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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
April 23, 2022 4:00 am

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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April 23, 2022 4:00 am

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Topics include---1- What happened to the Israelites who didn't enter the promised land after they died---2- When we die where do we go- Was that different before Christ was crucified---3- Can you explain 1 Corinthians 7, dealing with marriage and sexuality---4- Matt further discusses marriage and fornication.--5- Matt discusses Catholicism.--6- Is it okay to watch horror movies---7- Why is there no discussion of reincarnation---9- Does God recognize and differentiate between men the women---10- Does John 5-13-15 just apply to Christ-

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Matt Slick Live!
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The following program is recorded content created by the Truth Network. It's Matt Slick live. Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry found online at When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick live.

Francis taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. All right. Hey everybody, welcome to the show. It is me, Matt Slick, and you're listening to Matt Slick live. If you're a newbie, Slick is my real name, and grew up with it, learned to run as a kid, and it kind of works out, you know, Matt Slick live, and Slick radio, and of course I learned to pay for it by learning to run as a kid and stuff like that, so no big deal.

All right, hey look, so, oh, I have to clear my throat there. I want to say thanks to the people who support it. I asked last night, I asked if people would, let's see, get that going, there we go, it should work now, and so I asked if people would support us in the radio, because we do need that support, and people came through and just want to say thank you. I may get some first names. I don't like getting people's names out over the air first, you know, first and last, but first names, okay, that way you don't know who they are and they get recognized, so I might do that.

So there you go for that. So, excuse me, I just want to say thanks, and we do need to stay on the air, and the only way to do that is by your support, so if you like the idea of having us still be on the air and having us be on the air and have me be able to answer questions the way I do, then all you got to do is go to forward slash donate, help us out. You can also go to, you know, you could also also go to and you could support them, and if you would, you could say, hey, this is for Matt's show or whatever it is, but better, you know, it works if it comes through us, so that way we can keep track of everything. All right, now, so we answer questions here on all kinds of topics, secular and sacred, and I've been working on the NAR, New Apostolic Reformation, been working on that a lot, and basically I kind of finished, I haven't had time to release it though, I finished an article today and I analyzed, you know, I just do this kind of a thing, but I analyzed 144 different occurrences of a single Greek word in the Bible, the word prophet, and I've done prophetic, I've done prophetess, and things like that, 144 occurrences, and I went through each verse and then looked at what it means, you know, with how the word prophet is used, so like, you know, for example, this took place to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet, that's an Old Testament prophet, so that would be singular, and then there's Old Testament prophets, and that's plural, so then what I did was I categorized them and put them in an outline form in the article, so you can see what, you know, I've seen gleaned as the analysis of the word, and I'll release that tonight or tomorrow, and I can teach Bible study tonight too, so I'll let you guys know about that. If you're interested, you can go check that out, and I think that's about it. I'm gonna have to put that on the calendar, forward slash calendar, I'll put all that information up there so you can go there and click the links and stuff like that, but yeah, I'm just blabbing. Okay, hey look, three open lines, if you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276, give me a call, let's get on the phones with Kevin from Kentucky. Kevin, welcome, you're on the air.

Hello, yeah, can hear you. Oh, okay, my question is, do those people who didn't make it into the Promised Land, the Israelites, the ones that were traveling with Moses, did they enter into heaven or not? Yeah, I would say most of them or a lot of them did. They broke the covenant, but it doesn't mean they weren't saved. So they were justified by the faith and the level of the faith that they had at the time and what they were.

They grumbled. Even Moses made a mistake, and God judged him for it, but it doesn't mean he wasn't saved. So I can't tell you, did all of them make it? No, I couldn't say that, but I could tell you that a lot of them did.

So, you know, just say that, okay. I just don't understand because I did see a commentary that said what you said, but at the end of chapter 3, it says something about Hebrews 3, it talks about their unbelief. So I was kind of curious, what does it mean by that then? And so we see that they were not able to enter because of unbelief. Yeah, they didn't enter the Promised Land because of their unbelief. They were doubting God. But it automatically does not mean, it doesn't mean they weren't saved because people can have different levels of belief and disbelief, even believing in God. You know, Lord, I believe, help my unbelief. I forgot what verse it is, but there's stuff like that in the scriptures. So basically, I would say a lot of them entered, a lot of them didn't enter into heaven. It all depends on what they were doing in their hearts before God, as they trusted in God. Like I said, you can have people who are believers in the true, living God, and then just blow it. You can, and they do.

So that's probably what happened. Okay. Okay. Thank you, man. You guys have a blessed day. All right, man. You too. God bless, buddy.

All right. We have four open lines. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. Let's get to Jamal from North Carolina. Jamal, welcome.

You're on the air. Brother Slick, how you doing, sir? Doing all right.

Hanging in there. What do you got, buddy? Good deal. Good deal. I got a two-parter. Let's see. I got a two-parter. Let's see.

I'm going to try to see if I can kind of get as much as I can. So when we die, where do we go? Because I want to talk about or ask you about being in a resurrected body coming into Rapture. So before that time, when folks die, where do they go before they go into their new, reformed bodies? Before the crucifixion of Christ, they were separated from their body and were alive and conscious. And 2 Corinthians 5, 8, 2 Corinthians 12, 2 through 4. You can also go to Luke 16, 19 through 31, the story of a rich man in Lazarus. And so before the crucifixion of Christ, it looks like the believers went to a holding place called Abraham's bosom.

Another word for it is paradise. The bad people went to Hades as a bad place. Now this will ultimately, the bad place will be ultimately cast out into hell and the outer darkness. So after Christ's resurrection, it looks like since the atoning work had been accomplished, then it looks like we have direct access to heaven.

And so when we die as Christians, we go be with the Lord in heaven, but we're not in our resurrected glorified bodies yet. Okay. Okay. All right.

Sounds good. Thank you, sir. Uh, the second part is the, uh, uh, movie father's stew. Uh, saw the movie pretty good.

What movie? But you know, uh, father's stew with, uh, oh yeah. Okay. Uh huh. Too bad he's Catholic. Yup.

That's what I was. That's the whole thing about this whole question. Uh, has some good faith connotations to it, but it comes from a Catholic wondering, can God work through people who are in other faiths? Of course he can. He can work through people who are in other faiths.

Uh, he can. Um, but, uh, Roman Catholicism is not Christian flat out. It's, it's pagan. Uh, and so, you know, I saw that movie. I thought, just mind to go see that movie because I like Mark Wahlberg.

I think he's a good actor. Um, yeah, me too. But, uh, you know, it's, this might be going, I might go just for research purposes. I've actually gone to movies just for that reasons, because I know people are going to call me up and ask me on the show. Have you seen this or that?

Of course they don't look, see the best movie ever though. I have to say this, the best movie ever is the second movie in the series. Alien aliens with Sigourney Weaver. That's the best one. I've seen it. That's right.

One of my favorites. Oh, that's good too. Oh, you are a smart man. You are obviously well adjusted.

Obviously that is right. I've even written a sci-fi novel. I love sci-fi.

Always have. So, um, but at any rate, uh, yeah, so I'll probably go see the movie just for research purposes. Um, just so I can, you know, know what's going on with their thoughts, uh, what is taught because based on a true story, but no, Catholicism is not Christian.

It teaches a false gospel. And, uh, that's what it is. You know, I say that and people, they get upset, but that's what it is and I'd be glad to defend it. Right. So, yeah. Okay.

I just wanted to get your perspective on it and I have checked out or have heard about your sci-fi book, I believe it's called Time Trap. That's correct. Okay. Um, check it out. Yeah.

Yeah. I plan on it and, you know, considering the taste of movies, especially now with aliens, it's one of my favorite ones as well. I really don't have to check it out now, but there's so many other books, like you said, I have so many books I have to read and, you know, full disclosure, uh, one of them is the Bible. So I said, okay, if I've got to read any books first, it's gotta be the Bible. So I'm up to Psalms now. So once I get finished with that, then I get to the other ones and hopefully Time Trap will be on that docket as well. Oh yeah. Well, it'll take you a long time to read through the Bible, but if you get bored and you want to have something entertaining to read, you can read my novel, The Time Trap.

It's about a creature that relates to time differently than the people do that it encounters out in space and things go wrong. Things go bad because of it. Yeah. Okay.

All right. And, uh, where can I find it available? Amazon. Go to Amazon, type in Matt Slick and you'll see all kinds of books I've written. I've written a novella called Atheistica and it's about an island that forms in a super rich guy who's an atheist, buys it and converts it to a utopia for atheists and things don't go well. And then there's another novel I've written called The Influence and that's between demonic forces, angelic forces, uh, wrestling, so to speak, over, uh, an unbeliever named Mark and what happens to him and things like that. And so, yeah, that did very, very well and, uh, and, uh, I need to finish the series. I got two more to write in it, but I have so much to do.

Yeah. Sometimes though, sometimes I'll read the, I'll read the one page chapter from the second book and everybody loves it because, oh, they love it. So, uh, but yeah, I like writing. It's a lot of fun.

I like fiction, but anyway, go ahead. Yeah. Uh, I was going to ask, uh, when the next time you're going to be in the Triad area from North Carolina. I've only been out there once like 15 years ago. I've not been invited out there. And, um, that was just a visitor friend for something else.

I was doing something or seeing a conference any rate. Uh, so if they, you know, just offer them, you know, if anybody wants me to come out and teach and, uh, do a debate or just to have a session for a night or two or three where you fire questions and I teach Bible studies and put things together and be glad to do that. Uh, they can always contact me, but, um, you know, that's it. But Hey, come on.

Who'd want to have a guy named slick come out in their church and let them loose. That would not be good. What's that? Yeah.

Yeah. But you know what I'd like to teach out there in particular is the issue of women pastors because that is a, it's, it's bad. And I would love to just do a series from church to church and why women pastors are not biblical and why it's bad for the Christian church and society. And I can connect the dots with all of it. I can't have been debating it, teaching it for a long time. And it says, I always do. I say, here we go, folks, but doing on radio 17 years, once again, I'm going to offer if anybody wants to have a formal debate with me on, does the Bible permit women pastors and elders? Um, then, uh, you know, let's set it up a formal debate and let's set it up.

And in 17 years, I've not had one taker. Why is that? I wonder why the crowd is surprised. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Well, uh, I'm not gonna hold you guys up any longer. Uh, thank you for your commentary for your insight as always, uh, God bless you.

I hope your wife, um, you know, uh, you know, gets better. Thank you. All right, man. Thanks butter. All right.

God bless. Check out my book. Okay. Hey folks, we have wide open lines, five lines. Give me a call.

8 7 7 2 0 7 2 2 7 6. We'll be right back. Give me call. It's Matt Slick live taking your calls at 8 7 7 2 0 7 2 2 7 6. Here's Matt Slick everybody. Welcome back to the show.

If you want to give me a call for open lines, 8 7 7 2 0 7 2 2 7 6. Let's get to Kenny from North Carolina. Kenny. Welcome. You're on the air. Thank you. All right.

What do you got then? Okay. Um, coming from 1st Corinthians 7 and 9, the Bible said if they can't contain themselves.

Children listening. Um, so this would be generic about what we're going to be saying. So I'm not sure what your question is. Uh, the idea of marriage is to control those kinds of passions and to have an outlet for them so that people don't fall into sin. Now I've written a section on Karm dealing with sexuality and there's a lot of questions and I deal with that topic and other topics and I would recommend you go there and check it out. Uh, because I don't like to just give a one answer for every situation. There are different situations and different things. And so I go through some stuff that's interesting.

I've had a lot of people comment on them and say very interesting articles and, uh, and stuff. Okay. Okay. So, and also it says in 1st Corinthians 7 is talk about the present condition, the situation. They were under heavy persecution. And so, uh, it is better for a couple of a man, excuse me, to be married and to burn in lust and to be, um, entertaining things.

He shouldn't be entertaining. Let's just leave it in that generic sense. And I'm going to speak, this is important when I speak to the people who are listening because there are a lot of so-called Christians who are living in sin or living with each other, you know, uh, male and female and, oh, it's okay. We love each other.

No, it's not okay. If you love each other, you won't sin against God and participate in sin and harm the other person spiritually before God. If you love each other, love is not an excuse to disobey God.

Uh, you get married or you don't live together, period. That's how it is. And people need to hear that. And I need to tell them that, and they need to obey God and not man or their fleshly desires, especially men who use women to satisfy themselves. And then often the women are the ones who had to pay the price by getting pregnant and other things.

And men are a lot of largely irresponsible and, uh, a lot of these contexts. So a lot of mart and a lot of them are very good, you know, guys, but, uh, anyway, it was just, it's just a generic, whatever. Okay. Okay. Well, thank you so much for answering. All right, man.

God bless. Hey, we have four, five open lines actually wide open. If you want to give me a call eight seven seven two zero seven two two seven six. Oh, this issue here is a really important issue. I do teach on it. I have to be very careful when I teach on it. I don't teach on it publicly unless, uh, I'm in a controlled environment in a controlled room where I can say, you know, there's a warning.

This is the kind of topic we're going to be getting into and talk about human sexuality, the limits. When I do marriage counseling, premarital counseling, before I perform a wedding, I require the couple to submit to my counseling. And I say, if you don't do that, it's only been one time when I didn't do that with somebody, but that's a special circumstance. They were unbelievers and they just wanted to get married and asked me to do it.

And I said, okay, you're unbelievers. But, um, normally what I'll do with anybody who's Christian, they have to go through the counseling and I have to work through various issues. I start with the doctrine of the Trinity. And one of the things we get to eventually is human sexuality.

We talk about all kinds of stuff. What is permissible, what's not permissible, uh, biblically. And so it's a delicate topic, but I've encountered so many people, so many Christians who think that fornication is okay. God understands as long as you love each other and you're not going out on each other, you're going out on each other, you're not married. It's okay.

No, it's not. It's a great sin. And the reason I'm bringing this up is because if there's anybody out there right now and you're driving, you're listening to podcasts, listening at home, whatever it is, and you're in that situation where you claim to be a Christian, you claim it, you say you're walking with the Lord and you are living with your boyfriend or girlfriend and sleeping together and all of that kind of stuff, then you are in great sin and great rebellion against God. And one of the things I ask the couples that I, and I'll go over this a little bit here, women have to understand about men and vice versa. So it's one couple, I've done this more than once in premarital counseling, you know, I'll ask the question, have you been fooling around? And they'll kind of squirm in their seats. And the ones who say, you know, who have been, they'll say, yeah. I say, okay, when's the last time? And they'll give me an answer. And I say, well, what do you think of that? Well, you know, we shouldn't do this.

And I say, well, why is that? And I want to see where they're at. And, you know, I want them to get to the place of the blood of Christ has bought us and cleansed us from sin and that we're not to abide in it.

And I wanted them to get to that place, depending on how many questions they answer and how deep they answer. I will then guide them to that place of the cross. And then I want to talk to them about the severity of sin and that Jesus redeemed us from that. And that we're not to participate in those things. If you claim to be a Christian and you are fornicating, then don't call yourself a Christian.

Just don't do it. Call yourself something else. But if you're going to follow Christ, it means to pick up the cross daily and go after him. And it doesn't mean that you satisfy your flesh and doesn't mean that you satisfy your flesh so that you feel good. And then you claim to be a Christian in your hypocrisy. That's a very serious offense to God. And I warned the couples that I teach.

I said, you're lucky God hasn't killed you. I show them in scripture where a man in first Corinthians five, this man was having relations with his father's wife. And Paul said, deliver him over to Satan for the destruction of his flesh.

So soul be Satan, day of judgment. It's a serious thing. And I want them, I want you, I want them to understand the severity of it. And then I turn to, to the man and I'll say, so what's your goal in marriage? And I want them to get to the place of marriages to glorify God and other things. You know, we need companionship. We need love for procreation, for gratification, and it is all legitimate things inside of marriage, but ultimately it's to glorify God. Is it for his glory or for your own satisfaction? And that's something to talk about because people need to mature in those things.

And what's the reason. And then what I'll do is I address the woman and I say, so you've been fooling around. Okay. And you know, I warn them, I said, you do this anymore. We push the marriage back six months.

We go through counseling. I mean, I I'm serious. I said, no, you think I'm joking?

I'm not joking. You know, you can do this anymore. And they said, you, you know, they have to be separated and everything. And they're shocked. I tell them, they go, that's not what you want. Then you go find somebody else to tell you what you want to hear, but I'm telling you the truth. You know, wow.

And so then I turn to the woman. I say, do you trust this guy? Oh yeah, of course. I want to marry him.

Really? You trust him? Is he a good spiritual leader?

Well, yeah. So he's led you into fornication. He hasn't guarded you. He hasn't protected you from that. He's taken from you. It belongs in marriage. So he's offended God and sinned against him and you. And you trust him?

This is the man you want to marry? Oh, I'm telling you. Gets attention. After the break, I'll tell you what else I do.

Get their attention. If you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. We have five open lines, wide open. Give me a call. Be right back after these messages. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. Hey everybody. Welcome back to the show.

We have nobody waiting right now. And when that happens, I get the number out, then I start teaching on a topic. So if you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276. So the Roman Catholic Church, I mentioned it earlier and it stuck with me. I want people to understand that the Roman Catholic Church is not Christian. And when I say that, people are offended, people are surprised, and I understand.

But I have to tell the truth. You see, the Roman Catholic Church is not preaching the true living gospel. It's not preaching that which is based on the scriptures. It's basing stuff on its own tradition.

And there's a point to be made here. Because what they do is they submit the word of God to their tradition, to their church authority. When that happens, you're basically guaranteed to go into error. If the Bible is not the final authority that you judge all truth by, but there's an equal judge of truth, namely their tradition, their church councils, their church authority, then automatically what will happen is that they are either on equal level with scripture or functionally superior to it because they have the authority to tell you what it really means. When they have the authority to tell you what it means, it means it means it is under their authority. And so the Christian, the Catholic Church at this point becomes de facto interpreter of what the word of God says, and you have to follow whatever it says. Now the question then is, how do you know the Roman Catholic Church is interpreting scripture properly? And this is something that's really a problem for a lot of Catholics is I ask them questions and I quote the scripture to them.

And what happens is they will automatically insert into verses a Catholic theological perspective, even when the verse does not support it or even Gunnar Dickson. Now this is a generic approach to something, but I want to tell you, you need to have the word of God as your standard, your ultimate standard of truth. There's nothing beyond it. Now God himself, of course, but we don't have access to God himself on his throne with a phone call. We can text him.

We can say, Hey, what about this? We have the scriptures. It is the final authority and everything it addresses. It's the terminus.

A terminus means there's nothing beyond it. No church authority, nothing. So people might then say, well, how do you know Matt, that your interpretation of scripture is correct? Well, we just go to the scriptures and read what it says. When I go to John 11 35 and it says, Jesus wept, I don't need authority from a church or some apostolic succession tradition connecting the dots through history to say, now I have the authority to tell you what it means. That's just ridiculous. You can read what it says. Now there's some times or difficulties.

And then what I do is people that I teach them how to study so you can do it for yourself. You know, you don't have to put your faith and trust in a church organization. That's where your salvation lies because the Catholic church said there's no salvation outside the Catholic church.

That's what Trent said. So they're the ones taking the place of Christ and exalting themselves. Now this is very generic. I know there's a lot of Catholics out there who just don't believe what I'm telling you. Well, you know, okay. I would just say politely, call me up and let's talk about it. You know, give you some scripture.

Let's talk. If you think you can defend your position from scripture, because that's all it takes. If I was ever to debate a Catholic, it's going to be, does the Bible teach whatever it is, the topic, the church fathers, the councils. I don't care about them. I really don't. I want to know what the word of God says, what God's word says, not man's history, man's interpretation of history and things.

I want what God says and you should too. All right. Let's get to Randall from West Virginia. Randall. Welcome. You are on the air. Hello.

Am I coming through Claire? You are. You are. So what do you got buddy? Okay.

I'm your faithful listener from West Virginia. My TV screen's messed up. So you look much better than usual. That's awesome. Good for you. All right. When it comes to scary horror movies that we watch, uh, should there be a line drawn or is it up to us to what we watch?

I don't, I just don't matter. I watch horror movies inside. Like the killer tomatoes movie.

That's a horror movie that, you know, attack of the killer tomatoes. Well, you know, I mean them, you know, uh, but, uh, so how far do we go watching horror movies? That's a good question. You see, the thing is different people are in different levels of sanctification and they can deal with different things.

So let me sidestep and illustrate something. So one of the things I do for a living is read atheist material, Mormon material. Uh, I'll read Islamic material. Well, this is all bad stuff. Should I be participating in what they're doing? Should I be spending money to get their books?

Do I can study them? Should I spend money on a horror movie? Well, you see, it's not black and white. I believe in freedom. I believe in the grace of God and I believe it also should not misuse that grace. Different people have different levels of what they can enjoy and tolerate. Just as it says in first Corinthians 10, that we can eat, meet, sacrifice to idols.

It doesn't mean that we are to enjoy paganism, but that we're not affected by it because it's, uh, it's just meet, sacrifice to idols. The principle is, yeah, it was bad in its origin, but we can, we can still participate. Now I'm going to be careful here because I don't want to say, yeah, let's watch all the horror movies where, and I want to say certain things. There's certain, there's certain things that we can do. Certain things. There are certain ideas that happened in varying movies, all kinds of movies that are very ungodly.

Now here's a question. We talked about this in seminary. What do you do if you're a Christian who's an actor in Hollywood and they ask you to play a part, let's say a murderer. Can you play the part of a murderer?

Generally the conclusion was, yes, you can. If in the script the murderer gets what's coming to him properly, but you should not play a murderer, for example, if he gets away with everything and that's just it, then it's being the glorification of it without the consequence of judgment. So I never forgot that principle because I thought it was wise. All right, so let's look at horror movies, sci-fi movies. Like I love aliens, you know, I love aliens movies and predator movies. I just like that stuff. Oh, just great. I've seen aliens 70 times, seven zero.

Yeah, I keep track and I can quit whenever I want. It's right. And so, you know, it has screaming and running and aliens coming out and eating you and it's, you know, pretty scary. I love aliens movies.

Am I affected by it? What's that? I love the alien movies.

I buy the DVDs and rip them and then edit them so my kids can watch them without the language. There you go. See, it's a good thing to do. But now the second, yeah. I'm just saying that there's levels. There's levels. It's a hard thing to say.

That's what I'm trying to say is that it depends on the individual and how far you can go. You don't want to participate on screen in abject sin that is not punished. Okay. Yeah. That kind of a thing. Now I will turn them off when they start using Jesus name and stuff. That's right.

I mute it. That's right. Yep.

Yeah. Second part of my question real quick is, uh, going beyond the werewolves and vampires and stuff, what about a demonic possession movie? Did Christians watch any of those? I don't see why not. If they're based on true stories and, uh, you know, Christianity wins out.

I don't see a problem. I wrote a novel called the influence and it's, it's, there's a guy named leech in there who's possessed and I describe it from his perspective and there's demonic forces that are trying to kill Mark and his wife, Kathy. And then there's an angel called Soter, which is short from Soteriology salvation. Soter is his name.

And he reveals himself to Mark and answers questions. And you know, there's, there's all kinds of stuff. So sure.

Why not? I would even be able to write a novel dealing with werewolves and vampires if it was for the purpose of, of somehow getting that gospel message in there and glorifying God through it. So, okay. You know, I read the influence and I loved it. And so yeah, there wasn't nothing wrong with that. That was a perfect book and you did really well with it.

Thank you. Did you like the descriptions of the, of the demonic forces? I got some people commenting on those.

They go, man, they're scary. Kind of read like Frank Verretti a little bit. Yeah. I talked to, yeah, I talked to Frank on a radio interview. Once we got talking, we hit it off pretty well, but, um, yeah, it was like that.

He had, they had weapons I had done cause you know, you know, and stuff. Yeah. So anyway, yeah. Okay. All right. Thank you very much, man. All right, man. Well, God bless buddy.

All right. Let's get on the air with John from Raleigh, North Carolina. John, welcome. You are on the air.

Oh, and there's the break. Hey, there's a timing. Hey, sorry, John. Hold on buddy. Be right back. Okay.

Sorry about that. We'll be right back after these messages for open lines 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276.

Here's Matt Slick. Hey everybody. Welcome back to the show.

Okay. Let's get back on there with John. Hey John, sorry about that. What do you got buddy?

Oh, hey sergeant major. Um, I would like to know where, why in scripture, uh, there's no resurrection. Uh, sorry. No reincarnation. Just because reincarnation is not true. It's refuted by Hebrews 927.

It's appointed on the men to die once after this is judgment or yeah, not 27. So reincarnation is just not a biblical or true doctrine. And there's lots of things that Bible doesn't teach about, you know, uh, universals and, uh, doesn't teach about, uh, quantum physics or the size of the universe or orbital patterns and things like that. But yeah.

Okay. What about in the Old Testament? What about the Old Testament? Doesn't reincarnation is not top period in the Bible.

So something's not taught. Well, you know, aside from Hebrews, uh, did that essentially say because it's not there, like it's the obvious would be the grass is not green in the Bible that the grass is not green. No reincarnation. Reincarnation is not true. It's against the scripture. It's appointed under men to die once then judgment that refutes reincarnation. Therefore it's not going to be taught in the Old Testament. Plus there's references in the Old Testament about the beginning of the soul of Adam. He became a life-giving spirit.

Uh, when he, the breath of life came into Adam in the garden, there was no preexistence of a reincarnation. Okay. Yep. Um, I was listening, catching up, uh, April 1st, you had mentioned, uh, they had, uh, somebody brought up, I guess, uh, 10 commandments at gluttony. And there I had it with the, not just food that we're talking about, come to realize that, um, I've got to work on like TV, uh, or even work can be where you're, uh, like neglecting family overwork. Uh, that was also very interesting in the discussion we had back in the beginning of April. Yeah.

Praise God. Gluttony can be, uh, placed on anything besides food. Normally it is, it's considered a food thing, but, uh, we can stretch it a little bit. Gluttony is a, you know, a perverse self-satisfaction of food where you can have perverse self-satisfactions of other things as well. And so you can, uh, feed yourself too much of it. So in a loose sense, yeah.

And you can have that have applied there too. Okay. All right. Okay.

Thank you so much. Bless you. All right, man. God bless. All right. Let's get on the air with, uh, Fred from North Carolina.

Fred, welcome. You're on the air. Yeah. How you doing? Doing all right. Hanging in there, man.

So what do you got buddy? I got a question about, you know, uh, about me speaking about women. Can't be pastors. And I understand what the Bible says and everything, but I always wondered, uh, does God really, um, if he reaches out to somebody, does he see if they're man or woman, or does he recognize them as true believers?

It's not an either or. He recognizes people as male and female because he created the male and female. This is the Genesis 1 26, 2 28.

This is the created order of God. Adam was a male. He was a female. I'm a male.

My wife's a female. That's the created order. And he, when he sees us in Christ in Galatians 3 28, there's either male nor female. They're all one in Christ. That's talking about salvation. He doesn't look at our gender and determining salvation, but he does recognize males and females where different women came up to Christ, different men came up to Christ. So men and women are clearly taught, differentiated in the new Testament. And so there is no confusion of stuff except for the condemnation of wearing women's clothes and, uh, the perversion of that kind of a thing and sexual immorality.

Those things include homosexuality, pedophilia, uh, transgenderism, uh, and other things. Yeah, but I was just wondering, you know, if, uh, if you wanted to reach to a woman and that woman did become a preacher and followed what he reached out for her to do, is that still wrong? Wait, you're saying God called a woman to be a pastor in violation of his own word? I'm saying if he reached to a woman and she was told to be a pastor.

Told by whom? No, fooled. I mean fooled by her faith. Fooled? You mean deceived? You mean deceived? You're hard to understand.

It's not a very good connection. Do you mean deceived? No, I don't. I can't understand you. I can't understand you. I can't understand you.

You have to use a different word. Pulled. Pulled.

P-U-L-L. Pulled into that. Okay.

Why would that? Pulled into it. I'm not sure what that means to be pulled into it. In other words, okay, she was drawn to do that. I don't know what you mean by drawn to do it.

See, I have to know more specifics. You know, when you have generalities like this that are non-specific, what does it mean pulled into? People are telling her she needs it. She's feeling like it.

She's feeling like it. You know, what does it mean? And they're not to be women, women are not to be pastors and elders. Seriously, that's what the Bible teaches. Yeah, yeah, but in other words, like if a man wants, he comes to a pastor, a lot of times they say that he's been drawn to it. That he's been drawn to become that pastor. And he's probably touched by God in certain ways. And women say they have the same thing.

I know. Then my question is, so then you're judging truth by your experience. The Bible says, Paul does not allow a woman to exercise authority but remain silent for Adam was first created. The elders are to be husbands of one wife, a pastor is an elder, so women can't meet that. They're not to be pastors and not to be elders. That's what the scriptures teach.

And so when women and people, this is what gets me, is they'll say, well, I feel led. Oh, so in other words, scripture doesn't matter. What you feel is what the final authority is, not God's word. And then women will get into the pulpit and say, well, God called me. God, how do you know? Because I know inside.

Oh, so what's your experience? What does the word of God say? No, they submitted scripture to the word of God. And when men do that, I can't hear you. I can't hear you. I cannot hear you. I can't hear you guy.

You need a better connection. No, it's not with them. Not with them. It isn't. It's their feelings. It's their sensibilities. It's their experience.

This is why they are in error. And this is why the church, usually the churches that women pastor, usually go into more heresy. That's not to say that if men are pastoring, they won't.

Men do it too. But it always occurs when people don't take the word of God seriously and when they don't use it as the final authority and they take it very seriously. When women say that they're called by God to be pastors, I say, show me that in scripture. When the Bible teaches contrary to it and they speak in contradiction of the scriptures, I can't trust them. And we should not trust them. And I'm going to say to people again, if you attend a woman pastor church, you need to leave. You should leave. Call her on the carpet to repentance and you get the men in there to do their job.

To do their job and be spiritual leaders, not spiritual followers. Okay. Okay.

Okay. I just had a question about that. I do, you know, go by what the Bible says. I truly go by what the Bible says, but sometimes I just wonder about, you know, things like that. Like, you know, how do we know who God's calling or what gender he's calling them? People will, again, people will say, God told them, God talked to them.

God told me in my heart. And it's always the case that scripture takes a back seat to their experience. Always. That's the problem. And that's why I have for 17 years been offering to have a debate, a formal public debate recorded. Does the Bible support the idea of women pastors and elders?

And that's the topic. I've not had a single person take me up on it, whether male or female, because they know, they know I'm going to go straight to scripture. I'm going to quote the word of God and they're going to be on the defensive constantly because that's how it would be. They know it.

They don't want to get in the ring with, with someone like me who's going to be appealing to the word of God like that. And I know their counterarguments. That's right. That's right. So it's a serious problem. And it's not just because I don't like women.

That's not it. I love women. Women are underappreciated in the church. I'm just saying biblically, they're not supposed to be in a position.

And there are ramifications to it. When women are pastors and elders, men just get quieted. Men don't be the leaders in the country and in this church that they need to be and move towards orthodoxy and strength in the word of God. God called 12 male disciples.

He didn't call 12 female disciples. There's a reason for it. And people may not like it, but God did it. So we need to look at what God's doing and why he did it and what he says.

There are reasons for what God says. And 80% of all the churches and denominations that adopt women pastors within two generations adopt pro homosexual beliefs. 80% is my research. So, all right. Yeah.

80%. All right, buddy. All right. God bless. Let's get to our last caller.

Let's see. Jenny from Utah. Hey, Jenny. Welcome. You're on the air. Oh, thanks so much for taking my call. I just got your speaker. Let me just shift it off to the speaker. Okay.

Yes, thank you so much. My question is about the scripture that says that there's no greater love than a man lay a sound his life for his friends. And I've heard a lot of people say that, like, I just know where people, what the truth is as far as martyrship. I've heard people say, like, I'd die for my friend and that'd be a noble thing. And I'd give my life for my friend. I'd die for my friend. I'd die for my wife.

I'd give it all up for them. So I just, I didn't know if that scripture was in reference to Christ himself, but him saying of himself that no man's family lay down their lives. And then the other question I had is on Easter, we're going to hurt a bunch of people. You're a little hard to understand because, yes, a little bit, but you want to know, but it's John 15, 13. And Jesus says, Oh, please.

Thank you so much. Yeah. Well now you're better. So that's what the verse is.

And I have one more question as well, which was on, what was the first question? I didn't quite get it. I just didn't understand that scripture. Is it just applying to Christ himself? No greater love. Is there anyone in the lead on their life or is that really applicable to Christians that really, if someone died for their friend that that's what God's asking to everybody because the Greek word that one it's the word Greek word TIS, and it's not the word anthropos man or a woman, but it's actually a TIS, someone, a certain one, anyone, that kind of a thing lay down his life.

Now it goes on the masculine there, but it's just, yeah, we have the ability to do that. Everybody does as Christians. That's, it's the greatest act of love.

Nope. We're almost out of time. Absolutely.

And we can do it once and die or constantly through life. We're out of time. Call back tomorrow. We'll continue with it.

Cause it's a great topic. Hey everybody. Welcome.

I mean, there we go. Hey, we'll be back on the air by God's grace tomorrow and we'll talk to you then. Have a good evening, everyone. God bless. Bye. Another program powered by the truth network.
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