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Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick
The Truth Network Radio
September 22, 2020 9:00 am

Matt Slick Live

Matt Slick Live! / Matt Slick

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September 22, 2020 9:00 am

Open calls, questions, and discussion with Matt Slick LIVE in the studio. Questions include---1- Did the Roman Catholic Church corrupt the Bible---2- Why do some Christian churches focus so much on prophecy---3- Is there forgiveness of sins from baptism and the Lord's supper---4- Why are Christians always referred to in the news as evangelicals- Where did that word come from---5- Why is there not much emphasis on the passages of Scripture dealing with not falling away---6- Do you know anything about Grant Jeffrey---7- Do you think the Shroud of Turin is legitimate---8- Who do you think will be the next well-known apologist-

The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown
The Line of Fire
Dr. Michael Brown

A previously recorded Matt Slick show. It's Matt Slick live. Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry found online at When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick live.

For answers, taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. Hi everybody. Welcome to the show. It's me, Matt Slick.

Listen to Matt Slick live. Hope you're having a good day. Yeah, so let's see how many callers we've got waiting. We've got nobody waiting right now.

If you want to give me a call, all you got to do is dial 877-207-2276 and hopefully you'll have some good questions and some good issues. We can talk and I hope yesterday's show blessed you and certainly blessed me. Good stuff there. Hey, I hope you bear with me. Pray for me. I hurt my back today. Just about 20 minutes ago, one of our cats just got stuck in a chair, was screaming, and I ran over and grabbed him, lifted him up, and whoa man, I was on the floor.

Oh, it's getting old thing. Man, I'll tell you. Adam did it.

He messed up. Sin entered the world through him and now we're suffering the problems of sin in the world and it takes many different forms. BLM is one of them and Tifa is another.

Leftist politics, right-winger wackos, communism, all kinds of stuff. We have illnesses and famines and plagues, earthquakes. There's a lot of ramifications to the single act of Adam participating in eating that fruit and because of what he did, sin entered the world. Now, just to let you know, even though Eve sinned first, it was not through her that sin entered the world.

It was through Adam. This is Romans 5.1 that talks about that. Why is that important? Well, it's important for several reasons.

One, it means the male is the head of the family and two, it means the male is the head in the church, not the female. Now, a lot of women aren't going to like that and what I just said is not politically correct and oh, that's right, I don't want to offend anybody, do I? Because they might be offended and then we have to change all of our actions and apologize for offending somebody because they didn't like something and they go get their diapers changed because they couldn't handle it.

Well, let me just tell you, I don't care if you're offended. That's what the Bible teaches and the Bible is the inspired word of God and you need to trust in that word. When Adam sinned and sin entered the world through him, Romans 5.12, it's because he represented mankind, represented creation. And Paul ties the created order issue in with the issue of the headship in the church and women is not to be in a place of spiritual authority from men in the church. That's 1 Timothy 2, 12 and 13 and that's why Paul says in the pastoral epistles in Titus chapter 1 and 1 Timothy 3 that the elder is, the pastor is an elder, the elder is to be a man of one woman.

So, that's what it is. You know, I don't say things that are popular and I know a lot of things that I'll say that just upset people, but on the other hand, on the other hand, there are people who love to hear the truth of God's word because they are regenerate. They are indelible by the Lord God. They believe in the truth of the word of God and not in the word of man that seeks to compromise God's truth and twist it and bend it to their needs and whims. I don't believe in that. I don't do that.

So, anyway, if you want to give me a call and you want to argue with me about something, that'd be fine. 208, no, that's the wrong number. 877-207-2276. And if you're curious about some schools, we have three online schools, you can check them out. All you got to do is go to and on the right hand side of any page, you'll see the little thing, the laptop picture, and that's the schools. Go check them out. There's a lot there.

We use them to help keep the lights on here at the intergalactic headquarters of Karm. I hope that, you know, you like what you find there. And let's see, we have a wish list if you want to help out, the wish list.

It's not a big deal, just let people know. People like supporting in different ways and we have a wish list. We have a monitor there, a grab and go USB video capture for VGA, DVI, HDMI, and a backup computer.

But I think I'm going to take that backup computer away because it looks like we're going to have a different backup computer set up here pretty soon. So, that's about it. I think that is it.

I can't think of anything. All right. Four open lines, 877-207-2276. I want you to give me a call.

Come on. Let's talk to Andrew from Durham, North Carolina. Andrew, welcome. You're on the air. Hey, Mac. How you doing? Doing all right. Hanging in there, man. Hanging in there.

What do you got? Oh, going pretty good, buddy. Hey, Mac, I want to ask you a question.

Sure. Why are there the Gnostics and these philosophers out here hiding the truth? You know, a lot of the Bible has been edited and I was wondering, why are these philosophers and Gnostics hiding the truth out here?

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. The Bible's... Let's talk one thing at a time here. So, you said the Bible's been edited? What do you mean? It's been corrupted? Yes, sir. Through the Catholic church. No, it hasn't.

You know, I did a study on philosophers and Gnostics. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on a sec. Hold on a sec.

Hold on one thing at a time, okay? The Roman Catholic church did not corrupt the Bible, okay? It didn't do that. If anything... Now, I'm against Roman Catholicism, but if anything, through history, well-preserved documents. So, no, the Roman Catholic church did not corrupt it. The Bible has not been corrupted. I can talk about that if you want, but it's not been corrupted, okay?

You know, they've asked you this question. The day Sunday is not the day to wash the day, the Sabbath day is tardies, which is the Sabbath day. And everything is being corrupted. We believe in a pagan system, which means they have contaminated, they went in and changed a lot of the word out and... Well, wait a second. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Look, you know, you're like jumping in the deep end of the pool and you're paddling all over the place.

You've got to get a word in edgewise here. Do you know why we worship on Sunday? On Sunday, is that a Saturday? Oh, yes, I do know why, because it was changed. It was established. Who changed it?

Let me ask you a question, sir. Do you know about the Council of Nicaea? Yeah, I know about the Council of Nicaea. Who changed the day of worship from Saturday to Sunday? But go back to Romans, they changed it all. They're trying to deny the truth, what Yahushua did. And his name is not Jesus Christ, his name is Yahushua Amashiach.

Oh, man, I'm loving this. Okay, let's tackle that in a minute. But first of all, the Bible says, one man regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. Let each man be fully convinced in his own mind, Romans 14, 5. So one man regards one day above another, like Saturday or Sunday, another regards every day alike.

Let each man be fully convinced in his own mind. Why is Paul teaching us that we should be convinced in our own mind about which day it is we hold to, if what you're saying is true? You know, Genesis, it says, remember the Sabbath day. Wait a second, wait a second, I asked you a question about Romans 14, verse 5, so that Paul said, and then you just ignored it. So Paul said, one man regards one day above another, another regards every day alike.

Let each man be fully convinced in his own mind. Why would Paul say that if we're supposed to worship on Saturday? Well, I guess if, you know, we don't get caught up in the day, but we'll go back to what Yahuwah said. Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me, excuse me. I'm focusing on this verse, and what you're doing is you're just basically ignoring it and then jumping someplace else.

I'm going to hold your feet to the fire. Why would Paul say this if we're supposed to worship on Saturday? That's my question. So, so what you're saying, we don't, so what you're saying? I'm saying, why did Paul say, one man regards one day above another, another regards every day alike. Let each man be fully convinced in his own mind. So if we're supposed to worship on Saturday, why did Paul say that one regards every day alike, let each man be fully convinced in his own mind? If we're supposed to worship on Saturday, shouldn't he be saying, hey, you've got to worship on Saturday and not say that every day is alike? He's just a prophet, but what I prefer to go by what Yahuwah said or Paul?

Paul is called by Jesus Christ, and whatever Paul says is just as inspired as Jesus. Okay, okay. If I had a choice, I would go with Yahushua, the name is Yahushua, because Jesus Christ... Who's Yahushua? Who's Yahushua? No, it's not Yahushua, it's Yahushua. Who's Yahushua? That's not his name. Who's Yahushua?

That's the Savior of the world. Yahushua, where's that in the Bible? No, go to your Hebrew version, the original Hebrew version.

Wait, wait, wait. You mean the Old Testament? That's the Hebrew. It's not in the Old Testament. No, sir. No, sir. I'm talking about the Hebrew Bible, sir. The Savior, the divine Savior. Excuse me.

Excuse me. The Hebrew is the Old Testament, the Greek is the New Testament. So if you're talking about Hebrew, you're talking about... Yes, it is. That's correct. The Greek is the New Testament.

Yes. I know what you're saying, sir, but I'm talking about you've got a Hebrew version, the Hebrew Bible. Those names are written. Where'd you get this Hebrew version? When was it written? Oh, this is written. It's been written way back.

It's the Hebrew version, the Savior, the divine, the divine Savior. Way back. Doesn't really help me. So just way back. Okay. So was the Hebrew New Testament written after the Greek New Testament was written? Well, Paul said it was a mystery. So all there was was a mystery. It's coming out.

Andrew, Andrew, Andrew. Was the Hebrew New Testament written before or after the Greek New Testament? It was before.

It always was. So then you're telling me that all of the New Testament books were written in Hebrew? Yes, sir, there were.

But what it was, if you go back to the Catholic, they wouldn't hold up the random versions. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Yes, sir. You have not studied, obviously. You've been brainwashed. Now, the Greek...

Yes, you have. The Greek New Testament is what we have. Sir, have you ever been to Jerusalem? Excuse me. You don't have any of these ancient Hebrew texts of the New Testament. They don't exist like that. The ones we have that are the most, that are the oldest regarding the New Testament are all in Greek.

Okay. Does he know the Greek for us? Those are the pagans. And so they're in Greek. So that's what they were written in. Do we trust it Greek, sir?

Yes, we do. We trust it because that's what God had it written in. Do you know why he had it written in Greek and not Hebrew? Do you want to know why? I can tell you.

Yes, sir. Because 300 years earlier, Alexander the Great had conquered the Mediterranean area and he brought Greek into the whole Mediterranean area. The Hebrews, the Jews spoke Hebrew. There's a very, very few people who could speak Hebrew, who could read Hebrew.

Very few. Greek was the national language of so many of the countries around there. They could... Greek was all over all these different countries, in the Roman Empire, all over the place. So it was written in Greek so people could read the truth.

It was written in Hebrew. They wouldn't know it. Hold on a sec, okay? We're going to break now. We'll be right back, folks, after these messages. Please stay tuned. All right, everyone. Welcome back to the show. We have three open lines if you want to join in.

877-207-2276. All right, Andrew, are you still there? Yes, I'm still here, Mr. Matt. Hey, Mr. Matt. Let's go to Matthew 28.

The word says, everyone must be saved and baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. What's the Father's name again? What's the Father's name? There is no name of the Father. Oh, yes, it is, sir.

Really? The Father is Yeshua. You mean you believe that... Okay, I'm starting at the left.

Sorry. So you deny the Trinity, right? Yes, sir. The Father is Yeshua. So you deny the Trinity, that there's one God in three distinct, simultaneous persons?

I don't know. I ask you a question. Do you affirm the doctrine of the Trinity, that there's one God in three distinct, simultaneous persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? There are all one, yes, sir, but there's three distinct, yes, sir, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Three distinct, simultaneous persons?

Right, and you have three separate names. Can you show me, oh man, can you show me in the Bible where the name of God the Father is, whatever you said it was? Get a verse for that? Yes, sir.

Okay. I can show it to you, sir. You can have the Holy Spirit.

As Paul played, he played for discernment, well, I understand that they have changed that. Just give me the verse, please. Just give me the verse, okay? What's the verse?

Yes, sir. But in the Bible, sir, it has Lord and God, which is not no name, those are not names, those are titles. Okay, what's the verse? He said the Father has a...

Okay, you're gonna ask. No, no, no, I'm telling you, it's not gonna be in the Bible, it's gonna be in the Hebrew version. Okay, so it's not in the Bible. So if it's not in the Bible, where are you getting this? You're making it up?

No, sir, this is the Hebrew version of God. Okay. Look, we're gonna move along.

We're gonna move along. I'm gonna tell you something. You have been brainwashed by whatever cult you're in, and you don't know what the history is, you don't know the facts, you don't know what the Greek really says, you don't understand the issues, you've been greatly misled. There's a group called the Sacred Name Group, or the Sacred Name Movement, where you have to have the right name of Jesus. It's not Jesus in Greek, but it's Yeshua Hamashiach, and that's what they usually will say. And they'll say that there's a New Testament written in Hebrew, or that there are certain gospels written in Hebrew, but they've been lost and corrupted because the Roman Catholic Church is the thing, the body that denounced them in order to get its corrupt doctrine. But you don't have any evidence of that, and believe me, I would have found out after 40 years of research on this, I would have heard about this, and some evidence for it, and it doesn't exist. What you're doing is making things up, or listening to people who've made things up, and they couldn't argue their way out of a wet paper bag.

They don't know what they're doing, and you've been deceived. Could you give me a call after the station name? We're gonna move along. So I appreciate that. Let's get on the phones with Benjamin from Missouri. Benjamin, welcome. You're on the air. Yeah, I'm enjoying your show, and I appreciate this. Now, I come from a biblical standpoint on this one.

Why is it that some of the Christian focused solely on prophecy of the current events are happening around us? And the second part of my question is... Let's do one question at a time. Let's do one question at a time. Let's do one question at a time. Let's do one question at a time, okay?

That's fine. So your first question was, why do Christians, I didn't quite understand, Christians focus on prophecy more than something else? What was it? Why do Assembly of God Christians focus on current events of prophecy? Oh, Assembly of God people. I don't know exactly. I've never heard a Assembly of God preacher preach that I remember.

I may have. There's so many different churches. But they're Arminian, and they're into the charismatic movement quite a bit. And so they like the idea of prophecies and things like that, and they will focus on that. And there's nothing wrong with focusing on end times prophecy, as long as they don't do it to the exclusion of other truths in scripture. So, you know, it's okay to do that, okay?

Okay. Second question is, why did they deny that Jesus sins is not found in Lord's Supper or baptism? You know, all I heard was, I understood, was Lord's Supper or baptism. I didn't hear the first part.

What was it you asked? Um, why did they deny that Jesus sins is found in baptism and Lord's Supper? Why do they deny something?

It's really hard for me to understand. Forgiveness of sin? Why do they deny forgiveness of sin by taking communion and or participating in baptism? Well, is that your question? No, let me read it again. So, why do some of God's Christians deny that Jesus sins is found in baptism and Lord's Supper?

It's sins found in baptism or the Lord's Supper. It's really hard for me to understand you. I want to get exactly what you're saying. So, uh, you know, if someone understood his question, type it out for me because I couldn't understand exactly what he's saying. One word can make a big difference.

So, are you still there? Okay. So, why do a some of God's Christians deny forgiveness of sin found in baptism and Lord's Supper? Because there is no forgiveness of sins in baptism and Lord's Supper.

That's why. It's not there. Where do you find that you're forgiven of your sins by getting baptized or by taking communion? Where does it say that in the Bible? Isn't that in the words of the institution? There are, nothing in the scripture says that baptism is what forgives you of your sins.

Now, people are going to go, they're going to say, Matt, you're wrong. It's 1 Peter 3 21. Baptism now saves you.

What they don't do is read the whole verse. It says corresponding to that baptism now saves you, not the removal of dirt in the flesh, but an appeal to a conscience for a clean conscience, appeal to God. So, corresponding to that refers to what happened before the verse and what's referring to is the ark and the flood corresponding to that baptism saves you. What saved Noah was the ark or the water.

It was the ark. So, that verse is a difficult verse to get through for a lot of people because of what Peter says there. And often go to Acts 2 38, repent, be baptized in the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins. And they'll say, that's how you get forgiveness of sins. And they're wrong on that because they don't understand what the verse is actually saying.

But let me ask you a question. Do you know what justification is? Justification is grace flowing through Christ alone. Justification is being declared legally righteous according to that law. And it's observed by faith. We get it by faith. Having therefore been justified by faith, Romans 5 1, we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law, Romans 3 28.

So, here's a question for you. Are we justified when we have faith? Are we justified by faith when we have faith? Are we not justified by faith when we have faith? A scripture would probably argue saying that works apart from faith is dead. Yeah, that's James 2, 14 through 26.

But I asked you a specific question. Are we justified by faith when we have faith or not? And the answer has to be, yes, we are. We're justified by faith, not by faith in baptism, not by faith in ceremony, not by faith in sacraments.

That's a false gospel. We're going to move along. May the Lord bless you. Okay. Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages.

We have two open lines, 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877-207-2276. Here's Matt Slick. All right. Welcome back to the show. Let's get on the air here with Stanley from North Carolina, who we lost.

He says how to be happy with God. If you want to call back, I could talk about that. And if you want to call back, we could talk.

We have three open lines, 877-207-2276. Let's get to Courtney from Ohio. Courtney, welcome. You are on the air. Hey, how are you? Doing okay. Hanging in there.

More hanging in there. Okay. You had a couple interesting phone calls there. I had a question. I was reading a book, and I found that there was a lot of Christian names that are okay with the homosexuality. And it really surprised me. I didn't know. And I was wondering if you had heard any of these names before. Only one I've ever heard.

One was Andy Stanley. He was here before. He doesn't support you. He can't.

I hope he doesn't. That's what I thought. I was shocked when I read it. Wait a minute. Did you read someone saying it about him, or did you read where he said it?

I'm looking at it right now. I tell you what. It's Ben taught using the words that he used saying it about him. Okay.

This is always how it has to be. When people say he said it, maybe he did, maybe he didn't. I always like to have primary sources where he says, or a book quote, or a radio this or that where he says it. Then I'll believe it. People have said things that I've said, but it's not true. Rumors get started, and someone will print it up and say, see, Matt said this.

I never said it. So that's why you need primary sources. But if you have primary sources on these things, then I would love to have that information, because I would stop my work on CARM, transfer stuff, and I'd write an article naming names. If I could prove that they were in support of homosexuality, I would name them and call them heretics. That's kind of where I was going, because you didn't have his name on your, I did check your website. I know you can't have everybody on there that says something crazy, because you would know everybody.

Yeah, that one surprised me. Would you mind, because I know you have a slew of emails and stuff probably to read, if I sent you the information, you can check the book and bump me up to the top of the list. Absolutely. What you do is email it to info at CARM dot org. And just mail the information there, and say this is for Matt, and documentation on Christians saying homosexuality is okay, or whatever it is. And that'll get my attention.

So he was one of the names. Okay, okay. But hold on, hold on, hold on. Sometimes people will do it, they'll send me a book and say the answer's in this book, it's only 350 pages, go ahead and read it.

You know, I just toss it. Oh no, no, I'll tell you the page, I'll tell you the page. And then what sentence it is, the sentence is here on this page. Then I can go look, because trust me, over the years people have said, you know, I can't find it, so I gotta find it. Right, right, sure.

Oh no, I'll give you the page, and I'll give you the sentence, no problem. Good. Yeah, that one surprised me. Except for the other names that I heard, I've never heard these people, of these people before. One was a Jonathan Merritt. I don't know if he has any substance.

Have you ever heard that? No, I don't know if Merritt has any substance, go ahead. Um, um, Scott McKnight, I've never heard of that name.

McKnight, nah, I'm gonna set some daylight on that one, I don't know. Okay, um, uh, Cameron Strang. Strang? Strang? Yes, S-P-R-A-N-G. Oh, like as in strange? Well, I don't know, man, that could be.

Like strange without me. Oh, Strang, Strang, Strang, okay, well, yeah, if that's him, I don't know, I just hope that, uh, he wouldn't be too strange, that he'd be straight, uh, to the point with bibbles, but I don't know. Yeah, I don't, I, I was just, I, it was just, like, long together with the Andy Stanley one, so I was like, I don't want to just, like, jump to conclusions about these, I don't know who these people even are, but I guess, kind of like, what I was wondering is, you know, I mean, you, you like to read books on certain people, and sometimes you may not find out somebody has such views on things, like, how do you not waste your time on, and then, you know, you find out something about them. That's, that's it, that's why I ask people if they're going to give me any documentation or anything they want me to research, they have to provide the video, the URL, the, uh, the book, the page, uh, the sentence, so I can go, look, I've wasted so many hours trying to find people's documentation, I just gave up years ago, and it's necessary that if they do that, and I love it when people do that, hey, go to this page, here's what this quote is, and then I can find it, I can see the context, because a lot of times things have been taken out of context as well. Yeah, right. Okay.

So, yeah, that one, wow, I, I have a book by him, I like listening, you know. Yeah, yeah, Andy Stanley, I've heard some not so good stuff about him, so let me just say that, I wouldn't, you know, so let, you know, give me a documentation, if he supports it, I'll call him out on it. Sure.

Okay. Okay, and then I have one other question, not really related to that, but just general wondering, when you hear so much on the news, you know, lately about, you know, voting and politics and blah, blah, blah, why are Christians always referred to as evangelicals? Like, I don't see that word in the Bible, evangelical, where did that start? Well, the word evangelical comes from the Greek, euangelia, and we don't say euang, we say evangelical, that's where it comes from, euangelia, which is found in 1 Corinthians 15, 3, 4, I think it is the Gospel, no, the first one, it's the word Gospel, it just means evangelical, someone who evangelizes, and that's what it is, an evangelical, so it's okay, it's a fine word, okay. Well, yeah, I didn't have any problem with it, I was just wondering where it came from. That's where it came from. Because I'm like, you usually don't hear them referred to as Christians, you know, on the news.

Yeah, maybe it's because they don't want to use the word Christ at all, Christians, because Christ is in it, maybe that's it, because people hate the truth of God's word, and they hate the person of Christ, so we'll see. That's possible, all right, well, thank you very much, and I'll send that to you. Please do, all right, thanks a lot. Okay, thank you.

You're welcome. Okay, hey folks, we have four open lines, if you want to give me a call, 877-207-2276, give me a call, four open lines. Let's get to Matt from Fort Worth, Texas. Matt, welcome, you're on the air.

Hi, Matt, thanks for taking my call. So, I just wanted to get what your thoughts were on what I'm about to say. Forgive me if it's long-winded, but I've been born again for nine years now, and one thing I've noticed, and it's kind of a concern for me, I've noticed that oftentimes in response to heresies or false teachings, Christians will tend to swing the pendulum all the other way and go in the direction that isn't exactly biblical. I guess an example would be like that guy that called about baptism, you know, is a necessary, you know, of course it's not necessary for salvation, but I see a lot of Christians not really taking it seriously. I talk to Christians, you've never been baptized, and it doesn't seem to bother them at all, or they don't seem to have like a sense of urgency, that's something they need to do to be obedient.

There's a couple other things, like the once-saved, always-saved issue. I, you know, obviously I believe we are saved, once we're saved, we are saved eternally, but the writers of scripture have so many warnings against falling away, and I don't see a whole lot of emphasis on that, on a lot of preaching and teaching. That's because the context of that, Paul was writing to groups of people in large groups, and there were converts of different levels that were intellectual converts and true converts, we can't tell the difference, so you can be careful, you don't fall away. And plus, there's a covenantal aspect to this stuff. A lot of people don't get what the covenant aspect is, but that's one of the reasons he would speak like that, okay. Well, a good example would be in 1 Timothy, he's actually warning Timothy that there are people that have made shipwreck of the faith because they didn't hold fast to a clear conscience. So it's almost like he's warning Timothy that, you know, there's possibility of shipwreck. I just remember a former pastor of mine, he emphasized the fact that, you know, the writers of scripture, they're not just talking this way, they're actually warning this way, where, you know, it's possible to make shipwreck.

Well, hold on. It says, look at the context of 1 Timothy 2, 18-20, This command I trust you, Timothy, my son, in accordance with the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you fight the good fight, keeping faith and good conscience, which some have rejected and suffered shipwreck in regard to their faith. Among these are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan, so they can be taught not to blaspheme. So they're blasphemers against God.

How do you have someone who, you know, was really a true believer become a blasphemer of God? It doesn't make any sense. He's speaking generically.

That's what he's doing. And also, I've got to find the verse 2 Corinthians 10, 7. Let's see. Or is it 7-10?

I think it's 7-10. And it says, yeah. For the sorrow that is according to the will of God produces repentance without regret, leading to salvation. For the sorrow of the world produces death.

There's true and false conversions, true and false repentance. Okay. Hold on. We got a break. Hey folks, give me a call.

We have four open lines at 877-207-2276. We'll be right back. Right. Welcome back to the show, everyone.

Matt from Fort Worth. Are you still there? Yes, sir. Okay.

I am still here. So yeah, like a former pastor of mine, he was emphasizing the fact that, you know, he's not saying you can lose your salvation, but he's saying that you can lose your faith because there's people who have a faith that's not a saving faith. Wait a minute. So he's saying that people can lose faith. That means they're saved and they're not believers?

No, and that's not what he's saying. He's saying that they're proving themselves not to be believers, not to be saved. Then they weren't saved to begin with. Yeah, right.

Okay. But the writers of scripture are warning, are basically warning against, you know, shipwreck of the faith and such. And I feel oftentimes, especially in the once-saved, always-saved conversation, it's like people just get comfortable with, okay, so I can't lose my salvation. But then there's also the other aspect of we have to work out our salvation with fear and trembling.

And I just, I feel like... But it says there, it says there, for does God, who is working both in you and through you to will and work for his good pleasure, okay? Right.

So context is everything. But look, do you have a question, though, a specific question? Well, I just wanted to know what your thoughts were on, there seems to be several issues, like I said, baptism also, and then I was going to mention about the conversation on work salvation. Well, what's your question about it? Yeah, yeah, I'm getting there.

In response to these heresies, obviously, I don't believe that, but I think oftentimes in response is, and I'm not saying you necessarily, but I've had conversations with other Christians that it's like, they swing the pendulum all the other way, and then it's like, almost like the feeling is that baptism isn't really necessary, or that it's not important. Okay, okay, I'm waiting for a question, though. Okay. I wanted to know if you, do you find the same thing amongst Christians, that they have a Reformed understanding of Scripture? Do you find that to be the case?

Am I the only one that's drinking it? The people that I know who are Reformed in their theology don't speak like you're saying that those you've met speak, that they're very concerned about the lost, they don't take the graciousness of God for granted, they get baptized quickly, they believe that they should do and work for the Lord God, they don't believe in abusing the grace of God, so, you know, that's my experience, I don't know about other people. Okay. I've heard in some some preaching sometimes, like, or I'll see a YouTube video, and then some comments are like, oh, you're teaching works, like, and these are biblical people, they don't teach works for salvation.

I can't comment, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, I can't comment on what people comment on, on a video where I don't know anything about the video, or the context, or what was said. So when you say that, it's not really helping anything, because we don't know, we don't know what they're saying. But, you know, people abuse their theological perspectives in all camps, it's happened, and they need to stick with scripture and be faithful to God's work as much as possible. Do you have a concern over many churches not having baptisms every week? I mean, it is an important thing, I think.

Well, you don't have to have a baptism, let me answer, you don't have to have a baptism every week if there's no one to get baptized. Oh, yeah, I understand that. I guess I could elaborate on that in general.

Normally they should be baptized quickly. Okay. All right. Yeah, okay. Thank you.

You're welcome. Okay, talk to you later. Okay, bye. All right, let's turn the phones with Harry from Kentucky. Hey, Harry, welcome. You're on the air. Hi, Matt.

I hope you're doing okay. I have a question for you. Sure. Grant Jeffrey, can you tell me about him? No, because I don't know anything about him. Oh, you don't? I think.

Sorry. I don't, you know, he's probably on TBN and older and other channels. I don't know if he's, you know, in the world of faith or whatever.

If he's on TBN, he's probably bad. I presume he is. Well, I don't know if he is or isn't. Yeah, I don't either. But I think he was in the Oval Office there with Oakland and I don't know what I mean when they laid hands on Trump.

I don't know. I'm very sure he was there. Well, he died in 2012. Grant Jeffrey online died May 11th, 2012. A Canadian Bible teacher.

The old guy booked. Well, anyway, I don't, I'm not familiar enough with him to be able to, you know, I can't comment because I just don't know anything about him. Yeah. Okay. You know, it looks like there's mass amounts of books that, you know, different places, you know, prophesy a lot.

It seems like there's a Grant Jeffrey and Grant Jeffries. Okay. Is that true? Or do you? You know what? I don't know. I don't know. Well, I sure don't either. I'm positive. I told that too where it said that he passed away and I thought, well, wait a minute.

That don't sound right because he's got a website and everything is sign in, sign in so they can get your information. Well, I'll tell you what. Okay. Hold on. Okay. I don't, I, you know, I can't comment and I don't know.

So that's just it, you know? I'm sorry. I just typed it. Okay.

All right. Is the discussion page functioning pretty good now or? The what page? Your discussion page. Forums? No. Yeah, the forums.

I've had nothing but problems and I am absolutely sick and tired of working on it and I've got so many other things to do. Wow. Oh yeah. I got, I know you updated it there. I tried.

You updated it some and yeah. Yeah. That's a problem, ain't it? Yes.

It's a problem. Yep. Yeah.

Wow. Have a good evening. Okay.

Thank you very much. All right. Okay. Okay. Bye. Goodbye. Okay.

If you want to give me a call, we have four open lines, 877-207-2276. Michael from Utah. Welcome. You're on the air. Hello. Hello. Hello. I'm sorry. The last guy was talking so much. You just go in silence.

The contrast got me laughing. Okay. You're on the air, Michael. Sorry.

What do you got? Oh, hi, Matt. I just wanted to know what you thought of Shroud of Turin. Well, what I think is it's interesting and I don't know if it's authentic or not authentic. I just told, I don't know.

Okay. I just thought father would, what father wouldn't want to take a picture of his son on the most important day of his earthly existence, the resurrection from the dead. You know, the camera wasn't developed or wasn't invented until the late 1800s. The image on the shroud is a photographic negative.

Yeah. I've seen some specials on it. There's some enigmatic issues, but there's also been evidence that it could be repeated by a certain procedure.

So I forgot what that was, but I'm intrigued by your statement that, you know, God would want to take a photograph on a day like that. Well, you know, the ones, the specials I've seen on it, that's the way one of the scientists explained the way that the image was kind of burned on the shroud was that it was like a recoil thing. It seems to me, it seems to me like you're convinced it's legit. I'm not convinced it's legit. I'm not convinced it's not. It's not like a thing of worship or anything, but it's more like a crime scene evidence kind of thing because the pollen grains on the shroud, all those things are just impossible to, you know, forge.

Like I said, there's a lot of evidence that has to be examined for and against. And, you know, I remember seeing a show on it years ago where they talked about the pollen. It would have to be in the Mediterranean area, in the Israel area, and it looks like the mark on the wrists and the feet and the side.

It looks like it, and the beard, and I think it had coins over the eyes, but I don't remember if that's accurate. And yet, there was someone who said that they were able to get a similar effect by doing something with a, you know, a body of some sort. It was an animal that did tests, and they had to put special spices and stuff, and heat, or some, I forgot. And I go, oh, that needs to be researched more. And so, you know, I don't know.

I mean, I don't know if it's legit or not. But, you know, think about it. The Romans, you can understand here, the Romans didn't like the idea of anybody else being a king. They had something called Caesaropapism, which is emperor worship, and the Jews did not want Christ to be shown to be resurrected. And the Romans wouldn't want that either. That shroud, if it was retained, would have to be retained under great difficulty.

And how would we know it was original? And some other things. There's a lot of issues there. Okay?

Okay. Yeah, I've seen a lot of them over the years. The one that I thought was the best one was the Stirp Team one that was like done a hundred years after the original photos of the Condopia in 1898. Because one of the guys who was on the Stirp Team was a NASA scientist, and they put one of those photographs from Turin, Italy, under a BP-8 analyzer, and it came out in 3D. Yeah, I've heard about that.

It could only happen if the image on the shroud was formed when it was draped over a three-dimensional object, like a body. Right. So that got them curious. Mm-hmm.

I like science, and I always just say I always want to see both sides and stuff like that. There's a lot of evidence that suggests it's original, and some evidence that suggests it's not. There's a lot of noise in the background there, but it's not. It's not. It's not.

It's not. There's a lot of noise in the background there, so I don't know what to tell you, okay? Thank you, Ben. Okay. All right. You're welcome. God bless. Appreciate your program. Bye.

Well, thank you. Okay. Let's see if we have enough time to get to Paul from Virginia Beach. Paul, will you have less than a minute?

What have you got? Just a quick question here. I just tuned in. I'm wondering who you think, or who do you see as the next world-renowned apologist here since we've lost R.C. Sproul and Ravi Zachariah recently? I don't know. Seriously.

God will raise a person up, and this person will have the ability to speak well and make sense and maybe be on a public forum, but just because they're public doesn't mean they're a good apologist. I've heard some things from Ravi that I went, what? You know, not that good.

But for the most part, he was very, very good. So, you know, having a standard of blood is good is what we have to establish first. But, hey, we're out of time, man. Call back tomorrow, okay? All right. All right. Hey, folks, sorry about that.

We are out of time. May the Lord bless you. It was an interesting day.

Yeah. And so, by God's grace, go back on there tomorrow, and hopefully we'll talk to you then. We'll see you. God bless. Bye.
Whisper: medium.en / 2024-02-29 11:58:56 / 2024-02-29 12:17:41 / 19

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