This episode of Clearview Today is brought to you by Le Bleu Ultra Pure Water.
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Fun fact, no. I have to make my own with McDonald's Sprite, and you guessed it, Texas Pete. I am genuinely horrified to hear that.
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Where's my Mountain Dew? You're listening to Clear View Today with Dr. Abbadan Shah, the daily show that engages mind and heart for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm Ryan Hill.
I'm John Galantis. You can find us online at Or if you have any questions for Dr. Shah or suggestions for new topics, send us a text to 252-582-5028, or you can email us at contact at That's right, and you guys can help us keep the conversation moving forward by supporting the show. You can share it online with your friends and family. Leave us a good five star review on iTunes or Spotify, anywhere you get your podcasting content from.
We're gonna leave a link in the description of this show so you can do just that. While you pull out your phone to go ahead, and I mean you're probably listening from your phone right now, go ahead and I'll go over to the podcast app, leave that five star review, but while you're there, mark your calendars for October the 13th. Oh, October the 13th! October 10th, 13th, 24th. What's happening on October the 13th, my friend?
Well, I'm glad you asked, my friend. Actually, this is sort of your news. Do you want to give the news?
Yeah, sure. I'll break the news. Why don't you break the news?
I'll break the news. We've been hitting at it. We've been mentioning it. We've been talking about it here and there and everywhere, but it's kind of been quiet on the Western front because we've been trying to find a date for the release of our very first ever Clearview worship album.
Our original album. I'll go ahead and give myself another air point again, give myself a round of applause. Actually, I'll give God the round of applause. Major aura points in the chat. And, oh yeah. What did you say? Major aura points in the chat. Bro, I love that.
I have no clue what it means, but I love it. So, that hand of applause, that praise really honestly belongs to our church, our leadership, our worship team, our pastor, and of course, to Jesus Christ, because these songs are not something that I sat down and wrote or David sat down and wrote as a team. We came together. We involved our pastor. We involved our church leadership. We involved our worship team.
We involved our staff. And so, every single part of what made this album happen, what happened as part of a team. And so, I just want to say that I'm grateful for that. I'm beyond excited. October 13th is the day. There's no pre-order, but we want you just to mark your calendars because that download is coming. What we thought we might do, Ryan, this is kind of unorthodox because this is a talk show, but we thought we might give you a little musical number, just a little ditty, just something to, because this is like, well, I've heard a lot of worship albums.
Why should I believe this one's going to be any different or any better? I'm going to play you the opening track. I'll tell you, Heath Ledger's Joker.
You want to know how I got these scars? We're going to play the opening track for you. Just let you hear it for yourself. This is a freebie. Now, we're not going to do this every single day and end up playing the whole album.
This is a freebie. Yes, so you better go ahead and mark your calendars. October the 13th.
October the 13th. iTunes, Spotify, Rhapsody. If you listen to music on Rhapsody, you can get it on LimeWire. You can get it on Kazaa.
All of these platforms are available for you, legal and illegal. This is the only time we're going to do this. We're giving you this song.
It's called Rising Kingdom. It was written by myself, David, Dr. Shah. We want you guys to be blessed by it. We're going to play it out. Once the song's done playing, we're going to listen to a short ad. Bring Dr. Shah on.
We'll talk about it a little more, and we'll see you then. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra.
This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra.
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This is Rising Kingdom by Cleopatra. Every Sunday I would say, do you see your children sitting next to you in the pews, do you want your family to be with you, do you want to see your grandchildren sitting next to you, if you do then you are going to have to change. That's so crazy to hear that, because now, almost every Sunday, what I hear is, aren't you so glad that your children are here, that your grandchildren are right across the way in the nursery?
You know what I mean? A lot of families are coming, and they're coming because their kids and grandkids are here, and they want to see them grow up, they want to be there to witness their baptisms and their professions of faith, and to see them going on those trips or standing up front and giving a testimony or talking about how the youth camp was, or what we call them, the mission trip was. So that's very special that we're actually seeing what we envisioned, I would say, almost 20 years ago. Coming up, 2005 is when we really got serious about the big vision.
It's insane to think about that. Sitting around this table and sitting in this room, we are benefiting from your faithfulness and from God leading the two of you to, like you said, burn your ships and say, this is our church, and we're going to plant our feet, we're going to dig in our heels, and we're going to see God make it grow. That's awesome. If you guys enjoyed today's episode, write in and let us know, 252-58-25028, or you can visit us online at Don't forget, you can partner with us financially on that same website. Scroll to the bottom, click that donate button, and let us know it's coming from our ClearView Today Show family. A big thank you to Nicole, our perma-guest, for being here today.
Give a warm, warm applause. Thank you, Nicole. Appreciate that. Lots of great content coming your way the rest of this week. Make sure you guys tune in. We love you guys. We'll see you tomorrow on ClearView Today.
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