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Rick Manning discusses the energy crisis, diesel shortage and Biden policies / Pastor Greg India Update on persecution of Christians

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
October 24, 2022 12:40 pm

Rick Manning discusses the energy crisis, diesel shortage and Biden policies / Pastor Greg India Update on persecution of Christians

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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October 24, 2022 12:40 pm

Rick Manning discusses the energy crisis, diesel shortage and Biden policies that have damaged our relationship with Saudi Arabia.

Pastor Greg India Update on persecution of Christians. This administration and the US Department of Education are going after parents for holding to traditional values.

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I am Patriot Mobile. I thank and praise God for this borewell that God has enabled us to put in this village with the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry. By the prayer and support of Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry, we could put the borewell in this village for the community.

Before, this community was drinking dirty water and that was really causing a lot of sickness. But now they are getting pure and fresh water and all the communities are so thankful for Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry and all the supporters. And we pray for all of you that God would bless you and God would use you so that we can put more and more borewells in a poor and needy community, those who are really having a problem of the waters. And this borewell we have put and pure and fresh water is coming and we are so thankful for all of you. We thank Pastor Greg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry that God bless and support of Pastor Greg Young.

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Negro products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Welcome to Chosen Generation with your host, Pastor Greg Young. But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people that you should shoe forth the praises of him who has called you out of darkness into his marvelous light, which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God, which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. Good morning. Good morning.

Good morning. Welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for tuning in. I know you have a choice in where you can listen each and every day.

And I thank you for keeping it tuned here to Chosen Generation Radio. Well, we're going to do something a little unusual today. You're going to hear you're going to hear a lot from me today.

So yeah. You're going to start your Mondays off with some Pastor Greg wisdom. I hope.

I hope. But lots to talk about. I keep seeing friends that are posting about loved ones in the hospital, dealing with COVID, things of that nature, pneumonia, things of that nature. I've been through all of that. And I've got I've got some things that I take that I'm that I'm using that I am going to reemphasize because it breaks my heart. Man, it just it just tears me up to see people struggling and going through that and and and knowing from my own just from my experience from what I've experienced that there are there are there are solutions. And, and, you know, having spent that entire weekend with professionals in the holistic realm, but but not just, you know, they're they don't just have natural medicine, not to say that that's bad, but they don't just have natural medicine credentials. They have other credentials as well, like Dr. Brian Hooker, a credentialed epidemiologist, talking about what they're doing.

And then the Scott Shara story, and the amount of investigation that Scott's done since he lost his daughter to a medical establishment that is that is killing people. And so, lots to talk about with regards to that. All right, I have I have Mr. Rick Manning, I just I just saw him pop up on the screen. There he is.

I think we're good. Yeah, I can hear I can hear myself. So I think I could probably hear him as well. Can you hear me?

I hear you. Marvelous. So we're going to get into some, yeah, we're going to get into some stuff with with with Rick as well, as well as I want to say, congratulations to my good friend who is launching the Rick Manning show. And that is so exciting, because you know, for many years now, I mean, we've been doing this for a while. And for many years now, there's been this kind of, you know, you know, come on, Rick, come on, Rick, come on, Rick. And now, now, now there is the Rick Manning show.

I hope that doesn't mean you're going to just bail on me. No, no, no, no, no, this is a series of podcasts that I'm doing every single week that we just created a place for it on the web. So and I, when I introduced it, I made the mistake of saying it was the Rick Manning show.

And, and I thought it was Ohio State University or something, because I see the guy in there. And then my stuff, so we know it's the it's Rick Manning show, not the Rick Manning show. So, so I, So your apologies to any of the Rick Mannings that might be out there? Is that what you're?

Well, the former centerfielder for the Cleveland Indians is my name and comes up first on the Google search, because he's still a broadcaster for the for the guardians now. Okay. Okay. Well, there you go.

So I probably should have put the Rick Manning, but nonetheless, thanks for the congrats. And so it's fun to do. I really like doing the podcast. And, but you know, we're not here to talk about my podcast. We're going to talk about, talk about a lot of different things. But I wanted to ask you, as I do every, every Monday, was there anything exciting going on in India?

Is there an India update? We are planning another pastors meeting in two weeks. In November, we'll be having our next pastors gathering.

Of course, I'm in touch with Samuel almost every day. When I spoke with him yesterday, one of the kind of sad pieces that that came up in that conversation. Normally, we run about a, you know, at our at our main campus, about 160 to 180 on a Sunday morning, which is a you know, a decent a decent amount, especially in that, in that environment. This week, he said there there was at most 100. And he said the reason why is is that people are afraid to come to church. They they have a fear of being attacked by the Sikh. And so that's why they why why attendance was down. Prayer warriors need to get on that because it's a, you know, the fact is, Christian growth in that area was not was frowned upon, but a lot of the government officials discovered that it was actually doing a lot of good, bringing water and bringing other things into communities and actually taking over services that they can't provide.

Yeah. And, and now we have some Sikhs who are using their dominance in the region to, to oppress this growing Christian church. And it's, and you know, there's lots that can be done. But the thing that we can do here in America that's most important is pray for the safety and the courage of those people and of those pastors whose lives are literally on the line. For because of preaching the gospel. By your viewership at Children generation where the player is, thank you for that. And please continue to tell your friends and to share the broadcast with your friends. We are growing and we thank you for that continued growth. Also ask you to buy pastor a cup of coffee.

Five bucks will buy me a cup of coffee forward slash Pastor Greg forward slash Pastor Greg at the cash app it's dollar sign Pastor Greg CGR dollar sign Pastor Greg CGR and on Venmo it's at Pastor Greg CGR at Pastor Greg CGR. We've got a lot of things we're working on right now to try to help our brothers and sisters in India, but we need finances in order to make it happen and we need finances to grow our audience here on the terrestrial radio side. So all of that is helping the ministry to expand we need to save America, and we need to save the number one threat to India, as far as Geographics and as far as population. And that's India, and we need India on our side and and a strong Christian presence there, encouraging them will make a huge difference as Rick said.

All right, speaking of foreign stuff. Let's talk about let's talk about oil and and and what's going on there the diesel problem that we're having here. I just read a report we're down to 25 days worth of diesel reserves for our truckers down from 32 and at the lowest level I believe since the 1970s. Yeah, since the oil embargo, the OPEC, the oil embargo is 74.

And it's a, we have a, you know, the problem is kind of a twofold problem though. The war on energy that the Biden administration has been waging has really turned investment away from various oil and oil and gas development. But one of the challenges with this is diesel consumption has been down quite a bit because the because there weren't as many trucks moving we had a lot of supply issues. And now there's a significant more trucks are moving. But that means they're consuming more diesel. And, and it's happening right when, because of the government requiring different kind of fuel mixes during the winter versus this during versus the summer. They're in the middle of their their maintenance and conversion right now for a lot of the facilities that actually make diesel.

And so it's kind of the worst of all worlds for in terms of the timing. But it is, you know, we are we've allowed the reserves to get very low. And, and by allowing those reserves to get very low, we have no place to go for it. And oh, by the way, part of the things this is, you might ask, well, do we have a strategic petroleum reserve for diesel? And the answer is yes.

But as we do for heating oil, the same basic mix, and but the answer is yes. But that one's been drawn down also. So we don't have a lot of reserves and stockpile. And so we're better hope and pray that those petroleum refiners get back online, they're producing diesel and rapidly.

Because if not, we're going to face some some tough times in November. Well, the other thing you were mentioning this to me, and I had not heard this, I did know that the negotiations with Saudi Arabia went not well for us, to say the least, but you know, that was that was Biden's ineptitude going over there and trying to act. I mean, look, when when you're when you're no longer a major player at the table, because you've because you've cut off your own production.

And now you're going to go and you need you're going with your hands out trying to get help. But acting like you're the, you know, like you get to demand. I mean, how insulting, you know what I'm saying to the to the person that you're going to, it's just, it's really a poor strategy. Well, and when you get on top of that, you realize, and we've talked about this on the show many, many times, the United States had a policy with Saudi Arabia, that we would defend them and they provide oil, and we would be the world reserve currency because oil be sold on using dollars. Well, when you decide that you're going to take the Iranian side, you know, in a fight between for hegemony in the region, you're taking the Iranian side in terms of supporting the terrorists the Iranians are funding to try to take down the House of Saud in Saudi Arabia. When you engage in that kind of war against somebody who was an ally, if nothing else, an ally of convenience, but also is a country that is attempting to modernize. It has a young prince that's coming in, who wants to have better relationships with Israel, that country that's allowing overflights from Israel to UAE, which never was allowed before. And so we're in a, you know, and so that country had been coming during the Trump administration, had been joining kind of becoming part of an alliance that in the Middle East, that the President Trump was putting together. Well, the first thing that Biden did was he took away that he started allowing the Iranians to support the Houthis, who are rebels, and Yemen were attacking the Saudi oil fields. We got to take a quick break. Another piece, too, was was the lies that were told about the journalist that was killed, who was actually a spy for the Iranians plotting at the assassination of the royal family. And he was a part of that assassination plot, which is why that message was sent so dramatically and the way that it was sent.

And that is not a story that gets out there. We'll be back with more Children Generation Radio coming up right after this. I'm your host, Pastor Greg with Rick Manning. I'm Kim Schaff, certified natural health practitioner. I want to introduce you to a product that I think will interest everyone. A product called Natural Sleep, available at

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Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic gives off limits and everything filtered through Biblical West is my very special guest, Rick Manning, Americans for Limited Government and Rick has a brand new program, That is what it is. That's how you get to the podcast. And when are you doing that? I try to do it at 4 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays and then intermediate. I try to do something every day that I put up on the website.

I try to do at least a half an hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays and then every other day I do five minutes. I try to do a short commentary on something that makes me mad. Okay.

Well, maybe once in a while you might have a special guest. I don't know. That is the plan.

A little elbow action there. That is the plan. That is the plan to do that. I want to get my feet wet in terms of doing this and kind of get it regular and get the staff used to it and all that kind of stuff because the challenge with this is when you're doing something new, it changes everybody's schedules because they actually have to do stuff to help make it happen. So I'm – because I am – unlike Pastor Greg who is – probably ran ham radios when he was a kid. He's able to do this in his own world and not have to have a lot of people pushing buttons.

When I touch electronics, they go wobbly on me and it's not a good time. So we try to do something a little different. But anyway, I think it's my show. We have some fun. Yep, yep.

No, there's such a – You will be a guest. I promise. Well, I appreciate that.

Such a wealth, such a wealth of knowledge and wisdom and stories and information. So I would encourage folks to be sure and tune in. That's why I have you on the program twice a week. I appreciate that.

Yeah, enjoy the commentary very much. And speaking of that, so this past weekend, protesters against transing children marched outside the Anaheim Convention Center while the American Academy of Pediatrics held its convention inside. They also had a – were forced actually – well, they went into a conference room and kind of had some speakers that spoke and I'll talk a little more about that later in the program.

But Rick, you know, this is a major issue. Again, they're going after our children and you have these medical organizations like the American Academy of Pediatrics and others who are promoting the mutilation. Understand, this is really difficult to understand on one level, but it's easy to understand on another. When Obamacare took over the basically federalized healthcare, they made it so everybody in healthcare is now – all has to go to the federal government for approval. It's why the left had such an easy time kind of controlling the doctor community, most of the doctor community in terms of the protocols on COVID, because everybody is basically tied in through insurance networks and actual being able to get certifications through the federal government. And so what's happened is this federal government policy, these various agencies, these various groups like the American Psychiatric Association, the pediatrics, even the American Library Association, are sitting there and saying, you know, we're going to get on board because this is government diktat and we have to follow it because otherwise we don't get paid, we get ostracized, we end up not getting Medicare reimbursements and the like. And so this is a direct result of the federal government's takeover of medicine. And we didn't really think that it occurred under Obamacare, everything seemed like sort of the same.

But here's what really happened. What really happened is a lot of the family practitioners ended up having to go into bigger conglomerates, had to join medical groups. And those medical groups are run by people who are business people. And so they deal with the insurance, they say, okay, here's what you can prescribe.

So they create all the rules of the road. And the one thing those business people aren't doing is they're not going to stand for federal government, which is the founder of their feast, for all the Medicare spending, and say, no, we're not doing that. There's no – there's no – there's no Hippocratic oath when it comes to business. And so by making doctors now less and less sole practitioners and more and more employees, they become less and less concerned about what's going on with your health and more and more concerned with making certain that they don't get sued and they stay within parameters that are approved by the corporation. Well, and whether it's the Vax or whether it's this transitioning – It's all the same. Yeah, the AAP, the American Medical Association and Children's Hospital Association sent Merrick Garland, the attorney general, a letter demanding that he go after anybody that they said, quote, gives disinformation.

How can you tell someone like Chloe Cole, who was mutilated at the age of 15, double mastectomy, how can you tell a young girl like that that the information that she is sharing from her own personal experience is disinformation? That, folks, that absolutely should make every single one of us blow our minds. Final 30 seconds or you can come back right after the break. Okay, well, let me come back because I think this is important because the school board association did the same thing about parents who were attending school board meetings. Yes.

And when we got to the bottom of how that occurred, it wasn't exactly the school board association that instigated that. So I think we should talk about what that was really happening there and I can be on for one more second. Absolutely. All right, so we're going to take a quick break. When we come back, Rick Manning will rejoin us.

Folks, these are important issues and we as we the people because that is who is supposed to be the sovereigns and we're the ones that have been given the responsibility to be in charge of this country. Back with more after this. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I went under issue to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe. I was taking the traditional vitamin and mineral tablets, wasn't really feeling any different, so I tried Vibe. Vibe is an all-in-one vitamin and mineral supplement. It's a liquid multivitamin. It's cold-pressed, whole-food sourced, non-radiate, gluten-free, and has no pasteurization. Vibe is like fresh juicing without all the work.

It supports four areas of the body, cardiovascular health, immune health, anti-aging, and healthy cell replication. Vibe is available in a 32-ounce bottle for home use or a very handy one-ounce travel packet for life on the go. The first time I tried Vibe, I had more energy in about 20 minutes. I started thinking clear.

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Negro products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. Everyone is being affected by higher prices at the pump. Maybe you've seen the meme where the man calls the police to say he's been robbed. Where did this robbery occur, the dispatcher asks. At pump number seven, says the man, can you describe them? Sure, they had flashing lights and a long trunk. Unfortunately, the price of gas and diesel is no longer a laughing matter, and it's causing us all to have to rethink our lifestyles.

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$2.50 will treat a 10-gallon tank. Get your order in today, drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank, and start experiencing the savings. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now, back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses and sticking with you.

One more segment, my good friend from Americans for a Limited Government, the President of Americans for a Limited Government, Mr. Rick Manning. Rick, thanks for sticking around. I appreciate it. My pleasure.

My pleasure. A lot of important stuff being talked about. Well, and one of those we were talking about as you were going into the break is, you know, again, this vilification we were talking about, and it's a story in The Daily Wire, actually, about a gathering of individuals that gathered for the American Association of Pediatrics that just happened in Anaheim to protest their very pro-transgender agenda that they are promoting, along with the American Medical Association. And even the Children's Hospital Association that is promoting the mutilation and the vilification and efforts to vilify these individuals that are coming out, detransition individuals that are coming out. We covered this extensively on Monday, and I encourage you to watch the detransition diaries. Rick, you transitioned us too, and it's along the same line.

Again, no, I'm sorry, wrong term. You, you know, brought in parents who were showing up at school board meetings, expressing their concerns about this perversion of their kids, both the entire LG. Those are the contexts of you asking how these groups could totally flip 180 on something that's such an obvious child abuse. It's been viewed as child abuse in the past. It's been viewed as a mental illness up to like six years ago by the American Psychological Association, and now it's becoming mandatory.

So the question is, how does that happen? Well, I think the school board, when the school boards came out and asked the Attorney General, it's in the letter of the Attorney General, asking him to investigate parents who were attending school board meetings with the audacity, wanting to have something to say about their own kids' educations, that he, that we discovered after about a year, that the letter that the school board association actually was prompted by the Department of Education, U.S. Department of Education to do that, and the U.S. Department of Education. There have been meetings about, in the White House, about needing to get, needing to crack down on people who are trying to, parents who want to get involved with parents and the kids' education against this radical agenda. And so, yeah, that's how, so this was driven out of the White House by the most, along with the Attorney General knowing about DOJ, and the Department of Education received a letter from the school board, and within four days, in four days, the Attorney General had issued something, basically an action on me. It was already planned out.

It was already laid out. Well, that's what they've done here. They've taken the Health and Human Services, and remember, one of the assistant secretaries there is a gentleman from Pennsylvania who dresses like a girl, and has got himself commissioned as the first woman head of the Navy, woman admiral or something, head of the Health Services, maybe Military Health Services, but that person's the one who's in charge of this area in the Health and Human Services. You don't think that he's been contacting every single one of those health care groups and pressuring them and saying, hey, you want your certifications, you want the goodies that you get out of HHS?

Well, if you want those things, if you want to be treated as the official spokesperson, you have the stamp of approval by the federal government, then you better play ball. And so that's what's happening. There's a straight coercion by the federal government of these groups. And the fact is, this is what happens when you allow health care to be taken over by the government. It's also what happens when you have a government that is determined to fundamentally transform America in every single way, and to break America in every single way. And that's what this administration is trying to do.

Yeah, there's no question. Well, and to own the children, you know, the idea of owning that next generation, and that's something that was, you know, very evident, you know, there was a quote amongst in the Nazi regime, right, that said, you know, if we control the children, then we control the nation to control the minds of the kids. And that's what, that's Marx also, it's very simple. And it goes to, you know, just want to put all the pieces together.

During the Biden Build Back Better, one of the things they added was a mandatory school at the age of two, you know, so the objective is to get children out of the out of the influence of their parents, and the values of their parents, and to inculcate them with values of the state. That's what they're trying to do. They're making no, they're not making any bones about it. But one of the things Pastor Greg is exciting is that one of the things that aren't tested very much in terms of the polls, but one of the reasons why the Democrats support collapsing around the country on this election cycle is because moms and parents have had enough. The numbers between 30 and 44 for women have collapsed on the Democrats. They were up by 35 points in summer, and they're down about, and they're only up by two points now with that group.

So it is a, that group has collapsed. And that's moms. That's moms saying you're not going to abuse my children. Well, and I think the other thing is, is I think they've, you know, they I know that that they are trying to run on the abortion, you know, fire and trying to promote that and so on. But I think that women are beginning to understand, I was watching some commercials over the weekend, and they were, you know, big, big deal about, you know, they're taking away, you know, they're women are going to be injured by this, but the studies actually indicate that women are injured. And incest and abuse and so forth takes first. And right now, as a matter of fact, between the ages of 18 and 24, there's a very high rate of intimate relationship abuse that is going on.

We'll have a guest on to talk about that later in the week. But those kinds of incidences, especially incidences of rape, are increased when abortion is freely accessible. Because the woman gets abused, and then the abuser demands that she go and have the evidence basically destroyed. And and so it is a it is a lie. It is a misrepresentation of the truth to suggest that women are safer when abortion is more accessible.

Well, and anybody who watched the Gosnell movie knows that that's a lie. Because when the same people worry about women's safety with abortion are the ones who oppose medical standards and abortion clinics that were that were the equivalent to medical standards anywhere else. They didn't want to have a hospital like settings for these abortion clinics. It was because that cost that cost too much money. That caused somebody to actually look into what was happening. Yeah, expose them to actual being treated like actual medical practitioners, as opposed to butchers.

And that's what we learned from Gosnell. And we found when the when the Planned Parenthood of the world, the NARALs of the world, national abortion rights, something when they supposed basic health standards for abortion clinics. And Rick, let me add this.

Let me add this too. They are pivoting. Planned Parenthood has pivoted from abortion being their number one moneymaker to transitioning girls into boys. That is now their number one moneymaker. Because once they get the woman hooked on testosterone, once they get her hooked on testosterone, once they get her hooked on the drugs, they can't come off. Even these gals that are going through detransitioning, that's one of the things they talk about is look, this is a this is a medical gold mine, if you will, because prescriptions have to continue, even for a detransitioning person now, because their body was forced into early menopause. Now they have to take hormones in order to stay a woman in order to be able to have, I mean, the ramifications of this are life long. And Planned Parenthood has has seen this. And that's why they're pivoting.

And that should really wake us up. And remember, the purpose of Planned Parenthood from the beginning has always been to cull the population. That's their purpose.

They target minorities deliberately. And if you have a woman have an abortion, you kill one baby. But if you have a woman, you transition woman, that woman will never have a baby. Okay, so this is about calling and not my words, it's this is Margaret Sanger's words, you know, these and what's more, they're committed that we have too many people on the planet. And one of the ways they're so they're solving that is by changing people out of a mode where they can have children. And it's a it is, it is evil.

It's at every level. And the fact that our federal government is seeking and our Congress and Senate are going to vote on whether or not the House has already voted, the Senate's going to vote in the lame duck on whether or not this whole agenda moves forward, was sanctioned under the laws of the federal government. Right now it's blocked in the Senate, they based on filibuster, but they believe in a lame duck, that they can get enough Republicans to vote in favor of it. So we have to stay on top of this for their elected officials. 202-224-3121 is going to be a very important number to remember 202-224-3121.

That is the number for the Capitol switchboard and you're going to need to be in direct contact with both of your senators demanding that they vote no on HR five in this lame duck session. We'll be back with more chosen generation radio coming up right after this my very special guests have been Rick Manning can find him in Americans for limited government and at Rick Manning show Rick Manning My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War Two defending our country. Today we are no longer fighting with guns.

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Naked products do not treat, reduce, cure or prevent disease. Everyone is being affected by higher prices at the pump. Maybe you've seen the meme where the man calls the police to say he's been robbed. Where did this robbery occur, the dispatcher asks. At pump number seven says the man, can you describe them? Sure, they had flashing lights and a long trunk. Unfortunately, the price of gas and diesel is no longer a laughing matter and it's causing us all to have to rethink our lifestyles.

We have an answer for you. Green Fuel Tabs. Green Fuel Tabs by Green Fuel Global are a fuel enhancer and conditioner that actually accelerates the combustion process, reduces emissions and cleans the entire engine system without use of harmful detergents.

Our products are EPA registered and have been used commercially for almost two decades. So stop getting gouged at the pumps. Just drop a Green Fuel Tab into your tank and save from 10 to 20% on your next tank of fuel. Head over to That's $2.50 will treat a 10 gallon tank.

Get your order in today, drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for a World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

I am Patriot Mobile. Look, I am for marriage between a man and a woman. I am for life from conception. I am for following the Bible and I believe that our founders started this nation on biblical principles.

I am in support of our military and believe that America should play a role in world security. I believe our Constitution was intended for a moral people and that the Bible contains the only true moral code. I believe we are all born sinners and that God in His grace and mercy sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins and that if we will confess our sins, He is just and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I believe salvation is not just accomplished in a little prayer but that it is found in how that transformation is lived out. Jesus is to be the Lord of our lives and we should follow biblical precepts. This is not legalism or works but a life lived out in love and honor towards the One who died for my sins.

Faith without works is dead and is no faith at all. I believe that we will fall and that we need to have a repentant heart and that God will ultimately bring us into perfect action through Jesus Christ, spirit man perfected and soulish man in progress. I believe that we are not to live in guilt and shame when we fall but we repent and get up and move closer to Jesus. I believe that if our nation will repent and turn from wickedness that God will heal our land.

I believe that as a Christian I must occupy until He comes and that to call evil wicked and to warn about those evil acts is a part of the mandated Christianity. That to love also means to be willing to take the risk necessary to confront a friend with the truth in hopes that their heart will be turned because their life matters even if it means in that moment they will possibly hate me. It means that I must risk scorn to stand for truth and that I can never sit silently by while evil attempts to conquer the world. God is my everything and Jesus is the love of my life. That does not make me weak but strong, not silent but bold and not fearful but courageous. Therefore, if you are my friend, while we may not fully agree, know that I share what I share because I care.

If you strongly disagree with these beliefs, they are not debatable for me and you can if you choose unfriend me. I do not say this in anger but in love. I wish for you eyes to see and ears to hear that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and that God, not man, gets to decide what is truth, life and the way.

God bless you. May all generations take the kingdom of God to all the earth. May this covenant of dedication remain to all generations as long as this earth remains and may this land along with England be evangelist to the world. May all who see this cross remember what we have done here and may those who come here to inhabit join us in this covenant and in this most noble work that the Holy Scriptures may be fulfilled.

Psalm 22 27 and 28 says all the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord and all the families of the nations shall worship before you. For kingship belongs to the Lord and He rules over the nations. It's interesting to me, folks, when people say nationalists are somehow now bad, the idea that people would actually support a nation, that there would be a movement like America First. And that somehow the idea of an America First agenda is, oh, that's bad.

That's that's evil because they're they're nationalists. Well, when I read my Bible, my Bible says that God is a nationalist. God didn't say in Psalms 22 for kingship belongs to the Lord and He rules over the nation. It says He rules over nations, meaning that there are distinctions then that are going to exist that are going to make each one of those nations who they are. They're going to have some individuality, some uniqueness in their identity, yet they are all going to recognize biblical Christian values. God of the Bible, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

The Ten Commandments, the laws of nature and nature's God, nature's God being the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They're going to recognize a creator and and with that as the underlying, this is going to be what is going to put evil and wickedness in check. The evil such as we're seeing in in China, in Russia. With Putin, with the with the situation in the Ukraine, and I'm going to bring that up here. I don't know if I'll be able to get into it in this segment, I may give you kind of a preview of it and then talk a little bit more about it in our coming hour.

There is a there is a parallel, the the plan, the game plan has never changed the game plan of the left, the progressive game plan for how they decided and determined that they could destroy our country. But I want to get back to just for a minute again and add this message about bringing things under God, why this is important, why this is is critical and why they attack it. John 724 16 says who will rise up for me against the wicked who will stand for me against those who practice iniquity. And then john 724 judge not according to the appearance but judge righteous judgment. First Titus 110 through 13 for there are many who are insubordinate empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision party, they must be silenced since they are upsetting whole families by teaching shameful gain, what they ought not to teach one of the cretins of profit of their own said cretins are always liars evil beasts lazy gluttonous lazy gluttons this testimony is true therefore rebuke them sharply that they may be sound in the faith. We have a responsibility to speak against the evil and the wicked that is taking place as Christians as believers.

But I think it's also important for us to understand that if we don't share the hope on the other side. It's one thing to simply come against the agenda which that's what we're talking about we're talking about policies. We're talking about agenda we're talking about making certain that the policies that are put in place, have the righteousness of, of scripture associated with them. There was a reason that God laid out the Levitical laws, and it wasn't. It wasn't as a punishment nor was it as as an effort to try to take away the joy or the abundance or the fulfillment of that abundance of life. It was in fact so that life could be prolonged. It was in fact so that people could actually enjoy that abundance. Because at that time, people were were dying and and sin and death had taken hold. And so God shows a people. The Israelites, the family of Jacob, this was a family remember 12 tribes 12 sons, all related.

And then of course as they move down the generations, the relationships became thinner from a bloodline perspective but certainly very much intact, the 12 tribes were the sons of Jacob, who was named Israel. So important to understand how then family plays a role, husband and wife and and and kids. And how important that is in the structure of a nation.

That is founded upon strong families strong family structure strong community. And so the Levitical laws were put in place in order to build healthy community in order to build a healthy environment and a safe environment for children to grow up in a sanitary environment. Those things were taken into account when you look at all of the Levitical laws and a lot of those things are still very necessary and a part of what we do and what we practice today. Other pieces of this are no longer as necessary because of certain advancements.

But all in all, these laws were set aside, not as a punishment, but for our good. I'll be back with more after this hour two coming up. Everyone is being affected by higher prices at the pump. Maybe you've seen the meme where the man calls the police to say he's been robbed. Where did this robbery occur the dispatcher asks at pump number seven says the man Can you describe them? Sure, they had flashing lights and a long trunk. Unfortunately, the price of gas and diesel is no longer a laughing matter and it's causing us all to have to rethink our lifestyles.

We have an answer for you. Green Fuel Tabs. Green Fuel Tabs by Green Fuel Global are a fuel enhancer and conditioner that actually accelerates the combustion process reduces emissions and cleans the entire engine system without use of harmful detergents.

Our products are EPA registered and have been used commercially for almost two decades. So stop getting gouged at the pumps. Just drop a Green Fuel Tab into your tank and save from 10 to 20% on your next tank of fuel. Head over to That's $2.50 will treat a 10 gallon tank. Get your order in today.

Drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War Two defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns. Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights.

I am Patriot Mobile. Tough limits and everything filtered through biblical glass.
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