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Golf With Jay Delsing - - A Labor of Love

Golf With Jay Delsing / Jay Delsing
The Truth Network Radio
September 4, 2019 12:00 am

Golf With Jay Delsing - - A Labor of Love

Golf With Jay Delsing / Jay Delsing

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Golf With Jay Delsing
Jay Delsing
Golf With Jay Delsing
Jay Delsing
Golf With Jay Delsing
Jay Delsing
Golf With Jay Delsing
Jay Delsing
Golf With Jay Delsing
Jay Delsing
Golf With Jay Delsing
Jay Delsing

25 years on the PGA Tour and a lifetime member of the PGA Tour and PGA of America, Jay Delsing brings you his perspective on one of the world's greatest games as a professional golfer and network broadcaster.

It's the game that connects the pros and the average Joes brought to you by Whitmore Country Club. Golf with Jay Delsing is now on 101 ESPN. Good morning this is Golf with Jay Delsing. I'm your host Jay Delsing and with me is my friend, longtime caddy John Perlis-Perley. Good morning.

Morning Jay. Another, I'm just so looking forward to these shows. It's so much fun when you've got these great interviews.

We have great subjects what's going on in the golf world. Just, I'm kind of just pumped and I also like that the burden and all the pressures on you and these shows. I've just kind of had fun. I've mentioned that a couple times to you but it's just kind of fun for me to kind of sit back and enjoy this. No, I really appreciate you being here. You do a great job as far as you know and no it's it's all really good. I want to thank, we segmented, we segmented the show like around the golf.

This is the On the Range segment and it's brought to you by Golf Discount where St. Louis shops for all its golf needs. Very important our social media. Very important. You guys want to contact us through social media and not like call or text us.

Okay, here's how you do it. My twitter handle is at Jay Delsing. Facebook is Golf with Jay Delsing and Jay Delsing Golf.

LinkedIn is just Jay Delsing and man we are Jay Delsing you right on out of here and our Instagram is, forget it. Do you have one? I don't know. No, do you have one? I think I do. I don't know what it is. I don't know what it is either. I don't even know how to, I don't know what I think.

I don't have an app on there. I think the important thing is that you have one. Okay, I have one. Forget it. Alright, so let's talk about what we really love.

Not social media. Alright, so today's show got a great interview with Coach Berube. I was kind enough on the road in Philly.

I got on the phone. Really, really cool stuff. It's so much fun. I don't, as you know, I follow hockey like in the playoffs. I get into St. Louis Blues because of you. Let's tell this story. Hey, hey, hey, AJ, the Blues are in the cup finals. Can you give me any tickets? I'm like, are you out of your mind?

There's been times you've come through big time for me. Well, baseball's one thing because there's 50,000 tickets. You use that excuse every year.

I'm not buying that excuse. I need a ticket. I need to work harder, don't I?

I need to work harder. Well, something, but what I loved about it, I'm up in Canada fishing. We'd come off the lake every day, not every day, whenever, you know, so when the games are on in the summer, I'm up there fishing and go into the lodge and get to watch hockey and drink Canadian beer.

It was so much fun. And one of my favorite parts, hockey was great. And I do love hockey.

I lived in Canada for years. I get hockey. But when they had some clips of Ruby as a player, a fighter, they showed some of the coolest clips about when he was just like waving guys over like, I'm ready for another round. Now's cool with me. I know. I love that guy. The players have to love that guy.

Oh, I know. They call him the chief, which, you know, is very sentimental to me because my brother and I called my dad the chief when he was still alive. And he was just such a down to earth, such a really good guy.

The whole reason I wanted to talk to him was about the hand pass and how he was able to get his team right to come. That's a great story. That's a great story. Unfortunately, we got some audio screw ups, but we are going to, we'll tell, I've got all the notes and we'll tell you exactly what it's about. That's a tease. That's a radio tease.

Oh, hey, look at us go over here. We're radio teasing. And, um, uh, let's go down to our buddy, Justin Hoagland, uh, fellow PGA professional city manager at golf tech, um, to, uh, listen to what he's got to say for us this week. Yeah. Thanks, Justin. Really appreciate that.

Okay. What else is going to be on the show? We got another segment of whack and chase. Love it.

Uh, it seems to be nice feedback. Quick story. I have a buddy that calls me a couple of weeks ago. He listens to one, one of the whack and chases. He says he's an avid, uh, listener to the radio cause he travels a bunch for his work a bunch. He said he was busting a gut over that dang one with Joe.

You remember Joe? I've got, I've got about, I'd say at least 12 texts within an hour of the show airing that said, what was that? Well, and you and I were laughing so hard out of control.

We're looking at meat. Like, have we even got somebody say something? Can we put this on the radio? Cause that's good radio for, by the way, Pearl, when we're laughing so hard, we can't talk and nobody's, we're just kind of wheezing and we're so hope that it translated and it did. Cause people really enjoyed it.

They really enjoyed it. Joe doesn't enjoy it. It was kind of a jokeset on, on his, on his back, you know, uh, at his expense. But you know, that's the way life grows sometimes.

Well, anytime you get, you get a ball hit into you and it hits you in the back by your ex-wife's attorney, you deserve everything that happens to you. What, I don't even know what to say about that. Um, so you get to enjoy the Berube interview. We'll break that down a little bit and talk a little bit about that. Uh, but I want to talk about the president's cup. Okay. Um, so we've talked in, in former shows about how the schedule goes, you know, tour championship ends, wraparound season.

Now we've got the president's cup thing. All right. So this is the end of the year, right? Relative to your aggravation with the wraparound and mine that it's, it's pretty muted. It's not so special. Yeah. It's just hard. I mean, if you're one of the tournaments that's running an event in September, how are you feeling?

Yeah. They're still excited about it cause they got one and they should be excited cause it's a big deal to have a PGA tour event, but it's tough at the end of all this season to, but they also make a boatload for charities. I mean, it is important. There's a lot of reasons to have these tournaments, but don't get us wrong. Plus the FedEx cup stuff starts again and it compiles matters to the tune of 15 million bucks. It matters.

So for sure it matters, but okay. So we got the top eight and they're all, they're all locked in and it goes like this. Kepka, Thomas Johnson, Dustin Johnson, Cantlay, Schauffele, Simpson, Kucher, and DeShembo. Strong, strong team. And first, first of all, who I love three names on this team. Okay. Who are they?

Who's the three names? I love Cantlay, Schauffele, and DeShembo. Oh, absolutely. You love them.

What do you mean? You love them because they're kind of newbies and they're still going to be young, but they're going to be good. These are guys that are going to be future Ryder Cup players. This is going to count. This is going to matter, but that's not what we're here to talk about. They're young guys with gumption is what I think you're saying.

I wasn't going to phrase it quite the same way, but my conclusion was the same. I am such a Cantlay fan. He looks like a assassin. Where'd he go to school?

Oh yeah, UCLA Bruins. Not that that has anything to do with the way we feel about this. I mean, he, he's just, he's kind of an ice guy out there, kind of an ice man. He's just doing his thing. They interview him.

He just did this or just accomplished this or just shot this great round. He's just really low key. And he just kind of goes about his business. He really, he really does. So who's captain of this president's cup of mass Pearl. Here we go. Tiger Woods, Tiger Woods.

Okay. So here is what nine positions nine through 20 look like. Fina Woodland, Fowler, Reed, tiger Woods, captain sheds, Revie, Kisner, Mickelson, Chuckie Howell, Billy Horschel, uh, Brant Snedeker, Bubba Watson. And all the way down at number 27 is Jordan speech. Not going to happen. Not going to happen for Jordan. Right.

It's not having for Jordan. So tiger has been all up in the media recently about captain's picks. He's got till November 4th to choose. Well, wait a second, November 4th. When is this thing? It's a first week at the second we get December. It's like December 9th, something like that.

So this goes back to us being close on this show with the facts. Last show. I thought it, I said it was in September. Hey, me and I knew you weren't on.

We just, I got the right exactly. You're in the fall. I actually went back and just cut his whole part out last week.

That's why our ratings went up. You should do that every week. Maybe you do. Yeah. So, um, no. So, um, here's the deal.

Here's what he's saying. I'm going to get my vice captains together and we're going to make decisions on who, who's going to be these picks. So we have four picks. So John, take a look at that list that I just read to you starting with fee.

Now forget Jordan's beef. He's not going to be, no, I'm, I'm going to look at the next one's up. I want, I want you to nine through 20, 10 is woodland. Yep. 11 is Fowler. 12 is Reed.

Then you've got Woods. You sure? He's certainly not going to look past that. So we'll stop right there.

I am going to tell you right now, wait a second, wait a second. Isn't there a couple of events where he can still play himself into this? No, Nope. It's done. So they don't count next year is next year.

So after FedEx cup, that's the cutoff. That's what I meant last, last, that's what you were saying. That's what I've meant last week. Make a note of that. Would you, um, so he's got, he's got to chop off one of these guys. What do you mean?

Fino Woodland follow or read? He's got to, no, I don't. I, that's not where I'm going. Okay. Where are you going?

Here's I'm going. I've got one guy circled on this list who has to be on this team. He has to be, he has been the best match play player for the last two plus years. And he sits at number 15 and his name is Kevin Kisner. He's I, I agree.

He has to be on that team. Okay. Are we going to place bets on this? You shaking your head now. I'm glad to bet. I just won't pay off. That's not a problem.

Um, ha ha. Look at this list. It's like going to the all-star, you know, when we had Tony La Russa and he, and he talked about his old rosters, look at these lists.

I mean, Gary Woodland won the Dagon U S open at pebble beach, iconic pebble beach. And he's two, two spots out. Tony Fino is another great up and come up and coming. He puts it, he's not, he's not up and coming. He's here.

He just, he just hasn't been able to finish as well as he'd like. Um, and then you've got captain America. What do you think about Patrick Reed?

I kind of liked the answer that Koepke gave about Patrick Reed and which was basically I'll take him on my team, on my side, anytime. That says a lot. It does.

It does. There's someone that's been in the room. You and I haven't been in the room.

We're just observers and stuff. That's important. Well, and a guy who's Koepke who understands what it takes and he's been around him. So I put a lot of stock in there. But the other thing is, I mean, probably the golden boy on the whole PGA tour is Fowler.

How do you keep this guy off? So this is going to be an interesting, interesting thing. It really is. But my whole thing right here is Tiger. He should not be playing. He will be playing. Why? Why do you say that? Why? Several reasons.

First of all, I ain't playing with a damn. Okay. Well, that's not a bad reason, but it does have till December to start playing better, but it doesn't matter because he doesn't have an event to play and he can what call all the guys and go, Hey, you know, watch me get up. Yeah.

Um, the problem is, wait a second. But that's one reason. That's one reason he's not playing very well. He's broken down again. You might not finish. He's broken down again. There's 36 whole matches.

There's all this demand and there's a physically demanding. They're going to Australia. The other thing. So I'm going on record to count him out for about the 14th time in my life.

And I'm going to quadruple down to try to get my money back. The guy will probably spring up, beat everybody in this darn thing to win the, uh, to win the cup. No, no, no, no question about him.

I'm the same way. I've eaten crow on tiger for so long. It just shows you when you get this generational type athlete that comes to your sport, quit counting them out. Yeah. But I will say this really hard.

I don't see it. He's gonna, so the process he said, he's going to go through Pearl is he's going to get all his vice captains together and talk to all the guys that are already on the team and see who they want to play with. Do you think anybody truly challenges tiger? I mean, when they're talking and when they're doing the strategy, no, I don't think so. I don't think anybody, I don't think anybody in the media, I don't think any of the players now Koepka, he might read, he might Dustin Johnson might accidentally, but I think those two guys would, I do. I think they're the type that would just say it, just say, Hey, and I think tiger might actually listen to it.

Some of the stories are funny with, with tire gear and Koepka. And then did you see on, uh, Faraday, uh, what tiger said to, uh, Shafley, uh, in one of the term I can't repeat it on your radio show, even your radio show. He just walked up to him and told him to, and Shafley said, wow, what do I do with tiger? Tells me to do that. Right. It was just kind of a, kind of a funny, kind of a funny piece, but, uh, yeah, I don't know, Jay, that that's part of what's so fun about this process though.

Right. Is you get to see this, this come, come down and, and I'm going to take off howl. I'm taking off 17 through 20. I'm taking up Chuckie. He's great. I love him. Nicholson's playing. There is no really, you don't think he's going to pick Phil. Not a chance in the world. All right.

They want to be in a show, buddy, buddy, buddy. I know that. I know that. I know that.

I know that, but he is a hall of Famer. Hey, Phil's spectacular in talking about one of the things we've talked about. One of the best rounds of golf we've seen all year is Phil Mickelson, not only at Pebble Beach, but in Pebble Beach in that weather.

I've played in that weather before. It's more than break your back. Right.

It is. And it's a 48 year old, 49 year old back that, well, it's going to be great to see how this plays out. We got to wrap this up, but, um, wait a second. So you get your four picks. Give them to me real quick.

Who's your four? I'm absolutely taking, I'm going right down the list. I'm taking, I am going right down.

That is such a chicken. Call it whatever you want to call it. I would, I like these guys. Start swearing right now. Well, sorry, Jay. I'm not taking woods. I'm not taking, uh, Kizner. You know, that's a tough one.

I agree with you. I am such a Kizner fan, but I can't walk away from Fino. I like Woodland. I would say if I had a place to bet, Kizner will do better within Woodland, but I like Gary Woodland. He won my forever in Phoenix this year. And I saw the sincerity with him and I just, I just like that guy. I also think he's ready to break out for multiple. He's already great.

Break out for multiple reasons. Family issues, family man, got some things going in his direction. I know I'm going to stick with it. I know you're calling me a week, but I'm going right down the list and taking those 12. All right. I'm going to say, and I hate this. This is what I'm saying now. Okay, good. Fowler. Okay.

Tiger. Oh, come on. That's what you, that's what you wanted. That's what you think is going to happen. That's what I think is going to happen.

I thought we were going to buy what we want. Oh, who I would like to play on there. Oh, I, I, okay.

My four, my, my picks would be Kizzner. Number one. Yeah. Even though he's 15, um, Reed. Hmm.

I'll go Woodland and Fowler. Okay. And I'm leaving Fino off and I hate that. Oh, is that tough? I know. Oh, is that tough?

Yep. He's such a good guy. He's such a good player. Love him. Here's a guy that if he makes one or two more putts and one or two more shots.

He's got five wins. He's going to be a Koepka type. He's going to be a Dustin Johnson type. He's going to start blowing people away. No question. You know what?

That's going to do it for the on the range on the, that will do it for the, on the range segment. This is golf with Jay delsing on one-on-one ESPN comeback for the front nine Doster Olam and Boyle LLC are a proud sponsor of golf with Jay delsing here on one-on-one ESPN. The firm was started in January, 2015 by Mike Doster, Jess Olam and John Boyle, three veterans of the St. Louis real estate banking, commercial and corporate legal landscape. The firm was founded on the shared view that success should be measured by client and community satisfaction, not profits for partner.

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The choice of a lawyer is an important decision should not be based solely upon advertisements. I want to thank Whitmore country club for sponsoring my show golf with Jay delsing. There's 90 holes of golf at Whitmore. If you join out at Whitmore, you get privileges at the Missouri bluffs, the links of Dardene, golf club of Wentzville and all the cart fees are included in that membership.

There's no food and beverage minimums and no assessments ever. They've got a great 24 hour fitness center, a large pool complex, three tennis courts, a year round social calendar that is rocking out at Whitmore. There's kids clubs, junior golf, junior tennis, swim team available for your children. This is a family friendly atmosphere, a wonderful staff and you've got to go to the golf shop and visit my friend Bummer.

He is an absolute treat. Don't forget about the golf leagues, their skin games, members tournaments. Bummer and the staff out of Whitmore are continually running cool and fun golf events for you and your family. Visit their website at Whitmore I want to welcome my newest sponsor to golf with Jay delsing is golf discount. Golf discount is where St. Louis has shopped for its golf equipment since 1976. Golf discount has been and still is locally owned.

They employ the most experienced staff you'll find anywhere. There are two locations one in South County just off of Lima ferry and one in O'Fallon at highways K and end golf discount feature custom equipment to your swing using the state of the art GC quad launch monitor. This ensures that perfect fit that you're looking for. Go to golf discount for all your golfing needs. You're listening to golf with Jay delsing on 101 ESPN. You can find Jay online at j delsing

Welcome back. This is golf with Jay delsing. Jay and Jen are here to bring you the segment we call the front nine. I was fortunate enough pearly to have a how cool is this on the reigning Stanley cup champion St. Louis Blues coach Craig Ruby. I really love it plus that more I get to know about him especially after your interview which we're going to share in a minute. I just like that guy. That's a great guy.

So let's uh let's just jump right into this interview with coach Craig Berube. Looking at your career 17 years in the NHL is one hell of a career and over a thousand games played. I know that is a milestone that not very many players get to achieve. Yeah I mean I was lucky I think you know more than anything you got to have some luck go along with that. You know I just I knew my job and I did it and I think I came into every camp thinking I had to you know win a job and work to stay there and that's that's was my mindset every year going into it and before you know it you got 10 years in the league and then you just keep going you get established and like you said you gotta you know I was fortunate to stay pretty healthy and I like my job. I like playing and you know I think that's a big part of it is just liking the game and putting into work every day. Yeah it sure makes a difference when you love what you do doesn't it I mean it doesn't there are definitely ups and downs but it makes it a lot easier to go to work.

Yeah for sure you gotta like what you do I know it's a job a lot of times but you still gotta enjoy it and like what you do. So Craig you retired seventh all-time in penalty minutes and man the game's changed a lot you're gonna probably stay up at the top of those penalty minutes because of the way the game's changed. Yeah I would say so it's a totally different game now a different mindset you know back when I played you know that was part of the game was a big part of the game I think you know you had to do certain things to be successful back in those days and one of them was that being in a force or being having some protection there for your players I think it was really looked upon as a highly regarded job at that time but that's changed and the game's changed now it's all about speed and finesse more than anything I think just I think the league's done a good job though of you know changing the game for the better I believe it's a great game it's a fast game there's very very there's a lot of contact out there more than people think it's a hard game to play to be honest with you like being on ice level and watching it all the time and being a player that's played as long as I have it's a hard game to play now there's no time out there and very little room.

Oh I think that's one of the things that just fascinates me especially when you get to go to the rink and watch this in person this is such a great game you know our world's kind of captured in television now but when you get to go to a hockey game in person you see how fast it is and you also see how physical it is. Yeah for sure and I think that's part of the physicality is that the league's done a good job of letting guys get there with their speed and using their speed so there's going to be contact all the time so it's important for players to you know know how they're going into the corners and and you know make sure you're putting yourself in a good position when you gotta absorb hits and and things like that that's a different part of the game from when I played and learning those things is important. Craig was there a player that you modeled yourself after that you looked up to that that helped you in the transition because like I said 17 years in the league and then you went straight to coaching in 04.

Was there was there anyone that that stood out in your mind? I don't know I I broke in with the flyers and you know I had a lot of great guys that I played with back then that really helped me along the way taught me the game at a young age great great group of coaches and management obviously there that organization you know really did a lot for me in my career not only as a player but as a coach and I look back on it all I think that you know guys like Paul Holmgren, Bob Clark, Rick Talkett, Dave Poulin, Mark Howe, Brad McCrimmon all these guys that were around that organization at the time were unbelievable team guys and that's where I learned you know really about team play and how important team is and you know just doing my job. Yeah that's that's pretty incredible so you got were you always interested in coaching when you're playing when you I mean did you have that eye on coaching?

So I think when I went to Washington Dale Hunter and I became real good friends and we were always watching games you know after our games late at night or just always watching the game and studying it and I think both of us realized that we'd probably get into coaching at some point just because we are you know constantly talking about the game and how it's how you know it should be played or what what we would do and things like that so I think that's when I kind of started to think about a future after a plan. And it's a totally different perspective isn't it when you look at it from a coach's point of view than a player's point of view? Well definitely it's you know you got you got a lot to to a lot on your plate like you know you got 20 players playing or you know 23-24 guys in total that you got to worry about you got to make sure that everybody's pulling the same way and you know put it in the team first and then you know there's a lot of other things that are going on too around you that you got to handle and take care of and then you got to go and coach the game.

There's a lot going on but I love it I love being in that that situation on a daily basis. Yeah you know coach I talk in you and I just had Tony LaRusso on two weeks ago and there's something you guys have in common is it's just burning love for your sport you know and also you guys love to compete you can just tell in the way that you talk and I really appreciate that. What would you say the most important thing a coach could do for a player and then you know for an organization? Well for a player like you got I think the most important thing you can do as a coach is try to put him in the in the best position to succeed.

I get that every player wants to you know I put it like they all want to score and they all want to produce offensively that's that's the biggest attraction in the game because that attracts the most money right but that's not always the case with every player every player is not capable of being a offensive producer so I think it's important as a coach as you you know try to instill in them what they're best at and what how they can help the team the best way and that's the most important thing because when the team wins everybody has success and everybody you know will will be rewarded for that and it's important as a coach that you put these players in the right position to succeed not only individually but as a team. That wraps up the front nine we're going to take a pause for a moment so you can hear from the folks that help support our show this is Golf with Jay Delsing and this is 101 ESPN. Quick note we just got a call from our friend Joe Scisor at USA Mortgage he said the rates are still below four percent and if you mention Golf with Jay Delsing he'll give you a discount on your closing costs please call him today at 314-628-2015. Are you looking for a golf training facility and PGA pros to help you out year round make sure you get to Golf Tech they've been in St. Louis since 2007 and have three convenient locations to serve you they've got state-of-the-art video equipment and you can take your lesson home with you and replay it as much as you'd like start with a golf swing evaluation for only $125 and let a Golf Tech coach customize a game plan for you 314-721-GOLF you can find them online as well dash st louis play better swing better Golf Tech. 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Whitmore okay 90 holes Whitmore give me a second Jay yeah meet have you ever played any of the Whitmore golf courses uh yeah I've played Whitmore and I've also played the Missouri bluffs what's your favorite hole man out of those golf courses there's a lot of good ones I don't remember the exact whole number but Missouri bluffs it said beast of a par five right huge it's overlooking kind of dog laid our dog legs ride a little bit I think I had to take a train to get down to the green on that thing it was gigantic gigantic hole and and what did you make in the whole meet we're not going to talk about that we're not going to talk about that back to Jay this is radio we can edit this stuff come on yeah eagle oh my gosh it's gonna come where are we there's 90 holes at Whitmore uh compliment complimentary golf at the Whitaker courses which included Missouri bluffs as meet was saying links to Dardene golf club of Wensfield and no carts no cart fees added to that membership so you join carts are included there's no food or beverage minimum no assessments a 24-hour fitness center a large pool complex three tennis courts year-round social calendar holiday parties are great picnics and date nights and live music the kids club is really gaining popularity around the country that might be the best part of the whole thing Jay yeah it really is get kids involved and be around golf I don't even care if they don't play be around a golf course it has a great feel to it yeah that's right there's junior golf junior tennis there's swim teams available it's a family-friendly atmosphere we got our buddy bummer we got to have him back you know you keep talking about the buddy bummer you know I haven't played any of these golf courses I'm looking for an invite hey bummer call pearly thank you yeah geez that's that is that's asking that that is really if you don't ask you don't get you just bummer don't call pearly yeah he's gonna call anyway so bummer will help you with anything that you need help with with your game uh he runs golf league skins games member tournaments and he makes it fun that guy loves the game he is terrific he is terrific so call them at six three six nine two six nine six two two all right let's go back to the conclusion of our interview with craig burubi it says a lot about alex steen going down to the fourth line and doing what he did that fourth line was crucial in the success last year wasn't it well definitely that's a big part of reason why we won and at the time when I talked to him about going down there I said our fourth line needs an identity and they don't have one right now and you can provide that for them you know being a great player that you've been over your career you get a little older and things change but you still can you can still help the team win that's the key and he did that because he accepted what we asked of him he's a team guy and he put the team first and he went down there and that line was so good in the playoffs we would never have won without him yeah man that was really fun to watch and um how about for the organization you're obviously uh stainless blues now and you've been around the league I think you played for five different teams and coaching uh for uh for the flyers as well how about the organization and the support how obviously that's got to be crucial to to winning oh definitely it starts at the top your ownership and then your management they're all got to be pulling the same way and being on the same page with the coaching staff and with the players and I think that uh you know they'll that that that's it's a good organization that way I think Doug Armstrong does a great job of communicating with everybody um and trying to put every pieces in the right place uh we definitely put a good team on the ice for sure but he also communicates with the coaches very well and ownership and the players and I think that's very important that that communication is there all the time and we all know where we stand and what's going on yeah where you stand is knowing where you stand not only as a coach but as a player and I know that you had some frank conversations with some of the players it's just crucial for those players to know what where they are what they they're expected to do well definitely I think um they all want to they all want to talk and um I think communication is so important because you know like you said they got to know where they stand or what you want from them um and if you can instill that in them and and they understand you know where you're coming from and and um what you expect of them and and what the team expects expects of you uh good things happen I mean it's it's so important that everybody is pulling on the same rope and that we're all in the you know trying to you know work for the same goal um it's hard though because as an individual you always want to have success individually right and that's important too I'm not saying it's not but it's got to be you know for the team yeah Tony La Russa talked a little bit about trying to motivate the guys but motivate them all in the same direction and what you're saying there you know we golfers don't have a clue about that it's you know it was it's just really about us and um I I can't imagine how hard that is when you have so many different personalities in a locker room well it can be but it's it's important to have good leadership which we have very good leadership because the leaders lead the way um they understand that uh you know the team's the most important thing and when you have that leadership that your leaders understand that it makes it a lot easier because they're doing it already so people follow yeah that's that's great so Craig this last season with the blues I mean obviously uh the organization made some great trades and brought in some some you know Ryan O'Reilly is kind of the centerpiece but not he wasn't the only person David Perron and the start was to start you know we all it's been documented and then Mike Yeo is fired and and going 30 you guys went 30 10 and five your last 45 games it's just when I read those numbers it still doesn't even though I watch probably every game it doesn't seem possible was there a turning point because I know your first oh 15 games or so you know you got back to about 500 but was there a turning point in your eyes that you saw you know what was possible well I think um you know before uh Binnington played any games I thought we were playing good hockey and really you know playing a good brand and uh I thought the guys were really playing hard and they're bought in but we just weren't getting enough wins um Binnington went into that uh Philly game uh he looked well he looked good you know we played a real good game in front of him but he looked good and uh you know I think once he started to uh you know win some games and get on a roll um I knew we were going to be I knew we were going to you know have some success and then win some hockey games and maybe give ourselves a chance of getting in the playoffs but obviously it turned out to be way better than that I think you know the confidence grew as a team once they saw what Binner did in that and once that confidence you get that confidence that really helped yeah that's unmistakable um so the city of St. Louis I I don't think I've ever seen anything uh and I'm obviously a hell of a biased uh voice here but the the parade the support the the alumni that comes here you're part of that now you're part of that forever and and you may or may not I know you live here with your family but you may or may not stay there's something special about St. Louis the guys have told me because we have so many former players uh living here yeah it's a great place I think you know I don't know the players like there's so many there you're right there's a lot of players that live there that uh played in St. Louis and uh there is something special about this place for sure um you know like I said it's a real good hockey town it's a real good sports town I think the people are very passionate about their sports there I think it's just uh you know I think a lot of guys live there too is because um they just fit in um I really believe that they just fit in around there it's a simple place uh you know to live and easy to get around people are so nice and they're great people there I think the guys just like it yeah it's a lot I for me that you the hockey players in general are such down to earth hard-working folks and and more approachable than any other athletes and I think that's what plays so well here in St. Louis because that's what I feel like most of the people here are like yeah no for sure um I think you're right they fit in that's uh you know like I said it's a it's a nice nice city it's easy to get around like the people are so nice to everybody it's why not live there all right coach I gotta ask you about any any specific golf or any fun golf memories that you have I don't know how much you play I know that a lot of the players are really uh uh make a good transition from the ice to the golf course um have you got any golf moments uh that you can share with us I do play a lot of golf I like it a lot um I don't know if there's any one specific moment that's that note I played a lot of golf in Maryland so back when I was playing in Washington I used to play a lot of golf uh with uh three or four horse trainers back in the day and uh I'll tell you what there was some good gambling going on a lot of fun I'll tell you on those days we used to play you know we'd go out in the morning we play end up playing 54 holes in the day come back with we're on the last hole it's dark out trying to find our balls playing I mean that was some good times back back then playing golf with all those guys it was a lot of fun okay so wait a second I've gotta I've gotta add this so the whole point not the whole point but one of the driving forces bro of me wanting to get in front of coach Bruve was to talk about the hand pass we had the hand pass incident when the San Jose everybody in St Louis over exactly what that means right so here's what happened we had trouble on the cell phone and I called coach back we couldn't get him back live but here's I said to him coach please please talk about that when I had Tony La Russa on he said one of the most incredible coaching jobs he's ever seen was getting his team right for game seven well we went out and we absolutely kicked San Jose's ass it was awesome so first of all Berube was coach Berube was terrific you know what he said he goes hand pass he goes we should have never even got to the hand pass that game should have been over in regulation time we should have never even got that you're saying he said that to the players he said that to the players he said it to me he's that's I love that I love that as a leader that's what he should do as a coach is reset the stage go back to we're not going to get into that and so you told me a little bit about how he handled press conferences afterwards that's right and um maybe we can go to that um but what what coach said he goes we I went in and told my players in no uncertain terms this is not going to define our season god I love that that just pumps me up we are not going to use this as an excuse this happened it's over and then he said to the boys and it was a expletive laden which I didn't leave that out meat if you play it leave that part out what he said was I'm going right now to the media to answer questions and I'm going to I'm going to ignore it yeah so that's what he's doing this guy says well uh coach first question you know he's sitting down and you can see he's aggravated and he says um coach he knows it's on the line right now he knows this is it was that a hand pass he goes well what do you think no explanation well what do you guys think yes okay then don't ask me there's no reason to ask me nothing I don't have nothing to say about it forget it I know you got to ask me forget it my team is moving on and the only way you know what pearl this reminds me you deal with companies all the time helping them with with with their brands and with culture this is culture for this hockey club this was leadership and it starts at the top and if he is bummed and carries this forward the players wouldn't respond you know some of the keys in leadership is that you absolutely hit home runs and grand slams when it counts it couldn't have counted it couldn't have meant more than this moment if you think maybe would be another great follow-up next time you have the coach on on your show what's the most important moment of your hockey career it may have been that moment well it's interesting because here's a guy that follows his gut I mean this is a strong leader and you know they call him the chief and he's just you can hear in his words and he just knew this is where we have to go and I'm I am blazing the trail boys so get behind me and jump on my back and he talked about what great leadership this club had in the room Alexanderstein no problem going down here's a 30 goal scorer and a big contract guy no problem going down to the fourth line because he needs identity on the fourth line I'm going to tell you I'm a huge fan and I don't know diddly about hockey like our buddy Bernie and all these guys have forgotten more than we'll ever know but they said one of the reasons we won is because our fourth line was so strong it's awesome that's awesome great stuff in that interview and um well the other the other parts is unfortunately you guys didn't get to talk that much about golf but I love you talked about it a little bit you did it's like you can tell he lit up it was just fun the energy in his voice uh I thought that that piece was absolutely fantastic too and he loves the game right oh he loves the game and hopefully we'll get him back on and hopefully I get to tee it up with him and um yeah that's gonna wrap up but we've done already I mean we are flying dang it that's gonna wrap up the back nine segment okay this is golf with Jay Delsing on 101 ESPN come back we got whack and chase in the 19th hole urban chestnut brewing company is proud to be an official sponsor of 101 ESPN's newest show golf with our friend Jay Delsing just like Jay urban chestnut is born right here in st louis with three local brewing and restaurant locations you won't travel far to sample straight from the source if you're heading out to the links this weekend or if you're just in the mood for a classic german-style beer grab a four-pack of our fresh refreshing swickle Bavarian lager wherever craft beers are sold urban chestnut brewing company st louis missouri prost golf discount is where st louis has shopped for all of its golf equipment needs since 1976 there are two locations in town one in south county just off of limay ferry and one in o'fallon at highways k and n golf discount is and always will be locally owned they employ the most experienced golf staff you'll find anywhere in town and if you're looking to get yourself some custom fit equipment go to golf discount they use the gc quad launch monitor this ensures you will always get the perfect fit you're looking for visit golf discount today it's time for the 19th hole on golf with jay delsing the 19th hole is brought to you by mike duffy's pub and grill mike duffy's pub and grill the best burgers in town since 1986 mike duffy's pub and grill the best burgers in town since 1986 welcome back this is golf with jay delsing i'm your host jay john is here and uh we are on the 19th hole and uh meet we got a whack and chase segment it looks like people are still calling in what's happening over there jay john whack and chase continues today pat is on the line hey pat thank you so much for calling into whack and chase well thank you for having me we we we um you know we started this thing i'm not sure if you're familiar with the old car talk uh series that was on public radio years ago yeah so uh well that's kind of the idea here so um we are uh well the idea is we want to have a little fun we want to get to know you but we really want to truly help you with your golf game i mean that's absolutely that's what we're here for if we can get to that yeah right so pat where are you from where you from pat uh i am originally from cincinnati but i live in effingham don't stick with cincinnati pat don't say i'll be here because they all know that it's people i know then so cincinnati this is jay this is pat from cincinnati all right pat from cincinnati and we love we love cincinnati very similar to st louis it's a it's a very similar city it's a baseball town big time it's a baseball town we got a river a river plays a major role in the in the city it's um yeah midwestern good midwestern values and uh people are trying to figure out their uh how to play golf so pat tell us tell us a question that you've got for jay well here's my question i've been playing golf now for about 30 years and i am a fairly decent driver i don't get into a lot of trouble because i don't really hit a long ball you mean you don't get into trouble on the course pat or you don't get in any trouble anytime well let's just speak with the course okay let's say all right let's keep it professional okay um so i can hit a fairly straight ball and here is my achilles heel okay when i am around the green i if i'm uh if the uh green is up on the top i can use my pitching wedge or my fan wedge and get it up there okay when it is flat and i'm let's say about 10 or 20 yards off the green i use my nine iron but i have a tendency to blade that darn thing i cannot stay down on those short shots okay guys tell me what i need to do okay first of all jay who does this remind you of blading and strip shots joe well you know pat we had a wonderful guy on whack and chase and he's going to be on this week i believe i i don't know if i've ever laughed harder about he's he's asking the same uh he's got the same similar problem pat where he's you know really close to the green and done a really good job of getting himself close to the green and two and then has this blading sort of issue that that kind of gets him but so so pat the next question we have to ask you is what is your expectation what do you want out of this so when jay helps you kind of what's the vision of what you would like to accomplish from that 10 to 20 yards out where you're pitching or chipping with your nine iron what would what would you like the results to be well ideally i'd like to chip it in uh but if that doesn't work i love hearing that you are you are the jay dreamer dream uh person now that's that's what we're looking for um you are you are now pat officially my favorite dragon chase calling because that's what you should be thinking oh my god exactly come on i'm looking for something this we can't shoot for the moon she's shooting for the moon wait a minute exactly why not pat if you don't ever shoot to the moon do you ever get there no you want to ask pat have you even chipped one in before pearl what are you talking about so so pat are so just to to kind of clarify the the situations you're going to see you you get into the technology of it and the technical aspects we're not there yet with pat i had i don't even know what i was gonna ask i don't care i could tell where i was going i want to know pat what's the best shot you've ever hit in your life that's what i want when i have chipped it in from where pat don't tell me tell me 10 or 20 yards um no it's probably closer than that i would say it's just like right off the green okay then we know that that's your best shot what's your best golf story or golf joke oh best story or yeah i knew i would throw her on this one i'll give her a second to think about it but uh best story or best golf joke so so pat how's i'll just give you some time to to help you because pearly throws our collar curve balls and hits them in the head with a wrench they pass out for a while and so um what we had a caller on and he said um john asked him this question like where are you going with this question and the guy said he he started thinking about a little was really put off and then all of a sudden he goes oh wait a second i made a hole in one about a year ago and we're like you forgot about your hole in one yeah so it's really kind of funny where you know you you get on the radio and sometimes you put on the spot you can't think of it but this guy was like oh yeah i forgot i made a hole in one well actually i have two because um i had to have two stories i did make a hole in one and i was so frightened to call home and tell my husband because my husband was like pissed gradually and he had never had a hole in one and it was like i was so nervous i i didn't even call him until i actually got home and i said i hate to tell you this but i got a hole in one today oh he was elated that's because he was a great guy that's why he was elated that's awesome what a good story that is how far was it pat what'd you hit and how far was the hole in one uh it was a par three it was 147 uh yards and i think i had my three wood nice nice wow that's awesome how many times did you tell that story to your husband did you just kind of go with it once or did you tell it to him a bunch of times no i only told it to him wow you are a sweet person i i i can't say i can't say i would have done that well but but what i did i i didn't exactly rub it in but i took the whole dart i had the flag i had the ball i had the tea i had the glove and it's in like an encasement that's that hangs in our house a little monument i love it i love it i love it so whenever there's a little disagreement or anything kind of went a little haywire you could always go you know what honey you'll find me over in front of my hole in one uh uh case over here where i'm where i'm looking at all of my my hardware okay pat you said that that was a great first story you said he had two stories and one thing we've learned from doing whack and chase in the in the golf with jay delsing show in general people love to hear stories what's your next story oh my next story is it was the only the only thing that was in the pre-nup agreement was that i had to play golf oh pat that's wonderful now did you guys play together or did you both just enjoy the game or did you enjoy playing together oh no we played together all over in fact that was another thing it was funny because i was not very a very good golfer when we got married and he loved to play and all these hot courses pinehurst and we played a bit cooler and we played and we played in scotland and you know i was probably about a 35 handicap at that point and i mean playing in scotland was an absolute highlight and in fact i will tell you a funny story because if you remember you remember st andrews it's got that water on the right hand side off the first on the first hole it sure does it's got it's got a berm i played the 95 british open there it's got that berm runs to the right of the fairway and then kind of right in front of the green yes of course you have yes and you have caddy and so i hit the darn ball in the water i mean i'm so nervous i'm so embarrassed i hit the darn ball and that whatever that waterway is there and that caddy goes and gets my ball out he throws he throws it to me and darn it if i didn't if i didn't hit it you just wanted to see what kind of endurance he had pat well then and as you know you have to walk that course and as we're walking along he says in that one of the holes i really really had a great a great hit or a great something goes well you hit that on the biscuit mom oh that's that's terrific did you enjoy st andrews i loved st andrews and of course i wasn't playing very well at that time so what difference did it make but just walking that course and i mean to tell you you have voices in your head scottish voices in your head that talk to you i swear you do on those courses did pearly tell you about the crazy dreams he has when he when he can he's it sounds like you guys might have something to talk about i've never heard scottish accented voices in my head no and we also played turn berry and we played carnoustie and i could not i mean i don't think i even finished carnoustie and didn't finish it either what was that guy's name john vondeville didn't finish either no he's still looking for his ball over there in 18. oh my gosh he never finished it i promise you that guy's got nightmares i don't care what he says he's got nothing he's got nothing on you pearly okay we gotta go to solve we gotta go to solve pat your stories are fantastic thank you for the stories jay is now going to solve your 10 to 20 yard chipping issue with the nine iron so that you can start making all of them okay so pat well do i need an iron iron or do i need something else so i'll let you talk okay okay pat when you use your wedges around the green are and you said successfully use them do you have any trouble sculling them uh in when it's flat i do that's why i don't use my wedges around the green i use my wedges only when i'm around grass but if it's flat i i use i use my nine iron so flat and tight lies you don't like yes no exactly okay okay so pat one of the things that happens is that our intuition first of all you have all this anxiety right because you're telling me you you can jay jay wasn't in turn intimidated by flat and tight lines but downhill tight lies he was definitely intimidated pat i was intimidated by almost everything i just didn't know it i i i didn't it's like wait a minute i should have been way more nervous i didn't know what the hell i was doing um so so so what happens is we try to lift this ball in the air as soon as as soon as you've hit like if you've gotten in a bunker before and you hit one a little thin and it goes all the way across the green the next one you hit in the bunker is every time gonna be hit fat you know because we kind of play away from that our intuition tells us we gotta lift this ball up in the air so we have got to in order to try to get it up and into the air we try to lift so we pull everything up we move up with our body we move up with our hands we move up with our head does that make does that make sense so absolutely and so pat what we want to do believe it or not is the exact opposite we want to take your wedge and if you have to choke up on your wedge to give you a little different feel than what you've had in the past so i'm telling you to choke up even pat if you have to go all the way down to where the rubber of your your grip meets the steel just to give you a different feel and then pat what you have to do is you actually have to hit and stay down on this ball almost like so let me ask you this real quick if you have your your 60 degree wedge or do you have a 60 degree or 56 degree wedge or whatever your highest lofted wedge is i have a pitching wedge which is probably my highest lofted okay so you have a pitching wedge when you hit that from the fairway do you have any you know when you're not using it in a chipping motion do you hit that um uh in the air yeah okay yeah yeah so that's what we want to get you to do to hit it more in the air like that so you know what i'm going to do pat my my my man my man pearly our buddy is just laughing so hard over here because i think it's just because of my face i think that does it to him but what i'm going to do is i am going to send to you a 56 degree ladies titleist wedge for calling us in today because here's one of the problems uh pat what happens is there are situations you get yourself in where a pitching wedge doesn't work and you can you can be trying to get this ball in the air because you need to get more loft you need a club with more loft and that pitching wedge doesn't work but the fix of this is is i want the ball in the middle of your stance i want your hand position just on the front edge of the ball and i want you to hit down and through that that shot like it was a mini shot coming from the fairway that's what i want you to do i don't want you to try to help it in the air hitting down on it will push the ball believe it or not will push the ball up in the air and i will get this wedge to you via my my uh f'ing ham friend here express from st louis to chesterfield to f'ing ham country and pat this is what we tell all of the folks that call us on whack and chase if this advice that we gave you helps you tell everyone you know if you still keep skulling your wedges tell them we never met okay it's wonderful and i thank you so much for that i'm looking forward to using it now and now and then pat if you don't get the wedge grab your pitching wedge put it in your car drive over to pearly's house and go find it because it's stuck in the back of that old truck he drives and he doesn't know where he put it pat is way too nice for this show jane she's probably got a our son's probably big and he can hit you with the wedge and help you find her other wedge she has lots of people protecting her i do know that much thanks so much for calling we really appreciate it thanks pat okay thank you bye now bye bye well pearl another show in the books they haven't run us off maybe they're still looking for us maybe they're still looking for us but thanks for being with me pearl love love spending the time with you meet great stuff dude thank you so much for uh for all this st louis thank you for listening and um this is golf with jay delsing on 101 espn hit him straight st louis that was golf with jay delsing brought to you by whitmore country club tune in next sunday for more from jay john and the other pros and experts from the golf world in the meantime you can find all of jay shows at 101 as well as at jay delsing
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