting. I've been going into, uh, various chat systems. Um, so I go into discord and generally speaking, the people in discord, uh, to chat system are a little bit more educated and grounded than the people in a place I go to called clubhouse. They are generally a little more grounded, logical than those I find in a place called pal talk. They are generally more grounded than the place I go to and the metaverse.

I go to big screen and I talk in the metaverse, you know, with the oculus 3d stuff and I go into chat rooms and have discussions, do some teaching. And, uh, one of the things I've noticed in, uh, in my forays into discussing things with people is the, uh, the profound lack of ability of critical thought. Um, I'm not saying I've got it all down.

I'm not saying I don't make any mistakes in critical thinking, but I'm talking about the very basics of things and it is just amazing. I was in a discussion with some people who, uh, were discussing some, some sophisticated issues of quantum mechanics and as it relates to free will. And I brought up this issue, I said, well then if you're going to be discussing free will, then are you property dualists or are you substance dualists? And they didn't know what it meant, so I'd explain it.

Not a big deal. We don't know all terms. A substance dualist would say that the mind is a separate substance in the physical brain so that when the physical brain ceases to exist or dies, the mind can continue on. Property dualism will say that the mind is a property of the physical brain so that when the physical brain ceases to function, then the mind ceases to exist. So this would mean that the mind is a property of the physical realm.

And if the problem of property dualism is that it means that you can't know anything is true because the mind is a property of the chemical reactions of the brain. Chemical reactions are just chemical reactions are necessary things. It doesn't produce proper logical inference. It just produces logical, excuse me, proper, excuse me, I'm going to say this the right way.

It just produces necessary chemical reactions. How do you know the necessary chemical reactions are producing proper logical inference? This is the question and the issue. Maybe some of you are following me, maybe some of you are not. So anyway, here's the background. So I'm in a conversation with people who can understand these concepts. And I said, look, it's either the case that the mind is a product of the physical brain or it's not the case that the mind is a product of the physical brain. Now that's a true dichotomy because in a true dichotomy you have the thing and the negation of the thing.

So I said, that's what it is. And they said, that's a false dichotomy. And I said, well, no, it's not a false dichotomy. I said, it's a true dichotomy. We have the thing and the negation of the thing here. We have the case that it's either the property dualism is true or it's not the case that property dualism is true.

You know, the idea that the mind is a product of the physical brain. And they said, no, it's a false dichotomy. I said, okay, what's the third option then?

And they couldn't give me one. And it was interesting at this point was I said, well, you know, if you can't give me a third option, you haven't demonstrated that my statement's not true. And I said, I'm surprised that you guys don't understand the basics here of what a true dichotomy is. And they got offended. And they said, oh, you can't judge us.

And I'm like, what is going on that we can't even have a basic conversation on logic, go over some of the basic stuff and people just can't say, well, you're correct. That's right. That is a true dichotomy. And I have had a few people say, guys, that's what it is.

You're right. In fact, I was in a, get this, I was actually in an atheist room discussing similar issues and the true dichotomy issue came up and I was addressing it to them. And as is often the case, and with some atheists, they were saying, it's not a true dichotomy. And I said, what's the third thing?

And then they were just attacking me. And to my surprise, an atheist got up and said that what I was saying was true. And he said to these guys, you guys don't know the logic. He's correct. And he said, I don't agree with Matt's conclusions about everything and God and everything. But he says, but he's correct. That's what a true dichotomy is.

That's what it is. And they were shut down because an atheist corrected them. They wouldn't let me correct them in this issue. And I'm not saying I'm the great teacher of the universe, but I'm just saying, you know, this is the basics of logic. And I'm finding that this is more and more of a prevalent problem. So here's a question. If the issue of logic and critical thinking is not on the forefront of a lot of people's minds, a lot of people's thinking, then what takes its place? And my theory of what takes its place is indoctrination and emotionalism. Indoctrination they get from TV, radio, music. They're indoctrinated into certain thinking patterns. And so they submit truth values and logic values to their indoctrination because they elevate their indoctrination above logic.

This is what my theory is what I've observed. I've seen this in the case many times. So when I talk to atheists who are indoctrinated inside their atheist worldviews and they're the people that they know who pat them on the back about atheism, I'll go in and listen to them talk and I'll listen to them. It doesn't just happen in atheists, but I've listened to them in Catholics and with Eastern Orthodox. I'll listen to them build a case on a premise that is not necessarily true.

And when I demonstrate or try to demonstrate that the premise that they're holding is not necessarily true, then they get offended. And when I say I'm not trying to offend, I'm trying to deal with an issue of logic. The most common problem I've heard is the issue of a true dichotomy to either the case that A or it's not the case that A.

No third option. And another issue is dealing with causation. Now this is just basic stuff. I know you don't hear this kind of thing from many Christian apologists, but an event that comes into existence is caused to have come into existence. Something had to precede it for it to come into existence. So if I take a ball and it's on my coffee table and I take my finger and I poke the ball and it rolls off the edge and falls onto the carpet, the event of the rolling of that ball was preceded by my poking it. Now what's interesting is that the contact of poking and the initial movement are pretty much simultaneous.

And then we get a logical priority, won't do that now. So my poking the ball caused the ball to move and then eventually fall down and etc. So the movement of the ball was preceded by something else. This is basic physics, basic logic, basic stuff that an event that comes into being is caused to come into being. So all events that came into being must have a cause.

It's basic stuff. This is not hard. This is not rocket science. So when I talk to people about these kinds of things I discover, to my surprise, that a lot of them cannot understand the issue of causation. And many of them have said that events can just bring themselves into existence. That's how the universe came into existence. And I try and show them, I say, well do you see the illogic of that? Because in order for something to perform an action it has to exist to perform an action.

If it doesn't exist, there's no action that can be performed. Do you understand this? And they say, we don't care what you say, we know that the universe brought us up. I've had people tell me this. Not just one or two, but a lot of people. And I believe it's because of the indoctrination. They cannot accept the idea of God causing something, the universe, to come into existence. And because of it, they cannot think critically and they cannot think logically. You see, this is something I'm finding is becoming more prevalent in America and across the world, because I talk to people all over the world, but I'm discovering this is a problem. When I try and work with them and teach them the basics of logic, I find a really profound resistance to it.

I do. Now, in Christianity however, we can make sense of everything by presupposing, by assuming the truth of the Word of God and the Trinitarian revelation of God's essence. And when we understand that the Trinitarian God is the initial cause of all things actual as well as potential, all things that actually do come into existence, and all things that might have but don't come into existence. God is the one who initiates all actualities by the exertion of his will of bringing into existence the universe. And all events that occur in the universe are the direct relationship in the causal chain of what God initiated.

There you go. So remember, the universe came into existence. And people say, well, man, what about God coming into existence? He didn't. The Christian God did not come into existence.

He always was. Psalm 90, verse 2. Now, we're almost out of time here, so I'm going to skip that part. But when we look at the issue of causation, then the cause has to be either personal or impersonal. Is it the case that it's personal or it's not the case that it's personal?

And if it's not personal, then it has to be personal. That means God created the universe. Well, how do you demonstrate that the impersonal cause does not work? And that's where you get into the issues of necessary and sufficient conditions, that something that would bring an event into being has to have the necessary and sufficient conditions to cause the event to occur.

So whatever it was had to have that quality in itself naturally. And we get into these discussions. So anyway, this is just some of the stuff I do and talk with outside of the radio. I talk with people about these kinds of things in different venues.

Sometimes my home Bible study, sometimes online, and there's different discussions we try and educate and get people to see that truth is there because God is a necessary precondition for all truth. Anyway, there you go. Hey, I hope that was entertaining. May the Lord bless you and by His grace we're back on the air tomorrow and we'll talk to you then. We'll see you everybody. God bless. Bye. Another program powered by the Truth Network.
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