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Bart Marcois #UkraineBidenPutinWar #StandWithUkraine #DeepState Eden Gordon #NCHouse #SupportVeterans

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young
The Truth Network Radio
March 3, 2022 4:14 pm

Bart Marcois #UkraineBidenPutinWar #StandWithUkraine #DeepState Eden Gordon #NCHouse #SupportVeterans

Chosen Generation / Pastor Greg Young

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Now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg. I want to encourage you in this Thanksgiving time that God has a plan, has a purpose, and He's working it out.

And He wants you to be a part of it. And you can through Jesus Christ as Son. If you've never professed faith in Jesus Christ, I encourage you to do that today. Simply pray this prayer, Father, please forgive me for all my sins. Take them away from me and help me to become the person that you created me to be.

I desire to have relationship with you. And I ask Jesus Christ to become the Lord of my life. I put my faith in Him and I believe on the promises that you've made.

Amen. If you prayed that prayer, reach out to me and let me know. I'd love to hear from you today. And know this, we are God's chosen generation, chosen for such a time as this. And every day when you listen to the program and you hear the opening that we play, that is a reminder of who you and I are.

God bless you and have a great rest of your day. And now, Chosen Generation, where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. And now here's your host, Pastor Greg. And welcome to the program. Great to have you with me. Thanks so much for being here. I know you have a choice of where you can listen each and every day.

And I thank you for keeping it attuned here to chosen generation radio. Very, very, very excited for our program today. Rafael Cruz joins me at the bottom of our number two, calling all pastors. Man, it is time.

I'm serious, folks. Pastors, you have got to get engaged, got to get involved in what's going on in our nation today. So critically important to get our ministers involved.

And that leads me to something and I'll bring this up several times in our show today. But there is a case that the Supreme Court has taken and I am honored to be a part of an amicus brief that has been filed. I'm a signatory on that on behalf of Joseph Kennedy. That's coach Joe Kennedy. That's the coach that Bremerton School District out in Washington told him, you can't you can't take a knee to pray.

You can take a knee to say you hate America, but you can't take a knee to pray. And so he was fired for all of that. And he is battled and battled and battled. And he's just such an incredible guy. I've known him now for a number of years. And it's an honor to be on this on this brief.

My first time to be a signatory on a on an amicus brief that's been filed with the Supreme Court of the United States. So I'm kind of stoked about that. Let's see what am I not stoked about? How about Vimeo and Vimeo has banned me. So I'm now banned for life on YouTube because of Dr. Judy Mikovits and telling the truth about these injections.

Banned for life on Twitter because I referred to Eric Swalwell as a Chinese spy whore and banned for life now on Vimeo for defending January 6. Defending the election in and basically saying the election fraud is real and there is really election fraud. And by the way, gee, vindicated again, because guess what? Wisconsin is saying that they may decertify, decertify the 2020 election results. That's that's Wisconsin.

We know we've got Georgia and we know we should have Arizona. If you read the entire brief down there, that brief says the same thing about ninety five thousand illegal votes. So, yeah, anyway, but there you go.

And so free speech on many of these big tech platforms is dead. So and you can't talk about the injections. And I guess really we can't talk with my first guest today either. My second guest today, by the way, will be Eden Gordon. And she is running for House the House in the state of North Carolina. She's a longtime friend, has been referring clients to us and wonderful people, Jonathan Emord and others. And it is my honor to have her on here at the bottom of this hour.

But joining me now is a gentleman. And we're going to talk about something that, again, the deep state doesn't want us to bring up. No, can't talk about these guys. We want to talk about Ukraine and we want to talk about the war against the Ukrainians.

And by the way, I want to again make this very clear. I spoke with Pastor Vitaly yesterday morning and they do not want U.S. troops on the ground. They do not want NATO troops on the ground.

They do not want U.N. peacekeeping corps on the ground. They do not want to be an occupied state. They want their independence. They want to remain a free and independent democracy. That's what they want.

And they are willing to die to stay that way. That's why civilians are picking up arms and something else that should be identified in that the help they're asking for, the help they're asking for is help us with air support. So there's a no fly zone over the Ukraine. Help us Christians in America with prayer. Help us with munitions and the tools so we can make war to stop the Russians from invading our country.

And by all means, start producing oil and gas and stop sending billions and billions of dollars. But we'll talk about that with my next guest, Bart Markois. Bart, welcome. Good to have you, my friend.

Oh, thanks. It's great to be here. We're the two most dangerous men in broadcasting, it sounds like.

I'm telling you what, brother, that's the truth. At least that seems to be what Vimeo thinks. By the way, folks, if you want to see the stream of communications between myself and Vimeo and the specific programs that they decided needed to be banned, you can do that in my blog. I've got that up.

Pastor is deplatformed by Vimeo. That blog is there. There's also a blog there. And this is a comprehensive medical cited document in a cited medical publication. And it's authored by Thomas Wrens, Dr. Jim Thorpe, Dr. Bartlett, Dr. Breggin, a whole bunch of people. And they cite the VAX issues. And you can read about it and see all of the medical citations so you can have true informed consent.

That's also at my blog at All right, Bart, we really need to get right into this because there's a lot to unpack relative to this issue in Ukraine. And you are a lifelong diplomat.

You're still very heavily involved in foreign matters, but as a private business person now. But talk to me about we've got Russia, Ukraine, China. We've got the Biden crime family in the Ukraine. And you referred to as we were coming into the green room that this is, in fact, a war between Biden and, well, Biden and Putin have declared war on the Ukraine.

Talk to me about that, please. Yeah, this is Biden's war as much as it is Putin's war. Biden is the one who gave Putin the money he needed.

Words cost money. Putin's money comes from oil and gas. You mentioned we need to start producing oil and gas again. What was the first thing Biden did when he came into office? Within one week of assuming office, he crippled the American energy industry. He stopped drilling for oil and gas. He cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline so that we could no longer get cheap oil or gas from Canada. And most important, he approved the pipeline for Russia to send gas, the Nord Stream 2 pipeline for Russia to send gas to Europe. So now, all of Europe's energy comes from, or more than half of their gas comes from Russia. And so Putin has them over a barrel. Literally, literally.

Yes, yes. It's shocking that an American president would sell out American interests and give our interests over to Russia. But it's worse than that because we're also getting 49%, half of our uranium for nuclear energy, we're buying from Russia. We don't hardly produce any uranium in the United States anymore. And if I might just toss in, and that is a direct result of what happened under Obama. And that was a Hillary Clinton move, as our Secretary of State, when she signed away uranium one basically to Russia. That's right.

That's right. And God, who knows how many millions of dollars for doing that? It's shocking. And Putin says, oh, I'm going to put the worst sanctions in history on these guys. And these guys, he doesn't stop buying Russian uranium. He doesn't stop buying Russian oil and gas. We didn't buy any oil and gas from Russia when I was in the Department of Energy. A minuscule amount, maybe 50,000 barrels here and there.

Now we're buying nearly 700,000 barrels a day. We're sending over a billion dollars a day to Russia, a day to finance this war. Of course, it's easy for him to launch a war.

He's sitting there. We haven't sanctioned any of the oligarchs that are closest to him. There are seven or eight that I could give you the names of where it would really harm his interests if we sanction. We didn't sanction one of them. Roman Abramovich is running around London selling his properties and cashing out because he knows he's probably going to get sanctioned by the EU and probably by the UK. But he doesn't, he's not worried about being sanctioned by America.

Not by the US. Old Uncle Joe is sitting here. Yeah. Pocom China Joe.

Pocom China Joe. Yeah. Yeah. You know, is Hunter Biden getting the cut of the oil sales from Russia to the US? I suspect we'll probably find out that he is.

Or maybe James Biden, his uncle, Biden's brother. Are they getting, you know, I have no idea. But based on past experience, it wouldn't surprise me. And this was all part, just for any of my audience that's not aware, but this was all part of, you know, what big tech would not allow to be put out before the election in 2020. That's right. They held those stories. They wouldn't let those things be put out.

But this is, and this is all part of what Rudy Giuliani went there for. Ryan, oh my gosh, she's with OAN. OAN. Ryan?

You know what I'm talking about? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

The young woman. Yes. Yeah. I was interviewed by her once.

I can see her face and I can't come up with her last name, but she was a hero in promoting this story and trying to put the story out. Yes, absolutely. Absolutely.

The White House kicked her out of the White House pool because she asked too many tough questions once Biden was in. Yeah. Chanel, Chanel, Ryan, Chanel, Ryan. Yep.

With OAN. I had her on my program. She's, she's an incredible young lady, an incredible reporter, investigative reporter.

She just does fantastic work. And she exposed so much of this and put her on, you know, and they tried to make fun of them. Oh, they weren't being chased by anybody. Oh, nobody was trying to kill them. Yeah, they were trying to kill them. Yes, they did go after them as they were on their way to the airport, but you know, but yeah, there, there, there was an effort to try to silence them because of what it was that they were exposing about Hunter Biden, about Joe Biden and about what they had been doing, taking laundering money, basically, and sending oil, sending cash to ISIS and funding ISIS and their war in Syria back years ago. So they were heavily involved in that.

A lot, lots and lots of criminal activity, activity that's certainly un-American and unpatriotic and Joe Biden, the current residing White House guy is, is still engaged and involved in it. Talk more about it when we get back. Hi, this is Pastor Greg, host of the Children's Generation Radio Show. If you follow my program, you know, I'm a miracle survivor of a catastrophic car accident where I saved my daughter's life, spent six weeks on life support, died four times and broke bones in my head, neck, back, ribs, arms, pelvis, and both legs.

That was in 2017. In 2004, I was given three to six months to live as my pituitary gland and adrenal gland shut down. In both instances, God and his natural cures saved and preserved my life. Recently, I was introduced to a product that has taken my healing to a whole nother level. If you want to know more, go to and sign up for an account. It's free to sign up. That's and sign up for your free account. And when you get done, email me at pg at

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They are 100% US based providing exceptional customer service. Most importantly, Patriot Mobile shares our values and supports organizations fighting for religious freedom, constitutional rights, sanctity of life, first responders, and veterans. Use the code Chosen for free activation. Call 972-Patriot. 972-Patriot. Call today.

Use the code Chosen. forward slash chosen. This is Adam Mundall with State Air and we are sponsors of Chosen Generation and Pastor Greg. Sponsoring this program has been a real blessing to our business and I want to encourage you to join me in sponsoring Chosen Generation and Pastor Greg. Call him today at 830-446-3624.

Once again, that's 830-446-3624. I know your business will be blessed as ours is and I challenge you to this blessing. Thank you. Now back to Chosen Generation with your host Pastor Greg. Pastor Greg. And don't forget you can get more Chosen Generation at

And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses and my special guest is Bart Marquise. You can find him by the way at Oplens. That's probably the best waste or best place to find his articles is over at its and you're looking for Bart Marquise, M-A-R-C-O-I-S. He was the principal deputy assistant secretary of energy for international affairs during the Bush administration and served as a career foreign service officer with the State Department and he's got just a tremendous knowledge, wealth of knowledge about these issues and what's going on and he's not afraid to speak the truth about what's really happening. One of the things we need to talk about and I'm glad to have you on because of your longtime service as a foreign service officer with the State Department dealing with diplomacy, making policy as well as enforcing policy and you know some of that was outstanding policy.

Obviously some of that was challenging which is why you're no longer doing it but we should talk about. So we have Biden who decides to meet with Xi and Xi and I was watching some stuff this morning about Xi and Putin and everybody's like oh they're not really that close but I mean there's a lot of evidence out there that Xi and Putin actually have become quite close in fact and you know not only do we have Biden with a sworn enemy because China is an enemy that has declared unlimited warfare on the United States of America. They have declared war on us that folks it I mean you can find that in articles articles do a search and you'll find that they have declared that Xi has made statements that we are at war with the United States of America okay that they've said that the CCP they come after us they're after us. Then you have him talking with Russia and they're the ones that we asked to negotiate with Iran who also has declared that they want to destroy the great Satan they want to destroy America. Is this diplomacy Bart? No no it's not people get the wrong idea about diplomacy. There's an old joke that says diplomacy is the art of telling a man to go to hell in such a way that he actually looks forward to the trip. That's that's a fun joke but it's not true that's tact that's not diplomacy. Diplomacy is being able to sit down in front of a guy who is your enemy and say I would like to avoid war but if you do x y or z I will visit destruction upon you and your people. Diplomacy is what Trump did right out in the open with Kim Jong-un. He said I have a bigger button and mine works and Kim Jong-un got the message and he stopped threatening missile attacks and and nuclear use of nuclear weapons for the rest of the Trump presidency. Now the Biden people inexplicably it's inexplicable that they did this and an inexplicable that they're proud of it and we're bragging about it.

What am I talking about? They shared intelligence about Russian movement in or around Ukraine before the invasion with China and asked president Xi of China to intervene with Putin and to say please don't invade Ukraine we know what you're doing and what did China do? They went they gave all the intel directly to the Russians. That's not diplomacy that's weakness that's selling out our country to China who sold us on to Russia and what we were telling China there was we are too weak to fight our battles we want you to fight our battles for us and China thought okay here's a green light for me to be much closer to Russia than I have been than my country has been in 50 years. The whole Kissinger approach was we needed to make sure that neither China nor Russia was as close to each other as they were to us.

We played them off against each other and that worked. Here we've gone to China and said please help us with Russia. That's terrible. In the meantime Putin's diplomacy his message to the former communist countries of eastern Europe who are now free and democratic countries is your trust in democratic nations is misplaced. Democracies are too weak. Only autocratic governments are strong enough to protect their friends. The US won't protect you. Europe can't protect you. The UK can't protect you.

You're going to be stuck with us. You're better off if you come over to us of your own accord than if we have to invade you as we're doing to Ukraine right now. That's Putin's diplomacy. And this is and the other part to this is and I hope you'll speak to this. We don't have enough time.

Well folks I also want to encourage you there is a DVD and I'm going to try and find that DVD if they're not printing it anymore they've taken it down for some reason and and all you can get is the book. That's great but I will get it out to you and it is General Pachepo's disinformation and and one of the keynotes to that is is how they took the Pope Pius in 1959 a guy who received the highest award for any civilian that was a non you know Israeli citizen could receive for saving the lives of over a half a million Jews during World War II and within four years they turned him into having the reputation as the Nazi Pope. That was all disinformation and Pachepo outs them on that because he was a part of putting that together. This is what we're battling with Russian disinformation.

Don't buy it. Bart thanks for being with me. Now is a critical time to be vigilant in the defense of our freedom. There's no better way to do so than by joining the Association of Mature American Citizens, AMAC. AMAC is one of the fastest growing conservative organizations in America. Well over 2 million people have joined and now carry the AMAC membership card. AMAC was built by regular folks who feel the same way you do.

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855-696-7930. Use the code PastorGreg and get your first year absolutely free. Do you find yourself turning on the news and feeling hopeless, open borders, spending gone crazy, the prospect of more mandates, lockdowns, inflation, and the list goes on. There's something you can do. Buy from companies that believe what you and I believe. We need to stick together now more than ever and there's been one company willing to stand with you since 2012. Patriot Mobile. Patriot Mobile is America's only Christian conservative wireless provider. They offer nationwide coverage using the same towers as all the major carriers. Patriot Mobile has plans to fit any budget and discounts for veteran and first responder heroes and multi-line accounts.

They are 100% US based providing exceptional customer service. Most importantly Patriot Mobile shares our values and supports organizations fighting for religious freedom, constitutional rights, sanctity of life, first responders, and veterans. Use the code Chosen for free activation. Call 972-Patriot. 972-Patriot. Call today.

Use the code Chosen. Hi, this is Pastor Greg, host of the Children's Generation Radio Show. If you follow my program, you know I'm a miracle survivor of a catastrophic car accident where I saved my daughter's life, spent six weeks on life support, died four times, and broke bones in my head, neck, back, ribs, arms, pelvis, and both legs.

That was in 2017. In 2004, I was given three to six months to live as my pituitary gland and adrenal gland shut down. In both instances, God and His natural cures saved and preserved my life. Recently, I was introduced to a product that has taken my healing to a whole other level. If you want to know more, go to and sign up for an account. It's free to sign up. That's and sign up for your free account. And when you get done, email me at pg at

That's pg at, and I'll tell you how to get well. Greetings, Children's Generation Army. I'm so grateful to be connected with you, my listeners. You are some of the most engaged, responsive, loving, and caring people I know. I need to bring to your attention an urgent need for our ministries in India.

While there has become a focus on the Uighurs in China, our ministries in Jammu, Kashmir, and Punjab are being terrorized by those same Uighurs, the Taliban, and the mounting CCP Army at the border of India. Between these threats and the lockdowns, we find ourselves in need of additional financial support. I'm asking for your help to support these pastors and their families, our orphans, our widows, our Bible students, and our community outreaches. $15 will feed a pastor's family for a month. $20 funds our sewing school instructor, and $150 a week funds our base operations, the orphans, the Bible school students, even the sewing school, and our senior indigenous Pastor Samuel. So please go to forward slash Pastor Greg. That's forward slash Pastor Greg, or you can call me at 209-380-8654, 209-380-8654 to make your donation over the phone.

Please call us, contact me today, and make your best donation. Thank you, and God bless you. I really am because my next guest is somebody that I have been working with. She has been so incredibly gracious and kind to me, to my daughter, Colin, who has been my booker for 10 years, and it is just such an absolute joy to bring her, and I'm going to tell you this.

If you live in North Carolina, and you're in her district, and we'll tell you which one that is, she deserves your vote, she deserves your support, and you would be, you'd just, there'd be something, have to be something not quite right if you don't recognize the value of having my next guest serving the great people of the great state of North Carolina. It's my sincere pleasure to welcome Eden Gordon to the program. Eden, welcome. It's great to have you.

Oh, thank you, Pastor Greg. It's great to be with you, and thank you for that amazing introduction. I am so honored, and it has been such a joy over the years to work with you and your daughter, and to share many feedbacks, to share many, many different things that are so important to us, but thank you for the endorsement. I am, I am running, I am the candidate running for North Carolina State House, and that is district 13 for the State House, and that covers Carteret and Craven Counties, which is, and I would say, I'm very biased, and one of the most beautiful parts of North Carolina. We are right on the intercoastal waterway, and we, my husband and I, spend many days and evenings on the water fishing for speckled trout, and also just enjoying the beauty of it, and I will tell you that one thing, a couple things, and the reason why I chose to run is I'm actually sitting here looking at a picture of what I will call, and many others have called, the three fugitives from the State of Union the other night, and you know, we have our president, vice president, and Ms. Pelosi, who continues to sit there, and you know, one of the reasons why I chose to run was because I want to take America back.

I want to make sure our country is still founded on the biblical, Judeo-Christian principles, that we are one nation under God, and that we do have the full armor of God. I would also say in that as I'm running, you know, I look around this amazing country, and I see, and especially in my district, I am upset, I am angry, I am furious with the veteran administration, and my husband over Christmas was denied care. He served our country in Afghanistan and Iraq, and he served for 23 painful years to our nation in the U.S. Army, and he has been... He looks like, he looks like just a tough guy. He just, man, he's just got, he's just got, he's the man. I'm telling you, man, you'd see, I see, I look at this picture, I'm like, he is the man. He's like, you know what, listen, vote for my wife. He is, he is the man, I tell you. But I'll tell you, he was very, very sick over Christmas, and the VA nurse, we tried getting him into the clinic, in the Morehead City VA clinic, where he always does his routine checkups, everything, and his nurse got on the phone with me and said, no, you are not allowed to bring him here.

We will not see him. And I said, what in the world is your purpose then? Why are you sitting here? We have more than 9,000 veterans in this county alone, and that is the response you're going to give to the caregiver, to the spouse, who is trying to make sure the veteran is taken care of. They told us, are you ready for this? They told us to go do an urgent care in DC. Okay, so what, what happened? What happened to taking care of our veterans to the ones that served on the front lines to take care of us?

What happened to that? So that got me angry. And I have known for years that I've wanted to run. And, you know, I saw the time where I have a voice. And I am a spouse, I'm a veteran spouse, but I'm also a public servant. And I am sick and tired of the government passing over our veterans and not taking care of them. And, you know, I'm calling out the vet, I'm calling out the VA clinic in Moorhead, I'm calling out the VA at the top levels of government, I'm calling out those who claim that they're trying to help our veterans and they are not. And I am asking and I am stating to our veterans in this area, we want oversight, I will go to Raleigh and I will create oversight committees for our Veterans Affairs.

And then me and me, making sure that they are well taken care of. And they are not denied care. And you're talking about at the state level, right Eden? I am talking at the state level. And I know the VA is a federal issue. But what about the state issue? There's 9,000 veterans here and continue to have more and more veterans retire to the beautiful state of North Carolina. Why wouldn't you want to retire here?

You have the waterways, you have hunting, you have fishing, you have a lot of different benefits. Oh, that's it. My wife's listening right now and we're in Texas, but you know, Texas just decided to reelect a pedophile for governor. So now I've got to think about whether or not I'm going to, you know, make that Oh, I'm sorry, I probably should say, someone who would not take an appointment with a man whose son was being chemically castrated, or at least that was what was being propagated. And, and Abbott wouldn't even take a meeting with the man relative to it.

And now he runs around because it's campaign season. And oh, I'm all about you know, that that's child abuse. Oh, well, yeah, we it's been child abuse, buddy. Anyway, yeah, no, you're making it sound very beautiful over there. And my wife's gonna be on me probably in the next hour or so saying, Hey, see, I told you, we need to go to North Carolina where we need to move. Let's go back up.

We're moving tomorrow. Go ahead. And I'm sorry.

Oh, no, we welcome you. Hey, and I'm a disabled vet, by the way, I'm a disabled vet. So you're speaking my language.

Oh, well, I am. Yes, I, I look around, and I will tell you the amazing organization, I pivot to a couple of amazing organizations, I've had the honor to work with over the years, from being a veteran spouse, to also being an advocate for the veteran space. And that is the Gary Sinise Foundation.

And that is the Elizabeth Dole Foundation. Gary, what a guy. He has been done phenomenal things for our veterans. You couldn't get him on my show, by the way. Sorry. Yeah, well, let's get Gary on the show.

Okay. Yeah, let's get Gary on the show. When I worked at Fox Business, he was launching his, his foundation.

And I had the honor to bring him to the show. And basically, and now, here we go. So we've got we've got the veteran issue, obviously. And there's a lot of veterans in your district. And and there's, you know, major concerns with regards to that. What are some of the other issues that North Carolinans are seeing?

And obviously, you know, no state is on an island, although you guys have islands in North Carolina, but no state is on an island relative to how they're impacted. What about, you know, illegal immigration? As an example? What what kind of effect is that having in North Carolina?

I'm curious. Well, you know, I'm going to pivot to a different topic, because in regards to, in regards to illegal immigration, I would like to do a little bit more investigating to provide you some decent numbers. I do know that we are in all of the other campaigns that I've worked on, and coming from the great state of Pennsylvania, and growing up there, knowing of these hybrid flights that Biden is, you know, doing in the middle of the night, to all these different states. And even as DeSantis said at CPAC, you know what, Biden sent them to Delaware, we don't you know, this is this is illegal.

And this is not the way you handle this situation. And I, you know, I reiterate and agree with DeSantis commentary on that. But also knowing that these, you know, these people are being illegally brought into different parts of the country. And there's a lot of, you know, obviously, legal ramifications with that, right, child trafficking, and human trafficking, as well as an issue. And there's a lot of those people that are victims of cartels, there's bad actors, there's there are gang members, there's all that going on. And then mixed into that are individuals that are caught up in that. And it's just it's a bad situation for everybody. So so rather than me giving you a point, so talk to me about some of the other issues that you're concerned about in North Carolina.

Sure. So as I sit here, and again, in this beautiful district, I sit here and look around at all the small businesses, the mom and pop shops that have made this country great, the mom and pop shops that have made North Carolina great. And you know, in the past two years of the pandemic, and what has taken place and how so many businesses have had to close, there are more than 900 small businesses in this district alone. And I sit here as a small business owner as an entrepreneur. And I say to all those small businesses, I do not want more regulations on us. I want the regulations to stay in Washington. I and I said in my campaign speech, the you know, the the green phone that likes to just view itself and trickle down from this nasty swamp of Washington, keep it out of the state, keep it out of our small businesses. I want our small businesses to thrive. I want them to grow, especially as this area continues to grow with a lot of northerners coming from Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, they are looking for freedom, and we've got it here.

But I want that food to remain. And I want our businesses to be able to thrive. I don't want mom and pop shops to close. I don't want more regulations.

We have commercial fishing here. Okay, hold that thought. Hold that thought. We've got about 10 seconds.

We're going to go into a break for us. We're going to be back. We're going to talk more with Eden Gordon, running for house in the great state of North Carolina back out. This is Adam Mundall with state air and we are sponsors of chosen generation and Pastor Greg. sponsoring this program has been a real blessing to our business and I want to encourage you to join me in sponsoring chosen generation and Pastor Greg. Call him today at 830-446-3624. Once again, that's 830-446-3624. I know your business will be blessed as ours is.

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For the best night's sleep in the whole wide world, visit Hi, this is Pastor Greg, host of the Children's Generation Radio Show. If you follow my program, you know I'm a miracle survivor of a catastrophic car accident where I saved my daughter's life, spent six weeks on life support, died four times, and broke bones in my head, neck, back, ribs, arms, pelvis, and both legs.

That was in 2017. In 2004, I was given three to six months to live as my pituitary gland and adrenal gland shut down. In both instances, God and his natural cures saved and preserved my life. Recently, I was introduced to a product that has taken my healing to a whole other level. If you want to know more, go to and sign up for an account. It's free to sign up. That's and sign up for your free account. And when you get done, email me at PG at

That's PG at, and I'll tell you how to get well. Look, I am for marriage between a man and a woman. I am for life from conception. I am for following the Bible, and I believe that our founders started this nation on biblical principles.

I am in support of our military and believe that America should play a role in world security. I believe our Constitution was intended for a moral people and that the Bible contains the only true moral code. I believe we are all born sinners and that God in his grace and mercy sent his son Jesus Christ to die for our sins, and that if we will confess our sins, he is just and righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I believe salvation is not just accomplished in a little prayer, but that it is found in how that transformation is lived out. Jesus is to be the Lord of our lives, and we should follow biblical precepts. This is not legalism or works, but a life lived out in love and honor towards the one who died for my sins. Faith without works is dead and is no faith at all. I believe that we will fall and that we need to have a repentant heart and that God will ultimately bring us into perfect action through Jesus Christ, spirit man perfected and soulish man in progress. I believe that we are not to live in guilt and shame when we fall, but we repent and get up and move closer to Jesus. I believe that if our nation will repent and turn from wickedness that God will heal our land.

I believe that as a Christian I must occupy till he comes and that to call evil wicked and to warn about those evil acts is a part of the mandated Christianity. That to love also means to be willing to take the risk necessary to confront a friend with the truth in hopes that their heart will be turned because their life matters, even if it means in that moment they will possibly hate me. It means that I must risk scorn to stand for truth and that I can never sit silently by while evil attempts to conquer the world. God is my everything and Jesus is the love of my life. That does not make me weak but strong, not silent but bold and not fearful but courageous. Therefore if you are my friend, while we may not fully agree, know that I share what I share because I care.

If you strongly disagree with these beliefs they are not debatable for me and you can if you choose unfriend me. I do not say this in anger but in love. I wish for you eyes to see and ears to hear that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and that God, not man, gets to decide what is truth, life and the way. God bless you. You can support Chosen Generation and make a tax-deductible donation by visiting And now back to Chosen Generation with Pastor Greg.

And welcome back to Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything filtered through biblical glasses. And you can you can find the lovely Eden and her handsome husband Craig. You can find them at Eden4House at Facebook. Eden4House. I know I'm not a big fan of promoting Mr. Zuckerberg but I'm still on there. I got Impeach Democrats and I got my Chosen Generation Radio Show and we're broadcasting there faithfully being shadow banned of course. But we're also on CloudHub and we're also on Getter and I'm going to have somebody from Getter on the program coming up here in the very very near future so I'm kind of excited about that.

Eden Gordon Hill for NC House. So Eden there's a couple things we talked about in the break that we that we you know want to get people aware of and talk about the things that you want to do to help solve these issues. One of them is the issue of mental health. Talk to me about that and the concerns and what you're seeing there in your district relative to mental health issues. Related to by the way this whole issue of COVID and what they call long-term COVID as well as just being you know locked up in your house. Sure sure so you know a couple things that stand out to me.

I have had the honor to just engage in our district to meet with people, meet with the mayors of the different towns in this area Newport, Cape Carteret, Cedar Point and many more to come. And the consistent topic that keeps coming up is mental health drug issues and what can we do to help this area with that. And you know I sit there and take a step back and I reflect on what has happened to our nation in the past two years with the pandemic with the isolation. And you know I was listening to some of my favorite radio hosts early early in the morning they were talking about the isolation issues and they you know they will blame it on everything but but what was done to our nation during the COVID pandemic.

And I sit there and say you know let's let's take a step back let's take a step back and say let's remove the masks first of all because they are absolutely useless at this point. And you know let's also where is where are our conversations now happening? Are we back in the church?

Are we at the kitchen table where most powerful discussions and most decisions are made? Or are we isolating ourselves yet from the greer community? Are we are we back to engaging? Are we still afraid to even smile at someone? Are we still afraid to even engage with a stranger on the street and open the door for them? Are we just going to completely ignore that whole sense of society and community? And I as I just got back from CPAC in the great state of Florida it was held in Orlando last week my colleague commented to me as we were looking around the room not one soul had a mask on and it was so amazing to see and feel free it was so amazing to see people their eyes through reactions their smiles to engage and not be afraid oh can I get close to you? Let me also state that I had the honor the distinct honor to serve in the President Trump administration. I was an appointee and I went back and forth between my beautiful home in North Carolina to the swamp to serve this great nation because I love this nation and one thing I remember during that time period was and it was it was right before and then during the pandemic I would get in my car and I would go and I would go to DC everything was boarded and shut down and but this is the unique thing we were not allowed down here or any other state don't look at one another don't look what are you going to do are you going to get sick if you look at one another are you going to get sick standing six feet apart there's always this ongoing mental disturbance of what what's going to happen to me but then I would hop in the car and I would go up to DC everything boarded up but then I would be able to sit across from my colleagues and say okay what are we doing if we can do this why can't the rest of the country so my my statement in that is you know that that book on Fauci that book that Bobby Kennedy wrote there's a lot of truth in there yeah and you know I sit there and say you know Fauci did so much damage to this nation and you know I sit there and say what are we doing now healthy children what are we doing now to help our education what are we doing now to help those who may be dealing with drug issues who are dealing with the mental health instabilities of what's happened in the past two years and I say this you know my husband and I spend a lot of time with our neighborhood kids with our friends kids mentoring those who have gone through all these different things but one thing stands for sure in this county they removed the mask mandates and they did that early on because they wanted those kids to see their teachers they wanted those kids to see each other and that is such a huge um aspect of growing as you're growing into an adult you've got to experience you've got to engage but again I take it right back to the kitchen table what are we doing to engage our kids what are we doing to engage our neighbors are we engaging them are we welcoming them in because that is where the most powerful feelings the most powerful conversations and the most powerful decisions happen not on the senate floor not in any assembly not on any presidential deck it happens in the home and it happens in the community and I think for a greater mental health awareness we need to be in tune to what is going on around it not just to be kind but we need to be a nation on our knees we need to work with hope mission which is an organization here in our area in morehead city that is working to help the homeless and those who are low income and those who are struggling there are many others like that around the nation that I've worked with over the years let me and we need let me let me just highlight because there was something that that I was that I found in an article that I thought was interesting and this is on msn but it says a new study published in the medical general bmj reveals that covid is linked to long-term mental health issues by looking at health data of 153 848 veterans whose information had been cataloged by the department of veteran affairs researchers learned that patients were far more likely than uninfected people to have mental health issues within 12 months of getting sick including anxiety disorder depressive disorder sleep disorder cognitive decline and dependence on drugs like opioids ben benzo dezaphines and antidepressants so and and folks you know here at generation radio I have and I really encourage you to get over there these are items that have been clinically tested through the cleveland clinic there is a scientist and medical research owner of this company and he's done an incredible job of putting this stuff together I've been taking this stuff eden you know my health issues folks that watch my program know my health issues and I'm going to tell you right now since I started this stuff from trinity health freedom expo is where I got introduced to this yeah I am up out of my chair and I am walking every single day and I firmly believe it's because of the products that I got introduced to at trinity health freedom xo so thank you eden hey this is pastor greg for only four hundred dollars just 400 american dollars we can drill and buy the equipment to put in these life-changing wells would you consider making a donation today forward slash pastor greg forward slash pastor greg only 400 changes thousands of lives for generations you can be a part of that today forward slash pastor greg please consider making your best donation today
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