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Absurd Truth: Childless Cat Ladies

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch
The Truth Network Radio
July 25, 2024 3:23 pm

Absurd Truth: Childless Cat Ladies

Dana Loesch Show / Dana Loesch

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July 25, 2024 3:23 pm

Jennifer Aniston reacts to a years old clip of JD Vance talking about cat ladies and ties it into abortion. Meanwhile, FBI Director Wray says that Donald Trump may not have been hit by a bullet.

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It's his life mission to make bad decisions. It's time for Florida Man. This is like parkour to the extreme. They have a Florida Man who is jumping between hotel balconies because he's trying to avoid being arrested. Balcony to balcony from the sixth floor to the second.

Eventually, Jorge Garcia Palacio was eventually taken into custody. But dude, that's like some serious brass. Six floors to the second floor, jumping between balconies. Okay. Yeah, that's like four floors and it doesn't look like it was totally easy to do.

This is funny. A guy Florida Man was arrested for resisting arrest on a warrant for resisting arrest. He was he resisted arrest. And he was wanted on a warrant for resisting arrest. And he was trying to escape from officers who were taking him into custody was Indian River County Sheriff's Office. Gordon Wanser.

Wanser, Wanser. So deputies that had to use it, they had to trick him. It was a probation officer that contacted him told him she wanted to set up to a meeting.

And they should meet at Lowe's since they said Wanser wasn't home. So he arrived, they got out, they Wanser spotted the detective took off running. They had to tase him to bring him down. But even as they were trying to take him into custody, he was still resisting. And then so he had a he had a warrant out for resisting arrest and attempted escape. And then he was arrested. And he had tried to resist arrest and attempt to escape again. I just feel like maybe at some point you stop that.

First off, like don't don't do stuff that you know, you're going to get arrested for maybe and then maybe just stop resisting because he just keeps doing the same thing and getting in trouble for it. So just stop. Let's see here.

Oh, no. Can we not if we have a day of exposure, no exposure stories. A Florida man assaults an employee and then exposes himself at a Miami Beach Hotel and Beach Club.

We literally had one of these kind of stories yesterday. Miami Beach sky is facing assault and indecent exposure charges after he violently assaulted employee. And he the police responded to the reports of this guest attacking an employee at the Catalina Hotel Beach Club.

I swear this sounds like a stop brothers thing. And 30 year old Devis Rodriguez entered the hotel demanded access to the staff only computers. He was denied. And he apparently was using them to look at porn. That's what he was doing. Female hotel employee approached him, he punched her in the face multiple times. And then he kept fighting with the people outside of the hotel.

And then he just dropped his britches and exposed himself and then was making sexual comments towards the employees. That definitely didn't go over. Well, you know, as you can imagine, that did not diffuse the situation make things better. Yeah, it didn't make anything better to do that. Like, you know, if you're in the middle of a brawl, it definitely does not work to drop your trout and you know, free willy.

And then make overt sexual comments towards the people you're brawling with definitely does not help. So police guess what they arrested him. And I'm sure you'll be shocked to note that he had crack cocaine on his person. Yeah, and I love my favorite thing is when it's found in someone's pockets with their fingerprints all over it. They're like, that's not mine. What? Narrator, it's totally theirs.

Yeah, who put that in my pants and put my fingerprints all over it? What? can't even believe it.

How does that even happen? Let's see here. I got a couple of others. A lot of people running from arrest. There's a I think we had this one. No, this is new. It's the villages.

The villages. That's right. I you can get a DUI driving a golf cart. You know that? Yeah.

And like a horse too. That doesn't seem fair. So I don't know how a 21 year old because you're not supposed to be in the villages if you're like under like, what don't they make it like if you're 60 you're a baby there.

You're fresh meat if you're in the villages and you're 60. That's what I heard. So a drunk driving suspect in a golf cart led enforcement on a wild as can be chase in a golf cart in the villages. 21 year old Christopher is Dale, who lives there apparently somehow was driving a red golf cart at 1am all over the place. They saw they pursued it. He wasn't supposed to have a golf cart on this county road. And he led them on a slow golf cart chase.

And he had one 106 point 116. What alcohol content so it's kind of high. Yeah, the villages don't do that there are partners over at Hillsdale. This is such a great educational institution. If you're unfamiliar with Hillsdale, it was founded in 1844. It is a small Christian classical liberal arts college in southern Michigan. And they were founded to really preserve liberty. I mean, it's all about the pursuit of truth and defense of liberty. And you don't have to be on their campus to take advantage of the insight that they have to offer.

So for instance, if you love documentaries, and if you love deep dives and historical, you know, issues, things like that, they have a video up at Dana for And it's on Thomas Jefferson as he is later in his life, he's reflecting on the Declaration of Independence and the creation of the republic. We know exactly what he thought because he was a prolific letter writer. And it comes directly from a letter that he was writing his correspondence to different colleagues and friends about all of this. And that's so this insight comes from his own words and you can watch it at Hillsdale Dana for fo our very inspiring video and when you're there you can get a free commemorative copy of the Declaration of Independence from Hillsdale keep it or pass it on to somebody you know it's a limited time offer so don't delay. Watch that awesome video about Jefferson later in his life reflecting on the declaration and get your commemorative copy at Dana for fo our It's not the Republicans fault that Joe Biden tagged her with this to some degree in 2020. I mean, it was Joe Biden who laid out the criteria for choosing a vice president and his two principal criteria were I'm sorry, you're saying that Joe Biden is made a dei pick I'm saying that he unfairly because she's qualified, tagged her with that in the first place. And that's not the Republicans fault that Biden did that to her. She's I don't know who that dude is, but he's not wrong. And I think it's hysterical that the CNN anchor was like, I'm sorry, what? Yeah, you heard me right.

Clean the bleach out of your ears. You heard me correctly. It was Joe Biden that did it. He was the person who made this up.

He was the guy who who started this whole thing. And I disagree that well, it's unfair because she's qualified says who qualified how? Not everyone who's qualified not everyone seeking the office is qualified.

I hate this. Well, because they're seeking office by nature of that, that means they're qualified. That's that's what that take requires.

Welcome back to the program. Dana Lesh with you at the bottom of the second hour. No, I don't think that she's she's not qualified. She's just no, she's not qualified. And it was Joe Biden that did this, which is why I think it's funny that they're trying to distract that with this like JD Vance, we played it last segment for headlines, where he was, you know, kind of joking that she's, you know, just this cat lady and then you had Jennifer Aniston come out.

Oh, my gosh. And this chick will not miss a second to make something about her. Apparently, she comes out. And she says she was upset. Well, should we play his remarks again real quick?

So you guys know what we're talking about? Because they're going to try to make this a big deal. They're already trying it. Go ahead and play it yet.

Play this. This was just so you know, these, this audio resurface now, it was back when he was running for Senate. That's how. So now all of a sudden, they're acting like it's a big deal. Listen to this saying is that we're effectively run in this country via the Democrats via via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made. And so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too. And it's just a basic fact, you look at Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, AOC, the entire future of the Democrats is controlled by people without children.

And how does it make any sense that we've turned our country over to people who don't really have a direct stake in it? He's not talking about the act of having of giving birth. He's talking about just you have no children, period. And I don't know if Jennifer Aniston was smart enough to deduce that from his remarks that she's reacting to two years later. But because she apparently acts like she doesn't understand what he said. She wrote on social media. She wrote that, I quote, I truly can't believe that this is coming from a potential VP of the United States.

All I can say is Mr. Vance, I pray for you. I pray your daughter's fortunate enough to bear children of her own one day. I hope she'll not need to turn to IVF as a second option, because you're trying to take that away from her too, end quote. Well, Trump actually has said he is not against IVF. So I don't know what she's talking about, number one. So that desperate attempt to try to make this an attack on that as a way to separate, you know, some of the tent on the right is that's, that's not going to, that's not a part of his platform.

And Trump is, like I said, has already said, he's he's in favor of it. So what are you arguing about? What is your problem? It sounds like you saw something that hit a little too little close to home and you're taking it personally. And why is this about you? I mean, what a way to just advertise your own neurosis there. No one, no one thought of you as that.

And then you just volunteer it. That's so weird, right? This was again, when he was running for Senate. And it was, you know, it's pretty just wild that, you know, she's saying this now.

Like now she was on her Instagram stories. And that's what she was saying that she that's where she made her remarks that I can't believe. Well, he was not talking about IVF. And he's not talking about how you have kids.

He's talking about people like you who apparently don't have any kids and want to tell everyone else how to raise their kids and raise their lives and all that stuff. I mean, okay, so I guess it did hit a little close to home for her. And is she upset about that?

That's not all the rest of our problems. But it's just weird that and of course, she quoted the engagement farmer that the left uses for this kind of stuff. And I don't know, again, why she brought up IVF, because Trump has said that he's in favor of IVF. So I don't know why she brought that up as a way to say that he was that Vance was trying to take that from her too. That doesn't make any sense.

Kane, what is your thought? My thought is it's intentional, because the narrative that they're building is that the right is so against all these freedoms. So they don't care if it's true or not. They don't care if there's any honesty behind that statement. They only care to create that narrative as we roll into November. Yeah, that's what it seems like.

But how lame is that? I mean, if you're trying to dispel the notion that you yourself are an angry cat lady, then why would you act like one? I mean, clearly, he's kind of, you know, making a joke. But I don't know, is that is part of, you know, being an angry cat lady taking everything quite literally as well. I don't know, he's free to make it.

And I think he's completely fine with insane this. And this has nothing to do with for those who lack the listening comprehension. This has nothing to do with IVF. And he wasn't talking about IVF.

He wasn't talking about actually giving birth to your own children, because other people after Jennifer Aniston said that said that we're trying to make it about adoption, etc. It's just so stupid. All day. I love the folks at Kel-Tec. And this is a great I got to tell you, it's a great, great all American success story.

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Follow them on social media. That's K-E-L-T-E-C Tell them Dana sent you. Time for Dana's quick five. Okay, I'm, what is this? The AI boyfriend business? Ladies, I got a problem here. Men or women doing this? I thought it would be the dudes.

But it's not, it's you. Women, a ton of women now apparently are seeking the comfort and connection in relationships with chat bots. So they're female AI users. So these AI companies with these apps have apparently noticed that the majority of their users are women.

And they said that they're surging in popularity. And it's there that the AI users it's the what they're seeking, it's filling the stereotype of these under socialized men who are talking. I don't know, it's just weird. This is weird.

They said that you can customize this that it's they're treating it like The Sims or Second Life, which are the weirdest things I've ever seen in my life. I could do an entire segment on those. Oh, actually, I think we may have to talk about it.

Can we come back to this? Because I am fascinated by this. I cannot believe so many women are seeking out like AI boyfriend companionship. It's AI. It's so weird. I don't know. It's weird to me.

All right. A man dies after being struck by lightning on Germany's highest peak. Did he flip off the sky? Like I'm very curious how like how this happened. It's it repeatedly apparently struck repeatedly. These guys were descending from the summit of Zugspitze.

Zugspitze. Maybe I don't know. Guess that's what it's called. Yeah, that sounds right.

Late Sunday afternoon. They were going to the summit and it was an 18 year old. He was one of three young men who was going up. Lightning hit repeatedly. The 18 year old suffered suffered fatal electric shock. And then the storm apparently they had a storm and that complicated recovery efforts.

Okay, just be careful on the mountains. Okay, the Wienermobile crashed on a tri-state tollway and it rolled over the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile. Someone was driving it like they stole it.

Probably did. But they said it was a rollover crash. The Wienermobile and a car were both going north and the Wienermobile struck. This is so weird to say. The big old Wienermobile struck the car, lost control and rolled over.

There were no injuries. And it's just funny to see a giant Wienermobile on a flatbed. I am filled with jokes right now. Right? The Wiener's down.

Is that what they I don't know. I'm full of jokes right now. Let's see here. The new Jetsons laws paving the way for flying cars and that's going to be just a disaster because I've seen how a lot of us drive. We have more in store.

Stick with us. Like for instance, over at Newsweek right now. Have you guys seen this headline?

I can't even deal with this. Donald Trump may not have been hit by a bullet after all says the FBI director. That was one of the things that he mentioned or that he had said, Oh my gosh. Did you guys did you see the literal, like shredded ear photo? I don't think we should show because it is kind of gross.

If I'm being real. There's I mean, there's a photo. And there are three different photographers from three different photo services at three different angles that have a photo of his ear. And it's literally torn in half. And it's bleeding. It's real nasty.

All of them are nasty looking. So I don't know if we really want to show that. But it's out there if you want to go see it.

But it's it's pretty gory looking. Because his ear was shot. I mean, that's how close he came. And it is weird that that was something that Ray who's such a jackass even floated. And because Jim Jordan had asked Ray if all of the eight bullets that this guy fired were accounted for. And he said, Well, we know that he lost his life and two other rally goers were injured and that one hit the president. And that's what Jordan was asking. And he goes, Well, where did all eight bullets go? And when what Ray said was, quote, as I said, I think with respect to former President Trump, there's some question about whether or not it's a bullet or shrapnel that that hit his ear. And I that's, I it is wild.

It is wild to me that he is saying and I mean, you can see his ear. I don't want to show this picture because it's gross. Oh, because one do we? Okay, go ahead. I mean, guys, I'm warning you, it's gross.

Okay. And there's also a photo as well. That is, it shows the I was trying to remember who took it. It was like a Getty photo, I think, that shows a bullet that is going right towards him. And you can see it, you know, it's around going right towards him. I don't know, this is weird. I mean, you can see, like, he's missing part of his ear.

I mean, it's weird. And then he's got in Lorraine noted, she's got a picture of his of the bandaid that came on done on his ear, and you can literally see a top portion of his ears off. So that's how close that came. When I look at it even more, I'm like, that's wild. Yeah, I have zoomed in video of the moment that his ear was penetrated by the bullet, you'll actually see it happen. And it's actually pretty astounding. I know one's about to put up the picture of the actual frame of the video that actually captures the bullet in mid flight. And I got to tell you, this is a I mean, the fact that it's a photo right there.

Yeah, there it is right there. The fact that they're trying to create shrapnel this narrative that it wasn't a bullet or that there was, you know, they're trying to downplay the Trump thing, while the whole time they were trying to, you know, exaggerate Biden's abilities. I mean, they already had the Secret Service spokesperson confirmed that it was a bullet and not shrapnel. And they even had Snopes. I can't even blame him saying the Snopes, you know, the very super conservative website Snopes.

Yeah, I mean, it's about as conservative as you can get with Snopes. Even saying no, it was literally a bullet. There's photographic evidence. There's video of it.

I mean, there's what else do you need? I mean, this is just a stupid political way to try to diminish what took place here, because it's a it's powerful. And they're trying to diminish it. They're trying to diminish this, the influence of this. I just the fact that Ray said that even and he said that after the after Secret Service had already confirmed it after Snopes after you had forensics that was looking at the photographic evidence, even looking at his ear, etc. I mean, come on, guys. That was just Ray being a partisan. That's all that was. He was just being a partisan there. It's it's ridiculous.
Whisper: medium.en / 2024-07-25 16:08:41 / 2024-07-25 16:17:17 / 9

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