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Joel Fritsch discusses the biased media and the suppression of the truth to drive a narrative

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
September 20, 2022 1:46 pm

Joel Fritsch discusses the biased media and the suppression of the truth to drive a narrative

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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September 20, 2022 1:46 pm

Joel Fritsch National File discusses the biased media and the suppression of the truth to drive a narrative. The Ashley Biden Diary and the Hunter Biden laptop are stories about a severely dysfunctional family and the man leading that family, is holding the nuclear button. Why weren't we told? Battling to find the truth and share the truth.


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Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile by the prayer and support of Pastor Grigg Young and Chosen Generation Radio Ministry. And by the prayer and support of Pastor Grigg Young and Chosen Generation Ministry, we could put the poor man in this village for the community. Before, this community was drinking dirty water and that was really causing a lot of sickness. But now, they are getting pure fresh water and all the communities are so thankful for Pastor Grigg Young.

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Negro products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now, here's your host, Pastor Greg. Well, folks, I've got an incredible program lined up for you today. We're going to talk about a lot of stuff. We're going to talk about the things you're not going to hear pretty much anywhere else.

Bottom of our number three, Matt Long will be with me. We'll be talking about some grassroots issues. There's a company out in Idaho who has decided that if you are, it's a hospital, and they've decided that a coffee vendor can no longer vend coffee in their hospital because of their statements of faith. And so, yeah, if you if you're a person of faith, you can't. And so it essentially caused the employees, believers of faith there to begin to say to the hospital, well, so basically what you're saying is, is that if I believe in traditional marriage, if I have traditional biblical values, I can't be here. So does that mean we're all fired?

Internal memos have been released of messages back and forth on a private employee message board. We'll talk about that coming up. Bear County Sheriff has decided that he's going to go after Ron DeSantis. Folks, listen, we have some serious border issues. If you live in Texas, I would suggest that you consider the sheriff of Texas as an enemy of the state for aiding and abetting in the invasion of our border.

Think about it. He's upset and we'll talk about this in just a minute with my guests, Noel Frisch is waiting in the sidelines, but he's upset about the Martha's Vineyard, them shipping them to Martha's Vineyard. My friend George Rodriguez has done reporting talking about how the women who are at the migrant center in San Antonio are being basically forced out of the center and having to turn tricks. And they are they are prostituting across the street from the center where the sheriff is having a conniption that somebody would actually send them to a community that has the resources to help them and take care of them.

This is insane. I sent Don Huffines a text last night saying, Don, I know you're serious about border security. Well, here's where you start. Start with a sheriff that is aiding and abetting in the invasion of the state of Texas. A violation of his constitutional oath, I might add. Let's see, David Lowery will be with us. We'll talk about Biden's Pinocchio nose and also breaking news there. We have a brand new story coming out. The Alliance Defending Freedom International has constructed a letter asking Secretary Blinken to put Nigeria back as a country of particular concern. As soon as they withdrew that in late 2021, immediately the slaughter of Christians and what Boko Haram considers noncompliant Muslims began in earnest.

And we are and I've signed the letter, we're sending a letter to him today asking them to put the status of country of particular concern back on Nigeria as a means to send a message to the Muslim president of Nigeria that excuse me, but Muslims don't have a right to randomly murder those who don't support their faith. All right, all of that and, and, yes, and there's more. Like, oh, I don't know, maybe you've seen it, my son Hunter.

Great, great picture, by the way, great picture. I had my friend Robert Davi was on here last week. There's a there's a diary. There's a diary that talks about child trafficking, and pedophilia, and all kinds of insane stuff. And this one's written by the president's daughter. Well, he's not really the president. He's just the guy occupying the White House because he, they kind of stole the election.

But that's, well, maybe that's part of the story, too. All right, I want to welcome National Review founder and owner. No fresh, no welcome. National file, national file. Sorry, national file founder.

No fresh, pardon me. Yes. No, welcome. Good to have you. Hey, thanks for thanks for having me. Appreciate being here, Greg. Oh, man, it's it's it, you know, we have monitoring.

This ought to be interesting. You're live on the radio. How can I help you? Yes, sir. This is Jose with Cove on a recorded line. Yeah, you're on. You're on a recorded line as well. You're on live on my radio show nationally and television. Am I speaking with Mr. Greg Young? You are live on the radio. Do you understand?

You're live on the radio. I understand, sir. I'm calling because we received a burglary sensor alarm for Mr. Greg Young at 4511 FM 3240. You just gave up, sir. Sir, do you understand? You're on live radio and you just gave out my home address to the entire nation. Yes, sir. I'm calling because we received an emergency alarm. I understand. All right, well.

It's not your normal caller. No, not at all. Hang on one second, folks. No. Tell folks about the Ashley Biden diary and I'll be back in about two seconds.

Yes. So thanks for having me, Greg. Appreciate being here just to give the folks in the audience a little bit of background about what we do over at National File. National File is an upstart Breitbart kind of publication. We are a ragtag bunch of, many of us millennials, 20-year-old, 25, 30-year-old guys.

We are fueled by Pop-Tarts and Taco Bell and the occasional Red Bull and we just get after it. We do investigative work and publish a lot of big stories. Our team have broken stories like the Ralph Northam blackface Klan hood story from 2019 where the governor of Virginia the week prior was talking about killing babies on a table. Just a week after that, a story came to us about him, of course, dressing up as either a Klansman or wearing blackface in his yearbook. Two days later, our team also broke the Justin Fairfax story. There's a bunch of other stories we've broken. Cal Cunningham in the 2020 Senate election in North Carolina. We've been given credit by people like Charlie Kirk and Donald Trump Jr. for winning that election against Cal Cunningham for Thom Tillis.

Not a big Thom Tillis fan, but we kept the Senate at 50-50. And those are some of the big stories that we've broken. And then this big one that you reference is the Ashley Biden diary. We broke, contrary to popular conception, we actually broke, not Project Veritas, National File broke the Ashley Biden diary, which is a document, a piece of information somewhat similar to that Hunter laptop that you mentioned, Greg. And the diary has all sorts of sorted stuff in it. When we broke it, October 24, and in its entirety October 26, ahead of the election in 2020, a lot of folks came out and said, oh, we can't verify, we couldn't verify. We don't know that that's the diary. Since then, all of those claims have been proven to be false.

And we know that even some of those folks knew that they were false claims. So the diary is legit. This thing's been out there for two years. There's only one place you can go read it.

It's And there's a lot of stuff in there to sort through. Some of it's uncomfortable.

So if there's kids in the car, you might not want to have them listen into this segment. And we can get into some of that content here if you want to, Greg. Well, I'd like to get into some of it with with with regards to, you know, we know that there are some very serious concerns about child trafficking. But give me give me some of the headlines that you that you looked into as you guys went through this, that you were like, man, I mean, law, somebody needs to get involved in putting a stop to this stuff.

Yeah. The big one, the one that a lot of folks just can't believe that, you know, even folks like Tucker Carlson have been talking about on air is sort of just the extent to which it's very clear that Ashley Blaser Biden was abused. And that's basically what this whole journal is about. She wrote this journal when she was in a flop house and she was trying to dry out, I gather, or else she was trying to maybe heal her sexual addiction problems. And that's not entirely clear here. We think it might be drugs and the sex addiction.

We don't know entirely. She leaves the journal there. And in the journal are some quotes from her and I want to make sure I get these right.

I wrote them down here. She says, I was taking not appropriate showers with my father at about the around the age of eight. And she says, was I molested? Quote, I think so. Quote. And she says that she turns to sex to feel good.

She's, she's clearly trying to self medicate, find love, find validation, get help, get help. I mean, I mean, folks, let's understand this. This is and and one of the things that Robert did with my son Hunter that I think was to hit very much to his credit. And he said, I you know, I didn't I didn't want to just create a movie that that was bashing, we need to realize that that the Biden family situation is a tragedy. And, and it is apparently led by someone in the person of Joe Biden, who I don't know what he was before the accident of his wife and his daughter, which is a horrific thing to live through. But he's a shattered individual since then. Yeah, oh, sorry, predicated on what we're what we're hearing, what we're understanding about, you know, this, all of this, what all of this information that has come out, and certainly not someone who we would consider to be stable, to be running our country.

Right. And, you know, the old biblical saw is, you know, the, you'll know, a tree by its fruit. Well, we got some rotten fruit here, folks. And I think that, you know, we didn't have to necessarily even see the fruit in the case of the Bidens to know that we had a rotten tree. But I think by now, like, it's just unmistakably obvious beyond all shadow of a doubt that there's something rotten over there in Mordor on the Potomac. And we got to take a quick break.

We'll be back with more right after this. It's a fast-packing liquid formula that tastes great with no negative side effects or hangover effects in the morning. And it's not a habit formula. The product is available in a 16-ounce bottle for home use for a very handy one-ounce travel packet for life on the go. Get yours today at, coupon code CHOSAGENRADIO at checkout, and get $20 off your first order of $50 or more. That's, coupon code CHOSAGENRADIO. That's, coupon code CHOSAGENRADIO. Get yours today. These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

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products do not treat, reduce, cure, or prevent disease. And welcome back to Children's Generation Radio, where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. And my very special guest is Noel Fritsch, National File.

You can find him at, And check out the breaking news stories. We're talking right now about, of course, the Ashley Biden diary. And, you know, I guess for a lot of folks, too, if the information about what had happened to her, or at least what is alleged to have happened to her, what Hunter Biden was involved in by his own hand, what he admitted to, and what was found on his left-behind laptop. We'll talk about that in just a second. But if people had known these things, how much of a difference do you think that might have made, Noel, in the election we just had?

Right. There's so many First Amendment issues that spring forth out of the breaking, the release of these documents. You know, it's funny. I was running a Senate race in Delaware, a U.S. Senate race against a little guy called Chris Coons. People won't know who Chris Coons is except for one thing, and this is the sad part, and, you know, funny.

Let's mock it for what it is. It's worthy of derision. There's a famous Internet meme with Joe Biden, and he's sitting there with this poor little 12 or 13-year-old redheaded girl. Everybody's seen this meme, and he has his nose in her ear, and she is cringing, and she's recoiling from this monster who's sniffing her and groping her and saying all kinds of who-knows-what to her. Well, that's Chris Coons' daughter.

She, as one might imagine, hasn't grown up to be the most well-adjusted person either. And so, yeah, we were involved. We had folks on the ground in Delaware there with that Hunter Biden laptop, and John Paul, Lauren Whitsky was the candidate, and she now works over on the Stu Peters network. They obviously colluded to keep all this stuff quiet with big tech. They didn't want this to go anywhere.

And, look, I'm going to maybe touch the third rail here. In the two years that National File has had this diary up on the Internet, conservative media, Fox News, Daily Wire, Daily Caller, all of your conservative Inc. standard go-to sources, quote-unquote, for journalism, have refused to touch this stuff. They won't touch it. They won't touch it. And you have to wonder.

You have to wonder what's going on here, why. A lot of people will look back at November 3rd, 2020, and they remember the fateful moment when, I can't remember whether it was Bret Baier or one of the other paid shills at Fox News, basically threw Trump under the bus and decided that Arizona was gone and Trump lost. And it wasn't even that late at night yet. And Trump was winning the state at the time, but they called it for Biden.

That was insane. Right. Right. And so, look- Almost as though it was scripted. No, almost as though they had prewritten that on on on the roller.

And and and before he could mind check what he was about to say, they threw it to him saying, we've got an announcement on Arizona and he made the call and all hell broke loose. There you go. Yeah.

It's almost like a game show with like, you know, you're waiting for the last number to tick over. You know, not like there's ever been any game show scandals ever. No, no, no, no, no. No, there's never that's never, never, ever been the case. And it never was the cleanest cut guy on the show who who, you know, right.

Who was the neighbor you never would have suspected. Right. Yeah, no, no.

We here in America, we have a long history of, you know, carnival barkers and hucksters in our in our entertainment space. And it's funny, it's a little bit more shiny and polished and it looks corporate and clean. But it's like, you know, we are vestiges are honest, I would I would say so.

Yeah. And it doesn't just it doesn't end with The New York Times with the The New York Post story. I think that was the one that maybe Miranda Devine broke that Twitter totally kiboshed and shut down about the laptop. It doesn't end right there with the Times and and and all those liberals and big tech in Silicon Valley. It continues straight through all the way through, you know, what what we at National File call and some of your viewers might have heard this phrase, the conservative ink, because that's the Beltway Bandit side, the Republican flavor of the Beltway Bandit, too. They are pretty good at sort of masking themselves and cloaking themselves and dressing for the age, one might say. And so, you know, those of us who have been in media have watched many of these folks like Matt Schlapp, for example, just transmogrify into a maggot champion king knight, you know, who's going to save the world. And, you know, we know that's, of course, ridiculous. But Fox News will put these folks forward as if they are somehow honest brokers and they are not. In fact, it's it's hard to have a conversation with a lot of kind of what you might call what we might call a normie, because they don't understand that Fox News is actually basically controlled opposition. And when I first asked what I do and I tell them what I do and I tell them the stories that we've broken and they're like, well, I've never heard of you. I'm like, yes, I know. I had the opportunity to kind of explain a little bit about how this all works to them. And folks generally can't wrap their mind around it on first blush.

And, you know, we're going to go into a break. No, when we come back, I think folks need to understand the stranglehold that exists because everyone's focused on big tech, big tech, big tech, big tech. But big tech is is is really driven by other entities. And this social media, the actual media.

Some of whom we think we would have thought we could count on are a big part of the problem. Get the gatekeepers that keep you in the dark. Back with more after this. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I want to introduce you to a product that changed my life. The product's called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe. I was taking the traditional vitamin and mineral tablets.

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Drop a Green Fuel Tab in your tank and start experiencing the savings. Did you know you can do your tithing and love offering right from your computer? Visit to support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation. Now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses and Noel Frisch, National File, is with me.

And we're talking, Noel, and I think it's important because people have heard President Trump, for example, talk about fake news. I can tell you, there's three things God told me that I was supposed to really focus in on when I started my show 11 years ago. Islam, the homosexual agenda, and secular humanism.

Just some very light topics that are non-controversial that nobody really paying much attention to. And I've been told that I need to, you know, stop talking about Islam, stop talking about the, you know, LGBT. Eleven years ago, I said, look, as soon as they get marriage, they're going to start perverting our kids. And by the way, transgenderism and pedophilia is a part of their program.

And they're going to push that on the kids. Oh, no, no, no, Pastor, you're out of control. And if you just stop talking about that stuff, then your show would get on more networks.

But you're just, you know, well, I answer to one guy, I answer to God. And, but this is what you're up against. And this is what you're talking about. But you are going to bring it from a very high professional level in the sense of the big media players and how they control the narrative. And how the rebel, how the uni-party plays the, plays the uni-media game.

Right. They've, the last four, five, six years have been a really uncomfortable time in conservative media. If you are someone who is essentially a pro-Trump, pro-Liberty, pro-Ron Paul, Christian, conservative, maybe Buchananite. OK, to throw it back a little further. If that's your flavor, then, you know, and you want to work in the conservative media space and tell stories and do reporting and shine a spotlight on some of the bad guys that we have, obviously, in our Republican Party. You're not welcome.

Bottom line, you're not welcome. I used to be able to get clients into the Blaze, into the CRTV space, into Cumulus Radio with Mark Levin, who supported that horrible guy, Bernovich, over in Arizona. Mark Levin's horrible, by the way, and he's thankfully getting destroyed on his con-con. We might differ on the con-con, but we can thumbnail that one for another, a future conversation.

But even Glenn Beck just threw the con-con overboard. That's big news in our little world, in our space. And people don't quite understand that. I'll break down a couple of heuristics, the word heuristic. It's really important that the audience understand what a habit of mind is. And this is something that we should be getting taught in school, as we're church school, as we're catechized, as we're taught church school, Sunday school, through our faith traditions in the Christian church. You mean how to actually engage in what's actually happening in the real world, and how we're salt and light, and we should be making a difference, and we've been giving gifts and talents and abilities, and all that kind of- How to use that muscle.

How to use that muscle. And the book, hey, lo and behold, 20 years ago, when Judge Moore was putting down his 10 commandments, I was in college at UNC Chapel Hill. I remember mocking and deriding Judge Moore, vividly. And then 20 years later or so, 15, 18 years later, I end up working for the man and helping him.

And thank God he just won his $8 million suit against Chuck Schumer. But I wasn't given the proper habits of mind as I was formed, coming up. And I had to sort of figure them out just by- If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?

I'm 42 years old. Okay. I've been saying for the last 11 years, and I'm 60, but I said 11 years ago, if you're under the age basically of 45, you have been indoctrinated. And unless you went out and tried to get to the truth yourself and filter out the junk, you were tainted. Now, you may not be fully tainted, but there's still tainting that is there, disinformation that you've been fed that is affecting your worldview. That's right. That's right. And it all comes from the habits of mind. And now I will say, and I think that age is probably pretty accurate. As I do the work that I do out in the political space and the media space, there are many, many folks who are, let's say, from my age, 40, 42, on up to 60, 65, 70, who were complacent and essentially happy enough to sort of just shift into the Fox News mode.

And so what do I mean by this habit of mind term? The perfect example is with this DeSantis stuff and Abbott stuff. Abbott is no friend of conservatives. Abbott is spending lots of money funding the transgender agenda down in Texas.

We've been all over that. Lemke or whatever her name is, the gal in the House committee there who refused to pass the trans ban, the trans surgery ban. I'm sure you know who Jeff Younger is. And Jeff Younger tried to get a meeting repeatedly and Abbott would not take the meeting, folks. And I said here six years ago, almost seven now, Abbott's very first, his number one priority was to put four year olds in school. Ladies and gentlemen, I said when he started this, this is all about indoctrinating your kids.

This is about taking control of your children. Wake up to what it is. Cecilia Abbott and I were friends on Facebook when all that started. And I started calling him out and then taking the audio and sending it to her over messenger and she unfriended me.

And my hope was is that she'd carry this to her husband and say, honey, there's either a perception problem or you're hearing you've got somebody bad in your ear, but something's not right here. Go ahead. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cut you off. No, no, no.

This is all great background to have. It turns out I went to high school with his chief of staff, who's now one of the highest paid lobbyists in the country. Daniel Hodge, former first assistant attorney general of the state of Texas, now makes NFL money lobbying, taking money from big tech, taking money from big pharma, taking money from all of these demons who are paying Daniel Hodge $10 million a year so that he will advise your governor to fund the trans surgery centers. I think you have 10 or 11 of them in your state and they're keeping them open. And then what are they?

Of course, they're paying off all your top. I think all your top politicians there in the state, all of them. So how does this habit of mind thing play into this Abbott story? Well, Abbott goes and does one song and dance jig for Fox News and says, I'm going to let's clown the left. We're going to we're going to own the lives and send some human beings, by the way.

Why don't we stop here? Nobody's saying this. Oh, they're migrants. They're illegals. Yeah, they're illegals. They broke the law, whatever. They're lying about being a refugee. OK, obviously, we all know that. Let's start there.

They lied. OK, but they're human beings. And then we use them. What is Abbott uses them as a prop and DeSantis uses them as a prop.

Any any any dehumanizes the people up in Martha's Vineyard and in D.C. and in Chicago and wherever else they're trafficking these human beings to. OK. And then this certain age group that's up to your age, maybe even a little older than you. The memes are really funny. The memes are funny.

I'll grant you that the Internet is a funny place. And it's sometimes it's fun to mock them. Oh, they're hypocrites. This is the most damaging heuristic. This is the most damaging habit of mind that Fox News and Sean Hannity burn in every day, Greg.

And it's really important for us conservatives and the conservatives in your audience to understand that when Sean Hannity says every day, oh, imagine if that was a Republican or if he says, oh, my gosh, the hypocrisy. And there's any number of little bits. These are language cues. It's neuro linguistic programing. And it's designed to take the entire audience, all two, three, four million people, less than Tucker, and put them in a corner and have them spinning around, whining and putting their fingers in their ears and going and a boo boo. Leftists are idiots.

OK. That is what it is designed to do. And that's what Q was. Q, oh, just wait for President Trump. Q was a government op, guys.

I'm here to tell you. OK. And that's what a lot of the media is. A lot of the media is they literally take their talkers from three letter agencies in Washington, D.C., that they make lots of movies about.

OK. Yeah. And that includes Shapiro. That includes even a good guy who has we've changed how they talk on our side. That's been our role.

Our role has been to basically crack the whip on guys and. A guy who Charlie Kirk, Charlie Kirk has been, if you've watched him, he's been moving more and more to the right. And it's been good stuff. He's been moving the right direction.

Matt Walsh has been moving because he's had to because we've been moving the marketplace. And that's because of guys like us and like you, Greg, on our side of the aisle that are just cracking the whip. And but it's really important that our folks start to break out. Of that heuristic and take themselves out of the corner and say, wait a minute, guys.

Like, it's not enough just to call them hypocrites. Let's solve it. Governor Abbott, Governor DeSantis, why aren't you calling in the National Guard? Yes.

Why aren't you sending these illegal aliens like back to their countries? Right. Exactly.

No, they're well. And that was that was our whole big thing. Saturday night in the gathering that we had Saturday night hosted by the Fredericksburg Tea Party, the Boots and Barbecue. That was the whole thing with with Jason Jones, with Wade Miller, with Chip Roy. And and also with Don Huffines was, look, we need Article one, section 10, declare an invasion. Bring in the National Guard. Shut the border down. Send these people back. And my add on to that was and by the way, we've got folks being held in a gulag in Washington, D.C., that need to be returned to their homes.

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I am Patriot Mobile. My special guest is Noel Fresh, again,, We talked about media. We've called out some of the names that are associated with it. And just, folks, to give you, again, a sense of what to be careful about, what to be watchful for.

Noel, because we're kind of in our final segment, and I will do many more, but we're in our final segment today of this. What are, in your estimation right now, the biggest stories that are out there that are not being discussed, but that people absolutely need to be? I guess maybe we should, you talked about the migrant situation, and yes, they are people.

We talked about the solution, which is to declare it as an invasion and give the states the right to put an end to it. But what are some of the other big things that you see out there that people should be aware of? Right, so I think it's important for folks to understand the news cycle in a more holistic viewpoint. And so the purpose of the news cycle, going back to the habit of mind, every day, it's the new outrage. Oh my gosh, can you believe the Democrats?

Oh my gosh, be ticked off about this. And then the flip side, look at how this Republican owned the Libs. And it's just ping pong, back and forth, back and forth, and they just keep you in that. You've got to get above it all, and you've got to understand that what do the globalists want? What do the one world government folks want?

And this is not a conspiracy, it's the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, all this stuff is out there for everybody to go see. They talk about it openly, on video, on camera, over and over again. What was the last two years all about?

What is the great reset? It comes down to basically a couple things. These oligarchs, who are stateless, they don't have borders or a nation like we do here in America, that we conceive of, we have this country. They don't care about the countries, they want one thing.

They want the unit labor of value to plummet and be as low as they can possibly get. Everything old is new again, there's nothing new under the sun. Every war that we're fighting, economic, informational, and kinetic, is always basically about slavery. Go back to Egypt, go back to the Israelites. That's what it's all about.

Man is despicable and depraved and wants to impress other men into servitude of himself. That is what it is all about every single time. If your folks and your listeners can start to understand the news cycle in terms of that, then that's what's going on here with Ukraine.

We were talking a little bit off air about it, and I hope we get to talk about it in the future. Ukraine is a crossroads for a lot of black markets. There's a lot of black markets. I think folks are starting to get hip to this, especially with the whole Epstein and the human trafficking element of this. That obviously ties into the whole illegal immigration issue.

A lot of these governors of these big states, guess what? They are on the side of cheap labor. They are on the side of human trafficking. They want there to be, as Matt Iglesias, one of these liberal writers, they want a billion people in America by 2050 or whatever the year is.

We've seen it in the last two years. They're moving mass populations out of cities to do what? Make space in the cities for what? More cheap labor. That's all that this is, and the Republican governors want that. Hey, guess what? Now they're flying illegals around and we're applauding them.

So step back, guys. Let's think about it. On the human trafficking angle, there's obviously drugs we haven't really talked about. That's all involved in this. National File has a story that we've been working on for a year and a half.

We've been diving on this. There's this crazy thing, I can't even make this name up, it's absurd and bizarre, called the Humpty Dumpty Institute. And it ties in with the Epstein's. And everybody knows there's something extremely rotten with the Epstein story. And Ghislaine just got sentenced to 20 years for, I guess, trafficking humans, but apparently she was trafficking them to exactly no one. Certainly not the royals that are having this big party over there this week. So, all your listeners can go and read about the Humpty Dumpty Institute.

It involves, guess what? Mark Meadows, of all people. The chief of staff to the president, who was a congressional advisory board member to the Humpty Dumpty Institute. Gus Philarakis, Congressman Barry Moore, there are a handful of other Republicans. Then there's 25 or 30 or 35 other big-name Democrats that you've heard of.

Maxine Waters, Schiff, Debbie Wasserman Schultz. That's predominantly who is associated with Humpty Dumpty. The Humpty Dumpty is a weird thing. It's actually run by, essentially, the Chinese Communist Party, the PLA.

It's under the auspices of something called the Taiha Institute. So a lot of this, you know, folks know in their gut something's wrong with, Epstein didn't kill himself or, you know, something's wrong, right? They think to themselves, Maxine Waters, or Ghislaine Maxwell. Where's Ghislaine Maxwell, people? There's all these theories about, is she really in prison?

Hope she doesn't die next, you know? These are all legitimate concerns that most Americans who are going to work every day and working hard, raising their family, running their businesses, they know there's issues surrounding all of this. And they know that it ties in, on some level, to all of the rest of the problems that our world has. And National File, we're doing the work of trying to connect all of those dots so that we can peel back the veil so that the American populace and the global populace can start to see these demons for what they are and begin to take back some agency over how this world is actually run. Well, more importantly, to take back agency over how our country is run, to get back to the sovereignty of the people.

This is a we the people country. And life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are from God put in us, not handed to us, but literally who we are, what we are, what we were created to be, fearfully and wonderfully made, according to Psalm 139. And this is where I talk about, because a lot of folks go to John Locke, but the problem with John Locke is that John Locke was a shift, and our founding fathers actually didn't buy into John Locke. They bought into natural law, but they didn't buy into John Locke because John Locke was simply saying this, and it was the same thing that Samuel the prophet was talking about when the people of Israel said, we don't want God anymore, we want a king. Samuel thought they were rejecting the prophet. God said, no, they're rejecting me. Our founders came here and said, we are moving away from the king, the king man, and we're moving to the king God, we're moving to Christ. And that was part of the cry of the revolution. Who is going to be the king of America?

Is it going to be George, or is it going to be Jesus Christ? And we have moved so far away from that, and I'm not folks just talking about in the secular world, I'm talking about the church. The church itself has said, well, you know, the Bible's a fable, that's what seminaries teach now, and God is kind of, you know, I don't know, he might be like Thor or some other being rather than the actual God of the universe. Right, and you know what, we can have future conversations about how all of this philosophy essentially imbues modern political thought, but it comes down to the obsession, I think, the over obsession with individualism. And so our friends in DC, the Cato, the Heritage, you know, they love to stress hyper individualism. And look, yeah, is individualism good on some levels?

Absolutely. But also, hey, when you're in a family, that's the core commune. And at the family level, guess what?

This is where we inculcate all of these values that you're talking about. This is where the individualism, yes, is your salvation individual? Yes, it is.

And is it worked out individually? Yes. But you don't get that without a family properly forming that character. Well, and the key to that goes back to the admonition of Paul to Timothy. It's a good thing to pursue the office of Bishop, but you need to have your house in order if you're going to be in that place. And right now, America needs to get her house in order. And Americans, man, we have to get our own houses in order because, you know, we've changed what the family structure is comparative to what God's perfect plan is for a family structure.

And there's a reason and there is documented evidence as to why that needs to be the case. We're out of time, though. No, thanks so much for being here. I really appreciate it.

It's great stuff. And it's foundational. Ladies and gentlemen, this is absolutely foundational to getting back to the recognition of our sovereignty over this country.

And again, these people who have usurped authority are supposed to be representatives, not lords. And we need to take back our country. No, thanks for all that you're doing. National File, folks,

It's going to blow your socks off. I'll be back with more right after this. My passion is the fight for freedom. My father fought for World War II defending our country. Today, we are no longer fighting with guns.

Instead, we are fighting an ideological battle for control of our country by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights. I am Patriot Mobile. Hi, I'm Tim Scheff, a certified natural health practitioner of over 40 years. I went under issue to a product that changed my life. The product is called Vibe, available at I thought I was on a good nutritional program before I discovered Vibe.

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I even believed I slept better. Get yours today at, coupon code CHOSENGENRADIO at checkout, and receive $20 off your first order of $50 or more. That's, coupon code CHOSENGENRADIO. Get yours today. by contributing to causes that support your constitutional rights, I am Patriot Mobile.
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